"Ahoy, sir," Caladral says as he and Clucky enter. "I do believe I am the man fer any job ye might be havin', sir. I hail from Riddleport, meself, where I was brung up to be a man o' the sea. Some may call me a pirate. I just likes to cook and to fiddle wit' the arcane arts, as they be called. I may be old (middle-aged), but don't let that fool ye! I am a salty old Jack Tar who knows his way abouts! I seen most of what there is to see out at sea," Caladral exchanges a look with Clucky at this, and they both chuckle. He takes a swig of his rum before continuing. "So 'why not try the life of a landlubber fer a time?' says I. To sum it all up sir, I got the skills, and don't much mind if the job is a might shady, if ye catches me drift." Caladral winks at the man.
So I did a Heal check to determine if the masked man was alive so that we could heal him and ask him questions and I am still waiting on a response to that...
I am sorry guys... My wife was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and I have been out of it for a couple days. Thanks for the catch ren, here is the rest of my damage.
Caladral fires another shot!
Attack:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 Damage:1d6 ⇒ 3 Sorry, I got confused and thought the baddie hadn't acted yet for some reason
"Well, at least they got me right!" Caladral exclaims gleefully. "I happen to be an excellent sailor! Is there anything I can help with aboard the ship, Captain?"
Caladral is relieved to find his gear in the chest at the foot of his bed. Being raised on the streets to a slave family, he has worked hard for his meager belongings. "Thank you friend," he accepts the tankard. "Never to early for this!" He takes a sip of his wine and smiles happily as he dons his gear.
Caladral was born in the a heavily forested region of Cheliax to a poverty-stricken slave family. Both of his parents still live, and he has two siblings. His sister is older than he is, and his brother is younger. During his childhood, he met a unicorn. The unicorn touched him, and since that day, he has always felt different.
During his adolescence, Caladral somehow managed to get himself into a gang war. This is probably what got him into becoming a rogue. This experience also made him into a dirty fighter, and he exploits his opponents weaknesses in combat. One of his influential associates at the time was a ghost that he spent much of his time speaking to, giving him invaluable insight on his own life. The ghost touched him, tainting Caladral a little bit with undead blodd, and making him even more resistant to mind affecting and compulsion effects. He had a friend, who as yet was an innocent who had never committed a crime. When his gang leader offered him money to corrupt his innocent friend, he took it, but his whole life he has secretly regretted it.
Caladral was in a few romantic relationships as he got older, and some of them were significant. But unfortunately, none of them budded into much. However, There was one girl that he grew especially attached to, and to this day she remains ever close to her heart; some may even call her his weakness.
Romantic Relationship:1d20 ⇒ 3 a few significant relationships
Fellow Adventurers
Fellow Adventurers1:1d100 ⇒ 88 Best friends with 1
Fellow Adventurers2:1d100 ⇒ 36 Former Allies
Fellow Adventurers3:1d100 ⇒ 78 Veterans of a skirmish or war
Fellow Adventurers4:1d100 ⇒ 32 Former Allies
Fellow Adventurers5:1d100 ⇒ 97 From the same hometown or region
Drawback:1d100 ⇒ 8 Attached
Full Name
Vecnorcus Pharayuss Kyusharoon
Special Abilities
Plague of Undeath, Feast of Brainnnnnssss, Blood Magic