
Dax Thura's page

***** Venture-Agent, Online—PbP 3,301 posts (19,918 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 46 Organized Play characters. 51 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

No day job for Ona.
Thank you for running.

Grand Lodge

I'm sorry, but I have lost the script. What is the situation?

Grand Lodge

Sorry. I'll take care of it when I make it home tonight.

Grand Lodge

Dax Thura/Ona Bram Reporting in.

Grand Lodge

Do I get another chance to break the charm?

Grand Lodge

You're welcome. Thank you.

Grand Lodge

Bot Jerikyo

Jerikyo draws his weapon before casting Divine Lance at Green.

Divine Lance: Bless
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12 Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Miss Chance: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Grand Lodge

I'd be willing to keep playing under a different DM.

Grand Lodge

Then I'll just keep at it then.

Grand Lodge

I think that is up to you.

Grand Lodge

I am. It was my understanding that you needed two more to make a full table again. Is that not right? I can just go with Sajan if not.

Grand Lodge

Great! Shall I just jump in like I've always been here? Just take over someone's initiative spot?

If you'd like, I can play Kyra too. I've GM'd a bit and have a fair amount of experience playing multiple characters.

Grand Lodge

GM Tiger, I'm only waiting your permission to jump in.

Grand Lodge

I can play if you'll have me. I'm the VA for Myth-Weavers and have been PBP since the start of Pathfinder.

How about Sajan? We can have fun with fists.

Grand Lodge

I think so too.

Grand Lodge

On skill checks a 1 is not an automatic failure.

Grand Lodge

Patiently waiting and hoping.

Grand Lodge

Yes. I think that Exploration Activity is to represent that any character can do one thing well (gain a bonus) or do a lot of things not as well (no bonus). It also highlights the flexibility of the system in allowing someone Detecting Magic to use one of the magic skills rather than Perception.

Even if it's not the most tactically/mechanically advantageous choice, I like the idea of using Kazzi's Architecture Lore or Ruins Lore. I'm all for giving use to the lore skills that can go overlooked. It fits the them of what we're doing and of the character.

Grand Lodge

I thought I had posted it already.

Kazzi Kojoc Human sorcerer and archaeologist/dungeon delver.


Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion wrote:

Looking forward to proceeding.

In the efforts of perhaps keeping players committed through the Adventure Path, I'd like to re-ask if the GM might consider awarding PFS chronicles/credit for participation. I'm looking forward to it either way, but also would never turn down advancement for my PFS characters if it's available. :)

Never done this ever, so wouldn't know even how to do this.

I am a Venture-Agent for Pathfinder Society and would be willing to help you. All it would take is from you is that you register for a Society number- free and very simple. After that, I could show you how to fill out a chronicle for the adventures.

Grand Lodge

I'm ok with waiting a little bit as well.

Grand Lodge

Basically, to give you the greatest amount of time before the effect that is killing you to finish it's business, when you are dying, your initiative changes to that just before that effect has a chance to hurt you again.

Say that you are first in initiative, your ally is second, and the villain is third. The villain takes you to dying. Your initiative goes to just before the villain's next turn. That way, your ally has a chance to heal you before you can attempt a stabilization roll or the villain can take the opportunity to just kill you on their turn.

Grand Lodge

I've also been invited to play. Looking forward to gaming with you.

Grand Lodge

Here is Kazzi for your approval.

Grand Lodge

Interest expressed.

Deciding between a Varisian Sorcerer (Imperial) who is oddly drawn to ancient Thassilonian sites or a Tien Staff Magus studying at the mage academy.

I have quite a bit of experience with this AP. I've played in and ran the first few books more than once. I played in a game up to the start of book 6. I don't have full recollection of everything, but still. If this disqualifies me, I understand.

Grand Lodge

Faengrim doesn't particularly benefit from any of the items, but is willing to hold onto the Bag of Holding.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Thraega is good.

Day Job Profession (smuggler): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Grand Lodge

Sell it all. Faengrim needs/wants none of it.

Grand Lodge

Faengrim could use a magic greatsword. Has another magic weapon, though, so it can wait.

Grand Lodge

I could play those again.

Grand Lodge

A little crowd control and knowledge skills are a good thing.

Grand Lodge

Con Prize: 1d20 ⇒ 16

You already have a lot on your plate. We can each control one. I will take Kyra. You can choose whom you'd like, Tyranius. Doesn't have to be a fightery type.

Grand Lodge

Sounds like we have a bunch of captains.

Grand Lodge

I am all for using the Manticore. A player should be able to use their boons.

Prize: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Thraega is best as Captain +13 Bluff/+13 Diplomacy/+12 Intimidate. He can MO +9 Mysticism.

Grand Lodge

I do have 2 glyphs.

My character, Ur-Mandr, is a rogue and likes to have a tank to flank with and a healer to bring him back to life after doing something stupid.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I haven't kept a loot list since the end of 2019.

Working on a list from the time of the shipwreck.

• Chest from ship wreckage (I didn’t look at what’s inside. Ghirrak knows though) buried close to wreckage.
• Lance +1
• Necklace 500 crowns
• Silver Dagger, masterwork
• Golden medallion with shining pink pearl (magic)

Grand Lodge

What Ghirrak said.

Grand Lodge

It has been a while since I last checked, but sonic weapons should still work in a vacuum.

Grand Lodge

DM Kludde, I signed up for Beacon Code Dilemma but only now found this thread. Is it too late to jump in?

Grand Lodge

Of course. Take your time. My condolences to you and your family.

Grand Lodge

Was that an apology or a humble brag?

Grand Lodge

WhtKnt wrote:
Just gonna say this. I've run this path three times for three different groups and you are the first ones to try taming the octopus!

That's because we're the first to think al leaders and not thugs in charge.

Grand Lodge

Some display of aggressive magical ability might allow for an Aid to Intimidation.

Grand Lodge

Faengrim's claws are- not iterative, but can make two attacks at the base number.

Grand Lodge

I'm here too.

Grand Lodge

The loot feels rather low to me, but I'm not sure what I'd do with the money anyway. I could go either way and have no preference on ship modifications.

Grand Lodge

Did I miss something? Did we gain some loot for our trouble (level up)?

Grand Lodge

Ranger 10 1d10 ⇒ 4

Grand Lodge

Second option. I want to keep playing, if I can.

Grand Lodge

No. It's work.

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