
Erryll Reyven's page

206 posts. Alias of Evindyl.

Full Name

Erryll Reyven




Bonded Witch 1 / Sorcerer 1


Semi Non-Binary Masculine

About Erryll Reyven

Erryll Reyven
Male half-elf (drow-descended) sorcerer (wildblooded) 1/bonded witch 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 43, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 70)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (2d6)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5; -5 vs. emotion effects, +2 racial bonus vs. transmutation spells and spell-like effects
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged revolver +2 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks hex (healing[APG])
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . 1/day—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Sorcerer Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—arcane bolt (1d4 force)
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—fabricate bullets[UC], unerring weapon[UC]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic
. . Bloodline Sage
Bonded Witch Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—cure light wounds, urban grace[ARG]
. . 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 14), guidance, stabilize
. . Patron Ancestors (empath)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)[UC], Half-drow Paragon[ARG], Light Armor Proficiency, Spell Focus (transmutation)
Traits natural flier, outcast's intuition, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+3 while flying), Bluff +2 (+0 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +3 vs. humanoids), Diplomacy +2 (+0 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +3 vs. humanoids), Disguise +2 (+0 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Fly +8, Intimidate +7 (+5 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Lore (Alkanstar) +8, Lore (Brigh) +8, Perception +7, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +7 (+5 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Kelish
SQ bonded object, bonded object (weapon[ARG]), elf blood, illustrious urbanite, perfect[HA], vain, witch's familiar
Other Gear mwk spider-silk bodysuit, revolver[UC], sleeves of many garments, 86 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bolt (1d4 force, 7/day) (Su) Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a ray of magic force as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. This damage is treated as
Bonded Object (Revolver, 1/day) Your bonded object grants you one powerful spell per day.
Bonded Object (Sp) Your bonded object stores your spells, and allows comunion with your patron.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Healing (1d8+1) (Su) Heal touched creature, but each target can only benefit once per 24 hrs.
Illustrious Urbanite You may leave buildings & structures undamaged when casting spells of the chosen school.
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Perfect +1 to bluff and diplomacy vs. humanoids and +2 vs. transmutation spells.
Sage When a spell level is increased by a metamagic feat, it gains +1 DC.
Spell Focus (Transmutation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Tongues (1 minutes/day) (Su) Understand any spoken language, as comprehend languages.
Vain -2 to Cha checks for 24h after failing an opposed Cha check
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.