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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,928 posts (1,984 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Liberty's Edge

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My players decided that they want to try AoA. I like the AP as a whole but not the beginning with the call for adventurers and all.
Has anybody here used a different beginning?

Liberty's Edge

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Well, after YEARRRRS I am starting with prepping Kingmaker and my first place to go and check out for published campaigns are the Paizo boards. I can‘t write a THANK YOU in every single thread so I want to throw a BIG THANK YOU to all you guys who posted their stuff and ideas here to help out fellow DMs (even sharing stuff via Dropbox, etc.), as those ideas are sooo helpful in prepping my own campaign now.

Liberty's Edge

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I am trying for 20 minutes now, to order Sundered Waves. Gets me always to the PLACE YOUR ORDER page, where all my clicks are sucked into the limbo...
I even tried two different browsers. I just can't finish my order and I also don't get any error message. Nothing just happens, when I click on "place your order".
Any idea on what other ways I could try?

Liberty's Edge

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Awesome news! Finally I have a chance to attend PaizoCon!

Liberty's Edge

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I haven't been that excited about a city book since Ptolus came out years ago. Looking forward to this. And almost 300 pages - wow, so cool!

Liberty's Edge

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Yes, I would!
I really love the Starfinder format and with a 3-parter, I also wouldn't mind at which level it starts.
I know, some of the 1e APs could be run as a 3-parter (with some work), but getting such a product from Paizo would be awesome.

In my earlier days, finding time to play was never an issue. Now my players are grown up (well, at least one or two ;) , we have jobs, families, some work in shifts - so its getting harder to find time to play.

Another aspect is the huge commitment, both in time (for everybody) and workload (for the GM).
I am a Paizo fan since they took over the Dungeon and Dragon magazines and I am a AP-subscriber from the start. In all those years we managed to play three (yes, only three) APs. I GMed 2 and played in one. We play once a month and like to immerse ourselves into the world and story. That's why we would also like to experience more stories in AP format, but that's just so hard with 6 parts, which take us sometimes three years to complete. Sure, that's not everybodies problem, but I am sure there are people out there with similar issues.

I really wonder how many APs most of you have run or manage to run in a year?!

Anyway... can we have 3-part APs for Pathfinder, pleeeease?! :)

Liberty's Edge

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"This adventure uses several Flip-Mats from Paizo's extensive range, including the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Dead God's Hand Multi-Pack accessory."

Can you already tell us which Flip-Mats will be used for this adventure?!

Would be cool, so I as the DM can start planning this thing out.

And - YES - there can never be enough Varisia for me! Especially, since James Jacobs "told us" (in AP#001), that Lamashtu still has plans for this area. I really hope, after more than 150 APs, we will get to know more about those plans (and maybe the Mothman priesty thing on that island off the coast of Sandpoint)...

Liberty's Edge

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So, the Caustic Wolf's Howl... what's the DC for it or does it automatically intimidate the PCs?

Thank you for your help!

Liberty's Edge

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I had so much high hopes to be able to get a pdf-only sub for stuff, as I almost always gm from my iPad with the PDFs. I would immediately sub to Lost Omens and the Core Line this way! Maybe for Charter subscribers who are with you from the beginning?:)
But my shelve space can't cope with another PF edition right now, whereas my HDD can!
Guess I have to buy the pdf's single-wise then...

Liberty's Edge

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Exactly what I meant!

And as a DM you can't beef up every encounter that way...

Liberty's Edge

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Awesome book, with lots of details. I really like like some of the „old storylines“ have turned out - like the Glassworks!

But, why, oh my why - didn‘t you put the 2 page picture of Sandpoint as a map into the book as well?! This is such an awesome and usefull picture! We had so many maps of Sandpoint and its hinterlands, but this pic - boy, I would love to have this as a poster!
I didn‘t get it why you haven‘t included that as a poster map as well...

Liberty's Edge

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Catharsis wrote:

Just played the very first session tonight, and it's been great fun! :)

** spoiler omitted **

Oouuch - really? Still no pdf here (waiting for shipment), but this sounds tough. Well, so the PCs learn that running from things sometimes saves the day - hopefully...

Liberty's Edge

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Thank you Skeld!

Liberty's Edge

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So, we get older, and things sometimes don‘t develop like we had wished for. Sometimes, out of a sudden you take a hit, which you hadn‘t seen coming, and which has been so unsuspected...

A very dear friend has passed away. He has been one of my groups players for over 20 years. I still can‘t think this is real, but well... There will be a hole which can never be fully filled again!

Now, we just started CotCT this year and are still in Part 1 of Chapter 1 - presently wading through the Bonehalls, I gm.
His pc is named Kilian deBrak, and he is a member of one of the Korvosan pier families.
Now, I thought about creating a lasting memory, to make his pc something special, which will always keep him in my/our groups very own Golarion as a memorable npc.

I try to come up with something special, but I would also like to hear different ideas.
So, do you have any idea how a sorcerer member of a pier family of Korvosa could become a very special npc, maybe influential, maybe widely known for something? I am just collecting ideas presently...

Hopefully I can find something which makes his pc unforgettable for „our“ Golarion Campaign Setting.

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

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I but this in a spoiler tag, as there are spoilers for the Hell's Rebels AP as well... Be warned!!!


So, my players really started to hate Gaedren Lamm.
He managed to flee during the encounter at the Old Fishery.
As they searched through his belongings, they got the idea, that he might be undead, as everything was dirty and rotten down there in the old fishery, and they figured that nobody wants to live under such circumstances unless... well. They are not sure and also think, there might be more to him than just being an old man.
As I set him up as a huge crime boss in Korvosa, and now got the idea, to make him a bigger enemy in the campaign, as my players seem to have jumped on this idea.
He has connections with Devargo Barvasi (I also plan to use The House on Hook Street).

Now I got the idea, because I love some parts of the Hell's Rebels AP, to use stuff from that AP, especially the part about Barzilai, making Gaedren Lamm the one who wants to become a genius loci, but not to become one with the land, but one with Korvosa itself. I thought about his son, Rolth, being the one, who helped with the ritual.

I even used the Bells of the Tempel already, during the evolving Chaos, after the death of Eodred.

Even the Ruby Masquerade could be used (as a trap from Ileosa), or the Encounter with the bridge in AP #100, I think...

Anyway, I thought about this, and think it will work quite well, but as always, more minds make things better, so I wanted to ask around, what you guys think if this...

Liberty's Edge

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Great! This will help in my CotCT campaign, where I plan to run this module. Thank you for sharing this!

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So, on the latest Know Direction podcast episode, James Jacobs talked about a book which Jefferson named ALMANACH OF GOLARION. A book with a lot of little details about Golarion, like

- where does good whine or coffe comes from
- special recipies
- small stories about certain places in a city
- etc.

I immagined a book like those awesome VOLO'S GUIDES from back in the days.
JJ said that probably nobody would buy such a book.
Well, I opened this thread to proof him wrong - so, who's in?!

Liberty's Edge

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Well, as a player I was totally into a city campaign and had fun in Korvosa. That HoA-Part just didn't seem to fit and the fact, that we knew that we had to do A, B and C to get what we wanted (D) was like a speedbump. It made sense in the story of the campaign, but we felt stalled, even if most of those encounters are pretty cool.
That's why I wanted to change that part.

Your tips with Montlarion Jeggare are great! I think I will do it this way... Thank you so much.

Liberty's Edge

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I don't like the History of Ashes part of this AP.
Did anybody change that while running the AP?
I thought of using Delvehaven (from Council of Thieves) and place it in Korvosa, so that the pcs have to find the info of Serithial in Delvehaven. I know, it would be a lot of work, as the levels don't match.
I am happy for any info or idea regarding a change to HoA.

Thx guys!

Liberty's Edge

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I need some help. I am about to start the CotCT AP.
One of my players wants to play a magus who came home to Korvosa after participating in a war or conflict. Does anybody have an idea which conflict this could've been? I thought about the Worldwound, but this seems a bit too far fetched. Or could there have been a recent skirmish with the Shoanti or the Orks of Belkzen?
Before I come up with an idea of my own, I hope to find some help here...

Liberty's Edge

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Don't let the rules prevent you and your friends having fun.

Liberty's Edge

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You could print them using the freeware software PosteRazor (just google it).
I almost always use it to print the maps to scale for minis. It's also pretty easy to use.
Just make sure to use 400% in Acrobat Reader before "choosing the area" you need, so the resolution is better.

Liberty's Edge

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So, I am about to start this AP as a DM now.
I remember from being a player in this AP, that the beginning was kind of a strain, as none of us trusted the queen while bringing her the brooch, and also none of us wanted to be sent as helpers to the city guards and do the queen's bidding.

I came up with the idea to have Cressida Croft receiving a card from Zellara as well. This might happen a couple of days before she gets appointed as the new field marshal of the city guard, giving her time to follow the pcs to the Old Fishery.

She might even be a long-time friend to one or all pcs, making it easier to ask the pcs for help later on.

Gaedren Lamm will not be found in the Old Fishery, but documents show, that he might soon team up with Devargo Bavarsi, in order to start a huge shiver-trade organization. In the end, Gaedren will be found alongside Devargo in Eel's End, or maybe later, when a sister of one of the pcs dies because of shiver. This will lead into the HOUSE ON HOOK STREET, with the sister being the MALNOURISHED DREAM-THING of the first encounter in this module. Knowing that Gaedren has something to do with the shiver trade, this might be enough to get the players invested into the modules storyline.

Has anyone else thought about having Cressida being a part of the group initially before her new appointment requires her to be at the citadel most of her time?!

Liberty's Edge

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Hi there.
From time to time I come up with some ideas. This one should actually went to a publisher, but RL takes away so much of my free time, that I actually can't take on any projects, because I couldn't finsih them. Well, longs story short, this is for you to enjoy (or not - critique's always welcome).

I playtestet it once, which was pretty cool. I don't know, though, if the SR is a bit over the top or neccessary at all. I totally don't know if this is balanced, but I needed something to scare my high-level pc, and this the soulswarm has done pretty well... :)

Soulswarm CR18

A ghostly mass of intermingled bodies glides towards you. The faces of dozens of individuals distorted in agonizing pain.

XP 153,600
NE Huge Undead (incorporeal swarm)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense, Perception +23

AC 33
hp 216 (28d8+90)
Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +19
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal;
Immune undead traits, swarm traits; SR 29
Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability

Speed fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee swarm (5d6 negative energy plus energy drain)
Space 20 ft. maybe bigger?!
Special Attack Desperate Cacophony, Death Vision

Str -, Dex 20, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +18; CMB -; CMD -
Feats Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness (5 left)
Skills Fly +36 [28 ranks plus Dex-Mod +5 plus Class Skill], Intimidate +20 [16 ranks plus Cha-Mod +4], Perception +23 [18 ranks plus Wis-Mod +2, plus Class Skill], Stealth +36 [28 ranks + Dex-Mod +5 plus Class Skill]
Languages Telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Desperate Cacophony (Su) The wrongfulness and tragedy involved in the death of the souls make them so sad, angry and desperate, that they start wailing and screaming as soon as they feel any signs of life nearby. The wailing fills the air in a 20 ft. radius, making concentration difficult, much like the spell, distracting cacophony (from Ultimate Magic), but with a slightly more difficult DC. Casting a spell in this area requires a concentration check (DC 20 + level of the spell being cast).

Death Vision (Su) The moment a soulswarm is finally put to rest, the creature which killed the swarm gains a vision of the moment of death of the souls. This vision is so intense, that the creature becomes shaken for 24 hours, if it doesn't succeed on a Fortidude Save (DC25). If the save succeeds, the shaken condition last for 10 minutes only.

Resurrection Vulnerability (Su) A resurrection cast on a soulswarm reduces its size by one category, a minimum of Medium. A true resurrection destroys it instantly.

Sometimes, when dozens of people die at the same time because of the same reason, be that a human made event or a natural desaster, their souls bind together to overcome their grieve and form a soulswarm. The same is true if people die in a massacre, where the wrongfulness and injustice of the act has the same effect.
In some cases, if the relatives and survivors honor those dead, the forming of such a swarm can be prevented from happening. But if the dead are just being left behind without proper burial, a really frightful and horrendous creature comes into existence.

A soulswarm is a flying intermingled mass of dozens of souls, which claw out and scream at the living. Being an undead creature, a soulswarm doesn't need to breathe, so it can also be found underwater.
The soulswarm presented here is a typical example of its kind. Depending on the kind of death the souls experienced, a soulswarm may have other powers as well.

Liberty's Edge

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I don't know if this might be a thing for the player's guide, but I had this idea for this AP, which might work for other Groups as well and could be entered as advice in the pg:

Everybody get's to make his own pc, roll's his stats, selects class, race, spells, skills, etc. and that's it.

After that, they hand their charactersheet over to me, the DM.

I give that sheet (in secret) to one of the other Players, who than has to come up with a background-story for this rolled-up pc. That player doesn't know yet who's pc this is.

This way, the pc's really have no idea who they are, other than knowing what they are cabable of (their pc-sheet).

During the campaign (if this works, I obviously haven't read the AP yet) I will Hand out pieces of their background-story.
This way, they really have to figure out who they are, and where they came from...

Good idea?!

Liberty's Edge

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I would love to have a huge city campaign with multiple things going on and thought about combining HR wit CotCT.

First thought was that Ileosa and Barzillai would be working together with Ileosa trying to become what she wants in CotCT and Barzillai what he wants in order to rule the lands together.

I am just starting thinking this over and would like to know, if someone had the same idea?! I am still not sure of this might work, but maybe someone here has some great ideas on how to get such a campaign going...

Liberty's Edge

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Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
No, that's incorrect. The shadow's attack is a natural weapon and you do not get iterative attacks with natural weapons. See the Greater Shadow: it has a BAB of +6 but only one attack.

Can you tell me where to find that rule?!

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

How about this one,
(I hope it wasn't mentioned before, 'cause I didn't read the whole thread) from july 2010...


Dryder wrote:

I found this in SINS OF THE SAVIORS:"The Scribbler took this as a sign that Lamashtu’s designs on the region are of great importance, and rightly so,
but for now the Mother of Monsters has chosen to keep her plans
for the Lost Coast a secret."

I Wonder, if we can expect another AP or Module, dealing with Lamashtus Plans on the Region?


James Jacobs wrote:

Lamashtu's plans for the Lost Coast are still secret. You've encountered a super-deep easter egg that I put into the adventure to foreshadow some stuff I've got planned for the Lost Coast in an upcoming product... a product that's still quite a ways off.

For now, though, think of it only as the ominous storm clouds on the horizon...

Liberty's Edge

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First of all, thanx Shaun, for this work!

I tried to get actual dates to those happenings.
I started from this line in Part 4: "It is another frigid Fireday in the month of Abadius"
So I decided, it's the second Fireday of 4715AR. Taking a real world calendar, this Was the 9th of January (Friday) 2015. From there on, the following came to be...

22.12.4714AR (Moonday)
Part1: Council about the News of the Glorious Reclamation

29.12.4714AR (Moonday)
Part2: Learn about BT's imminent arrival

01.01.4715 (Oathday)
Part3: Witness the arrival of BT

09.01.4715AR (Fireday)
Part4: Jilia Bainilus goes missing

11.01.4715AR (Sunday)
Parts 5a+b: Night of Ashes

13.01.4715AR (Toilday)
Part6: Proclamations are made known

18.01.4715AR (Sunday)
Aria Park Protest: Start of Campaign

Sure, AP's start in the same month of the year as they come out, but as I had already sent those infos to my players, I went with it, and having BT arrive on new years day is pretty cool!
Maybe this helps some of you out...

Liberty's Edge

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Or does anyone know a way of getting rid of those devils on the map on your own?
I am not a grafix pro, but maybe it is doable in GIMP, or anything like that?!

Liberty's Edge

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Is there any way to get that AWESOME map of Kintargo without those creatures all over it?!
That is an awesome map, but those creatures just don't do it and they might get players to expect certain things in places (true or not).
Is it possible to give us a download without the creatures?
That would make that map the best handout ever!

Liberty's Edge

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And when issue 200 happens, I will still be saying:"But Wes said, that in issue #101 we would get to know..." :)

Liberty's Edge

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Great issue, but I was disappointed, that we still didn't get to know what happened to Aroden!

Liberty's Edge

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I really think that "bloat" doesn't have to be a problem.
Not talking to your players is.
Admittetly I DM for a group of old friends only, not for people I don't know, like it mostly is the case when DMing Society or via the internet.
Anyway - talking to players makes bloat no problem at all.
I told my players:"Look guys, I don't want to keep that stuff away from you. Try what you want to try and play what you want to. But with all the rules out there, it is impossible for me to know every single clitch in the game or rules! If something is too overpowered or makes the game too easy for your, or, most of all, does make other players feel like their pcs doesn't matter, we have that change things!"

This is understood, and I, as the DM am at ease, knowing if stuff like what the OP was talking about happens mit can be changed readily.

Liberty's Edge

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I love the APs and the modules Paizo publishes. I know, that a lot of buyers only get them for the pleasure of reading a great story.

But in the end, it's still an adventure-module (however big), and it's main use should be for the GM using it at the table.
Therefore, the information in it should be easily processible.

Actually, I don't like the idea, that my life as a GM is made harder, because there are people who rather use the product in an unintended way (meaning, they only like to read it), and being served first.

It's an adventure-module for a roleplaying game. The guys who should get the most out of it are the GMs, not the guys who buy it for the joy of reading. I am not even sure, if the joy of reading would be diminished by a new format...

The Dungeon-Delve format was one of the worst inventions in adventure-module presentation!
But it would be cool, if Paizo would at least consider a more user-friendly format, IF (a big IF) enough people would care about a new one.

Prepping APs is a pain in the XXX - every help would be welcome.
I am presently preparing Shattered Star part5. And there are a lot of rooms in there. Knowing them all is really tough. Having a fast way of knowing what's inside that room (especially, when the creature entry is on the next page), would be a TREMENDOUS help!
Having the opponent mentioned in the read-aloud text would be far easier for the DM, and adjusting the description of that encounter-area if the players get there a second time is also easier than the way that inforamtion is presented now (among others).

Liberty's Edge

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Is this serious?!
Are we really talking about the art not fitting a given statblock?!
Wow - just wow!

*face palm*

You know what, from now on I will not allow my players any item, or ability which is not recognizeable in the artwork for their pc. That, surely will make them happy! :)

Liberty's Edge

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I just watched James Cameron's Avatar movie the other day.
That huge Dragon, which Sully tames, flies in the Jungle. Looks cool. Of course, there will definiatelly be placed where a Eoc will not be able to spread his wings...

Liberty's Edge

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Uff, wow! Scanning the boards and stumbling over this precious little (well, huge) diamond!
I can't express enough how helpful those books are.
I thank you so much for your work! Can't tell you how much it is appreciated!
A thousand thanks from my players as well!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My players can add their CON score to their hp at first level. This stopped the stupid 8hrs rest after a single encounter.
Worked beautifully in two campaigns.
At higher levels, those additional hp just don't matter anymore.

So, @1st level: max hp + CON-Mod. + CON-Score.

Liberty's Edge

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You remember the Chronicles section of the original RotRL AP?!
There was that part, where Eando Kline went to that bloatmage...

I had my group travel to Kaer Maga, and Sheila told them, she would send one of her agents to the city, to get them the ion-stone.
What she didn't say was, that the agent had to get that stone first from a merchant (Dakar, I think that was the Name).
I played the whole part with that bloatmage and it was a lot of fun. PC helped the agent to get that stone and planned the whole Thing. I also placed some traps on the doors of the bloatmages shop.

This got us away for a whole session from dungeon crawling.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I really loved the small FR books which were called "Volo's Guide to "X"".
Those were awesome. Such books for Golarion - instant buy!

See here, for what I mean.

Liberty's Edge

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I know, it's been said a hundred times, but it can,t be said enough: Paizo's customer service is awesome!

They never make a fuss about anything.
Canceling a subscription is so easy! I am german, and canceling a sub here in Germany is a huge pain!
You have to cancle a certain amount of time beforehand, otherwise the sub get's extended another year automatically.
With Paizo? Just shoot them an eMail, and - done!

So, again, thank you for being so awesomely fuss-free, down-to-earth and uncomplicated as you are!

Liberty's Edge

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery all the way from Germany!
Get well soon!

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I missed such a list, and because there's so much info stored in the various articles, and taking every single AP from my shelf to find a special article is too much work, I thought I could compile such a list. Maybe some of you find it helpful, so I decided to post it here.
I only listed the accompanying articles, and didn't include the Journals or Bestiary (although a full list of the monsters to be found there would be cool as well). Further, from AP 49 on, Paizo included articles like the NPC Gallery and the Treasure-Section, which I also kept out of the list.
Entries written in capital letters are articles about a god, and entries written within "" are Set Pieces, which appeared from AP 13 through 24. If you find mistakes, just post them here. I plan to update this list in the future.
So, here we go...

01 Sandpoint, The History of Thassilon
02 Magnimar, DESNA
03 Keeping the Keep, Varisia
04 Borne of Stone (Giants), Dragons of Golarion
05 Magic of Thassilon, LAMASHTU
06 Karzoug the Claimer, Hazards on the World's Roof

07 Harrow, People of the Road (Varisian way of life)
08 Plague and Pestilence, ABADAR
09 Faces of the Earthbound Evils (Rakshasas), The Red Mantis
10 The Cinderlands, People of the Storval Plateau
11 The Hold of Belkzen, ZON-KUTHON
12 Relics of Kazavon, Harrow Deck of many things

13 Riddleport: City of Cyphers, The Gold Goblin, "St. Casperian's Salvation"
14 The Stars are right (Solar System), CAYDEN CAILEAN, "Teeth of Araska"
15 Celwnynian, Drow of Golarion, "Lament for Emerald Rain"
16 Zirnakaynin, Abominations of the Drow, "The Blood Below"
17 Kyonin, CAILISTRIA, "Sun Dagger's Crown"
18 The Land of Black Blood (Darklands), Demon Lord's of Golarion, "Infestation"

19 Gnolls of the Brazen Peaks, "Refuge of Nethys"
20 In the Shadow of Pale Mountain, SARENRAE, "Coils of Fire"
21 Tales and Truths of Genies, The Katapesh Marketplace, "Hell of Eternal Thirst"
22 The Seals of Sulesh the Great, Keepers of Chaos (Proteans), "Waves of Kakishan"
23 The City of Brass, ROVAGUG, "Beyond the Chain of Fire"
24 Spawn of Rovagug, Wishcraft, "The Decanter of Black Death"

25 Westcrown, Tieflings of Golarion
26 The Six Trials of Larazod, IOMEDAE
27 Treasures of the Pathfinders, Hellknights
28 In the Fiends Grasp (Possession), Path of the Hellknight
29 Ecology of the Thieves Guild, ASMODEUS
30 Catastrophe!, MAMMON

31 Exploration, Brevoy
32 Of Cities and Kings, ERASTIL
33 Iobaria Gazetteer, Into the Stolen Lands
34 Ecology of the Boggard, The Soils of Kings
35 Pitax, GORUM
36 Beyond Kingmaker, The First World

37 Shipwrecked!, Ecology of the Serpentfolk
38 Eleder, GOZREH
39 Expedition to Saventh-Yhi, The Path of Juju
40 Ecology of the Charau-Ka, Dungeon Deathtraps
41 Ilmurea: Shimmering Spiral of the South, NETHYS
42 Beyond Serpent's Skull, YDERSIUS

43 Ravengro, Haunts: Te Unquiet Dead
44 PHARASMA, Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye
45 The Whipsering Way, Ecology of the Lycanthrope
46 Cults of the Dark Tapestry
47 Caliphas, URGATHOA
48 Continuing the Campaign, Liches of Golarion

49 Sandpoint Hinterlands, Ecology of the Oni
50 Kalsgard, SHELYN
51 Crown of the World
52 Ecology of the Kami, Way of the Ninja
53 Minkai, IRORI
54 Continuing the Campaign, Kasai

55 The Life of a Pirate, BESMARA
56 Oceans of Golarion
57 Port Peril, Scourges of the Shackles
58 Mysteries of the Shackles, Ecology of the Cyclops
59 Fleet Battles, NORGORBER
60 Continuing the Campaign, Sea Monsters of Golarion

61 The Shattered Star
62 The Gray Maidens, TORAG
63 Gangs of Kaer Maga, Missions in Magnimar
64 Before Sin (Qlippoths)

Liberty's Edge

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Sounds cool!

I also made Kreed a bit more evil.


In D0 one of the encounters is about a fox caught in a trap. My group saved the fox an cared for him, so that he got healthy again.

During the campaign, the fox showed up again and again, and the group realized, that the fox wanted to show them something. The fox lead them to Kreeds manor again and again. So they finally decided to break and enter, to show what's inside the manor.

I had a huge complex beneath Kreed manor (old, even before Falcons Hollow was built), were Kreed held Ulizmilla as a prisoner. I decided to keep Ulizmilla alive, and made her an important person for the fey of Darkmoon Wood. The fox I made her companion (made her a witch).
Ulizmilla's guard has been a Devil, and documents, which the group found in a secret room downstairs, showed, that Kreed and Baron Vendikon (from the module Tower fo the Last Baron), were planning to get the wood to Cheliax, rather than Andoran. They both were in the planning stages on how to accomplish that.
The devil was a "present" of Baron Vendikon, so that Kreed could keep Ulizmilla imprisoned, in order to blackmail the fey of the woods to not interfere with logging.

Liberty's Edge

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I just realized, after finishing my Darkmoon campaign and starting RotRL, that Varisia doesn't have it's own guide.
The Guide to Darkmoon Vale was a tremendous help during gaming and preparing, as a "one place to look stuff up"-source.
But, unfortunately, there's no such thing for Varisia! All infos are scattered throughout other products - Jade Regent #1, articles in other APs, etc...
Ok, we have the Companion, but I really would love to get my DM sourcebook, called Guide to Varisia, 64 pages of awesome goodness!

Liberty's Edge

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I really like the paper minis line.
I have one issue, which came up repeatedly during gaming.

It is far easier to use a swarm mini, if it is just outright flat, not a figure, like the other ones.
It's easier to move it around, and it is far more obvious who is caught in the swarm after it moved...

So, would it be possible to just give us a picture of a swarm (of the correct size), without the base, which can be laid onto the battlemap?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh my, and my order is still pending...
Can't wait to read part two!
Awesome web enhancement, well done!

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I've learned

...what customer SERVICE really can mean!

...that people who care about their product, make a great product.

...that it is good to not make a secret of the things a company is planning to publish. finally play with minis! :) hurray Wizkids & Paizo! almost forget about my two beloved magazines Dungeon and Dragon.

Thanx, Paizo, for what and how you're doing what you do!