So, I'm in a Rise of the Runelords game, and we're at Thistletop. Due to some changes to the AP (I think), all of our characters have experienced severe waking nightmares that have pulled from our characters' pasts.
That said, my character Thirzin Bronzebeard has been a ranger his first 3 levels, but due to the way the role playing has gone in breaking free from the last batch of nightmares (and wrecking basically everything that stands in his way), I am going to take a level in barbarian.
I've been given the go ahead on invulnerable rager (which fits his tough hide) but I also am trying to decide whether to go urban barbarian or regular barbarian. I like the aspect the Will save gives (which represents his single minded focus) but I feel the more cold, plodding, Jason Vorhes (AP?) sort of unstoppable nature of Thirzin is something I have a hard time viewing the standard rage as fitting.
So, leaving out any spoilers, I will be getting a chance to rebuild my magus for a Reign of Winter game, once a major event happens. This will happen at 6th level. Now, that being said, I am being allowed to completely rebuild this character.
I do intend to keep him as a bladebound/hexcrafter and as an elf. His weapon will remain a scimitar. I will have about 2k worth of gold to spend on magical equipment.
I will need some suggestions on how to go forward with the feats and arcana and such as well, but otherwise, let's go forward.
I have gotten the go ahead to be allowed wayang and magical lineage, so yay! That will allow Frostbite and Shocking Grasp. So...there we go.
So I'm looking for a bit of assistance. I'm looking to get into a Wrath of the Righteous game and am wanting to go the route of Marshal with my eventual Battle Herald.
* 25 point buy
* Must include bard
* Can be any race under 19RP (except androids & aasimar)
I really am looking for a little more focus on the bard side of the equation. All considered, I believe that the idea of a worshipper of Desna is a very good idea, but beyond that, it's up to the advice of the people.
So far, there are two RL friends and myself that have shown interest in playing in Skull & Shackles. My two friends have never played Pathfinder or done Play by Post, so this is going to require a GM that understands that and is able to help in that area. Depending on what the GM is comfortable with, 2-3 players are also needed as well, to round out the party.
So, this is my inquisitor for a Skull & Shackles game that is restarting. So far, the party is an alchemist (Chirurgeon), a waves oracle (for the moment), a swashbuckler, and a vanilla rogue.
My inquisitor is one of Besmara, and I really prefer to keep him as one. With such a large party of dex heavy characters, I'd like mine to remain more strength focused. There's only a few things that need to remain, in my mind. These include the Birthmark trait (that's part of his backstory), as well as the Buccaneer's Blood campaign trait. I'd also like him to maintain the Heresy inquisition instead of a domain.
Anything else is up to suggestion. As it stands, this character will be rebuilt at Pathfinder standard 25 point buy.
So I'm a bit of the de facto leader of this motley recruitment thread. Our group has been in need of a DM for a bit. We've not heard anything from our current DM, and so we've all come to the tough decision that we're going to have to find a replacement if we're to get out of the first book. The group that remains (Ignatius Hank, Charlotte DeGivre, Janus Ult, Scoundrel the Tiefling, and Variziel) is eager to get things going, even though we will miss the way things were being run as far as quality of content.
So, with that out of the way, I'll let people know where we are. We just finished the reefclaw portion, and are back on the ship. I will say that things are not following exactly as written, and I'll let the others chime in on whether they are dead set on staying that way.
So....I'm looking for advice. I've got myself into what is looking to be a great Skull & Shackles game here on the forums. My problem is I'm trying to decide on race. I'm really strongly divided between 1/2 elf & 1/2 orc, and I'm not really sure which to choose.
I'm definitely going into the idea that this skald will have been raised on a ship, initially as a cabin boy, growing through a tough captain's guidance into a valued member of the crew. As is prone to happen in the Steaming Sea, his ship was destroyed, and he was one of only a handful of survivors (none of whom were wise enough or skilled enough to try and lead what remained of the crew).
Feeling wanderlust, the young individual basically roamed around, trying to find himself a new ship. Sadly, that new ship led him to being captured and sold multiple times as unwilling crew on unscrupulous vessels. His most recent experience gave him enough gold to buy his freedom, and he fled to the only area he felt was a safe option, with at least slavers being (he expected) blatant: The Shackles.
Anyways, with that short intro bit for him, I'll leave people to give me which they would give the vote for, as far as race (or if there's one I'm missing entirely), and why they would be suggesting this one.
So...I've got a black bladed hexcrafter magus, and I don't think that my stats are all set up right. Thanks to some house ruling, my character will be wielding a scorpion whip as his black blade.
Current stats are a bit wonky on my elf, and I'm wanting advice on changing the stats around.
So...I'm seriously realizing this magus is having trouble in combat in this Reign of Winter game I'm in. I'm allowed to do one rebuild, but I like the idea of staying with hexcrafter/black blade combo. My real struggle is the stats and what sort of feats I should build towards.
My DM has approved me using either an Urumi or scorpion whip for the black blade, so there's that. Thoughts, folks?
Oh, and before I forget, the rest of the party is an oracle (sylvan & spellscar), a sorcerer, a barbarian, and me.
So this is my dwarf for a RotRl game. We have a regular bard, an archaelogist bard, a sorcerer, a life oracle, a magus that's going shield and bardiche, & a drunken brawling barbarian.
Originally, my character has an axe and a shield, and I'm right up to the point of having to choose combat style. Considering we already have a character with a shield, and I have the highest strength (and best likelihood for high damage) of the entire party, I don't know if it's smart to go axe and shield route, or if I should go for a two handed weapon.
Thoughts? And if I were to go two-handed weapon, what weapon would you suggest?
So, I'm putting together a gillman sorcerer, and I may need a bit of help. He's gonna be level 5, so I need advice on the feats, as well as whether to take the normal version of the stormborn bloodline or the wildblooded version called arial.
Keep in mind, this character has standard wealth for level 5, so maybe could use some help in choosing his gear too.
So I'm creating a 2nd level undine monk. Thinking flowing monk archetype, but I'm running into a little bit of a struggle. First is how to play out the build, since he's gonna be in a Skull & Shackles 20 point buy game.
I've figured out his stats, but I need advice on the traits (he gets two, & one must be a campaign trait) and feats, as well as trying to decide how to play the whole lawful route (since I really don't want to play the martial artist archetype if I don't have to).
Basic idea of background is his brother was framed for crimes against the region (something along the lines of cavorting with the Chelish) and my character spoke up in his defense. He was given the option to find proof of his brother's innocence, but if he failed, he too would be exiled as well.
So I'm creating a 2nd level undine monk. Thinking flowing monk archetype, but I'm running into a little bit of a struggle. First is how to play out the build, since he's gonna be in a Skull & Shackles 20 point buy game.
I've figured out his stats, but I need advice on the traits (he gets two, & one must be a campaign trait) and feats, as well as trying to decide how to play the whole lawful route (since I really don't want to play the martial artist archetype if I don't have to).
Basic idea of background is his brother was framed for crimes against the region (something along the lines of cavorting with the Chelish) and my character spoke up in his defense. He was given the option to find proof of his brother's innocence, but if he failed, he too would be exiled as well.
Ok, folks, because of some real life issues, I am not capable of running a Skull & Shackles game that I have begun. For those interested in taking up this role, here is....
It's your typical Port Peril evening at the Formidably Maid: loud, crude, and full of booze and song. In one corner is a jauntily decorated gnome woman, whose hair many of the drunk sailors keep suggesting looks like it was washed in red wine and grape must, is attempting to lead the drunken patrons in a rousing rendition of the obliviously appropriate song Drunken Sailor.
There is a lone dwarf working the bar, most likely the keep, from the way he has tossed out one especially rowdy patron. He nods to each patron as they enter but mostly focuses on cleaning the bar or sending a serving wench to comply with orders.
And the characters can enter at any point and off we go.
So...for those of you who can't get enough of Skull & Shackles, I have your fix! I do have a few caveats, which you will see just momentarily. I'm quite picky, having read and played the game a few times. I don't give seats easily. I expect a decently paced game, somewhere between 3 - 5 posts per day, more if you can manage. Know that I'll let you know my work schedule in advance, and I will be a bit limited to post on those days until after my shift is over. my rules and such.
- No evil alignments. Yes, yes, I know some folks want to rule the seas with an iron fist, causing fear and death in their wake. That's not how we do things here.
- Core races (and variants) automatically allowable. All others on case-by-case basis. This is one I'm very picky on. If you want an odd race, then run it by me and impress me with it. The only two races that will automatically get a NO are strix & kuru. Sorry, but cannibals and those fliers that HATE humanity are definitely not allowable. Nothing personal, but if you submit one, its automatically denied.
-Paizo classes are allowed, but summoners will have to work extra hard to impress. Also allowable are the archetypes from Razor Coast & the Razor Coast class yohunga. I very much like the paizo products, and I have looked over the Razor Coast products in play, and those are very much balanced, in my mind. If you want to play the Razor Coast items or want more info, just send me a message.
-3 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. So...we are gonna have 3 traits each. I am allowing from the paizo products, and you can reflavor if you need to. I'm also allowing traits from the 101 Pirate & Privateer Traits third party supplement, but on a totally case by case basis.
Starting level 2 & 1000 gold Yes, you heard it right. We're starting high enough where a cat sneezing on you won't kill you. And you'll have some gear to boot.
20 point buy Simple enough.
-I will be selecting 4 players I have 2 players from outside the forum that want a shot at this, and I told them they'd get spots. They haven't decided yet, I don't think, but I'll have them check in, so you know.
So those are the rules and once I get some interest brought up, I'll start a roleplay thread. I want to see more than just crunch from my characters. And here we go!
So, I'm applying for a Skull & Shackles game, and the characters already approved are a half-orc tetori monk, an undine witch, and an ifrit sea singer bard.
Races are any core + Aasimar, Catfolk, Ifrit, Merfolk, Nagaji, Oread, Samsaran, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine, Vishkanya.
Summoners and gunslingers are vetoed, and I'm personally vetoing an alchemist, since that's what I'm most known for playing.
So I'm applying for a game, and right now, I've got an odd set of rolls (which I may be able to improve if I get some good fluff written for the character).
Str: 10
Dex: 11
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 13
Cha: 14
It can be any race as long as it was published by Paizo. Lastly, there are a number of custom campaign traits I must choose one from, and here they are:
Most Noble Order of the Exalted March:
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (religion); one of these is a class skill for you. Furthermore, your service to the Order earns you an annual stipend (You receive an additional 250gp in starting funds).
Precarious Pathfinder:
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth; one of these is a class skill for you. Furthermore, various Pathfinder contacts, safe houses, and sympathizers remain abroad throughout the region, and can be depended upon to grant asylum and aid to fellow members of The Society who find themselves in dire straits.
Aspis Opportunist:
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Disable Device, Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Perception; one of these is a class skill for you. Furthermore, you have been given honorary citizenship in Molthune (which allows you to travel freely) as well as an assurance that your badge will carry considerable weight when dealing with authorities.
Rud’s Wastewares:
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Craft (alchemy), Knowledge (engineering), and Profession (soldier or engineer); one of these is a class skill for you. Furthermore, Firearms fall under the Commonplace Guns rule for you.
Nirmathi Sympathizer:
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy; one of these is a class skill for you. Furthermore, as a member or staunch ally to the Nirmathi Underground, you are privy to multiple caches and safe-houses that can be utilized in times of need.
I, myself, can't run things worth crud, but I love me some piratical stuff, and have heard about Razor Coast. The question is, if it were to get a DM, would people be up for a run of it?
So I'm definitely looking to see another gestalt game to start recruiting on the boards, but this time including mythic rules. :) Anyone up for such a nigh impossible task? ;)
Is there anyone interested in running and playing Changeling the Lost via forums? I can't seem to find a local group or an online group, so I figured I'd ask here.
So I've got a chance at another game, since several I've had seen to be falling apart. This game is, of course, Reign of Winter, but there are a few odd things about it. One is that there will be 6 character, 4 that fit the usual setup of 1 melee, 1 skill monkey, 1 arcane, 1 "healer", and then 2 that he just thinks are cool.
I'm thinking that I either want to play a hexcrafter magus, a witch, or an alchemist. So far, the points are 10, 12, 12, 7, 15, 15. I have an additional 16 points to take this point buy to a total of a 30 point buy.
3 total trait with one being campaign. I also get a bonus story feat, that I must weave into my character concept. Any race allowed. So...that being said, what're peoples thoughts?
So, I've got some pretty nice options for this game and desperately need some advice. We rolled for stats, and so I have 13, 14, 15, 18, 13, 18 to put however I like in stats. All races from core and ARG are allowed.
Also, note you all get to play with max gold on this character, as well as 3 traits in total, one of which must be one for Anniversary Edition Rise of the Runelords.
So, it's a 20 point buy, with free Weapon Finesse feat (thanks to the DM) and one free point in either Craft, Perform, or Profession. So, really, I'm trying to come up with a build, as well as his featured fighting style. I was thinking that the Natural Weapon route would be really fun, but I don't know if it's viable.
So, the question is, do people have thoughts on race, traits (I get a campaign & one of my choosing), and choice of skills? As well as attribute array?
So, I'm wanting to play a bard in Council of Thieves. It's gonna be about a 20 point buy (I get an additional 1 point given for being either Chaotic or Lawful, and an additional 2 points given for being either Good or Evil, for a max possible of a 23 point build). The races are core, plus Aasimar, Tiefling, and Dhampir.
Two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait and the other can be from anywhere. Another good house rule is that you get Weapon Finesse for free and also a free point in Craft, Profession, or Perform.
So, the idea I had was a self-serving bard with great socials who tricks the hell outta people. So, the question is, how do we get there?
So, how did every group choose who was going to be captain? I just started the AP, first time from the beginning, and I'm curious how various groups came to that somewhat difficult decision.
Hey folks. Trying to decide between a couple of bard archetypes for a Skull & Shackles game. It's pretty much between Sea Singer & Watersinger, and I can't decide between the two of them.
So my question is, which of the two would you choose and why?
So, I'm working on a tiefling cleric for a WotW game. I saw some great options out there for that sort of game, and I'm trying to decide between two routes: 1) have a Mephistopheles worshiping character. 2) would to be to build one based around worshiping Dispater, so he can make use of a strange sort of character build called The Hangover Cleric.
So, thoughts? Just so people know, it's a 25 point buy, with one campaign trait (his crime for ending up in Branderscar) & one regular trait. Limited to the following books: Core Pathfinder Book, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Race Guide, & Ultimate Equipment. Obviously, the race is tiefling.
All that said, run with it and tell me which way you'd go, why, and how you'd build it: as far as feats, stats, traits, and spells.
So the stats are rolled for a Wrath of the Righteousness game. Sadly, the game has had a good deal of changes in character generation rules, but currently, it's a 3d6 roll, in order, for each stat. I have, honestly, no idea what these stats could play.
So, I'm in need of some advice, this time in a much more specific area. First, let me say thanks to folks who helped narrow things down with inquisitor. This'll be an inquisitor of Besmara that wields a rapier and has the Chaos domain. Almost stereotypical in his piratical behavior.
What I'm trying to decide on is his teamwork feats. He's going to be human, so he's going Weapon Finesse for his bonus human feat & his regular choices are as follows:
So, I'm getting into yet another game. It's gonna be a 20 point buy, and I'm thinking Inquisitor or Cleric of Besmara, since the game is Skulls & Shackles. We're starting from the beginning, and I know we have a fighter (cad), an aquatic druid, and a dual-cursed oracle of storms. Not sure if we have any more.
Since I've never played an inquisitor, anyone have any advice? I'm in another Skulls & Shackles game (we're level 11), so I'm not so worried about spoilers for me. If need be, just put them behind the spoiler tab so that we don't spoil it for other folks.
I'm not sure on whether to choose domain, subdomain, or inquisition for the character. I was thinking that, since nobody else had it, I'd like to go with the trait of Besmara's Blessing, so that leaves me with 2 more traits (yay for house rules).
So, the questions are: race, domain/subdomain/inquisition, style of combat, spell choices, and a suggested progression for feats?
Secondly, do people have any tips for RP-ing the character?
Thirdly, with this setup, is the inquisitor a better plan? Or is a cleric of Besmara a better choice?
So I'm gonna ask now. I've got a character in a S&S game, but we're at the 11th level mark, book 5, and I came in as a late addition, at level 10. So I'm wondering if anyone would like to DM the game from the beginning?
Obviously I don't know very much of this game and would love a chance to really join in at the start with a new character, so I can enjoy the growth in game.
So, is anyone up for running it? I'd definitely like something that's got a quicker pace to it, since I've seen so many pbp die in the formative pages of the game (regardless of the AP).
If it were to come down to it, I might be able to run it, but I'd have to purchase the AP.
So I'm thinking of playing either an alchemist or a inquisitor for a Rise of the Runelords game. I'm curious which would be more useful? And what archetypes would people suggest? As far as alchemist, I'm wanting to go more of a bomber sort since I'm playing vivisectionist in another game.
So, my wife and I are playing in a Way of the Wicked game, and she has never played Pathfinder before. I'm not totally sure what to have her play, since she loves melee characters. I know she likes to be able to do a good variety in combat, so I'm looking to produce some options for her, so I can really see what she likes and get her hooked into Pathfinder.
So far, the only classes I've run by her are fighter and inquisitor. She likes how inquisitor gets some spells and abilities that are more than just mundane things with a weapon. What other suggestions might people bring up for her?
The other question I have, is what would people suggest for me? We're both playing together, the other members of the group are waiting to see what my wife and I are playing, and I'm just stumped on what to play, so I'd like some suggestions for me, as well, that would fit well with her character.
Two traits, and the GM says there are no campaign traits in this one. 20 point buy, each increase costs 1 until 15, and 2 fr 16-18. And you can increase a stat to 20, if your race has a negative. No 3pp.
So, seeing that all went down with the Shoanti thread (from my DM), I'm looking at going CAGM barbarian, but still with a Shoanti.
So, I've seen a few different ways of building, but this character is possibly gonna be in a Rise of the Crimson Throne game.
I know that Invulnerable Rager is a given. But I was also considering putting in Urban Barbarian too, and I'm wanting to know the pros and cons of that.
So I am needing advice for a Rise of the Crimson Throne game. I see him as learning about his heritage over the course of the game. He's gonna be use of the Thunder & Fang feat. So when it comes to barbarian, I was thinking invulnerable rager/urban barbarian. But what I'm trying to decide on is whether he should dip into fighter.
Now, if I do dip into fighter, should I do regular fighter for a couple of levels and then switch to barbarian, or delay the gaining of the T&F by a bit and go Unbreakable archetype of fighter?
Also, I get 3 traits, one of which must be campaign.
So, I am in need of some advice here, for a gestalt Kingmaker game. I have been invited by the DM and asked to play a ranger, since the group needs one. My question is, what would be some good possibilities for the other half of the gestalt. Also, to note, for this game: no multi-classing or prestige classes allowed. So, that being said...what would you mix, and why (including archetypes)?
Ok, folks. I'm looking at a level 2 witch, for a Way of the Wicked game. Rest of the group so far is a dhampir anti pally and an aasimar barbarian (Titan mauler).
For me, I'm looking at either samsaran, elf, sylph, or tiefling as race. All alternate facials allowed. So, I have 200 gold to spend.
I've already got my rolls. Focus Int (18), Foible Str (8). Rest of stats are Dex 14, Con 14, Wis 13, Cha 13.
I also need help choosing on patron. Was almost thinking Deception, Insanity, or Trickery.
So, I'm looking to make a character for a skull and shackles game. I'm coming in at level 10 on a 20 point buy. This character doesn't need to be pure optimization. Definitely flavor, for sure. What I've been told is I need to be bringing in a dex based roguish sort who can disarm traps. Sooooo....I'm thinking he be a saw bones adventurer (maybe elf or half elf?) with alchemist (vivisectionist/internal alchemist), mixed with some rogue and maybe sleepless detective. Fluff appreciated but definitely need the crunch, though. Before I forget, the DM said 50k gold starting out. So, ready...go!
So, yet again, I am heading for a strange idea, which may lead to me writing fiction for the character in the coming weeks. The character needs to have some tie to Magnamar.
We're allowed the following:
Allowed races: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human
2 traits
20 point buy
Core races
Non-evil alignment
Base starting money
I'm not sure how far this game will run, but let's shoot for a build to level 20. I've already decided on weapon, which is: steel terbutje.
So yeah, let's run with it, and remember that it's hexcrafter. Beyond that, have fun.
This is going to be for a Way of the Wicked campaign, with a 25 point buy. I will get to come in at level 5. 10,500 gp for wealth. But yep, must be LE or NE. No firearms, and I'd suggest staying away from eastern. And only core races. Other than that...have fun.
So, I have two images, and my wife is going to play one, I will play the other. The game starts at level one, and here are the rules we have.
- Available Books
* Core rulebook
* Advanced player guide
* Magic of the Inner Sea
* Dragon Empires Gazetteer
* Ultimate Magic
* Ultimate Combat
* Advanced Race Guide
- Level 1 Characters
- 20-point buy character creation.
- Two traits, which must be drawn from the Advanced Player Guide.
- Maximum starting gold
Create them as level 1 characters, but give strong suggestions as to how to go from there, since she and I are not the most amazing with character building.
Hey there, folks. I've been invited to be in yet ANOTHER game, and this one is definitely homebrew. Basically, the story is that the magic in the world went CRAZY for a brief period. Casters went nuts, their magic went haywire, some even exploded. As any big thing, the magical races (everything other than human) were blamed for it and are extremely looked down upon. Magic users are all basically all kept in the same community, when learning and living. It's very low-magic, xenophobic world.
I am planning on playing a half-elf barbarian/rogue that is very angry, not of his heritage, but because his heritages both have turned their backs on him. He has lofty goals to find a family, or make a family of some sort, so that he is not alone. Family, not as children, but as folks closer than family. He belongs to a group called the Street Lords (the Thieves Guild, in this game), and is hoping one day, through skill, force, and talent, he might make it up the ladder.
Now, that said. I know I want to do Urban Barbarian mixed with some sort of rogue. I was thinking Urban Barbarian with Scout/Thug or Scout/Knife Master. Not sure if there were any other good options. I really like the uncanny dodge and would hate to lose it, just because I see it as an iconic ability that reflects that the character classes are hard to get the jump on.
So, the character can be up to level 5, in total. By the way, the abilities scores are 9, 17, 11, 13, 13, 14
So this looks to be a pretty good opportunity. It's a game based on the Al-qadim and Dark Sun games (which some of you have seen said game advertised on the forums). So far there is Ifrit Fighter, Ifrit Ranger, Ifrit Bard, Dwarven Ranger, Human Sorcerer (Sylvan), Kobold Rogue, and a Suli Elemental Knight (Magus). That being said, I don't know what I should play, or what would fit well.
I know, though, that I want to play Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylphs, or Undine. So thoughts? 25 point buy, 300 gold starting. 2 traits (can choose from the Legacy of Fire series). No idea on what to play.
No ninja, samurai, or gunslingers, just so you know.
So I joined a group in a homespun campaign, all characters are (now, after the last game) level 8. Before I even knew about the group makeup, I had decided on playing a warrior oracle (samsaran being the race). Well, some of you have already seen the thread I did before, and I created a character using that info. Well, long story short, I lost all the info I had on how I built him and I'm allowed now to remake from scratch. So obviously I want to remain a Samsaran metal oracle (because I think it fits his concept of coming from a long line of military tacticians, generals, soldiers, etc), but everything else about him is flexible.
For additional info, it's a 32 point buy guy, and we get 2 pieces (weapon, armor, or magical item), each with what amounts to a +1 enhancement bonus. We start at level 8, as I said, but with only 600 gold.
So far, the party is a two-handed fighter/pikeman, a human urban barbarian, a human blade bound magus, a half-drow rogue, and a kval ranger/deathseeker. The last character is using 3PP, which I'm linking here & here.
I am definitely thinking the guy would be very much a tactical sort, building his team up so that all of them strike with immense power.
Of the magical pieces, I saw the weapon enchantment of Mimetic & the armor enchantment of Deathless that were intriguing to me.
But yes, advice to play, advice to spell choices (including the Mystic Past Life), as well as feats, armor, weapon, everything. Build from scratch to 20 (because the game can possibly go that long).
So I'm creating a 7th level oracle for a Pathfinder game I'm going to be in tonight, and I've chosen to go with a Samsaran Oracle with the Metal Mystery. Attributes are set up as such, after racial modifiers.
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
I have chosen the Reincarnated Oracle archetype, and so far, as far as revelations, I have Skill at Arms and the Reincarnated Oracle ones called Locate Memories & Spirit Memories.
Where I am needing help is choosing feats, spells, curse, and equipment. Now, keep in mind, I only have 600 gold, but I am allowed 2 items of my choice (either armor, weapon, or wondrous item) each with a +1 enhancement of some sort.
The concept is that this character discovered at an early age that he was both blessed and burdened by the history of his family's connection to the military arts (some being generals or strategists, even some regular soldiers and mercenaries). It's in a game that will likely end at about level 18, so have to keep all that in mind. So yes, advice away!
Hey there folks. I'll be playing PFS for the first time this coming weekend, and I want to make sure I have myself a good character built. I am working on the fluff for things at the moment, but since I'm not real familiar with PFS or with monks (and only having recently started into Pathfinder), I'd like folks to come up with some Level 1 to level 20 builds that are completely legal for Pathfinder Society, so I have some options on how to go. With each build, please provide of course the choices for each level, as well as the tactics and why you'd suggest this sort of character.
I look forward to seeing what you all come up with, and happy gaming.