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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 8,503 posts. 179 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

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Some nice character options.


Archetypes of the Jade Oath by Rite Publishing

This product is 20 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

Archetypes of the Jade Oath (12 ½ pages)
This section has new archetypes for classes for the campaign setting Jade Oath by Rite Publishing. It is a Asian based setting so the archetypes are suitable for other settings as well, if one keeps that in mind.
Barbarian – They get 20 new rage powers. Some of the powers come in totem sets of three powers. The totem sets are Centipede, Elephant, Horse, Mantis, Monkey and Tiger. The final two powers lets the barbarians rage effect any animal companions they might have. The Totem Pact Master is a new archetype that gives the Barbarian a animal companion similar to that of a druid, but from the totems listed in a the rage powers.
Cavalier – They get two new orders, Order of the Ancestor and Order of the Creed. The new Samurai class can also take these as well.
Monk – Kensai archetype, this archetype is of a monk who focuses on a single weapon type. A more combative version of the monk class. The replace weapon and armor with all simple, one fighter weapon group and light armor. Monk AC bonus works with Light armor. Flurry of Blows can be done with their single weapon of choose or unarmed. Living Ki Weapon begins with a masterwork weapon and may use ki to enhance this weapon. Living Ki weapon dmg, bonus dmg with weapon. Ki strike allows weapon to by pass DR. Martial Training, allows the monk to take fighter feats. Weapon of the Golden Soul cool cap stone power. For all this they give up stunning fist, slow fall, monk only weapons, less unarmed dmg, some bonus feats, and perfect self.
Witch – The get four new patrons, dragon, five elements, ghost and jade. They gain 16 new hexes, four from each new patron. 16 new major hexes as well, and 4 new grand hexes, one of each type. One of the differences with these hexes is the more of the same type of hexes a witch learns the more powerful the hexes become. Such as Cloud Rider, lets a witch summon and ride on a cloud, each five element hex the witch knows allows it to go 5ft higher and adds 1 minute of use to the hex per day. The rest of the hexes are done similar.

New Feats (2 ½ pages)
There is 14 new feats in this section. The feats all work with something called a arcane pool. I will admit to be slightly confused by the arcane pool. I am not positive where a arcane pool comes from or exactly how one gets it. Perhaps I am miss reading it but I reread it and wasn't able to figure that out. My guess is that it is from another book and they just forgot to mention where the arcane pool is from.

It ends with a OGL and 2 ads. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is color and ranges from ok to very good. Layout and editing is good. The name of the book is a little misleading there is actually only two archetypes in the book. I was a bit disappointed by that. Now most of the stuff in the book is very good, the new rage powers where pretty cool, the new orders interesting as was the witch patrons and hexes. Just not many archetypes, I think a better name would have been Characters options of the Jade Oath or something along those lines instead. So what's my rating? Well other than what I feel is a slightly misleading name and the confusion on the arcane pool I am going to give this a 4 star review. What I liked I really liked, but I felt it needed a bit more work.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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A solid high level NPC


Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Arhanoht, the Iron Gavel by Rite Publishing

This product is 16 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits. (2 pages)

Iron Gavel (11 pages)
He is designed to be used with the Coliseum Morpheuon. It starts off with a history, some lore charts about him, his dreams, and advice on how to use him. He has 3 stat blocks of different levels, CR 6, 12, and 21. The CR 21 is a Exemplar suzerain time seer lesser kolyarut inquisitor 13/monk 3. The CR 12 is a Broken exemplar time seer lesser kolyarut inquisitor 5/monk 3. The CR 6 is a Broken (x3) exemplar lesser kolyarut.

In addition to his stat blocks we also get. A new weapon Meteor Hammer, two new traits, and Three new magic items.
Bracers of Determination – Like AC bracers but with breath of life as well. There is a lesser and greater version of these.
Hammer of Justice – A very cool weapon with several interesting powers.

There is also three new feats.
Extended Bane – adds wis bonus to bane length.
Extra Cohort – gain a extra cohort if you have leadership
Lasting Judgment – A judgment last for a little while after a combat is finished. Allowing you to possible use it in two combats or more.

A new variant monster a lesser kolyarut, and four new templates. Broken, Exemplar, Suzerian, and Time Seer.

It ends with a OGL and 2 ads. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and good. Layout and editing is good, there was one minor error I noticed but nothing major. The character is well done and interesting. The magic items, feats, templates and such are all well done and almost worth the price of the book alone. He is heavily stacked with templates and classes, which will make him be a pretty nasty surprise to most PC's as a lot of what he will do will be unexpected. If you are a fan of Coliseum Morpheuon and looking to add more or just wanting a some stat blocks for a interesting NPC then this is worth picking up. So what's my rating? Well it gives exactly what it claims in a well done manner with only one single tiny editing error. So going to give this one a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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Like urban adventures? Pick this up.


Streets of Zobeck by Open Design

This product is 94 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, forward and ToC. (4 pages)

Faces of Zobeck (8 pages)
This is a section of stat blocks for important NPC's in the book. There is 8 NPC's full stated out with a short background, goals and plots laid out. There is also 5 feats and 2 traits in this section by the NPC that possess them. I am unsure if they are new or from other Open Design books and just reprinted here.

Places of Zobeck (14 pages)
This covers 6 locations in the city. With a map, description, location keys, key NPC's and some stat blocks as well. Basically everything you would need to help bring the location to life. There is also two traps stated out, a new rogue archetype, and a new rogue talent. At the end is a full stated out NPC using the new rogue archetype.

Everyone Lies (9 pages)
This is a 1-3rd level mini adventure. It uses one of the locations detailed in the previous chapter. In addition there is a single new magic item stated out, one that is common with the City Watch.

Rust (9 pages)
A 4-5th level mini adventure.

The Fish and the Rose (8 pages)
A 5th level mini adventure.

The First Lab (8 pages)
A 7th level mini adventure.

Rebuilding a Good Man (7 pages)
A 9th level mini adventure.

Ripper (8 pages)
A 10th level mini adventure.

Flesh Fails (11 pages)
A 9-11th level mini adventure.

Races of Zobeck (4 ½ pages)
This has 8 new feats, 16 new traits, 4 new spells, 6 new magic items, 1 new magic weapon property, and 3 new mundane gear items.

It ends with a OGL, ads and back cover. (3 ½ pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and good. Layout and editing are good, I didn't notice any errors. The author forward was a nice little read and it explains what the product is about and what inspired it. The whole product is a grim and gritty urban supplement to help bring the city of Zobeck to life. The locations are well done, the mini adventures are all interesting. Some use some of the NPC's in the first section or some of the locations in the second section. Others add new locations of their own or NPC's which can be used. Most of the book can be used over and over, other than the adventures of course. It adds a nice continuity as the PC's will go to the same places and see the same people over the course of their adventures. Reading this book it reminded me a great deal of the Thieves World series of books. While this product is made for Zobeck and the world setting of Midgard it would be fairly easy to use the vast majority of this book in any setting.

So what's my rating? Well I admit I am biased I like urban based adventures and I like grim and gritty adventures and settings as well. Not to mention I am a big fan of the listed works that inspired the authors of this product. With that said though if you are looking for more flavor for your Zobeck game or just looking for some urban adventures and locations then I highly recommend the book. I have settled on a 5 star for this product. If you liked the Thieves World series of books, pick this up. You won't be disappointed.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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A solid edition to the series.


In the Company of Tengu by Rite Publishing

This product is 26 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits and ToC. (3 pages)

Tengu (19 pages)
This section has all the racial information to play the Tengu as a new race. There is also favored class options, archetypes, 7 new racial traits, 20 level racial class and it ends with 10 new racial feats. The race seems fairly well balanced with the rest of the base races.

It ends with a OGL, ads and back cover. (4 pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is mostly color and ranges from so so to pretty good. Layout and editing was pretty good but I noticed a few more mistakes than is normal in Rite Publishing products. Nothing that made it hard to understand just some minor mistakes here and there. The favored class options where so so. The three new archetypes for Cavalier, Paladin and Fighter where all pretty good. The race paragon class was solid.

So what's my rating? Well first let me say this is not a race that honestly appeals to me. With that said it is well done though as a whole. I think the favored class options could have used a little more work, they was a bit meh to be honest. With the slightly higher than normal editing errors I am going to give this one a 4 star review. If the race appeals to you then it is worth picking up.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A nice follow up book to the first.


The Faerie Ring Along the Twisting Way: Red Jack by Zombie Sky Press

This product is 24 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (1 ½ pages)

Once upon a time... (3 ½ pages)
This chapter is the history, personality, reactions to others, tactics and such for Red Jack. The history was very well written and interesting.

Strangle Grove (6 pages)
This starts off talking about Red Jacks fey Realm. This includes a brief overview of all the major spots in the realm and stats for a major artifact. It then goes on to give general information about three types of fey foxes.

Mokuren “Ren” Kamura (2 pages)
This is the history and general information about Red Jacks daughter.

Appendix 1 (7 pages)
There is full stat blocks in this section. There is two stat blocks for Red Jack a CR 27 and CR 23. There is also information about his artifact weapon Death Bloom. There is also stat blocks for the three fey foxes discussed earlier, CR ½, 2, 9, and 13(for a elder version of a pipe fox). One page is devoted to how to create different types of ghostly foxes. A page with three new types of fey fox subtypes are also included, which can be applied to other creatures.

Appendix 2 (3 ½ pages)
This section has rules for making kitsune as a PC race. There is a full race write up for them. There is 9 new racial feats, a new spell, one incantation and a new type of magic item.

It ends with a OGL. (½ pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is color and pretty good, all in the style of the cover art. Layout and editing was well done. It is a pretty PDF with a light blue background, it also comes with a plain white and black print friendly version as well. The history and story of Red Jack was very well done and very interesting. I will admit having all the stat blocks in the back of the book instead of where they creature in question was talked about was a little odd. It works just fine I just thought it was a bit odd of a choice.

I do have three fairly minor complaints though. One is I wish there had been another 2-4 more pages about the Strangle Grove and the second is I really wish there had been a map for the realm, even a vague one would have been very helpful. My third complaint is very minor but I wish there had been a little side bar for advice for what would happen if Red Jack ever finds his daughter. Though perhaps they are saving that for a follow up product, since this one hints at a future adventure. So what's my rating? Well I thought this was very well done and interesting, but I do think to be outstanding it needed just a bit more. Especially in regards to my first two critics. So I am going to settle on a 4.5 review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A nice pickup


110 Spell Variants by Super Genius Games

This product is 10 pages long. It starts with a cover and intro. (1 pages)

110 Spells (8 pages)
This has a 110 spells that are variations of existing spells. A few examples to follow. Right now I will break the spells down by level. The spells are fairly spread out for all the classes.
0 level – 3
1st level - 18
2nd level - 18
3rd level - 17
4th level - 18
5th level - 11
6th level - 11
7th level - 6
8th level - 4
9th level – 4

Pestilence – Summon Swarm by those damaged also effected by contagion
Ooze Form – turns you into ooze
Ring of Fire – like a wall of fire in a ring about you, that moves with you.
Whiteout – Make is snow and block sight
Cavalry – Same as summon mount but can be used on others.
Rejuvenate Familiar – same as rejuvenate eidolan except for familiar.
Touch of Frailty – like touch of idiocy by effects physical stats.
Dancing Shadows – like dancing lights but in reverse.

It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is mostly color and ranges from good to very good. Layout and editing was well done. There was a couple of spells I wish they would have had a bit more information about. Torchbearer, which works like dancing lights. The name suggest it holds a torch but other than saying it works like dancing lights it doesn't say. Also there is one spell listed twice. Rejuvenate Familiar is listed as a 1st level and a 4th level spell. All and all the product is very well done and the spell range from, that’s pretty neat to why didn't I think of that.

So what's my rating? Well I want to give this one a 5 but it does have the one spell listed twice and then a couple of spells could have used a little more text to explain them. So with that in mind I am going to settle for a 4.5 star. Fix the couple of minor issues and I would up it to a 5.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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A solid sandbox 4e adventure.


Lost City by Open Design

This product is 95 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, and ToC. (5 pages)

Chapter 1: Kadralhu (19 pages)
This setting sandbox style adventure is for characters of 14-17th level. It starts off with background about the city, a adventure summery, history of the city, factions of the city, adventure hooks, 3 new magic items, a bit of info on a local city, a nearby village and information about base camps within the city ruins. It finishes by going back to the factions with stat blocks and more information about them.

Chapter 2: The Phoenix Tower (7 pages)
The tower is the way into the old ruined city. It starts off talking about all the rooms with in the tower, with nice descriptive text on what to read to the players in easy to spot way. It ends with the encounters being laid out at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3: Impressions (13 pages)
This next section introduces a new race of creatures a type of lizard people in a couple of camps. It mostly deals with the PC's coming into contact with them and advice on how to run the creatures. There is also a couple of set encounters in this section as well.

Chapter 4: The Hanging Garden (10 pages)
This section of the city is now known as the hanging gardens. It lays out this section of the city and the creatures that can be found with in it are insect people. It ends with a series of encounters.

Chapter 5: The Corpse Commons (18 pages)
This is a part of the city where giants use to live. Like the previous parts it explores and lays out this section with easy to read and understand descriptions. Then ends with a series of encounters and a mini dungeon. There are still giants and other things in this area of the city.

Chapter 6: The Waterworks of Kadralhu (10 pages)
This section still has those roaming from when the city fell making their home here. The beginning is descriptions of the sections with encounters laid out at then end of the chapter.

Chapter 7: The Vault of Kadralhu (13 pages)
This final section will likely be undertaken by the PC's as a sort of quest. It is a nice little final quest to the city with a interesting ending. Other than the well laid out sections and encounters at the end. There is also sections on what happens after the adventure is over with some likely surprising options that some players will love to take advantage of.

It ends with a back cover. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. I should note I was given this for the purpose of this review. The art work is mostly black and white and range from fair to good. Layout and editing was well done. The maps are well done and there is a lot of them, they focus on small sections within each chapter. There is no larger overview maps of each section which is something I personally like. There is a couple of small maps with general overviews of the whole city though, but they lack much detail.

Now I found this adventure very hard to review. For one I found the format hard to read, I am told it is the normal format for 4th edition called a delve format. I can see how when running things it could be helpful when combat starts, but I found it made it harder to read. Also while I have played 4th edition some, I have not played it a ton and never GMed it. So I not sure how well balanced and how hard the encounters are from a mechanical stand point. I will say most of them was interesting and presented in a way to make for fun encounters.

I did really like the sandbox style to the adventure and how there is a lot of options for combat or RPing depending on what the players and characters want to do in the adventure. So what's my rating? Well I found this one as I mentioned hard to review. I found the format a distraction personally. Perhaps if one got use to it, it would be easier. So I am going to give this one a 4 star review, mostly on how interesting and well laid out the adventure is. If it plays as well as it seems like it would I could see giving it a higher rating. This could easily be a half star up or down. I just lack enough experience with 4e to give it a more precise review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

The final section of the city.


Slumbering Tsar part 8: Foundations of Infamy by Frog God Publishing

This product is 40 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, intro, and ToC. (4 pages)

Chapter: The High Terrace (19 pages)
It starts of with two random encounter tables, one for day and the other for night. A third random encounter table comes later for the maze. It has short stat blocks for the wandering monsters in this section as well. Then it moves onto the location encounters. There is 18 encounters in this section that range from CR 5 to CR 17 with most being in the 10-15 range.

Chapter: Plateau of the Demon Prince (6 pages)
This is the final section of the city, at it's highest point with a large church covering much of the ground. There is 5 encounters that range from CR6 to 16. Half of the last page in this section is devoted to describing what happens with the final icon is placed in it's place, it opens up the hidden citadel. Which is where the rest of the series adventures will take place.

Magic Item Appendix (1 pages)
There is a minor artifacts in this section and a normal magic item, both are pretty cool.

Map Appendix (7 pages)
There is 7 pages of nicely done full page maps in this section.

It ends with a OGL and ads. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and range from decent to good. Layout and editing was well done. The maps are brown giving them a slight parchment look to them, which while pretty would be rough to print. There is a new spell Greater Spectral Hand in the book as well. The encounters range from CR5 to CR17, the majority of them fall between CR10-17 though. There is a few encounters that can be very easy or very hard depending on exactly what the PC's do so their CR's vary. Some of the monsters the bigger more important ones have full stat blocks, while some of the simpler ones have short stat blocks.

Like most FGG product this is another one that can be very dangerous and hard if the PC's are not careful. I personally like this style as it is more organic feeling. You have easy walk over encounters next to brutal ones. Good tactics and caution can really help, while those that just bully on with out much thought will like meet a quick and painful end. This like most FGG stuff is very old school feel and if you like that, then you will love this. This adventures and the rest in the series is a nice exploring of a old city that is now inhabited by monsters and other things. So what's my rating? Well maybe I am biased cause I like the style but I couldn't find any real fault with this so I am giving it a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Another good edition to the series.


Slumbering Tsar part 7: The Crooked Tower by Frog God Publishing

This product is 76 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, intro, and ToC. (4 pages)

Chapter: Crooked Tower ( 50 pages)
There is about 70 possible encounters in this section that range from CR1 to 15 with most falling in the 9-12 range. There is also information on two gods of the world, as well as spell conversion. There is 14 spells that first appeared in Relics and Rituals books 1 and 2, that have been updated to Pathfinder rules as well. I should note many of the encounters in this section where traps.

Monster Appendix (7 page)
There is 7 new monsters in this section.
Undead Fire Elemental CR8
Feral Vampire Spawn CR6
Lurker Wraith CR10
Malice CR13, a new type of undead.
Megaswarm, Dire Rates CR5
Petrified Horror CR15, Construct
Dire Worg CR6

Magic Item Appendix (4 pages)
There is 4 magic items including one powerful magic item with a curse making it only a useful magic item, plus a intelligent magic item. There is also one new magic weapon ability and two minor artifacts as well.

Player Handout Appendix (2 pages)
This section has two items to be handed out to players, a letter and a note.

Map Appendix (12 pages)
There is 12 pages of nicely done full page maps in this section.

It ends with a OGL. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and range from decent to good. Layout and editing was well done. The maps are brown giving them a slight parchment look to them, which while pretty would be rough to print. Some of the monsters the bigger more important ones have full stat blocks, while some of the simpler ones have short stat blocks. Despite the name this part of the adventure takes place in a manor house that happens to have a tower as part of it. So it is really a mini adventure within the greater city adventure that is the slumbering tsar series. Some of the encounters can be very hard, some of the traps are very dangerous and if the PC's screw up later encounters can be harder.

Like most FGG product this is another one that can be very dangerous and hard if the PC's are not careful. I personally like this style as it is more organic feeling. You have easy walk over encounters next to brutal ones. Good tactics and caution can really help, while those that just bully on with out much thought will like meet a quick and painful end. This like most FGG stuff is very old school feel and if you like that, then you will love this. So what's my rating? Well maybe I am biased cause I like the style but I couldn't find any real fault with this so I am giving it a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Another solid edition to the series.


Slumbering Tsar part 6: The Harrow Lanes by Frog God Publishing
This product is 60 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, intro, and ToC. (4 pages)
Chapter: Harrow Lanes ( 37 pages)
It starts of with two random encounter tables, one for day and the other for night. It has short stat blocks for the wandering monsters in this section as well. There is a total of 46 encounters in this section. The encounters are mostly broken up into 10 mini dungeons.

Monster Appendix (1 page)
A single new undead. Dark Custodian a CR 9 undead.

Magic Item Appendix (2 pages)
There is 2 minor artifacts in this section, both are pretty cool.

Map Appendix (12 pages)
There is 12 pages of nicely done full page maps in this section.

It ends with a OGL and ads. (4 pages)
Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and range from decent to good. Layout and editing was well done. The maps are brown giving them a slight parchment look to them, which while pretty would be rough to print. There is a new spell Greater Spectral Hand in the book as well. The encounters range from CR3 to CR17, the majority of them fall between CR9-16 though. There is a few encounters that can be very easy or very hard depending on exactly what the PC's do so their CR's vary. Some of the monsters the bigger more important ones have full stat blocks, while some of the simpler ones have short stat blocks.

Like most FGG product this is another one that can be very dangerous and hard if the PC's are not careful. I personally like this style as it is more organic feeling. You have easy walk over encounters next to brutal ones. Good tactics and caution can really help, while those that just bully on with out much thought will like meet a quick and painful end. This like most FGG stuff is very old school feel and if you like that, then you will love this. This adventures and the rest in the series is a nice exploring of a old city that is now inhabited by monsters and other things. So what's my rating? Well maybe I am biased cause I like the style but I couldn't find any real fault with this so I am giving it a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Nice collection of dragon stat blocks


Green Menace of the Woodlands by Super Genius Games

This product is 23 pages long. It starts with a cover and intro. (2 pages)

The Dragons ( 20 pages)
There is full stat blocks for 12 dragons in this book at CR 4, 6, 8, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20. Each CR listing has 3 sample hoards for fast, medium and slow progression. A section on suggested tactics the dragon could use to make them more dangerous and final a section on alternative builds. Such as swapping out feats or what have you. These finally sections are very well done, with some good advice for the most part, with some interesting optional builds. The hoards in this one was much better done I think and with a lot more interesting items in them.

It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. I will be totally honest, this is mostly a book of stat blocks and I am not a huge number cruncher. I went over the stat blocks and nothing stood out to me as obviously wrong. I do fully admit I could have missed errors in the stat blocks, since I am not great at that. I am more of the type that if it looks right I just go with it type GM and don't worry if the stat blocks are perfect. The art is a mix color and black and white, it ranges ranges from meh to pretty good. The editing and layout was good. So whats my rating? Well if you are looking for complete stat blocks, advice, tactics for green dragons look no further than here. If that appeals to you then I highly recommend this product. I am going to settle on a 4.5 star though. I think this one was better than the other two as I thought the hordes where better done this time.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A collection of stat blocks for dragons


Blue Satraps of the Desert by Super Genius Games

This product is 26 pages long. It starts with a cover and intro. (2 pages)

The Dragons ( 23 pages)
There is full stat blocks for 12 dragons in this book at CR 5, 7, 9, 10, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21. The final CR 21 has a second stat block of a variant build as well. Each CR listing has 3 sample hoards for fast, medium and slow progression. A section on suggested tactics the dragon could use to make them more dangerous and final a section on alternative builds. Such as swapping out feats or what have you. These finally sections are very well done, with some good advice for the most part, with some interesting optional builds. The hoards where pretty simple but that’s understandable considering they are doing 3 for each dragon. There is also a intelligent magic axe of throwing in the book with a interesting history.

It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. I will be totally honest, this is mostly a book of stat blocks and I am not a huge number cruncher. I went over the stat blocks and nothing stood out to me as obviously wrong. I do fully admit I could have missed errors in the stat blocks, since I am not great at that. I am more of the type that if it looks right I just go with it type GM and don't worry if the stat blocks are perfect. The art is mostly color and ranges from meh to pretty good. The editing and layout was good. So whats my rating? Well if you are looking for complete stat blocks, advice, tactics for blue dragons look no further than here. If that appeals to you then I highly recommend this product. I am going to settle on a 4 star though. It gives exactly as promised and does it well, but I think it could have been better too. With some more advice and build idea's.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A nice book about fey.


Along the Faerie Path by Clockwork Gnome Publishing

This product is 22 pages long. It starts with a cover, backcover, and credits. (3 pages)

Overview of the Faery Realm (6 pages)
It starts off with a IC introduction by Professor Thaddeus Finwicket. After that it gets into talking about the realm, which is overlayed over the material plane. Just slightly out of phase with the material plane but in places it is so thin between them the fey realm bleeds through. It gives a brief overview of the realm and talks about the lords of the realm in general but no details about the lords. The section ends with ways on how to get in and out of the realm, what happens, how time effects those etc.

To Pierce the Veil of Time (12 pages)
Really this is really 4 chapters but each one has a IC page about the creature, a full stat block on a second page and then a third page of a image of the creature.
Faerie Seer – CR 7, fate seers.
Harvest Haunt – CR6, weird little fey that uses farmers crops as a way to reproduce.
Spindler – CR4, A even weirder fey tailor that will ambush people that turn down his offer of clothing and make them wear it.
Thin Man – CR 7, assassins of the fey that have been altered by the lords of fey.

It ends with a OGL (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. The art work is black and white and ranges from not so good to fair. Layout and editing are decent. Nothing bad but there was a couple of spots I had to stop and reread to fully understand what the author meant. The first part is very good, the second part is good. The Harvest Haunt and Spindler show why people would hate and fear fey. Even though they are not “mean” per say what they do can have very bad consequences on their targets. The other two where well done as well. So what's my rating? Well for the price I am going to give this one a 4 star review. I liked it and the first half is very good about the fey realm, the new fey are cool, I especially liked the Spindler. The art was below average as a whole and a bit surprised stock art wasn't used in the book. Regardless if you are a fan of the fey then the book is worth the asking price.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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A collected works book.


The Complete Advanced Feats by Open Design

This product is 77 pages long. It starts with a cover, intro and credits. (4 pages)

Feats (37 pages)
This is where all the new feats are for the new classes from the Advance Players Guide are located. There is 30 feats for each of the six new classes for a total of 180 feats.

Class Builds (32 pages)
This section has 3 builds for each of the six classes for a total of 18 builds. Each build is built on a theme with advice on how to build the class and advance it up the levels.

It ends with a OGL, Eidolon sheet, Cavalier Mount sheet and back cover(4 pages)

Closing thoughts. This is just the 6 Advanced Feats for the new APG classes all collected into a single book with the errata applied. Art work is mostly black and white and good, layout and editing are good. I am unsure just what or how much has changed but the majority is unchanged. So you can see my full reviews of each products on Which makes rating this a bit hard. I gave the other products ratings of one 3.5, two 4, two 4.5 and one 5 star review. So for this I am going to settle on a 4.5, it fixed a couple of the issues. It is nice to have them all collected together. For those that own the previous ones you don't need this of course. But I plan to pick up the print version myself and that is where I see it's greatest value, that and for those who never bought them before.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $9.99

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A good intro adventure into Asian lands.


Curse of the Golden Spear by Rite Publishing

This product is 61 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (3 pages)

Introduction (7 pages)
There is information about the island nation of Kaidan as well as a half page color map of the island nation. Next you get adventure background information and a summery of the adventure. Three new magic items, the NPC stat block for a merchant that hires the PC's as well as some additional plot hooks. It is made for four 5th level PC's.

The Opening Scene (3 pages)
The idea of the adventure is the PC's are hired by a foreign merchant to guard him and his delivery to a lord in the island nation of Kaidan. The PC's are meant to be new to the area as well. They travel by ship from where ever they are from to a smaller island that is part of the island nation. The adventure starts as the ship comes into port and the PC's are ambushed leaving the ship. Stat blocks and a mini's map are included in this section.

Part 1: In Gaijinoshami (10 ½ pages)
After the ambush, the NPC merchant attempts to get the paper work settled to deliver his gift to the Lord. Accept things keep popping up to delay it, during this time the PC's are left to explore the town, which causes them to get caught up in several events. There is four encounters in this section which may or may not all involve combat. In addition there is a map of the town and several locations around the town, plus keyed locations with information about the town.

Part 2: Journey through Yonshu (23 ½ pages)
Finally able to leave the town and start there journey likely due to the PC's efforts in the encounters in the previous part. There is 8 encounter locations/events in this section, not counting the possible random encounters along the way. Some of them are small single encounters and some are locations or events with several mini encounters joined together.

There is maps including mini maps for use with miniatures for key locations. There is random encounter tables, random weather, full stat blocks and several detailed locations and another overview of another town. At this point the adventure ends, but not really. They still need to take the spear to the lord. As this adventure ends they make it to a city and are left to guard the gift and rest for a couple of days, while their NPC merchant goes to talk to the Daimyo. Which is apparently where part two of the adventure will pick up at.

Appendix 1: PC Reincarnation (3 pages)
This section is about how reincarnation works in Kaidan.

Appendix 2: New Monsters (4 pages)
This section has 4 new monsters with full stat blocks and a new template.

Appendix 3: Pregen Characters (2 pages)
This section has 4 pregen characters with full stat blocks and short backgrounds.

Appendix4: Glossary of Words (2 pages)
This has a glossary list of words and names with their meaning. There is also a pronunciation Guide as well.

It ends with a OGL and back cover(for some reason the back cover is on twice. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is mostly color with some black and white, it ranges from fair to pretty good. Layout and editing where good, I did notice a couple of errors but not many. This is a very nice adventure, it has a nice mix of travel, location based encounters, social interaction and introducing the PC's to a new and interesting land. If you ever wanted to introduce your PC's to a Asian nation, then this is a very good adventure to do so. While it is obviously made to use with Kaidan the campaign nation by Rite Publishing, it would require only a little work to be used with any other Asian based nation. Other than the double back cover in the PDF, I really don't have anything negative to say about the adventure. So I am going to give it a 5 star review. A great intro adventure to the far east.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $5.99

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Need some new abilities for monsters? Check this out.


101 Monster Feats by Rite Publishing

This product is 19 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

New Monster Feats (14 pages)
Here is a few that caught my eye.
Alter Breath Weapon – make a breath weapon do a different kind of damage.
Appendage Severing – Lets monster bite off arms and legs.
Aura of Suffering – negates all healing effects and spells around it.
Choke Slam – lets monsters with grab knock foes prone.
Cloak Alignment – lets a monster hide their alignment from detection.
Cornered Beats – gains a bonus to hit, dmg and saves when reduced to half hp or less. The name is a bit misleading, I think Enraged Beast would have fit better.
Corrosive Blood – monster blood is like acid. Nice Aliens feat here.
Curse of Victory – the monster as a final act as it dies curses those that killed it
Dreaded Foe – monster chooses how their fear effects others, by choice of conditions.
Elemental Entrapment – lets a elemental change shape to trap foes, turning themselves into things like walls of fire etc.
Extra Spell Like Ability – gain a low level spell as a spell like ability.
Feast of Flesh – lets undead eat flesh and heal when doing so.
Greater Curse of Lycanthrope – Curse can not be removed unless the creature that gave the target the curse is also cured or killed. Very much like the old werewolf myths.
Mournful Cry – ranged energy drain.
Pandemic – those effected by the monsters disease can pass it on to others.
Possess Body – lets a outsider take over a target like magic jar.

It ends with a OGL and ads (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork color and ranges from meh to ok. Layout is good, editing is ok, it is not as good as I have come to expect from Rite Publishing. While the editing isn't to bad, you will have no trouble understanding whats what, it was noticeable in a few spots. The vast majority of these feats are very very good. Outsiders, elementals and Undead are the big winners but everyone gets a little something cool. Fey sadly got the worst of it, most of their feats are some of the worst in the book. I would say 90 plus are very good feats. I especially loved the little IC blurb for each feat, of the monster talking about how they used their special power. That while not needed really helped make the book special. So what's my rating? I am going to give this book a 4 star review, if the editing is fixed I would change it to a 4.5 review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $2.99

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A worthy book for Magus fans.


The Secrets of the Magus by Rite Publishing

This product is 13 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

New Magus Arcana (4 ½ pages)
There is 34 new arcana in the book. Several of the ones I liked was.
Animate Weapon – makes it into a dancing weapon.
Athame Surge – temporarily enchant a weapon in a variety of ways.
Damage Shield – temporarily gives them DR
Energy Web – creating a elemental style web that damages foes while trapping them.
Necromatic Strike – does bonus dmg and save or take str and con dmg for the living. Does massive dmg to undead.
Nigh Irresistible Strike – allows a magus to bypass DR.

Extra's (3 ½ pages)
There is a new Magus Archetype, Singer of Blades. This archetype replaces several abilities, in place it gains abilities Song of Blades which gives me a AC bonus when wielding a 1h weapon and nothing in the other hand. A bonus to concentration when casting defensively, once a day force a crit even on monsters immune to it and finally can attack everything with in 30ft of them.

There is also 7 new feats and 3 new magic items, including one minor artifact.

It ends with a OGL and ads (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is color and so so. Layout and editing are good. Most of the new Arcana are good, a few are very cool, but I was also hoping for some more other option styles. The Singer of blades and some of the song arcana hit on this. Giving it a slight bard feel, which was nice. But I was hoping for a bit more of that. What there is, is good. So don't get me wrong, I was just hoping for some more stuff to add variation to the class. The archetype and magic items and feats where all good. Especially the archetype and minor artifact which was both very very good. Everything seemed well balanced and thought out. So what's my rating? I am going to go with a 4.5. It gives everything it claims it will and does it well, but I couldn't help feeling that it needed just a bit more to push it up to a 5.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $6.99

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A very good Urban Mystery/RP adventure.


The Road to Revolution: Tides of Blood by 0one Games

This product is 43 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, and credits. (4 pages)

Introduction (2 pages)
This is a urban based 7-9th level adventure. This section has a history, plot summery, how the adventure begins and a side bar. The side bar has information on how to link this with the previous adventure in the series depending on how the last one ended.

Chapter 1: Blood in the Gutters (1 page)
The opening encounter that gets the whole adventure going. I can't give away much since this is a adventure based on a mystery. I will say the PC's get attacked unexpectedly which starts the adventure, namely the PC's trying to figure out who had them attacked and why.

Chapter 2: The Set Up (2 ½ pages)
This section takes place in the Dockward, after the first encounter this is the direction the PC's will end up taking. There is a single encounter, some room for RPing and perhaps some unexpected help.

Chapter 3: Meeting with Royalty (2 ½ pages)
This section will likely be a RP only section, though there could be combat depending on what the PC's do exactly. It is interesting and really sets up other parts of the adventure and ties other parts of the city together. It helps make the city feel like a living breathing city.

Chapter 4: Dinner with … (1 ½ pages)
Here the PC's meet another NPC to gather information. While there could be combat just like the last chapter, it should just be a heavy RP scene that sets up further things. I left the full name of the chapter blank so as not to spoil the things.

Chapter 5: Lost their Mittens (1 page)
This is another RP scene that leads directly to the next chapter.

Chapter 6: Church of the Damned (6 ½ pages)
This part is a mini dungeon crawl. There is 4 likely encounters in this section the PC's are likely to face.

Chapter 7: The Recovered.... (½ page)
This section is a RP scene that follows the last chapter once the PC's have recovered what they went looking for and are sent directly to the next chapter.

Chapter 8: On the Trail of... (11 ½ pages)
This chapter is another mini dungeon but much larger than the first one. There is some possible RP to be had but it is more leaning towards a dungeon crawl. There is 22 keyed locations and a possible 17 encounters, including traps.

Chapter 9: The Finale (2 ½ pages)
Here the PC's race against time to stop the final act in the adventure. There is 2 rather large encounters in this section. It ends with a section on wrapping the adventure up.

Appendix( 4 ½ pages)
This section talks about people that live beneath the streets of the city, a new PrC the Sewer Runner, which I believe is in their Players Guide to the great city. There is also a sample stat block for the PrC and a new monster, the Siluri with a full stat block.

It ends with a OGL, back cover, and ad (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and averages from fair to decent. The maps are solid and pretty good, they get the job done. Layout and editing where good, I didn't notice any major errors. The adventure takes place with in The Great City campaign setting, all with in the Docks Ward section of the city. It would be fairly easy though would take some work to drop it into another city of the GM's choosing.

The adventure has a nice mix of RPing, mystery solving, dungeon crawling and thrilling heroics. There is a little something for just about any player to get excited about and times for any PC to shine. I really liked this adventure, but to be fair adventures with a nice mix of elements always appeal to me. So what's my rating? Well I really couldn't find any real flaws and the adventure is well written. So I am going to give it a 5 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $2.99

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A luck based class.


The Secrets of the Luckbringer by Rite Publishing

This product is 14 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

New Base Class Luckbringer (9 pages)
This section is all about the new base class. D8, 6 skills, medium BaB, 2 good saves, all simple and one exotic weapon, light, medium armor, and shields.
Moment of Chance – They gain luck points and can spend them to do one of three things.
Improbable – is gained at 2nd level and every 2 levels afterwords. There is a choice of 11 abilities to pick from. Once the ability is learned the can be used just like with Moment of Chance.
Nothing is Written – works just like Improbable With 11 powers to choose from.
Longshot – Another collection of powers gained at 5th and every 4 levels afterwords, but otherwise works like Improbable. With 7 powers to choose from.
Highly Improbable – Starting at 10th level 11 new powers are added to the Improbable pool of powers to pick from.
Major Disaster – The cap stone ability. Cause a area to suffer every natural disaster at once.

It ends with a OGL and ads (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and pretty good. Layout and editing where good. I didn't notice any obvious errors or problems. This classes uses the same type of system as the Time Thief book and the earlier Taskshaper book. I thought the rules where better written and much more clear than Rite Publishing's first attempt with the system they did with Taskshaper. The concept of the class is someone that is very lucky, they spend their points to use powers that mimic powerful luck for themselves or bad luck for enemies. Each of the class abilities introduces a new set of powers they can learn getting steadily more powerful.

I will be totally honest, the concept of the class really isn't something I am personally interested in. But I know others do love it, one of the guys in one of the groups I play with absolutely loves the class. He really enjoys the concept and powers behind this class. So with that in mind I am going to give this a 5 star review. The class does exactly as promised and does it well and if the concept interest you in the slightest I think you will enjoy it and I recommend picking it up.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Want more rods of wonder? Look no further.


Rod of Wonder by Raging Swan Games

This product is 14 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, OGL and credits. (5 pages)

Rods of Wonder (7 pages)
It starts with a overview of the rods, next it moves on to variations. They add aligned, cursed and lesser variations. This is followed by intelligent rods with four sample ones. There is a list of quirks for the rods and command words. That covers the first two pages of this section.

After that it gets into random tables with a few stat blocks for summoned creatures. The tables are one for each, a rod of Wonder, Bewilderment, Marvels, and Wonderment. The section ends with a bit about reading stat blocks for the monsters stated up.

It ends with a back cover, Ad. (2 pages)

Closing thoughts. There is only one piece of black and white art of a rod. It is plain text on a white background and no borders making it very printer friendly. Layout and editing where good. I didn't notice any obvious errors. Mostly this is a product of random tables for the varies rods with a few new variations a GM can throw on them to change things up. In that regard it accomplishes it task well. If you are looking for something to print out for ease of use for rods of wonder and or looking for some stuff to help spice them up. Then I recommend picking this product up, for the price there is no reason not to. So what's my rating? Well I am going to give it a 5 star, it is cheap, well done and accomplishes it goals well.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A monster book with a wide variety of creatures.


Tome of Monsters by 4 Wind Fantasy Gaming

This product is 118 pages long. It starts with a cover, intro, ToC, and credits. (5 pages)

Monsters (108 pages)
There is 120+ monsters in the book. Below is a list of the monsters in the book not counting variations. The CR's range from 1/8 to 20, the vast majority though are CR 6 or below. There is a nice mix of humanoid, outsider, fey, magical, mundane animal etc types in the book. Pretty much everything is covered. For creatures taken from real world myths they have a small side bar explaining where they came from.
Abada unicorn
Abassy (demon)
Aether elemental (elemental)
Archangel (template)
Blue drake (drake)
Boo hag (hag)
Cactus cat
Cave troll (troll)
Cherub (angel)
Clockwork bat (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork cat (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork dog (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork owl (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork rat (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork snake (clockwork familiar)
Clockwork spider (clockwork familiar)
Dire weasel
Fallen cherub (demon)
Felid (template)
Feykissed (template)
Fire drake (drake)
Flying barracuda
Flying Koi
Flying piranha
Flying stingray
Golden eagle
Greater succubus (demon)
Ground squirrel
Ice drake (drake)
Intelligent ape
Lesser phoenix
Machlyes (human)
Neanderthal (human)
Ophan (angel)
Orobas (devil)
Plague demon (demon)
Pygmy troll (troll)
Red fox
Rock troll (troll)
Sand drake (drake)
Seraph (angel)
Shadow troll (troll)
Shedim (devil)
Slime devil (devil)
Snow tiger
Spearfinger hag (hag)
Steppe bison
Totem animal (template)
Valkyrie (angel)
Water cat
Werecat (lycanthrope)
Wild cat
Winged monkey
Wood troll (troll)
Ziburinis (template)

It ends with a appendix, OGL, and back cover. (5 pages)

Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and ranges from meh to pretty good. Layout and editing is good, there was a few errors. But that is to be expected to a point in a book this large. There was a few stat block aspects that don't fit the Pathfinder formula, personally that doesn't bother me as I consider them more a rule of thumb than absolute rules on monster creation. The CR's for the most part with out play testing them look fairly good, there was a few I thought maybe should have been higher or lower, but hard to say with out using them first.

I will be honest I find reviewing monster books fairly hard. I am not a huge number cruncher, which makes it harder for me to notice them. I tend to pick some at random and check them. Also it is hard to truly judge a CR with out playing with it first. As far as the monsters, some I thought was pretty cool, some I was meh about and most where pretty good. So what's my rating? Well this is more based on personal opinion that most of my reviews for the reason given already, but I am going to personally give it a 4 star review.

Edit: I should also note it is well bookmarked and hyperlinked as well.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $5.95

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A nice book for Kingdom building.


Book of the River Nations by Jon Brazer Enterprises

This product is 52 pages long. It starts with a cover, ToC, Introduction and credits. (4 pages)

Chapter 1: Exploration (2 pages)
This chapter has rules for exploring hexes and how to claim them for building a kingdom. There is also some side bars to give you a idea how big a hex is to real world locations and such.

Chapter 2: Kingdom Building (14 pages)
This is a chapter on how to build your own kingdom and this is where the book truly shines. A kingdom has a stat block somewhat like a PC would have. It changes as the kingdom grows. Once a month a kingdom follows a Kingdom Turn chart to determine what happened that month. There is four steps to follow, Upkeep, Improvement, Income and Event phases. You pay BP points in upkeep.(BP points come from income or from possible PC actions), then with the points left over you can spend them to improve you kingdom, followed by figuring the income for next months BP pool. Followed by the event there is a total of 40 random events that can happen.

Next is the Leadership section, if PC's or NPC's take on leadership roles in the kingdom they effects a related kingdom aspect, there is negatives for some roles if they are not filled. There is a total of a 11 roles. Certain hexes are not just open ground and they add resources depending what they are. This is followed by rules for building a city in a hex. There is 55 building types, along with 8 special things for the main castle, and 11 open space locations. The section ends with gaining xp, losing hexes, and GM advice.

Chapter 3: Mass Combat (10 pages)
It starts with how to make a army stat block and what it means. There is 14 tactics a army can learn that lets it do special things. Resources are things that can be bought with the BP of the Kingdom building rules to improve your army, there is 10 things. Some armies have special abilities that they can use, there is 14 listed. Next it gets into training armies and vassal armies.

The next part gets into running a mass combat. There is a combat round summery. Along with 5 different basic strategies or stances a army can take and what the mods are. It talks a bit about routing armies, victory, recovery, defeat, multiple armies, and the effects PC's have in armies. The section ends with 17 sample armies and a page of GM advice.

Chapter 4: Feats (3 pages)
This section introduces two new types of feats, kingdom and mass combat feats. They help specificity with those aspects in this book. There is 4 Kingdom feats, 3 Mass Combat, and 10 normal feats.

Chapter 5: Spells ( 5 pages)
It starts with a small section on how existing spells can effect mass combat. Next it moves onto new spells. There is 29 new spells, many of them for mass combat, Such as the summon army and summon natures army. Each with nine version of each spell. There is 6 spells that have nothing to do with armies or kingdom building. They range from meh to pretty cool.

Chapter 6: Secret Societies (4 pages)
There is 4 listed societies listed in this section. Each only has a paragraph or two about them. Mostly they are new character options, two of them. The Hidden Sniper and Monks of the Green Leaf are new archetypes for the Ranger and Monk respectively. While Devout Healers and Kings Eye are new PrC's.
Hidden Snipers – The gain SA ability, Aim(as a move action can get a bonus to hit), must take bow or crossbow weapon style, and gets poison use. Gives up wild empathy, favored enemy and hunters bond.
Monks of the Green Leaf – Gets some different weapons and skills, Elemental Fist, adds more Bonus Feats options, Locate Creature. Gives up Stunning Fist and Abundant Step.
Devout Healer – Five level PrC. d8, medium BaB, 4 skills, +5 spell levels. Gains a lot of bonuses with healing.
Kings Eye – Five level PrC. D8, medium BaB, 6 skills. Gains bonuses with sneaking, social skills, lock picking and gather information. A ability to made coded messages, slight boost to SA, and will save bonus.

Chapter 7: Magic Items (2 pages)
There is 11 new magic items. Only a couple of them effect kingdom building and none effect mass combat. It would have been nice if more had effected them and even better a side bar listing some existing magic items and what effect they may or may not have. I am sure a few existing ones would make sense for that.

It ends with a OGL, Ads and kingdom, army etc sheets. (8 pages)

Closing thoughts. First let me say this is a review copy and a real copy might come with a print version. If not then I think it needs one. The artwork is ok and black and white, but it has a big wide color border on each page that would be brutal on a printer and one of the big selling points for this is all the kingdom rules and such collect for ease of reference. For the printed book it's fine of course, for a PDF though it hurts the value of the PDF. Editing and layout are good, I noticed a few minor errors here and there but not bad at all for a book this size.

As for quality it varied. Chapter 2 was very good, chapter 1 and 7 was solid. Which combined is a 3rd of the book, the rest of the chapters where mostly ok. The weakest chapter is the mass combat rules, they get the job done but that’s about it. They scream for some expansion like what was added to the Kingdom section. Of course most people know the kingdom and combat rules come from extra sections in the recent Paizo AP Kingmaker. This book collects, reworks and expands some on those rules. The spells and feats where so so, some where meh, some where pretty good, but most was ok. Not bad, not great. Three of the Archetype/PrC's where pretty good and one was meh.

So what's my rating? Well for a combined book covering all the aspects it does it's job. If you are looking for kingdom building rules, this expands things enough to make it worth buying especially if you don't own the Kingmaker AP. Mass Combat is a bit of a let down next to them, it gets the job done but that’s about it. The rest helps expand things a bit. All and all I am going to give this a 3.5 star, I would give it a 4 star if it came with a print friendly PDF. If you are looking for kingdom building rules I recommend checking this book out.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

Our Price: $1.99

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Another solid edition to the series.


Faces of the Tarnished Souk: The Mad Wench Maelgatryx by Rite Publishing

This product is 21 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

Stat blocks (8 pages)
It starts off with a history, lore section, rules and suggestions on how to use her with the setting book Coliseum Morpheuon. There is three stat blocks of different power levels for this NPC. There is also stats for her familiar.
CR 20, rune-carved, rakshasa-spawned tiefling, barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 16
CR 14, rune-carved, rakshasa-spawned tiefling, barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 10
CR 7, rakshasa-spawned tiefling, barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 5

Extra (8 pages)
A minor artifact, 9 new feats, 2 new traits, 1 new witch patron(dreams), 1 incantation, 3 new spells, 2 new magic items, 1 template (rune-carved), and 10 variations of tiefling stats. Along with a random table of tiefling special abilities with almost 100 abilities.

It ends with a OGL, Ads. (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. There is almost no art at all, the cover imaged is shown once more and then there is one more piece of black and white art. Editing and layout are good. I did notice one part that seemed poorly worded. The two magic items, one of them is a greater and the other a lesser version of the same item. The lesser says it works like the greater accept it is further enhanced with a ability. I am guessing that is just worded incorrectly since if it was the same with only one more power then it would be the greater and cost more. My guess is it's magic ability power replaces the Greater one as it is weaker version of it and other than that works the same.

I like the NPC, she is a very interesting NPC that could be a lot of fun to use and torment your PC's with. So what's my rating? Well the NPC is well written and interesting, there is a lot of extra and most of that is very good as well. I did notice the one thing about the magic items which stood out to me, a minor error granted. So I am going to give it a 4.5 review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A solid followup to the Time Thief.


Genius Guide to: The Time Warden by Super Genius Games

This product is 15 pages long. It starts with a cover and Intro. (1 pages)

Time Warden (11 pages)
This section layouts the new base Time Warden Class. D8, 4 skill, simple weapons, medium BaB, 2 good saves and spells up to level 6, similar to a bard. They also get Mote of Time and Aevum like the Time Thief got for powers. There is 8 Aevum for them to choose from. It doesn't say if they can learn any of the Time Thief ones or not. I am going to assume no, but it doesn't say one way or the other. They have their own spell list. There is 6 new spells that are variations of existing spells and 2 totally new spells.

Time Options (2 pages)
This section has a new monster ability sense time, and also advice on how to run adventures in time.

It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. Layout and editing where both good, art is photographs like the cover. The class is well written and easy to understand and is a nice addition to the time thief. I wasn't as impressed with this one as I was the time thief though. It isn't bad, it just lacked the wow cool factor that the time thief had. So what's my rating? I am going to give this one a 4 star review.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

A nice addition to the series.


Mythic Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen by Super Genius Games

This product is 13 pages long. It starts with a cover and forward. (2 pages)

Harpies (7 pages)
This section has 7 new types of harpies.
Cave Harpy – CR 6
Glory Harpy – CR 2
Pazuzu's Chosen – CR 10 outsider.
Pestilence Harpy – CR 8
Piasa – CR 14 Giant harpy.
Storm Harpy – CR 7

Harpy Options (5 ½ pages)
There is 5 new magic items, 7 new feats, 5 new spells. All of them fit harpies well. The spells would work well for anyone with some minor fluff changes.

It ends with a OGL and credits. (1 pages)

Closing thoughts. Layout and editing where both good, art is black and white and good. The Harpies where interesting and fairly inventive with a nice range of CR's. The new options are well done, the magic items where pretty cool. The feats would make harpies or other flying creatures more dangerous. So whats my rating? I am going to give this one a 4, it is good but I couldn't help thinking it could have had something more to push it over the top.

Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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