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M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Prologue: The past few days are becoming a blur. Too much activity, frantic escapes, destruction, and death for a sane person’s mind to unravel in the short time you have started to get your bearings. The very world is ending, and you one of the only seats around. You find yourselves upon a vessel once called the Noble Tempest, but calling it a ‘vessel’ seems like a stretch at this point. It’s once proud silhouette was once awe inspiring, but now marred by ramshackle repairs using whatever wood could have been gotten in the past few days. Storms threatened to tear the ship in half, again, for it was already sundered in twain two nights ago, but those on board made heroic stride in keeping her afloat with repairs both magical and mundane, using whatever materials that could be gathered on hand, or left over from the destruction all around you. The storms and mysterious waters that flooded the lands is still a hot topic of debate, and many of the makeshift crew still argue around you as to what direction to take. Your ship has been bobbing listlessly for days, and even if you could see land, this ship currently has no means to propel it in any specific direction.
There is a strange feeling all around you, as if you are being watched, from every direction, and it doesn’t help that the very crew of this vessel keeps sizing up each other. There are all manner of creatures on board of this ship now. There was an unfortunate incident involving a troll that ‘fell’ overboard when a group of dwarves went to investigate a disturbance earlier involving some ‘strange noises’ on the aft of the ship. What happens since set everyone on edge. The very water dissolved the creature in seconds. Leaving nothing but bone and jelly of the beast behind. Since then everyone has been behaved, but the tension of the situation is rising. There is no captain here, and no direction. You yourself have little to no knowledge of the situation either other than the water came, and destroyed all it touched, and it’s still coming. What do you do now? ![]()
![]() Hello All, I got the itch to start a forum homebrew game and I'm looking for 4-5 active players to join. Here is some, but not all, of the info i got for you at this time: Background world info:
Game Expectations:
I'm happy to answer any questions I may have missed, and look forward to gaming with you all. WW ![]()
![]() In the writing for Burn, the ability states a few blurbs about the fact burn can (and presumably cannot) be accepted. ala this line: "Some of her wild talents offer her the option to accept burn in exchange for a greater effect. For each point of burn she accepts, a kineticist suffers one point of nonlethal damage per character level." So my assumption is that they can choose to not accept the burn if they don't want the increased effects. So I'm scratching my head as a lot of these talents don't have an increased effect for burn. One example I grabbed at random is Spray. It has no wording that the burn aspect will increase any effects on this ability, so why would I pay the Burn 3 cost for this? (I'm ignoring the ability feel the burn here, as that's the only reason I see to accept burn damage right now.) Now the other ability I'm looking at then would be Kinetic Healer. It has a burn cost of 1, but again no additional increase for accepting burn (so why would I ever do so?) and even if it did have an increased effect for accepting burn, if I wanted to heal unlimited times per day it appears I could use a move action to gather energy and negate the "optional" burn damage anyway. I must be missing something here. Is the burn damage listed on these abilities optional or mandatory? If mandatory, which I don't seem to think it is, would Kinetic Healers still be able to spend a move action so use Kinetic Healing for no burn cost, and theoretically have unlimited healing? Spray:
SPRAY Element water; Type form infusion; Level 6; Burn 3 Prerequisites kineticist level 10th Associated Blasts charged water, water Saving Throw Reflex half Instead of focusing at a single target, you diffuse your kinetic blast to spray forward in all directions. All creatures and objects in a 30-foot cone suffer half your blast damage. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.
Kinetic Healer:
KINETIC HEALER Element aether or water; Type Sp; Level 1; Burn 1; see text Prerequisites kineticist level 1st Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes With a touch, you can heal a willing living creature for an amount
*I read that it states this move action to gather energy will only apply to blasts. But is burn going to get re-worded? It still seems optional. ![]()
![]() I see that a synthesist needs to have an Eidolon that is at least as big as he is, however what happens to a characters eidolon when he grows larger through class features (permanent size increase.) He dips into summoner and it's legal at the time because both summoner and Eidolon are medium sized. But the summoner later takes a class that has a size increase feature that makes him large sized. Can he still summon his Eidolon? What would happen? Can't find an answer for this one. ![]()
![]() In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals. Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgement. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered. You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure. Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom. For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?
![]() Hello All. I want to fill a roster of evil characters for a campaign story arc I came into possession of called Way of the Wicked. If you want to get in on this, I hope you haven't yet run this game, and have no intention of reading it during play. :) So, what I am looking for is a group of players willing to run through the series. It should be able to get us from 1 through level 20 I believe. I'll post some bullet point requirements I am also looking for below. Ideal candidates are/would be:
Other than those minor bullet points I can't think of anything requirement-wise off the top of my head. I don't need fully fleshed out stats etc, just a solid concept that includes class and race, but I will be using the 20 point buy if you need to crunch numbers or plan ahead. To be fair I'll leave this recruitment open for a few days and pick from those interested that have decent flavor to start. So good luck, and happy evil-doing! ![]()
![]() Simple Question I hope. Does Concecrated Weapon stack with Channel Smite I have my own opinion formed, which is leaning no as it is damage generated from the same source, but am I correct in this assumption? Any thoughts on the question? ![]()
![]() Hiya, Any groups/GM's out there want some more Saturday night players? We are a group of 4 guys in our 30's that just want a nice stable game where the GM shows up :) Most of us travel now so 30-45 drives are OK, we usually play in the Newton NH to Londonderry NH area so if it isn;t too far the drive should be OK. If you know of any GM's needing players, or want more players in a current group we are looking. Thanks! Will ![]()
![]() Trample via the evolution says it operates like Overrun, which has a CMD check to knock things prone. Because Trample has a line that says no checks needed, does a Eidolon automatically knock creatures prone when using trample? or does he not get to knock things prone at all or does he need to make a maneuver check? (which he automatically succeeds on?) Not sure how to handle this, and I'm considering it for a new build and wanted the rules on it. I guess I'm not 100% sure it would even get the knocked prone part, but wanted a second opinion. Thanks.
p.s. Bonus question: Can you apply the Energy Attacks evolution to trample? ![]()
![]() I ran into a scenario where I was unsure how to handle Wall of Fires damage in a ring shape. Specifically if the hot wall side was the inside of the ring. Does the 10' and 20' range of heat pulsing extend past itself in ring shape? or does the heat stay on the inside only? If you make a small enough ring, say a 10' ring, would the heat pulse through the opposite side wall and do damage on a side not intended to be hot? If need be I can illustrate but it should be simple enough to imagine. How do you think by the rules this should work? Thanks. ![]()
![]() The Setup is an Eidolon with simple and martial weapon evolutions, as well as Both shadow form and shadow blend evolutions, attacking with manufactured weapons. Does the 50% damage from being 'shadowy' apply to an Eidolon with weapons in this scenario? (I'm inclined to say yes reading the wording.) I'm unsure if I need to disable this effect via the free action, make my attacks, then turn it back on or not, or if that even matters. Bonus question:
![]() Well, I wanted to PC a game, but pickings are scarce. So now that the job is less taxing again, I'll run one instead. I'm looking for players that are interested in running The Hook Mountain Massacre, part of the Rise of the Runelords AP. I wanted to start with module 3, as I have already run 1-2 with my table group, but we quit half way through this path due to majority votes to try other systems. I liked it a lot so I wasn't to see it all the way though. So here is the pitch, and how I as GM want to run it. Post Frequency: 1-2 posts a week minimum. Seriously, if you cannot post at least once a week, don't bother asking to join. I want to get through this whole AP in less than a year, and I don't want to keep dropping/recruiting players, as that is really unfair to a good RP environment if you keep having new people dropped into the mix. I think that's pretty fair. :) Game Style/Creation method:
Number of players needed: Eh, a bit, there's always a few drop offs after the game gets started, so I'll take a few more than the module recommends and worst case up the CL if needed if it's a large party. Those eligible: Anyone, but I will give priority to any players that played in my Darkwater PBP that I had to end early due to work load, and other projects. Those people include (character names):
I plan to pick 6-8 people once I look over all the character concepts/builds, maybe more with the drop off factor. Don't bother with 'magical' equipment/weapons, I'll assign them based on the 2 past modules, and assign them to the selected characters. After that if you want to trade them between yourselves you can work that out after that. NPCs & Backstory Events (as they happened in my word):
Skinsaw Murders: The PCs thwarted the Skinsaw Man's plans.
I'll post more later if I missed something or there are more questions. Have at it. WW. ![]()
![]() The Players, in alphabetical order:
Date in game: Starday 12 Pharast, 4709 AR Flashback:
I chose it's form, and gave it shape from my desire. A slender waist, and athletic build, complimented by the exotic features of an elven woman's face. Her shape was pleasing to the eye indeed. I needed her to have function as well as good form though as she would be not only my assistant, but a guard, should I
I was always partial to blonds, but if you want to inspire fear- black is the way to go. I gave her long flowing tresses, darker than a shadow, and her form was complete. Naked, but complete. I had to make sure she was perfect after all. She's going to make an excellent 'under'-study. I had completely forgotten, or at least overlooked, the fact that when a Summoner binds an Eidolon that a mental bond is created and minds become linked. So many questions this Eidolon had, so many new experiences to have. It became almost too much, which is how she earned the name Whisper, mainly due to my constant
Letter to my Supervisor
Personal Journal Entry 1:
I'm not quite sure how, or why, but I agreed to meet her at some tavern called Visio's. I really wanted to nail down who this woman was before I let her out of my sights so quickly. She was also worthy of keeping my eye on, heck both of them, and not for the reason's a man might assume, though her assets were indeed worthy of that too. No, I suspect ignoring her may cause me problems. I like to avoid problems. Speaking of problems, I can hear one coming now. Signed
"Will! Will?! Where are you in here? I need my lawyer!" Bellowed the Half-Orc. Busily bullying his way down the pit. We called our office the pit due to all the workstations the tried to cram into one small building. My colleges all stopped what they were doing and were all staring. "I need your advice about the building we just broke into."he continued. I ran over and pulled him into my small cubed off work area and tried to hush him. "Keep your voice down you half wit. Do you realize where you are?" I admonished him. "You're going to get yourself thrown in the stocks for sure." I whispered. He did nothing to quiet down, so I grabbed my book of law, Hail Asmodeous, and briefcase and ushered him out of the building as fast as possible. "I tried to get a runt to deliver you a message that I needed you." He snorted out as we walked the streets. I kept darting my head back and forth beneath my flowing red cloak trying to see who may be listening on us. This fool is going to get me disbarred. "He wouldn't do it. He said he was going to tell the guards on us and ran off. There was nothing even inside either, just a bunch of crap." he continued. I managed to get him away from most of the city's eyes and ears, and later took him with me to my meeting, it turns out it was the same building he had broken into earlier in the day. A fact he reiterated rather loudly to my now paranoid state. We all again met this mysterious, and comely, woman by the name of Janiven. She wasn't as sculpted as my Eidolon, but then again few could be. The dinner she promised was served. That's about the only thing it had going for it, besides the constant worried peers outside the tavern. After dinner she locked the door and shuttered the windows. It was then she told us the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. "I want to start a citizen's group to do good deeds, reclaim the night, and patrol the city. Drive out the Hell Knights and the corrupt influence of the three times damned house of Thrune." She pontificated. Guilty, High Treason, no trial needed. My mind cried out in my own head, drawing a wash of mental worry and fear from my Eidolon and I's mind link. That's a sentence carried out on the spot. The Order of the Rack would execute those that simply spoke like this for having heard it. Yes, this was bad news. This would not go well at all. I couldn't help but think of how frogged this was going to be. Oh great, Gronk was here too, this couldn't get any better could it? There was a knock at the door. Perfect timing of course, I called to my head the only offensive spell in my arsenal in ready, a minor bolt of acid. Janiven went to the door and let in a teenage boy, whom she knew and refereed to as Morosino. "Arael has been captured by the Dottari, and they are giving him to the Hellknights!" he panted. He apparently did not come alone. In the apce of a few breaths, stomping boots could be heard outside the door, many boots. We were hurried to a secret door even before the slamming fist fell on the door, and commands to open up was issued. Narrowly avoiding the main group of amassed Hellknights forming outside the door, we descended into the sewers by way of this secret door in the tavern. "There are marks like this-" Janiven pointed out the shape of small arrows etched into the wall she and Ariel left to follow. "-There is a safe house at the end, follow the arrows, I will try to get them to follow me, and lead them off of your trail. I know these sewers a little better and can probably tie them up a bit down here. Now get going." She commanded. We listened. Following twisting paths we made our way through rotting garbage, and other unmentionables, as we proceeded through the sewers under the city. We encountered several Ooze bugs that we put down easily, and a trio of Armigers we dispatched, but not killed. We didn't need more heat coming down on us for slain hellknights- You know, as if high treason wasn't bad enough. We thought we were close to the exit, until we ran into a writhing mass of flesh and wavering tentacles. An Outyugh blocked our path. We battled it as best we could, and were losing, luckily for us Janiven caught up to us at this point and helped us defeat it. She then led us up, and out, of the sewers into an alleyway close to an old, boarded up church. End Game 1 DM Summary: DM Summary: Grunk, Spook and Will were approached separately by a beautiful woman named Janiven, who seemed to already know a lot about your individual backgrounds. She got you to agree to meet her that afternoon at a place called Vizio's Tavern. Grunk & Rad investigated the place earlier in the day and found it abandoned and that the previous owner (Vizio) had died of old age and his family had left Westcrown. They then broke and entered the building, finding it mostly empty except for a few utensils, flagons and a cask of ale. After failing to convince a small boy to get their lawyer Will S. Preston, Esq., they headed over to the law office were he worked and talked rather loudly about how they had just broken into some chick's place. It turned out to be at the same place the same woman had asked Will to meet her that afternoon. The group meets Janiven and was served a mediocre dinner since she's a
8 Ooze bugs CR 1/8: 50 XP x 8 = 100 XP each
Story awards
Total: 741 XP each (2000 XP for next level)
![]() I want to try running a sandbox style game and would like to run a few scenarios, and just test out the concept to see how it would work out at my table. What I'm looking to do is get a group of players to test out an open game world that they pretty much decide at all times whats going to happen, and where the plot gets steered towards. For example, if I get a bunch of guys that want to clean out a kobold den to finance their beer habits, sure! Or, if they want to lay down all their weapons for a month to try and work on transforming a desert, heck why not? Basically I want to give controls to my players as a "do what you want, I'll work the background details out, and see how hard it would be for me to get content together while still providing a cool game for my players." I'm running a custom world, that's fantasy based (forgotten realms), but has elements of steam punk, and alternate magic power sources. If your interested, and wouldn't mind testing this out for/with me I'm looking to start you off as an ECL 3 character of your choosing. Also, would it be a terrible thought to automate combat? It generally slows things down on the boards, and I want to run a more RP heavy game. That's not to say there would be no control over combat just that it would be more streamlined. If I toss 50 kobolds at you, that have no chance of actually winning, I may simply say "Victory, after defeating the kobolds you suffer only minor wounds, take 3 points of damage." Or something along those lines, I want boss fights to be planned out but mooks, eh, not so much. If your still with me, cool! I want to run a game again and test some of the concepts in my head out, and can explain more afterwords. I expect about 2 plot posts during the week, Wednesdays and Fridays, and weekends if I am not gaming to be heavy post days from me. I'm probably rambling now, so if you want in just post what race/class/template you want and if approved your in. Kinda simple. I use sites like www.invisiblecastle.com and http://chat.dmtools.org/ for dice rolls or live chatting during game times. Thanks for taking the time to read this! WW. Driving home be back in an hour or so if you need more info. ![]()
![]() I plan on running a TMNT game for my table group in a few months, but I'm certainly rusty since playing last in the 90s. So I wanted to see if anyone was interested in creating some characters and running a few test games and maybe a module or two. I have the books myself, and doubt many of you would have them but I can help you through the creation process by posting the text from the books where needed on how to go about creation. I was planning on running it as recommended, which is random creation. Animal type, mutation type, organizations etc are all rolled randomly. If you are interested still I'd like to get 4-6 players or so, which can be part of a team or individually created. If your not familiar with the creation process teams get special incentives to be part of a group like shared exceptional stats, but must all be the same animal types and bio energy points are spent the same way. (I can explain all that better once we get started.) So any takers? It should be a high action, almost kung fuey kinda game with some funny throw back to the mid 80s where laptops cost 5,000 dollars and people really don't know about this whole internet thing. WW. ![]()
![]() It seems my group is not of like mind when one of us fielded a cohort in our most recent game, and said they should get a fair share of treasure earned. I'll try to present the argument in a neutral manner as I'm involved in the debate, but I'd like to hear your side of this issue, and perhaps how your group deals with this issue. The IC debate:
The OOC debate:
I find it hard to argue the IC vrs OOC as it's two different beasts, so I'm looking for the best solution to quell both sides and keep it fair. How should the players handle this? Both in game and out of game. Is there even a compromise that works for both scenarios? ![]()
![]() Mission 1: "Hefting A Knight Owl Ed Ad" Location: In or near a small port city named Waterlog. Waterlog: Est. Population 1,000
Current Cast:
A man claiming to be a messenger seeks you out and offers you a wrapped parcel, it chinks with coins. He states it is an invitation to a grand new, and lucrative deal, he stresses it is nothing illegal or anything like that. His boss Charles Abel sent him to find those that look like adventurers, and you fit the bill. Inside you find a small envelope with a blazing sun logo tattooed on it in richly colored inks, and a stylized "A" symbol in it's center. Visual Hand Out: Letter He says Charles will be in Waterlog tonight and tomorrow only, and you should get there fast if you want in. Messenger: "You'll know his boat when you see it. It's unlike any others." and with that the messenger simply runs off. Scene One:
Bisecting the walled city is the Arrow river, it looks as if the city was built right over the river. One one side of the river is the city itself, and the other is the Saw Mills. Both are protected by the great walls of Waterlog, and the river itself flows right through the middle of both sides. A massive 'locking' system is positioned on the North and South walls, allowing the city to control the flow. They city uses this when floating logs for the mills. Through the gates you can see a few buildings and people milling about. ![]()
![]() Bzzt. Greetings Humans I have been reactivated for your enjoyment. I am fluent in over 20 languages and programmed to run you through old modules recently converted to 3.5. Do you remember the Black Razor, or perhaps Whelm? Do you remember the Expedition to the Barrier peaks? Would you like to play a game? I am looking for 4-5 players to enter the realms of yesterday and start down the path I have created running classic dungeon crawls and plots of old. This will be run as a 3.5 adventure, you will start as 1st level. I am granting you the boon of starting with a single score at 18. The rest shall be rolled on invisiblecastle.com one your accepted into the game. I would like to have a selection of candidates ready for creation by Friday, if you are interested in a game that may seem at times familiar this may be for you. I expect to run only modules, with the occasional custom content thrown in when it's needed. I'll be choosing people randomly that are interested on Friday of this week. (giving you a day or two to get in line on this post, which is a bit more fair than the usual first come first served.) See you then! ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() I didn't want to post in your IC thread, but wow, good job! I read a few of the PBP threads while waiting for mine to update, and I just saw the Harrowing you did and the picture you took of it. That looked like a lot of fun, and if anyone else missed the visuals, it looks great! I'll be buying a deck now, that is going to be a cool addition to my table top game. Page 2 has a link to the harrowing done and the picture. :) I'm impressed. ![]()
Notes: A side campaign that runs along the Deivo Winterwalker storyline, taking place after Deivo and company kill Nulia. Due to 1 PC dying and 1 PC switching to a new character, we decided to start fresh players until we could level them up to level 4 and match Deivo Winterwalkers level before we start AP 2 “The Skinsaw Murders.”
I stepped through the planar rift back into the land of mortals. The air was not as colored with the scents of the forest, but it had an ancient familiarity I was not expecting. After five hundred years of living, love making, and being with my sisters, there was only so much of the same thing a Fey could experience and not grow stale. I left for adventure, I crave new experiences, and new women to feel against my skin. I followed a natural path to a town called Sandpoint and spent a few minutes deciding if i wanted to enter this large human settlement. I decided to avoid the men at the front gate, and entered the town through the south where there where no men watching. The buildings and domiciles all had square edges, how peculiar. I walked the streets and received more than enough uncomfortable stares from men that set me on the defense. I had an innate sense Fey were not unwelcome here, but I just felt very uncomfortable with the men’s eyes on me. I approached an older woman, who seemed to be taken aback when I tapped her shoulder and smiled. I asked her if she was available to give me a tour of the city and she said she could gladly walk me around the sights. She showed me around some of the more visited sights, the Opera House held my attention as i would love to visit the play. I was told the show playing was called the ‘Harpy's Curse’ and I longed to see it, I would make that a priority to attend once I had a few moment. She mentioned that she didn’t really have time to visit, and said: “The owner was rumored to be a little-well you know.” She said as she gave me a peculiar look. It must not have registered on my face, as she explained further. “You know, he likes to bed with other men.” She said in a hushed tone. I paused for a second and simply said: “Some of the best lovers I have laid with were women, I don’t see anything wrong with a man finding comfort with another man.” She shot me a look that asked if I was in jest, but I just looked back with a serious face and said I was truthful. With that she snapped her head forward and continued to walk with me. I could tell she did not want to discuss it further by her suddenly stiff posture. What made me more curious than the play however was the fortune teller Madam Mvashti. The old woman pointed out her shop, and said she has been a resident of Sandpoint when she was a child, and that the last few mayors hadn’t expected her to live so long to tell the truth. I had to leave my guide, the chance to meet with a powerful woman of the city was overpowering. I wonder how beautiful she is? I can only imagine her in my minds eye as a radiant being having had so much time to gather wisdom and power. Well-she may be powerful but she is by no means pretty. It seems that age her wrecks havoc on mortals as opposed to my Fey sisters who perfect their craft in Fey Glamour. I was certainly not attracted to her beauty, but she had a sense of power in her aura I could easily respect. She eyed me with a second of awe and welcomed me in, asking what she could do for me. “I wished to meet you madam, I heard you are a powerful fortune teller and have come to get a glimpse into my future.” “You have crossed the veil haven’t you child of the Fey. Why have you come here if you do not mind the question asked?” She asked while drawing a deck of cards and shuffling them. Her hands were wrinkled and spotted, yet agile and articulate. I could tell she was a weaver of spells. “I have left the Sanos Forest in search of adventure, I have spent many years there, and while it is a pleasant life, I crave more.” “Ahh child, you got a touch of the wanderlust.” She said while smirking at me and nodding her head. “Your eyes show an age your body does not child, how old are you?” She raised an eyebrow and asked. “In my forest I have seen over 500 seasons pass by, as you can imagine, I crave something new. Lovers can get stale after such a long time.” That answer gave her a visible pause, though I do not know why. She then nodded again and spread the cards down and asked me to choose. I drew a card with the image of a white horned horse, the unicorn. Madam Mvashti spoke then and said she sees my path starting at the Great Iron Dragon in town, there I will need to go to begin my journey to defeat the fears I hold in my heart, and to start my new life here among the mortals. She then told me about the Druids that frequent her home on visits. “Every Sunday-“ she began. “Every Sunday I have a few Druids that come to my home and meet, not every Druid mind you but every Sunday they show up. You are welcome to come too.” I made no mention I walk the green path, but smiled, this human held power indeed and I was confident in her ability to see the unseen. “Thank you Madam, that would be a great honor, as you can already tell I do walk that path of harmony and would enjoy accepting your invitation. I will endeavor to attend this coming Sunday.” With that I thanked her and headed to the Iron Dragon. The Iron Dragon was more rust than Iron, but that seemed to coincide with the name of the inn, that of the Rusty Dragon. I was approached by two men after a few minutes of just standing outside the Rusty Dragon, I had not the nerve to go inside alone yet. The first male offered a greeting I didn’t bother to listen too, he was a Dwarf and I kept a spell of entanglement poised in my minds eye in case he tried to get any closer. The other man with him was one I have not seen before, darker hair than most in the city, with eyes on a slant. Only the Dwarf approached me further, I did not run away as the Madam said this is where my journey would start, I did not expect to have to trust a man however to lead me through it. After a few minutes I battled the fear in my head and grew a little more comfortable with the two men, it seemed they were not here to hurt me or try anything uncommon. The dwarf also had a wolf with him, I took this as a good sign, I was comfortable with wolves. They were warm at night when I shifted, and swift hunters that never minded another runner in the pack that made them stronger. I gave him my pack name, Ghostclaw, for I don’t remember owning any other name since my rebirth. That was one of the reasons to step out of Sanos Forest and experience the human world, I had strong ties here and I think I used to live among the humans. The Dwarf told me his name. “Caerid Strong-Oak.” And his friend was “Sumadar of the West.” Together they were traveling to the North acting as couriers for a missive and invited me to come along. I hesitantly agreed, were it not for my visit to Madam Mvashti I never would of even considered it. I detected no evil intent from these two, and would go with them, if only to get away from all the other men here that may not be as kind. “So Ghostclaw do you have a horse for travel? We will be leaving town soon to keep the deadline attainable.” Caerid inquired. “My legs are as swift as a steed, I shall have no trouble keeping pace.” I retorted with resolve. I walk the path of the Green Man and he bestows upon me one of his many forms. That brought Caerid’s eyebrow higher, and he spoke in the secret language of the Druids to me, letting me know he too followed that path. We spoke briefly in our secret language, as Sumadar did not share our path and we did not wish him to learn this secret we keep. He seemed surprised someone just starting on the path could change forms so soon, as he was still unable to shift forms. It also seems he is unable to channel raw divine magic into rapid healing like I could. How different we truly are, yet the same. Outside of town I shifted to my wolf form. With my nose to the wind I kept pace with Caerid’s wolf. Had I memorized Speak With Animals today I would of asked his name. He was getting a little fat for a hunter, I would have to coax him to run with me at night and burn off some of that city living off his bones. During our journey we came upon a corpse of a hobgoblin in the middle of the road, it’s death still fresh and pungent. It was being picked apart by a trio of canines. I was able to shoo them away long enough to get a better look at it, but they took to aggression when we tried to search the body. My companions killed one of the dogs, and the other two were mortally wounded, I wouldn’t let them bleed to death so I converted my entangle spell to a Rejuvenation effect for them and myself. Wounds closing and blood ceasing to flow, they would live, but they remained lying down. The corpse had nothing of note save an empty dagger scabbard. Caerid found the dagger that fit the holster on luck in some bushes not far from where the corpse was. It was a dagger of obvious magical properties. The blade seemed to hold within it liquid fire, it’s orange glow pulsed and danced as he held it aloft. Caerid simply could not leave a magical dagger lying nearby, so he took the dagger’s scabbard from the Hobgoblin and belted the dagger to his waist. We then continued through the day into night and stopped off at an inn along the road. I flowed back into my two legged self and walked behind them as they entered the bar. There was a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen so I tried to wander in and see what it was first hand. The bartender yelled at me as I tried to walk into the kitchen and scared me back outside. He was an awful man, I wanted nothing to do with him. So I stayed outside until I heard some commotion inside. I shifted into my wolf form again as I heard a fight break out, I came in to several men dressed in black that had backed Caerid and Sumadar behind the bar in a stand off. There was a lawman from Magnimar there yelling at Caerid to drop the weapon he pulled, the fiery dagger, and when he didn’t gave him a swipe of the flat side of the sword. I pawed into the room behind the black dressed men growling, but no further fighting was done. Caerid dropped the knife point first into the bar. The lawman asked the two groups if they were done, both sides said yes. Caerid with his arms folding grumbling about the fact he started it. The other men dressed in black holding back the one that claimed the dagger was his by right. I slinked back outside as the lawman told the barkeep to make up two rooms for his prisoners as they would be spending the night there. I would rather sleep outside anyway, no way was I sleeping in a room full of men, not in this lifetime. Now if it was a room full of women, you’d probably have a hard time keeping me out. [ooc]End Game 1 ![]()
![]() PATHFINDER: Burnt Offerings, Game 1 I had heard there was to be some new festival happening in Sandpoint today. I gathered up my backpack, tipped the bartender an extra copper for showing me her goods earlier today and stumbled out down the road out of town and towards Sandpoint. Mercenary work was something uneeded here anyway, nothing happening this far out. I could of bought a horse, well maybe, but I figured the walk would sweat the booze out of my system and I could start thinking clearly again. Did that bartender have three nipples? I'll check back another day and find out. I traveled a few days in the general direction of sandpoint following the well worn roads so I figured I was heading in the right direction. It was confirmed later on by two other men traveling to Sandpoint so I decided they could tag along with me. There was a shaved head Shoanti named Horlak, he gave me a queasy feeling in my gut, though that could also be the spicy sausage and mead diet I was on for the last three days. The other guy Garth was obviously a Chelaxian. Darn creep carries a scythe around and everything. I'm betting that nasty scar on his was self inflicted too. It's obvious he isn't military trained. We all arrived pretty much on time for the festival, we got there before noon and seeing as it wasn't in full swing yet decided to check out the local watering hole. I was itching for a drink and to check out the local legs. Along the way my new companions wanted to stop off at the smithy because he had a few curiously red dogs. Das Korvut took a liking to Horlock, both of them being related I'm sure, and revealed he feeds the Mastiffs barbarian chew to increase their rage. Hrm, that explains the red coats I guess. I'd better not piss that guy off then. We ended up at the Rusty Dragon and met the owner Ameiko Kaijitsu. What an exotic little flower, I wonder how sweet her scent is. Maybe I'll look into that once I get a few drinks in me. While killing time in the Rusty Dragon we overheard that prostitution was legal here and there were plenty of brothels. This is my kind of town, I know what I'm doign after the festival winds down. We got an escort later from the Sheriff and the Mayor, I think Garth brought a little too much attention to himself with that damn scythe all over town, but the sheriff seems to want to warm up to us I think, thats worth a few points in my book. The festival was your typical boring speeches, but everyone seemed to be having fun, and the free food was a huge bonus. I still wonder how they pulled that off. We felt the heat hit us before we heard the boom of the fuel cart that was to be used at the end of the ceremony. Something was seriously wrong, I got back to my feet, I blame the alcohol for stumbling but drew my greatsword in anticipation. We heard the screams before we heard the little voices cackling, then utter chaos broke out. Goblins were suddenly everywhere, slashing ankles, stealing food, knocking over tables and brandishing crude weapons in triumph and insanity. My comrades and I got surrounded by a group of six goblins whipped into a frenzy of battle lust, waving their torches and goblin slicers at us we were suddenly forced into action. My great sword made quick work of several diminutive foes, scoring minimal reprisals from them. My Chelaxian comrade actually put that scythe to use, I give him a little credit, but not too much. The other guy, Horlock just focused his attention on the Goblins and they clutched their heads in agony and confusion. Garth and I made quick work in dispatching those remaining Goblins after that. Ameiko was there and a Goblin close to her was more interested in stuffing his face full of her spicy samples. He chocked to death, it would have been comical if half the town wasn't under siege. I rescued a Noble named Aldern Foxglove from a certain "goblining" he seemed overly grateful, we pushed him on his way politely and told him to get safe while we clean up. I think his eyes lingered on me a little too long for comfort, it's probably shock. We fought for what felt like hours after that, defeating Goblin War-Chanters, some of their commandos riding Goblin Dogs, yet we eventually beat them back and sent those not defeated running. Horlock pointed out during the clean up, more than half of them ended up killing themselves by falling in water barrels or just getting trampled by horses. Odd little bastards. The town seemed to have noticed our efforts to defend the town though, we got a lot of head nods and winks from the ladies later that night. I figured now would be a good time to get some food and a little leg for the night. We headed back to the Rusty Dragon and grabbed a table, Ameiko wasn't back yet but things were slowly starting to get back to normal, our group sat down at the far end of the bar to get something to eat. I told my new friends I was heading over to the Pixies Kitten to check out their establishment. Garth and Horlock told me to bring back some girls, Horlock was specific in stating he wanted a girl not afraid of being tied up. I was greeted by the Pixies madam and told her I wanted to get two girls for a few hours, she asked if this was my first time and maybe I wanted to just try one to begin with. I told her I could handle two just fine, and wouldn't settle for anything less. She charged me more, but that was to be expected, and I had a very good two hours. I headed back to the Rusty Dragon to let my friends know about the place, they were still there Horlock chatting up Ameiko so I went over to him and let him know they don't do "tying up." Horlock shot me a glare then smiled sheepishly at Ameiko, I think I just blew his wooing session. People were indeed giving us a little more kindness the next day, the baker telling us to eat and offering free bread saying Garth was too skinny. Girls chuckled and blushed as we walked by, and I cannot count how many handshakes and back pats I got that day. Sheriff Hemlock even asked to see us and told us we did good last night. He told us a little about the towns history, and a little about the 'late unpleasantness' and the story of Chopper and the great fire. <end game 1> Organized Play Characters