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I’ve looked for a spell-less Bard or Hunter Archetype, but couldn’t find one. I’m trying to create a character for a new player based on the Halfling Hunter art on page 52 of Ultimate Wilderness. The player isn't interested in being a spellcaster.

My goal is to create a good support class with a wilderness theme. I’ve looked at many Bard, Hunter, Rogue and other class archetypes and I’m gleaning from a few of them. I’m using the Hunter as a base class. The Hunter’s spontaneous spell casting, combining the Bard’s and Ranger’s spell list, is quite good. I’m replacing the spellcasting with a form of Wild Knowledge ( ACG p.81); two Bardic Performances: Inspire Courage and Song of the Wild (ACG p.81); and four Rogue Talents. I’ve also eliminated one of the Hunter’s Teamwork Feats.

Forest Singer
Alignment: Any Neutral
Hit Dice: d8
Parent Classes: Hunter (Druid & Ranger) and Bard
Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140 gp)

BAB: 2/3
Fort Save: Good
Reflex Save: Good
Will Save: Average

Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Forest Singer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Spells: A Forest Singer has no spell capability and no caster level.

Class Features
1st: Animal Companion, Animal Focus, Inspire Courage +1, Nature Training, Wild Empathy, Wild Knowledge
2nd: Precise Companion, Track
3rd: Hunter Tactics, Song of the Wild, Teamwork Feat
4th: Improved Empathic Link, Rogue Talent
5th: Inspire Courage +2, Woodland Stride
6th: Teamwork Feat
7th: Bonus Trick
8th: Rogue Talent, Second Animal Focus, Swift Tracker
9th: Teamwork Feat
10th: Raise Animal Companion, Song of the Wild (2 allies)
11th: Inspire Courage +3, Speak with Master
12th: Advanced Rogue Talent or Teamwork Feat
13th: Bonus Trick
14th: Greater Empathic Link
15th: Teamwork Feat
16th: Advanced Rogue Talent
17th: Inspire Courage +4, One with the Wild, Song of the Wild (3 allies)
18th: Teamwork Feat
19th: Bonus Trick
20th: Advance Rogue Talent, Mater Hunter

Wild Knowledge (Ex): At 1st level, a Forest Singer adds 1/2 her level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (geography) checks. He can use Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) untrained.

Any thoughts and insight would be helpful.

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Page 19: The map of the great hall should have a door on the east wall, north most square going into the east wing to match the East Wing map.

Page 27: First paragraph continuing Area A3c. Change "their separate ways to the east west". Areas A6 and A12 are to the west of area A3.

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I have a few issues with the Aldori Manor Great Hall map.

1) If it is to match up with the East Wing map, there needs to be a door on the east wall of the great hall in the north most square. It opens to a storage room (?) on the East Wing map.

2) I though Paizo was allowing picture extraction from their PDFs now to allow owners use the maps in VTT games. I can't extract the map.

3) I wish that the Great Hall would have been one of the maps in the Flip-Mat: Noble Manor Multi-Pack instead of one of the two thrown rooms.

note: I reposted this from the 1st edition Kingmaker forum as this is the correct forum.

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Soon a Player’s Guide will be release for the Kingmaker Anniversary Edition. That will be for the second edition rules. I am preparing to run the AP with 1st edition rules. I suspect, but I don’t know, that an updated KM Player’s Guide will not be release for 1st edition. So, I’ve attempted to update the Campaign Traits in the original player;s guide with the new information presented in the Backgrounds for 2nd edition PCs. Your input is welcome!

Kingmaker AP Campaign Traits:

Bastard, now Brevic Outcast. Updated benefit: You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of Brevic nobility but as a result of your stubbornness and individuality, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. If you manage to establish yourself as a true noble or secure a leadership role in a kingdom, you no longer take the penalty to Charisma-based checks.

Brigand, now Local Brigand. Updated benefit: You begin the campaign with an extra 100 gp in ill-gotten gains. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill.
Issian  now Issian Patiot. Updated benefit: Your agile mind grants you a +1 trait bonus on all Will saves made to resist mind-affecting effects. You can use Knowledge (local) instead of Diplomacy to gather information.

Noble Born, now Bevric Noble. Updated benefits: no change.

Pioneer, now Borderland Pioneer. Updated benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature) and Survival, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill.

Cartographer’s Apprentice (new campaign trait): Maps and the great outdoors has always interested you. You have combined your interests and spent the last several years walking the breath of Brevor in the apprenticeship of a master cartographer. You are now ready to practice your trade and an expedition into the uncharted Stolen Lands seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft (map), Knowledge (geography), and Survival, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill.

Rostlander. No changes.

Sword Scion. Updated benefits: You begin play with an Aldori dueling sword. You treat Aldori dueling swords as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons for the purpose of proficiency, and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers made with such weapons.

I've been thinking about an additional Campaign Trait that would be available to my players for a 1e running of Kingmaker.

Cartographer’s Apprentice:

You have just finished your apprenticeship with a master cartographer in a large town or city near where you grew up.

Idea #1
Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks, and Craft (map). One is always a class skill for you.

Idea #2
Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks, and Craft (map). In addition you begin the campaign with basic map making tools (two ink pens, six ink pots of various colors, a dozen sheets of paper, a scroll case and a compass).


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I'm building the front line tank/basher for a party of four starting the Kingmaker AP. We have a Elvin Curve Blade wielding Hunter, Archer (class TBD), and Arcanist. I'm looking at playing a dwarf.

I've been looking at Cleric, Cleric with archetype, War Priest and Paladin. Then I started thinking, would a Cleric X/Fighter 1 be better than all the rest? If I take one level of Fighter as either my first or second level, I'm only one level behind in my full casting (similar to the Oracle), but I get +2 to my Fort save, heavy armor proficiency, tower shield proficiency if I want to use it, a +1 to my BAB and a bonus feat.

So, is a Cleric X/Fighter 1 better than the others?


I was perusing the Gen Con Online schedule for PFS(2ed) Special #3-99: Fate in the Future and I noticed that all the high level tables (5-6 and 7-8) are Sold Out but there are still many open tables of the lower tiers, especially 1-2. Are there any plans to adjust the tables and open up some more high level play?

CRB 2e p.144 wrote:

Point-Blank Shot

[Fighter] [Open] [Stance]
Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon.
You take aim to pick off nearby enemies quickly. When using a ranged volley weapon while you are in this stance, you don’t take the penalty to your attack rolls from the volley trait. When using a ranged weapon that doesn’t have the volley trait, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to damage rolls on attacks against targets within the weapon’s first range increment.
CRB 2e p.143 wrote:


A stance is a general combat strategy that you enter by using an action with the stance trait, and you remain in for some time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you enter a new stance, whichever comes first. After you take an action with the stance trait, you can’t take another one for 1 round. You can enter or be in a stance only in encounter mode.

First Question: I see two ways to read the emphasized line in Stance.

1) "You can't take another action for 1 round."
2) "You can't take another Stance action for 1 round."
I assume 2) but the wording is left to interpretation.

Point-Blank Shot seems to have little value because you can only use it once per round. A 1st level Fighter (Archer) takes PBS using a longbow. Ignoring Dex, PBS To Hit = 1 (level) + 4 (Expert) + no longbow penalty = +5. But this is only on the first shot. The second shot of the round they can't use PBS so the To Hit = 1 (level) + 4 (Expert) - 2 (longbow) - 5 (2nd attack) = -2. In addition, because PBS is an action, you can't combine it with Double Shot or any other action feat. In a three action turn you can PBS then Double Shot or Double Shot then PBS, but not both in the same action.

Because you are required to be in a Stance, you either get a +2 To Hit for one shot or +2 damage for one shot per round. It doesn't seem worth it.

What am I missing?

Please press the pause button on my Lost Omens subscription. I'm just not interested in Gods & Magic. Thank You.


90$ for one book? yikes

CRB 2.0 p.168 wrote:

You designate a single creature as your prey and focus your attacks against that creature. /snip/

You can have only one creature designated as your prey at a time. If you use Hunt Prey against a creature when you already have a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new prey gains the designation. Your designation lasts until your next daily preparations.

From the bold text, it indicates that you may only have one creature designated per day. This sounds wrong. It also seem to contradict the previous line on switching prey. Is the intent, and should it say, "Your designation lasts until you designate a new creature or until your next daily preparations" ?

With so many of the Rangers feats tied into Hunt Prey, I don't understand why they would limit it to one creature per day.

I know this is late, but I thought I'd ask. Can my purchase of the Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide be switched to the Lost Omens Ongoing Subscription starting with the World Guild? I know this part of my order hasn't shipped yet (no shipping email received yet). Thanks.

I was wondering. I have a little store credit left and I have several vouchers from GMing Pathfinder at Origins. If I make a purchase say $75 and I have $10 of store credit and a $70 voucher, which is deducted from my total first, the store credit or the voucher?

I'm thinking about subscribing to the first 2nd Edition Adventure Path.

Is this possible:
+ Subscribe to the AP
+ Add GenCon pickup eligible 2nd edition stuff to my cart
+ Set for GenCon pickup
+ Use the Paizo Advantage discount on all of it
+ Use my GenCon GM store credit to pay for it when I pick it up at GenCon.

(note: I can probably get the ball rolling using my Origins GM store credit)



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I'm planning on playing 10-98 at GenCon with my 15th level Ranger Archer. I coming to GenCon solo so no preset group for me. At GenCon 50, I was able to play the specials at tables that we premustered here on the boards and it was great! I'd like to do that again. The problem is there are now two different versions: Soldier and Champion. If I'm going Pot-Luck Saturday night, I think I'd prefer Soldier. If I'm in a well rounded pre-mustered group, Champion sounds like fun.

So Anyone interested in premustering Siege of Gallowspire (15-16)?

Ranger Archer 15
Cheetah animal companion


How often do you not use the custom map or specific flip-mat listed in a PFS scenario?

For example, many times I have used the my Deep Forest flip-mat in place of the Classic Forest flip-mat. I have considered using the Museum flip-mat in place of the custom Blakros Museum map.

Part of the reason I'm asking is from an efficiency perspective. A scenario I'm going to be running a few times has a flip-mat that I currently don't have. But, I have good varied collection of flip-mats already.



Last year there were several changes made regarding Paizo’s (now Organized Play Foundation) volunteers at GenCon. Most of them were minor changes like changing wording from “slots” to “blocks”. However, one change had a much bigger impact. In order to qualify for the 1/4 hotel room benefit, volunteer’s time commitment was raised from seven blocks in 2017 to eight blocks in 2018. For me, as a PFS GM and player, this is a real back breaker. Realistically speaking, working or playing the overnight slots are not an option for me. That leave the ten traditional gaming block for me to GM and play in. As a PFS GM/player, I lose the Saturday night block to Starfinder. If I’m running eight blocks, I’m down to one playable PFS game, unless I want to try my hand at GMing Starfinder Saturday evening. Since I’ve played three Starfinder games over the past two years is it really OK for me to try to GM the special? At GenCon? So if I want to earn the hotel benefit at GenCon, I’ve gone from being able to GM seven and play three in 2017 to now having to GM eight and being able to play only one. That stinks!

Looking ahead to GenCon 2019, is one entire evening going to be locked in to Pathfinder 2.0 special? Will I truly have zero options to play PFS 1 at GenCon if I need or want 1/2 a short bed in a small hotel room? (OK, the hotel room is a five minute slow walk to the Sagamore Ballroom). Or again, will I be required to master a second rule system for so I can earn the benefit by either running Starfinder or PFS 2.0? Also, the option of volunteering for just a few slots at HQ was discouraged - a full 7 or 8 slots was requested. So splitting time between HQ and GMing really isn't an option either.

This past summer, after looking at these changes, I decided to pass on volunteering at GenCon 2018. Mathematically, that was 8 blocks of volunteer time lost for Paizo, or another way of looking at it, eight other GMs had to work to fill games I would have run. I’ve heard of at least a few other people also dropping out of volunteering because of the extra requirement. For each GM lost, eight GMs are need to fill those games.

That brings us to GenCon 2019. 2019 is going to have a big draw in PFS 2.0 and the finale of PFS 1.0. I plan to be there and I want to play as much 1.0 as I can. If the requirement stays at 8 blocks for part of a hotel room, I seriously think I’ll be making other plans.

I understand there were some real problems in 2017 with number of GMs vs. the benefits given out and that changes were made to address those problems. If people are volunteering less because of those changes, how can they be a good thing?

Some suggested changes: Please roll back the 1/4 hotel room benefit requirement to volunteering for seven slots. Please offer some table of PFS 1.0 in every slot.

Finally, I know many of the individuals who work tirelessly to organize volunteers and bring the Sagamore Ballroom to life every year. They do an incredible job and I don't think they get enough thanks.

Some more food for thought:
For the last ten years, volunteers have earned $10 of Paizo store credit per slot. During that same time . . . .
Pathfinder Campaign Setting books have increased from 19.99 to 26.99 (+35%)
Pathfinder Player Companion books have increased from 10.99 to 14.99 (+ 36%)
Washington State’s minimum wage has increased from $8.07 to $11.50 (+42%)
A classic milkshake at Steak-N-Shake has gone from . . . OK well, I couldn't find those prices.

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Pathfinder Playtest p.284 wrote:
Animal companions calculate their modifiers and DCs just as you do, though with the exception of barding allowing an item bonus to AC (armor class) of up to +2, they never benefit from item bonuses.

So, as I read this, my animal companion gets no magical benefit from magical armor? Also, I can’t give my animal companion something that will help it with its saving throws? Animal companions are just meat shields now?

This doesn't make sense to me.

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Pathfinder Playtest p.284 wrote:
Animal companions calculate their modifiers and DCs just as you do, though with the exception of barding allowing an item bonus to AC (armor class) of up to +2, they never benefit from item bonuses.

So, as I read this, my animal companion gets no magical benefit from magical armor? Also, I can’t give my animal companion something that will help it with its saving throws? Animal companions are just meat shields now?

This doesn't make sense to me.


I'm off to a gaming convention in a few days and I'm packing up my stuff. I'm bringing some Pathfinder Battle miniature for new players to use at the table. I have mini's for almost everyone of the iconic classes. However, I only have room for 16 (foam tray). Which 16 should I take? I guess the real question is which iconics are the current crop of new players most interested in trying out?

So far I'm thinking ....

1) Kyra
2) Lini & Droogami
3) Valeros
4) Meresiel
5) Seoni
6) Ezren
7) Damiel
8) Seltyiel
9) Adowyn
10) Lertn (Adowyn's wolf)
11) ??
12) ??
13) ??
14) ??
15) ??
16) ??

Thanks for your thoughts!

I was looking through last year's Origins Game Fair program book and I noticed that Paizo did not have a booth in the exhibit hall. With Origins Game Fair now the official season launching point for Starfinder, and Paizo a Co-Sponsor of the convention, will Paizo have a booth in the Exhibit hall or other direct sales location at the convention?


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Regarding Scarab Sage: Thanks for listening and thanks for the change.

So, to keep up with PFS goings on, I regularly check out John Compton's and Tonya Woldridge Paizo posts. Today, I see that Tonya Woldridge'a page is now just 43228. I didn't know that Paizo was not reducing people to just numbers.

Is this available right now? I thought this was from a kickstarter and would not be available until next summer?


Starting the discussion here. This is a GM discussion and contains spoiler without spoiler boxes.

The Dinner Discussion: I was wondering if we could add some skills to some of the listed topics. I was thinking for 'Grace' adding Diplomacy, or Kn(Local). Maybe increasing the DC by 2 for these secondary skills.

The Debate: Can each PC that rolls against the DC earn clout, or can the group as a whole only earn clout once?


I have played and GM for several years at GenCon and still wonder what, realistically, should I bring to the table for my character.

1) Character sheet - OK this is a no-brainer.

2) According to the Guide for Organized Play, I need to bring any book my PC references. Not a problem as I have all the hardcovers on my IPad and can bring the one or two Player's Companions with the PC.

3) Item Inventory Sheet - some form of this.

4) Now, do I need to bring all my chronicle sheets? In a decade of going to GenCon, I've only been asked once, last year, by the GM for any of my chronicles. She asked for my most recent on on my 11th level fighter. For each PC I keep my chronicle sheets in a 1" 3-ring binder. It's efficient, organized, BIG, bulky and heavy.

I know as a GenCon GM, I'm not going to audit a player unless there is something really fishy going on. It takes time away from the game, and makes me look more like a rules lawyer and cop instead of a GM.

So how many chronicles should I reasonably take?

This is what I'm thinking of taking in the way of chronicle sheets. Any and all boon chronicles - like my Aasimar boon; Most recent chronicle; and any chronicles that have stuff listed on them that I'm using. So if I do this, instead of taking 36 pages of chronicle sheets and boons in a 3 ring binder, for my 11th level fighter, I'm taking four or five sheets in a folder.

Your thoughts?


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Every few years PFS has an specialty boon auction at GenCon to raise money for a given charity. I like the idea of raising money for a charity. However, I don't particularly like the boon auction. I know this has been raised before, but as GenCon is just a few weeks away I thought I put out an alternate idea (maybe not even a new one).

My suggestion, sell raffle tickets say at $5 each or 3 for $10. Have a series of charity boons (like being able to play a Kobold - hint, hint). People can place their tickets in any of the jars they wish corresponding to each boon. Names are drawn Sunday at noon.

I like this better because more people are contributing and participating. And I think you'll raise more money.

Or you could draw the names at 11:00 pm on Saturday and have boons like: Thurstan will personally GM a table of Starfinder 1-00 Sunday morning (six tickets pulled). Or John Compton will personally GM a table of _____ (six tickets pulled).


Just wondering. GenCon pre-registration closes in just over a week. There has been talk on the boards, but I don't believe directly from PFS staff, that some shifting of table could occur based on the demand. Specifically for the Starfinder Special Thursday evening which sold out in the first 10 minutes. So should I continue (at least for a week) to look and hope that some tables may be opened or are the events set as is? Also there were request to add some tables of 8-25.


Paizo Facebook is full of PaizoCon.
I don't do twitter ....

Sent my wish list at high noon.
Accepted at 12:03.
Processing ....
I'm number 1501! not bad!


OK, my son surprised me and asked me to run a Pathfinder game for him and some of his college friends. All basically zero experience. Looking for fun, easy to play PFS scenarios to run in about 3 hours. Suggestions?

Cool. Nice table.

Is this suppose to be listed before PaizoCon, Origins and GenCon?


I noticed that a few PFS events are listed as starting at 8:00 am on Sunday, but most are starting at 9:00 am. Traditionally, games have started at 9:00 am on Sunday so I was wondering if this is an error.

Any other possible errors?

Cool! I really like the podium, table and well! I'll get one of each please.

Edit: I'll probably pick up one of each as singles from Paizo. But I'd really need two of the Totem if not four.

I like the Wereboar and Jolistina Susperio, but it seems like Issaya is a doppelganger for a Wereboar.

(Wrong picture for Jolistina)


Cool idea for a contest!

So, what classes have you played past 3rd level more than once?

You folks must be swamped or my email is hitting your spam folder as I've tried three emails over the past week plus.

I just have a very small request, I was wondering if you could add the Promotional Lava Lurker to my order. I was just wandering around your site some more and it really caught my eye. If it's too late, I understand. If it bumps the shipping up a lot, you might want to send me an email first.


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With the latest release of errata, this time for Ultimate Equipment, it seems like Paizo has lost sight from where they came and who has built Pathfinder to be the premier RPG game. Pathfinder was born, literally, from the ashes of D&D 3.5 as WoTC tried to burn all traces of it. Lead by the visionaries from the core staff at Paizo, Pathfinder was built by its fans. Based on the OGL and SRD, a beta copy, available as a free download, was sold to eager fans at GenCon 2008. Through open play testing, feedback from hundreds of dedicated fans, and a dialogue between developers and gamers, Pathfinder was honed, refined and delivered at GenCon 2009.

Over the years, through additional play testing, the gamers and developers have continued to expand the Pathfinder game. Through play testing, author open calls and the RPG Superstar contest, we the fans and gamers feel empowered and take part ownership to the Pathfinder game system. The writers and developers of Paizo guide us and refine our efforts as the system grows. It’s our game, and it’s been a good partnership, gamer and developer.

Through the past few releases of errata, it seems like Paizo has forgotten how Pathfinder was built. With no apparent gamer input, chunks of our game have experienced drastic changes. Where many would say sharp chisel and soft mallet, or a fine brush and a steady hand are needed to reshape some item, class or feat, it feels like Paizo has swung a dull axe. Often missing the mark, destroying instead of shaping its target.

These drastic changes hurt. They hurt PCs, they hurt the players who have invested so much time creating and playing the PCs. They hurt the community-Paizo relationship. They hurt even more because the community seems to have no say in the changes. The pain is slow to subside because the Paizo developers rarely reply directly to the questions and concerns raised by the players in response to the changes.

These are opportunities lost for Paizo to make better improvement/errata with gamer input. Opportunities lost to improve Paizo's relationship with it's community.

Paizo is a business. Run by daring, creative individuals. They must be profitable for our Pathfinder game to continue. But please don’t forget the partnership that has built Pathfinder over the past eight years.

We ask that Paizo asks the gaming community for feedback on possible changes before they are committed to print. Once the commitment has been made to ink and paper, future changes are much more difficult.

I look forward to the continual growth of Pathfinder, led by Paizo, built by the community, over the next eight years.

Just My Thoughts


I don't have twitter, so I'm going to track my experience here.

12:00 Submitted --- waiting for server

12:01 Your Wish List has been submitted. You are number 3332 in line for processing

12:03 3253 in line

add your experiences


Just wondering when we might get some information on PFS games offered at GenCon this year. In the past, we've had to wait until the information is distributed by GenCon in their even listing spreadsheet.

Also, I noticed that Paizo is not a sponsor this year at GenCon. Interesting ......

I just finished opening my Rusty Dragon Inn case and I ended up with four draft horses. I'm thinking about kitbashing a mini. Taking two draft horses, removing them from their bases and then reattaching them to one base to make one team on a 10' base. Is it as straight forward as it sounds?

If I had two wagons (I don't), I'd consider modifying one so that there is only one pole going forward to have a horse on each side. But I only have one and it's currently valued at about five times each horse.


I'll get things started. Wow there's a lot of talent out there!

My top three are
"Glacial Rose" by Terminalmancer
"Prunette" by Lady Gragra
"Stela Tamna-Kosa's Animal Companion" by Tony Wilkinson

Edit: Didn't see the "Vote" until I posted. Redacted actual vote for now ....

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