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Today is a momentous day for the Starfinder Society, as it marks the graduation of the first wave of fresh agents from accelerated Starfinder training. These agents represent the first step the Starfinder Society is taking to reposition itself at the forefront of galactic exploration.
Earlier today, you graduated from your accelerated Starfinder training on Absalom Station. Starfinder from all over gathered as the ceremony began, and individual graduates were announced. ”Medrick... Triskid... Serrarra Ina... Yuta-133... Pumpkinhead... Meloriel...”
As each name was announced over the loudspeaker, the cadets were to step forward, shake hands with the dean, and stand in a line at the front of the stage. Once all the cadets were in the line, the auditorium burst with thunderous applause. After a moment, the cadets were taken back to the Loreshire complex.
As the doors of the Loreshire Complex slide open a green holographic image of a middle-aged human woman shimmers into view at the center of the room. ”Greetings,” it says. ”I am Guidance. Please use the cheek swabs in the open receptacle to provide a genetic sample for Starfinder Society identification purposes. If desired, you may place your hand on the glowing panel to receive a sub dermal implant further marking you as a member of the Society.”

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Medrick, being a student at a university, knows his DNA is already in databases and he trusts this organization. He swabs his cheek. He also takes implant.
He looks at the woman in the center of the room. Hello Guidance, I am Medic Unit x00876. But people have been calling me Medrick. It is pleased to meet you. I am excited to finally get some of my practical experience.

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Triskid humbly participated in the ceremony, ”We are most pleased to be formally recognized in this fashion. We hope to be a credit to the Starfinder Society, to learn much, and to not die too horribly.”
Triskid too will swipe and accept the implant.

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Yuta proudly takes his place beside the other graduates. This is an exciting moment, the first step towards leaving Absalom Station and seeing the worlds beyond. He bows in greeting to the hologram named Guidance, but hesitates when it offers to insert an implant. Being marked by the Starfinder Society. This feels uncomfortably close to something else, that I never want to be a part of. And what will they do with my genetic material? He stands frozen for a few moments, wondering what to do.
However, he is encouraged to see another android step forward and participate without fear. Yuta approaches as well to offer the cheek swab and accept the implant in his left hand. "I am known as Yuta, with a full name of Yuta-133." He pronounces the numbers individually, like one-three-three. "Thank you for welcoming us." Such niceties are perhaps wasted on a hologram, so he turns to the others and adds, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Medrick and Triskid."

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Morgan walks up after waiting his turn. Having taken his time to weigh the pros and cons of being marked, he accepts the implant after providing the cheek swab, making sure to make a mental note of the requirements now added if he ever one day wanted to go comepletely off the grid.
He made a formal show of respect to the hologram, 'Thank you, and what a fitting name i might add to be greeted by one such as you for an organization that has done just that; been a most helpful Guidance. I feel honored in such an already momentous event.' Turning to the others he gives them a warm smile as his hair cascades down one side of his face before walking back to his spot to stand respectfully.

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Julakesh Starfist (Meloriel) stands proud next to the other graduates. She's massive compared to most, a nearly seven feet tall vesk with muscular arms and a crown of spikes circling her head. Her scales are mottled black that never seems to reflect light and bright white that seems to glow. A small glowing white orb flits around her head, circling her crown of horns in a hypnotic orbit.
About time, she thinks as she watches the student assemble. Military training was faster!
As Guidance greeted her, Julakesh smiled fiercely, her sharp teeth turned green in the light of the hologram.
"Get on with it, Guidance. I tire of jumping through hoops," she hisses. She allows the cheek swab and places her hand on the glowing panel, barely noticing the pinch of the sub-dermal implant being injected.
"Is that it? It is done?" she asks. "I am finally Starfinder?"

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Triskid responds to Yuta, "it is our pleasure to be meeting you also. It occurs to us that your corpus might be particularly bereft of the beneficence of the patterns of space. Your numerical patronym seems unusually high to us, which implies an inordinate number of former inhabitants of that particular frame. In short, you sound to be unlucky. Do you have any knowledge regarding the previous lifespans of your physicality?"

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Julakesh growls at Triskid and Yuta. "Your yammering is tedious." she growls, but you're all pretty sure she just has no idea what Triskid said and doesn't want to admit it.
"I am Julakesh Starfist." she says, smacking her fist against her chest with pride. "Ask me no stupid questions."

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Yuta first answers Triskid seriously, "It may be as you say. I have very little knowledge from the older ones who used this form - mostly isolated memories that are difficult to piece together. I will do my best to not be 'unlucky'. I only awoke a few years ago, and I have no desire to renew any time soon."
He then turns to Julakesh and blinks expectantly, since he was wondering the same thing as Triskid. If I don't know what is a stupid question, maybe I should avoid asking this one any questions at all, he reasons.

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Medrick also responds to Triskid's question. The number can also mean be placed by the builder of the frame. I am the first body this soul has inhabited but my call number is 00876. I don't know for sure what it is signifying not do I care to see my creators again to ask them. I dread the idea that over 800 others may of endured what I have. He goes quite, worried that he may of over shared or unintentionally made the conversation have a melancholy tone.

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Julakesh scrunches up her nose and rolls her eyes up in thought.
What are these things talking about? Para-what?
Julakesh growls in frustration. "That second one was stupid! I will give you no pare-am-eaters!"
Julakesh turns to walk away and then growls in her throat. Warriors do not walk away in fear from smart ones! She turns back to the others and thumps her chest again.
"Julakesh Starfist. Now you say your names. Names not stupid. Then stop with questions. I need no more."

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Morgan listened on in quite observation of the others, while keeping his composure at the humorous antics between Triskid and Jula. He made sure to look at no one in particular and keep to himself as he quietly hoped to be done with being in public and return to his hole in the station. All the while making a small mental profile of each one there in the off chance he may have to resort to being social again.

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Medrick, shocked by the outburst by the Vesk, says his name. You may call me Medrick. I apologize if our conversations of origins offended you.

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Offended? They think I am soft of feelings like mewling babe? Never!
"I am not so soft to be offended! I am tired of questions, is all!" Julakesh looks at each of them in turn, repeating their names.
"Medrick. Triskid. Yuta of the too many numbers. Greetings done. I need speak no more! You may prattle stupid questions among yourselves, now!"
There! Now they know I am not soft! And I need not try to figure their words out! Ha! I am victorious over smart ones!
Julakesh turns from the others and places her muscular hands on her hips, clearly pleased with herself. She finds a good spot to stand and lurk over the other soft, squishy recruits, and waits for orders.

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Finding Jula's mannerism, and Triskid's particular choice in vocabulary, strangely amusing Morgan gave out an audible chuckle. Forgetting his composure he looked slightly hunched over like he was laughing at something particularly funny.

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Great roleplay! Can't wait to get going today!
Society Subdermal Graft
Model: Single
Level: 1
Price: 150
This implant rests beneath the skin of the palm of one hand, or at the end of a tentacle or similar appendage in a species that lacks hands. The augmentation can be activated or deactivated mentally as a swift action. Activating the implant causes a rendition of the Starfinder's Society's symbol to glow underneath the skin. This augmentation acts as a mark, letting others know you are a member of the Starfinder Society. It also increases the light level within 5 feet by one step while active.
Guidance thanks each Starfinder for their kind words as they approach. To the vesk, she replies, "Yes, you are now a Starfinder, but there are jobs that need doing." She waits for everyone to finish speaking before continuing.
"It is our pleasure to officially welcome you into the Starfinder Society. Today is the commencement of your new role as a Starfinder field agent. It is our tradition, at the end of the graduation ceremony, for new graduates to present themselves to to the heads of our most prominent factions and complete a task at those leaders' behest. This allows the leaders of these groups to become familiar with all new Starfinder agents, and it provides a constant supply of agents for handling situations in our holdings on Absalom Station. While these tasks were formerly symbolic, the heavy loss of Starfinder agents in the Scoured Stars necessitates that these missions become something more. Please treat any tasks given with the gravity you would grant any other Starfinder assignment."
The AI pauses, and then explains the factions to you.
Leader Radaszam “The Dealmaker”; Location Nyori Palisades
The Acquisitives represent the result of Luwazi Elsebo’s efforts to hold the Society together by hiring mercenaries to fill the role of missing Starfinders. Many mercenaries realized that the Society was a far more lucrative venture—both monetarily and in terms of popularity—than their old line of work. The faction’s current leader, Radaszam, is concerned with maintaining the organization’s public-facing reputation, as well as the reputation and fame of those Starfinders directly serving the Acquisitives’ interests.
Leader Historia-7; Location Lorespire Complex
The Dataphiles cherish information above all else, seeing themselves as the guardians of any knowledge obtained by the Starfinder Society. Their leader, Historia-7, promotes a belief in superiority through the acquisition and controlled dispersal of information. While cataloguing and data searching are necessities in this faction, the Dataphiles are known to employ less technologically savvy combat experts to procure information.
Leader Zigvigix; Location None (Downlow)
The Exo-Guardians are made up of Pact Worlds citizens who are concerned for the safety of their home, and who act to ensure that safety. They believe that the best defense is a strong offense, and they work to build up a stockpile of magic and technology to deter external threats. Most of the faction’s operatives were lost in the Scoured Stars. The Exo-Guardians utilize lower-grade installations within the Pact Worlds, having lost their headquarters and many of their operations in the aftermath of the disaster.
Leader Fitch; Location The Armada (Master of Stars)
The Wayfinders are Starfinders who adhere to the Society’s primary mission of exploration. The most transitory of the Society’s membership, the Wayfinders are dedicated to exploring the Vast and maintain few direct ties to the Pact Worlds. Wayfinders specialize in both exploration and first-contact scenarios, thriving on the thrill of the unknown and the monumental task of meeting new species.
"Once you visit with and complete the faction leader's desired mission, that leader will signal me to indicate the mission is complete. Once all missions are complete, return to the Lorespire Complex to prepare for future missions."

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You may finalize boon slots and do any more shopping, though I think most of you did already. Some of you may wish to make Culture check to see what you know about Absalom Station. Others may wish to try to gather information with a Diplomacy check. Below are what you might learn. Please make your appropriate rolls in your post.
For those that are new, rolling higher means you reveal any box lower than the number you roll. Meaning, you would reveal all 3 boxes if your roll was a 15 or higher.

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culture: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
wow some good rolls! How do you feel about players sharing information from those rolls?
the only boon I am slotting is the faction boon for second seekers.
Medrick looks at the list of factions, knowing he wants to join the second seekers. Well, to me going in the order on the list seems logical. I would say my input is to meet Radaszam “The Dealmaker”

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"Tell me what you know!"
Julakesh's diplomacy at its finest.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
"I will join Wayfinders!" Julakesh announces. "It is why I am here! To explore the Vast and travel the black of space! But if we must meet all of these leaders, we should go to the closest first. Wastes less time."

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Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Yuta skims through the short list of factions. "I agree with Julakesh. Well, not necessarily about joining the Wayfinders, but it would make sense to begin with meeting Historia-7, since we are already here at the Lorespire Complex."

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Morgan found the faction he was looking for; the Dataphiles. Although they seemed snobbish and brutish in some of their more, nuanced methods and ideals, one had to admit that in order to gain the dragons' gold you first had to get past the dragon. Tell me what you can about this, Historia-7.

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An elegantly dressed Lashunta woman arrives fashionably late (you guys don't waste time! I like that!) and accepts the implant readily, proudly marking her as a Starfinder.
Culture: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
She is more than happy to chit-chat about various goings-on in Absalom with her new teammates. She will share the Culture DC5 & 10, and all the Diplomacy information, with anyone who talks with her for any length of time.
Serrarra seems very practiced at the kind of chit-chat you use at cocktail parties where you don't know anyone personally, almost as if she had formal training in it.
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Shall we talk to the Faction leaders in order, for simplicity?

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Yeah, just the four for this adventure. I have no problems with you sharing information. Or not. You are a team, after all. But you also all have individual goals. Do what your character would do :)
To keep things rolling, more votes were put forth to go talk to Historia-7 first. So that is what I am going to do.
Historia-7 manages the activities of the Dataphiles within the Archives compound of the Lorespire Complex.
The Lorespire Complex, home and heart of the Starfinder Society, is a striking campus dedicated to knowledge. Communal labs and historical departments study the Archives’ massive collection of artifacts and texts, gathered by generations of agents from across the galaxy. A quick search of the directory indicates Historia-7 frequents the Archives’ Cortex, a computerized matrix containing digital records of the Starfinder Society’s most prominent discoveries. The android reclines on a raised chair and is plugged into the local infosphere when the doors open. The neural cables detach themselves from her neck as she swivels in her seat to address the new arrivals. “Greetings, Starfinders,” she says calmly. “I am Historia-7. If you are seeking a mission from me, please be aware that my request requires both discretion and speed. Do not accept it if you feel incapable of working within these parameters.
“I discovered someone recently hacked into Bluerise Tower’s computer systems and stole a large amount of sensitive data from the resident corporations. I wish to be privy to this information. I managed to trace the hacker’s location through many proxies and erased the trail so that station and corporate security should be delayed in their pursuit. This deception will not fool them for long, so you must move quickly to retrieve the data before they can recover it. I will leave you to decide what to do with the hacker afterward, but should it be feasible, I believe that person would be an asset to the Society.”

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Discre-what? Bah! Param-eaters again! What does that mean?
Julakesh looks confused. She narrows her eyes and focuses really hard on the android...
Theft!? I understand theft! Yes, let us catch the thief and sever a limb! Wait... Asset?
"You want us to recruit the thief?" Julakesh blurts out loudly.
Stupid idea.

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I forgot to mention I have the spotless boon for the welcome to the society. Also Medrick will tell the group of everything he knows (go ahead and read all of those spoilers).
Medrick thinks hard about the proposed quest. So we are hunting down a hacker to collect illegally gained data to give to you while you distract the authorities? This sounds like a very ethically challenging job. Is this the sort of work the society often gives out? What do you guys think?
Well, I am glad to say I didn't join this faction of thieves. I am worried this society is not what I had expected nor what the training has implied. And I let them mark me!

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Morgan's mind was a flurry of thoughts and calculations. He scrawled the request details on his custom rig, which looked like a bulky and 'slightly used' workers tablet. He was thinking about what the information might be, but reasoned that it couldn't be too valuable. There was a small possibility that it was a bait to test their loyalty with such delicate matters as these. Either way he only had one question, for such a bold, yet sensitive request; what would you be willing to offer for our retrieval of the information, and for acquiring the hacker as an asset?

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Was it me? Hmmmm...no, I've never thought there was anything interesting in Bluerise Tower. I'll have to look into that later. Still, the chance to meet -- any maybe learn from -- an elite hacker is not one to pass up.
Serrarra steps up and answers,
You can count on us, Historia. What information do you have on this hacker? And what should we know about the information stolen?

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Yuta nodded along with Historia-7's explanation of the task. The war of information among corporations could be a harsh battlefield, but a lot of useful data was passed around in the process. He could see why the Starfinders would want to stay involved.
Mindful of her admonition about discretion and speed, Yuta keeps most of his thoughts to himself and comments only, "Convincing the individual to help us directly would be the most straightforward way to obtain the information. Are you aware of this hacker's identity?"

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"You want us to recruit the thief?" Julakesh blurts out loudly.
"Why, yes, of course I do." she seems a little confused by your question.
Medrick thinks hard about the proposed quest. So we are hunting down a hacker to collect illegally gained data to give to you while you distract the authorities? This sounds like a very ethically challenging job. Is this the sort of work the society often gives out? What do you guys think?
"Bluerise Tower is a private office structure maintained by multiple corporations and legally protected to the point that even the Station's Stewards have difficulty entering. Why these corporations need such absolute soveregnty over their own affairs is a question of great interest to many poeple, including myself." she replies evenly. "I beleive the companies know more than they let on, and that the Society needs to stay informed in its vulnerable state."
You can count on us, Historia. What information do you have on this hacker? And what should we know about the information stolen?
She hands Serrarra a data chip. "This chip contains an address to a flat in Drifter's End, a district in the station's Ring. The district is known for providing cheap housing to vagabonds of all sorts. This is all the information we have, at this time. That's where you come in."
Mindful of her admonition about discretion and speed, Yuta keeps most of his thoughts to himself and comments only, "Convincing the individual to help us directly would be the most straightforward way to obtain the information. Are you aware of this hacker's identity?"
"As I said, all the information I have is the address contained in the chip that I gave to your companion."

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Medrick shakes his head. I do not like this but my allies and the First Seeker seem to be okay with it, so I will go along with it.
I am ready to proceed if everyone else is.

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Serrarra maps a route to the flat and thanks Historia for her assistance.
Well, no time like the now, eh?
Ready to proceed.

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"Enough talk. Let's go."
Julakesh turns to leave without waiting to see if anyone is following.

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Did I say something wrong? I sounded too greedy didn't I? Ahh, the other Lashunta said it much better; I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I talk business. Speaking of the Lashunta. . . He whipped up another personal profile while he continued to critique his social flop.
Ah, pardon me he tapped Serrarra on the shoulder could I see that chip; and I can send the info to everyone's comm unit as we walk.

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Do we assume we know our way around the city, or is it a culture check? Who's the most likely to know the way?

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well I rocked the culture checks on info about the city but my character should be relatively knew to the area. His knowledge comes from academia. So I may or may not know my way around the city. I doubt anyone spent money on a computer yet.

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i'm pretty sure my custom rig works for anything digital or computer based. I think I could look up a directory or something

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I wouldn't worry about that too much. There are likely maps readily available on the infosphere, but you also have an address. Finding your way there should be pretty easy.
Also I forgot to share the pic of Historia-7 so there you go, haha
The coordinates that Historia-7 gave you point to an apartment that resembles a cement cube, with several tomato plants in plastic barrels sitting on an otherwise barren porch.
The plants are being hand-pollinated by a young man named Jubair (male human). He moves between the plants with the water sprayer and carefully waters each plants roots, careful not to disturb the small green fruits that have started to appear among the leaves.

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Due to Medricks opposition to this job as a whole and his bad ability to judge people's reactions and the sensitive state of this job, he will let someone else take point on this conversation.

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Serrarra is happy to speak first.
Pardon me, fellow sentient. Your plants look very healthy -- not easy to do in this atmosphere. Have you lived here long?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Sense Motive on the response, Envoy Expertise: 1d20 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 4 + (5) = 16

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Luckily, Julakesh does NOT arrive first to demand answers from the gardener...
Julakesh takes up the rear of the group, watching her surroundings warily as if danger could come from anywhere at any moment...
She glares at people as they pass by and hisses at them if they approach too close, or stare.
Perception on her Surroundings: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Sense Motive on Passersby: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Intimidate on Passersby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

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Sorry I am late! Also, I don’t know why i left the guy’s name on my last post... oh well.
The man looks up from his work at Serrarra. He smiles. “Thank you, I work hard to keep them fresh. Oh, and yes, we have lived here a few years... Why do you ask?”
The young man seems to be telling the truth. You don’t detect any deceit. He seems perhaps a little confused as to why you are talking to him, but otherwise doesn’t seem to be acting strange.

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Medrick looks to Serrarra. He knows he is easily deceived so he is hoping she may know what is going on or know what to say.

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"We have work to offer to the one who is good with computers," Julakesh butts in, tired of waiting on pretty words. "Where are they?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 3
If Julakesh gets the feeling that the man is going to flee, or is hiding something, she growls and remarks. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Tell me what you know or I'll find them without you. It will not be pretty."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

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Yuta attempts to smile at the young man, though it looks a little unnatural. He adds some words to back up what Julakesh is saying. "Do you know someone here who has such skills? This work really will be a good opportunity for that person, if they'll hear us out."
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

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We are not law enforcement, and the person we are interested in is not in trouble. We only wish to talk. Are you that person?
Diplomacy, Aid Another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11