
Fomiel's page

219 posts. Alias of Chainmail.


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Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel supports a subtle approach.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel quickly breaks off any attempts to attack, He agreed the probe revealed the folly of a sustained attack.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Can we destroy the northern wall and move into that room?

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

I could have two earth elementals created in succession move to the rear using earth glide as Vardan suggested. It could attack in concert with a rush of multiple eagles from the front.

I tried to use my extremely high bluff skill before and caused more problems than I solved.

It would seem we treat this a siege more than a race -- no need to get our new allies all killed.

With no mythic levels this is definitely a hard one.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

This seems to be a 'pass' -- if they don't come out we definitely don't go in

Maybe a taunt or bluff works?

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

I guess every once in a while you have a character that is completely useless for three encounters. This is one of those times.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

I would have thought one aoo unless the flies had reach.

Put me in delay

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel rnd 1 revisited-Sorry for confusion on my part

The eagle appears and flies into the room and moving past the rightmost fly (provoking).

The eagle flanks and attacks the rightmost fly.

Rolled a 10+5 =15 to hit and takes an AoO
damage if eagle survives and 15 hits: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

An elemental begins to form as Fomiel opens up a portal to another dimension. Summon 2 this time

summoned Creature: Eagle:

Brackets apply for feat
CR 1/2
XP --
N Small celestial/fiendish animal
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 5 [7] (1d8+1) [1d8+3]
Fort +3 [+5], Ref +4, Will +2
SR 5
Celestial - Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Fiendish - Resist Cold and Fire 5
Speed 10ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +3 [+3] (1d4) [1d4+2], bite +3 [+3] (1d4) [1d4+2]
Special Attacks Smite evil/good
Str 10 [14], Dex 15, Con 12 [16], Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB -1 [+1]; CMD 11 [13]
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +8, Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Smite evil/good 1/day as a swift action (adds CHA bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+1) against evil/good foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial/fiendish creature rests).

Augment Summoning: Items in brackets [] represent the spell being cast by a character with the Augment Summoning feat.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel round 1

Fomiel directs a small air elemental to attack, and it burrows under the ground and pops up near the back of the room. The ability to move through earth was quite useful in confined conditions.

A fist of earth tries to strike the distracted and flanked insect.

Earth elemental small: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 2 = 201d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Earth Elemental, Small:

Bracketed numbers apply
This hulking, roughly humanoid creature of dirt and stone explodes up from the earth, faceless save for two glowing gemstone eyes.
Small Earth Elemental
CR 1
XP 400
N Small outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (–1 Dex, +7 natural, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref –1, Will +3
Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee slam +6 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 13
Feats Improved Bull RushB, Power Attack
Skills Appraise +1, Climb +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1, Knowledge (planes) +1, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Languages Terran
Earth Glide (Ex)
A burrowing earth elemental can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If protected against fire damage, it can even glide through lava. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Earth Mastery (Ex)
An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun maneuvers, whether the elemental is initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Source: Chris Malidore

3rd Party Publisher Options (NwP)
When captured by a monster trainer, earth elementals grant the trainer access to earth elemental spells.

Environment any (Plane of Earth)
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none
Earth elementals are plodding, stubborn creatures made of living stone or earth. When utterly still, they resemble a heap of stone or a small hill.
When an earth elemental lumbers into action, its actual appearance can vary, although its statistics remain identical to other elementals of its size. Most earth elementals look like terrestrial animals made out of rock, earth, or even crystal, with glowing gemstones for eyes. Larger earth elementals often have a stony humanoid appearance. Bits of vegetation frequently grow in the soil that makes up parts of an earth elemental's body.
A small earth elemental is 4 feet long and weighs 80 pounds

Fomiel begins to summon an eagle to help out his friends too.
Monster Summoning 1 full round - Elemental 3/4 rounds left

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

eagles up the pillar

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Finitely begins to summon allies.
full round action

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"Magic is always the answer!!"

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel stays down.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel summons another creature of earth as his first one attacks!!

will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

If my hp total was 12, I fall. Would have stayed back, but don't know range.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Split is good.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel summons a small, but powerful, elemental of earth.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel's preparations are minimal. He was eager to help in any way.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel follows the worker.

He is ready, having learned more arcane talents.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Sorry, been moving. Will level asap.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel carries the chest.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel claws at his assailant and then backs up.

blind claw 1/miss chance/damage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 91d100 ⇒ 521d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
blind claw 2/miss chance/damage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 181d100 ⇒ 331d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Five foot step back after full attack

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Fomiel had intended to get behind the guard. Things were not going well.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel approaches his fellow tiefling.

"Do you wish to hear the tales of devastation the demon kind have wrought in the city? Or should I report it directly?"

Fomiel grows some claws as he approaches and walks around the table. It appeared he thought of moving further along than just past the tiefling and then thought better of it. He turns to face the tiefling from farther along so the tiefling cannot look at them all at once.
"Are you authorized to hear a draconic report?"

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel follows behind. He noted his large horn often allowed him to pass for one of the misshapen bad guys. Thought that demon devil distinction bothered those that kept track of it.

I can talk my way out of most messes.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel rushes the cultist with his club.

club: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel attempts to dominate the weak mind further.

will DC 14 Daze or lose std action

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel tosses another set of twin force bolts at the one stopped by the wall.

mm damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel sends two magic force bolts after the runner.
mm: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"I am sure word of our arrival has reached the demons. Our very mission is crucial to the survival of all that is good and holy. You must let us handle this."

bluff: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

I am definitely a poor level 3 sorcerer. Don't think I have much more than I fell down with.

We do have scales, so maybe they were our WBL equivalent.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"Tower first!!"
Fomiel, typically quiet, speaks up quickly and with confidence.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel nods:
"We need to be well equipped."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel keeps his hood on, but a pleasant voice comes out.

"We are rallying those we can find aND protecting the weak."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel takes a potion with a smile.

"I can get in close with my claws."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel waits. He is waiting to see if he gets one.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Yes, thx for reminder.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel tries to dominate the orc as he steps back. A quick spell of dazing comes quickly to mind.
Daze Will DC 14 on orc or lose his std action

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel tries to smash open the door.
STR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
He bounces off the door disgusted.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

per: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel casts quickly, and the beetle seems to fear him.
cause fear will DC 16 determines if beetle is shaken or frightened

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel nods in agreement. "We need to be careful."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4


Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"Well, the structure is intact. That is good to know."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel nods.

"Sound reasoning."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel follows Drakra. He has good ideas.

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"Shall we make a run for it?? WE should probably stick together."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel smiles: "We all carry a part of the dragon. I guess it is still alive in us."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

Fomiel shrugs:
"We are sure a good dragon has watched over this city and spared it from some of the disaster that could have happened. Do not despair, cities can be rebuilt, people cannot."

Tiefling (Pitborn) AC10/ff10/t10 F +2/R +2/W +1 hp 20/20 init+0 CMD=14 Sorceror (Abyssal) 4

"I can make magical grease to help get them out. Let's go!!"