
Combat Monster's page

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And that's how you slay the dragon.

Keep in mind that he is also expending ammunition to assist at range.

I started off as a Barbarian. So there is some nostalgia to go along with the swinging of steel. This is probably my official overall favorite.

In PF2, Fighter might take that cake, but it's close.

I wish there was a bit more of a tutorial in some regards, but even having to figure it out as I go, it's been fun.

This truly does feel like playing tabletop on my X-Box.

I'm currently building Superman as a monk. Unarmed fighting, leaps tall buildings in a single bound. Ki Rush to outrun locomotives or their equivalent. Eventual flight via Wind Jump. Ki Blast to sort of emulate heat vision. Deflect arrows reflavored as a projectiles bouncing off the chest iron body sort of thing. Tossing enemies around like rag dolls.

I'd probably build Flash as a monk too.

Thor as a Fighter/Elemental Sorcerer multiclass worked out pretty well. Slap anything you can reach with a hammer. Shock the hell out of anything else.

Wonder Woman as a Champion. A Shifting Rune to have a sword/whip in conjunction with a shield is how I'd do it.

I'd likely (re)build Captain America as a Champion too. My first take was as a Fighter.

Hulk is a Giant Instinct Barbarian.

Conan as a Barbarian (heresy? I know he never really raged as a rule. I'm rolling with it being tranquil fury) with a rogue multiclass. Probably Ruffian racket.

One of these days I really should find the time to put up my full statblocks on these guys.

Blindness can be dealt with. Stubborn ignorance? Not so much.

Malk_Content wrote:

So in an empty room with you and the enemy and you have an ongoing acid effect using the Hero Point removes it.

First off, sorry about the delayed reply.

I think that's probably how I'd interpret it in a heroic setting. Basically hero goes down to dying, has a persistent effect pushing him to the brink, pops an action point and when he stabilizes, the effect in play is neutralized. Otherwise why bother using the hero point?

In grimdark settings, I suppose his face melts off and he either creates a new character or adds a 2 to the end of Bob the fighters name.

Malk_Content wrote:
Combat Monster wrote:
Ched Greyfell wrote:
Squiggit wrote:

The second use of the hero point allows you to use it to "avoid death."

It seems kind of mean spirited and contrary to the written intent of the mechanic for a GM to let someone spend a hero point, stabilize, then rule that they immediately drown.

That's just my 2c tho.

Avoid death for how long, tho?

You're avoiding death while in the middle of a situation that will just cause death again.

Can they avoid death, take a nap, and get their spells back after a good night's sleep in the lake?

I wouldn't say it's a matter of how long. The hero point gets the hero out of that particular situation. It's the GM's job to figure out how.

"Oh look, the hero landed in some reeds and gets to not drown."

Or maybe

"Some fishermen who heard the commotion helped the hero while his pals fought off the baddies. Now they are wondering if the heroes can help them do XYZ."

Hm, the player doesn't lose their hero arbitrarily and the GM has an adventure hook to boot.

So spending the Hero Points also turns off all persistent damage effects?

That's up to the GM and group.

It's probably a good ruling to speak about at session 0 and to be consistent with.

Personally I'd go for yes. You fell in the lava and X happened. You're terribly scarred but by some miracle you survived. Whether it's a third party getting you out, or GM fiat that you basically pull yourself out by sheer will even though you were basically unconscious and you can't remember doing it.

Ched Greyfell wrote:
Squiggit wrote:

The second use of the hero point allows you to use it to "avoid death."

It seems kind of mean spirited and contrary to the written intent of the mechanic for a GM to let someone spend a hero point, stabilize, then rule that they immediately drown.

That's just my 2c tho.

Avoid death for how long, tho?

You're avoiding death while in the middle of a situation that will just cause death again.

Can they avoid death, take a nap, and get their spells back after a good night's sleep in the lake?

I wouldn't say it's a matter of how long. The hero point gets the hero out of that particular situation. It's the GM's job to figure out how.

"Oh look, the hero landed in some reeds and gets to not drown."

Or maybe

"Some fishermen who heard the commotion helped the hero while his pals fought off the baddies. Now they are wondering if the heroes can help them do XYZ."

Hm, the player doesn't lose their hero arbitrarily and the GM has an adventure hook to boot.

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Step 1. Rocks fall.
Step 2. Everybody dies.

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Anadi-Man, Anadi-Man, does whatever Anadi can. Spins a web. What's your garment size? Origin? Ka-blam! Uncle Ben dies! Hey, there goes Anadi-Man!

Aratorin wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?

The guy suffered a torn tendon in his arm. So yeah, definitely taking damage.

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All I'm going to say is that I'm glad I didn't end up in a certain posters group.

With that, I wouldn't have stayed past the first "But the baddie knows you're not dead and you maybe could have been healed." excuse.

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Gorbacz wrote:

And if you're trying to jadedly snark your way across ... I am the singular, best, utterly superior person on these boards when it comes to sarcasm. You'll lose. :)

And this is why you're the bag of holding I want to use to bludgeon my enemies to death.

Hey, Diego!

Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to reading the books. Thanks for fixing things for me on your end. I appreciate you guys.

And with a month having gone by since my original post, I'm going to bump this with hopes of a response.

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Hulk is good because he ignores encumbrance.

It's easy to do with a str in the triple digits.

Alrighty, Tonight I picked up the CRB and Bestiary at my local brick and mortar, so I'd like to amend my preorder to drop those items.

I'd still like to receive my

character sheet pack

Lost Omens World Guide


Age of Ashes 1 : Hellknight Hill.

Hey, Paizo CS.

My 2nd edition order from way back in March is still pending. I'm wondering if that is because I'm at the back end of the que or because of some other factor. With the books dropping in a few days I figured I'd ask.

Thanks for your time and attention.

My take on the 11th hour renewal of power was that Kyra's daily allotment of spells were renewed in the nick of time, and her aid of the innocent was close enough to meditation for Sarenrae's blessing.

A good read regardless of the mechanic.

Fighter, or Barb will be the chassis, obviously.

I do want to multiclass into Sorcerer or Wizard and see if I like slinging spells alongside my steel.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

I'm actually a big fan of the (not proven, but well supported) interpretation that she's basically a friendly eldritch abomination. Something utterly alien that just happens to actually like humanoids.

And I just failed my will save.

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Igor Horvat wrote:

Also for removal of ability scores.

They serve nothing in the game except "legacy".

And if you only care about legacy, there is PF1 and 5 editions of D&D to have ability scores.

Couldn't we turn that logic around and say if you don't like legacy, there are other games for you?

We don't need "all new, all different" for it's own sake. Having ability scores isn't broken. Considering it will alienate some players out of buying into 2nd Edition, what bonus is there to remove them?

"Damn, we just can't seem to put the Tarrasque down!"

The martial cracks his knuckles. The Tarrasque is then tossed/punched into orbit and will be a problem for the Dominion of the Black from this point forward.

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ENHenry wrote:
Suppose your combat monster who can hit anything and turn it to dust fails their will save, and are now on the opposing side? Ignore that you can probably wipe the party out by yourself, if you just stand there and do nothing, your party is doomed against the combat threats that were merely a challenge for you, but an impossible threat to them. Some might think this far-fetched, but I know of two campaigns local to me that ended that way, with the barbarian or fighter who had a poor will save because they optimized every other way but that, being dominated or vampire-charmed, and the rest of the forces were too strong for the now-more-average group.

Hey, my will save isn't that bad.

I feel the opposite. PLEASE DO continue the trend, Paizo.

As you noted, OP. If you don't like it, it's not a hard fix. And in those instances where Paizo is using boring old demons yet again, I, and those who agree with me can patch in cool space ships and pirate cyborg henchmen for our skeleton liches to boss around.

Also for a fantasy genre with "plenty of room" isn't there enough space for all the cool things?

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I'm going to toss this out there for any dev's reading.

The +1 per level math needs to be made obvious.


I forgot this was a thing, as it's not really spelled out in the book or character sheet. Guess I'll need to go revise my sheets with the right numbers.

I went and doublechecked before posting and the one place I recall seeing it is under Proficiency on Pg 422. I really wish this will be made a bit more obvious when 2nd edition proper comes out.

Rysky wrote:

Any one in specific?

Going off Banshee if I had to guess I’d say the DC is calculated by 10 + Level + main ability score (Charisma for Banshee).

You're my hero.

I've read the section on recovery, scoured through the PDF* a handful of times to try and figure out the "attacker class DC" and was still unable to find the location of the formula. Turns out it's pretty easy peasy. Thanks.

*Trying to sift through a PDF for anything that isn't blatantly obvious is a pain for me. With that, hurry up and arrive, book!

Divine Wrath Spell. Page 217.

The line with the typo reads "You can't cast this spell if you don't have a deity or your deity your deity is true neutral."

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As per the title, I disagree.

Thanks for keeping us is in the loop.

Fingers crossed the site isn't beset by a goblin ambush in the morning.

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Because it's looking like my group will still be on hiatus through the playtest, I may have to go it alone.

If so, For the first run through I'm going to try to make the MCU Avengers.

Here are my initial thoughts on what I'll build.

Bard=Nick Fury (or Maybe Spider-Man)
Fighter=Captain America
Monk=Black Panther
Rogue=Black Widow
Sorcerer Scarlet Witch
Wizard=Iron Man

Class Lineup is subject to change based how well classes and characters mesh.

After that, I'll likely tinker out a Conan, maybe try out the Pathfinder Iconics, Probably tinker until the damned covers comes off of the books.

John Lynch 106 wrote:
Feats are Pathfinder's most popular and played concept. Why would it need to be playtested?

See above.

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John Lynch 106 wrote:
Spell's are Pathfinder's most popular and played concept. Why would it need to be playtested?

To see how they work in the new success/fail system.

Also, I don't know how a playtest would work if you took out the basics. Archetypes are not a must. Having feats and spells (If a magic user, anyway) are.

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Nathanael Love wrote:

Keep following the logic-- do I need an archetype to be a Hellknight or does it just make me a better Hellknight?

I used Pirate as the example because Pirate is the example we have, but there are going to be plenty of times where...

Different goalposts. A pirate is generic, while a Hellknight a specific in world faction.

You don't need a Knight archetype to be a knight. Be a fighter, Put on some heavy armor, wield a sword and slay dragons. The Knight Archetype may or may not help you be better, but you could make one as a vanilla fighter.

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My take is this. Some time ago I considered a martial (a Barb) who could blast a bit. I went Cleric. I playtested and ran up some levels and what I discovered was that he was decent at punching people in the face with an axe, but he couldn't compete with his spells.

The one time shooting became a real option was if he was taking on an airborne foes he couldn't otherwise hit, and even then he'd be subpar.

I suppose that to a degree, the Bloodrager may have filled that niche, but I still bet that buffing would be much better than trying to shoot fireballs.

I'm excited for this new multiclassing. It looks like I may finally get to build a martial who can blast a bit and not be totally useless.

Mark Seifter wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
DFAnton wrote:
Just now realized that this is a viable alternative to hybrid classes (the less creative ones, anyway).
I wouldn't say that. Even if they are a straight mix, you still often need the main feature of the class to exist beforehand (e.g. a Barbarian/sorcerer cannot cast during rage, and unless the one of the classes allows this, you cannot model a Bloodrager).
Barbarian allows it. You could make a great bloodrager if we had a sorcerer multiclass archetype right now (I've mentioned about bloodragers before and always very carefully said "If nothing changes during the playtest, you will be able to make a great bloodrager in the final CRB." The specificity was for this reason)

Even better. I don't have to wait until that 4th round to shoot off a bolt.

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ALright, It's confirmed my Barb (or fighter) will be throwing lightning bolts.

Hopefully to finish off that aberration he just tossed into orbit.

I'm forgetting if it's been said if Druids are still unable to use metal gear or not.

If they can, I might have an idea for the playtest.

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KingOfAnything wrote:
Finally! Oh, I could just sing!

Just how long have you been waiting on this blog so you could say that?

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Joy, another thread starting to be taken over by icon preference.

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A bounty hunter needs to remember, if he wants to get paid, "No disintegrations!"

Interesting, though I have to wonder if an Elemental bloodline is planned for the official 2nd edition CRB.

2 gp seems pretty expensive for the slowing snare.

Ranger sorts are probably my other favorite class (Barbs take the official nod.) so I'm interested in seeing how it goes. I'm liking revised favored enemy and want to know more on how archery plays.

All in all, I'm optimistic.

ChibiNyan wrote:
Combat Monster wrote:
That flat check on the Armor of Fortification seems pretty rough.
20% and 35% chance to negate the crit, respectively. These flat checks replace the old d% rolls.

Ok. I didn't go back to look but I thought the PF1 armor had better percentages off the top of my head. Thanks for doing the maths.

That flat check on the Armor of Fortification seems pretty rough.

What do I want to see?

Resonance as a means of shooting energy from a weapon.

That Frost (or flame/shock/etc) property rune mentioned would be the way to do it. More actions or resonance to deliver more damage.

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I've never been a monk guy, but I have to admit this all sounds pretty cool.

Maybe someday.

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Malthraz wrote:
Who would have expected so much rage in the barbarian thread?

Divination Wizard.

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