LF Replacement DM to Resurrect S&S Game


Hey folks,

So I'm a bit of the de facto leader of this motley recruitment thread. Our group has been in need of a DM for a bit. We've not heard anything from our current DM, and so we've all come to the tough decision that we're going to have to find a replacement if we're to get out of the first book. The group that remains (Ignatius Hank, Charlotte DeGivre, Janus Ult, Scoundrel the Tiefling, and Variziel) is eager to get things going, even though we will miss the way things were being run as far as quality of content.

So, with that out of the way, I'll let people know where we are. We just finished the reefclaw portion, and are back on the ship. I will say that things are not following exactly as written, and I'll let the others chime in on whether they are dead set on staying that way.

Anyways, here's the link to....


Hey, I'm a fellow player in the campaign, figured I'd drop my word too:

Our original DM was going to a sort of... very high power level. I can't speak for my fellow players, but I personally have no issue with rebuilding my character to a DM's favored point-buy and the like. We're not far enough in the campaign that it would cause much issue.

I would rather we not go down below 20 or 25 point-buy, though. I prefer a game where both heroes and villains have a little more 'oomph' to them.

As far as roleplay goes, my character has a bit of a flavor twist on the haunted curse, and I would urge any would-be DM to take a look at it. In short, Charlotte's haunting ghost is a clumsy 'little sister' figure as opposed to an evil spirit. She represents both the upsides and downsides of the curse. One of Charlotte's goals was to see this 'little sister' brought back from the dead. I hope to be able to maintain this long term goal.

I look forward to cooperating with a DM to get this game back on track.

I'm sorry you lost your DM. I am currently running this IRL and my players are nearly finished with the 3rd book. I was looking to get into a PbP game as a player, because I've never played Pathfinder in a PbP setting, but I have RPed on forums for years, and I assume it is fairly similar.

I haven't seen any games in the PbP forum yet that I was interested in joining, and then I saw your post. While I may be new to the PbP here on Paizo boards, I would be willing to give it a try if you'd be willing to give me a try.

What is your current point-buy? How many Posts per day ratio are you looking for, or is there a set day/time that players sit down to play.

@Charlotte As a DM I believe that small tweaks to the rules for the enjoyment of the game and the player are perfectly acceptable, and I would be fine with your adjustment to the haunted curse.

Right now, the point buy is 25 point buy, point for point buying. Well, right now, I can't speak for the whole group, but if we could get 1 post/day, maybe more if we all have time, I think we'd all love that. As far as set time? Nope. We're all over the place, so we post when we can.

I know a couple of the players were wondering if you do decide to sign on as the DM, do you plan on keeping with the changes that have happened (as far as stuff that is different than the AP) or would you be hand-waiving that stuff away?

I would have to read through all the posts so far to see the changes to make that decision. If it isn't too far off the beaten path, I see no reason continuing. I wouldn't feel comfortable continuing any characters that the DM may have homebrewed into the campaign though, it is difficult to pick up another DM's NPC and keep them in the same light.

If you could give a brief overview of the differences from the campaign path, I could give you an answer faster. I am currently reading through the posts to find the changes you mentioned.

I'm trying to think of what all has changed. I think there were some magic items that he introduced (and I have not a dang clue where most of them were going). There's a slight...curse that my character (Ignatius Hank) picked up that has to do with incorporeal creatures (they're able to get the positive sides of being both corporeal and incorporeal, in regards to him). Ignatius has also been promoted into a minor officer position (due to some good RP and good rolls on Intimidate that led to him getting Magpie to give up the location of all the items he stole).

Trying to think of what else. I'm having to read through it, as well, to try and jog my memory. I'm cool with things changing, if it means that the game continues.

I'll be honest. I like the players interactions. I find the characters unique and fun. I would like to run S&S for your group, but if I did I would want to start fresh. You aren't very far into the first book, but I can understand that may be daunting for your group since you've already put in so much work and I like how the relationships have grown, and it may be hard for the players to begin again without the ghost of their previous lives haunting them. :P

It may be easier for everyone involved to scratch the DM additions, to keep the continuity of the story and the characters dispositions to the other characters. It may be a little rough at first due to DM transitions, but I believe it would eventually smooth out.

Those are the two options I see, if you want to discuss it with your group and get back to me that would be fine. Also, a 1 for 1 point buy is very cheap. And my last request would be to rebuild with a normal 25 point buy as per Pathfinder rules.

I am open to discussion or suggestions on these points. :)

And of course, I am only the first option. If you choose someone else, I would not be offended. :)

I speak only for myself, but you have my approval, Phay.

Some more questions:

How would you handle traits and HP rolling? Any particular divergence from the most typical building rules? (2 traits, one must be campaign, half hit dice round up. Many DMs also allow taking a drawback in exchange for getting a third trait.)

Do you intend to play the campaign as is, or add your own twist? (Either's good.)

What are your thoughts on Evil party members? (We have one in Janus.)

Iggy, if we do start over, what do you say we have Iggy and Charlotte have interacted in the past before the campaign starts? The two had some good chemistry going on, I figure we might as well start the campaign off with it. (I have an idea, if you're up to it.)

That works for me. I agree that there is plenty of good chemistry there, and I'd hate to lose all that.

Oh I'm sure I can work to keep the chemistry going on my end. I will just have to get a lab up and running if we want it to be a consistent flow.

Traits: 2 Traits (1 Campaign, +1 More if you take a Drawback)
Hit Die: Roll or average +1 is fine with me.

As far as the campaign, I like to make things a little more personal for the players so I will add a few encounters with PC's backgrounds/goals in mind, as well as a few small changes here and there. I frequent the S&S DM boards a lot and I have seen some good changes there that I would stick to. I made those changes in my IRL game and the players didn't even take note.

Sounds good to me.

Sounds good to me as well.

Another player GM... Status of third party content?

Yet another player hopping in here to say that I like what you've posted so far, Megolopolis, and that I too am fine with these changes. I'll probably be reworking Variziel as a swashbuckler since it fits his concept better.

Well, after deliberation in the discussion thread, on behalf of the playgroup, Megolopolis, I would like to welcome you aboard!

Hm... it might be best to start a new campaign rather than reuse the old one. It's a bit of trouble getting it transfered to the new DM, I hear, and this way, it'll feel like a fresh start.

Aren't characters normally supposed to start with 2 traits? one of which is a campaign trait? Not just 1 trait?

I believe what the DM was saying is that you start with two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait, and that you can get a drawback to get one more trait.

oh ok. never had any chars with a drawback. have to look those up.

Dang, a lot of the drawbacks are pretty crippling compared to what traits give. I can't see why you'd take them.

Because not being perfect is pretty fun, in itself. They make for good roleplay. If they didn't have some manner of impact, they wouldn't balance out the extra trait.

Please go ahead and send me your updated character sheets. I will get a campaign thread up with the various rule sets you'll need (like the daily chores), as well as NPCs, and the starting post.

I use google docs a lot for my RL game with the various ports in the shackles and information that would be widely known. Then I update the sheets as they learn more about the area. I would like to do that with this game as well, if you all don't mind sharing/making a gmail so I can add you to the docs.

They can still have an impact without being so crippling. The traits are quite weak in comparison. I've not seen any trait that gives a +5 to something for example, yet a few of those drawbacks give a -5...

As far as starting gold, I'm assuming average, for buying gear?

Scoundrel, if you don't like them, don't take them. Just that simple.

Oh I know I was just discussing them is all. I also haven't found any that quite fit my character either. I was trying to perhaps find one that was like an intolerance of slavers or people who own slaves...

Was going to ask, is there a new thread up for the game re-boot?

I was going to ask the same as well.

I may have to rework my background seeing as Scoundrel doesn't have that charming 16 charisma anymore and he's more average. :-p

Woops. Sorry I haven't gotten around to sending in my updated character sheet yet. It's been a few rather busy days.

I'll try and get it to you ASAP.

EDIT: Done, though I'm missing the starting gold number.

Try here. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ It has pretty much every dang thing about Pathfinder there.

That's not the issue, Scoundrel.

Some DMs here prefer to use the PFS rule of giving everyone 150 starting gold, other DMs have other rules there. I was wondering what Megolo was using.


If I DM I give max starting gold. I've never really DMed much but I'd like to try. The APs seem a good way to do it.

So sorry about the delay in the Campaign thread. The bad winter storms had knocked out my internet for a couple days. I will be getting that thread up tonight.

As for starting gold, I like the PFS rule, so go ahead and start with 150 gold.

Again sorry about the delay. Crazy weather!

I feel ya on the crazy weather. I'm in East Tennessee and it's been nothing but snow and ice. I'll send you the updated info on my sheet as soon as I have gear bought.

Does anyone remember how much GP the old cap'n had us start with? I don't remember and the recruitment thread is lost to the ages.

I 'think' it was 150 too, but I'm not sure.

Looking forward to starting play. =D

Forgot to say: I feel you guys with the weather. Up here in Quebec, it's brainsmashingly cold.

I'll have Iggy sent to you shortly. Craziness with work.

Is Iggy so fancy? You already know?



Would you all prefer to start with Max gold? I was informed that the previous DM had allowed it, and I'm fine with that.

I'm fine with any amount of coin, giving serious thought to a full rebuild with all the new options available to the character concept. So much work, so little time, so many fun new toys....

That would be nice. (It would save me having to redo my gear.)

Ignatius Hank wrote:


Notable question, status of 3rd party content?

Scoundrel the Tiefling wrote:
Ignatius Hank wrote:

Oh heck no! None of that craziness!

Although I do have some ideas for Scoundrel and Iggy having some options to help each other in combat. Two feats: Overflank and Precise Strike.

@ Temerith, No 3rd party content, but I was also under the impression that you had dropped from the campaign?

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