About Fomiel'The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one'.... (The man who first said that) was probably a coward.... He knew a great deal about cowards but nothing about the brave. The brave dies perhaps two thousand deaths if he's intelligent. He simply doesn't mention them.”
All the same old cliches,"Is that a woman or a man?"
Fomiel is stoic. He does not show emotion. Why? Is it because he does not care or feel? On the contrary, he cares and feels more than most. He just sees the advantage of betraying no emotion.
Chaotic Neutral Sorceror 4 (Abyssal Bloodline) Worships Cayden Cailean and the Trickster Middle-aged PitBorn Tiefling STR=18 +2 race INT=11 -2 race DEX=12 CON=12 WIS=7 CHA=19 +2 race Offense:
___________________________________________________________ +0 Initiative (+0 Dex) +1 BAB +6 CMB (+2 BAB, +4 Str)
+6 Claws (+2 BAB, +4 Str) [Damage: 1d4+3]
____________________________________________________________ Current hp: 20/20 Max hp: 26 (+6+4+4+4; +4 Con, +4 FC)
+2 Fort (+1 base, +1 Con)
Racial traits/abilities:
•Ability Score Racial Traits: Tieflings(pitborn) gain +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, and –2 Intelligence. •Type: Tieflings are outsiders with the native subtype.
Defense Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Magical Racial Traits
Senses Racial Traits
Other Racial Traits
sorcerer/bloodline abilities:
Generations ago, a demon spread its filth into your heritage. While it does not manifest in all of your kin, for you it is particularly strong. You might sometimes have urges to chaos or evil, but your destiny (and alignment) is up to you. Class Skill: Knowledge (planes). Bonus Spells: cause fear (3rd), bull's strength (5th), rage (7th), stoneskin (9th), dismissal (11th), transformation (13th), greater teleport (15th), unholy aura (17th), summon monster IX (19th). Bonus Feats: Augment Summoning, Cleave, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]). Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the summoning subschool, the creatures summoned gain DR/good equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). This does not stack with any DR the creature might have. Bloodline Powers: While some would say that you are possessed, you know better. The demonic influence in your blood grows as you gain power. Claws (Su): At 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d4 points of damage each (1d3 if you are Small) plus your Strength modifier. At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). At 11th level, these claws become flaming weapons, each dealing an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. You can use your claws for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Demon Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist electricity 5 and a +2 bonus on saving throws made against poison. At 9th level, your resistance to electricity increases to 10 and your bonus on poison saving throws increases to +4.
Spells Known:
Shatter as Spell Like ability 1/1 0-Level - unlimited
1st-Level - 3/6
+1 Acrobatics (Dex +1), +1 Appraise (Int +1), +12/+16(to lie) Bluff (Cha +4, Ranks 4, +3CS, +1 trait) +3 Climb (Str +3, Ranks 0) N/A Craft +9 Diplomacy (Cha +4, Ranks 1, +3CS, +1 trait) N/A Disable Device (Dex +3, Ranks 0) +4 Disguise (Cha +4, Ranks 0) +1 Escape Artist (Dex +1, Ranks 0) +1 Fly (Dex +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +4 Handle Animal (Cha +4, Ranks 0) -1 Heal (Wis -2, Ranks 0) +8 Intimidate (Cha +4, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) + 4 Knowledge, Arcana (Int +0, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) N/A Knowledge, Dungeoneering (Int +1, Ranks 0) N/A Knowledge, Planes (Int +0, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) N/A Linguistics (Int +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3, Trait +1) +1 Perception (Wis -1, Ranks 0, +2 Racial) -1 Sense Motive (Wis -1, Ranks 0) N/A Sleight of Hand (Dex +1, Ranks 0) +6 Spellcraft (Int +0, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3 +1 Stealth (Dex +1, Ranks 0) -1 Survival (Wis -2, Ranks 0) +3 Swim (Str +3, Ranks 0) N/A Use Magic Device (Cha +4, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) Each level skill points gained = 3 (+2 Sorceror, +1 Int) +0FC Traits:
Extremely Fashionable You really know how to make a good impression when you’re dressed well. Benefit: Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gp (and not otherwise covered in gore, sewage, or other things that mar your overall look), you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. One of these skills (Diplomacy) is a class skill for you. Riftwarden Orphan You bear a strange birthmark on your body—something you’ve learned is the Sign of the Seeker’s Spiral, a rune associated with the secret society known as the Riftwardens. You have researched this rune, and have learned that the mark sometimes appears on the children of Riftwardens who have been exposed to particularly strange planar energies. Unfortunately, you never knew your parents, for you were raised by a foster mother. Your foster mother has confirmed that both of your parents were Riftwardens, and has further confirmed that your parents went missing on a secret mission into the Worldwound less than a month after you were born. You’re not sure what happened to them, but you’re certain they’re dead—and your gut tells you that the one who murdered them yet lives! In any event, you’ve long felt magic in your blood, and casting spells comes easily to you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all concentration checks. Associated Mythic Path: Archmage. Multiple Characters: You should be siblings with any other character that takes this trait, so that you share the same missing parents. Your parents could even be foster parents. Feats:
Spell focus (conjuration) (Level 1 Feat) Augmented Summoning (Level 3 feat) Eschew Materials You can cast many spells without needing to utilize minor material components. Benefit: You can cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal. Equipment:
Holy Symbol, Trickster, wooden
Current Weight: 30.5 lbs Light Load: x < 58 lbs.
Fomiel looks human except for a single, striking feature. A prominent set of horns grows out of his forehead as a single horizontal structure. These horns are not sharp or threatening, and cannot even be used as a weapon, but it does indicate his abyssal heritage. The rest of Fomiel is completely human, and he is an exceptionally comely creature with long, luxurious black hair that is the envy of many women. The prominent 'unihorn' growing out of his forehead gives him an alien and exotic look that many think enhance his natural beauty rather than take away from it. Fomiel is an androgynous beauty, and this seems to increase his influence over both human sexes. Fomiel has been told his piercing, dark eyes are his best feature. Constantly searching for new things and often expressive, his inquisitive eyes more than make up for the inhumanity of his horns. Fomiel has been taught the clothes make the man. Leanne impressed him early that dressing professionally is the first step to making a good impression. As habit, Fomiel has a finely crafted courtier outfit fit for any royal court or official ball. When dressed in the finest of clothes, he exerts even more influence on others and is said to be 'extremely fashionable'. What does Fomiel bring to the table?-planned development:
Fomiel is the ultimate manipulator of people. He can make any human like him as he has a lifetime of practice. When that fails, he enchants them with a magical spell. Fomiel understands demons and is uniquely poised to counter them. He is more adept at manipulating evil outsiders than humans. Fomiel is an excellent arcane spellcaster with strong demonic blood to fuel his magic. He will stay a sorcerer throughout his progression.
Fomiel was raised by his elder half-sister, a talented, Varisian female courtesan name Leanne after they were abandoned by their mother and Furiel's father under tragic circumstances. Told to take care of her little brother, Leanne was left with an infant brother as his parents went to plead for the ability to live independent of demonic influence. Details are sketchy, but Fomiel's parents were not seen again. Little is known of his father and mother, but Fomiel was told by Leanne that his father was an elusive, secretive man with wings that he could fold close to his body. Fomiel's attractive mother suspected he was an incubus, a male demon with seductive powers. The only remnant of Fomiel's father besides Fomiel is a cold iron ceremonial dagger with a winged demon (Baphomet) delicately crafted in the bone handle. Fomiel has always wondered the origin of the bone handle, especially which type of creature it was taken from. It was given to him when his magical talents manifested on his fifteenth birthday to remind him to control his demonic side by Leanne. After the infant Fomiel and his elder system where found near the WorldWound, Leanne moved to Cheliax where Fomiel's strange looks would be more accepted. Fomiel grew up in an extended family of many female courtesans. As he grew up, he remembered having a few brothers and sisters and being looked after by many "aunts". His horn on his head made him a constant victim of abuse and suspicion by other children his age. Fomiel was also extremely clumsy--incapable of the most basic feats of agility. Stumbling or blundering into someone constantly gave the young adult problems and an occasional beating. But Fomiel found he had a natural talent to amuse and entrance others with stories, flattery or straight out lying. He honed his skills to manipulate others as a necessary defense mechanism. Fomiel's half-sister doted on her brother who turned out to be precocious as well as charming. He could amuse her with endless tales of make believe or clever impressions of people he had met. As a noble courtesan, his elder sister was in demand, but she dared not let any see her strange 'son'. Other children had parents that would take them places and point to them proudly while Fomiel had to be satisfied with only private love and appreciation. This lack of 'public affection' would always haunt Fomiel, and has always left him yearning to do something that would make him universally adored and appreciated despite his abyssal heritage. His extended family of aunts and their children did provide a nurturing environment until Fomiel was 15, but the children who where mostly the product of 'dangerous liaisons' were never acknowledged by both parents and integrated into society. With their lack of nobility, yet obvious noble and cultured training, the children of courtesans did not fit into the lower class or the upper class. At the age of 15 Fomiel began to realize his latent, magical talents. Besides an ability to naturally influence others and tell the most outrageous lies and be believed, Fomiel developed his magical abilities. He found that he could grow claws in additional to his horns and had a natural affinity for magic. Although Fomiel was able to learn quickly and was capable of many manual tasks, he often shirked any labor and preferred to practice his talents of manipulation on his 'aunts'. As a hormone-filled teenager, Fomiel flirted with his aunts and tried to gain the upper hand, but was always thwarted in his attempts. Courtesans learn to play a masterful, delicate game of manipulating others and Fomiel learned from the best. Nevertheless, he learned the skills of a courtesan that helped prepare him for a life of idleness and leisure. If he could made others happy, he may never have to work again. Fomiel was a natural courtesan, and his horns were either repulsive or exotic, depending on the eyes of the beholder. As Cheliax brought the concept of devil-rule into acceptance, the social consequences of looking demonic or devilish diminished. At the same time, Fomiel learned mannerisms and affectations that were 'intentionally and overly human' to disarm and deceive those he met. Fomiel became a talented courtesan that appealed to the exotic, and, to his distaste, depraved clientele. He attended the most outlandish and important social functions, but courtesans are not listened to or respected. The term 'eye candy' was used many times to describe him. Fomiel was always clumsy, and his clumsiness was always further amplified on the dance floor. He is afraid of dancing, and attempts to avoid any social engagement where that may be required. Fomiel has feigned hunting and 'old war wounds' to get out of many a dance. Fomiel has a single name as surnames for courtesans are dangerous. Having a noble surname would be presumptuous and risky, as the lack of a surname hopes to advertise a 'neutrality' in the games at court. Choosing a common surname with no nobility would serve no purpose. As a confrontation between a noble and a courtesan almost always ends poorly for the courtesan, courtesans try to blend into the background. As Fomiel developed more magical abilities, he began to concentrate on learning the ability to charm others with a quick enchantment. This could allow him to escape the clutches of those customers that were sadistic and depraved. If his well-honed talents of manipulation failed him, with a magic spell he could charm all but the strongest of willed people. At a noble party in Cheliax, Fomiel drew the attention of some powerful devilish magicians who wished to recruit him for their own interests. The depraved Chelaxians summoned some creatures from beyond who recognized Fomiel's outsider influence and wanted to pervert and dominate him. Desperate to avoid being corrupted by outsiders and converted or sacrificed, Fomiel attempted a grand bluff, bragging he had been marked by a patron. 'My allegiance is not mine to give' he voiced, but, when that was not sufficient, he pulled his inherited, cold iron dagger with the twisted demonic image. 'Baphomet' was all that was said by the Chelaxians, and Fomiel was left to escape with his life and soul intact. Since then, Fomiel has a knack for influencing evil outsiders and has taken to carrying a holy symbol of the Monkey god, as the divine trickster appeals to his nature. The grand bluff that saved him was inspired by his knowledge of 'The Trickster'. Fomiel is worried, however, that by claiming to be protected by Baphomet, that he has unwittingly gained the notice of or obligation to a powerful demonic patron. The incident with the Chelaxians and their devils brought Fomiel's father issues back to the surface. Although he has never known his father, he wonders if his father or kin from his father's side will ever enter his life. He feels a distaste for the demonic side of him and what he knows it represents, but he is very close to his mother. Fighting demons in the abstract is something he is fine with, but raising his hand against family, even demonic family, would be more difficult for one who grew up longing for more family. Fomiel's true diety, however, is Cayden. Although Fomiel is not overly enamored with drinking, Cayden's story of transferring from a slacker to a major deity inspires Fomiel, and he truly desires to follow in Cayden's footsteps. The public adoration he missed as a child would be more than made up for if he can become a great hero. Fomiel makes a toast to Cayden every day and secretly shares with Cayden his dreams of becoming appreciated by everyone as a great hero. As the wards on the demonic containment around the Worldwound weakens, the demonic forces call to their own to aid in the 'breakout' from their prison. For days Fomiel has been haunted by troubling, recurring dreams of a world dominated by demons. He even tried some narcotic drugs to attempt to gain some restful sleep, but the dreams worsened. One evening Fomiel dreamt he walked to an underground shrine to a demonic lord and was witness to sacrifices and rituals. Upon waking Fomiel found himself in a deserted underground shrine with the partial remains of victims nearby. Fomiel feels a pull to help the demons, but he realizes the destruction and chaos a demon led world would bring. He would secretly smile upon seeing some torment he endured from his youth and the prejudices he faces every day avenged by a horde of ravaging demons. But more importantly, he worries his comfortable position as a clever manipulator would end as his charming abilities would probably fail to convince the demonic leadership. He decides reluctantly to join the fight against them and has packed all his belongings. Taking a series of caravans toward the unknown Worldwound, Fomiel has left his comfortable position as a courtesan. Is he more motivated by a selfish desire to avoid becoming a thrall to demon lords if they escape, or is he motivated by a need to help preserve the world he has grown comfortable in from harm? It is hard to say. One thing is for sure, who knows the mind of a demon better than that a half demon? It was time to find those who are on the front lines of this conflict and join them. The idle can be motivated when their source of idleness is threatened.
Fomiel is phlegmatic/tropes:
Fomiel is introverted and people-oriented. As a courtesan he reads and plays off the feelings of others without ever divulging his true feelings or nature. He has endured prejudice at the hands of others, but has a 'live and let live' attitude and a continued search for the approval of others. Generally calm, rational, quiet, reliable, docile, timid, and lazy. Fomiel hides all emotion as he treats life as a huge 'high-stakes' poker game. He tends to be dependent on others, because of insecurity with his position as a stranger and his disdain to do 'real work'. He is a people person but expresses himself in an awkward, manipulative fashion. Fomiel has a tendency to perhaps brood temporary, but then "forgive and forget". He is extremely self-critical with a tendency to blame himself. Fomiel is primarily a stoic, as exemplified by Doc Holiday in Tombstone--Fomiel is the ultimate poker player. ◦ Expressive low, responsive high. ◦ Response's delay long, duration short. ◦ The Support and Steadiness of DISC. ◦ Typical of the aged (Fomiel is middle-aged). Personality type:
Fomiel is a classic ISFP personality type from Meyers-Briggs that is commonly attributed to Mozart, Brittney Spears, and Harry Potter ISFP personalities are generally seen as the most spontaneous and unpredictable of all introverted types. Only one thing is constant in their lives and that is change – ISFPs love exploring and embracing new things, ideas and activities. They are very good at sensing such opportunities, but the ISFP personality traits also push them towards experimenting and coming up with ideas that no one has thought of before. ISFPs usually find it easy to set new trends and inspire other people – their penchant for experimentation is unmatched by any other personality type. This personality trait is connected with ISFPs’ love of freedom – ISFPs are very independent and fiercely resist all forms of control. People with this personality type are the ultimate “free souls”, seeing nearly all rules, guidelines and traditions as self-imposed limitations that make life dull and boring. ISFPs live completely in the present, refusing to dwell on the past or prepare extensive plans for the future – they take things as they come, experimenting and adapting their behavior as necessary. While certain personality types (especially those belonging to the SJ subgroup) would discard such notions as irresponsible and reckless, ISFPs actually do great in areas that require an artistic, independent approach. ISFP personalities also tend to be very charming, mostly because they find it really easy to pick the best compliment for a particular person – ISFPs’ sensitivity (F) and great control of all five senses (S) mean that they are very much in tune with the physical, sensual world. Consequently, ISFPs rarely have difficulties connecting with other people, despite the fact that they are introverts (I). Even when the ISFP is being truly unpredictable or even reckless, their charm easily disarms those around them. That being said, ISFPs also need time to withdraw from social interaction and let their mind rest. This personality trait can often surprise other people who may have believed that ISFPs’ spontaneity and enthusiasm meant that they would always desire to be “in the open”. However, at the end of the day, ISFPs are still introverts and their inner batteries need some time to recharge. This contributes to the air of unpredictability and mystery that usually surrounds ISFPs – if someone with this personality type has a very strong I trait, even their closest friends may have difficulties anticipating ISFP’s thoughts and reactions. ISFP personalities also tend to be very sensitive to other people’s feelings – they are inclined to seek harmony in all situations and have no difficulties sensing a change in someone’s emotional state. On the other hand, ISFPs can also be incredibly competitive and react very badly to any form of criticism. That competitive nature often pushes ISFPs towards risky activities such as gambling or extreme sports – and they also tend to do quite well in those fields, mostly because they are so in touch with the physical environment. ISFPs often find it very difficult to follow a structured process and consequently may do quite poorly at school. However, their spontaneity and other personality traits make ISFPs very artistic and give them a great sense of aesthetics – people with this type may fall behind in the academic environment, but they can truly shine in the field that utilizes their talents while also giving the ISFP a sufficient degree of freedom. "I change during the course of a day. I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else."
Finally, it is worth mentioning that ISFP personalities are very goal-driven, and shape their internal principles and rules around those goals. This liberates ISFPs from social expectations and constraints, for better or for worse. If the ISFP’s goal is good and noble, they can be very selfless, amazingly charitable and inspiring; however, if the ISFP decides to pursue a selfish goal, they can become very ego-centric and even conniving, doing everything they can to achieve that goal. People with this personality type should be aware of these tendencies and question their own motives and reasoning from time to time.
Why Chaotic Neutral?:
An old Dragon magazine article claimed that anyone Chaotic Neutral would be clinically insane. A friend with a psychiatry background agreed after reading the definition. Nevertheless, the struggle between a caring person and a nurturing upbringing and his demonic blood and dreams create a true conflict. Call it heredity versus environment or nature versus nurture, this true conflict can cause the truly talented, focused, artistic type to be on the fine edge between genius and insanity. Exposed to the motivations and plans of a demonic horde in his dreams, Fomiel is hanging on to sanity like an H.P. Lovecraft protagonist exposed to vision and knowledge of unimaginable horror. Chaotic Neutral fits Fomiel best. |