The Stolen Heir PFS (Inactive)

Game Master Krash4031

The Stolen Heir PFS Scenario Current Map

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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Morning light streams in through the stained glass windows of the Cathedral of Aroden in Almas, where Venture-Captain Brackett sits behind a large, antique desk replete with hairthin lines that mar its surface like nearly healed scars. He scans a handful of papers before speaking to you and the other assembled guests, among them the no-nonsense wizard
Wystorn Telfyr and Major Colson Maldris.
“I recently received news of a kidnapping in Sauerton, up in
the northern wine country. Thalia Andares, heir to the Sauerton
Red wine fortune and daughter of Consul Tercio Andares,
vanished during the Silverglazer Sunday celebration and has
not been seen since.”

With a meaningful look, Maldris catches Brackett’s attention, and the two nod in understanding as the major contributes.
“Tercio Andares is powerful and widely respected; not only has he been the mayor of the large town for many years, but he is also a strong voice in the Andoren military—even for a consul. The Sauerton Red winery has made him extremely wealthy, and his financial support could be a considerable asset to the Pathfinders’ important work in and around the Worldwound. He seems uninterested in foreign affairs, though, perhaps
because it’s politically safer to focus on domestic matters. Even
so, he is known to help those who help him.”

“I appreciate the summary, major,” says Brackett. “I am convinced that the Andares’s gratitude would do much to refill our war chest for a struggle that is unlikely to end quickly. When you track down Thalia, as I trust you will do quickly, it is important not only to the Pathfinder Society but perhaps to the whole world that you request funding for the military campaign against the Worldwound. Of course, convincing Tercio to contribute troops and military aid would be even better, but aim for finances first.”
With a sigh, Major Maldris picks up his tricorne hat and prepares to depart. “I would stay longer, but I must make final preparations to travel,” he states in a quiet voice. “While I hope that the Andares family agrees to help the society, I am also wary of this political practice of mutual backscratching. As all of you are in Sauerton—especially those who care for this fine country—remain vigilant for signs of short-sighted corruption and abandonment of Andoran’s founding principles: freedom and democracy. Follow what you believe to be the best course of action, as I will not be available to advise you. Nonetheless, I would appreciate any reports of corruption after the situation is resolved.” After sharing a quick handshake with Brackett and a nod of farewell to the rest of you, he departs, closing the door behind him.
Telfyr breaks the moment of silence that follows by reporting, “My scrying indicates that the young Andares is being held in a building with high ceilings and once-elegant adornments in a style popular in this nation before the People’s Revolt. The structure seems to have sustained extensive fire damage which has not been repaired. Thalia is alive and unhurt, at least for now. She was reading a fresh copy of the essays of Alysande Benedict when I saw her.”
Brackett begins to bring the briefing to a close by concluding, “We have transportation ready to take you to Sauerton as quickly as possible. When you arrive, present this letter to Consul Andares before you begin your investigation. It introduces you and offers the condolences and assistance of the Pathfinder Society. Not only is this proper etiquette to announce your intentions to the mayor, but Thalia vanished from the Andares manor. Someone there should be able to make sense of Telfyr’s visions. Telfyr frowns at Brackett’s diction.
“Scrying, Brackett, is diff–“
“Alright, yes, scrying,” the venture-captain concedes as he
pushes a sealed letter across the table. “Introductions, rescue
operation, then negotiation for funding and possible military support. Make any questions quick; you’ve got a boat to catch.”

Feel free to make your in-character introductions here, as well as ask any questions you may have.

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

A dwarf stands quietly to attention.He has an auburn beard and otherwise his head is bald.
He is wearing banded armor and has a silver hammer on a chain around his neck. Next to the wall lies a backpack with a steel shield, a dwarven longhammer, dwarven waraxe, light crossbow and a case with bolts.

During the briefing the dwarf seems busy with filling his pipe. After everything is to his exact wishes he speaks up

"These Andares people must have enemies, as rich and influential as they are. Any idea who might be behind this?"

Scarab Sages

male human Musket master 3 | AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 28/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init + 6 | Perception +7

A tall dark skinned human sits at the table, a musket beside him. "Can you give us a description of her? And also, besides freeing her, do we have any other negotiation options?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Druid (bear shaman) 3, hp 30/30, AC 18 (T 10, FF 16), Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6, Perc. +8, Init. +2

A tall and large man, with long, thick hair and beard, is sitting among the other pathfinders. He is dressed in simple, coarse clothes and is wearing a sturdy hide armor. Next to him lies a sack with some weapons - greataxe, shortspear, longbow and scimitar. He looks like someone who has always lived in forests or in remote countryside and he seems to be a little bit out of place in the capital of Andoran and in the big cathedral.

For now, he stays quiet and listens to the discussion.

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

A young half-elf woman walks, sitting next to Omar. She is dressed for travel, with an elven curved blade slung across her back. She has two massive blonde braids stilled up in a what could best be described as a hive worn securely on her head.

Rapunzel poses the following questions:

"Who is Alysande Benedict? And do we have a copy of her latest essays?"
"Who are the known enemies of the Andares family?"
"If it is a kidnapping, what ransom has been demanded?"
"What is Telfyr using to scry against?"
"How is Thalia's relationship with her father?"

After the Venture-Captain answers her questions, Rapunzel turns to Deaglan and says, "Kidnapped princess, really?" with a smile and a wink.


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

"Venture-Captain, "says a solidly built Half-Orc with a smile uncommon for his people, "let assure you we will do everything in our power to return the Andares woman to her family. I'm also sure that should the Andares family see it fit to show their gratitude, the mutual backscratching could work its way to all involved."

After a momentary pause, Hektolog continues. "You mention corruption. Do you believe this could be an inside job? Are there any trusted agents in wine country?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

To Deaglan, the Venture-Captain replies, “When I heard reports from the north, it seemed as though the authorities were stumped. Vivianna Talwin is the only major political rival Andares has to our knowledge. He has no obvious bad blood in the business of cheap wine.”

To Omar: "I know she is a rather... handsome girl. Other than that, perhaps the family can give you a better description. As far as negotiations go, I leave that to you. We don't have a lot to offer other than the rescue mission."

Rapunzel: I am not sure your first question is pertinent, as I cannot find an answer at this time. Your second question is answered above. Your fourth question is also not pertinent.
“Mr. Andares has publicly stated that he has not received any official
demands yet. We don't know the relation ship between the girl and her father, you would have to ask him.”

Hektolog: “You would have to ask around the Andares manor for more information, but I have heard the manor was empty aside from Thalia
because her father, the servants, and town guards were out attending the
Silverglazer Sunday celebration.”

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 Hp 8/8, Ac 13, Touch 13, FF 10, Fort +3 Ref+3 Will +2; Percept: +7; Ini +3

Oh my head...that elven fire-wine was a bit too feisty for my taste. Especially that vintage of 4702, it was simply to sweet...oh merciful and wise Yuelral, why are they speaking so much?!

"My fair elven lady" - he addresses Rapinzel - "it is so nice to see when great minds think alike"

Swaggering like a peacock, Thosar walks slowly in towards the front, showing his new courtiers outfit in shades of dark blue and green.

"Working for the Society, I meet some very resourceful colleagues, and judging by the questions you asked so far, respected comrades, you seem to fit that bill" - without even waiting for an answer, he continues - "Ah, smart too, that is most refreshing"

Only at that time, realization hits him - "Winery you say?! That is a really an urgent task! We should head there with all haste!"

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Just in case these are helpful? I doubt dungeoneering will come into play at the moment.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Rapunzel smiles at Thosar.

"Greetings to you."

Rapunzel takes the letter and places it in her pack. Turning toward the assembled Pathfinders: "Shall we be off then?"


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

Hektolog nods at Rapunzel. Then he says "Agreed, we should make haste. We will need to get to the Andares manor to find out more and the trail will become more difficult to find as it ages. "

He then looks around the room and addresses the group as a whole. "Is everybody else ready to depart?"

The Exchange

Slayer 5 [ HP 49/49 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 21 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | Init +6 Per +9(11TF), SM +6]

A damsel in distress... heiress AND handsome! This mission sounds promising indeed! A young varisian detaches himself from the shadows of a corner. Besides a light armor he is clad in brightly colorfull clothes with hands full of golden rings and a matching pair of earrings. Two short swords are strapped to his back.

Yes, lets depart. Smiling.

I am awaiting for the DM's confirmation on something but I think he will be ok with it so I am posting with Nicolae to moves things forward.

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Deaglan puts away his pipe and gathers his belongings.

He addresses Venture-Captain Brackett, Wystorn Telfyr and Major Colson Maldris solemnly

So help me Trudd, we will do everything in our might to rescue this fine lass and secure the aid of her family in our endeavours against the worldwound."

He turns and walks out of the door "Let's go"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

You may make Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy checks to uncover the following. Rapunzel, go ahead and apply your roll here. We will move on to Sauerton in the morning.

Tercio Andares is mayor of Sauerton, one of the consuls who administer Andoran's military, and owner of the extremely successful Sauerton Red winery.

Andares has generally remained popular in Sauerton despite the town suffering from a rash of attacks by wild beasts from the Verduran Forest in recent years, as his winery employs much of the town directly or
indirectly, and it is rare for any public figure to suggest Andares might be responsible for any problems.

A few unpopular individuals around Sauerton say that the Andares family is rotten, and that anyone who makes trouble for Tercio or his kin is quickly and quietly encouraged to leave town.

Scarab Sages

male human Musket master 3 | AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 28/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init + 6 | Perception +7

Omar will try to get as much information as possible before they depart.

Knowledge local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

"Just to let you know some things, first what we already knew: Tercio Andares is mayor of Sauerton, one of the consuls who administer Andoran's military, and owner of the extremely successful Sauerton Red winery. But it is interesting that Andares has generally remained popular in Sauerton despite the town suffering from a rash of attacks by wild beasts from the Verduran Forest in recent years, as his winery employs much of the town directly or indirectly, and it is rare for any public figure to suggest Andares might be responsible for any problems. Might give us an angle for further negotiations - if we can help with the wild beast problems - might help!"

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 Hp 8/8, Ac 13, Touch 13, FF 10, Fort +3 Ref+3 Will +2; Percept: +7; Ini +3

Knowledge local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

"Wow, slowly now, my blunderbuss wielding friend...everything you said so far is true, but usually there's another side of the medal" - the wizard purses his lips, deliberating how to continue.

"While I am all in favor of visiting Andares manor and enjoying their hospitality, it may be prudent to say that not everything might be as it seems" - with a quick glance to make sure everyone is listening, Thosar continues to speak - "Some...acquaintances of mine, who might be unpopular around Sauerton, are claiming, and mind you, I do say that all of us should take this with a pinch of salt, but not one, but several people are claiming that the Andares family is rotten, and that anyone who makes trouble for Tercio or his kin is quickly and quietly encouraged to leave town."

He lets his voice trail off for a few moments, letting the realization sink in.

"As I already said, this might be nothing, just some usual jealousy towards success, but as my experience has taught me, it would not be the first time that not is all as is seems"

Scarab Sages

male human Musket master 3 | AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 28/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init + 6 | Perception +7

"Uh, wasn't aware of this side of the story. We should proceed with caution then. Might not seem so straight forward then. Oh my, we will see, when we are there. And keep eyes and ears open."

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 Hp 8/8, Ac 13, Touch 13, FF 10, Fort +3 Ref+3 Will +2; Percept: +7; Ini +3

Any chance of Thosar maybe recognizing the neighborhood or the building itself, from description provided from scrying? (building with high ceilings and once-elegant adornments in a style popular in this nation before the People's Revolt. The structure seems to have sustained extensive fire damage which has not been repaired.)

Not sure if Knowledge/Local can be used in such a way, but it would be in-line with my previous check

Knowledge/Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

"That is some good information, elf," agrees Hektolog. "We should be wary of every party involved with this situation and keep what we find to ourselves."

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Deaglan laughs, "Keeping our mouths shut is what dwarves do for a living orc."

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Rapunzel smiles at Thosar. "I generally find there are three sides to a story. My side, your side, and the truth. Let us find the second side so we may arrive at the third. My opinion is that she's responsible for her own 'kidnapping,' but let us see what truth is reveal in Sauerton!"


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

A sly grin appears on Hektolog's face as he starts speaking "That is some good news and great boon to our group if everybody follows that example."

Bowing his head slightly but deliberately and obviously to the Dwarf, he continues" It seems that we may get on better than our heritage suggests. Call me Hektolog, if it pleases you."

After an extended time with his head lowered toward the dwarf, Hektolog returns to his regular stance and waits for a response.

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Deaglan speaks in an earnest tone of voice

Ah, come on Hetkolog, Straighten up! I intended no insult, lets not let our ancestry influence our cooperation in a bad way. Call me Deaglan."

Deaglan grabs Hektolog's hand in a firm handshake.


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

Hektolog returns the handshake from Deglan.

"No offense was implied or received. It's good to make your acquaintance, Deaglan. May this be the beginning of a fruitful expedition."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Druid (bear shaman) 3, hp 30/30, AC 18 (T 10, FF 16), Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6, Perc. +8, Init. +2

Beromir gets up and straps his weapons back on.
"My name is Beromir and I'm from Andoran", he says, "unfortunately I don't know the town of Sauerton and the Andares family as I have never been there. I can fight, heal the wounds a bit and get along in the wild should the opportunity arise. I hope that we can rescue that girl and secure the aid of her family for the best interests of the Society."

The Exchange

Slayer 5 [ HP 49/49 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 21 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | Init +6 Per +9(11TF), SM +6]

Alright, keep a low profile. No problem. My name is Nicolae by the way. Still smiling.
Blondie here Pointing at Rapunzel does have a point. It is not usual for prisioners to be allowed to read in their cells, unless they are of noble born and are being held by another noble. You sure wont find any books in Korvosa's dungeons, just rats.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Thosar, you can apply your roll to the appropriate spoilers below and see if it works...

As you journey toward Sauerton, Brackett fills you in on a little bit of information about it. "Sauerton is infamous for its cheap and widely distributed wine, called Sauerton Red. It has become immortalized in an Andoren proverb that something of poor quality 'must be down from Sauerton.' Sauerton is a large town located in wine country in northeast Andoran, about equally distant from the Andoshen River, which is used to ship wine to Andoran's southern ports for export, and the Verduran Forest,
which occupies much of the tense border with Taldor and Galt."

But, of course, some of you may already know that (or more!) with the proper Knowledge (local) or (geography) checks!

Sauerton is infamous for its cheap and widely distributed wine, called Sauerton Red. It has become immortalized in an Andoren proverb that something of poor quality "must be down from Sauerton."

Sauerton is a large town located in wine country in northeast Andoran, about equally distant from the Andoshen River, which is used to ship wine to Andoran's southern ports for export, and the Verduran Forest, which occupies much of the tense border with Taldor
and Galt.

Sauerton has been a site of productive vineyards for centuries, and the once-noble Andares family has been a major owner of those vineyards since long before the People's Revolt. Although the Andares family chose to give up their noble privileges during the revolt, nearly every mayor of Sauerton in the 44 years since has been a
member or close relative of the Andares family.

The local captain of the guard Merton Demrick has publicly petitioned for more funds to hire additional guards, claiming the current numbers are too few, but he has not received enough support from Mayor Andares or the townspeople to implement the change.

A local vineyard's villa was burned down in a then-famous fire about the time of the People's Revolt by a spiteful noble belonging to the Sauer family. It seems likely to fit the description given by Wystorn Telfyr.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Your voyage up the Andoshen river to Sauerton is fairly uneventful, and you have fairly good weather until about the last hour. At this time, a light rain begins to fall. Once you disembark in the wine town, Brackett says, "The Andares manor should not difficult to find., as it is one of only a dozen or so of the large stately buildings that stand as a reminder of the nobility of a past age." No sooner does he say that, then does a halfling in light armor and a rain spattered helmet hails you.

"Hello, strangers! I am Captain Merton Demrick, of the nation of Andoran! What is your business here in Sauerton?"

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Aid Toshar Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

On the boat Deaglan helps Toshar remember everything he can about Sauerton, he even asks his god.

"Mighty Trudd, please aid Toshar in remembering everything he can about Sauerton".

Deaglan casts guidance on Toshar

That is a +3 to your 27 ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Is Trudd from Dwarves of Golarion?

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Rapunzel smiles at the captain. "Hello sir, we are here at the invitation of Mayor Andares. I am Rapunzel, late of Absalom, and these are my friends. Perhaps you'd care to escort us to his estate?" She hooks her arm around his and gestures for him to continue.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Captain Merton returns the smile and bows slightly. "It would be my pleasure to guide you, milady." he offers the elf his arm, and smiles broadly as the height difference causes him to be carried by an elf beauty. After a moment, he seems to rember his purpose, and begins rambling off like a tour guide. "Over there is the clock tower... it's a left here milady... Oh, and that's Ol' Farmer Bob's home... Hang a right here... That's 32 Elm St... No one goes there... Oh! We missed our turn back there sweetie! Ah, thats 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney District. P Sherman lives there... Boy, it sure will be nice to get inside and out of the weather!" You are fairly certain that Merton took his time finding the manor, so as to show you every obscure tourist destination, and to extend his time with Rapunzel. As you walk, you can hear things about Sander Bryton from townsfolk with a Know (local) check, or get the info from the captain with a Diplomacy.

Sander Bryton is a consul, one of the elected officials responsible for directing Andoran's military.

Although the consul General Reginald Cormoth is the head
of the Eagle Knights, Sander Bryton often assists the general directly in deciding Eagle Knight actions and policy.

The Bryton family—all successful military leaders going back four generations—has been prominentever since the People's Revolt. At no time has the elected national government not included a Bryton.

Immediately after Tercio Andares joined the People's Council, Sander Bryton mysteriously reversed his position on an important trade agreement, clearing the way for the Andares family's Sauerton Red wine to become the household name it is today throughout the Inner Sea region.

The Andares mansion stands at the edge of a beautiful green and has a facade dominated by fine marble pillars. The manor is tall and as imposing inside as out. The ground floor has a parlor, drawing room, grand dining room, water closet, and kitchen, and the upper level has
half a dozen bedrooms, half of which are unused.

DC 15 Knowledge (engineering):
You identify the architecture as old Chelish but the many columns are a recent, largely ornamental addition.

I was going to post more, but find that I am out of time. I probably won't be able to post for the rest of the day, so feel free to RP amongst yourselves during your travels either on the river or through the town. I gotta 3 hour drive, a little bit of practice times, and them some big tests to take this evening, and may not be back until I return from work at my current job tomorrow evening.

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Rapunzel is happy to play tourist, giggling at his anecdotes, keeping her hand over his as they walk. Finally upon arriving at Andares mansion, she thanks Captain Demrick for his hospitality, offering her hand for him to kiss. "A wonderful escort indeed, my thanks captain. A fantastic town. You know, on the boat ride up here the ship captain let me read a book of his about the People's Revolt. Are there many buildings left here in town before that wonderful upheaval?"

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Deaglan ambles along behind Rapunzel and the Captain. During a pauze in the guided tour he speaks to the Captain

"Might there be a temple in town where I can pay homage to the Dwarven Gods?"

Scarab Sages

male human Musket master 3 | AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 28/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init + 6 | Perception +7

omar helps to discern as much knowledge as possible. aid Thosar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 Hp 8/8, Ac 13, Touch 13, FF 10, Fort +3 Ref+3 Will +2; Percept: +7; Ini +3

Just FYI - information in here is relevant for the previous Knowledge check of DC30 - thanks to the help of friends and gods ;-) Will roll another check for the potential information gleaned from Captain Merton

During the boat ride:

"Ah yes, I seem to recall it now. Quite some time passed since then, but I do remember several little tidbits we may find important" - he casts a quick glance towards Deaglan, and a smirk appears on his face. "While I do find your conversation openers a bit too direct, I am not a fool to reject divine favor, especially coming from a god of the elder races. Thank you Master dwarf, your help is much appreciated. Although, even more appreciated would be if you could pronounce my name properly when addressing your god - it's Thosar, not Toshar!"

Scratching his goatee with his right hand, mage continues to speak in a low, but still melodic voice: "Gather round friends, this is not for everyone's ears"

Glimpsing around to make sure no one is eavesdropping on their conversation he continues: "Sauerton has been a site of productive vineyards for centuries, and the once-noble Andares family has been a major owner of those vineyards since long before the People's Revolt. Although the Andares family chose to give up their noble privileges during the revolt, nearly every mayor of Sauerton in the 44 years since has been a member or close relative of the Andares family. But it gets better - I recall from a conversation I had several days ago that The local captain of the guard Merton Demrick has publicly petitioned for more funds to hire additional guards, claiming the current numbers are too few, but he has not received enough support from Mayor Andares or the townspeople to implement the change."

"Ah, yes, one more tidbit" - the elf adds, mischief dancing in his eyes - "A local vineyard's villa was burned down in a then-famous fire about the time of the People's Revolt by a spiteful noble belonging to the Sauer family. It seems likely to fit the description given by Wystorn Telfyr."

Knowledge/local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 With Captain Merton


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

Hektolog waits for an opening in the ongoing banter between Rapunzel and the Captain.

"Captain, we are here to see the Anders but I don't think he will use all of our time. Is there anything that you may need help with while we are here?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Hektolog will relate the information about the consul when we are alone.

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

During the boat trip:
Deaglan grumbles "Thosar, Toshar, these elven names all sound alike to dwarven ears. I will try to pronounce your name correctly next time Thosar. If you could do me the same favour and not call me Master, that title is reserved for the best craftsdwarves in the hold. My talents are not in crafting, I would not even be an apprentice if I tried my hand in that area."

Deaglan scratches his beard, unknowingly mimicking Thosar's mannerism

"Useful information, I guess it makes sense to keep an eye on the Sauer family, they seem to be the first suspects."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

To Rapunzel: "Oh it really is my pleasure!" he plants a halfling-sized kiss on your extended hand. "There are plenty of buildings left over from the Revolt, even the manor here!"

To Deaglan: "Yes, there is a dwarven temple right down the street there!" Unless you want to RP it, you can assume you can use your spell.

To Hektolog:"Town's been pretty quiet lately, aside from the kidnapping. Thanks for the offer though!"

Once you arrive at the manor, Captain Merton trots up the steps and knocks on the door for you (how the halfling reached the knocker will forever remain a mystery). A thin, hook-nosed woman with graying brown hair held in a tight bun answers the door. "May I help you, sirs and madam?"

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Smiling again at the friendly halfling, Rapunzel again thanks him.

"Good day madam, we have been sent on behalf of Venture-Captain Brackett. I believe Consul Andares is expecting us?"


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

As the group approaches the door and talks with the greeter, Hektolog covertly looks around the grounds and building to see if he notices anything unusual or out of place.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

"Consul Andares is not to be disturbed! I don't think he is expecting anyone right now. He is not to be disturbed." she repeats, politely, but firmly. "He is currently in a meeting with COnsul Sander Bruton."

[ooc] Diplomacy perhaps? Hektolog does not notice anything out of place.

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Well, sadly it looks like I'm just as qualified as anyone else in the party for Diplomacy :). Possibly some kind of Know (Nobility) check to aid the situation?

Diplomacy:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

"My apologizes for not assuming the Counsul would be otherwise disposed. When he is done with his meeting with Consul Bruton, you may inform him that representatives of the Pathfinder Society are her to assist with the abduction of his daughter." Rapunzel motions into the house, "Where may we wait in the meantime?"

The Exchange

Slayer 5 [ HP 49/49 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 21 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | Init +6 Per +9(11TF), SM +6]

As they approuch Nicolae follows Hektolog example and looks around the property for anything strange, finding nothing he joins the conversation.
Perc: 1d20 ⇒ 1

And please, tell the Consul he has our full support in this dire times.
Diplom: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 Hp 8/8, Ac 13, Touch 13, FF 10, Fort +3 Ref+3 Will +2; Percept: +7; Ini +3

During the walk with Captain Merton:

"Good Major Merton...what do you say, only a Captain so far? A person of your abilities?! No, you will not wait much to be promoted again, I am sure of that. Now, please do tell me, how is it possible that Mayor Andares did not recognize the wisdom of your words when you asked for additional guards? Can you please enlighten me - why did you ask fot them, and why the hell would he refuse a request coming from one of his most capable halflings?"

Thosar waits for the answer, before continuing to chat nonchalantly. He asks about various things, trying to show genuine interest in what halfling is saying while leading them across town. Among many other random questions, wizard interjects: "32 Elm St, you say - why no one goes there? I am certain that Rapunzel here would love to hear that? Is that another of those villas burned during the revolt? I read of those somewhere...was it some Telfyr guy that owned one? Where is that, could we see that? Is it a sight to behold? Are there any inns nearby?" - and Thosar continues his barrage of seemingly innocent questions.

At the doorUntrained Diplomacy to Aid another: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Speaking slowly and yet managing to specifically pronounce and emphasize almost every word, Thosar chimes in: "Dear madam, it is perfectly clear that you are doing what you have been told to, and you're doing it to the best of your limited powers. However commendable, that alone will not help spare you the wrath of your master, should he become aware that a party of this size and importance have been turned from his door. Now, be a dear, go and fetch my dear friend Tercio, I mean Consul Andares for us, will you? I do solemnly promise you that no one of us will step inside the house while we wait for you."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

In Response to Thosar:
"Honestly, I am not entirely certain why my petitions haven't gone through... I just feel that we are stretched a little thin, is all." he replies, although his chest visibly inflates a bit at all the compliments. [b]"No one goes to 32 Elm St, because everyone who does, dies. Brutally. And we don't know why. the halfling shudders. "Anyways, the mayor has received a huge surge in popularity, turning what was going to be a rough election into what looks to be a landslide. His rivals in the People’s Council had been criticizing his failure to keep the countryside and town’s perimeter safe from wildlife dangers coming out from the Verduran Forest, but nobody is willing to entertain their criticism of a man whose daughter is missing.It’s funny. Anytime things seem to go badly for an Andares, there always seems to be a silver lining or convenient turn of events.”

The house maid looks nervous, but Nicolae is able to convince her to let the party in. She takes you into a small side room, goes into a nearby room to speak with her boss, and then returns. She looks shifty eyed a moment. Then she speaks. "I am Dorabeth, the house maid. I have some ideas about what may have happened to the Ms Andares." The halfling captain looks wide-eyed and pulls out a quill and paper to take notes. "For one thing, Kyonin elves have likely crossed the border and abducted Thalia to sacrifice to their forest gods. Of course, it could also be a Chelish spy that stole her away and has hidden her body in one of the wine casks! I also think that maybe the murderer from Elm St took her!"

Silver Crusade

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1

Sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Deaglan speaks in a stern voice to the maid
"Calm down a bit, you are just speculating now. Is there anything that is a bit more substantial that could lead us to the abductor of miss Andares?. Did anything weird happen lately?

Temple: will RP that when it comes up

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Dorabeth looks exasperated. "You don't think my theories are substantial?!" a tear wells up in her eye. Captain Merton shakes his head sternly at Deaglan. He puts a hand on Dorabeth's shoulder (how can reach?) to console her.

"There, there Doarabeth, I believe you." he glares at Deaglan.

Just then, Tercio Andares—a tall Taldan man who has aged gracefully with curly, graying black hair—opens the drawing room door for another man, presumably Sander Bryton, saying, “I thank you again for your concern, cousin Sander, but the services of the Eagle Knights are not called for here. Surely you would not risk Thalia’s safety in such a bold manner.” He pauses, and looks a bit surprised as he notices you all. "Hello Captain, a pleasure, I am sure. And the rest of you are...?" you can tell that he is suppressing exasperation when he speaks to you.


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

Hektolog moves quickly, trying to distract attention from Doarabeth. I hope Tercio doesn't notice that his maid is upset, he thinks.

"Consul," he says with as much formality as he can "we were sent by Venture-Captain Brackett. Please accept this letter from the good Captain."

Hektolog moves aside, inviting Rapunzel to the front.

Sovereign Court

Half-Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Witch (White Haired Witch) 2 HP: 15/(32)36 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 19 (21 vs. grapple) | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1| Will: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12 | Sense Motive: +2

Hektolog somehow I overlooked that you are an Oracle w/ 18 Cha. I'm just a flirty half-elf with no actual skill in diplomacy or cha bonus :).


Male Half-Orc (Mystic) Oracle 1; HP 11/11; AC 14, T 10, FF 14; CMD 11; F +3, R +2, W +4; Init +2, Per+2

Don't worry, it's an unusual combination. Besides, you being flirty has seemed to work for us so far. Let's play this out as we have been and we can deal with new people differently in the future.

Once we deliver the letter, things should go smoothly anyway.

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