Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
IonutRO wrote:As for the rest of the content I don't actually expect it to overlap with anything Paizo will do in the future, especially not the class conversions."The future" is potentially a very long time!
With the loss of so much history, "the future" isn't as long as you think.
Ikiry0 |
...I must say, this does feel like rather a blatant cashgrab. Considering it seems to be 'Adding back in all the things Paizo took out'. I might just be reading badly into the initial post, which mostly reads as 'Here is stuff that has already been done in Pathfinder but isn't in Starfinder yet, with even the exact same names'.
I hope that there is some twists on stuff rather than just being 'Here is the wizard IN SPACE' and 'Here is an Aasimar IN SPACE'. I'm more interested in new material and creativity than retreading over pre-existing areas.
Owen KC Stephens |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
...I must say, this does feel like rather a blatant cashgrab. Considering it seems to be 'Adding back in all the things Paizo took out'. I might just be reading badly into the initial post, which mostly reads as 'Here is stuff that has already been done in Pathfinder but isn't in Starfinder yet, with even the exact same names'.
I hope that there is some twists on stuff rather than just being 'Here is the wizard IN SPACE' and 'Here is an Aasimar IN SPACE'. I'm more interested in new material and creativity than retreading over pre-existing areas.
The Starfarer Wizard is to the Pathfinder Wizard as the Soldier is to the Fighter.
If that sounds like fun to you, great! If not, no worries, we'll catch you on the next one. :)
Fabian Benavente |
We HOPE to have it ready at the earliest time... but we swung for the fences. We could have done a much less ambitious book and been sure to have it ready, but we wanted to cram as much into this as we could. (As it is I am sad we can't fit in the witch, psychic, druid, cavalier, alchemist..., goodness I want to do a Starfinder alchemist...)
All the content included and the content forthcoming (hopefully) will go a long ways for those of us who want to take some of Paizo's excellent AP stories and convert them to a new and improved system.
I've been wanting to run WotR for a while now but have heard that it is not really feasible with mythic rules. Fair warning that I also don't like high-level play because the 'number crunching and dice rolling' gets too much in the way of the story.
The new Starfinder system seems to address a lot of my concerns and having someone who understands the system design fantasy classes will be a great help. Now all I need is someone to start 'converting' fantasy monsters to Starfinder stats, although I hear that's not too difficult.
Game on!
mcbraggart |
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mcbraggart wrote:
A lovable amoeba type creature?
I played one of those in a Champions game for a couple year. Stretchy mini-brick.
I wouldn't mind something like that for Starfinder.
Back in the 80's, TSR released a space RPG called Starfrontiers which had a race the dralasite, an amoeba type creature. I've been thinking of homebrewing one but if they made one I may have to buy this. I don't normally go in for 3PP but I would for this.
David knott 242 |
Ikiry0 wrote:...I must say, this does feel like rather a blatant cashgrab. Considering it seems to be 'Adding back in all the things Paizo took out'. I might just be reading badly into the initial post, which mostly reads as 'Here is stuff that has already been done in Pathfinder but isn't in Starfinder yet, with even the exact same names'.
I hope that there is some twists on stuff rather than just being 'Here is the wizard IN SPACE' and 'Here is an Aasimar IN SPACE'. I'm more interested in new material and creativity than retreading over pre-existing areas.
The Starfarer Wizard is to the Pathfinder Wizard as the Soldier is to the Fighter.
If that sounds like fun to you, great! If not, no worries, we'll catch you on the next one. :)
That is what I was hoping you were doing. I was assuming that I would not think immediately after reading through the Core Rulebook that the race and class conversions were trivially obvious.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
...I must say, this does feel like rather a blatant cashgrab. Considering it seems to be 'Adding back in all the things Paizo took out'. I might just be reading badly into the initial post, which mostly reads as 'Here is stuff that has already been done in Pathfinder but isn't in Starfinder yet, with even the exact same names'.
Part of the goal of this product is to help ease in people who are intimidated by lack of PF classics in Starfinder so they'll be willing to give Starfinder a shot. This isn't to say that Starfinder is incapable of standing on its own without our work, but for those who want the extra familiarity, we're there for them.
Also, all of the classes are all-new; inspired by PF with its own twist. Nothing was reprinted from Pathfinder. There's new mechanics EVERYWHERE.
Example: my Starfarer Ranger has options that fans of the PF Slayer or the 3.5 Scout will like. All classes (even the wizard) are more mutable and customizable then they've ever been. We've kept the soul of the classes, but brought them into the future. So to speak.
I hope that there is some twists on stuff rather than just being 'Here is the wizard IN SPACE' and 'Here is an Aasimar IN SPACE'. I'm more interested in new material and creativity than retreading over pre-existing areas.
Many of the races have updated racial traits that balance them against the SF core races and give them some additional fun and flair. Tieflings, for instance, get their choice of a "fiendish extremity" from a short list that helps determine how fiendishly twisted their bodies are. And kitsune have a mechanic built into their race that makes going kyubi easier then it is in PF.
Please, don't worry. Our work may be familiar, but we're honorable people. We don't want to grab at your cash—we want you to throw it at us willingly. ;-)
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Lord Mhoram |
Keep guessing on the deoxyians, folks! A couple people are close, but no one's REALLY close yet. (And they're super cool, if I may pat myself on the back a bit. :-P)
I see the first part of the name and "deoxy" makes me think of deoxygenate - so my off the wall guess is a races that does something to/with oxygen. Maybe a sentient cloud/mist species or something.
Edit - or liquid.
David knott 242 |
I just listened to the Starfinder vs. Pathfinder podcast of that seminar at Paizocon. Unlike most of the people who were actually there, I knew immediately what Owen was talking about when he hinted at the product that is the subject of this thread.
I am already expecting this product to be very popular with the Red Dwarf fan in our group who for some mysterious reason wants to play a Catfolk in Starfinder.
Steven "Troll" O'Neal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I just listened to the Starfinder vs. Pathfinder podcast of that seminar at Paizocon. Unlike most of the people who were actually there, I knew immediately what Owen was talking about when he hinted at the product that is the subject of this thread.
I am already expecting this product to be very popular with the Red Dwarf fan in our group who for some mysterious reason wants to play a Catfolk in Starfinder.
Cat people from outer space is a classic trope.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Is there no plant race?
I would like a plant race.
I didn't port ghorans over because they felt more like a PF campaign thing to me; I could write all of the other races into another setting and make them feel similar but also not Golarion. (As Owen said, one of our goals is for the Blood Space setting to serve players who want to play Golarion System Natives who are exploring other star systems beyond their own.)
I think a plant race is something we'll add to Blood Space eventually, though, so your interest is noted. ;-)
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
David knott 242 wrote:Cat people from outer space is a classic trope.I just listened to the Starfinder vs. Pathfinder podcast of that seminar at Paizocon. Unlike most of the people who were actually there, I knew immediately what Owen was talking about when he hinted at the product that is the subject of this thread.
I am already expecting this product to be very popular with the Red Dwarf fan in our group who for some mysterious reason wants to play a Catfolk in Starfinder.
Dude, he catfolk art JUST came in, and the second people see it, they're realize just how perfectly normal AND tropey catfolk in space are. My hype for this piece is INCREDIBLE.
Yrtalien |
Did I miss mention of the Sorcerer? Is this one of the classes that is being skipped in this go around... or is it that in a setting where everyone else is a spontaneous caster the rework of the Wizard ends up being a rework of the Wizard AND Sorcerer?
Or did i miss something obvious. Owen, If I may call you that, I have always appreciated your work. I like that you are picking up where PF left off and agree if they decide to do their own versions then that just broadens the playground. Frankly I have no problem with that idea or the idea of PF saying, as they do for Psionics, there are other companies who have put out good material on that ... and go in a very different direction like psychics.
Put me down to buy.
Owen KC Stephens |
No, our wizard is a prepared spellcasters, bringing the idea of prepared casting into Starfinder-compatible campaigns.
We had to make a tough call on sorcerer vs wizard, because we did not have room for both. To me, the core of a wizard is study and scholarship, and the core of a sorcerer is innate powers from a infused bloodline. I didn't want to make those one thing.
And the fact the wizard is more different than existing Starfidner spellcasters ultimately gave it the win for which goes in the book.
The sorcerer joins the witch, alchemist, psychic, kineticist, inquisitor, gunslinger, monk, vigilante, and oracle as a class I WANT to get to, but needs to wait for now.
Lord Mhoram |
Makes me think deoxyribonucleic acid. Makes me wonder if they can obtain genetic code and incorporate it into themselves or something.
Now I'm thinking of the Lizard Lady from the Crossgen Comic "The Negation" - the species had a quirk that they gained ability if something they ate. So she was constantly changing special abilities.
Gilfalas |
Luthorne wrote:Makes me think deoxyribonucleic acid. Makes me wonder if they can obtain genetic code and incorporate it into themselves or something.Now I'm thinking of the Lizard Lady from the Crossgen Comic "The Negation" - the species had a quirk that they gained ability if something they ate. So she was constantly changing special abilities.
Lord Mhoram |
Lord Mhoram wrote:*coughgenestealerscough*Luthorne wrote:Makes me think deoxyribonucleic acid. Makes me wonder if they can obtain genetic code and incorporate it into themselves or something.Now I'm thinking of the Lizard Lady from the Crossgen Comic "The Negation" - the species had a quirk that they gained ability if something they ate. So she was constantly changing special abilities.
Had to look it up. I abhor the tone and style of 40K and Warhammer, so I'd never heard of them before you mentioned them. Yeah probably an inspiration.
IonutRO |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Please be like an arcanist, please be like an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist, please be line an arcanist.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Lord Mhoram |
I'll be honest, I'm a bit concerned about how 6th to 9th level spells will impact the balance.
That is the only thing that raised my eyebrow. But I trust Owen and Alex, so I'm just curious to see how it falls out.
Edit- in retrospect it looked like I was brushing off your concerns, and opinions of the writers - not intended.
Lord Mhoram |
There is no doubt this is one of the biggest risks in this product. Luckily, even if you don't like how we did it, that's just two classes, and there's tons of new stuff even without them. :)
I know that you guys (as in the Starfinder team, not the Starfarer Team) said that 7-9 level spells, while not in core book would not be ruled out in future. Which allays some of my balance concerns - and I am really interested to see what you guys (the Starfarer Team, not the Starfinder team) are going to do with it.
StarMartyr365 |
I'm so excited about this book! It is going to save me a lot of time.
I like the initial selection of classes and will throw more money at the Advanced Starfarer's Guide for even more classes.
I wonder if the idea of sorcery would be better served as a theme like the phrenic adept. I've also thought about redoing the whole class as a something similar to the 3.0 Warlock but that's another discussion for another thread.
IF we are getting alchemist, gunslinger, inquisitor, kineticist, monk, oracle, psychic, sorcerer, vigilante and witch in Advanced Starfarer's Guide then that leaves only 21 other classes to upgrade to Starfinder...
This got me to thinking about the classes that are left.
Arcanist - Honestly, I think this could be rolled into the Star Wizard exploits and all.
Barbarian - Star barbarians are a trope but I'm not sure how to bring this class into the future. Foaming at the mouth and charging a machine gun is not a good idea. This one might have to be rebuilt from the ground up or even be a theme. A "barbarian" is technically anyone who doesn't belong to the "Greater" society or is outside the dominant culture. In Starfinder that cover everything from hunter/gatherers to steam age civilizations.
Bloodrager - I'm not even sure this class is necessary. It never really did anything for me. If Starfinder has something similar to "character trees" like Star Wars SAGA then the bloodrager could be a barbarian tree.
Brawler - I've always wanted to play a Mickey "One Punch" O'Neil or Philo Beddoe but this class could probably be rolled into the fighter.
Cavalier - I like the idea of a warrior who is sworn to a particular cause but the mount doesn't seem like it'd work in space. Replace the mount with something else? Air cavalry? Swoop bikers?
Druid - Space druids? Maybe roll the Druid and Shaman into one class? Isn't a druid technically a shaman from a specific culture? Maybe remove the shapeshifting ability since we're getting the Shifter? I always felt that the druid was just the name for the clerics of gods dedicated to nature, etc.
Fighter - Molly Millions was a Fighter (Solo). Roll the brawler and the fighter into the same class?
Hunter - Big game hunters area thing in modern times. They are also necessary on the fringes of civilization.
Investigator - I would love to see this as a full blown Starfinder class but I can also understand if it was just a specific kind of Operative or Envoy.
Medium - This seems like it belongs in the Mystic. I haven't played any of the Occult classes myself so I'm not too sure about them. Thoughts anyone?
Mesmerist - See above.
Occultist - Ditto.
Rogue - I guess the Operative make the rogue unnecessary.
Shaman - See the Druid.
Shifter - Don't know yet.
Skald - Roll into bard? They really are just culturally specific bards.
Slayer - An assassin with better PR. They could be a specific kind of Operative.
Spiritualist - It seems like this would be a kind of Mystic. I really like the idea but ... I got nothing.
Summoner - It's all fun and games until they start summoning the thing between the stars.
Swashbuckler - We must have Star Swashbucklers! With Vibro-rapiers!
Warpriest - The militant arm of the church has a place.
I'm really looking forward to the Starfarer's Companion and will insta-buy the "Advanced Starfarer's Companion."
Now if Dreamscarred would make an announcement that Psionics and Starfinder will happen and sooner than later I'd be squealing with joy for the rest of the week.
StarMartyr365 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
There is no doubt this is one of the biggest risks in this product. Luckily, even if you don't like how we did it, that's just two classes, and there's tons of new stuff even without them. :)
I'm ambivalent about high level spells. I guess it depends on how the spells where rebalanced. Were specific spells removed or were their effects reduced to fit a 6th level max paradigm? I think 7th - 9th level spells and magic belong the realm of "High Magic" that is only accessible through rituals or something similar.
I trust you guys though.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Lanitril |
I'm definitely throwing myself into the crowd that's scared of putting 7th-9th level spells in Starfinder, if Starfinder is built around 1st-6th. On some level, it feels like it's adding 10th-12th level spells to Pathfinder. Like, that is just TOO overpowered.
What I figure though is that Technomancers and Mystics DO have some access to 7th-9th level spells, even if not through spell slots or spells known. If both Starfinder and Pathfinder classes have access to 9th level spells, it's not as bad.
Where I'm still shakey however is that 9th level spellcasters traditionally gain spellslots and spell levels far faster than 6th level casters. If Mystic and Technomancer are inherently worse spellcasters than Wizards and Clerics, well... I guess it's a good thing this is a third party book.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm definitely throwing myself into the crowd that's scared of putting 7th-9th level spells in Starfinder, if Starfinder is built around 1st-6th. On some level, it feels like it's adding 10th-12th level spells to Pathfinder. Like, that is just TOO overpowered.
What I figure though is that Technomancers and Mystics DO have some access to 7th-9th level spells, even if not through spell slots or spells known. If both Starfinder and Pathfinder classes have access to 9th level spells, it's not as bad.
Where I'm still shakey however is that 9th level spellcasters traditionally gain spellslots and spell levels far faster than 6th level casters. If Mystic and Technomancer are inherently worse spellcasters than Wizards and Clerics, well... I guess it's a good thing this is a third party book.
I understand your reservations, but I implore you, if you've ever liked anything Owen, Matt, or I have written for PF, give us a chance to excite you! I think our design choices are high-quality stuff, and both classes were designed specifically with "not eclipsing the mystic / technomancer" as a primary goal.