Can you temporarily close this location by summoning the henchman Vrykolakas if one of the stacks are already closed? When closing text states: "When closing a stack, summon and defeat the henchman Vrykolakas. This location remains open until both stacks are closed."
For those that have the game which character are you having a blast playing? My vote goes to Imrijka. I love how she blasts through monster filled locations.
Can Damiel use Jacks ability to add a 1d10 to a craft check to recharge a card instead of discarding it. I'm a little confused on what cards you can play to help a recharge.
We have Damiel and Oloch. Any advice on 2 more to round it out, we really can't decide. The gunslinger, swashbuckler and magus have been bounced around. This is for the S&S campaign.
Interesting thing happened when we found The villian "The Scribbler". Each character at the location summons and encounters a random monster which I drew from my topic The Elemental. If The Elemental is undefeated you move to a random OTHER location. So if you fail that check what happens to the villian? Does he move with you or stay or do you not move at all?
Ran into a little head scratcher. Can you cast Web on a monster that has a check to defeat as "none"? Web says I can evade a monster whose highest difficulty is 16 or lower. So can I evade Haunt?