Winter Klazcka

Cheògan's page

No posts. Alias of NotEspi.

Map | ◆ ◇ ↺

In the aftermath of the Grand Campaign in 4603 AR, a large part of the Taldan armies were officially disbanded. Many able soldiers found themselves banding together and forming mercenary groups under their former commanders. One such commander was Epida Caia. Being the commander of an auxiliary company posted in the Dalain Garrison, Caia saw many battle-hardened warriors pass through the port to find their riches in other lands. Being familiar with many merchants stopping in the fort to either trade or resupply, Caia devised a plan. A sly negotiator, Caia argued that a large number of ships turned to piracy after the war, and merchants would need extra muscle onboard their ships to protect themselves from such skilled crews. The soldiers leaving the battlefields of the Grand Campaign would provide that protection, and she would take care of the logistics and business side of things. Originally, she would simply negotiate the deal with the soldiers moving through the port, but with the manpower dwindling over time, she would offer a more permanent contract to some and establish other garrisons in a few ports of the Inner Sea, laying foundations to what would eventually become the mercenary company known as the Caia Outfit.

After establishing a triangular network of garrisons in Taldor, Osirion, and Andoran, the guild coffers bloomed, eventually funding Caia's own fleet of vessels to offer further protection in the form of escort ships. Skilled foot soldiers, sailors, and even inexperienced recruits longing after adventure flocked to join the guild. To maintain the goodwill and status, a strict training regimen for the green recruits was established.

By 4629 AR, the guild transitioned from merchant ship protection detail to a prominent mercenary force offering their services from 6 garrisons (each housing approximately 300 soldiers) and a fleet of 54 fully crewed ships. The guild offers protection, training, small incursions, and even joined the front lines in a few major conflicts. If you need an experienced soldier of fortune in the Inner Sea and have the means, Caia's Outfit is probably your best bet. At any given time, each garrison trains roughly a dozen recruits to refill their ranks.

In 4712, shortly after the turning of the century, the leadership of the guild decided to expand into mainland Avistan, negotiating with the local authorities to purchase land and expand their network. To achieve this, large quantities of money are used to launch a recruiting campaign. Pamphlets are printed, celebrating the glorious life and deeds of the men and women of the Outfit. Posters appear, promising good pay and glory. Town criers are paid to direct the curious to the nearest recruiter.

In the following years, caravans and ships from all over the Inner Sea funnel the fresh recruits to the local garrisons. Here, their talents will be evaluated, and they will be trained in the ways of the Caia Outfit - effectively handling one’s weapon of choice, using the situation to one’s advantage, and even using magical talents to aid one’s comrades. It takes several years for a cadet to reach the minimum requirements, and that is when the true training starts - the real contracts. Fresh graduates are assigned to a garrison, where they start to participate in contracts under the supervision of experienced members.

Invite only session zero discussion. If you're not invited or stumbled into the thread, please ignore it. Thank you.

Alright, everyone, let's talk about this thing. What are we looking at? We're certainly looking at a thing, though I am not sure what it will be.

I have looked at the concept of balance, considered it, and then promptly tossed out out of the window. As I mentioned in our less public preliminary chat, I would like to use the following variants here:

Dual Class
You level up in two classes instead of one, gaining all the class features.

Free Archetype
Every even level, you get a free feat that can be used only for archetype feats. Whether we will go for a version when we do not limit taking a new archetype before picking up 3 feats of a specific archetype is something I am thinking about. We can discuss it

Gradual Ability Boosts
Instead of having to pick four ability boosts on 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, you instead get one ability boost at every level except 6, 11, and 16.

Other possible stuff on the table includes:

Ancestry Paragon
Extra ancestry feats at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Plain and simple. Some ancestries do not have enough of a feat pool to fill this, so we'll need to talk about it depending on what ancestries you are going for.

Automatic Bonus Progression
This will depend on what classes you bring to the table. Full casters (IF someone decides to go full bonkers and do a two full caster gestalt for some reason) are a bit shafted by this, giving martials an edge. Again, we can talk about it.


In this game, we will be running around Golarion, which I like as a setting, and I'm too busy and/or lazy to make up my own world. This guy, right? Can't even craft a world? Trashmaster!

The actual starting point/location will be based on what we discuss here. At the moment, not determined.

I will try to weave our story as we go, depending on what you do in the world. Meaning we are not doing an AP. I like to run sandbox games with some gentle nudging towards the planned outline. With that said, I've been doing this for a while and know that when the GM plans, players laugh as they pour the gasoline and juggle burning matches. You will have hooks, you will have town criers screaming their throats out about the local interesting events. If you decide to pursue some of those, cool. If you have your own agenda, cool.


Which brings us to the fun part. Theme.

So what game do you want to play? We already know it will be crazy stupid balance wise. I am asking for a consensus on theme. Polintrigue? Horror? High fantasy? What are we looking at? I would like everyone to put their opinion down, and we'll try to reach some common ground.

Speaking of themes, everyone has a line in the sand. What's yours? What do you NOT want to see in the game? Not to worry if you omit something right now. In the future, if you feel like we are getting dangerously close to something you'd rather not see in the game, just let the table know and we'll either tone down or steer away.

I'll go first here.

I will not do sexual violence scenes. Hard no there.
I will not do sex scenes or ERP. Doors close, fade to black, beautiful morning.
I will not do intentional body mutilations. Flamingo knees to pull information from someone, etc. Obviously, there will probably be combat. But a slice across the forearm is not PUSHING THUMBS INTO THE OPPONENTS EYE SOCKETS TO TICKLE BRAIN MATTER. I assume you get what I am trying to say here.

We're not shooting A Serbian Film here. We're playing a game. If you are not sure that that is, lucky you.

Alignments are not a thing anymore in this game, BUT... play nice. You can play a selfish bastard of a person that sold their child to slavery, but find a way to cooperate with the party. On the other hand, don't be afraid to speak up if you feel like something is off. We are here to have fun as a collective, and can talk like functioning adults, I assume.


So yeah. Most of you know me, I am Espi (he/him, if that's something useful to you), I play and run games for a few years now, going back to 2010 I think? I like to think I can help telling a story, but that's subjective. Sometimes when I am in a hurry, I make errors in text. S+%$ happens. I'm just a man.

So - hello and welcome, and let's start the discussion.

Kingdom of Artume, River Kingdoms - Toilday, Rova 12th, 4723 AR

The sun hangs in the orange sky just above the low hills beyond the Selen river. One by one, crickets start their evening performance, and as the cool east breeze hits your faces, you look downhill to the south to see the wooden palisade surrounding your destination - the Dewfoot Hamlet. With the area around the fortification peppered by small farmhouses, fields, and enclosures, the Hamlet seems like a community focused on agriculture. Various animals are being herded back to their pens for the evening - pigs, cows, sheep, but most prominently, horses. The sight would be quite idyllic if it were not for the smell of manure and something far worse that you can not seem to pinpoint. If you were to guess, a mix of blood, eggs, salt, and various scented oils, presumably to hide the other smells.

Waiting a few moments to take in the surroundings and to brace yourselves against the ongoing assault on your nostrils - one that probably won’t lessen with proximity - you start moving down the hill towards the gateway in the palisade. You move past multiple farmhouses, and most of the locals give you a wave or nod as you go past. Others are too focused on their evening work to notice you, but all eyes you meet seem welcoming, if curious. Moving past the farms, you approach the palisade. Judging by the stone arch and scaffolding surrounding the entrance, it seems to be in the process of being upgraded. A small group of workers, exhausted after a full day’s work are packing their tools and getting ready to leave. They eye you as you walk, and joke that you’re the new crew for tomorrow.

Once you pass through the gate, you see a small circular square surrounded by small buildings, mostly storefronts with their individual stalls being packed up for the night. Almost in the middle of the square, you see a well. The road itself continues around the well to form a street heading deeper into the Hamlet. A hundred meters in or so, the road ends in another circular square with a well, but this square easily eclipses the first one by size alone. The diameter is almost three times as large, rows of young trees planted to make shade, and there is a well, a low-ish podium, and several hitching posts.

If you stand in the middle of the square, you can see it branches out into five other streets, not counting the ‘Gate street’. Exactly opposite of the gate, you see a large house on a small hill, surrounded by a hedge fence - your client's residence, as the Captain’s missive describes it. You look at each other, note the sunlight slowly disappearing, and ponder your next move.

Hello, everyone!

This is a preliminary discussion thread for the playtest game you likely have information about. If you are not sure, you probably shouldn't be here. Think of it a s a session zero thread. Not to worry, there will be an actual gameplay thread for this. I just don't know what it will be called yet. I don't like to name threads 'Placeholder name number seven', so waiting for that tone consensus (see below).

I would like to start the actual game by Tuesday.

Anyway, the character creation rules are as follows:

- standard ability scores
- starting level 5
- free archetype - yes
- ancestral paragon - no
- automatic bonus progression - yes
- 50 gp per character and extra 120 gp for characters that are not able to get runes for their primary offensive capabilities

Regarding free archetype, probably stick to the common stuff. If someone really wants something weird, run it by me. I'm okay with talking about it.

We are doing a War of Immortals playtest, and we have at least one class from that playtest (Animist), so stuff might get weird. Just putting that out there. There is still a slot for an Exemplar character, if someone wants to run that.

Since this is a playtest, I will want to have at least a few encounters done by the end of September, so I (and potentially, yourselves) can participate in the survey.

With that said, I would like to keep a steady pace of at least one post per day. We need to go fast, since playtest has a deadline, but that does not mean we are pulling the plug on October 1st.

The game itself will be - not sure yet. That is why I need some info from you. We will essentially do a oneshot, kind of.

So everyone, please let me know what kind of game you are up for here, tone-wise. We can do something lighthearted, something darker (within reason), something epic-ish (you're level 5, no tarrasque for you), something absurd, I don't know. Let me know what you want to play, and I will try to make something up.

Setting - Golarion. We are probably all familiar with it, to an extent, and there's no need to reinvent the wheel, especially since we are on a bit of a timeline.

Right. So - most of you know me, some of you don't. I am Espi (he/him, if that info helps you), I have been playing and running PF tables for a while now. 10-12 years, or so. I don't have the specific date. In any case, I am currently on a WFH setup and ready to do this thing.

So let's get ready. Please let me know what kind of game you are looking for here. As soon as possible. Once we have a consensus, I will put my gray matter to work and make a first post. Then we can go.

So welcome, and let's roll some dice and have fun.

Funnel Element ↺

Trigger: You have an element gathered, and your next action has the Impulse trait.

You attempt to improve control of the channelled element you are about to use. Roll a Fortitude Save against your Kineticist Class DC.

Critical Success: Your Elemental Blasts gain +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and a damage bonus equal to your constitution modifier until the end of your next turn. Your Impulses with the Overflow trait gain a damage bonus equal to the number of damage dice rolled, and the DC to save against them increases by 2 until the end of your next turn.

Success: Your Elemental Blasts gain +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and a damage bonus equal to your constitution modifier until the start of your next turn. Your Impulses with the Overflow trait gain a damage bonus equal to the number of damage dice rolled, and the DC to save against them increases by 2 until the start of your next turn.


Right now, the Kinecitist has 4 reaction options: Deconstruct Element, Air Cusion, Shield Block (with Stone Shield), Deflecting Wave. Only one of those is not tied to a specific element. So I thought why not add an option to increase the damage with one? The overall impression is that the damage is lacking, and the action economy is already pretty tight.

Math - Overall, the reaction has a 60% chance of success, including 10% critical success chance. The only exception are levels 7,8,15,16, when the Class DC and Fort Save expertise improve. At these levels, the chance actually improves to 70/20% chance to succeed/crit succeed.

So I gave the playtest class features some thought. And I asked myself - what defines a kineticist as a class?

When coming up with an answer, I went back to the 1e version and tried to go over it a few times. Then I compared it to the playtest proposed version a few times. And this is what I came up with. Modularity, and the burn mechanic.

The modularity part is partially solved by class feats, although it needs more looking into. Specifically when talking about Elemental Blasts, not Impulses. More on that later.

Burn - a kineticist is attempting to be a conduit to energy from the elemental planes (I miss you, Aether), but they find themselves hard to control this torrent of energy. And this is where the burn comes in. Yes, I said it. Burn, as the mechanic was named in 1e represents their failure to control. Them overestimating their abilities, and getting burned (pun not intended) as a result of their hubris. And so I have a few suggestions how to return back to the roots of the class - both mechanically, and thematically. So here's what I got so far.



We have 4 elements in the playtest doc. Out of those four, there are 3 dice that are used. Each element has a melee and ranged version, and they all use different traits. Why? If you wanted a simplified version, why use a different damage die for (almost) every element.

Here's what I propose. Dice used become unified based on ... Inner Gates like so:

Dedicated Gate - Base blast damage is 2d4 + Constitution Modifier
Dual Gate - Base blast damage is 1d8 + Constitution Modifier
Universal Gate - Base blast dice is 1d6 + Constitution Modifier

To achieve some scaling, the numbers will increase by the same amount of dice at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th. So Dedicated will have 4d4 + CON at level 5, Dual will have 3d8 + CON at level 9, Universal will have 4d6 + CON at level 13, and so on and so forth. The levels might get tweaked, but you get the gist. I did not run the numbers, it was just a thought experiment.

Why these dice? It's set up like this to give a little leverage to dedicated gates, since they won't have the versatility of universal. So we might as well give them a LITTLE damage. It's not much. The averages are Universal 3.5, Dual 4.5, Dedicated 5. Just a little nudge, there.

And here's the kicker. All of these 'simple' Blasts will get a range increment of 60ft, and the Fatal d8 trait.

Meaning, crits will advantage Dedicated gates, since they will esseitially have their damage further amplified by the fact that they roll double the amount of dice. So crits will matter to dedicated, and this will also help them with creatures that have resistances to their specific element, if hey have nothing else to fall back on.

I might need to look into immunities on that as well, but there's the Extract Element to help with that. Which, honestly, I think is a pretty good action to deal with this problem.

Speaking of crits ... Did I tell you about the effect I made up for critical failures on blasts? This is also where the 'burn' comes into play.

The blast action will have the following critical failure.



You lose control of the pure elemental matter charged. The charged element wreaks havoc on your surroundings a radius of 15 ft centered on you. The damage is equal to the damage of the prevented blast, and can be reduced by a saving throw that could be applied to the intended blast. If no saving throw is available, use a Reflex saving throw equal to your class DC.

I intended this to be triggered by mutiple things. Since charing (manipulate an element - more on that later) and impulse feats all manipulate trait, they provoke AoO. It's not that often that it happens, but it can happen, and I wanted to make use of that. So - if you critically fail a blast attack, if you take damage while charging (gathering element), or firing off an impulse. You trigger a Discharge event.

Now, you CAN prevent this, by a simple, 50-50 flat DC 11 check.

But if you fail that check, the class gets a reaction at level 1:


Control Discharge (reaction)

You trigger a Discharge event

You overestimated your ability and lost control of the charged element. You can, however, still attempt to reduce collateral damage to your surroundings.

Choose a number of creatures, items, and/or 5ft squares that will not be affected by Discharge. This number can not be higher than your Constitution modifier. The selected creatures, items, or squares will not be damaged by Discharge. You can not pick yourself or the square(s) you are standing on.

Alright, so we tried to put some balance into the gates, and we got a little burn mechanic going.

So now we have justification to use Constitution as KAS. Cool.

What about accuracy? I plan to have a subclass option running parallel to Inner Gates to fix the problem. I present to you... Discipline class feature.

You pick this at first level, and can not change. There are three stages.



Control - You get increased attack proficiency with unarmed attacks by 1 step, and reduced proficiency of Kineticist class DC rank by 1 step, to a minimum of trained. You do not need to gather element to strike with a blast, but all Impulse Feats take 1 more action. Reaction impulses require you to have an appropriate gathered element in hand.

Balance - This is the default state as presented in the playtest document.

Potency - You get increased proficiency of Kineticist class DC rank by 1 step, but reduce attack proficiency with unarmed attacks by 1 step, to a minimum of trained. Impulse Feats cost 1 less action (minimum 1).

So this is where we get to ACCURACY and CLASS DC.

Since Kineticist has CON as their key ability, we can not raise strength or dexterity to 18 at level 1. Meaning we will often have that -1 to strikes/attacks.

So we use the Control discipline to get expert at level 1 (much like gunslinger with firearms, since elemental blasts are unique to kineticist). So we are better with firing elemental blasts compared to pretty much everyone else except gunslinger using a firearm and a fighter using- well, anything.

On the other hand, we have an increased Kineticis class DC, which is not really lowered (since we are probably getting 18 Constitution either way), but it balances out the fact that we suck at blasting starting at 7th ( or 5th, if the expertise is an error ) level. So a Potency Kineticist will be using those AoE Impulses that will mop the floor with low-save mooks.

Once their previous edeavour is resolved, the group is summoned to Tian Xia's region of Minkai by Venture Captain Amara Li. Here, you help her lay down the groundwork to establish a new lodge in the area. Amara Li has been collecting relics from across the world to house them in a new museum of relics focused on the local history. To this end, she has been traveling all over the nation to pursue leads. These relics have come from a combination of purchases and donations, and she has occasionally called on local Pathfinders to guard the relics.

You currently perform work in the city of Sakakabe, a presperous city infamous for silver and pearl trade. Venture-Captain Li summons you to meet with her in one of the gardens of the Kiniro Kyomai teahouse, a famous teahouse run by geisha. The quality of the Kiniro Kyomai’s tea, food, and samisen music make it a popular destination for locals and travelers alike. She waits for you to enjoy the tea and small talk before turning their attention to more serious matters.

"I fear that misfortune may have struck some of your fellow agents. I hope that you can help them return here to safety, but I fear the task I have to request of you may instead center around recovering what you can from your fallen allies and, if it is safe to do so, completing the mission in their stead."

She makes a brief pause, then carries on. "Last year, I received a donation of relics from Taldor. The route is lengthy and complicated, so I will spare you unnecessary details. A caravan carrying the relics safely arrived in Hongal to the north, where it met up with a pair of Pathfinder agents, Lin Po and Ti Lan. These agents inspected the cargo, sent me a missive indicating that all was in order, and joined a second caravan to take the Spirit Road through the Forest of Spirits. The journey is understandably long, taking over two months to complete. Still, the caravan is late, and I fear that they may have run into trouble along the way. They were supposed to reach Sakakabe two weeks ago."

"While it’s possible that they were waylaid in the northernmost parts of Minkai, I believe it’s far more likely that they ran into trouble in the Forest of Spirits, a mystical place that shelters departed souls and most of the world’s kami. Kami are spiritual guardians with a deep connection to certain living locations or living things. The locals pay great respect to the kami, never intruding further into the forest than their one coastal road, the Spirit Road, and a number of small settlements built around shrines. This should make tracking the caravan simple, since there’s only a single road along which they should have had to rest or resupply at some point. I need you to check each of the roadside settlements until you find the last one to have seen the caravan, then track it from there and figure out what happened".

"Be sure to respect the kami and the local traditions honoring them; I don’t want you to come to harm in your journey. The kami are mostly benevolent, so long as they receive the proper respect, but there are some dangers that might have harried the caravan. Bandits, hobgoblins, and giants, among other creatures, dwell within the forest. The forest also hosts some aggressive plants and animals, not to mention malign spirits such as the oni, the sworn enemies of the kami. The locals will know more than I of what perils to expect."

She lets you think for a moment while she finishes her tea, and looks around the room. "Questions?"

I will make a post on knowledges once we have finished filling the sheets, in case someone leveled up or changed anything.


I have an outdated version of the macros page. I would like everyone to update their numbers and add/change character names in this one. This is the link I will be using.


Thank you!




Dot in so you see updates. I will create a discussion thread here as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Discussion for invited members. If you are not sure what this is about, you probably stumbled upon the thread by chance. If this is the case, I would politely ask that you do not participate. Thank you.

Right, guys, so I am back to the board. Already managed to get into a few games and was wondering whether we can get this thing rolling again. Let's talk on the system and scenarios, then.

As an alternative, an AP is open for discussion, if that's something you want to commit to.

So what are we doing? PFS? Something custom? An AP as mentioned above?

1st Ed? 2nd Ed? Not sure whether you guys stayed with 1st edition or not, etc.

Let me know, folks.

Welcome, welcome!
Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Character name:
Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

It is a hot, breezeless evening in Katapesh. Here, in a meeting room atop Farseer Tower, the curtains hang listlessly even with the windows thrown open. Unfortunately, the only thing hotter than the air is Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul’s ire.

"Why must I share Katapesh with so-called equals who are incompetent?" She huffs between gritted teeth, pacing back and forth before calming herself. "My pardon. Let me explain. Some months ago, the crypt of Zahari Mahiman—a scholar and sage from the Age of Enthronement—was rediscovered out in the wastes. I, personally, have long sought one artifact reputedly interred with him: the Monadistic Archive, a collection of scrolls from the Jistkan Imperium. Unfortunately," she grits her teeth, "It fell under the purview of the Kotargo Lodge to arrange an expedition. Venture-Captain Dulm took his time getting things underway, in spite of my own requests for urgency and offers of assistance. As a result, by the time his agents got there, the place had already been looted."

"Phlegos Dulm’s complacency aside, not all is bleak. The adventurers who looted the crypt were not scholars; they were simply looking to exploit the wonders of the past. The Monadistic Archive, in particular, was sold to Palhuna Murqual, a merchant here in Katapesh. I believe he bought the archive assuming it was merely a magical storage device, not an esoteric repository of lore indecipherable by him. He has shown interest in selling - at a profit, of course - and I need you to make the purchase. I have an Abadaran promissory note that should cover the price, but he is crafty and may bargain for more. I want the archive, whatever it costs. I can’t pay more gold than I already have offered, but if you can find other means of appeasing Murqual, I encourage you to do so."

Jumping straight in, so that we don't have a random dot post as the first one. Speaking of dots, post something and delete the post to register the thread in you campaigns tab. Once that is done, head over to discussion.

Welcome, welcome!
Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Welcome, welcome!
Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Welcome, welcome! This is a discussion for a 1-2 Tier Assault on Absalom special.

Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Once we have all the players selected, I will require the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

This is where the magic happens. Or so I hear.


Hey there! This is a recruitment thread for my gameday table. I will run a lottery if we have too many signups. Welcome, and have fun!

Please submit your information HERE

In case you did not get into this table, I strongly suggest you check other tables for available slots. You can do so HERE

Hey there! This is a thread for my gameday table. Please jump over to recruitment and submit your information in the linked form.

I will run a lottery if we have too many signups. Welcome, and have fun!

In case you did not get into this table, I strongly suggest you check other tables for available slots. You can do so HERE.

Welcome, welcome!
Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Dot in, and head into discussion, folks. Put down your info, then feel free to come back and interact with each other. We'll start after the weekend.

Surprisingly, this is a general recruitment thread for my tables. Hi, and good luck!

Welcome, welcome!
Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you:


Player Name: (name that should appear on the report sheet)

Day Job Roll: (if any)
Initiative bonus:
Perception bonus:

Feel free to add notes or comments about that you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Dot in, and head over to discussion to submit your info. Once we're filled, we start.

I'm talking about stuff like special edition 1E AP releases before the new edition hits.

Leather hadrcovers of a few selected AP's and so on? Maybe even a last print of the CRB or so? While I will check out 2E, I plan on playing 1E for at least a few more years. The Starfinder CRB limited ed is simply amazing to look at, and I would not at all mind adding similar-looking releases to my shelf.


Alright, folks - you know the deal.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Since we are in a bit of a hurry (5 weeks-ish), I'll try to get through this one at a quicker pace. I'd like you to post at least once per day if possible. I'll work in a similar manner, but I anticipate weekends being problematic, with me usually being unavailable and all that. I'll try to sneak a post in even when I'm out, but it might not be as flashy or colourful as usual. If you can call the usual stuff flashy or colourful, that is.

Hello again. Dot in, or just straight up respond, and check discussion, please.

After finishing your business in Oppara, you come to the dock to secure a passage home. Luckily for you, Captain Benarry of the Grinning Pixie, just made port with her ship and is looking for you around the dock offices. "Come, come! There's no time! I've heard the news about Jacquo. We need to leave...", she calls for her sailors to pick up the parcels from you and secure them in the cargo area. "This is Muesello's stuff? Good. I'll give it to him once we bust him out. I've heard rumors of our lodge here being raided and then Baron Dlasine dying - by Al-Jakri's hand, nonetheless. Very unsettling. Rumors spread like wildfire in these cities. Let's get out before we are involved in them, alright?"

Once you are out on the open sea, your belongings safely in your room (a repurposed cargo section, what else?), and after a well needed rest, a sailor pops his head in. In an odd deja-vu experience, he tosses you some extra blankets, mentions that the travel will take a few days, and most importantly, tells you to LEAVE THE CAT ALONE.

A few days into the voyage, you are summoned by the Captain for a briefing. The discussion is in her cabin, a rather large room, decorated with several maps and odd equipment covered by, clearly dated and unmaintained, flags. With at least one of them depicting a skull and crossbones. Interestingly enough, the Jolly Roger flag seems hanged in a prominent spot and is, unlike most other flags in the cabin, clean and apparently dusted a few times a month.

Muscular and imposing in a green-dyed longcoat, tunic, and puffed trousers, the half-orc Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry kicks out a chair for herself from under the massive oak table at the center of her well-furnished cabin and sits down. "Welcome to the Pixie, Pathfinders. Enjoy your tour while it lasts, ‘cause by Sunday night you’ll be off the boat. We’re a day’s sail from a rendezvous with a Pezzacki whaler, the Patience, which has permits to cross the Chelish blockade to fish. That town’s been locked down since the people upended the empire’s government five years ago, and those permits are hard to come by. We’d teleport you into Pezzack if the damned devilfolk didn’t have the place blanketed with spies, so instead we’ll throw you into the hold with the Patience’s catch. Which is good for you, trust me, because nobody in that town smells any better than you will."

Calisro leans forward, and whispers gruffly, "You’ll be dropped off to my contact at the Academy of Applied Magic, professor Kalizandrex Poppo. He’ll help you track down a trapped Pathfinder named Olandil, who’s been stuck there for five years—your job’s to get him out. Be careful who you talk to, though, and how you ask questions. That place is more volatile than Gorum on a bender, and the more you poke around, the more likely you’ll be the next to burn it down."

The venture captain pulls a sheaf of nautical charts out of a case at her hip and unfurls them on the table. "As for getting you out of the town, I know a thing or two about the sailing patterns of the ships around here. The Pixie can pick around the coast north of here for a week before Abrogail’s folk come asking questions." The venture-captain smirks as she continues, "In case you hadn’t noticed, the Pixie, well, she looks an awful lot like a pirate vessel, and the Chelish navy doesn’t exactly welcome pirates with open arms. You’d better get back here by then. Any questions?"

Kn History 15:
Five years ago, a combination of Hellknights, guards loyal to the empire, and strix burned the city of Pezzack to the ground in a battle known as the Second Ashes. The Chelish navy established a blockade on Pezzack that persists to this day.

Kn History 20:
The Second Ashes began after revolutionary playwright Amalia Wraxton premiered the play Abrogail I, which portrayed the first Thrune Magistrix as Asmodeus’ lover and blamed her for many of the ills that have befallen Cheliax in the last century. Wraxton vanished that night, and rumors about her whereabouts are a favorite tavern debate topic.


Kn Local 10:
Pezzack is a coastal town in Cheliax. Its most prominent industry is whaling.

Kn Local 15:
Four factions vie for power in Pezzack: the idealist White Thistles, the anarchist Galtans, the commerce-minded people of Docktown, and the Loyalists, whose allegiance lies first and foremost with the empire of Cheliax. The town is under a strict blockade from the Chelish navy, and only whaling ships with the appropriate permits are allowed to pass in and out of the struggling city’s harbor.

Kn Local 20:
The naval blockade is particularly effective at hindering trade in Pezzack because overland trade out of the town is nearly impossible. A race of birdlike humanoids known as strix control the mountains, and their hatred for humans makes them a constant threat to the city.

You also recall there are multiple factions fighting for influence over Pezzack:

  • Docktown - Representing the stranded merchants in Fat Harbor, the tiefling “mayor” Bruck wants economic dominance over Pezzack—a greedy oligarchy made easier by the town’s well-honed smugglers and perpetual unrest.
  • Galtans - Violent revolutionaries fronted by the grey gardener Habar Curl, Pezzack’s pack of Galtan rebels want the town’s freedom to spring from the blood of dead Loyalists—and anyone who might be aligned with them.
  • Loyalists - Pezzacki still loyal to the Chelish crown believe there can be no peace until rulership of the city is returned to its diabolical masters.
  • White Thistles - These idealists led by Amalia Wraxton want a unified, free Pezzack and hope to win over the other factions’ hearts and minds through verse and acts of derring-do.

Hi folks. We had an issue yesterday in one of our PbP games, wherein the antagonist has an illusion set up in the location of the encounter to buff. What we also have in the group is a pacifist character whose player made a decision to never inflict direct damage on anyone. With this in mind, the character casted a Charm Person spell on the illusion. Naturally, this did not do anything, but - an interesting question popped up afterwards.

Since it is an invalid target for the spell (Charm person target is specified as a one humanoid creature), can the spell even be used/expended in this way?

As per the CRB text on page 208, I ruled that the spell slot was expended for that day and the spell is wasted:


Spell Failure

If you ever try to cast a spell in conditions where the characteristics of the spell cannot be made to conform, the casting fails and the spell is wasted.

I checked for an official ruling on enchantment spells and/or abilities on illusion effects, but was not able to find anything.

Character in question is a spontaneous caster (sorcerer), so keeping the spell slot would be useful, but can they?

TL;DR: Spontaneous caster casts an enchantment spell on an illusion of a creature. Is the spell slot used up for the day?


PS: This is in a PFS game. In any other case, it would be a non-issue and a house ruling would have been made. Unfortunately, I can't do that in this case.

Welcome, welcome!

Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, and I do have a few campaigns in PbP under my collar as well, but - If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments about what you would like to point out in regards to your character. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

Since we are sort of pressed for time in these specials, in case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread (in case of interest - I wouldn’t simply say “X bots Y” and carry on). With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted?

Me (or the players botting you) would try to not use any consumables in your inventory, or abilities or class features with limited use (x/day stuff such as spells, channel energy, stunning fist, inspiration, and so on) until deemed necessary to ensure the survival of one or more characters in the party.

Botting posts would be as sterile as possible, to not put words into your character’s mouth. We do this because we try to not post something the character would never say due to their convictions, life philosophy, or whatever other reasons they might have. It’s always better if you (as the ‘owner’ of the character) come in later, and fill the blanks if needed.

If you agree to the above, please set up a bot me section in the character profile containing your most common rolls and listing any feats that might alter said rolls.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Again - Welcome! And have fun!

Welcome! Dot in and head into discussion whenever you are ready.

Welcome, welcome!

Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out. If you have questions for me specifically, feel free to ask.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Some extra stuff to keep games flowing:

In case of an extended period of absence, I would like your permission to bot the character, or delegate this to one of the other players in the thread. With the following in mind, would you agree to being botted? If so, please set up a bot me section in the character profile.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other common rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

Dot in, folks, then head to discussion.

Welcome, welcome!

Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in discussion until we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other commor rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

If there are any questions, ask away! Once we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above, we'll move on to discussing hich scenarios we are going to run. I own 4 evergreen scenarios (that I know of, at least) and we'll just do 3, so we have options.

Again - Welcome! Have fun!

Hello, everyone, and welcome! Please make a ninja dot (make a post and delete it afterwards), and proceed to the discussion thread.

Discussion open.

First of all, welcome. Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in discussion until we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other commor rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

If there are any questions, ask away.

Good luck, have fun!

Welcome! Dot in and head into discussion to submit your info, please.

Discussion open.

First of all, welcome. Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in discussion until we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other commor rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

If there are any questions, ask away.

Good luck, have fun!

Welcome! Dot in and head into discussion to submit your info, please.

Discussion open.

First of all, welcome. Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in discussion until we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other commor rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

If there are any questions, ask away.

Good luck, have fun!

Discussion open.

First of all, welcome. Something about me - I've been running live games for a few years now, but am still fairly new to PBP. If you find anything that can be improved, feel free to point it out.

Let's get to it then. I need the following from you.

Character Name:
Player Name (one that should appear on the sheet):
Day Job Roll (if any):

Feel free to add notes or comments on your character you would like to add/point out. Afflictions, rare special abilities I should know about/read up on, etc.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in discussion until we have all 6 blocks of the information requested above.

Additionally, please make sure to put relevant information (initiative, perception, saves, other commor rolls, etc) about your character into a spoiler included in all your posts. This can be done with the Classes/Levels field in the character profile. If you have questions how, don't be afraid to ask.

If there are any questions, ask away.

Good luck, have fun!

Dot in. Adding discussion post later.

Dot in. Adding a post to discussion soon.