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Moved from gameplay
Is Trudd from Dwarves of Golarion?
Yes he is, one of the gods given on the inner cover. Information in profile under special abilities spoiler.
I have the pdf, if you want I can print the inner cover, scan it and mail it.

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He is the God of Strength
This is all the information in the book about Trudd (copied verbatim):
Trudd (The Mighty): Torag's youngest son, he is the strongest of the dwarven gods despite his short beard. He guards his father's hall while its lord is away.
Deity AL Areas of Concern Domains Favored Weapon
Trudd NG strength Good, Strength warhammer
Very limited as you can see, but that also gives a lot of room to expand upon (and I do not need to worry that my vision conflicts with Paizo's gospel).
There is also this in Dwarves of Golarion:
Dwarf Gods
In addition to their worship of Torag, Abadar, and Irori, Golarion dwarves have a small pantheon of related deities that have few worshipers outside the dwarven race. Few nonevil surface dwarves still worship Droskar, though he technically is part of the dwarven racial pantheon. Most of these dwarven gods are related to Torag in some way; as he is the greatest of them, they defer to him except in things that are entirely in their jurisdiction rather than his.
Dwarven priests acknowledge these other deities in prayers for the community but very few worship any of them as a primary deity. For alignment, areas of concern, domains, and favored weapon of these deities, see the inside front cover.
Only thing I expect some table variation on is the temple vanity. I need to have access to a temple of Trudd for the once a scenario spell. Our local assumption is that a temple to Torag suffices, we assume an area in that temple to the other Dwarven gods.
And good luck on your tests!

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Sorry for being (relatively) slow to post - I can usually make it 2-3 times per day, but you guy are really fast? Now, just to make sure prior to clicking on DC30 spoiler - you guys are sure we can do that )Aid another+Guidance for Knowledge check)?
Honestly I want it, because DC25 is nothing special, so I am really hoping DC30 is hiding something sweet...

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Today I am fast, tomorrow is a day filled with a lot of work and I will be slow.
Regarding the DC30: it really is up to the GM.
In my games I allow it when it is reasonable. In my opinion it is not reasonable when asking around a neighbourhood for information or in normal perception checks.
On a boat and talking about what we can expect when in the destination (and that probably several times during the trip) the aid another is reasonable.
The guidance might not be as that has a short duration, but that could be circumvented by someone else also aiding you.

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I jumped the boat here and went with the assumption that it will be OK. If needed, I will revise my latest post. Quite an interesting thing under that DC30 :-)
Btw Deaglan, I hope you do not mind a bit of IC banter by Thosar - I guess it was a simple typo on your behalf, but I've used it to add another touch of character to my somewhat arrogant elf. I hope you, or anyone else for that matter, does not mind me playing Thosar in that way.

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We never really nominated anybody to handle negotiations and I assume we'll only get one shot at trying to convince the maid before she slams the door in our face.
Hektolog has a +4 to diplomacy. Does anybody have a higher modifier or should he give it a try?

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Sorry guys - I'm not trying to sidejack/solo here :) But it looks like you guys are making good progress too!

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I am assuming you want us to post in specific Initiative order during the fight, or is it OK if we players go in "one block", as long as our initiatives are before the opponents? So Thosar can go before other players, assuming they are all before opponents, or not?

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I should have mentioned this, sorry about that. If you wish to post before your turn, feel free to do so. For example, if you got to go to work and don't want to hold things up but there is someone ahead of you that hasn't posted, post! That being said, I will resolve things in initiative order, so if possible, I would prefer that things be posted in that order. I do like the block method, but it's technically not how the rules work, and so technically not how a PFS scenario should be run... Does that help?

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Then again... I did the ruffians in a block, which makes the whole affair rater confusing does it not? Ok, so for this combat ONLY we will use block initiative. After that, see above.
FWIW - I've played plenty of other PbPs on here for PFS using the 'block' initiative and everything seems to work out just fine for expediency purposes.

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Since the fight went so one-sidedly, I do not really think I needto summon anything and "waste" spell. Is it possible, according to the rules to interrupt my incantations prior to finalizing my casting, in order to keep spell memorized, or at this point it will surely be spent and had to be re-leant again?

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It is used up. Sorry about that. I would love to look at the gameplay thread and update right now, I truly would. However, I slept in today because I worked till 1am and then my son kept me up till 5. I have to get packed cause I have 120 miles to drive today for some more pre employment testing, this time at a police department, and then I have to come back tomorrow. I will update later this evening when I arrive at my wife's parents. Tomorrow, I will have time to post when I get home, but I also have to get ready to GM a local WotR game on Monday. Sunday, I may not be able to post until late, after a local RoW game I am in. Monday, I have an employee meeting in the morning, I have to drive 50 miles to sell my truck (and back again) and then I am running the aforementioned WotR game, so posting will be sparse, if I post on that day. Tuesday, my wife and I are wanting to do some "winter cleaning" to our apartment before I go to my local weekly PFS meet in the eveing, so posting will be sparse, if at all. Wednesday, we will be doing any remaining cleaning, so everything will return to normal then.

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Yeah and to top that off I am running 3 games on here (including this one) and I am in 7 as a player, trying to get into 3 more... Oh, and I have a full time job where I am an assistant supervisor.
Also, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to update until tomorrow evening, as I left the scenario on my computer at home. And, since I was borrowing it from someone, can't download it again without buying it. Sorry! I will update what I can right now, however.

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Tomorrow I am going out of town on a short business trip. Should be back next monday the 9th. I am not sure how much internet access I will have these next few days. I will try to keep up with my posting but please bot Nicolae if needed.

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I am sorry guys. I didn't mention this before because I hoped it wouldn't be this bad. But I feel I must inform you all that my posting is going to slow down drastically until some time around Christmas. My work is balls to the walls busy for the next 16+ days and I am practically living there. Being off as early as I am right now is a miracle, one that I intend to fill with sleep after I catch up online. Please, DMPC me if I slow things down. I apologize for any inconvenience.
@Nicolae: Sounds good.

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I will not be posting at all tomorrow. When I get off work tomorrow morning around 4am (after getting there at 5pm this evening), I have to immediately go home and get 3-4 hours of sleep so that I can drive back to the Dispatch Center 120 miles away to continue my employment testing for 3-4 hours, then drive back to be back at work around 6:30pm tomorrow evening, to work another 10-12 hour shift. I will be able to post once on Sunday, but I have church, my wife's birthday, and work that day so it will be a brief one. Then on Monday, busy season is over, and I will be back to regular posting, probably more than once per day.

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As I posted in your other game:
Krash, just take it easy, this is a game after all and you have announced little posting until Christmas. We are (or at least I am) fine with that. Do not bend over double to cater to us.

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Guys, sorry for my absence, just a brief FYI - someone has broken into our home (while we were away for 1 day) and ransacked it thouroughly. I have some issues while I put everything back in place, please expect me to start posting again in 1-2 days.

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Finally back. Sorry for being offline for so long girls&boyz, I had some serious issues related to identity theft attempt and such, as a result of burglary. Anyway, I am on my way to Africa (where I work), I'm writing this from Frankfurt airport. I will be reading all your posts and start posting regularly from tomorrow.

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Hey guys.
On the 27th I am going to be traveling with my girlfriend, I was hoping the game would be done by then but it does not look that way. I will be back on the 7th of january. Since we will be camping in our trip I dont think I will be able to post much. Please DMNPC my character as needed. Srry for the trouble.