
Evanya, Desna's Guiding Star's page

48 posts. Alias of Cyril Corbaz.


Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya retrieves a scroll of heal and casts it to restore Lucian's health.
UMD DC 31, good hope: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (14) + 24 = 38
Lucian is healed for 110 hp.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya uses another charge of good hope.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya flies to Sealman and taps him with her wand of bear's endurance.

"Be fierce, Sealman! We're countin on you. Giants are your domain of expertise."

From a quick look at everyone's sheet, it looks like Sealman is the only person without a Constitution-boosting item. Quite ironic!

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Miana, I don't think you took any damage. If you did let me know. Lucian casts a restoration on Seal, then curative spells.

CSW: 3d8 + 15 ⇒ (6, 4, 2) + 15 = 27
CLW wand : 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (3, 8) + 2 = 13

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya flies to Rissi and casts guidance on the ratfolk.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"Got it, Lucian!" smiles the little azata, producing a gnarled wand and activating it. A deathray emerges, aimed at the dragon.

Wand of Enervation!
UMD DC 20: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32
RTA, shooting into melee: 1d20 + 14 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 14 - 4 = 26
CL to bypass SR: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Hoping that's enough... Bypassing SR with wands is hard.
Negative levels: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"May Desna help us!" yells Evanya as she uses the wand to cast good hope on the party.[/b]

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

As for Evanya, she flies on her own and lands behind Miana's back, touching the monk with her diminutive hand.

"May Desna grant you her grace and luck!"

Bit of Luck: for 1 round, every d20 you roll is rolled twice, and you take the best result.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Evanya keeps her wits about her, and bolsters the party's morale.

Casting good hope on the party.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya chants and waves her wand, bolstering the party's morale!

Good Hope

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Lucian cast freedom of movement before going in the sludge - apparently no one else wanted one.

Evanya recasts good hope, bringing warmth to the heart of our heroes!

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Thanks Rissi!

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya flies to Sealman's shoulder, and lays a soft hand on the nape of his neck.

"Feel Desna's luck guide your arm!"

Using the Bit of Luck domain power. During this round, every d20 rolled by Sealman is rolled twice, and you keep the best result every time.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya would love one of the magic missile wands, since she hardly does anything during fights nowadays. With +19 UMD she can safely use it every round, for instance to disrupt spellcasting.

How many charges are in this wand?

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Meanwhile, Evanya rushes to the dwarve's side and heals him with a wand.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya brandishes her wand and bestows the party with good hope.

"May Desna awaken the hero in you!"

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"I'm on it!"

The Azata touches the Suli's shoulderplate with the wand.
CLW, wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Meanwhile, Evanya inspires the party with good hope, hidden behind Lucian's back.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya remains well-hidden in Lucian's ample clothes, but manages to draw her wand of good hope and bless the party with it.
UMD DC 20: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya raises her wand high and bestows Desna's good hope on the party.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

*flexes tiny muscles* !

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya, who was left behind, flies upwards to the edge of the fog and casts lesser confusion at Mokmurian. Will DC 16 negates

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya returns and reports what she has seen. "A single kobold sentry, wielding a magic spear and bearing a black armor. Most unsusual, you would think that they'd use stronger sentries for a giant stronghold!"

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"Don't worry Lucian, I'll go and check it out first. Since you all are a little tall for this passage, it's only fitting you should a girl go in first!" she giggles heartily before venturing inside the passage, using the rocks as hiding places along the way in the hope of remaining unnoticed.

Stealth, good hope, guidance: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 18 + 2 + 1 = 28
Perception, good hope: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 17 + 2 = 25

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Thanks for reminding me!

Light-headed as she is, Evanya was flying around wondering whether wyverns are able to dance with the stars when she suddenly realized that she could help her companions. She grasps her newly-acquired wand and conjures its magic.
UMD: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
Good Hope: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for everyone. Yay!

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya flies and catches up with Sealman, bestowing him a bit of Desnan luck.

Luck domain power: during this round, roll each d20 twice, take the best result.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

In the long wait, Lucian asked Evanya to help predict the moment the giants will attack. Using commune, she asks six questions to the powers that be to time the invaders' attack:

"When will the giants attack Sandpoint?"

"What strategic points will they attack?"

"Why are they attacking?"

"What allies do the giants have?"

Reserving the two last questions according to the answers to the questions above.

Following that, Evanya will fly above the town at the time the communing powers told her the onslaught would happen, to warn Lucian preemptively.

The idea would be to have her watch from above to give the party a few rounds to buff before the attack starts, possibly reposition to where the fight appears to happen.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

As for the Azata, she flies up to Sealman and lays a hand on the dwarf's shoulder.

"May Desna smile upon you and guide your hand!"

She uses her Bit of Luck ability. For one round, you roll every d20 twice and take the best roll. Have fun!

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya joins in on the global assault by calling down a starlight blast.

Ref DC 12 for yellow and orange. Effects explained in the spoiler.
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3 +1 pt for each step their alignment deviates from chaotic good.

Usable again in 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds.

Starlight blast:
Starlight Blast (DC 12) (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a lyrakien can tap into the divine power of Elysium, unleashing a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst. All creatures in this area take 1d4 points of holy damage, plus 1 point for each step their alignment deviates from chaotic good. For example, a chaotic neutral or neutral good creature would take 1d4+1 points of damage, a neutral creature would take 1d4+2 points of damage, and a lawful evil creature would take 1d4+4 points of damage. A DC 12 Reflex save negates this damage. Chaotic good creatures are unaffected by this ability. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

What about the Willl save against Evanya's SLA?

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Provided any of the enemies remain standing, Evanya casts confusion, lesser at one of the survivors.

Will DC 16 negates.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya remains within Lucian's clothing, trying to ward herself from the cold.

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"That is an honorable sacrifice, Master Dwarf. Desna may shine upon your soul and make the pain go away swiftly."

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Evanya takes the rod Lucian is carrying and brings it to Rissi, in hope of it being useful to her. Lending you the Metamagic Rod of Piercing, Lesser (2 charges left today), brought to you by Desna Express! (tm)

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Meanwhile Evanya taps Lucian with her wand.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Evanya also remains strong against the perspective of death and loss. She then flies to Miana and touches her shoulder, casting guidance on the suli.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Revelling in the prayer to Desna, Evanya echoes it as she lays a soothing hand on Kufieno's shoulder.

Casting guidance on Kuf. As for BoF, Evanya picks +2 to AC/Ref/attack rolls.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"Once we're finished here, we'd better check out the dam, or what remains of it. There might be other Kreegs there working at bringing the dam down." suggests Evanya. "Black Maga said it was their fault, and the rain was the handiwork of the hags."

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will, wis damage: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 9 - 1 = 11

Evanya prefers not to go against Black Maga's will, and remains still.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 22
Evanya heals Lucian in reaction to his master's strange behavior.
CLW (wand): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Moreover, she translates the creature's harsh words: "She says the ogres destroyed the dam and the hags brought down the rain - it has all been orchestrated by the Kreegs!"

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Fort, swamp bonus: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 = 14

Evanya's gaze turns white as she's blinded by the sheer beauty of the nymph. She doesn't lose heart but speaks up, joining Rissi in her chorus of appeasement.

"She speaks the truth, we have come to solve the situation in Fort Rannick, and have every intention of helping you. I'm a creature of good, an azata, please trust us."

Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"Alas, I'm only versed in the art of dancing. I'm really sorry. Regardless, music is sacred so we should hold on to it."

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Evanya's spirit remains unaffected by the many horrors of Whitewillow.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Will Evanya: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

As for Evanya, her inspired poetry fills the quiet air, trying to fortify the morale of Lucian and his companions by conjuring mental images of lost love found again, the impossible love story between a fey and a human.

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

"Hags?" The azata appears shocked beyond measure. "Oh Lucian, we have to help them! What a terrible fate."

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

The eerie forest doesn't appear to scare the azata, quite the contrary, she seems well at ease in this new environment, revelling in the sheer beauty of nature.

"Indeed, Yap. You see that you and I are not so different, though I do not hail from the First World. You can trust Lucian with your life."

Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

Lucian shares everyone's amazement when it comes to the lyrakien. He listens carefully as the azata explains a little bit more.

From Desna's will I come, yet I am no stranger
To you, for we have travelled with one another,
Under guise of a bird, a simple deception.
Desna yet revealed who I am, lift the curtain,
Your own soulmate, your companion everlasting.

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Female Azata Lyrakien | HP 82/82 | AC:29 T:19 FF:25 CMD:25 | F+9 R+14 W+15 | Init +8 | Per +24

As Lucian is speaking, a tiny figure silently shows up behind the Varisian, going through the window and into the room where everyone is having breakfast. As you look more closely, the figure isn't a bird, but rather looks like a tiny woman with a lithe form and delicate butterfly wings fluttering behind her back. She is surrounded by sparkling lights and gentle rainbow arcs. Her clear voice suddenly emerges from the silence, like clear water coming out of a mountain spring. It is a melody, an ode to hope.

O Lucian, have you forgotten me already?
Or are your eyes deceived by what they want to see?
I have returned, on Desna's will, an avatar,
To help you, show you the way, your own guiding star,
Out of the dark, fear and anguish, into the light.
Your destiny lies ahead, with me at your side.

Lucian turns to see what manner of creature has such a wondrous voice, and in no time his smile returns to his lips, happier than ever!

"Evanya, is this you? I cannot believe my eyes. This is truly a blessed day. Thank you Desna for putting her on my path."