
Caladral's page

33 posts. Alias of Krash4031.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Keep OOC stuff here, check in when you can.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Closed group.

Liberty's Edge

Alright! It's been a couple years, but I finally have enough time in my life to get back to the world of play-by-post!

Who wants to do some Starfinder Society scenarios?! I have the first 5! I would like to get a party of up to 6 players, minimum 4, and I will GM all the way through the scenarios.

I am in Pacific Time. I can post once or twice per day, sometimes more, occasionally less (I will do my best to tell you in advance). I expect the same of my players, but I understand real life takes precedent.

So let's open this up! First 6 players are in, or if I have at least 4 by 11am Pacific tomorrow morning (Friday, Oct 27) we will get started.

Let's do this people!

Liberty's Edge

Everything else in the rules that says "catch fire" seems to use the rules found on page 444 in the Core Rulebook.

My play group, however, thinks that the Alchemist's explosive bombs do not grant a saving throw, and anything hit directly is just on fire immediately. Which seems RIDICULOUSLY broken.

Is this true?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

In the depths of the Osirian desert, a sandstorm has recently uncovered a mighty pyramid that was buried beneath the sand for ages. Lost for centuries, the pyramid has not yet revealed its secrets, but one crumbling papyrus scroll found in the Great Library of Tephu contains references to the tomb of an ancient Osirian king known only as the Pharaoh of Sphinxes. Word of the pyramid’s discovery has spread far and fast. Archaeologists,
explorers, and tomb robbers from across the Inner Sea are gathering in Osirion’s taverns and inns to plan expeditions into the desert, each vying to be the first to plunder the tomb’s treasures.

The adventure assumes that the PCs all know each other and have agreed to travel to the pyramid of the Pharaoh of Sphinxes to explore it and recover its treasures. The pyramid lies approximately 90 miles west-southwest of the city of Eto (where you are currently located) in the inhospitable region known as the Parched Dunes, a journey of over a week on foot through trackless desert.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

For in character intros (the scenario assumes that you know each other, so if you want an intro, make it here) and all out of game stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Recruitment is closed. If you were accepted into this game, please report to discussion/gameplay!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This is for any out of character posting.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This is for in-game posts. Please do not post here until all players have been chosen.

Liberty's Edge

I will be running the Risen from the Sands Module from Free RPG Day 2014. Recruitment will be first come first serve to the first six players that post Society legal level 2-4 characters.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This thread is for out of game posts. Please reefrain from posting here until instructed to do so.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This is for gameplay. Please refrain from posting here until instructed to do so.

Liberty's Edge

I will be running the Confirmation, a tier 1-2 scenario that can be replayed for credit.

Please have a completed profile complete with HP, ACs, saves, perception, senses, and initiative in the class/levels line. Characters must be PFS legal and of level 1 or 2, and must not have played this scenario, but it is ok if you have played before with a different character. That being said, no spoilers!

I will close recruitment either when I have enough players (first come, first serve), though I would like to have at least the minimum 4 by tomorrow evening.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This thread will be for out of game posts. Please refrain from posting here unless you are chosen and invited to this thread.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This thread will be for Gameplay. Please refrain from posting here unless you are chosen and invited to this thread.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to run The Glass River Rescue, the first scenario of Season 5. This will be first come, first serve, up to 6 players. 7 will be considered. I will determine tier based on levels of submissions. Please have a completed profile when submitting.

I have been trying to get into a RotRL game with either this alias, or another character, Caladral. Looking for a GM willing to take one of them!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I have been trying to get this information for a while now... to no avail. Does anyone know what I have to do to get the chronicle sheet that will let me play a skinwalker??? I haven't ever wanted something in an RPG as bad as I want this.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Let's leave this thread for anything not in-game, i.e. letting me know you will be disappearing for a day or 2.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Morning light streams in through the stained glass windows of the Cathedral of Aroden in Almas, where Venture-Captain Brackett sits behind a large, antique desk replete with hairthin lines that mar its surface like nearly healed scars. He scans a handful of papers before speaking to you and the other assembled guests, among them the no-nonsense wizard
Wystorn Telfyr and Major Colson Maldris.
“I recently received news of a kidnapping in Sauerton, up in
the northern wine country. Thalia Andares, heir to the Sauerton
Red wine fortune and daughter of Consul Tercio Andares,
vanished during the Silverglazer Sunday celebration and has
not been seen since.”

With a meaningful look, Maldris catches Brackett’s attention, and the two nod in understanding as the major contributes.
“Tercio Andares is powerful and widely respected; not only has he been the mayor of the large town for many years, but he is also a strong voice in the Andoren military—even for a consul. The Sauerton Red winery has made him extremely wealthy, and his financial support could be a considerable asset to the Pathfinders’ important work in and around the Worldwound. He seems uninterested in foreign affairs, though, perhaps
because it’s politically safer to focus on domestic matters. Even
so, he is known to help those who help him.”

“I appreciate the summary, major,” says Brackett. “I am convinced that the Andares’s gratitude would do much to refill our war chest for a struggle that is unlikely to end quickly. When you track down Thalia, as I trust you will do quickly, it is important not only to the Pathfinder Society but perhaps to the whole world that you request funding for the military campaign against the Worldwound. Of course, convincing Tercio to contribute troops and military aid would be even better, but aim for finances first.”
With a sigh, Major Maldris picks up his tricorne hat and prepares to depart. “I would stay longer, but I must make final preparations to travel,” he states in a quiet voice. “While I hope that the Andares family agrees to help the society, I am also wary of this political practice of mutual backscratching. As all of you are in Sauerton—especially those who care for this fine country—remain vigilant for signs of short-sighted corruption and abandonment of Andoran’s founding principles: freedom and democracy. Follow what you believe to be the best course of action, as I will not be available to advise you. Nonetheless, I would appreciate any reports of corruption after the situation is resolved.” After sharing a quick handshake with Brackett and a nod of farewell to the rest of you, he departs, closing the door behind him.
Telfyr breaks the moment of silence that follows by reporting, “My scrying indicates that the young Andares is being held in a building with high ceilings and once-elegant adornments in a style popular in this nation before the People’s Revolt. The structure seems to have sustained extensive fire damage which has not been repaired. Thalia is alive and unhurt, at least for now. She was reading a fresh copy of the essays of Alysande Benedict when I saw her.”
Brackett begins to bring the briefing to a close by concluding, “We have transportation ready to take you to Sauerton as quickly as possible. When you arrive, present this letter to Consul Andares before you begin your investigation. It introduces you and offers the condolences and assistance of the Pathfinder Society. Not only is this proper etiquette to announce your intentions to the mayor, but Thalia vanished from the Andares manor. Someone there should be able to make sense of Telfyr’s visions. Telfyr frowns at Brackett’s diction.
“Scrying, Brackett, is diff–“
“Alright, yes, scrying,” the venture-captain concedes as he
pushes a sealed letter across the table. “Introductions, rescue
operation, then negotiation for funding and possible military support. Make any questions quick; you’ve got a boat to catch.”

Feel free to make your in-character introductions here, as well as ask any questions you may have.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to run The Stolen Heir. I am looking for 6 (maybe 7) players. This scenario is tiers 1-5, and if you are of the Andoran or Taldan factions, I highly recommend this scenario for you. I will leave recruitment open until I have 6 (7?) players. First come, first serve.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Post ooc stuff that doesn't have to do with the game here please.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This will be for the second group

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Discussion Thread. Please post any OOC (e.g. going to be gone for x days, etc) stuff here. Let's keep the Gameplay thread full of Gameplay stuff!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Gameplay will be here, when we are ready. You can feel free to introduce your characters in character, once you are chosen.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to get started as a GM on the forums. I have been playing Pathfinder since January 2013, and PFS since April. I have been GMing and playing in that amount of time.

To help me learn the ropes of GMing in a PbP, I want to start simple: First Steps Part 1. This scenario is for level 1 characters only, sorry about that to those of you with higher level characters.

About my posting schedule: I can almost always post 2 or 3 times in a day. That being said, I have a 3 week old baby, and my job is currently in its busy season, So there may be a time when I can only post once, if at all, particularly on Saturdays. If this works for you, submit a character!

I will leave recruitment open until I find 6 players that I like, possibly 7.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Maybe this has already been answered, but how many tricks do animal companions (say for druids or huntmaster cavaliers) begin play with? They get their bonus trick, but is that it? Or do they get to start with some? How does a character train his companion new tricks in PFS since most scenarios are only a day or 2?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

in the PSOP guide it says you can always purchase a +1 weapon... can you upgrade that weapon further? For example, I want my corsair to have a keen cutlass. Do i have to find one? Or is it always available?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I am running the whole 6 volume Skull and Shackles AP. Do all my player's all need to become Society members in order for me to receive GM credit? If none of them do can I still claim credit? We are about to finish the Bonewrack Isle part, which is the sanctioned portion of the first book. I have never claimed GM credit for my society characters, but I have a society character that I am currently just using for one shot weekly scenarios, but I would love to apply credit for this campaign to him since he is a pirate.


I am new to the message boards but familiar with Pathfinder. I have played 2 sessions of PFS and would love to try PbP.