Sign in to create or edit a product review. Ultimate Options: New Arcane Discoveries by Super Genius Games This product is 10 pages long. It starts with a cover and intro. (1 pages) New Arcane Discoveries (8 pages)
This PDF also introduces two Wizard Archetypes.
It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and color, it ranges from ok to pretty good. Editing and layout was very good, I didn't notice any errors. I liked the majority of the new discoveries and I like Academician a lot as a archetype. A couple of the discoveries I was meh about but a few of them like Genie Servitor is just outstanding and so perfect for Arabian Night style setting. I really have nothing negative to say other than I wasn't a fan of all the stuff, but that is more a matter of taste than anything wrong with them. My only other comment is when do we get a follow up PDF of more of them? So what's my rating? Well I really have nothing negative to say beyond personal taste issues so I am giving this a 5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Legendary Eastern and Exotic Weapons by Purple Duck Publishing This product is 28 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, intro, and credits. (2 pages) Legendary Eastern and Exotic Weapons (21 pages)
AKIO – magical star knife, true strike, throwing, returning, shadow powers.
It ends with a OGL, contact info, advice on how to make your own weapons, and ads. (5 pages)
Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Nix Ra Bael, Dreamkiller (PFRPG) PDFRite PublishingOur Price: $2.99 Add to CartA solid addition to the series.Dark_Mistress —Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Nix Ra Bael, Dreamkiller by Rite Publishing This product is 12 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Nix Ra Bael, Dreamkiller (7 pages)
The extra's include the Arbalester archetype (crossbow version of the gunslinger), 3 new weapons, 4 new magic items, and 2 new templates. Blind Oracle and Siphon. It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and pretty good as a whole. Editing and format are ok, I noticed a few minor mistakes. He is a pretty interesting character with a good history and better personality. I am not completely sold on the Blind Oracle template though, neat idea though. Other than that and the editing/format errors it is a very well done product. If you are a fan of the series you will enough this one. So what's my rating? I am giving this one a 4 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Arboretum Map by Rite Publishing This product is 51 pages long. It starts with a credits and how to use this product. (2 pages) Maps (49 pages)
In addition to that there is the same set of maps in A4 format as well. As well as a file for maptool. Closing thoughts. It is a well drawn map from one of their recent adventures The Breaking of Forstor. It is the location of one of the main encounters in that adventure. The pack offers everything you need and if you are looking for a location map for this or like using mini's and have that adventure then this is worth picking up. So what's my rating? Well it gives exactly what it promises in a well done format. So I am going to give it a 5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Gothic Heroes: Pregenerated Characters (PFRPG) PDFLegendary GamesAdd HeroLab/PDF Bundle $5.99 Add PDF $4.99 Add HeroLab Files $1.99 Want some PC's or NPC idea's? Look here.Dark_Mistress —Gothic Heroes by Legendary Games This product is 33 pages long. It starts with a credits, cover, introduction, and ToC. (5 pages) Pregenerated Characters (25 pages)
It ends with a page of the art for each character on premade paper mini's. Though it does not included mini's for THEODRIC VORSAIFE, Eidolon or PERSIMMON, cat Familiar. It ends with a OGL, author bios, and back cover. (3 page) Closing thoughts. There is black and white and is very good to outstanding, with a nice parchment background, very pretty PDF. Editing and layout was very good I didn't notice any errors. The characters where well done, with very interesting histories with ties to the recent Carrion Crown AP. I am honestly not a huge fan of premade PC's or NPC's I tend to like my own. But these was done well enough that each of them inspired me in one way or another I plan to use all of them as NPC's in my upcoming game I am running. There is bookmarks to key things that might not be common knowledge, there is also notes on where to find some information not bookmarked. There is also a print friendly version of the document, though while it does do away with the parchment look it still have some background images so it is not as print friendly as it could be. My only other complaint about the whole product is the lack of a paper mini for the Eidolon and the familiar. So what's my rating? Well I was honestly impressed by the product. The two minor issues aside it is a very good product, so I am giving it a 5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Random Woodland Encounters by Raging Swan Press This product is 23 pages long. It starts with a credits, cover, and ToC. (5 pages) Woodland Encounters (15 pages)
It ends with a OGL, ads and back cover. (3 page) Closing thoughts. There is black and white and is fair. Editing and layout where pretty good. The encounters run from pretty simple to fairly interesting with some nice plot hooks. It is a handy book to have at hand when your PC's are off trekking throw the woods and you suddenly find you need a handy encounter to liven things up cause the PC's went off in a unexpected direction. This is a solid pickup. So what's my rating? For the price I am going to give it a 4 star if you like having handy encounters on hand. Simple yet effective product. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. 30 Badges of Faith by Rite Publishing This product is 18 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 page) 30 Badges of Faith (18 pages)
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 page) Closing thoughts. The art work is a mix of Black and White and color, it ranges from meh to ok. Layout and editing are good I noticed only a few minor errors. Very neat idea and the badges had some nice flavor to them in what they did. I am not at all fond of the name though. I think symbols might have been a better name personally. It is a well done product but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing or maybe the idea just screams the need for further expanding. Not sure I really can't put my finger on it, but it just somehow felt like it needed something a little more. I know it would have taken a lot but I think the subdomains could have really used their own badges as well. As some of them focus on much more narrow aspects. So what's my rating? Well it is good but I felt something was missing but I don't know for sure what. I am going to settle for a 4.5 review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Bullet Point: 13 Witch Hexes by Super Genius Games This product is 3 pages long. It starts with a cover and introduction. (1 page) 13 Witch Hexes (1 page)
It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 page) Closing thoughts. The art work is black and good what little there is. Editing and format was good I didn't notice any errors. I liked all the hexes to one degree or another. In fact my only real complaint is there is only 13 of them and they are all minor hexes with no major or greater ones. I would like to see more of... well pretty much all the hexes. I really have nothing negative to say about the product. To nit pick not all of the hexes are as useful as others but that is true of the core hexes as well. So what's my rating? Having nothing negative to say I will give it a 5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Behind the Monsters: Dark Folk by Tricky Owlbear Publishing This product is 8 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (½ page) Dark Folk (6 ½ page)
It ends with a OGL. (1 page) Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and fair. Editing and layout where pretty good. The history was interesting and gives something more for the GM to work with to make the Dark Folk into a more interesting encounter. The new Dark Keeper adds a little variety to them as well. While the product was fairly well done and gives exactly what it promises to give I wasn't exactly blown away by it either. It is a solid product worth the price if the subject interest you. So I am going to settle on a 3 star review, solid but lacking a bit in the wow cool factor. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Book of Magic: Signature Spells 1 by Jon Brazer Enterprises This product is 12 pages long. It starts with a cover, OGL, and credits. (2 pages) Spell Lists (3 page)
Signature Spells (5 pages)
Doesn't Fit
It ends with a back cover and ads. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. There is only two art pieces, both are black and white. One is fair and one is good. Editing and layout was good I didn't notice errors. Now I listed spells by those that fit and didn't fit the idea of the concept. Those that didn't fit doesn't make them bad spell, just they don't really fit the concept idea. The reverse is true not as well. Not all the spells that fit the concept where good spells. The snake strike example was actually I felt a bit to powerful for it's level. The named spells that fit a theme fit what I was expecting in the product. Most of the spells in the book where well done but some where rather bland and boring, like improved mage armor. I want to see more of Halican's or Leighanna's spells. I think the next book needs to have about 6-10 groups of 3-5 spells each like those. I also would have loved to have seen more history and flavor text about the spells, maybe a short paragraph or two side bar talking about the caster that made them. That would be very cool. I find this one a bit hard to rate. On one hand most of the spells are pretty well done and if you are just looking for some new spells I would give this a 4 star review. But if you are looking for cool signature spells then a chunk of them just falls way short of that and I would only give it a 3 star review. So I am going to settle on a 3.5 star review for this product. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. 30 Haunts of Objects by Rite Publishing This product is 15 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Introduction (1 ½ page)
Haunted Objects (8 ½ pages)
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. There is a mix of color and black and white art in this product. They style is older style of art that Rite Publishing is becoming known for. They range from fair to pretty good. Editing and layout was pretty good but I did notice a few minor errors such as a * in the middle of a word for no apparent reason, but all and all nothing that made the product hard to understand and use. I honestly could have listed a lot more examples I liked virtually all the haunted objects to one degree or another. Though a few of the objects I felt could have used a bit more history and or explanation to them. I also felt a few of them could have gone a bit further. That and I wish there had been a lot more of them, especially of the smaller more personal objects one could place in a dungeon, haunted house etc and expect the PC's to maybe pick up and keep. So what's my rating? I thought it was very good but could have used a bit more polish so I am going to settle for a 4.5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Random Acts of Violence by 4 Wind Fantasy Gaming This product is 6 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Introduction (½ page)
Random Acts of Violence (5 ½ pages)
Closing thoughts. There is no artwork at all in the book. Editing and layout is well done. Most of the acts are interesting and well written. Many spark side quest idea's, least I think you should be ready for it. Since I imagine many PC's will investigate many of these such events. I found this product hard to rate. On one hand most of the random acts are well done and can liven up moments in town or traveling on a road which is cool. On the other hand it is not broke up by location and some of them would fit better in urban settings or rural settings. I think the product would have been better with a chart for each or even two products one for each environment. As it is, you may roll up something that just really doesn't fit the location well at all which makes the product less useful than it could be. To me this is a neat idea that needs a bit more work to make it into a great idea. So I am going to settle on a 3.5 star review due to the cheap price and the cool idea's. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Phantasia Zoological Vol 1: Cats, Dogs, and Horses by 4 Wind Fantasy Gaming This product is 72 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, and ToC. (4 pages) Introduction (1 page)
Chapter 1 – Cats (16 pages)
Chapter 2 – Dogs (20 pages)
Chapter 3 – Horses (16 pages)
Chapter 4 – Gear (6 pages)
Appendix 1 Prices (2 pages)
Appendix 2 Familiars and Animal Companions (4 pages)
It ends with a OGL and back cover. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and goes from fair to pretty good. There is art for each animal in the book which I found to be a big plus. Editing and layout are good. Now I am a bit biased I really like products like this that add the little details. Even with out the magical and undead versions I found this to be a useful book. If you would like to have a some differences in animals. Like some dogs that hunt better than others, or might be tougher and more suited to combat. Each breed has things they are good at. If that interest you then I highly recommend picking this up. So what's my rating? I am giving it a 4.5 good but not perfect. I would have liked to have seen a bit more on a couple of entries like Puss-n-Boots and a list of those that would make good improved familiar choices, but all and all a solid book. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Robe of Summoning by Raging Swan Press This product is 18 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, OGL, and ToC. (5 pages) Robes (10 pages)
It ends with a ads and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and ok, but there is a single image of a robe used over and over. I honestly would have rather them got art for each robe or just left the images out other than one maybe at the beginning. Editing and formatting where pretty good, nothing major that I noticed. As for the robes the new slight change to the robe of bones was nice, though not sure why they did it. I felt the Robe of Waves was hands down the best, the other ones where not bad but to much overlap between them for my taste and they didn't stand apart nearly as much as they should have. The Caves one was second best, the other two could have used some replacements for the overlaps they had with the cave one. So what's my rating? Well if you like the Robe of Bone and always wished there was something similar for non undead user to use then this gives it to you. But I was a little disappointed on the artwork and one some of the robes not having enough variety. It is worth checking out for the price though especially if you are a fan. I am giving this one a 3 star review. Get some new art for the robes and tweak the Animal and Vermin robes and I would change it to a 4. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Robe of Useful Items by Raging Swan Press This product is 17 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, OGL, and ToC. (5 pages) Robes (10 pages)
It ends with a page on how to read the stat blocks etc. It also has full stat blocks for any creature pulled out of the robes. It ends with a ads and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and ranges from fair to pretty good. I didn't notice any obvious editing errors. Layout was pretty good. There is a bit of overlap between the robes, as far as what they can pull out of them. The themes made sense. I would have liked to have seen a bit more variety in the items that could be pulled out of them though. All and all they are pretty good with new takes on the base robe to add a bit more variety. So what's my rating? The robes where pretty good but they didn't wow me either. For the cheap price I am going to give this a 4 star. If you like the Robe of Useful items this is worth picking up for some new takes on it. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Mega Dungeon All Star by Gaming Paper This product is 62 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, OGL, and ToC. (4 pages) Temple of the Half-Born 7-8th level by Monte Cook (14 pages)
Arena of Souls 3-4th level by Brian Cortijo (12 pages)
Lost Coins and Flying Bones 5-6th level by Ed Greenwood (14 pages)
Keep Away from the Borderlands 1-2nd level by Steven Schend (15 pages)
It ends with a ads and back cover. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and ranges from fair to ok. I didn't notice any obvious editing errors. Layout was pretty good. All four of the adventures are pretty well written. The first one is a nice set up with a nice mix of encounters. The second one is interesting but suffers from the problems of it requires the PC's to be captured and stripped of gear first before the adventure begins and not all groups like those kinds of adventures. The third one is pretty trap heavy with a nice little back story. The forth one is well done with some nice event encounters, but the map needed work on that one. Looks like the map was done by the same person for all 4 but the last one just isn't as well done as the first three. Perhaps because it is the only one that is not completely a underground dungeon. I find this one very hard to rate, the 1st and 3rd adventures are pretty good, the 2nd one is well done but not sure how likely I am to use it. Perhaps if my PC's ever get captured I will have them end up there, but that would likely mean scaling it for what ever level they are. The 4th one I just had issues with the map that I would be half tempted to just use another map and move the encounters over so it is more clear. So they are all well written but two would take some work for me to use personally. I am going to give it a 3.5 star, I was tempted to go 4 and if the map was made more clear or redone for the 4th adventure I would raise my rating to a 4. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Mythic Menagerie: Demonic Harlots by Super Genius Games This product is 16 pages long. It starts with a cover and forward. (2 pages) Demonic Harlots (9 pages)
Expanded Rules (4 pages)
It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white other than the cover image. They range from pretty good to good. I should note there is some mild nudity in some of the images in the book. Editing and layout was good, I didn't notice any errors. The new succubi where fairly interesting with well done histories. I think the Thyiades would have been more interesting as a fey cross bread but otherwise they was well done. This product is a Mythic Menagerie so first and foremost it is a monster book, to expand upon the succubus demon. The new versions of which some look much like normal succubi or can pass for them with their powers. Should keep PC's on their toes even more around them. So what's my rating? Well I am a fan of the subject matter. Still I think it is a well done product. With the higher price, which I imagine is due to the better than normal artwork. I am going to give this one a 4 star review. I liked it but felt it could have had just a bit more to push it over the top. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. 30 Ioun Stones by Rite Publishing This product is 11 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Ioun Stones (6 pages)
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is appears to be color photo's of real gems. Editing and layout are good I didn't notice any errors. Now before I go further I feel I need to point out, I honestly strongly dislike Ioun stones. I think they are at best boring to down right silly personally. These stones are a lot more interesting than the default ones which is a huge plus. But they still use the same mechanic of orbiting around your head, but that's to be understandable. With that said these are well done and almost, almost make me like them. Enough anyways I might figure out my own way to use some of them. I do wish not all of them looked like gems more or less though to give a little more variety. So what's my rating? Well if you are a fan of ioun stones then I think you will really like this book, so I am going to give it a 4.5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Legendary IV: Legendary Shields by Purple Duck Games This product is 35 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (2 pages) Legendary Shields (30 pages)
The shields are all very well done, they are often inventive and they make use of the new Rite Publishing book 101 armor and shield properties to help make these stand out even more. All the rules needed are copied into this book but if you like the properties you should check out their inspiration source. It ends with a OGL, thanks, and contact info. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white, there is a image for each shield as well as some additional images. The art work is good. Editing and layout was pretty good, there was a few minor editing errors here and there. I am a big fan of scaling magic items that make magic items more special, things PC's don't change and upgrade every couple of levels. But become items that help define them. Purple Duck Games has given us that with weapons and items already, now they give us shields. My only real compliant about this product is the lack of variety in the power. They are all 1-10 power level shields that range from 1-20 character levels. I would have liked to have seen a few 1-5 power level shields as well to add some variety. They would have scaled only 10 levels and could have been further tweaked to cover levels 1-10, 5-15 and 10-20 etc. A minor complaint but one I hope in future legendary products they do start to address some. So what's my rating? I am giving this one a 4 star review. It is good but could have used another editing pass, fix the editing and I would raise it to a 4.5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. The Ebon Vault: Secrets of the Staff (PFRPG) PDFNecromancers of the NorthwestOur Price: $2.49 Add to CartWant some neat idea's for staves? Take a look at this.Dark_Mistress —The Ebon Vault: Secrets of the Staff by Necromancers of the Northwest This product is 34 pages long. It starts with a cover, forward, and credits. (3 pages) Staves (26 pages)
Gem Staves – A new type of staff that uses magical gems to work. The staff has spells built it but needs the gems to power them, But it functions more or less like a staff when there is a gem in the staff. There is 16 different gem staves. School Staves – There is a journeyman and master version for each school of magic. The journeyman staves have 4 spells from their school, they are easier to recharge if using spells from that school and can be used to counter spells from that school. The master versions can hold 9 spells and they can be changed, charges used depends on the level of the spell. The on thing I don't care for the master staff is it limits you to one spell of each level. Forcing you to use 1-9 level spells one of each level. Making the staff much less useful for anyone but high level characters. I would have preferred something like limit by level, such as 1 9th, 2 8th, 3 7th etc. I think that would have been better but still very cool idea. Theme Staves – This are staves with a common theme, such as Lighting Rod a staff with lighting spells, or elemental themed staff etc. Most of theme where cool concepts for themes and for the most part they was all well done. Spell Gems (3 pages)
It ends with a OGL and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is color with a handful of images of staves but not noting which one the picture was suppose to be of, would have been nice to have a basic image for each staff. Editing and layout was so so, there was a couple of errors. The gem staves was a cool idea, I would have liked to have seen some more variety in the gems used in them though. The school staves I really liked other than my one comment on the master staves. The themed staves where mostly very cool, I would have liked to have seen a bit more fluff on them and maybe to make them feel a bit more unique on a few of the more powerful ones. But all and all pretty good. On the downside there is no ToC though there is bookmarks and while the parchment background looks cool it is not very print friendly. So what's my rating? I am giving this one a 3.5 star. I think it could have used a little more polish and really could use a print friendly version. Get a print friendly and fix editing errors and it is worthy of a 4 star. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. A Necromancer's Grimoire: Secrets of the Witch (PFRPG) PDFNecromancers of the NorthwestOur Price: $2.49 Add to CartWorth checking out for fans of witches.Dark_Mistress —A Necromancer's Grimoire: Secrets of the Witch by Necromancers of the Northwest This product is 41 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Introduction (3 pages)
Green Hag (9 pages)
Feats (6 pages)
Hexes (2 ½ pages)
Familiar Abilities (1 ½ pages)
Spells (14 pages)
It ends with a OGL, ad, and back cover. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is color and is mostly pretty good. Editing and layout was so so, there was a couple of errors and a couple of pages that where slanted looking like it was a scanned page look. I like witches I will just say that right off, I like new things for them. The hag sadly I think needs a lot of work. The rest of it though is pretty good. Most of the hexes, spells, feats and familiar abilities where pretty good. So what's my rating? Well with the editing and layout errors, along with the hag. I am going to give this a 3 star review. If you are just interested in the hexes, spells, feats, and familiar stuff then I would rate it a 3.5. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. A Necromancer's Grimoire: Marchen der Daemonwulf (PFRPG) PDFNecromancers of the NorthwestOur Price: $2.49 Add to CartWorth a look for the price.Dark_Mistress —A Necromancer's Grimoire: Marchen der Daemonwulf by Necromancers of the Northwest This product is 28 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, forward, and credits. (4 pages) Introduction (22 pages)
It gives information about them, a lore table, daily life etc. There is 55 new feat's most of them require you to be cursed of the werewolf. Most of them are pretty neat and make sense. It ends with 4 new magic items. It ends with a OGL and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is color and is mostly pretty good. Editing and layout was ok. I noticed a couple of errors and in one spot I thought the layout should have been done differently. While it is a pretty book it would be brutal on a printer as there is no print friendly version. The feats alone are almost worth getting the book if nothing else to use for NPC werewolves. The class while a neat idea I am not sold on. It is a great deal of major book keeping, that I am just not sure I think the payoff of playing it is worth the pain in the ass of the book keeping required. Not to mention at some times of the month depending on the moon the class will be pretty strong while at other times it will honestly be pretty weak. So all and all I am going with, nice idea, but needs work to make it work. So what's my rating? I am going with a 3 star review. If you don't mind the book keeping it isn't to bad and the feats alone are worth a look for the price. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. Road of the Dead by Raging Swan Publishing This product is 51 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (5 pages) Using the Adventure (5 pages)
Road of the Dead (18 pages)
Appendix 1: New Stuff (4 pages)
Appendix 2: Player's Handouts(10 pages)
Appendix 3: Pregen PC's (7 pages)
It ends with a OGL and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and ranges from ok to very good. Editing and layout was good, I didn't notice any errors or problems. This adventure is a more standard explore the lost “insert name here” type dungeon, but there is some knowledge and lore aspects to it. Otherwise it is a fairly well done short dungeon crawl. While it is made to fit into the local area of the Lonely Coast area by Raging Swan it would be pretty easy to drop in just about anywhere for PC's as a side trek. It is made for a 3rd level party, it does have some information about continuing the adventure as well as scaling it for other levels. So what's my rating? It is a nice simple very well done fun little dungeon crawl. It just begs to have had more lore and puzzles and such added to it. I am going to rate this one a 4.5, good but with just a bit more it could have been great. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. 101 Magical Armor and Shield Properties by Rite Publishing This product is 18 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) Armor and Shield Properties (13 pages)
Allied Security – if next to a ally you can reduce your AC and give it to your ally, as a immediate action.
It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is color good as a whole. Editing and format are very good, I didn't notice any errors. There was a lot of very cool idea's in the 101 properties given, there was some meh idea's as well. But that is to be expected not everyone is going to like everything. I do think a few of them could have used another line or two of fluff talking about how the idea works, but that is a minor issue. So what's my rating? Well what is good is very good, I do think a few needed a bit more text and there was a couple of meh ones as well. So I am going to give it a 4.5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus. The Breaking of Forstor Nagar (PFRPG)Cubicle 7 EntertainmentPrint/PDF Bundle Unavailable Add PDF $9.99 A very "cool" adventureDark_Mistress —The Breaking of Forstor Nagar by Rite Publishing This product is 48 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, and ToC. (2 pages) Adventure Introduction (2 ½ pages)
Part 1: A Bridge Over... (6 ½ pages)
Part 2: Into the City (4 ½ pages)
Part 3: A Fleeting Paradise (4 pages)
Part 4: Knock Knock (6 pages)
Part 5: The Diplomatic Compound (3 ½ pages)
Part 6: Flight into Ruin (3 ½ pages)
Part 7: Safe Passage (3 pages)
Part 8: The Oracle of Forstor Nagar (5 pages)
Part 9: Escape from the Grinding Ice (3 ½ pages)
Appendix (3 pages)
It ends with a OGL and back cover. (2 pages) Closing thoughts. The art work is color and good. Editing and layout was good, I didn't notice any obvious errors. This product also uses maptools, extensively bookmarked as well. The adventure set up and concept are top notch and very cool. There is a real feeling of urgency and for any good aligned PC group there will be added pressure of trying to save as many people as possible. The encounters are well done, the encounter maps show you everything you need an there is a few twists and turns in the adventure to keep you on your toes. I really liked the adventure. But I didn't think it was perfect I do have two nitpicks about it. One is one of the encounters it is very hard to save a NPC and some players I think will be annoyed with how it happens as they can do almost nothing to stop it. The other nitpick is I wish there had been a overview map of the city. I wouldn't have had to have been a detailed one just a vague one to give the GM a sense of the size of the city and help give a better sense of describing the flight threw the city. Second one is a bigger issue, while the adventure is great. It could have been one of the all time great 3pp adventures for Pathfinder, it still might be. But having the map would have helped. So what's my rating? Well despite the two issues I mentioned it is still a outstanding adventure so I am going it a 5 star review. Trust me, I'm a Succubus.