Anyone interested in a collaborative project? I realize the next topic has not yet been formally announced, but I want to put out feelers before I get too far into brainstorming. I have had two "Tales from the Front" pieces in Wayfinder now (okay so the second is in the upcoming issue) and I'm thinking I'd like to see if there's any interest in tying some ideas together. That is, if you are thinking of entering something for the bestiary, prestige class, or even side treks (or all three) then I could write up a piece of short fiction that provides more flavor or back story. I would propose that we submit them separately so that the editors don't feel that it's an all or nothing proposition, but also make them aware of our intent so that should they be accepted, proper consideration could be given to layout. If you are interested, PM me.
You know, the great thing about the Pathfinder Minis is that they are offering lots of things that haven't been done before. Sure the first couple of sets had way too many goblins, but there are so many great, unique minis in the last two sets---and while they are geared toward two Pathfinder APs, I have uses for them in many other types of games.
So much goodness.
It's just so wonderful to see passion translated into quality work. And it is truly a privilege to have my name associated with it. Great work to all involved.
Hey JP--
Jumpin' Jackalopes! The Kid's Track is what I've been thinking about, waiting for, planning, and failing to implement. I have a seven year old who has played with me a few times at PfS events, but those games require me to do much of the playing for him. He has fun, but he's not really learning the system in that setting. Thanks Mike and Jeff, I will be suing this starting, well . . . almost immediately.
Bang up job old boy.
Best to you in all you do------of course, since you'll still be in CO, this isn't really good-bye, just thanks. And here's to still seeing you around the gaming table. Derek
To echo Eric, I've seen this quite a bit at tables I've run. I think I have a competitive streak or something, I don't know, but I almost always do the missions, even when squeemish about it. And I actually feel guilty about it later (I mean a sort of gamer guilt, not something I lose sleep over). I think the BEST choice is to maintain character integrity--faction be damned.
Wow--the Grand Convocation included cast members from Standard Action, huh?
Oh, and I see you let JP in as well.
Drogon wrote:
I played at the third table Drogon mentions here. we had a very tough go of it, but we all survived, actually only had one down, but it was a slug-fest that lasted well over an hour.There is one thing that saved us---not sure that I need the spoiler since it's the GM thread, but . . . Spoiler: using the pre-gen Paladin--even with one level getting drained. The ability to smite the BBEG is what saved the day. Without her . . . I don't know how anyone could win that one. The plus to hit, the added damage, and by-passing DR, all were needed.
Liane Merciel wrote:
No, no, no Liane. You're supposed to say "This is gonna be AWESOME." It's not self-aggrandizement . . . it's marketing. Looking forward to it.
Ditto JP's comment.
Also, there is a Denver RPG meetup group at that you might want to look at. One change to JP's post, I think you have one more week to pre-reg for the con (closes 2/9 I believe.) If you can---GO! It's a great con, and again, a great way to meet local gamers.
I think you seeking answers that can't really be found on these boards.
You just have to try it. Get the core rules, make a core character out of it, following the organized play rules (which really aren't difficult--they just limit some options) and give it a shot. There is nothing wasted, other than 4 hours if you decide not to do it. But if you have one bad table experience, don't let it spoil you to Society, the next could be the best experience you've ever had? What area of the country do you live in? Do you know of a group running near you?
Drogon wrote: JP Chapleau (Colorados' VC) was one of that group, and he created a PFS message board that was not store dependent, but instead was focused on Colorado as a whole. We organizers use that, instead of our own insular methods that focus on our own stores' customers, and this has done a lot for keeping us all together. I don't think this should be overlooked. Drogon is a store owner (in case you didn't read his title) and is completely correct in that the Colorado group crosses stores and the community of PfS gamers is dedicated to making the games at each store as successful as possible. Players go out of their way to play at the various stores, since each game is posted in the same group. I believe the PfS community thrives when it isn't fractured by store Balkanization. (I would argue that the stores thrive as well, but that's for another thread.)
Just finished listening to the interview with Erik Mona (you may have heard of him) on Fear the Boot . Great interview lots of good stuff about the beginner box and other Pathfinder and Paizo related goodness.
Male Human Educator/3, Auditor/2, Soldier/1
I wish you the best.
Male Human Educator/3, Auditor/2, Soldier/1
Hey all (this is TORDEN for Mr. Serpent God). I'm pleased with what I've seen.
I don't think I ever updated gear, though that probably would be a good thing to do in this setting.
Otherwise . . . I'm ready to go.
Male Human Educator/3, Auditor/2, Soldier/1
I would certainly continue with the game if we found a GM. Again, I realize that I myself have been posting sporadically, but I would endeavor to be more involved. Let me tell you part of my problem. We could go days at a time with nothing and then there was a flood of activity--generally at times when I didn't have time to read/write. I then felt rushed to try and read everyone's entries and figure out what Torden would say or do, especially because I felt that with everyone posting there was momentum, and I didn't want to slow things down. So: If there were a regular schedule of sorts, so that I could plan the time to properly read and respond, that would help a lot. Additionally, I think everyone needs to be on board with a single, designated leader. When an issue arises, everyone gets their input, the leader takes it all into consideration and then makes a decision, and we keep things going. Which leads to . . . either having a sort of set initiative for even discussions, or a line at the end of the post that read something like "Jonagher?" so that the next person knows he/she is up. If there is no response within a given timeframe (24 hours?) then we move on. And each of us has to be comfortable knowing that decisions might be made or our character NPCd if we are unable to respond in a given timeframe. And again, for me, that takes the pressure off---I just expect you to control Torden until I can respond even if I'm away from the internet (or at least this site) for an extended period of time. My thoughts--many and wandering as they may be.
Male Human Educator/3, Auditor/2, Soldier/1
Sad, but completely understandable. Take care or yourself DM Berwick, and take care of those that need you. This has been a great group. I'm sorry that I have been unable to give this the attention that these other great players deserve, and from the vision I personally had for Torden. Good gaming, but mostly may God bless you in life.
I love to play PF with my young son and this topic has intrigued me. I like the "adult" themes discussion. On its face, yes the game deals with adult themes. But as has been stated, children pick up violence at an early age. Don't just watch them on the playground. Give them two robot toys---guess what the robots don't talk about how things are at home with the wife and kids----the robots fight one another. What I enjoy about having my son play these games and try to teach him is that it's not all about violence and killing. The problem is, if you set him at a table of "adult" gamers, he learns that you immediately draw your weapon and kill the thing in the room that is preventing you from getting what you want. I'm not saying players don't, from time to time, try and talk it out or use diplomacy, but more often than not, violence is the answer. Not because it's written that way, but because that's how we "adults" handle the situation.
Male Human Educator/3, Auditor/2, Soldier/1
Oh, if it's my move, then I can post. I was waiting on the lizard (I'm last in the round am I not?) EDIT: After further investigation, I am up before the lizard, but I Held. I'm waiting for the BGs to come at us----so . . . if they don't then I'll wait---I will post as much to get things moving again.
This is of course, the PfS board, but I would also inform the reading audience that there will be other games offered as well including Savage Worlds, Mutants and Masterminds, some Magic and Warhammer, and even some of the "edition-and-'living'-setting-that-shall-not-be-named." Register, come by, game, donate, and do some good.
cblome59 wrote:
What I think you meant to say was-- "It's always been known that 12 was the limit. The line had to be drawn somewhere. UNLESS, of course, a module comes out that is above 12th level and we need to make a one time exception so as to shoehorn the module into Society play. Then we move the line--but just for that one time . . . until we have a 18th level module, then that will be the only (or nearly only exception.)