Memory Lane PBP (Inactive)

Game Master Winterwalker

Defunct thread

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The Exchange

Mission 1: "Hefting A Knight Owl Ed Ad"

Location: In or near a small port city named Waterlog.

Waterlog: Est. Population 1,000
a Port city on the SW edge of the world. Waterlog is aptly named for it's booming Logging business and Sawmill works. Attracting mostly loggers and fisherman, Waterlog doesn't have many of the usually amenities adventurers crave, but all that is about to change. Poised to bring about a major change lies a man with a vision, Charles Able.

Current Cast:

  • Delweir Human 'Magic-User'(Wizard)
  • Sir Muerdon Human Cleric
  • Kavelin Human Diviner(Wizard)
  • Aubec Human Paladin
  • Caith Crunnelon Dwarven Cleric
  • Duneriur Mawdancer Elven Wizard
  • Alvartus Human Rogue
  • Simn Thistlesworth Gnome bard

    A man claiming to be a messenger seeks you out and offers you a wrapped parcel, it chinks with coins.

    He states it is an invitation to a grand new, and lucrative deal, he stresses it is nothing illegal or anything like that. His boss Charles Abel sent him to find those that look like adventurers, and you fit the bill.

    Inside you find a small envelope with a blazing sun logo tattooed on it in richly colored inks, and a stylized "A" symbol in it's center.

    Visual Hand Out: Letter

    He says Charles will be in Waterlog tonight and tomorrow only, and you should get there fast if you want in.

    Messenger: "You'll know his boat when you see it. It's unlike any others." and with that the messenger simply runs off.

    Scene One:
    The PC's stand outside the wooden gates of Waterlog. There are two entrances to the walled city, one on the east side and a larger one for deliveries on the north east edge. The eastern gates are currently open and unguarded.

    Bisecting the walled city is the Arrow river, it looks as if the city was built right over the river. One one side of the river is the city itself, and the other is the Saw Mills. Both are protected by the great walls of Waterlog, and the river itself flows right through the middle of both sides.

    A massive 'locking' system is positioned on the North and South walls, allowing the city to control the flow. They city uses this when floating logs for the mills.

    Through the gates you can see a few buildings and people milling about.

  • Male Human Rogue 1

    First in, checking for traps on the thread!

    Oh great and powerful DM, could you linkify the character bios?

    Male Human Rogue 1

    "Hmm. A city in the wilderness with the doors wide open? They must be expecting us, for good or ill. Well, idle hands find no coin!"

    With that, Alvartus hefts his backpack over his round shoulders and with a waddling gait moves towards the entrance to Waterlog. He looks back over his shoulder, squinting his eyes at his new companions.

    "Well, are you blokes coming or not?"

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    Shrugging, Caith adjusts the pack over his shoulders and ensures that his axe is loose in its sheath before following the "wealth redistributor" (because the word "thief" is through the gates.

    He glances around him as he stumps his way down the road, taking in the sights and sounds of the new city.

    He sighs and mutters (in Dwarven), "There be somethin' not right 'bout this. Th'gates bein' open, I could see tha'. No guards, though...hrmph..."

    Spot check. (1d20+4=18)

    The Exchange

    Caith Crunnelon wrote:

    Spot check. (1d20+4=18)

    A crisp air blows overhead pulling down vivid orange leaves off of the nearby trees. The sweet smell of burning maple flavors the cool breeze over your heads as birds lazily fly to and fro.

    Spot Results:


    The wood used in the fortress like barricade, which along the town and seemingly through the river, looks to be fairly new construction. Theres an advanced element to it though that you can't quite put your finger on.

    Though it may seem odd the gates are wide open and no guards, you don't see anything out of place or amiss.

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    "Ah, weeell, there be no sense in waitin' 'ere. Ye comin' 'long, 'r ye gonna sit here an' watch th' trees like a buncha daft fools?" Caith continues in the common tongue.

    Not known for his great patience, the dwarf continues stumping along the path ahead...

    Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

    "Yes, yes, I'm coming. I was just pondering whether or not this place has access to any decent wines. Hopefully our potential patron is prepared to entertain. He certainly seemed eager enough to get us here."

    Kavelin runs a hand through his close-cropped red hair and begins moving along after the other two, using his staff as a walking stick.

    The invitation came with a parcel that clinked like coin. Kavelin would have inspected this and examined the contents prior to arrival.

    The Exchange

    Male Human Paldin 1

    "Business first, women and wine after!" Aubec chortles as he strides through the gate. "Now, lets get to business, there is evil in the world and the day is young. By nightfall I hope to sleep easy knowing there is less evil than when the day began."

    A few more steps.

    "Or something like that"

    The Exchange

    Shadowborn wrote:

    "Yes, yes, I'm coming. I was just pondering whether or not this place has access to any decent wines. Hopefully our potential patron is prepared to entertain. He certainly seemed eager enough to get us here."

    Kavelin runs a hand through his close-cropped red hair and begins moving along after the other two, using his staff as a walking stick.

    The invitation came with a parcel that clinked like coin. Kavelin would have inspected this and examined the contents prior to arrival.

    It's assumed you did see the handout above for the letter, and assume the gold inside was part of your left over gold from starting cash. Also this is the IC thread use your Characters alias when posting here please :P

    Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

    Delweir wonders how this messanger came to regard him as an adventurer. Then he decides it must be the penniless look that he gives off. With that, he grooms himself as best he can in a few minutes and heads off for this unique ship.

    Male Human Cleric 1

    Arriving in town alone, I take a moment to adjust my white clerical surcoat and smooth my hair before entering through the gates.

    My first priority is to find the ship that was mentioned. Afterwards, if need be, I tell myself, I will find a comfortable place to pass the night.

    Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1


    "So...Alvartus, was it? Are you familiar with this town at all? I'd rather ask a reliable source for directions to this ship rather than stroll around the docks for the rest of the day looking for it."

    Male Gnome Cleric 2

    Simn glances about town with cheerful curiosity, falling in with his comrades in their search for the ship of their mysterious benefactor.

    "Well, we're looking for something 'unique'," Simn says, "so I figure we should be able to find it no troubles."

    So saying, he opts for the direct approach of, well, wandering along the docks, looking out for weird ships.

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    "Aye, 'tis tae be hoped tha' th' durned thin' 's easy tae find. 'Twouldnae be in our employer's best interest if'n it wasnae distin'tive. Ach, let's hope sae, a'least..." Caith replies.

    He continues on, searching about with his keen eyes for any distinctive ships.

    Male Half-Orc Druid 1

    A very tall Half-Orc rushes up to the party with a big smile on his ugly face and an angry looking badger waddling quickly behind him. "Oh! You must be some of the other adventurers they've called! Wonderful!" He claps "Isn't this exciting?! I hope we're not too late Gritch and I! Oh! I'm Grenep by the way! Pleased ta meet ya!"

    He then notices the Dwarf in the party and his smile dims somewhat 'Oh, I didn't know they were inviting Dwarves too'[/] He thinks to himself [i]'Hmmm, well maybe he won't be so miserable to most of them are And he reaches out to pat the little Dwarf's head all friendly like.

    Just then his pet badger growls and goes to nip at the Dwarf's heels
    Orchish"No Gritch! I know he's a smelly Dwarf but No Biting! I've Told you about that! Be Nice!" and the badger growls again but backs off. But not too far.

    "Ummm, so anyone know where we are supposed to go?"

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    As the half-orc reaches out to touch his head, Caith's knuckles tighten on the haft of his axe. Before he has a chance to draw it, the badger begins to growl.

    His eyes go dark as the hulking creature gabbles something in orcish to its pet. Only after the badger backs off, apparently in response to the orc's commands, does his expression lighten and his grip on the axe loosen somewhat.

    He steps as gracefully as possible away from the badger and eyes the orc balefully as he says in the common tongue, "Laddy, ye best be keepin' th' durned critter off'n me heels. Don' be goin' tae touch me wit'out me consent 'gain, neither. Where I be from, tha' be considered reason fer a fight. I got nothin' 'gainst ye yet, 'side from one o' yer folks bein' an orc, but tha' can change, easy-like."

    Male Half-Orc Druid 1

    'Hmph! Always so touchy them dwarves, and rude!'
    "Well fine then! I was just trying ta be friendly ya know. And another thing, I'll have you know that this 'durned critter' has a Name. This is my best friend, Gritch, and how is it his fault if he don't like Dwarves, eh? Hmph!" And then, to the scarce believing eyes of those who see it, this massive half-orc swings up his Greatclub onto his shoulder, looks back to his badger, says "come on Gritch, let's go" and then, he...well, really the only way to explain it is, he Flounces off. Fortunately, for the sanity of any observers, they are not forced to observe the insanly incongruous scenario when after a few steps Grenep, stops, pauses, turns around and sheepishly says..."Um...where was that we were supposed to go again? Anywone know where that is?"

    Male Human Rogue 1

    "I ain't from around here, mores the pity."

    Alvartus will look around making sure to stay away from obvious seedy areas. When the orc approaches and gets into a "discussion" with Cailith, Alvartus is quick to drop to one knee, hand to his belt on his rapier. With an eyebrow cocked, he watches the situation unfold, and once confident that it was simply a misunderstanding, he returns to his work looking for the docks and this mysterious "Higher than the Sun".

    The Exchange

    Male Human Paldin 1

    Aubec laughs at the antics of his new-found friends. "Oh my, we are a sassy bunch!" he says, going to chuck the dwarf on the shoulder, but laughing all the harder when the surly dwarf tightens his grip and shoots a glare his way. "Anyhow, nice badger, my green-skinned friend. We are indeed on this adventure, and if like us, you intend to push back the shadow, one courageous deed ata time, then please be welcome to join our humble party," so saying Aubec spreads his arms wide.

    He turns to the roguish man standing near him. "It takes all kinds, hmm, Alvertus was it?"

    Male Human Cleric 1

    Near the docks, I see a large party of armed men approaching, one with a badger.

    "Would any of you men know where to find the ship, Higher than the Sun?" I call out in a cheerful manner.

    Male Elf Wizard Level 1

    Standing by the eastern gate, Duneriur eyes the odd group, before walking into the city through the open unguarded eastern gate.

    The Exchange

    Coming through the gates as you reach the other side is a small rider on a large white wolf. He hopes down and tells the wolf to 'stay' and approaches the gathering of people. He holds his hand out to Duneriur as he is the closest and introduces himself.

    [Common] Gunny: "Hiya folks, I'm Gunny Highway, pleased to meet ya!" pipes up a small elf looking person. He is dressed in a suit of studded leathers, and wears criss-crossing bandoleers loaded up with containers and pouches. he wears his hair long and tied back in an odd knot. "I'm the mayor here and you look new, we welcome you to our growing town, theres only a few ground rules I need to go over first as some stuff may come as a surprise."

    He seems to be waiting for you to introduce yourselves as he is standing there with a lopsided grin and his hand out to each of you.

    Male Elf Wizard Level 1

    Shakes Gunny's hands

    [Elven] Good to meet you Mayor, my name is Duneriur Mawdancer I won't be staying in your town long, but my all means please continue with the town laws. While your at it can you point the way to the docks? I am looking for a ship called, 'Higher than the Sun' know where it's docked?

    a small toad pops it head out of Duneriur's breast pocket and eye's Gunny oddly

    Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0
    Dungeon Master WA-74 wrote:

    Coming through the gates as you reach the other side is a small rider on a large white wolf. He hopes down and tells the wolf to 'stay' and approaches the gathering of people. He holds his hand out to D as he is the closest and introduces himself.

    [Common] Gunny: "Hiya folks, I'm Gunny Highway, pleased to meet ya!" pipes up a small elf looking person. He is dressed in a suit of studded leathers, and wears criss-crossing bandoleers loaded up with containers and pouches. he wears his hair long and tied back in an odd knot. "I'm the mayor here and you look new, we welcome you to our growing town, theres only a few ground rules I need to go over first as some stuff may come as a surprise."

    He seems to be waiting for you to introduce yourselves as he is standing there with a lopsided grin and his hand out to each of you.

    "My pleasure, Gunny. I am Delweir and I am sure that we will be no bother at all to the peace of Waterlog. We are just looking for a "unique" ship."

    Male Human Cleric 1

    "Sir Muerdon of Gwyre," I say with a polite nod of my head.

    Duneriur Mawdancer wrote:

    Shakes Gunny's hands

    [Elven] Good to meet you Mayor, my name is Duneriur Mawdancer I won't be staying in your town long, but my all means please continue with the town laws. While your at it can you point the way to the docks? I am looking for a ship called, 'Higher than the Sun' know where it's docked?

    a small toad pops it head out of Duneriur's breast pocket and eye's Gunny oddly

    [Elven] Gunny: "I already know the one your looking for, and the man that sails it. Good guy that Charles, a flair for the dramatic, but you'll probably see that soon enough."

    Sir Muerdon wrote:
    "Sir Muerdon of Gwyre," I say with a polite nod of my head.

    "Oo! a Knight? Were i grew up there were a lot of knights. This one time me and two knights had to battle a red dragon named Pryoclast, it didn't turn out to well really. What with the dragon trying to eat us all, we managed to get away however, mostly.

    Gunny eagerly shakes your hand.

    The Exchange

    Male Human Paldin 1

    Aubec eyes the fellow skeptically as he goes around shaking hands. "I too am a knight, of justice. We should get along well if you run a just town Mayor, but I must warn you, I seek out injustice, and when I find it, I deal with it." He pats his behemoth blade. "I will be happy to make full reports of my findings, and when possible, will call upon you or your deputies to oversee my findings."

    "But now, would you be so kind yo escort us to this Charles, or at lest point the way?"

    Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote:

    Aubec eyes the fellow skeptically as he goes around shaking hands. "I too am a knight, of justice. We should get along well if you run a just town Mayor, but I must warn you, I seek out injustice, and when I find it, I deal with it." He pats his behemoth blade. "I will be happy to make full reports of my findings, and when possible, will call upon you or your deputies to oversee my findings."

    "But now, would you be so kind yo escort us to this Charles, or at lest point the way?"

    Gunny gives the second knight a firm handshake.

    Gunny: "You might like it here then Sir Aubec, we don't get a lot of adventurers these days, but Charles' plans may change that. Your the first group enticed to see us in awhile."

    "I'd be happy to show you around our town, and go over a few particulars, more rules than laws really. Charles' ship is overdue actually we got a watchman keeping an eye out for his vessel but it's not here at the moment."

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    Caith nods solemnly in greeting, replying, "Caith Crunnelon, o' th' clan MacCailain, a' yer service. Th' Dwarffather keep ye well."

    "Ye mention odd laws. Wha' be they?"

    Caith observes this newcomer with suspicion (Spot check & Sense Motive check [1d20+4=6, 1d20+4=19]); something seems to be not quite right here.


    To Caith and the group:
    Gripping your hand with both of his smaller ones he says.

    Gunny: "Hello Caith, nice to meet ya! I told our engineer we could use a Dwarf on a few projects we're working on. How are you with stone and metal working? Ah never mind, I'll bug ya later on that."

    "As I mentioned, Not laws per say, we have no ruling King here. So there are no laws set down."

    "However, we welcome any that seek sanctuary, and have a few magical fail safes that mostly stop any violence. Mostly. Waterlog is Neutral grounds, we don't want bloodshed of any kind, and our residents respect that. We are known for being fair and just too. We like to err on the side of trust earned if you get my drift. So far it's working for us. We'd like to continue with this so please no assuming our residents are here for harm."

    "Let me forewarn ya. We got a few residents that are citizens that are, not usually tolerated in other parts of the land. Among them a Gnoll named Felpaw..."

    he pauses in thought.

    "...a few pixies, pranksters all of them but harmless, a Lizardman, a Drow-two actually, my Winter Wolf there."

    The wolf growls in your direction, icy mist escaping through his maw and nostrils.

    "Stop that Frostbite." Gunny commands. The massive wolf lays down and keeps an ice blue eye on the newcomers, but seems fairly rebuked.

    "A few Catfolk have come into town from the jungles, long trip to get here too I bet. I'm trying to get a few of them to stay longer and teach me some of that jungle fighting they do. He performs a few thrust punches and kicks. They do it better than me. It really is spectacular though."

    "I can show you around if you want to come in, we got a lot of neat-o projects going on."

    The Exchange

    Caith Crunnelon wrote:

    Caith nods solemnly in greeting, replying, "Caith Crunnelon, o' th' clan MacCailain, a' yer service. Th' Dwarffather keep ye well."

    "Ye mention odd laws. Wha' be they?"

    Caith observes this newcomer with suspicion (Spot check & Sense Motive check [1d20+4=6, 1d20+4=19]); something seems to be not quite right here.

    Spot/Sense motive Results:


    Spot: Something is odd abut the little guy, he is certainly not and Elf. You can't place your finger on it though. (he does not appear to be hiding anything however. (Must be the sun in your eye or something.)

    Sense Motive: Gunny does not seem to be trying to deceive you, that you can tell anyway.

    Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0
    Gunny Highway wrote:

    "I can show you around if you want to come in, we got a lot of neat-o projects going on."

    "I would be greatly interested in that. Other than shipping and the sawmills, what business are most of the residents here involved in?"

    Delweir wrote:
    Gunny Highway wrote:

    "I can show you around if you want to come in, we got a lot of neat-o projects going on."

    "I would be greatly interested in that. Other than shipping and the sawmills, what business are most of the residents here involved in?"

    Gunny: "We have an armor smith shop, but he deals only in leathers and hides at the moment. We haven't gotten a deal worked out with Splinterscale yet to mine metal enough to get more than a few weapons out. Though she has stopped trying to eat me when I visit her now. That took a few months of bribes and promises to establish. She's testy for sure, but I think she took a shine to me. Though she did kill me once. Water under the town though. We're on speaking terms again."

    "We have the usual town amenities, inn, feast hall, general shop, and a curious item shop. The later being not very well stocked at the moment as our Wizard had a run in with, well what he said was a ghost, but I think he just tripped and hit his head."

    "We also have a hospital, which thankfully is not seeing much use. But staffed by some Hospitaleers and clerics."

    The Exchange

    If anyone has Knowledge (Local) please roll and post the results.

    If anyone has Knowledge (Nature) please roll and post the results.

    If anyone has Knowledge (History) please roll and post the results.

    If anyone has Knowledge (Arcana) please roll and post the results.

    Male Human Rogue 1

    Alvertus stands behind his comrades hoping not to be noticed.

    Move Silently (d20+5=14) then Hide (d20+5=6)

    Messed up the number of dice rolled with d10s so I rerolled.

    If he is addressed he will respond.

    "Keen eyes, mate. I be Alvertus, and I appreciate the hospitality and warmth of this town. Not such a fan of rules as some of these other blokes. Will ol' Charlie be putting us up for the night, or can you direct us to an inn?"

    The Exchange

    was that a 1 you rolled? DUM DUM DUM!
    Bad Mojo Check: 11 (Passed)


    He seems to notice you and smiles in your direction.

    "The Golden rule has gotten us pretty far Mr. Alvertus, but it isn't for everyone sure. I can give you that, we only ask that you start no trouble thats all. We all get along here in town so far, which is rare considering our residents really."

    "The inn welcomes any guests and rooms are free, services cost a bit 'o coin, but I'm sure those I can pull a string or two if needed."

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    "Well, th' Dwarffather teaches us tha' there be only one way tae treat each other, an' tha' be with respect. I don' see any problem with yer rules, an' I'd be happy tae see either th' sick-hall or yer engineer. I'd be glad tae take a look-see at yer mines, too--tho' I be not tae keen on meetin' a dragon," Caith replies.

    Caith thinks to himself, I wonder what be goin' on here. 'Tis nae normal town, that be fer sure.

    Male Elf Wizard Level 1

    Knowledge (local) [8,8] = (16)

    Knowledge (arcana) [2,8] = (10)

    Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0
    Dungeon Master WA-74 wrote:

    If anyone has Knowledge (Arcana) please roll and post the results.

    Arcana check: 18

    The Exchange

    Duneriur Mawdancer wrote:

    Knowledge (local) [8,8] = (16)

    Knowledge (arcana) [2,8] = (10)



    Local: You 'think' you remember hearing someone in passing at some point in your past about a dragon, but your not sure.

    Arcanca: Nothing.

    The Exchange

    Delweir wrote:
    Dungeon Master WA-74 wrote:

    If anyone has Knowledge (Arcana) please roll and post the results.

    Arcana check: 18



    Arcana: Hrm, did he say a dragon in the area? You think you remember hearing about that but your on the fence, he could be making it up. Does not sound familiar to you.

    Caith Crunnelon wrote:

    "Well, th' Dwarffather teaches us tha' there be only one way tae treat each other, an' tha' be with respect. I don' see any problem with yer rules, an' I'd be happy tae see either th' sick-hall or yer engineer. I'd be glad tae take a look-see at yer mines, too--tho' I be not tae keen on meetin' a dragon," Caith replies.

    Caith thinks to himself, I wonder what be goin' on here. 'Tis nae normal town, that be fer sure.

    Gunny: "Prepare your ears then for Rumsfeld, our Engineer, can talk your ears right off. If he gets started feel free to cut him off, he doesn't find it rude. But wait until you see what he has cooking."

    Male Half-Orc Druid 1

    Grenep observes the small Elf(?) for a moment and the smile on his lamb chop face grows wider as he listens to the wee fella's animated speaking style. He sticks out his huge ham fist and says in Common
    "Pleased ta meet ya Gunny! You're the Mayor here? Really? Cool! Oh Boy! You said that's a winter wolf?! Can I pet him?" Whispers 'He won't freeze my fingers off will he?'

    Meanwhile Gritch has wandered over to the white wolf on his own, boldly standing in front of the much larger carnivore almost as if daring it to start something. Grenep notices this and calls out "Gritch! Play nice with the pretty wolf!" which the surly badger completely ignores of course

    He turns back to Gunny "Sigh, so hard to keep them in good behavior sometimes eh? But don't worry, Gritch won't hurt him without my say-so" He turns back to looking at the Winter Wolf and it's becoming obvious that as much as he may like the little elf he's even more interested in his magnificent winter wolf steed.
    Knowledge Nature=13

    The Exchange

    Grenep Featherwise wrote:

    Grenep observes the small Elf(?) for a moment and the smile on his lamb chop face grows wider as he listens to the wee fella's animated speaking style. He sticks out his huge ham fist and says in Common

    "Pleased ta meet ya Gunny! You're the Mayor here? Really? Cool! Oh Boy! You said that's a winter wolf?! Can I pet him?" Whispers 'He won't freeze my fingers off will he?'

    Meanwhile Gritch has wandered over to the white wolf on his own, boldly standing in front of the much larger carnivore almost as if daring it to start something. Grenep notices this and calls out "Gritch! Play nice with the pretty wolf!" which the surly badger completely ignores of course

    He turns back to Gunny "Sigh, so hard to keep them in good behavior sometimes eh? But don't worry, Gritch won't hurt him without my say-so" He turns back to looking at the Winter Wolf and it's becoming obvious that as much as he may like the little elf he's even more interested in his magnificent winter wolf steed.
    Knowledge Nature=13

    Everyone but Grenep roll "Listen" and beat a DC 15 to read this following spoiler, Grenep may read it IC.


    The Winter Wolf looks you in the eye and speaks:
    [Giant] Frostbite: "I like him, he could probably strangle a boar, ask him to go hunting with me later."
    You don't understand what he says unless you have Giant or Goblinoid (though goblin is a real broken up giant.)

    For Grenep and those that can make both Knowledge (nature) dc10, and Listen DC15 above:


    No doubt a wolf of that size, and the fact you 'think' he just spoke proves that is without a doubt a Winter Wolf. Typically 'evil' in alignment, it is very possibly this one (he.) was reared at a young age.

    Winter Wolves this far south seem very out of place, while the area is known for light winters, this seems a far distance from where they are usually found.

    This Wolf has seen a few battles, proudly wearing his scars earned as trophies. (His ear is split at the tip and healed over, and has a scar running across his muzzle.)

    Male Human Rogue 1

    Spot: d20+2=22 to see the Winter Wolf's lips moving.

    Assuming that is good enough that he notices, Alvartus' ears perk up as the Winter Wolf's mouth moves.

    Listen: d20+2=13

    He is unable to make out the words.

    Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

    Listen check: 12

    Delweir is too preocupied with what Gunny said to pay attention to the wolf.

    "Gunny, what can you tell us about Captain Charles? What is he known for? Is he a merchant-trader, privateer etc?"

    The Exchange

    Alvartus 'The Gilded Pick' wrote:

    Spot: d20+2=22 to see the Winter Wolf's lips moving.

    Assuming that is good enough that he notices, Alvartus' ears perk up as the Winter Wolf's mouth moves.

    Listen: d20+2=13

    He is unable to make out the words.



    Yup, that muzzle just formed a word your sure of it.

    Male Human Cleric 1

    Listen: (1d20+3=15)

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