Jeggare Noble

Doctor Who's page

14 posts. Alias of Fallen_Mage.

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So this morning I found myself thinking about the Guns and Gears book description and I thought 'What if we recreated the Planet Express crew from Futurama in PF2E?'

Clearly Bender would be whatever they have for the Construct Ancestry with the Rogue Class and Professor Farnsworth would be a Human Inventor. I have own thought on the rest of the crew, but I'm curious what other people would do.

Let me know below.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is for Secret Checks for GM's. Mainly me, but it's open to all GM's that would like to roll here.

You awake in a fairly large chamber with a narrow walkway flanked by two rows of holding cells, twelve in total. At one end of the chamber is a sturdy looking reinforced wooden door. The cells are made of a series of iron bars, each an inch thick. Three lanterns hang from the ceiling gently swaying back and forth, causing the shadows of the bars to drift side to side. A hint of must fills your nostrils as you look around finding each cell except one is filled with a different occupant, some you recognize, others you don't.

Hello one and all to the Isle of Cadranite.

Before we begin, are there any questions?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Isle of Cadranite. A land of many adventures and mysteries. One in particular over the last fifty years has caused many of the smaller towns and villages to fear the dark. A figure is known as The Piper. In the middle of summer every few years he strikes, abducting several children, holding them prisoner for two or three days, then returns them. No physical damage is done to them, other than a strange blue mark on their wrist and months of nightmares.

In the town of Swampwood, on a warm summers eve, you hear a strange tune come through your bedroom window...


Hello, one and all to the start of your adventuring careers.

This story starts with you as the lastest abductees of The Piper. A little homebrew module I have put together for PF2E. You will start off at Level 0, as per found here. Once the Prelude has finished the story will jump ahead some years and your characters being level 2.

Character Creation:

- Use rules for Level 0 Characters (linked above).
- Please provide a short backstory for your character. It does not need to be too long, but it does need to provide a connection to another young NPC (i.e. a sibling, best friend, rival, etc.)

Recruitment Process:

- This thread will be open until 9/26/20 at Midnight (UTC-8, aka Pacific Time) You will need to have at least the background finished.

- I am looking for 3-5 players. I have 1 player already interested, and possibly another (but they haven't

- Since the crunch side of things is going to be fairly light, given how Level 0 works, I will be judging your character concept more on the fluff side of things.

- After players have been chosen, we will take some time to solidify the crunch.


- As standard, posting once a day would be appreciated and at least once a weekend. Please attempt to let me know if you are going to be delayed in posting.

Any questions?

Let the discussions begin.

Thread Created.

For nearly half a century now there has been a figure lurking in the rural countryside. Every few years he re-surges and abducts several children from various villages and small towns and holds them prisoner for a few days before returning them unharmed. At least physically, the nightmares that follow usually last a lifetime.

On this night, you were sound asleep in your bed and then you were awoken by the strange call of music that you have never heard before........


Welcome to the start of your adventuring career young heroes!

This is a homebrew one-shot that I originally created for PF1E using the Young Character rules. Turned out much more difficult to pull off than I intended. Now with the GMG for 2E, I have revived this adventure to see if it holds better.

Character Creation:

- Use the rules for Level 0 Characters. (If you are wanting to do the apprentice option for a class, that is fine too.)

- A short backstory of your character. It doesn't need to be too long, perhaps a couple paragraphs. You're starting off a young characters after all. Please include an NPC that you (and possibly other PCs) share a connection with. (i.e. Sibling, best friend, rival, etc)

Recruitment Process:

- This thread will be open until 5/1/20 at Midnight (UTC-8, aka Pacific Time) You will need to have at least the background finished.

- I am looking for 4-6 players

- Since the crunch side of things is going to be fairly light, given how Level 0 works, I will be judging your character concept more on the fluff side of things.

- After players have been chosen, we will take some time to solidify the crunch.


- As standard, posting once a day would be appreciated, once a weekend.

- At this time, I do not plan on continuing this adventure after it has been completed. However, that may be subject to change depending on how things go.

Any questions?


I'm sending out some feelers to see if there is anyone interested in playing PF 2nd Ed.

Feel free to respond here or PM me.

Okay, said I'd get this up, and here it is.

Character Generation

Starting Level: 1

Starting Credits: 1500

Starting Gear Level:
Weapons and Armor (including their upgrades and accessories) - 1
Other Adventuring Items - 2

Stat Generation:
3 Methods to choose from

1) Point buy - Rules found here.

2) Rolling - roll 4d6, drop lowest. Allowed 1 free 18

3) Ability Picks - Choose Ability Scores from the following array: 16, 16, 11, 10, 10, 10. Then apply Race and Theme modifiers.

Note: No Ability Score can be over 18 (including modifiers)

Races Allowed: Any from this page

Classes Allowed: Any from this page and from the Playtest


Ten years. That is how long it has been since you were tricked into slaying your wife by those 'holier than thou' bastards. While you killed the four men that were with you that day, the other three, you've been hunting. The first you got six years ago and after much exposure to exquisite pain, he gave up the location of the second. And when you finally caught her, well, it took a year to break her. And now, you stand in front of the bordello that Davick visits occasionally. Surely, one of the courtesans within will have information for the next step in your journey.

Your standard discussion forum. *suppressing grin*

It’s been days since your trial which sentenced you to imprisonment at Branderscar Prison, a place known throughout Talingarde for being inescapable. Now the time has finally arrived for you to be transported to the fortress turned prison. While chained, you are roughly dragged from your holding cell into the caged wagon with a few others, also sentenced as you.

Days pass as you are transported from Daveryn to Branderscar. In one village, you overhear Caravan Master state that he doesn’t like the state the roads ahead. The Captain disregarded the warning, stating, ”This waste of skin needs to be delivered to Branderscar, and I have never missed a delivery. We push on.”

The prison caravan begins moving on.

I've been looking at the Drift Engine table on page 298, and I'm a little confused.

The Max Size seems to be backwards to me. I would think that the most powerful Engine wouldn't be limited to such a small ship size. I know Medium isn't really small, but it prevents Capitol Ships from truly benefiting.

Am I wrong? Or is this actually a typo?

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.

Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.

You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.

Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.

For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

Well, here it is, the Discussion/Character Gen thread for GMSCV's Way of the Wicked.

As far as the CGen goes, I'll be fairly open to most anything concerning Race and Class. When it comes to ability scores, you have two choices.

1) Focus and Foible: Choose one stat to be 18 and another to be 8. The other 4 stats are determined in order by 1d10+7. No re-rolls.

2) 25-Point Buy: I'm confident you're all fairly familiar with this, and don't need it explained.

Any further questions, either ask here or PM me.

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So I've been thinking lately, 'I wonder if other players have come up the idea of creating characters inspired by rock/metal bands?'

I'll start, here's my first attempt, based off of several songs by Hammerfall:

Hector Hammerfall:

Human warpriest (champion of the faith) 15/Champion 6
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses tremorsense 20 ft.; Perception +9
AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 28 (+14 armor, +1 Dex, +2 dodge, +4 shield)
hp 240 (15d8+120)
Fort +16, Ref +9, Will +18
Defensive Abilities fortification 25%, hard to kill, mythic saving throws, sacred armor (+3, 15 minutes/day); Immune disease, fear; Resist cold 20, electricity 30, fire 20; SR 17
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee heavy shield bash +14/+9/+4 (1d4+3) or
. . retribution +17/+12/+7 (2d6+5/×3 plus 2d6 vs. evil plus 1d6 electricity)
Special Attacks blessings 10/day, fervor 11/day (5d6), mythic power (15/day, surge +1d8), sacred weapon
Warpriest (Champion of the Faith) Spells Prepared (CL 15th; concentration +19)
. . 5th—breath of life[M] (DC 19), righteous might, summon monster V
. . 4th—cure critical wounds[M], mythic severance (2, DC 18), order's wrath (DC 18), restoration
. . 3rd—cure serious wounds[M] (2), daylight[M], invisibility purge, remove curse, remove disease
. . 2nd—bull's strength (2), cure moderate wounds[M] (3), lesser restoration
. . 1st—cure light wounds[M] (2), detect undead, remove fear (2), stunning barrier[ACG] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—guidance, light, mending, stabilize, virtue
. . M mythic spell
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB +14; CMD 27
Feats Additional Traits, Death From Above[M], Distance Thrower[UC], Divine Protection[ACG], Dodge[M], Eschew Materials[M], Improved Initiative, Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Leadership, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Toughness, Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Traits natural-born leader, oathbound
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Fly +3, Heal +22, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +9, Spellcraft +9
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ amazing initiative, blessings (glory: demoralizing glory, glorious presence, law: axiomatic strike, battle companion), detect alignment, force of will, recuperation, smite
Combat Gear helm of electric radiance; Other Gear iron hide, spellwall, retribution, periapt of health, ring of cold resistance (major), ring of fire resistance (major), tremor boots, wings of flying
Special Abilities
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Blessings (10/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Death from Above [Mythic] When charging from higher ground or flying, +2 to crit multiplier (max x6) and free trip on a hit.
Detect Alignment (Sp) As a move action, focus on target in 60 ft to learn if has opposed alignment.
Distance Thrower Reduce ranged penalties for thrown weapons by 2
Divine Source (2 domains) (Su) You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause.
Dodge [Mythic] Use 1 power to gain a +10 dodge bonus against one attack.
Energy Resistance, Cold (20) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (30) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (20) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Eschew Materials [Mythic] Ignore M components up to 10 gp/tier. Use 1 power for 50 gp/tier or 2 for 100 gp/tier.
Fervor (5d6, 11/day) (Su) Standard action, touch channels positive/negative energy to heal or harm. Swift to cast spell on self.
Flight (60 feet, Average) You can fly!
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, use 1 power to reroll any d20, or force non-mythic to reroll.
Fortification 25% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Helm of electric radiance Grants weapons shocking ability.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Non-Mythic Fear (Ex) You are immune to fear from non-mythic sources.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Leadership (Base Score 19) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Limitless Range (Ex) Throw any melee weapon as if it had a range increment of 20 ft.
Longevity (Su) You don't take penalties to physical ability scores due to aging.
Mythic Power (15/day, Surge +1d8) Use this power to perform your mythic abilities.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Oathbound (1/day) Reroll a saving throw against a Charm or Compulsion effect.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Sacred Armor +3 (15 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant armor enhancement bonus or certain powers. Use 1 fervor as free action to also activate Sacred weapon.
Sacred Weapon (1/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon axiomatic for 1 min.
Smite (3/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain +3 att, +15 dam, and +3 to AC vs. chaotic foe in sight.
Spell Resistance (17) You have Spell Resistance.
Sudden Attack (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to make melee att, roll twice with +6 bonus and bypass all DR.
Surge (1d8) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Tremorsense (20 feet) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.

19 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bonus Spells: At 7th level, an eldritch scion gains the bonus spell from his bloodrager bloodline that is normally gained at 10th level. He gains the next three bonus spells from his bloodline at 9th, 11th, and 13th levels, respectively.
This ability replaces knowledge pool.

My question is, what about the 7th level bonus spell? Does one still get it in addition to the one they would get at 10th, or is it just skipped?

Where the Fates decide the paths of heroes.

(And discuss other non-game related things.)

You awaken in one of twelve cells lined up six on each side of a fairly large room, with the light of a single lantern casting shadows of the bars upon the floor and walls. The air of the room is musty and almost uncomfortable to breathe and despite the fact the room is made of stone no echoes can be heard. The last thing you remember was hearing some hauntingly beautiful flute music that seemed to call out to you.

There are more children in the other cells, most are human, but there appears to be a Half-Orc, a Sylph, a Nagaji, a Catfolk, and one that looks...different. The strange one looks like an elf, of which you have seen a few, but this one's head is hairless and has skin that is very dark. So dark in fact, that the Elf seems to blend into the shadows of the cell.

Here you can put questions, comments and snide remarks. Enjoy.

For the past several decades, the Isle of Cadranite has been plagued by a figure known as The Piper. He appears at random and abducts a certain amount children either from their homes or while they are out doing other activities. Once obtained, he demands ransom from the parents for their safe return. Many Adventurers have been hired to track down this fiend, but none have been able to succeed.

In the town of Swampwood, he has struck again. This time he has taken twelve and demanded two hundred gold pieces for their return.


Welcome everyone, to the very start of your character’s career. This one-shot adventure is designed to use the Young rules, listed here, and to provide a spring-board for characters to get to know each other prior to going out and becoming legendary heroes.

My goal: When this adventure is finished, your characters will proceed into adulthood and start their Adventuring Careers.

Character Generation:

Starting Level: 3

Stats: 20 point buy. Don’t forget, as young PC’s you get a +2 to Dex and a -2 to Str, Con, Wis. These will be removed at the end of the game.

Hit points: Max at 1st, average plus one each level after or roll.

Traits: One

Races: Core and Featured from Advanced Race Guide

Classes: NPC Classes only.

Starting Gear: None, you’ll be starting in a cell. Don’t worry,
equipment will be provided later.

Party size: Six

Posting: At least 1/day during the week, and on weekends if possible.

What am I looking for in a character:
Normally I’m looking for a really well done background. However, given the style of adventure this is, I’m only asking for a brief one. It needs to answer the following questions:

- What does your parent(s)/guardian(s) do for a living?

- Were you born in Swampwood?

- What interests does your character have?

- What does your character dream of being when they’re older?

Submission Cut-off: May 18th. Crunch need not be complete, but Fluff is required to be.

Post OOC comments, questions and snide remarks here.

It has been some days since you first heard the call to arms, days spent travelling to Doronan, Capitol of the Known World. For some of you, the city is not a new sight. For the rest, the sight is something to behold. Every building seems to have some sort of ruinic mosaic upon its doors. Even the air seemed alive with the smells of exotic cuisine and the bustling of people in the marketplace. Eventually, you made your way to the Council Building, where you were instructed to wait until the days affairs were finished. The room was decorated in teal and royal blue banners, carvings of various beautiful creatures from all over the world. Looking around at the others who answered the call, you can’t help but wonder if the rumors were true. Did the Council truly intend to release the Tarrasque, or was it just a rumor?

Five hundred years ago, it fell from the sky, a mountainous tower of black metal that seemed to radiate pure evil. Since that time, hoards of unspeakable horrors have roamed the land, terrorizing all in their path. Many attempts to siege The Void Tower, as it is known, have failed. In these dark times, the surviving council members have hatched a desperate plan that many would call insane, releasing the Tarrasque. This mighty creature was imprisoned centuries ago by the Seven Heroes, a group of very powerful Adventurers who somehow managed to gain control of the monster with seven mysterious amulets. With these talismans, the Council hopes to somehow use the Tarrasque to destroy The Void Tower and then hopefully put it back into its prison. The only real problem with this plan, besides unleashing possible Armageddon, is that no one knows exactly where the talismans are. So a call to arms has been sent out for Adventurers willing to undertake the retrieval of these artifacts. Will you answer the call?
Character Gen:

Starting level – Five

Stat Generation – Focus/Foible: One stat (your choice) 18, One stat (again, your choice) 8, all other stats 1d10+7 in order. Allowed two sets of rolls, choose best. No swapping rolls.

Hit Points – Max 1st level, Average each level after.

Traits – Two

Race – Core and Featured from Advanced Race Guide

Classes – All from Core, APG, Ultimate Magic and Combat are allowed.

Starting Gold - 10,500 GP

Note – All 3rd party content will be considered on a case by case basis.

Party size: Four

Posting – As GM, I will strive to post as much as possible daily, and wish the players I accept to post at least 1/day weekdays, weekends as well if at all possible. Please notify me, if possible, when you will be unable to post for an extended period.

What I am looking for in characters:
The main deciding factor will be backgrounds. I am not looking for optimized characters, but rather ones that make sense with their past. You do not necessarily need to have a completed profile to be chosen, but I require the background at least be listed upon submission of said profile.

Sumbmittion cutoff date: Two weeks. You only need the fluff submitted to be considered for the campaign.

*Casts: Create Thread*
I got to thinking this morning, what is the general concensus the range levels?

I consider the following:

  • Low: 1 - 7
  • Mid: 8 - 14
  • High: 15+

    What do you consider the ranges to be?

  • For those that have no idea what I'm talking about, look at this.

    It seems pretty simple to convert to Pathfinder. I just want some fresh ideas on:

    • What can I use to replace the Brigands instead of the stereotypical orcs, bandits, etc.
    • What would be a good BBEG for the Tower itself. Preferably not the Evil Mage, Tyrant King, Dark Priest, so on and so forth.

    I am just curious what zany ideas the community has to offer.

    Here is the situation.

    I have a friend that wants to start a new campaign with 1st level characters and I've managed to talk my wife into giving it a try. After looking through the books, she has decided to play a Half-Elf Sorceror with the Verdant Bloodline.

    Normally I don't have an issue coming up with a backstory but, I'm hitting a stone wall for ideas here. I've come up with two so far. One where she is looking for her parents after they were taken in a bandit raid and the other is her searching for an ancient artifact.

    Can anyone help me on this? I just need some seeds here as to why she turned to a life of adventure. I can figure out the rest of the details later.

    Thanks in advance.

    This may be a little Metagamey, but basically this stems from a thought I had when I read the final BBEG in the Kingmaker AP. It consists of the Contingency and Fireball.

    Think about it.

    A Fighter runs up and cleaves the evil Wizard's skull in two, then BOOM, Maximized Fireball at point blank. Ouch.

    Anyway just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts of how to make players a little leary about the old run up a hit him hard tactic.

    I was looking at the Stalwart Defender Damage Reduction, which states:

    Stawart Defender wrote:
    Damage Reduction (Ex): At 5th level, a stalwart defender gains DR 1/—. At 7th level, this DR increases to 3/—, and at 10th level it increases to 5/—. Damage reduction from different sources does not stack; however, a stalwart defender of 5th or higher level that gains DR from armor (but not from any other source) increases his class-based DR by the value of the armor's DR. Thus a 7th-level stalwart defender wearing adamantine full plate (DR 3/—) has DR 6/—.

    Emphasis mine

    Then I got to thinking, what about the Barbarian DR (Yes, it's possible)? The way I'm reading it seems to be no, but yet I don't see why it couldn't. Is it legal to stack them, or do I need to houserule it?

    Thanks in advance.


    Gods controlled the flow of magic in the world until they died. After a few centuries, magic reappeared in the world.


    How do Clerics, Paladins, and Inquisitors get their spells without Gods granting them?


    It's easy to explain the other classes. Wizards and Magi study the mechanics, Sorcerors and Oracles are born into it, Druids and Rangers get it from Nature, and Alchemists use their own magical aura.

    I'm not looking for a new game mechanic, just an explanation that works.

    Thanks in advance.

    Been trying to come up with a way to create a class that functions like the Benders in Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV Show not the Movie). I figured the Monk class would be a good starting point as far as base concept.

    For the damage types of each style, I thought Air = Force, Earth = Bludgeoning\Piercing (dependant on how you shaped the rock), Fire = Fire (no brainer), Water = Slashing\Cold (Cold comes with more advanced moves).

    The main issue I seem to be having is progression and flavor. Roughly what I have in mind is Low level = Basic attack (1d8 damage type), Block and High level = Ultimate (i.e. Fire = Lightning, Air = Tornado like effect, Water = Tidal Wave, Earth = This one's tricky, haven't figured it out yet.)

    It's not much, but at this stage it's still a pretty rough concept. Any help is welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

    Organized Play Characters

    Sovereign Court Rosa Luminas

    Female Tefling Cleric (15 posts)
    Sovereign Court Lady Alya De Qill

    Lady Alya De-Qill Investigator - Psychic Detective [L4] [LN] HP 23/23|AC17/21,T13/17,FF14/18|F +1*/R+7/W+5|CMB +3, CMD 15|Init+3|Per+10| SM +8/+8* | Ins6/6 day | LLV 120' | (454 posts)
    Shade of the Uskwood
    Sovereign Court Lady Alya De-Qill
    (91 posts)
    Sovereign Court Kyomi Oha Yashia

    Female kitsune Kineticist - Overwhelming Soul [L1] AC 15, T 13, FF 12 | F +3*/R+6/W+1 | HP 8/8 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | Condition: None (16 posts)
    Dataphiles Lady Onyx De Haland

    Female lashunta xenoseeker technomancer 1 (27 posts)
    Envoy's Alliance Lady Alya De-Quinn

    Lady Alya De-Quinn
    Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
    Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard (95 posts)
    Horizon Hunters SUKE-BAN

    Elf (0 posts)


    (78 posts)
    (28 posts)

    AI - 000EC6 (21 posts)

    Android Mighty Godling L7 / GearHead L7 / Helmsman L7 (59 posts)

    Acrobat +13, Climb +6, Heal +8, Kn(All) +9, Escape Artist+13 , Perception +8, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +13/23, Survival +9
    HP 32/32; Initi+8; Darkvision 60ft; Fort+4/ Re+10/ Will+6; AC 24* / T20 / FF 13*; CMB +6; CMD 26; Speed 50ft; 22/27PP SF4/4 Ki4/4
    Female Replcant, monk L4/psion L4 (65 posts)
    Aannraa Sal Da Qill

    Female Atomie [Mutent Fey] Atomie[CR1] (193 posts)
    Tin Golem
    AI Mecha Suit

    Construct (1 post)
    Katra Sebine
    Al-eon Sal-Del Hil-leen

    Image Android AC 19/FF15/T14 | F+3 R+9 W+7 | HP 45/45 | Init+4 (27 posts)
    Golden Orb

    Psicrystal L19 (13 posts)
    Denrelwe Azrinae

    Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day (222 posts)
    Dinvaya Lanalei

    kineticist (Overwhelming Soul) / Investigator (Physic detective) AC 12/16*/20**FF10/14*18**T12/16* CMB 12 | F+2 R+4 W+4 | HP 8/8| Init+2 | Insp 5/5 (23 posts)
    Amber Light
    (0 posts)

    Image (AC: 23/27[T: 18/22 FF: 16/20 | HP: 78/78(0NL) | F+8, R+11, W+8) Init: +5; Perception +14 | CMB: +6; CMD: 22 (23 posts)
    Jadrenka the Maiden

    Dhampir [Humanoid] (18 posts)
    Snowcaster Sentry
    Aylya Lafina

    AC 17 : HP9/9 : F+1 : R+3 : W+5 : Init +8 : Pers +4
    (149 posts)

    Female Dhampir Kineticist (Overwhelming Soul) (11 posts)
    Priestess of Pharasma
    Baroness_Annara Utoxier-Lee

    Diplomat [Psionic0/Noble3/Marines2] Human [Zhodani lineage]
    | Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4 R+2 W+6 | Init +1 | Per: +6 | PSI 14/14
    (17 posts)
    Trinia Sabor
    Beldrun Fitzroy-Brighthammer
    (2 posts)
    Illia Ean
    Belgrim Fitzroy-Brighthammer
    (2 posts)
    Bernardo Machiavelli

    Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10 (43 posts)
    Kutholiam Vuere
    Captain Sanron Cahr

    Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain] (50 posts)
    Zokar Elkarid
    Captain Smegly Rumpus

    Male Mighty Half-Giant Thinkly oucher (14 posts)
    Drow Priest
    Commander Azal-Ki-Lin

    Commander Azal-Ki-Lin Noble Drow Legendary Cleric/Investigator L20| Initi +14{+4d8 take best 2} | HP 220/220 | AC 35 T21 FF20 CMB21/CMD41 | Fort +20 Ref +22 Will +29 | Percep +52{+4d8 take best 2} | Intimidate +62/72* (19 posts)
    Winter Witch
    Cronossuss Fallen of Time

    Int+9+4d8/take_best2|HP232/232|AC36* T23* FF--|F+22* R+26* W+28*| Per: 66+2d8 | PP 404/404 | Insp-26/26 | Active conditions: incorporeal (46 posts)
    Dark Contract

    Construct Cursed Psionic Intelligent Hell Blade Hell Blade (Soulknife) 18L (1 post)

    Devil CR18 (9 posts)
    Doctor Calista De-Romana

    Init +2 | AC16/TA12/FF14 | HP8/8 | F+0/R+4/W+3 |Darkvision 60' | PP 7/7 | Per +5 Psionic Android Pison [Telepath] L1 / Investigator L1 (142 posts)
    Vendra Loaggri
    Doctor Ebrill Dwynwen

    Halfling Bard (8 posts)
    Doctor Edmond 'Angus' MacRollin

    Male Elder Dwarf 3L Cleric/Doctor (7 posts)
    Kaleb Hesse
    Doctor Ruby Redhat

    Male (188 posts)
    Augmented Gearsman
    (1 post)
    Clockwork Spy
    (1 post)

    Android PI | AC 18, T 14, FF 15 | F +4/R+8/W+7 | HP 38/38 | CMB +6, CMD 16 | Init +3 | Perception +12 | Condition: None (155 posts)

    Eleven Zee Alpha Android Psion| Initi 4 | AC 16/20*, FF 12/16* T 16/20* | Wounds 28/28 Thresh14 Vigor 14/14 |Fast-Healing 1 | F +2, R +4, W +4 |HP 0/3 | Darkvision 60' |Percept: +9 |PP3/4 (97 posts)
    Ericka Goldberg

    Elan HP Temp 218/218 +60 Temp| AC33/40/48* T20/27/30* FF28/35/40* | F+18/22 R+27/31 W+27/31 (all +4) | Init +5 | Per: +36+1d8+6 | PP 473/473 | Insp-22/24 | Hero-P 4/5 Active conditions: None (37 posts)
    Evilena Poppet Sckhold

    Female Kitsune Warlock L12 (35 posts)
    FatherBear_ PanserBjørne

    Male "PanserBjørne" synthesist Eidolon
    HP25/25 | Init +2 | F +5 | R +4 | W +5 | Per +3
    (9 posts)

    Male Taninim (Feykin) 1 M Dragon 1 [ HP: 10/10 | AC: 20 | T: 15 | FF: 17 | Fort +4 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | Init +5 / Percept +8 (Darkvision 60, Low-Light) ] (4 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    GCU "Hello Sweetie"

    Any it like and all at once AI with a space ship body. IQ 60000 (2 posts)
    Golden Orb
    Gift Fitzroy-Brighthammer

    Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND] (989 posts)
    Gimlon SpannerHand

    Male RedStar Dwarf Engineering teacher [Epic] (0 posts)
    GM Johnny Panic
    (18 posts)
    Dr Davaulus
    GM Spugly Fuglet

    Human being Game Master and all round good egg (815 posts)
    Mask Golem
    GM The Drow
    (231 posts)
    GM_Captain Wombat
    (30 posts)
    (2,389 posts)
    Judge Trabe
    (72 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    GSV "Yet more Gravitas"

    What ever I feel like what ever I feel like What ever I feel like (61 posts)

    Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118 (52 posts)
    Angel Mask
    The Harlequin

    AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5 (104 posts)
    Hector Le Grange

    Male Snow Elf L1 (1 post)
    Contract Devil
    Hector The Imp

    M Imp Rouge L16 (39 posts)
    Lady Origena Devy
    Helena Conradina Von Der Ahe

    Female AC 13/FF11/T12 | F+1 R+5 W+2 | HP 22/22 | Init+2 (49 posts)

    m Construct Psicyristal (10 posts)
    Higgledy Piggledy

    Male Halfling Cloths Designer (104 posts)
    The Iron Orchid
    (115 posts)
    Technic League Hireling
    Isabela Calista De Romano

    HP 43/43 | AC 19/23/29* FF15/19/2324* T15/19/20* | F+4 R+7 W+7 | Init +5 | Per: +14 | PP 48/60 (144 posts)
    High Clockmother Athenth Llanalir
    The Jade Rose Le Qin
    (0 posts)
    (2 posts)
    Spider Eater
    Johnny Bio Craft
    (6 posts)
    Magnifying glass
    Johnny Bio-Tattoo

    Johnny Mind state back up. L12 Johnny (1 post)
    Johnny Neural Lace

    Construct [Culture tech] Johnny L14 (6 posts)
    Johnny Panic

    Gift AC 12/FF10/T10 CMB 14 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | HP 16/16| Init+4 | PP23/23 (807 posts)
    Johnny Panic Virus

    Male/Female Human Adanvced (2 posts)
    (14 posts)
    King Ezelgar
    Kevin Hammerfist

    Female Human GM-NPC Witch + elementary school chaperon (9 posts)

    HP 37/37 | AC 14/18 | T 14 | FF 14 | Fort +3| Ref +10 *| Will +3 | Init +4 | Perc +12/+15
    Kitsune Trickster L18 (6 posts)
    Dinvaya Lanalei
    Lady Aannra One

    Female Monster Psion [Telepath] L20/UncarnetL10 / Cryptic L30 / L3 Mythic [Meta-Mind] (60 posts)
    Caroliss Minerran
    Lady Alyln De-La-Qill

    Female Dusk Elf [Native] Telepath L5 | pp 34/40 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 14/18/22 | Touch: 14/18/22 | FF: 14/18/22 | Fort: -1 | Ref: +5 | Will: +6* | Init: +4 (123 posts)
    The Lady Calista Da Romano

    Female Humanoid (human) as well as [Tiefling] outsider (native) Pison [Telepath L5] Investigator [Psychic Detective L1] (58 posts)
    Lady Calista Lisia Da Romano

    Female Aasimar Peri-Blooded (Emberkin) Psion Telepath [L5] (53 posts)
    Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano

    LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none (112 posts)
    Lady Cimbalain Li-Rolisa

    Female Elf Monk/Cleric L15 (13 posts)
    The Lady Dizit Sama

    Female Elan - humanoid (aberrant) Psion (Telepath) (12th) (201 posts)
    Satinder Morne
    Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala

    NPC Intelligence Officer (87 posts)
    Lady Kyoko Moriko

    Female Current look | AC 18/26 T 17/21 FF -- | CMD 9 | hp 48/48 THP 4/4 | F+6 R+10 W+10| Spd 40' | Init +6 | Dis +25/35, Bluff +14, SM+14, DD +12, Perc +14 (low-light), Ste+15 , UMD +10 | (32 posts)
    Lepidstadt Wizard
    Lady Lynyna Br-oul

    Current Look (132 posts)
    Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy

    Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND] (772 posts)
    Seneka Volstadt
    Lady Lyrona Del-Azeene

    Female Lady Lyrona Del-Azeene (1 post)
    Lady Naliea Inceene Lorenzz

    Female Aasimar Summoner synthesis L1 (12 posts)
    Red Mantis Assassin
    Lady Narkisssa Kekaku Eyota

    Female Noble Dhampir Investigator L8 (61 posts)
    The Lady of Pain
    (301 posts)
    Lady Onyx Bonomo

    Female Dhampir Investigator/Bard L3
    HP10/10 | D12/16* | DR4/-- | F+0 | R+2 | W+5 | Init +2 | Per +8 | PP11/9
    (97 posts)
    Lady Rosa Luminess

    Female Construct (Outsider) LN Axiomite MachineSmith L20 (Mighty - Feat) Mythic HIEROPHANT 'LAW' (Duel path GUARDIAN) T1
    Init +28 | AC53* FF41 T27 | HP226/226 | F -- | R +51 | W +49 | Per +38
    (78 posts)
    Madge Blossomheart
    Lady Rosalyn Aanya_Luminuss

    Female Aasimars [Outsider Native] Cleric L3 (49 posts)
    Drow Priest
    Lady Rozalic lric -Qill

    IMAGE Psionic Investigator AC 20*/FF16*/T18* CMB 14 | F+0 R+4 W+4 | HP 8/8| Init+2 | Insp 5/5 | 01/02 pp-day (74 posts)
    Branda Tulles
    Lady Sakuro
    (8 posts)
    Laori Vaus
    Lady Sol-Eet De-Ron-Xue

    F Elf-Psion-telepath (10 posts)
    Lady Zal -Azra Qlin-Zra

    Female LN Elan|Initi+2|HP:80/8o|AC 22/26(14/18T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F2|R10|W6) 1:Investigator L8 2:Psion L8 (274 posts)
    Lady Zarillon Dar-Qi

    Clever Godling/Investigator 10 (0 posts)
    Winter-Touched Sprite
    Lady Zarrisa Ollron

    Female Female>MerFolk | AC14/18s TO12 FF 13/14s | HP21/21/SHP24/24 | F +4/5s R +4 W +8 | CMB +0/3s CMD 13/14s | Init+2 | Perc +5 | Hp 3/5 | Chaoic Aura Sorceress (Harrow) [2] Cleric (luck) [2] Summoner (Synthesist) [2] (93 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    LCU "Rides the Storm"

    GM MPC Limited contact Unit (69 posts)
    Lord Perpireen McGibel

    Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14] (640 posts)
    Lorenna The_Winter_Rose
    (53 posts)
    White Estrid
    Lotus Larina

    Female Aasimar Cleric 16 (Sarenrae) (177 posts)
    Alastir Wade
    Marchog Linli De Rezuss

    Male Tiefling Vigilante (Warlock) [L3] / Mythic (Trickster) R1 | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | F +3*/R+7/W+7 | HP 28/28 | CMB 0, CMD 16 | Init +4 | Perception +7 | Condition: None (61 posts)
    Trinia Sabor
    Miya Setsuko Fuyaki

    Miya as tattoo'ed Monk Kitsune [Humanoid] Ninja (Formless-Nokizaru) L6 - LN- HP 39/38 | AC15/19*T13/19*/FF--/-- | F +4| R +8 | W +4 | Init +3 | Per +11 | Ki 6/6 (654 posts)
    Mask Golem
    MO Spugly fuglet
    (26 posts)
    Monsieur Aflon La Mart-tell

    Male Aasimars Cleric L1 (2 posts)
    Mrs Clempp

    Advanced Fhoo, Cat (31 posts)
    Golden Orb
    NaNi Vass

    HP 218/280 | THP10/THP80 | AC 52 T22 FF42 | F-- R+10 W+9 | Init +11 | Per:+44 |
    Prankster (10 posts)
    Member of the Whispering Way
    Nelon Sal Da Qill
    (3 posts)
    Sargava Vignette

    PSICYSTAL - Cryptic L11 (27 posts)
    Clockwork Spy
    Niric Hust Storm De Avalon

    Culture Drone [AI] Wizard 1/other 1 (13 posts)
    Onyx BlackStar

    (AC: 22/26*[T: 19/23 FF: 16/20 | HP: 75/75(THP25/25)(0NL) | F+1, R+13, W+8) Init: +9; Perception +14 | CMB: +9; CMD: 28 | Defense: Darkvision 60 (1 post)

    Onyx (AC: 21/25*[T: 16/20 FF: 17/21 | HP: 32/53(THP-)(0NL) | F+6, R+9, W+7) Init: +4; Perception +12 | CMB: +6; CMD: 22 | SP 7/11 SP 6/11 | Defense: Blindsense 60* Darkvision 60/ Resistance:Electricity/Sonic. [10] (98 posts)
    Pie Muncher

    Male Goblin 1 NPC (5 posts)
    Prince Molack Arrkka Reeeek

    Male Raven Sorcerer (2 posts)
    Dr Davaulus
    Prof Andy McMilligon

    Human Solimarni (20 posts)
    Professor Baxter Mirrermax

    Male Aasimar Wizard L7 | Init +4 | Dark vision 60', Perception +11 | AC 18/14/14 | HP 56/56 | F +5 R +8 W +8; +2 vs charm and compulsion | CMB +7, CMD 18 (22 posts)
    Qillion De-Shard

    Elan HP Temp 218/218 +60 Temp| AC33/40/48* T20/27/30* FF28/35/40* | F+18/22 R+27/31 W+27/31 (all +4) | Init +5 | Per: +36+1d8+6 | PP 473/473 | Insp-22/24 | Hero-P 4/5 Active conditions: None (118 posts)

    Att +10* / Def 10*/14 (Hardness 4)/Force shield 10*) / Toughness 10* / Dodge 10 / Fort -- / Ref 4 / Will +10 / Insubstantial 3 (Force*) (101 posts)
    Sussessa Amakye
    Rosa Luminaass

    ROSA LUMINAASS IMAGE HERE Axiomite (128 posts)
    Rosa Luminass

    Female looking Tiefling [Devil Blooded] [outsider (native)] Cleric (LAW) (751 posts)
    Drow Priest
    Rosa Luminasss

    Drow Legendary Cleric/Investigator L20| Initi +9+4d8 take best 2 | HP 186/186 | AC 35 T21 FF20 CMB21/CMD41 | Fort +22 Ref +22 Will +28 | Percep +34 | Intimidate +44/49*| (245 posts)

    Acrobat -2, Heal +9, Kn(All) +3/+7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -2 HP 28/28; Initi+2; Darkvision 60ft; Fort+7/ Re+2/ Will+5; AC 21 / T13 / FF 18; CMB +5; CMD 15; Speed 30ft; Female - Fighter L1 Cleric L2 - Tiefling Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed) (150 posts)

    Rosa.Luminass. Demi-God Init +TBC| ACT60/80* TT47/67* FF-- |HP800/800|F+70/90*|R+70/90*| W+70/90* | SR45 | Per +TBC (306 posts)

    Female Aasimars - Archon-Blooded HP:99/99|AC:20(t:16,ff:14)|F:+11|R:+8|W:+13|CMD:24|CMB:+7|Init:+3 Per:+18 Lesser Angel of Death, LE Cleric [Law/Death] L9 (436 posts)

    Female looking Android [Advanced CR1] Iron Priest [L4] | AC 21, T 17, FF 16 | F +9*/R+7/W+9* | HP 35/35 | CMB +8, CMD 22 | Init +4 | Perception +10 | Condition: None (326 posts)

    Android Investigator[L1]/Ninja [L2] | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +0*/R+5/W+4 | HP 19/19 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | Condition: None (56 posts)
    (1 post)
    Saint Isma of the Sand
    (4 posts)
    Lunar Naga
    Sal Da Qill

    HP 250/250 | AC 58 T45 FF-- | F+32 R+35 W+43 | Init +7/27 | Per: +36 | ST-PP 466/536 | NU-PP 427/526
    Uncarnate Advanced Elan Outsider (aberrant) (53 posts)
    Saphiy Light
    (0 posts)
    Sapphire Aurora

    Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None (298 posts)
    The Sapphire light

    Sapphire Psi-God Init +25| AC [74/94*] TAC[42/62] FF[---] |HP800/800|F+73/93*|R+73/93*| W+75/95* | SR45/55 Mythic| Per +86 (126 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    (0 posts)
    (1 post)
    (0 posts)
    Elven Wizard
    (0 posts)
    (1 post)
    (0 posts)
    (0 posts)
    (1 post)
    Korvosian Woman
    (0 posts)

    (0 posts)
    Satinder Morne
    Sapphire Night

    F HP 39/39 |AC 16/20*/TA14/18* FF12/16* | F+2/R+9/W+6 | CMB +5 | CMD+19 |init +4 | Perc +12 | Insp 8/8 Android - Investigator (207 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    The Sapphire

    Advanced Elan [Outsider (native)] (17 posts)
    Dr Davaulus
    Saxton Quinn

    Male Human [Fay Bound] Power level 8 (252 posts)

    Construct (outsider) L1 Construct (5 posts)

    Female looking Android Investigator/Monk/Tech Slinger L7 (2 posts)
    She that flys
    (20 posts)
    Activation Cube
    (3 posts)
    Abraun Chalest
    Sir Mirock Nobb

    Male Human Summonor (1 post)
    Arnistolientar Popswicker
    Sky-Captain Henry Klemp

    Male Gnome Summoner 20L / Machinesmith L20 (Mythic L4) (23 posts)
    Sol Xue De Ron Ole

    Female Drow Shadow Lord Init +4 | AC 20/24 | HP 80/80 | F+8 | R+9 | W+12 | Per +20[/spoiler] (44 posts)
    Shindiira Misraria
    Sol-Alar De Xin Min

    Female Noble Drow (Advanced) Summoner (Synthesist L18) (48 posts)
    Undead Gem

    Construct PIS-AI Cohort Vitalist L13 (10 posts)
    Spider Psi-Mecha

    Robot 10 (8 posts)
    Haughty Avenger
    The Splinted Goddess

    Female (20 posts)
    Shalelu Andosana
    Star Light

    Fighter L1 (10 posts)
    Sargava Vignette
    Star Trek GM 2
    (14 posts)
    Mierul Ardelain
    (329 posts)
    Envoy of Balance
    Steel Orchid

    Android Inquisitor / Investigator (Steel Hound) [L10/L10] (65 posts)
    Keeper Myre
    Surgeon VW Camper Van

    Male Human - Wasteland Resister.
    Vitalist (soulthief) L1
    (45 posts)
    Tabatha Constantine

    Female (13 posts)
    Figurine of the Ivory Champion
    (0 posts)

    Image Gallifreyan AC 15/FF14/T11 CMB 16 | F+5 R+5 W+2 | HP 21/21| Init+1 | (56 posts)
    Uskara Olym

    Female (9 posts)
    Tommy Sing

    Male Half Orc Summonor (sythasis) (3 posts)
    Brigh Mask

    None android Subtype - Robot Cleric iron-priest [L7] (33 posts)
    Venturea Luminass

    Android Investigator[L1]/Ninja [L2] | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +0*/R+5/W+4 | HP 19/19 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | Condition: None (77 posts)

    Mythic Construct (Outsider) - LN (Psionic Axiomatic Sword) [MARSHAL*] 18th level Cohort (2 posts)
    Seneka Volstadt
    Ynja Eva Ragnavold

    Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator (563 posts)
    Solveig Ayrdahl
    Ynjan Ragnavold
    (32 posts)
    Zalazra Qlinzra

    Female / Kineticist-Overwhelming Soul / Investigator-Psychic Detective Human | AC 16, T 13, FF 15 | F +5*/R+6/W+5 | HP 21/21 | CMB +3, CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +8[+1d6] | Condition: None (46 posts)
    Nolzur's Orb
    (0 posts)
    _Aannra Blake_

    Acrobat +17, Climb +6, Heal +8, Kn(All) +6/+10, Escape Artist+17 , Perception +8, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +15, Survival +10
    HP 30/30; Initi+7; Darkvision 60ft; Fort+4/ Re+11/ Will+7; AC 34* / T29 / FF 15*; CMB +10; CMD 25; Speed 60ft; 17/25PP
    Elf (Replicant) Monk L4 /Psion -Egoist L4 (7 posts)