CrinosG's page

184 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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I haven't even gotten all the era 1 PF books yet. I will probably complete my 1e collection before I even consider diving in to 2e.

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Can has PF1 stats for Anadi please?

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Okay, so constructed Pugilist + Levels in Transmuter= Edward Elrich from Fullmetal Alchemist?

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Readerbreeder wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Want to 3D Print a Sepsidaemon? Here you go! I take payment in souls and likes.
What does it say that at first glance, I read this as Pepsidaemon?

Introducing the newest Daemon Harbinger: Arcecola, Daemon Harbinger of cheapness, being a poor host, and store brand generic products.

His Obedience is you have to buy generic store brand Soda and chips and serve it at a party and then deny that you got generic brand when you get called on it. +4 bonus to saves vs. Poison.


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I picked my copy up last night. Love it.

I love that all the full Demon Lords finally got full art, and that a lot of the lesser Demigods got worshiper stats (even if they were mostly just a sentence about their realm or appearance). I wish some of them were more fleshed out, but that can always be done in later books/Bestiaries (Probably would not be surprised if we saw some of these Demigods get stats in future bestiaries).

One thing I particularly like is that the Rakshasa immortals don't really care about being demigods, so they all share the same portfolios and domains.

Also, regarding my previous assessment, I could see either Folca or Dachzerul of the Sahkil Tormentors as the Pathfinder Pennywise equivalent.

I also like Mestama's realm. I don't know if this characteristic was present in previous printings, but it seems like a pretty obvious nod to the blair witch project.

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So just to make sure, the PDF goes live at 2 AM est tomorrow right?

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CorvusMask wrote:

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that. And now I really want campaign setting books for titans/gigases(and not just because I want to plan year ahead were my party could find fitting titan if I continue certain ap after final boss in order to destroy one artifact. Totes not just because of that.)

BTW, out of curisioty, does this book reprint anything from Hell Unleashed? Like details on plane inside the book or the research rules for using Book of the Damned as "library"?

Also, I think I asked this before, but now that some people have access to the book, does the book actually go into about "Sacred Apocrypha" aka bad things celestials and good deities have done that book of the damned in lore apparently has? I'm still salty considering even Chronicles of the Righteous artifact statblock mentions it having "unsettling truths" about good outsiders, I mean seriously Paizo, give a break to good guys :' D I'm bit confused about why they are good aligned if writers keep insisting they have a dark side

I once had an idea for a magical item which was a pamphlet written by a Diviner that was actually ghost written as a joint effort by Geryon and Sifkesh. The Pamphlet identifies Iomedae as Aroden's murderer, and that the act condemned humanity to a slow and inexorable decline. Although the Pamphlet is false, because it was written by Geryon anyone who reads it or a copy of it will believe its true. When it was initially released it caused chaos and nearly destroyed Iomedae's entire religion, but eventually the combined forces of Ghenshau and Zohls were able to stem the Pamhplets spread and help free those enchanted by it. All the copies were burned except for the original (which is a minor artifact) which was sealed away at a magical library guarded by worshipers and good aligned monsters of both Empyreal Lords (Can you say Dungeon crawl for evil PCs?)

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I think its because of Starfinder. Its Paizo's newest thing so they wanted to focus on pushing that. I mean we haven't even gotten anything about the New Shifter Iconic from Ultimate Wilderness yet (Hint hint).

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Also, regarding Folca, I'm wondering if it would be possible to play him as an expie of "It", except using candy instead of Balloons.

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graystone wrote:
Eltanin24 wrote:
"Welcome to Norgorber, Home of the Norgorburger"
Mmmm... Double Norgorburger with bacon, cheese and onion rings and a large shake... It's almost as good as big belly burger...

And now I have an idea for a Assassin of Norgorber who poses as a chef and kills his victims, not by poisoning them, but by getting them hooked on greasy fast food until they become so fat and unhealthy they just keel over from a heart attack.

Evil noble: Seriously? This is taking months! What do you mean they aren't dead yet?

Norgorber chef: You want it done fast or you want it done right?

Evil Noble: I'd like it done NOW if you don't mind.

Norgorber: You should have thought about that before you hired me. Now if you don't mind I got some triple baconators to deliver.

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I don't think that's the PDF itself. I think its the reader.

Adobe Reader DC seems to have a problem with freezing up and crashing when it comes to Paizo PDF's. (Maybe with other PDF's too, I haven't really check). And yeah, its kind of a pain, especially for someone who exclusively buys PDF's like me.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Before or after he goes crazy, Crinos?

I was referring to the opening of the Feats chapter, where he tried to convince Amiri to "Go out in a blaze of glory" against some Ghouls so he can get away.

I love Amiri's reaction: "If you run away I'll chase you down and eat you myself."

Also, compared to the core iconics and the corruptions, the newer Iconics got a raw deal with the curses: Alahazra gets turned into an old hag, Alain gets turned into a Dullahan (Or more likely a decapitated zombie), and Yoon gets stalked by an Ankou.

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Sweet. Love me some Qardia.

I may have to do an Al Qadim in Golarion game when this comes out.

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I push carts for a grocery store. I'm not sure my job has a Golarion equivalent.

I'm also a freelance writer, so Bard I guess.

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I am so psyched for this.

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Dotting, can't wait to see what feedback you have for my item.

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I would like to think that somewhere hidden in the Numerian ruins there are high tech food synthesizers, capable of producing food from thin air or water or something. And a few high ranking Technic League wizards have grown immensely fat abusing their power for their own pleasure.

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Well the Advanced Bestiary version, its 12,500 GP for this modification. So that could be a good baseline to estimate for your thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks neat. I'll have to pick it up next week. Especially since I will soon be running a horror themed game.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I just picked this up (Mainly because I enjoyed the racial guide.)

I can't wait for the next one to come out.

Also: I think The picture for the Craven is meant to be Wario. I think it fits him.

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I actually really like the Arma because I'm a fan of the Anime Soul Eater (Which is an anime which involves people who can turn into weapons: the main character is a young girl who wields a boy who turns into a scythe, and the other protagonists include a loudmouth ninja whose partner is a female ninja who turns into a variety of ninja weapons, and an Super OCD kid who is the son of death himself who wields two girls who turns into revolvers).

And I noticed that there is no restriction on what type of weapon you can become, so you can totally turn into a gun Arma. Although multiple weapons would probably require a class archetype.

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This conversation actually reminds me of another example of a chaotic good creature being a jerk.

In the adventure the Harrowing, the PC's come across a goblin and a Unicorn. The Goblin picked a pear from a nearby tree, and the Unicorn stole it. The Unicorn's justification is that its okay to steal from the Goblin because he's evil, and if he starves to death than its one less Goblin in the world.

So yeah, Unicorn's kind of being a jerk there. The challenge is to either convince the Unicorn to give back the Pear (Which requires a diplomacy check) or convince the Goblin to, you know, just get another pear from the tree (Which didn't occur to him, because Goblin.)

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Thank you, its always a pleasure to help.

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I once had an idea that Fried foods come from Cheliax, and was brought to the rest of the inner sea by escaped slaves and immigrants.

Another idea I had is that clerics of Cayden Calliean came up with various types of Bar food to serve in their temples (Of course, in my interpretation, any given temple of Cayden Calliean is like a cross between Hooters and Applebees).

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Well, since the author favorited my post. I'm taking that as my sign to go right a head and do this.

Arma: The first Arma were created by the Prophets of Kallistrade in order to act as bodyguards and to protect shipments from bandits. Their typical MO is to lay in wait in weapon form until they are stolen, then when the thieves go to sleep or leave them unattended, they turn back into humanoid form and either kill the bandits or steal back to goods for the Prophets. Since their creation others have learned to create Arma, making them appear in Katapesh, Nex and Geb.

Aziza: Can be found in the more arid nations of Garund: In particular Osirion, Thuvia and Rahadoum. Their ability to swim in sand allows them to easily evade Gnoll Raiders, The Pure Legion, and wandering Divs and other monsters. They are often sought as guides to travelers.

Behemoths: Behemoths are found primarily in the Mwangi Expanse and Mediogalti island. On the later, they are the primary rival to the Monkey Goblins who also inhabit the island. Their dislike of deception also puts them at odds with the Red Mantis, who often have to lie on their missions, but the two groups have a non aggression pact of mutual ignoring one another.

Chel: In Dwarven myth, Chel were Torag's first attempt at creating a race, forging them from crystal instead of stone, but they grew too haughty and proud, and so Torag ultimately abandoned them. The Chel resent this myth, however no one can deny there is no small amount of disdain between Chel and Dwarves. Nevertheless, the Chell are one of the friendlier of the Darkland races.

Congrid: Most land based races believe the Congrid are another result of Aboleth experimentation. The Congrid take some offense at that, insisting they did it themselves. Nevertheless the Congrid can be found primarilyin the River Kingdoms, around Absalom, the Shackles, and anywhere else with accessible water ways. They also have a strong rivalry with the Drow, another species known for its genetic tinkering (Although most Congrid laugh at the Drow's "quaint" attempts at the process through fleshwarping).

Cuills: Cuills existence dates back to before Skyfall, with many Cuills having personally been citizens of either Azlant or Thassilon. As a result, what few Cuills are left can be found primarily in Varisia or on the ruined continent of Azlant living as hermits.

Dragoul: The Dragoul can be found throughout Avistan, where they are considered a menace not unlike Goblins and Kobolds, luckily their animosity between gender lines makes them rarer than these beasts.

Flikes: The Flikes are an unfortunate result of Chelish breeding experiments and infernal magic on Halflings in order to create slaves that were more docile, less intelligent and more receptive to commands. However as a result of their empathy they felt the pain and anguish of their fellow slaves and were motivated to rebel, also thanks to the Eagle Knights many were also able to escape to Andoran. Most Flikes worship Milani.

Ganeshan: The Ganeshan are one of the many tribes of Beast Men native to Vudra. Rare in the Inner Sea, they can be primarily found in Jalmeray.

Gaoth: Given ther mercenary natures and their adaptation for desert living, its little surprise the Gaoth call Katapesh their home. They often act as the emissaries or agents of the Pactmasters.

Glicks: Glicks can be found throughout the Inner Sea. Many of them live in Druma, working as farmers and merchants. A few are even follow the Prophecies of Kallistrade.

Hasa: The demon that cursed the Hasa was no one less than Lamashtu herself. As you can imagine, the largest Hasa population is in Mendev, fighting in the crusades, fighting against the fear caused by their curse to try and help. There are even a few Hasa in the Hellknights, trying to overcome their fear of Devils via constant contact with them (results may vary).

Kapre: No relation to the plant monster of the same name (Although the Blue Kapre insist its pronounced differently). Kapre, with their strange appearance and recreational drug use, are most at home in Katapesh, where they work as Purveyors of Pesh and other such drugs.

Koloss: The Koloss are natives to Numeria, and first emerged from the Silver Mount when the Technic League first entered it to plunder its secrets. Believed to be a slave race or perhaps lab animals of whoever owned the ship originally, the Koloss have been enslaved by the Technic League, save for several of them who escaped into the wild, and small colonies still living deeper in the Silver Mount and other Numerian dungeons.

Mannequins: One of the stranger results of Drow Fleshwarping, Mannequins were an experiment to use fleshwarping on leeches, ants, spiders (normal sized ones) and other tiny insects, the result were intelligent living swarms of creatures which quickly rebelled against the Drow and became their own race. The Mannequins sojourned up to the surface, and now live in remote places in Avistan and Garund.

Marionettes: Marionettes first began appearing in Ustalav. Believed to be the result of some dark magic, they were initially shunned, but eventually won folk over when it became apparent they were not that dangerous. Marionettes can also be found in Galt, and are among the more dangerous rabble rousers (Since, being immune to decapitation, they can't actually be harmed by final blades).

Melodius: The Melodius can be found living in colonies in the Mwangi Expanse, Jalmeray, and the Five Kings Mountain. They are distantly related to the Syrinx, the owl headed slavers native to Arcadia, but the two races couldn't be more different.

Miha: The Miha's natural independent streak make them a perfect match for both Andoran and Galt. They can also sometimes be found in Nex.

Oc'cli: The Oc'cli can be found in Nex, Jalmeray, and the Mwangi expanse, usually living as primitive nomads. Some believe they may be the remnants of an ancient culture in the Expanse, or an experiment performed by Nex. No one can be sure.

Ouphes: The Ouphes were drawn to Golarion by two major events: The first was the creation of the Mana Wastes, making them most prolific in that area despite the lack of magic and abundance of dangerous native creatures. The second event was the death of Aroden, specifically the formation of the eye of Abedengo. When the eye formed, it scattered Motes across The Shackles, Rahadoum and the Sodden Lands, as well as on several passing ships that were near the storm when it hit. Out of these places, the Ouphe are most prolific in the Shackles, and having an Ouphe as part of the crew is considered good luck.

Pon'Par'i: The Pon'Par'i can be primarily found living in the crown of the world, primarily on the border of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Land of the Linnorm Kings, and Irrisen. They also have some contact with traders from the Dragon Empires, although not always good (Some Tian Xia nobles fancy the Pon'Par'i as pets, so they sometimes get taken back to the Dragon Empire as slaves).

Rokososos: The Rokososos were a creation of Nex as a gift to the Princes of Vudra. As a result they can be found in Nex, Jalmeray, and even occasionally in the Mana Wastes or even Geb. Their identical genetics and natural adaptivity is not a bug, but a built in feature.

Talli can be found in Varisia and sometimes on Islands in the steaming sea. Its believed they may be the result of Thassilonian magic, attempting to create a fast breeding scholar race that could store knowledge for the Runelords. If that was the intent it failed, because most Talli remember little about Thassilon.

Tarrasquelings: The Tarrasquelings, being born of the Tarrasque, naturally have their highest population in the Barrier mountains around the Ruins of Kho, however they have since spread to various mountain ranges throughout the Inner sea. Some take their presence as a sign that the Tarrasque's resting place may be near, but in truth its the other way around: They are there because they themselves are looking for the Tarrasque. As descendants of the Tarrasque, the Tarrasque naturally worship Rovagug (Although most of them are not evil, rather chaotic neutral), whom the affectionately refer to as "Grandpa Rova". Despite this putting them at odds with most other races, the Tarrasquelings are, by and large, not evil, and are generally a friendly (if wild and unpredictable) folk.

Te-ra: The Te-ra are natives to Castrovel, and may be distant relatives to the Formians. Many of them do serve as advisors to Formian Queens. On Golarion, the Te-ra originated in Kyonin, brought over with the Elves to help deal with Treerazer. Like the Elves, they remain aloof and secretive, although some have gone off to Druma and Lastwall, where reactions to the strange worm like creatures varies.

Thauns: Thauns are distant cousin to the Strix, and can be found primarily in the mountains of Taldor as opposed to Cheliax. The Thauns lack the inherent hatred that the Strix have for humans, and many Thauns serve as soldiers in the Taldan military.

Thecks: The Theck are another Beast Man race native to Vudra. Vanishingly rare, with most of them having Ascended long ago, they are almost unheard of in the Inner Sea.

Ves: The Ves are natives to the Mwangi expanse and Casmaron. Although most dismiss these tales of two headed female warriors as the idle talk of crazed Pathfinders suffering from Mindfire contracted in the swamp, they are quite real.

Vexx: Vexx are native to the Five King mountains, and are believed to be, like the Chell, another failed creation of Torag. This time made out of metal, and thus cold hearted with no ability to be a family. The Vexx take less offense to this than the Chell do, but still don't care much for Dwarves.

Wayfarers: The Wayfarers can be found throughout Garund, in particular they live in Rahadoum, seemingly in stark defiance of the Laws of Man. While the Pure Legion has succeeded in wiping out or driving off other monstrous humanoids with deep religious beliefs, the Wayfarers have dug their heels (or whatever they have that is equivalent) and stubbornly refused to budge.

Whyos: After Halflings, Whyos are the go to slave race for Cheliax and most other slave holding cultures in Golarion. Its little surprise that Milani the Everbloom has adopted them as their patron deity.

Wugs: The largest Wug population in the Inner Sea can be found in the Sodden lands, where the Wugs, like the Lizardfolk and Boggard, thrive. Unlike those races, the Wugs are relatively friendly and receptive of visitors to their lands. Wugs live in relative peace with their neighbors (Wug flesh is notoriously rubbery and tough to chew, making them unappealing targets for cannibals, they rarely keep any treasure of real value, making them beneath the notice of Scavengers, and even the Lizard folk don't perceive them as a threat). Of all the Sodden Land races, only the Boggard bother the Wugs, considering them a living insult to their race (The fact they are distant genetic cousins doesn't help). However, despite their soft and silly natures, the Wugs are surprisingly effective at defending themselves. Wugs can also be found in Varisia and the River Kingdoms.

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Insain Dragoon wrote:
Valantrix1 wrote:

Fey Revisited wrote:

It's rumored that deep within Avi stan's most ancient forests, groves of dryads keep dozens of charmed admirers nearby-both to protect their trees and to indulge at their whim.

Hmm… Since when is something rumored to be fact? Also, Charm Person wrote:

This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.
The spell does not enable you to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing.
Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person’s language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

How do you know they aren’t charming people that would be more predisposed to helping them? You are making many assumptions that aren’t actually in the Dryad description.


Kingmaker book 2 wrote:

If the PCs do not appear to want

to help them, Tiressia and
Falchos fall back on their fey
magic. Falchos uses his pipes
to cast suggestion (if
the PCs seem willing
but undecided) or
charm person (if they are
completely unwilling to
help), while Tiressia uses
her own suggestion or charm
person ability on anyone out of range of or unaffected by
Falchos’s music. Falchos follows this with his own spelllike
abilities if necessary, focusing on female PCs while
Tiressia attempts to charm male PCs. The two fey do not
otherwise attack PCs unless assaulted first.
It turns...

To be fair, that isn't the best example because Tiressia and Falchos are kind of desperate at this point: There is a monster out there way out of their weight class with a hankering for some tasty tasty Dryad flesh, and at this point the PC's are the only beings in the area that can possibly help (Especially since Tiressia can't leave the forest being a Dryad and all, and Falchos doesn't want to abandon his girlfriend to go look for help further away in case the Scythe Tree shows up while he's gone.)

Heck, at the point the PC's show up Tiressia is so scared of the Scythe Tree she's been hiding in her tree for days.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Insain Dragoon wrote:

I think there is a difference in level between "not nice" and using magic to coerce someone into abandoning their homes to protect a forest on your whims+being your sexual object.

Though in your campaigns you can do whatever you want man.

First, the Bestiary clearly states that dryads are benign and they resort only to killing evil foes. Second, "charmed admirers" might as well be orcs, drow, goblins, bandits or whatever other Evil crap that happened to try and have a go at a dryad's tree. So, if you got charmed, you likely deserved it.

Yeah, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of A) Its okay to enslave and rape them if they're "evil", and B) saying something to the effect of "They deserved it."

You know who else captures and has involuntary sex with humans? Ogres. Nobody is jumping to their defense. Is it okay when Dryads do it because they checked the "Good" box in the alignment ticker, and because they are small pretty tree sprites instead of lumbering malformed horror movie cliches?

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Question: Would you be opposed if I did a little rundown on how to fit these various races into the Inner Sea setting?

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Got this earlier today. Love it.

I'm gonna say it. This is the Mythic Races of Pathfinder.

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Not sure what kind of benefit you'd get from being summoned by someone else.

1st level Paladin: Alright team, lets get ready, the Kobold chief and its wyrmling red dragon are just ahead, now it will take all of us to...

*Paladin vanishes*

Rogue:..... okay that happened.

Fighter: Where did he go?


Paladin: Where am I?

Aasimar summoner: Oh, uh, hey. I summoned you.

Paladin: Um, okay, why?

Aasimar: Well our party rogue needs someone to flank that for a round.

*Points at Advanced Balor Lich*


Aasimar: Think you can manage?

Paladin: *Sigh* Alright fine. (Seriously this is not worth the +2 diplomacy to Good aligned Outsiders....)

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I think a good prestige class would be one that is similar to the dragon disciple, but follows a different monster. Like a Manticore or Hag or some kind of fiend.

Another idea: PC race of lesser flesh golems.

Oh the possibilities are endless.

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Plus the Beast of Lepidstadt, a self aware flesh golem.

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I think I already have an idea for an article: An in depth look at the rituals that Hags use to turn changelings into Hags.

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Eric Hinkle wrote:
Malwing wrote:
I somehow doubt that this will have new monsters for the Summon Monster spells considering that those spells are already pretty powerful which leads me to wonder what IS in the book.
Possibly specific summonings like we got in Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Actually we have gotten expansions to the summon monster and summon natures ally lists: Champions of Purity, Champions of Balance and Champions of Corruption each have a feat at the very end of the book which expands the summon monster lists with a ton of new monsters.

Plus, every time they cove a God in the Adventure Paths, they add some new summonable monsters to the list for that God's worshipers.

Although I will agree that the expanded summoning tables are pretty overpowered. I'm looking at the summon evil monster list, and with it you can call a Beblith with monster summon 7, and a Nalfashee or Glaberzu with 9.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just picked this up.

Its really cool. I like the Mystic class way more than the upcoming Kineticist class from Occult Adventures, and the other classes look neat as well. In particular I like the concept of the Pauper and Demiurge classes.

Still, wish there were bookmarks for this.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I welcome our new Owl-Bear hybrid overlords.

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Just in time for my birthday.

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The Bonnacon already shows up in a third party book. But wow those lists are extensive. I think you guys must have cleared out all of human myth of monsters.

Well done.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up Purple duck games.

Also, huge fan of your monster book.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well as long as Smurf's are on the docket. I suppose now is a good time to bring this up.

Are the Mites supposed to be a parody of Smurfs? I mean they're tiny blue fey creatures, but at the same time they're everything that Smurfs are not: Disgusting, reviled, insane, and befriending hideous bugs instead of cute woodland critters.

Makes me write an adventure where a crazy wizard wants to capture some Mites to turn into Gold.

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Here are some ones I own:

For 3.0 and 3.5

Creature Collection 1-3 (Although I am told that Scarred Lands is getting updated to Pathfinder soon so these might make it to PF soon)- White Wolf/Onyx Path

Monster Encyclopaedia 1 and 2- Mongoose publishing

Necromantic Lore- Fantasy Flight games

Monsters of Faerun, Libris Mortis, Savage Species,Frostburn and Sandstorm (Among others)- Wizards of the coast.

For Pathfinder:

Monsters of Sin series- Kobold press

Oathbound Bestiary- Epidemic Books

Creepy Creatures: Bestiary of the Bizarre- Alluria publishing

Monster movie matinee- Fat Goblin games

Fey Folio Clans of the fey Alluria publishing

Exotic Encounters compendium-Necromancers of the Northwest

Boreal Bestiary and Coldwood codex- Legendary games

Mor Aldenn creature compendium- Headless Hydra games

Tome of Monsters- 4 winds Gaming

101 not so simple monster templates- Rite Publishing

Dark Fey- Kobold Press

Book of Monster Templates- Rite Publishing

I own a few more, but they aren't really worth mentioning. These are the ones I own and personally enjoy. I also omitted ones which have already been mentioned above.

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Yeah, I believe that Hag religious worship (What little there is) is split between Gyronna and Mestama, and IIRC the two are bitter rivals.

I think it could make a pretty good adventure myself, to have the PC's caught up in the middle of a Hag war between worshipers of these two.

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Honestly, I think that Zyphus would be more of an Allstate guy.

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I think Sinspawn will be one of the monsters present. Since the Thassilon stuff has always been a major part of the Inner Sea setting.

I wouldn't mind seeing either Hags or Derro.

Also, another Pathfinder book I cannot wait for.

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Here's one I'd like: Changeling Paladin.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

You know, I just realized. My two bestiary entries are plant based monsters designed to fight undead by native Druids.

Did I... Did I unwittingly introduce Plants vs. Zombies into the Inner Sea?

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You know what I would actually like to see.

A fallen angel/redeemed demon template. Something to make evil outsiders good and good outsiders evil.

On that note, a new undead subtype that makes them good aligned.

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Hmm. Young Kraken?

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Hey, I came up with this idea for a megadungeon. The basic idea is that it was the capitol of the Thassilonian region dedicated to gluttony, I wrote up a basic overview of some of its layers, and would like some feedback.

Maw of Zutha

A megadungeon

Location: Hold of Belkzen,

Nearby Settlement: Fort Redhawk: Ruined Lastwall stronghold controlled by the Seven color Orc tribe. Led by Teshna Windrunner (CG female Elf Barbarian 7). Teshna was raised by the Orcs of the Seven Color tribe, eventually raising to the rank of Chieftain. Teshna's lover is a Elvish druid named Ellion Whisperhush (NG Female Elf Druid 6), a shy and gentle Elf. The Seven Color Orcs are much more amiable towards humans than the other Orc tribes in the hold of Belkzen, and are trade allies with the people of Lastwall.

Background: The Maw of Zutha was, in the day, the capital of Gastash, the region of Thassilon which exemplified Gluttony, before the end of Thassilon it was a symbol of gluttony and decadence, where many of the high ranking nobles had grown so fat that they could barely move.

But underneath this decadence was one of the most powerful necromancy using society since the rise of Geb. Not only did the Gastash Necromancers create the most horrible undead creatures and horrible necromantic spells. Near the end, Zutha, the Runelord of Gluttony, was creating an creature that was the literal embodiment of Gluttony. The creature still lives at the bottom of the dungeon.

Recently, A small group of elves, with the protection of the Seven Colors Orc Tribe, set up a small colony over where the Maw of Zutha. They discovered unusual melons which, when eaten, corrupted the druids of the colony, turning them into disgusting creatures known as Fatlings. With their magic, the Fatlings uncovered one of the entrances to the buried Maw, and are now hunting through the buried city and the underneath grounds in an effort to plunder its secrets and unleash the horrors within.

When Fort Redhawk lost contact with the colony, Teshna sent an Orcish expedition to the colony, they have yet to come back. Later, a group of Pathfinders also went to investigate the missing Elves, they have also yet to come back.

Here are some of the dungeon levels:

1. The ruined elf colony (CR 2): The remnants of the Elvish colony have been pretty thoroughly picked over, with most of the original inhabitants having been corrupted or killed and eaten. Most have descended lower into the dungeon, but a small skeleton crew, led by a single Apprentice Druid Fatling, maintain the small town with the aid of some animated plants, minor fae, and other evil magical creatures.

2. The Road to the Maw (CR 3): To reach the Maw of Zutha, the Fatling druids used conjured Earth elementals to dig massive tunnels down into the earth, making a series of paths which lead to the main city gate and other surrounding caverns. As they dug, they left behind traps and monsters to block the progress of any would be explorers. Many of these monsters and Elvish fighters, having been fed the corrupted melons, have become monstrously fat.

3. The Fangs (CR 4): The Maw is surrounded by a massive wall, which is maintained by undead and Gluttonspawn. The Fatlings and their forces managed to overrun the wall, leaving a massive hole in their wake. The Guardians are in the process of rebuilding the wall.

4. The residential district (CR 6): The main area directly behind the wall is a huge maze like slum which is the home to the Gluttonspawn, undead, and subterranian monsters from the Darklands (Many of whom have become grossly fat due to the magical nature of the city), The Fatlings and Elves are currently warring with the Natives for control of the area, even as other members of the Elvish expedition push deeper

5. The Gargoyle Aerie (CR 8): Located in a mountain directly above the Maw and away from the colony is a colony of Gargoyles which have lived in the area for generations. Within their cave is a series of tunnel which lead to the city.

6. The Temple of Behemoth (CR 9): A huge temple, dedicated to the Demon Lord of Gluttony, can be found within the slums, it is guarded by demons, undead and other traps, and is currently being held by the Fatlings.

7. The Giants Quarter (CR 10): Ancient Thassilon used Giants as slave labor, and Gashtash was no exception, the slave quarters is a huge area cut into a sheer cliff wall, home to feral degenerate giants, their taskmasters, and other horrors.

8. The Grand Palace (CR 12): A huge palace was one the home to the Runelord of Gluttony himself before his destruction. It is now maintained by the former Thassilonian nobles, all gluttonous undead. The denizens of the Grand Palace pride themselves on their ability to tempt anyone to corruption and endless hedonism, and are more than happy to prove it on any intruders. The Palace is also home to numerous Outsiders, good ones included, who have been corrupted into obese monstrosities.

9. Mother's house (CR 12): Through a mirror in the Grand Palace can be accessed an unusual place: A large manor in the midst of a vast forest. This manor is maintained by Mother Gothel, a Huldra priestess of Laivatiniel, who was given this pocket dimension by the Zutha himself to act as a jailer for political enemies. The Pocket Dimension combines traits of both Abaddon and the First world, and is home to Daemon, undead, Fae, and other horrors. Mother Gothel is always on the lookout for new “Children” to capture, and few survive long under her evil mothering.

10. The Necropolis (CR 14): Beneath the Grand Palace lies the Necropolis, where the most decadent and powerful of Thassilon's nobles live as powerful undead. Also located here is a massive library of Thassilonian Necromancy and other courses. The majority of the fatling forces can also be found here, plumbing the secrets of the area.

11. The Dark Jungle (CR 15): Beyond the city lies a massive jungle. This jungle is the primary food source for the city above, and is filled with deadly plants and powerful monsters, as well as respite in the form of a colony of intelligent and friendly Oozes. Monsters from the Darklands have penetrated the jungle, including several Bullette and Purple worms. In addition, giant hunting parties from the city make frequent visits here.

12. The starving colossus (CR 17): At the far end of the jungle is a giant mouth, this mouth leads to the inside of an enormous, giant monster. The Thassilonians attempt to create a new type of giant. Too large to exist the giant merged with the land itself, its body becoming a massive body. The inside of the body is inhabited by numerous monsters, giants, undead, and other hideous parasites, in addition, the body itself lies dead but alive, constantly producing new organic traps to try and devour intruders.

13. The Inner sanctum of Zutha (CR 20): The final leg of the dungeon lies at the very bottom of the colossus, inside a massive pit lies a fetid, putrid lake, And in the center of the lake is an island fotress where Zutha conducted his most private work. This area is guarded by Rune Giants, undead, and abominations best left unknown to man. Among them, the most powerful creature in the dungeon: The Embodiment of Gluttony itself.

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Actually, if we're doing the cheschire cat, could we do some monsters from the Wizard of Oz?

There are plenty of creepy creatures, in addition to the flying monkeys and fighting trees, we also have Hammerheads (Armless humanoids with extending heads) the wheelers (humanoids with wheels for arms and legs) Phanfasms (Animal headed humanoids with illusion casting powers), Nomes (Evil short humanoids), Whimsies (Evil demonic giants with tiny heads they hide with large fake heads made of plaster), and more.