
Erryll Reyven's page

185 posts. Alias of Evindyl.


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Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Erryll is also ready

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

All caught up
Let me know if we need anything

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
I should have a post up today or tomorrow, I seem to have come down with something near the end of the week, and it's taken me out enough to stall posting in the games I'm GMing. You'd all be fine with just skimming through this, right? There's one more potion you haven't found yet in a different room, but other than that, this place is basically empty until we actually get to the chase.


I too have been super ill since the end of the week, and it's taken a lot out of me. Oddly, I did not post a message to this campaign like I did all my others last night.

I should be able to catch up today though :)
Please feel free to bot Erryll, inluding that he will have detected for magic everywhere and found the missing potion ;)

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

As Onnello and Eryll casually walk down the boardwalk, Onnello will occasionally glance into the 'store windows. Pretending to look at the shops wares, he's actually watching the reflections of his new friends, to make sure he knows where they are without looking directly at them.

Walking, Onnello notices something different about Erryll's outfit. He looks and then looks again, "Your cloths, they are slightly different, did you purchase a magical item to help with that?"

While his friend answers, he keeps his eyes focused on the street, watching for anything interesting.

Moving at a 'casual' pace taking 10(17) on perception as we move. GM is see the 'saloon' on the map and Gattlebee's house, can you mark the brewery on the map or give us an idea of its location and how long it takes to walk there?

Keeping his voice lowered, Erryll says, "I did! Truth be told, I almost had to. The spidersilk bodysuit I purchased is very ... form fitting. Not really something anyone outside of Kitty's might be ready for. So I purchased a pair of bracers with magic very similar to our hats, and they allow me to have my clothing appear as anything I want. Much better than looking like I'm working at Kitty's on a night that I'm not."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Erryll walks with Onnello; looking different ... but somehow seeming exactly the same

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Our 'normal' selves are still outlaws, correct? Does that mean we shouldn't be seen, or is it more like just sherrifs are going to want to apprehend you? (like regular people won't care)

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

Snorting at Thraag's description, Onnellos smirks, "I reckon so."

Everyone having arrived at the designated time and Feeling the conversation had run its natural course Onnello stands, leaving most of the second beer in the mug. Adjusting his gun belt slightly he nods towards the door, asking as he moves towards the swinging double doors. "shall we scout the 'brewery' first or the alchemists house?"

Erryll makes 'adjustments' also, although the glamoured outfit still looks fantastic. He seems ready to go.

"Based on what we know, Vashon has a good enough handle on his place, especially for a pick-up. But I'll be honest, whenever I hear the word abandoned, I worry. Abandoned is a word that busy people use instead of saying they don't care. That is why they don't use the word empty, because they don't really know. I suggest that we flush out the 'abandoned' brewery prior to thinking we can hold up there."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

It would be fun if Nevel turned out to be the merchant that Erryll got his family heirlooms back from ...

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

@ Erryll: So is any of the spider silk visible?

Seeing his friend Walk in Onnello thought he notices a spring in the half elfs step. Kicking out the bent wood back chair opposite Thraag, Onnello Chuckles at the comment about drinks, smiling, "I recon We can find out."

Waiving at the waitress, Onnello's smile wains when Erryll comments about 'Kitty saying hi'. Shaking his head, "I owe that woman a debt I can't repay. But I'm not sure I'm able to give her what she wants."

His clothes currently look like 'normal' very revealing brothelwear/streetclothes (so his clothing does NOT look like spider silk, the lariet which is at his hip does though)

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

Sorry, I intended to post earlier

Smiling as Narl said he 'knew a guy' Onnello reconned it was good to have someone in the gang that 'knew a guy.' Pausing, Onnello looked longer at Narl. Shaking his head, it was usually a 'pretty boy' who had all the friends, but if this Narl said he 'knows a guy' Onnello won't call him a liar.
Nodding in agreement with Told, "Yes, sooner would be better than later, let's just make sure we don't go off 'halfcocked'."

Hearing Erryll say they'd like to meet back here in a couple hours and Dunsmith's warning, Onnello turns and nods to Erryll, "the sooner the better. See you back here in a couple of hours." He nods towards the front room of the Barrel & Bullet, "I'll be waiting in the Saloon. If anyone wants to wait with me, I'll buy the first round."

Setting his cup on the table he stands, shifting his hat low and heads out the door to the Barrel & Bullet. Pausing long enough to find an empty table near the back wall, Onnello moves that direction, taking a seat with his back to the wall. As he sits, he adjusts the dragon pistol so it would be easy to reach and he pulls a couple gold coins out of his vest pocket. Tossing the coins on the table he waits for one of the girls to come over and let him order a drink.

Just trying to get in character, I don't expect to RP the order or anyone sitting with him, unless you all want to RP. But he will sit here and sip on a single beer until Erryll (since he said he needed to get something) returns.

"So if you buy the first, and I buy the second, what do we think the odds are that we could get both drinks to arrive at the same time?"

Erryll sat down next to his buddy Onnello, very ready for a drink.

"Kitty says 'HI' by the way."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

The Mana Wastes were a very long way from Kyonin. They were, in fact, a long way from a lot of places. They were most certainly a long way from anywhere that people would generally worry about, think about, or even recollect that there were “dark elves” in the world. That said, there were dark elves in the world.

Mostly a dark elf lived its life well below the surface world, deep in the Underdark, never to see the sun. Most were thrilled with this. They would never have to guess whether their magic would work any given day, and they certainly wouldn’t need to be wary of bigoted murder hoeboes. None of that was true in Alkenstar. In Alkenstar, anyone different basically had a target painted on their back, and the leading murder hoeboes were Lovelace & Mugland. They had gunned down Erryll’s great grandfather as though there were a statute citing “Thou shalt not suffer a drow to live.”

His family didn’t suffer insults to their dignity for long though; his great grandmother invented the “Snatschbissen” spell specifically to exact revenge, and a good number of casters at Kitty’s knew how to cast ‘Darkness’ because of it; neither Mugland or Lovelace exposed their nether region to the light, Granny Galandreyell had made sure of that. Laughed about it a lot actually.

For Erryll though, just having spidersilk against his body felt oddly like coming home … the bodysuit exposed and accentuated every part of his physique. Spidersilk in principle wasn’t “a drow thing” but it was somewhat of a tip-off, like his violet eyes. He had never felt better, he had never looked better. There might be some arguments that he looked better without the armour, but he hoped he had taken care of that also. He not only had his grandfather’s spidersilk rope, but he had also commissioned enchanted sleeves made of spidersilk as well. The translucent tubes of material easily fit over Erryll’s arms, and much like the hats of disguise they had used on their last job, Erryll could choose to transform the appearance of his current garments into any other nonmagical set of clothing he wanted. These new clothes fit perfectly, even possibly modestly, and would always be clean and mended unless he specifically designated otherwise.

There was work to be done; it wasn’t like his other heirlooms were going to buy themselves. He was ready. He had never handed that much gold & platinum to anyone. He for sure needed a drink, and possibly needed 2.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

"So we meet back here in a couple hours, case the neighborhood of the job, and then plan it for 2 days from today?"

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:
GM Violant wrote:
" ...Near Ironside Quarter at some abandoned brewery... "
Blinking Onnello wonders if he misheard the dwarf when she'd spoke of the 'brewery.' Sipping his coffee, he looks from Thragg to Erryll to their host.

"On second thought, maybe we look around the area for dinner ... at a less abandoned brewery."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Thraag the Younger wrote:
"Or we can just show up in the day and see if they have any good brews." Thraag says with a smile.

"There is good sense in this approach, and it let's us check off all the boxes. I could go to Kitty's, and then to the weavery for the the armor, pick up a few other things and then we could all meet at the Brewery around dusk; ostensibly for drinks and dinner, but with more than enough daylight to case the area, also allowing us to take its measure after the sun sets as well. Plus the drinks & the dinner, which in principle lets us evaluate the locals."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

Having gotten in the habit of wearing his hair loose and his head down, Onnello's smirk, when Dunsmith pulls out pork and hardtack, hopefully goes unnoticed. As he pours himself a cup of black coffee, he notices the animated dwarf returning with a poster board. Scooting the platter of pork and hardtack out of the way, he makes room for the signage. Twisting, so as to hold the cup over the floor instead of the table he listens as she explains the job.

He furrows his brow as she describes the 'target.' Not at all great for a group trying to maintain a low profile. She was right, they'd need to get the 'lay of the land' before they pulled the 'job.' Some sort of diversion might not be a bad idea. He paused for a moment wondering what the alchemist could want from an old brewery. But the fact was it didn't matter, they would do what the fellow wanted, if for no other reason than it was what they were hired to do. As the half orc asked a couple of questions, Onnello considered a couple of his own.

Sipping his coffee he considered a couple options, "Our first step should be to check the routes from his house to the brewery then to here. Plan a primary route then a couple alternatives."

He furrowed his brow for a moment. "Some sort of secure transportation we can hide him in might work as well." He looks around the table, "Anyone know a smuggler with a wagon that has a false bottom?" He smiles slightly, "Pity a dirigible would be too obvious."

Pausing to think for a moment he remembers when he'd walked into the room, "we're those 'hats of disguise' you all were using? Would there be an extra one to put on Gattlebee? I hope we don't have to have him run all the way, but a disguise would help."

"A Hat of Disguise for him is a great idea, but I think it would also be wise to assign him a 'handler' -- magic items are not all that forgiving, especially with the absent-minded; the magic depends on Gattlebee actually using it."

The half-elf reaches over Onnello for a slice of pork

"Mmmmmm, tasty! When we are done with lunch, I have some things I need to pick up before we go scouting, which we could do tonight, or we could do tomorrow, or honestly we could do both. But my armor should be ready, and I am certainly ready to be wearing it!"

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

"Thank goodness I commissioned the Sleeves of Many Garments I wanted to badly ... wouldn't want to meet the Duchess in just any old thing."

The elf smiles

"In all seriousness though, yes, a question: what's for lunch?"

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Onnello Ustradi wrote:

As he moves up the street Onnello keeps his head low and his wide brimmed black felt hat pulled down. Since his 'fall' he'd stayed near 'Ms Kitty's', but the invitation to make some real money couldn't be passed up. It was less than a mile to 'Barrel and Bullet Saloon' but his right leg was already throbbing by the time he reaches the corner of the building. He'd been able to get his duster on over his right arm, but even that movement had aggravated his shoulder, but he didn't need full use of his right arm to do what he would be hired to do.

Keeping his right hand tucked in the pocket of the brown duster, he takes a moment and walks around the building. Pausing he wonders if it's his old 'shieldmarshal' training kicking in, or if he'd just gotten paranoid. Shaking his head he realizes it didn't matter, no reason to walk in a building he doesn't know how to get out of. As he steps onto the wooden porch of the Saloon his black stove pipe boots make a slight noise as he walks to the swinging doors. Taking a deep breath, out of habit, he tugs on his brown leather vest and straightens his gun belt. Pushing the swinging doors open, he casually rests his left hand on the handle of his cross draw 'dragon pistol'

Moving quickly through the Tavern he heads to the back room he'd been told about. Seeing the tall half orc enter, he smiles to himself, the fellow was about four inches taller than he, at least he won't stand out too much. Walking into the back room he sees Dunsmith, the dwarf who he'd spoken with and three others. Recognizing Erryll, he lifts his chin in a nod, then looking towards the others, he tips his hat. "Pleasure to be working with you." as puts the hat back on, his long hair shifts enough to reveal the horizontal T-shaped scar on the left side of his face. Horizontally running from his left ear creasing his narrow, broken, nose, vertically running from bellow his eye to the edge of his lips, pinching with its center a bullet exit wound on his left cheek,

When they had first met, Onnello had looked a great deal worse for the wear. A whole LOT of wear. Erryll's time at Ms. Kitty's was ... well, it certainly wasn't private, not entirely, but it had been quite different when he & Kitty had discussed Onnello. He looked MUCH better at the moment ...

Previously, at Ms Kitty's Experienctial Empourium ...

"Master Reyven, I know our conversations normally go in a fairly specific direction, but I wondered if I might speak to you about one of my new boarders. I think you could help him."

"Having never called me 'Master Reyven' before I'm a little concerned that your boarder is a priest or a politician ..."

Kitty smiled, very gently to be honest
"Erryll ... you told me your ancestors taught you to hex, a hex that heals, in addition your spells which heal. This man needs help. Could you take a look?"

"I could, and I will, and I would be glad for the practice. Most of the men you ask me to meet haven't 'touched' you quite like this, let's make haste."

Kitty was a good judge of character, her own character dubious though it might be. Erryll helped. The spell did as much as spells do ... and he would need some time with his 'family' to ask why his hex didn't fix the man's face. The ancestors would know, Erryll simply wished better for the man. Onnello hadn't done this to himself, and Erryll was glad to have helped set things right.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

to be clear though, the 25pp was included in the total of 1066? or we each have 250 more gp than previously?

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Welcome fellow outlaws!!!

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Oh right! I need to post Erryll's updates!

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:
Erryll Reyven wrote:
Narl Smathok wrote:

I'm levelled up! I'm moving the stats to this identity, and the PC's background and a few other notes are kept on Nevai's alias.

I took the Vigilante talent Armor Skin, which lets me ignore light and medium armor ACP for Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Stealth. Since Nevai can control his mutation to switch back and forth between identities, I'm saying that he's able to control the protrusions on his skin to nestle around his armor and hold it in place, thus making it fit better and less likely to rattle when he moves.

Trying to make Erryll look foolish for just paying more ;)
Hmm? I don't understand what you're referencing.

Just teasing - I paid for Masterwork armor specifically to avoid an ACP, and I will be honest, did not even think about finding a feat, although I had to take a feat to use armor anyway.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:

I'm levelled up! I'm moving the stats to this identity, and the PC's background and a few other notes are kept on Nevai's alias.

I took the Vigilante talent Armor Skin, which lets me ignore light and medium armor ACP for Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Stealth. Since Nevai can control his mutation to switch back and forth between identities, I'm saying that he's able to control the protrusions on his skin to nestle around his armor and hold it in place, thus making it fit better and less likely to rattle when he moves.

Trying to make Erryll look foolish for just paying more ;)

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
The dwarf makes another eureka expression as she cracks another porrtion of the lockbox. "Hiding in a matter of speaking, though he should be hiding properly: He's one of Alkenstar's most famous recluses, and has been holed up in his workshop for a while now. And from what I saw with my own eyes at the expedition, a pea sized bit was supposed to blow open an adamantine safe." She then puts her shotgun on the table, sure she's getting close to cracking the safe at last, before continuing, "It blew up half of an entire lecture hall."

"There are 2 problems here, maybe more. 1 - a great inventor is being targeted and is in danger. 2 - control of an extremely important discovery could fall into the hands of people everyone here knows are rotten, in fact, we should all very much NOT want this to happen. We should try to foil this plan of Mugel & Lovelace; we should try to help Vashon dodge this bullet!"

Erryll happily hands back his Hat of Disguise, not worried in the least because he's off to see his 'friend' at the brothel ... and to pick of his Sleeves of Many Garments there as well. He wasn't sure if Madam Xutchii would let him freelance this weekend, but he hoped so.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:


Once the gnoll is dead, Narl cleans his sword and sheathes it while the goblins are celebrating. At Monsie's offered hand, the mutant warrior considers it for a brief second before shaking it and the hands of any other goblins that offer. He starts to ask what's on the map before Loveless' arrival forces the group into the sewers to escape.

Back at the inn, Narl had almost forgotten that he was wearing the hat of disguise. He returns it to the innkeeper and then looks on Thraag's true image for the first time.

"Thanks for the assistance. I wasn't expecting that to be easy, but things could have really turned south if you hadn't shown up.

"Also, good shooting, Erryll. You too, Dunn."

As Dunsmith is working on the lockboxes, Narl asks her, "We heard Loveless mention someone named 'Gattlebee.' Do you know that name? She's got them in her sights."

"Gattlebee is going to be framed actually, just like my grandparents. Boy would I love to meet this 'artist' of theirs. I don't usually go in for the maiming, but I could make an exception New skills are important to all of us."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Nevai Sige wrote:

Thanks, Violant! Does that total include the 20gp from the gnoll?

Is anyone interested in that +1 whip or can we sell it?

One of us should hang onto that CLW potion. Narl will do it if nobody else wants to.

So maybe the 20gp, the CLW, and the proceeds from the whip can be "party funds" like for more potions and stuff?

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Revolver: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 151d8 ⇒ 7 - At the loud mouth ...

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:

Narl knocks the gnoll face-first onto the ground, followed by Thraag also downing the other gnoll that has moved in on the group, while the leader looks on in horror clutching her map as her group of Gnolls has been reduced to herself and one other. However, as they collapse to the ground, horrid pustules erupt into vile acid, splashing onto Narl, causing minor chemical burns from the Waste-mutated gnolls. Give me a DC 14 Reflex saving throw, Narl. On failure, take 1 acid damage.


Dunn takes a shot at the remaining non-matriarch, landing right inbetween the eyeballs in the gnoll's forehead, but the bullet clearly doesn't penetrate all the way through, as the gnoll still stands. Lord Glass then rebegins his magic-fueled chant, filling you all with vigor as he switches to a not-so-traditional tune, you actually recognize it as something from the play you were here to see originally. Naturally, it has modified lyrics. Max then attempts to fire a shot at the leader, but she has since moved by the time the ysoki has fired the shot.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU SNIVELING RAT!" the leader shouts as she lashes out a shining whip at the ysoki, hoping to knock him out before killing him. She however misses her whip and strikes the ground, kicking up a bit of dust in the process as she does so. The other one also attempts to bite at Max, realizing his leader has failed to strike with her whip. The ratfolk is clearly injured, but he still manages to remain standing.


Two enemies left until level 2! You three are up, Inspire Courage is on!


"No ... he will not."
"We are disinclined to do things your way."

Strides forward to place the barrel of his revolver against Max, casts CLW
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Revolver: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d8 ⇒ 7 At the red one ...

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

PERC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Also a fairly solid roll

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
Agh. I think I've come down with something. I'll try to have a post up by tomorrow, but I'm unsure if I'll be able to bye then since I've constantly been tired. Sorry for the delay.

Take care of YOU please

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Revolver: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 141d8 ⇒ 4 At the red clockwork dog

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

"Let's head that way ..."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
Assuming we are down to three,.would we be up to reopen recruitment, or should we just pick from the already-submitted or incomplete? I thought someone had submitted a Goblin Alchemist at one point.

A goblin alchemist right now, from our current group of cheerleaders, would be ideal. 5 total would be great.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Erryll whirls around and fires at the Rust Being ...

Lore(Brigh): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Trying to remember stuff about rust
Revolver: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 191d8 ⇒ 1

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:

The cockroaches disperse to eat the Jerky, with Erryll's direction and Narl's food causing it to be pacified. The rust ooze is overwhelmed by the tantalizing scent of pepperbox, revolver, and pistol. It lurches over towards Narl, aiming to corrode away his pistol, shield, or his banded mail. The pseudopod, although striking the armor, fails to do any damage to anything. The goblins are cheering you on from the sidelines, hoping that the competent group can deal with the gnolls.

[dice=Pseudopod] d20 + 5

Everyone's up! Erryll, if you have an AoO, you can attack the Rust Ooze.

I will check in HL just a little later

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:

Narl tears his eyes away from the rusty horror that's come out of the grate, turning to see Thraag covered in roaches.

GM Violant wrote:
The goblins start shouting towards the group of you while Thraag is being practically eaten alive by thousands of cockroaches, "Hey, longshanks! Got any food to toss to the critters," Lord Glass frantically screeches at the top of his lungs trying to get your attention.
Not seeing how his sword is going to do well fighting either of these monstrosities, Narl digs some jerky (trail rations) out of his pouch and breaks and crumbles it, hoping the smell will attract the roaches away from Thraag. He'll throw some into the swarm.

Erryll points the barrel of his revolver at the jerky, hoping the roaches will take the bait. There was a little more fire to be had if they did ...

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Clearly revolted, Erryll pulls out his revolver, spins the chamber, and speaks softly in Elvish ...

FORT: 1d20 ⇒ 1
BurningHandsDMG: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Cone starts in the square just below Erryll, passing between Thrrraag and the swarm very closely

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Erryll was, at best, unfamiliar with such well spoken civilized goblins; he had grown up with his relatives stories of "goblin hordes" and this seemed like a long way from that.

"There cartainly is a lot of good scrap here, you are quite blessed your Lordship ..."

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

I vote for splitting the difference; I am not in favor of simply running, we should get some gold.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

"Could the thing just die!?

revolver: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 211d8 ⇒ 8

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Oh sorry, I'm not sure I knew I was up? What do we need?

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:

The bank manager hops over the teller's table while pointing a firearm at the already damaged firearm, grinning greefully as she gets to join the winning side of the fight. "If you target them, I'll have Mugland see to it you no longer do business here, if you catch my drift," she menaces at the single remaining investor. The other one has, by this point, fleed into the street. The scared investor does as he's told, wailing on the clockwork while attempting to avoid any hits to his vitals.

All of you are up! Only the one target left.

"ooooooooooo, drift caught little lady! Pretty sure Mugland will only be relevant, well, for as long as he's relevant."

Erryll smiles VERY broadly

"and I'm not worried, I am SURE you caught MY drift."

Revolver/Familiar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 91d8 ⇒ 6

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Dunn Brackern wrote:

Completely forgot about my statline too!

Taking a deft step to the side of the elf, Dunn raises the pistol point blank at the construct's torso, and pulls the trigger. The worn gun, clearly unhappy at being jostled in a firefight, lets out a blurt of smoke and lead that cracks into a smoky cloud. "Piece of slag! Ma'am, we're here for their money, not your life!", the man adds over the loud clanging.

Shoot: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22Eyy, misfire! Thank Brigh for alchemical cartridges.

Erryll gets just a touch closer to Dresh ...

"HE speaks for himself; good to know you have a family though. I did too once. Moving forward you will do EXACTLY what we say, or I will keep you alive just to watch how bad things turn out."

INTIM: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Erryl take a small step back, switches his grip a touch, and fires at the wench who shot him

Revolver/Familiar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 101d8 ⇒ 1


Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
Alright, Thraag has been chosen based on what you all told me. I think we should just have them enter combat, or they might be waiting a while. Also, Erryll, your turn in combat is up, unless I'm missing something.

Let me take a look, I'm sorry, I thought I was caught up.

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:
Erryll, what's your HP at? This could influence my next action.

Erryll is at 2 of 7

and I will build out my status line a little later, apologies

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
Wrong profile, mate.

UGH! That post took forever to get posted, it must have reverted - my apologies

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
Narl Smathok wrote:

Narl turns and looks at the others he came into the bank with. He gives a meaningful nod and then turns back to Miss Desh.

"No names. And no more talking unless it's very important. Open the vault door, and stay out of the way while these three take what we've come here for. It will be better for you and your employees if you just do as we say."

Erryll takes out his revolver, waving it around a little aimlessly ... before talking to it

"Are you ready? We're going to do this!"
Turning back to Ms. Desh
"No worries for you though, this is how I make "magic"

Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1
GM Violant wrote:
Seeing as our Cavalier has been missing from the boards entirely for a month and a bit more, I'm going to reopen recruitment for a new 5th character. Would you lot like input to the character that gets selected?

I would be interested in having a look and making comment, absolutely.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Semi Non-Binary Masculine Half-Elf Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1

Apologies - I thought it was all in there. Will update shortly.

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