
Oleanne's page

11 posts. Alias of bwatford.


Oleanne just nodded at Kuiper's comments before pointing south deeper into the woods and saying some jumbled words as she spoke. She then turned to a nearby tree where an owl was perched. She waived her hand in a gesture and said some more unintelligible words and seemed to begin communicating with the bird.

Oleanne just nodded at Kuiper's comments before pointing south deeper into the woods and saying some jumbled words as she spoke. She then turned to a nearby tree where an owl was perched. She waived her hand in a gesture and said some more unintelligible words and seemed to begin communicating with the bird.

Oleanne begins searching the woods nearby for a sign of tracks with the aid of her remaining wolf.

Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

The woman suddenly begins to speak in a mangled common tongue "Krynen’s farmstead (just south of the young werebear in the local legends about the young werebear in the Woods do not paint me in a flattering light so he fled. I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but he took frightened, confused, and calm him, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I have a problem of me and I saw him transform into a werebear is very frightened, confused, and northeast of the Woods do not paint me in a flattering light of the sight of me"

She then nods to Alexander as if to give permission to approach the wolves.

The woman begins to speak in a mangled common tongue "Krynen’s farmstead (just south of the young werebear in the local legends about the young werebear in the Woods do not paint me in a flattering light so he fled. I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but he took frightened, confused, and calm him, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I haven’t seen Jelenneth, but I have a problem of me and I saw him transform into a werebear is very frightened, confused, and northeast of the Woods do not paint me in a flattering light of the sight of me"

Velriana scowls in the direction of Holbrecht and rises from her chair...

"How dare you take that tone with me you twit! No one here is trying to undermine any authority of anyone. No one is trying to disregard any rules. I simply offer up a simple exchange. Once the random sites are drawn there was NO RULE put in place by anyone that says the sites can not be exchanged between the parties involved. We all have access to the necropolis and have been selected if two groups so choose to exchange their sites then the Pharasmins would not care." she says in a quick response.

"Maybe our little servant of Brigh here needs to be asking this of the itself since he seems to be confused on what the rules actually state and don't state." she says addressing the crowd again.

She then turns directly to the dwarf and says "Tell me little rule man. What is the exact rule that says the sites can not be exchanged? What is the exact rule that says you can not give your site to another company that has access to the necropolis? and lastly.... What is the rule that says you can't earn a prophet by doing so?"

She then laughs and states the following not giving Holbrecht a chance to respond...

"Rule number one.... Remember How This Came to Pass! Rule number two.... Every Slave’s Hut Is a Memorial! Rule number three.... Honor the Departed! And that my dear is the only three rules that have been stated that would get you removed from the necropolis. Outside of that it is open to interpretation." she spits with authority.

She then sits back down in her chair.

Listening to Alexander Velriana again speaks to both of the duo...

"Again, we wish no ill will toward anyone hun, we just want to have the right to that one sight you see. Is that to much for us to ask? " she says almost ignoring Alexander's words as if she only was faintly aware of that which he spoke. She then stands and addresses the entire room. "Watch my dear Alexander, this is how you get the crowd on your side."

"This goes for all of you here. If any of you have learned of an ancient temple or shrine being assigned to any group, or heard any rumors of something called “the Erudite Eye.” then we will pay handsomely for that information. If you have been assigned that site already or in the future we will handsomely pay or trade for the privileged of having that site given to us."

She then walks over and picks her crossbow up from the table where her companions sits and turns back to Holbrecht.

Still speaking loudly "10,000 gold in trade for anyone giving that site to us and 1,000 gold for information that leads to the group that has drawn that site."

She stows the bow back over her shoulder.

"That will buy you a lot of book publications my dear Alexander, maybe even a name on the building where the books are to be kept. Spread the word, ok hun."

She then returns to the table with her comrades and has a seat.


Appraise checks have already been done on everything, and the fair market value is listed on the treasure list on the campaign tab.

As Velriana waits for her ale next to Alexander she listens to Holbrecht's speech in its entirety before responding.

"Oh, it is not even in my grandest wish to keep anyone from the necropolis, oh heavens no, and we certainly are not against it being open to the public, or who am little old I to say who or what faiths can access its treasures. We simply wish that sites could be chosen instead of randomly drawn when it comes to these types of matters my dear. " she then places her hat back on her head...

"Although we easily dispatched the nest of walking zombies that we found in the brothel’s basement and even managed to recover a few minor trinkets from the site the whore's used, we are disappointed with our first foray into the necropolis."

She then looks over Holbrecht, as if she was pleased with what she saw.

Turning back to Alexander (Speaking in Ancient Osirion ) "A pleasure to meet you Alexander Pierpoint, out of Augustana in Andoran. Quite an interesting companion you have here. I guess a worshiper of Brigh would not understand the importance a temple would be, of our faith of course."

Velriana turns toward the old wizard....

(Think strong Georgia drawl in a debutant kind of way. Gone with the Wind style.)
"Well, well I'll be. Oh where are my manners." she bows in a curtsey stance holding her fancy flopping hat at the same time and then walks over to stand behind Alexander at the bar.

Holding an outstretched hand "I am lady Velriana Hypaxes." she pauses for effect "Maybe you have heard of me? Famous Taldan Aristocrat Osirionolgist and worshiper of Nethys?" she sees the blank look in your eye.

"Very well then, this lottery as fair as these Pharasma worshipers want us to believe it is does not over rule an adventuring company like mines right to religious sites of their respected deities you see." She removes a silken handkerchief from her pocket and removes her hat long enough to wipe her brow and then she continues.

"You see were I come from we respect the religious sites to the groups they belong to. We don't let others simply trespass where they don't belong. Like me and all my adventuring company we worship our god Nethys, now while researching this dig we learned of a site in the necropolis that was devoted to our god, so we made a simple request for that site. It seems that our petition has been denied to explore a site sacred to myself and our members’ faith, and was instead allocated what turned out to be an ancient brothel."

Her eyes roll in disgust...

Twirling around making eye contact with all members in the room that will look her way and then back to Alexander.

"They gave us a g$~ d+*n whorehouse they did. And that is where our case lies."

She waits for Alexander's response....

Velriana looks puzzled for a moment and then looks around.

"Heavens no we didn't mean to imply that you were dishonest little one. I just simply was simply clarifying your intentions and stating that we should be mutually beneficial to one another if we are ever going to form an alliance now or in the future." she states as the other members of the Seekers approach.

After Neferteri tells her the assigned site of the Seekers, she ponders a moment. "I can not say that even I recognize any importance to the name Akhentepi. Most interesting. Most Bizarre. Again if you happen to find anything especially old records or informational journals on who he was while being there in the tomb I would be highly interested in purchasing them from you and that might even stir the pot toward this alliance you keep referring to."

She then turns to her associates and says, "Put this stuff back up where it belongs. We need to be getting back to the Tooth & Hookah, we need plenty of rest, six in the morning will come quick and I plan on being at the gates when they open at six."

Turning back to Nefer now "We are looking for something called the Erudite Eye, which is a site within the necropolis. If you happen to hear who draws it or if your team draws it we will pay top coin for it or information leading to it."

After the barrage of questions and all the talk of alliances and the like Velriana now turns her attention directly onto the curious halfling that so far she has been very diplomatic with.

"Now then honey, since we done gone and got all the fancy introductions out of our way, why don't ya let me ask you a simple question darling, Neferteri was it? Well you seem to want to know a hellava' lots about our site. Coming over here all curious like. Perhaps you could tell us what site you and your friends done gone and drawn? You want to talk up this here alliance but you just ain't offered us a dang thang in return." she says as she walks around Neferteri.

Glancing at her comrades "You see Idorii here." pointing at the tall half-elven woman.

"She be child of mixed heritage, Idorii is a heaping blend of Garundi and elven grace. You she is the martial arm of the Scorched Hand and resident expert in this here disarming traps and other hazards that we might come across. More mercenary than devotee, she is paid extra to protect the group’s leader, That would be little ol' me. She is my personal guard, and if she thought for a minute that you were trying to get one up on me." she pauses for effect as Idorii takes a step toward Neferteri.

Velriana Intimidate Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

"Heaven only knows what she might do to such a person of small stature like yourself." she pauses again for effect as Idorii takes a step back.

"But now we all be good neighbors and all since we all rooming up at that inn so I know you would never dream of such backstabary with your new friends, so I'll ask you again. What site did you draw honey?" she says as she squats down to your eye level.

Picture of Idorii