Risen from the Sands PFS Tier 2-4 (Inactive)

Game Master Krash4031

Venture to the pyramid of an ancient pharaoh in search of fortune and fame in the name of the Pathfinder Society! MAP

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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

This is for any out of character posting.

Dark Archive

F Human (Chelaxian) Witch 8 - HP 50/50 [7 Temp] - AC 19*/T: 14/FF: 17* - Perception +8 - Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will +9 (+1 vs. Curses, +1 vs. Acid or Earth) - CMB +4, CMD 17 (+1 vs. Grapple) - Speed 30 - Init. +9

Checking in. Rowanna will be buying a Hot Weather Outfit (8 gp) and Chill Cream (15 gp) to avoid sunburns

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Is it safe to dot into gameplay now for table 1?

This will be Parsnip's first actual scenario played. I created this character last year with GM credit from First Steps I-III, which also explains the lack of gear on him.

I'll get that all handled this afternoon and a full bit of crunch posted, as well as getting the important bits into the right sections of his profile.

We can all also explore Parsnip himself, as not having played him, it remains to be seen just what he's like. In my minds eye, he is a bookish gnome character that sounds like Piglet, "Ohh, d'dear dear."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Ok since the scenario is assuming that all characters know each other, please make any introductions you may wish to make here. Parsnip sounds like a fun character.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1
Krash4031 wrote:
Parsnip sounds like a fun character.

Well, of course that remains to be seen I suppose.

As an aspirant at Pathfinder Chrinicler status, perhaps Parsnip has met the others (most of whom are more experienced than he) around the local Lodge, where he was interviewing them about their exploits and writing it all down. Those Chronicles don't wrote themselves you know!

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

FYSA: Parsnip will need to purchase his initial equipment all on this cert, since this is his first real adventure.

Dark Archive

F Human (Chelaxian) Witch 8 - HP 50/50 [7 Temp] - AC 19*/T: 14/FF: 17* - Perception +8 - Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will +9 (+1 vs. Curses, +1 vs. Acid or Earth) - CMB +4, CMD 17 (+1 vs. Grapple) - Speed 30 - Init. +9

Rowanna will also purchase a parasol (1 gp), and 6 additional days of rations (3 gp)

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

I'd like to purchase the following:

pearl of power (1st)=1000 gp (from The Confirmation)
wand of burning hands (CL 3rd, 4 charges)=180 gp (from The Confirmation)
trail rations (5 days)= 2 gp, 5 sp.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1
Rowanna Nachtalus wrote:
Rowanna will also purchase a parasol (1 gp)

Parsnip is soooo going to want one of those after he sees you using it!

Sovereign Court

Female Aasimar (Azata heritage) Cleric 2 / Fighter 1 HP 20/20 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | Perc +4 | Fort +5 | Refl +3 | Will +6 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30' | Init +3 |

I'd like to purchase the following:

Dagger (1gp)
Outfit, hot weather (8gp)
Pouch, sling bullets x10 (1sp)
Rations, trail x2 (1gp)
Towel and washcloth (1sp?)

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Ohhhh, I'll take a hot weather outfit! Does it come with a parasol?

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

It only comes with one sol, not a pair of them.

Sovereign Court

Female Aasimar (Azata heritage) Cleric 2 / Fighter 1 HP 20/20 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | Perc +4 | Fort +5 | Refl +3 | Will +6 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30' | Init +3 |


Dark Archive

F Human (Chelaxian) Witch 8 - HP 50/50 [7 Temp] - AC 19*/T: 14/FF: 17* - Perception +8 - Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will +9 (+1 vs. Curses, +1 vs. Acid or Earth) - CMB +4, CMD 17 (+1 vs. Grapple) - Speed 30 - Init. +9

My parasol brings all the gnomes to the yard.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Just wanted to tell you guys - Tuesdays I can only post in the AM, and I may miss it on occasion. This is because I work 11-5, and then have a local session until somewhere between 10 and midnight.

As for today, I had a late start this morning and am at work right now. After work, I am going to go hang out with a couple buddies of mine for a couple of hours, so my post will be fairly late. But bear with me! It will happen!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

I apologize for last night. Hanging out with my buddies went into the wee hours of the morning, so I didn't post. Sorry guys.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Map is a work in progress. Bear with me...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Ok this was my first time using Roll20 to make a map so hopefully it works as intended. Map is up.

Dark Archive

F Human (Chelaxian) Witch 8 - HP 50/50 [7 Temp] - AC 19*/T: 14/FF: 17* - Perception +8 - Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will +9 (+1 vs. Curses, +1 vs. Acid or Earth) - CMB +4, CMD 17 (+1 vs. Grapple) - Speed 30 - Init. +9

I'm unfamiliar with Roll20, I'm guessing you have to click on Join Game to access the map?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Yes that is correct :)

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

Scroll of endure elements (25 gp)

Also, where is the link to the map? Am I just missing it?

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

My broswer is "incompatible or out of date," and there's nothing I can do about that.

Maybe it will work on the iphone.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

The map link is all they at the top of the page, where the campaign description is. Parsnip, I have no idea how to fix that for you...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

What browser are you using?

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

At work we have some old browser, nothing I can do about it. It works somewhat on my Mac at home using Safari.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

As mentioned previously, I head out tomorrow morning for vacation and will be back next Saturday. GM, feel free to bot me for the week.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Gotcha. I will bot you, have a nice trip. Love the unit of measurement Parsnip uses.

Got sent home sick from work this evening, so I may not make a Gameplay post tonight.

Elenial, you can of course take 20 on your Disable Device checks to disarm traps. However, that means that you incur any penalties for failure before completing the task, because taking 20 assumes failing numerous times before succeeding. This means that you would fail before you succeeded, and suffer whatever the trap has in store for you.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Elf Ranger 7 / Wizard 1 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 21 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 23 | F: +8, R: +11, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +22, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Color Spray 1/1; Reduce Person 1/1 | Active conditions:

Sorry, the messageboard somehow did not show that there is a new post in this thread.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Oh, I think it is because you didn't dot this thread... But no worries! :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Sorry for my absence! Crazy work project! All is back to normal now!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

For some reason, none of my posts from yesterday stuck.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Here we go.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Elf Ranger 7 / Wizard 1 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 21 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 23 | F: +8, R: +11, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +22, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Color Spray 1/1; Reduce Person 1/1 | Active conditions:

I have a question: the pyramid is no. four in the turn order, but acts first each round. Why? Did I miss something?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

It hasn't been acting first...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

So what I did for elemental damage is I just subtracted the hardness no mater what the damage type was. I will do that here as well, unfortunately that still means that Shoris' spell didn't do any damage. I will rule that water (aka cold) would be more effective against stone.

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

After I looked up the rule, I figured that was what was going to happen.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Elf Ranger 7 / Wizard 1 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 21 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 23 | F: +8, R: +11, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +22, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Color Spray 1/1; Reduce Person 1/1 | Active conditions:

I didn't say it does not get an AoO, it's just difficult to imagine a not-rolling rolling pyramid rolling over Elenial :D

Thanks for the exception GM! It would have been really hard for us to defeat that rolling pyramid with the setup of our group.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Hey Alia, my advice is to "take 20" whenever searching for traps. Likewise for disabling locks.

For some reason in home games, GMs don't let that work, but this is PFS, and the CRB clearly states:

CRB wrote:
Common “take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception (when attempting to find traps).

Note, it DOES NOT permit you to "take 20" when disabling traps though.

Sovereign Court

Female Aasimar (Azata heritage) Cleric 2 / Fighter 1 HP 20/20 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | Perc +4 | Fort +5 | Refl +3 | Will +6 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30' | Init +3 |

Excellent advice: thank you!

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

With a sweeping bow, "my pleasure milady."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Yes, you can take 20 on perception and when opening locks... Techincally, you can also take 20 to disable traps, but you would trigger the trap before you disabled it so... pointless.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Checking in

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

Bear with me. WOrk is crazy. I tried to post last night and this morning, but the site has been down. I will try to post tonight, But I work a double starting in an hour.

This week will be slwo. Double today, work + local game tomorrow, double wednesday, early double Thursday, double Friday.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Rowanna, you're the first Witch I've ever adventured with. Can you tell me how you like the class?

Dark Archive

F Human (Chelaxian) Witch 8 - HP 50/50 [7 Temp] - AC 19*/T: 14/FF: 17* - Perception +8 - Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will +9 (+1 vs. Curses, +1 vs. Acid or Earth) - CMB +4, CMD 17 (+1 vs. Grapple) - Speed 30 - Init. +9

I enjoy it, it's a little slow at the beginning due to lack of hexes, but once you get some levels it can be pretty good. Slumber can be somewhat OP, so I'm going to try to use it sparingly.

Although, as you may have noticed, it can be a lot of bookkeeping during combat if you use Cackle. PbP fixes that somewhat by being able to post everything, but it's also easy to forget something since you're only paying attention to it in bursts.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

I'll be away from the internet until Sunday.

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

I'm leaving for a camping trip today. I may have Internet access while I'm gone, but I don't think it's very likely. I may be able to post Saturday night, but it might be Sunday night. Bot me as needed, please.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gamer 12/Game Designer 1

I have returned! This week should have one posting a day, as normal. Thanks for your patience!

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

Is the mimic also grappled? That condition goes both ways right? Can it attack, other than constrict) while grappling?

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling (AC: 19 [T: 14 FF: 16] | HP: 18/18 (0NL) | F+4, R+6, W+3 | Init: +3 |Perc: +6) Bard -1 / Fighter (Lore Warden) - 1

In order to deal Constrict damage, the Mimic needs to succeed on a grapple check each round, including the first per this FAQ

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post Discussion / Risen from the Sands PFS Tier 2-4 Discussion All Messageboards

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Liberty's Edge

I will be running the Risen from the Sands Module from Free RPG Day 2014. Recruitment will be first come first serve to the first six players that post Society legal level 2-4 characters.

Scarab Sages

I'm waiting on the Chronicle sheet for another PbP that finished a couple of days ago, but Shoris will be level 2 once I get it.

Dark Archive

I have a level 4 Witch available.

Grand Lodge

Hmm, not sure the stats are posted for this guy, but I'd like in. He is Bard 1/Cleric (Evangelist 1) headed towards Pathfinder Chronicler.

If I'm too low, that's fine.

I go out of town for a week next Saturday. If that's a no go, I understand as well.

Liberty's Edge

I have a Level 4 ranger or a level 2 alchemist.

Grand Lodge

Hmmm, yeah Parsnip's full stats aren't posted. I can fix that if selected.

Sovereign Court

I have a cleric 2/fighter 1, ready to go.

Grand Lodge

Possibly interested with this brawlslinger. What's the posting rate?

Sovereign Court

Level 2 sorcerer with glaive.

Grand Lodge

level 3 inquisitor of Gorum if there is still a spot open.

Scarab Sages

I have received the outstanding Chronicle sheet and leveled Shoris up.

Sovereign Court

Level 3 magus here if there's still a spot

Sovereign Court

Well, doing the numbers, I see that you already have 8 potential players, but if you *do* run a second table, I would be happy to bring a level 4 inquisitor or cleric :-)

I'll put in a vote for a second table, as well. I've got a level 2 saurian shaman druid and a level 2 shoanti fighter both available, if you're up for it.

Grand Lodge

Crunch mostly placed into profile for Parsnip.

Liberty's Edge

By my count we have 11 players... which I did not expect. That's what happens when you get caught up in painting minis :p

I will do a second table, Table 2 I will be running without getting credit. I want to save my star for that scenario that I just HAVE to play again.

Shoris - conjurer
Rowanna - witch
Parsnip - bard/cleric
Elenial - ranger
Alia - cleric/fighter

Wayne - brawlslinger (to answer your question I can commit to one a day, but sometimes do more)
Sidney - sorcerer
Marcus - inquisitor
Logain - magus
Luke - inquisitor or cleric
Pedwiddle - druid or fighter

Recruitment is now closed. That being said, I will wait until tomorrow evening to get things going, just to make sure everyone is ok with the division of players, and that no one is going to back out. Also, please make sure you have your important stats (AC, HP, Init, Perc, Saves, etc) in your class line so that it is easy for me to see.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Grand Lodge

Will you open up a second gameplay thread then for the second table?

Grand Lodge

If it's at least 1/day I'm good.

Sovereign Court

@Krash4031: Not that I am complaining (since you have offered to run a second table!), but I don't understand why the second table has to be not-for-credit; when GMing a scenario, you don't *have* to take chronicle-credit for it - you can just report your number, rather than assigning it to a character (I know this from experience, as I have run some scenarios multiple times), so you you could run a second table without spending a GM star to do so...?

Dark Archive

I took him to mean that he was going to give PFS credit to the players of the second table, but he wasn't going to use a GM star to get a second GM chronicle sheet for himself.

Grand Lodge

Checking in and ready to go for table #2. Thank you for taking the extra time to run a second table. Let us know when there is a link for the second table.

Grand Lodge

Rowanna Nachtalus wrote:
I took him to mean that he was going to give PFS credit to the players of the second table, but he wasn't going to use a GM star to get a second GM chronicle sheet for himself.

My interpretation also.

Grand Lodge

And it gets him closer to another star!

Liberty's Edge

@Luke: Right, that makes sense. And Rowanna actually understood what I meant. You all will still get credit of course!

Liberty's Edge

Table 1, head to discussion/gameplay.

Table 2, head here.

Have fun everyone!

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