Sister Maella

GM Madman's page

169 posts. Alias of derpdidruid.

Current Campaigns

1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


Jade Regent- Solo

Severing a rotten limb (A solo adventure set in Nex and Geb)

Welcome to the Other Side!

Bloodborne - Prior of Darkbeasts (inactive)

Player's Handbook

Olbod 28/36
Sybille 27/40

DM Delmoth's Strange Aeons (inactive)

Kingmaker: The Varnhold Vanishing (inactive)