TMNT and Other Strangeness (Inactive)

Game Master Winterwalker

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness is a role-playing game based on the comic book created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The core rulebook was first published by Palladium Books in September 1985 – a couple years before the Turtles.

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Liberty's Edge

I plan on running a TMNT game for my table group in a few months, but I'm certainly rusty since playing last in the 90s. So I wanted to see if anyone was interested in creating some characters and running a few test games and maybe a module or two.


I have the books myself, and doubt many of you would have them but I can help you through the creation process by posting the text from the books where needed on how to go about creation. I was planning on running it as recommended, which is random creation. Animal type, mutation type, organizations etc are all rolled randomly.

If you are interested still I'd like to get 4-6 players or so, which can be part of a team or individually created. If your not familiar with the creation process teams get special incentives to be part of a group like shared exceptional stats, but must all be the same animal types and bio energy points are spent the same way. (I can explain all that better once we get started.)

So any takers? It should be a high action, almost kung fuey kinda game with some funny throw back to the mid 80s where laptops cost 5,000 dollars and people really don't know about this whole internet thing.


Dark Archive

I might be interested, but I only have After the Bomb.

Liberty's Edge

David Fryer wrote:
I might be interested, but I only have After the Bomb.

I won't be using that book for creation though, as I see it has a lot of different creation stuff that I wont be using right away.

As a player you wouldn't really need any books once your character is created as I can get you excerpts for almost anything needed.

I am totally up for this. I have the book (and Transdimensional TMNT for mutant Dinosaurs, as well as Mutants in Orbit) and am really interested in playing.

Liberty's Edge

OK I'll save you guys the 2 spots so far. I'll give the thread until next week to see if anyone else is interested.

hmm...i have the books, but i've honestly never looked through them, give me a chance to have a quick squizz, but definately keep me on the list.

Liberty's Edge

Sure Ekeebe. Spots aren't going fast so I doubt you'll have issues keeping a spot if you want it.

*raising hand * Showing interest as well.

It might actually do some good to blow the dust off the old Paladium books. ^_~


Liberty's Edge

If we get at least 4 I'll kick it up, I don't want to run a 3 man group, might be too few people for the adventure to tackle without over inflating your abilities.

I'll keep it open until the end of the week.

I would be in for trying the game, and I fall into the catagory of don't have the books. When this game came out I was probably too young to play/didn't know what rpg's were.

After looking at the wiki, I would love to try this game.

Hey! That's four! ^_^ So, what are people choice of Mutant? ;)


WEASEL for me!!!

Do you have Ninjas & Superspies also?

I have the books.

(Heya Sunset...been a while.)

I've had Ninjas and Super Spies, I think. BUt am pretty sure I've lost it when moving house.

Weasel Patrol FTW! For any one who remembers Dr Watchstop and other 'Epic' comics goodness! ^_^

Weasly Willy Origin Rolls:

1d100 ⇒ 66 deliberate experimentation: 1d100 ⇒ 47 Raised in a cage by: 1d100 ⇒ 54 Secret Criminal Organization.

Wild Animal Education: 1d100 ⇒ 69 Adopted by a mentor.

Attribute Rolls:
IQ:9(3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2) = 9)-2 SIZE
ME:9(3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) = 9)
MA:13(3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13)
PS:10(3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10)-2 SIZE
PP:11(3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2) = 11)+9=20
PE:9(3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2) = 9)
PB:11(3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3) = 11)
SPD:11(3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2) = 11)+7=18=1 SIZE

SIZE LEVEL 1->4 15 PTS (SDC 20)

Liberty's Edge

Cool, I guess there are enough to get started. I'll get the character generation methods typed up in this thread so you understand the choices and how it will be done.

Liberty's Edge

Weasly Willy wrote:
Weasly Willy Origin Rolls:** spoiler omitted **

I'm not sure if I was allowing an animal to be chosen, I was leaning random for individuals, and was only going to allow a chosen animal if your part of a team.

So I have no problem if you want to keep this guys rolls, but I may have you also roll for a random animal type as well.

Liberty's Edge

I'll see if I can type up how I want characters made today for you guys. I don't want to be too restricted, but I find it very exciting with totally random animal generations where it forces you to play something you were not planning on.

As I posted above, I will allow you to pick a specific animal if you all want to be that same animal (ala ninja turtles.) But keep in mind as a team everyone has to spend Bio-Energy the same way. i.e. if one guy wants psionics, everyone needs to take psionics. (I'll walk those not familiar with this when it comes time, it's not that hard.)


I need everyone to vote, tie breaker goes to the GM to decide.

  • 1.) Does everyone want to share the same origins and pick an animal to mutate together? i.e. everyone is a team with shared backstory, origins, and powers?


  • 2.) Do you like the idea of having a completely individual character that you tweak anyway you want, but is a randomly generated origin, backstory, and animal type?

    What option would you prefer?



    I will also get the basic creation stuff posted here later today so those without the books can get a feel for it. I'll even make a test character so you can see the process.

  • Liberty's Edge

    Here are 2 downloadable, and usable for private use per their license, character sheets.

    Character Sheet

    Animal generation scratch sheet. (used for character generation to track stats and points spent.)

    Liberty's Edge

    Here comes a big post:

    Creating Characters
    Step 1: The Eight Attributes
    Attribute Bonuses
    The first step in creating an animal character is to roll-up the eight
    attributes, I.Q., M.E., P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., and Spd.
    Three sixsided dice are rolled to determine each attribute. The higher
    the number, the greater the ability. If the attribute is "exceptional", 16,
    17 or 18, then an additional six-sided die is rolled and added to the
    total for that attribute.

    GM Note: These are rolled in order, you do not cherry pick your best roll with what stat you want it to apply too.

    The Attribute Bonus Chart Represents The Following:
    I.Q. Skill bonus (added to all skills)
    M.E. Save vs. Psionics
    M.A. Degree of Charm and Influence; Trust/Charisma
    P.S. Hand to Hand Combat damage
    P.P. Bonus to Strike, Parry and Dodge
    P.E. Save vs. Coma/Death
    P.B. Degree of Physical Beauty; Charm/Impress
    Spd. Bonus to Dodge

    Hit Points
    Hit Points are determined by rolling a six-sided die and adding the result to the P.E. Every time the character gains an experience level another 1D6 is added to the total Hit Points.

    Step 2: Animal Type
    What kind of animal was the character originally? Roll percentile dice to find the specific table, then roll percentile for specific animal type. Note: Check with the game master before rolling. Some GM's may want to restrict the kind of animals in the campaign. For example, a game master could decide that all characters will be Rural Animals.

    First, roll to determine animal category:
    01-35 Urban
    36-50 Rural
    51-75 Wild
    76-85 Wild Birds
    86-00 Zoo

    Second, roll on that specific table to determine the actual animal.

    Optional, as always, if the G.M. and players prefer, the animal types
    may be chosen. However, we recommend random determination. (DM note: I agree!)

    The Animal

      01-35 Urban Animal
      01-25 Dog
      26-45 Cat
      46-50 Mouse
      51-55 Rat
      56-60 Pet Rodent (Guinea Pig/Hamster)
      61-65 Squirrel
      66-75 Sparrow
      76-83 Pigeon
      84-85 Pet Bird (Parakeet/Budgie)
      86-88 Bat
      89-92 Turtle
      93-96 Frog
      97-00 Monkey

      36-50 Rural Animals
      01-10 Dog
      11-15 Cat
      16-25 Cow
      26-35 Pig
      36-45 Chicken
      46-50 Duck
      51-60 Horse
      61-70 Rabbit
      71-80 Mouse
      81-85 Sheep
      86-90 Goat
      91-94 Turkey
      95-00 Bat

      51-75 Wild Animals
      01-05 Wolf
      06-10 Coyote
      11-15 Fox
      16-20 Badger
      21-25 Black Bear
      26-27 Grizzly Bear
      28-30 Mountain Lion
      31-33 Bobcat
      34-35 Lynx
      36-37 Wolverine
      38-45 Weasel
      46-49 Alligator
      50-52 Otter
      53-55 Beaver
      56-60 Muskrat
      61-65 Raccoon
      66-70 Opossum
      71-75 Skunk
      76-80 Porcupine
      81-83 Mole
      84-85 Marten
      86-88 Armadillo
      89-95 Deer
      96-97 Elk
      98-99 Moose
      100 Boar

      76-85 Wild Birds
      01-05 Sparrow
      06-10 Robin
      11-15 Blue Jay
      16-20 Cardinal
      21-30 Wild Turkey
      31-35 Pheasant
      36-40 Grouse
      41-50 Quail
      51-60 Crow
      61-65 Pigeon
      66-70 Duck
      71-80 Hawk
      81-85 Falcon
      86-90 Eagle
      91-95 Owl
      96-00 Escaped Pet Bird

      86-00 Zoo Animals
      01-10 Lion
      11-15 Tiger
      16-20 Leopard
      21-25 Cheetah
      26-30 Polar Bear
      31-35 Crocodile (or Alligator)
      36-40 Aardvark
      41-45 Rhinoceros
      46-50 Hippopotamus
      51-60 Elephant
      61-65 Chimpanzee
      66-70 Orangutan
      71-75 Gorilla
      76-85 Monkey
      86-90 Baboon
      91-95 Camel
      96-00 Buffalo

    Step 3: Cause of Mutation
    The next step is to determine the reason for the animal's change or mutation. Roll percentile and consult the following table:

    01-14 Random Mutation: This means that the animal just happened to come out like that. For example, in T.M.N.T., Splinter was an unusually intelligent and skilled rat long before the accident that created the T.M.N.T. Roll on Wild Animal Education Table.

    15-60 Accidental Encounter: Some "strange stuff, radiation, energy, chemicals, biologicals, or other strangeness, causes the animals to mutate. Roll on Wild Animal Education Table.

    61-00 Deliberate Experimentation: Some kind of laboratory experiment is performed on the animal that causes the changes. The animal's structure or genetics were purposely altered for some purpose. Roll percentile again on the following table to find out the character's current relationship with the creator organization. This also determines the character's educational level.

    DM Note: If you roll Deliberate Experimentation, there are sub rolls, but a lot of text to type so I will skip it for now.

    Step 4: BIO-E Points
    Special Abilities
    Growth Levels (Steps)
    Human Features
    Biological Energy Points

    Measuring Biological Energy: Bio-E Points
    Characters created from animals go through some kind of biological transformation. In the fantasy world of comic books that usually means a change into something intelligent and more human in shape. Of course, that kind of thing just doesn't happen in the real world. Real mutation almost always results in death or disfigurement. But, in fantasy, the effects are usually good. . .or at least interesting and dramatic.

    In order to balance out the biological changes to animal characters, we've invented BIO-E points. Each kind of animal has a particular amount of bioenergy that reflects exactly how much it can change. BIO-E does NOT directly reflect the size or power of the animal. In fact, it's just the opposite. The more powerful the original animal, the fewer points of bio-energy it would have.

    The reasons for this are simple. Someone rolling up, for example, a tiger, would be at a great advantage compared to someone rolling up a mouse. However, to equalize things, the tiger has many fewer points of bio-energy than the mouse. After all, a tiger doesn't need much BIO-E, because it's already an incredibly powerful creature. The exact number of BIO-E points is included in the animal's description in the Animal Section. Players can "build" their character by using their BIO-E on any of the following items:
    Special Abilities
    Growth Steps
    Human Attributes

    Note: Players may Not need to spend all their potential BIO-E
    points. However, any BIO-E points not used up in the creation of the
    character are permanently lost and CAN NOT be used at a later date
    to buy any additional powers, abilities or mutations.

    Every animal character has some kind of special natural defense or ability that can be useful. Consult the section on the particular animal for details. Animals can NOT buy the abilities of a different kind of animal.

    Certain human abilities, intelligence, color vision, binocular (stereo vision), speech comprehension, human touch, taste and smell are automatically given to any animal character. It is because of this that the natural animal's innate abilities must be bought with BIO-E points.

    Note: Characters must have minimum M. E. of 12 to purchase ANY psionic powers.

    Animals are different than other psionics in that they don't have to spend Inner Strength Points to use their powers. Each power can be used as often as the character likes (although no more than the number of attacks per melee). No animal psionic can use more than one power at a time. Average Cost: Varies depending on psionic ability. (See Psionic Section).

    Liberty's Edge

    Continued here.

    DM Note: Skipping a lot of Bio-E stuff as it is long.

    Growth, height and weight etc, we can all get to that later.

    Team Characters
    In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles players can choose to roll up their characters as a team. There is no limit to the number to players who join the group. The main disadvantage of Team Characters is that the players lose some of the flexibility and diversity that came from a mixed group of hero characters.

    On the other hand, there are important bonuses that characters receive when players create their characters as a group. First of all the characters each receive a skill level bonus for each player who participates in the team. Secondly, all the team characters in a group receive a special group bonus on attributes.

    In order to use the Team Character rules, the players must declare their intention to be a group BEFORE they roll up their characters. All the Team Character players decide that they will create their characters at the same time and that they will all have exactly the same powers or abilities. Therefore, all Team Characters must be based on the same animal, MUST have the same background and MUST all spend their BIO-E points on exactly the same abilities, growth levels, human attributes and psionics.

    Of course, some variations do occur. Even identical twins usually
    have different interests and personalities. So each member of the group
    rolls their attributes (I.Q., P.S., etc.) individually. But there is an
    attribute bonus. Every time one of the players gets to roll an extra
    six-sided die for an exceptional attribute (16 or greater) then all the
    members of the team get that same bonus.
    For example, Gorba Chirp of the Sparrow Eagles rolled a 17 for
    his P.E. He then raised his P.E. to 22 by rolling a 5 on an additional
    sixsided. All the other Sparrow Eagles would also get to add a 5 to
    their P.E. If another Sparrow Eagle also got to roll an additional die
    for P.E. then all of them could choose whatever roll was highest for
    their bonus.

    The major advantage of Team Characters is that the characters receive
    a collective group bonus in the form of additional skill levels. This is
    a one-time bonus only. The T.M.N.T. are a perfect example of such
    a group. The four of them are not only possessed of animal powers
    (Turtles) but are also the result of Physical Training. This makes perfect sense when you consider how they helped each other grow up and
    learn. It is, after all, much easier to learn martial arts when you have partners to practice and experiment with. Therefore, there's a bonus skill level for each additional member of the team. This is NOT an additional experience level; it applies only to Scholastic, Physical Training, and Secondary skills. The three member team of Sparrow Eagles receive 2 bonus skill levels. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get 3 bonus skill levels.

    For example, Gorba Chirp has Scholastic Skill in Computer Programming. Ordinarily he would have a 45% proficiency, but, with his team bonus, he adds another 10% for a total of 55% proficiency. All the Sparrow Eagles are trained in Hand to Hand Martial Arts and each has attained level 3 proficiency.

    Liberty's Edge

    That should be a good start, we can move on once we actually get this far. To recap, I need to know if you want to go team characters or individual first.

    Then we'll start the stat rolling.

    Is it too late to get in on this action? I freakin' love this game, in all of its wacky, over-the-top goofiness.

    Incidentally, if so, I vote for random animal generation. Makes a more varied group that way instead of 5 weasels ;)

    Team doens't have to be the same animal type, if we were all experimented on in the same facility, and escaped together, that would be a good team origin. [can use the origin I rolled without the animal type...Experimented on by a Criminal organization...and then mentored...doesn't get much better'n'that! Built in antagonist, and Leader]

    Which would allow either random generation or selected.

    I wanted to play a weasel like the Looney toons weasel "yeah yeah yeah!"

    but whatever you decide it's your game


    origin animal: 1d100 ⇒ 3 urban 1d100 ⇒ 40 CAT

    I can work with dat.

    If we go with a team of the same animal type, you go ahead and roll it and tell us what it is, then I'll recreate muh toon. (appropriate in this instance, I don't normally call my charasters toons.)

    just in case, following the example:

    origin animal: 1d100d100 ⇒ (88, 22, 77, 46, 12, 93, 27, 90, 64, 37, 11, 80, 58, 28, 30, 86, 27, 50) = 926


    LOL need to get the hang of the dice roller, it seems :)

    Taking the first two I get Zoo - Cheetah

    Liberty's Edge

    the way I want to run it is teams being the same animal, or you can go individual and roll randomly. I have no problem with any size teams though 2, 3, or 4 is fine.

    Thats the two choices you got :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Sgtdrill wrote:

    Is it too late to get in on this action? I freakin' love this game, in all of its wacky, over-the-top goofiness.

    Incidentally, if so, I vote for random animal generation. Makes a more varied group that way instead of 5 weasels ;)

    You can join, no problem.

    Liberty's Edge

    Weasly Willy wrote:

    Team doens't have to be the same animal type, if we were all experimented on in the same facility, and escaped together, that would be a good team origin. [can use the origin I rolled without the animal type...Experimented on by a Criminal organization...and then mentored...doesn't get much better'n'that! Built in antagonist, and Leader]

    Which would allow either random generation or selected.

    I wanted to play a weasel like the Looney toons weasel "yeah yeah yeah!"

    but whatever you decide it's your game
    ** spoiler omitted **

    If we go with a team of the same animal type, you go ahead and roll it and tell us what it is, then I'll recreate muh toon. (appropriate in this instance, I don't normally call my charasters toons.)

    If you are going individual I'll let you keep everything you rolled for sure. just roll a random animal, or convince at least one other to go weasel with you.

    Liberty's Edge

    Sgtdrill wrote:

    just in case, following the example:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    ** spoiler omitted **

    I'll let you reroll, I'll post an example too.

    I would really like to join as well if I can find my books. I never got to play back in the day, I rolled up several characters but the games never happened.

    Liberty's Edge

    detritus wrote:
    I would really like to join as well if I can find my books. I never got to play back in the day, I rolled up several characters but the games never happened.

    Sure thing, unless someone drops or doesn't check back we are now making a waiting list.

    Liberty's Edge

    Example build for a single character:

    GM Note: I'll make a spoiler with the actual code to copy and paste, just remove the hash marks (#). It'll be a second or two as I type furiously.

    STEP 1

    The first item of business stats. 8 rolls of 3d6
    "IQ [#dice]3d6[#/dice]"

    IQ 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) = 10
    ME 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) = 15
    MA 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) = 13
    PS 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1) = 6
    PP 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3) = 12
    PE 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14
    PB 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2) = 11
    SPD 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5) = 10

    Edit: Sweet this char got a 16, so I get to roll a bonus dice here goes:
    bonus dice: 1d6 ⇒ 5
    So my MA is now 5 points better (21).

    Roll my starting Hit points
    "Starting HP: [#dice]1d6[#/dice]"

    Starting HP: 1d6 ⇒ 2

    STEP 2

    Next I roll a d100 to see which animal category I started from:
    "Animal Category: [#dice]1d100[#/dice]"
    Animal Category: 1d100 ⇒ 16

    51, Wild Animal. I then roll another d100 to see what animal in that category I will be.
    "Animal Type: [#dice]1d100[#/dice]"
    Animal Type: 1d100 ⇒ 88 Weird 51 again,that's an Otter though. Hrm, Otter with mind powers maybe...I can work with that.

    Then I move on to how I was created and roll another d100.
    "Mutation Type: [#dice]1d100[#/dice]"
    Mutation Type: 1d100 ⇒ 24

    21, Accidental Encounter - which directs me to roll another d100 on the Wild Animal Education Table.

    Wild Animal Education: 1d100 ⇒ 50

    Adopted by a "mentor" who teaches and guides the character
    in some form of special training. This is often Ninjitsu, but all areas
    of special training can be selected. These characters will learn to
    be philosophic about all creatures. Their attitude could be summed
    up as, some people are good, some bad, everyone deserves a chance
    to earn your trust. Ninja characters learn 3 military/espionage skills,
    10 secondary skills (with a skill bonus of + 5%) and Hand to Hand
    Ninjitsu. In addition, the character has a choice of 3 ancient or ninja
    weapon proficiencies. Character has scavenged and build 3D6 times
    $100 worth of equipment.

    I'm now directed to roll 3d6x10 for equipment.
    Equipment: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4) = 12 x $100.00

    12 x $100 = $1,200 in starting cash.

    I love ninja's sure, but this is an Otter, so maybe he was adopted by a Navy Seal Commando type. That's a neat twist. So he picked up some advanced forms of martial arts and stealth training. Let's flesh that out more.

    For free I get:
    Hand to Hand Ninjitsu (for fluff reasons I'm role playing this as Navy Seals Close Combat Training.)

    Hand to Hand Ninjitsu: (Special). Ninja experts differ from other
    martial artists in that they are more concerned with avoiding detection
    and injury than in inflicting damage. This includes Automatic Parry,
    Pull Punch, Roll with Punch/Fall, Kick Attack (1D6 damage), Jump
    Kick, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strikes, Death Blow and Leap Attack.

    Note: Ninjitsu (users) are required to also take Acrobatics, Climbing, Prowl, and at least one form of Fencing using a Ninja weapon.

    Hrm OK so that looks neat, but I need to take some stuff that's mandatory, thats not bad really, I would of taken those anyway I bet.

    DM Observation: I'm not too sure how to buy Acrobatics actually as it isn't part of my Military/Espionage skills, nor is it a Secondary skill. I'll have to check on that.

    I'm allowed to pick 3 Military or Espionage Skills I'll pick:
    1.) Demolitions (he knows how to bring down bridges and stuff! Cool.)
    2.) Demolitions Disposal (he knows how to disarm his bombs, and others explosives too.)
    3.) Detected Ambushes. (He has a keen eye for trouble, and knows when where the best places to jump, and get jumped, would be.)

    And 10 secondary skills: (and a +5% skill bonus per my origin)
    I don't want to paste all the bonus's here as each skill adds a
    1.) Acrobatics (I never did figure out yet how to buy this legally, so I just rolled it into the secondary pool for this character as it was required.)
    2.) Athletics
    3.) Body Building
    4.) Escape Artist
    5.) Prowl
    6.) Climbing
    7.) Fencing (same issue as Acrobatics - I don't see it under the skills I need to have so I'm just bending the rules and making it a secondary skill for him for now.)
    8.) First Aid
    9.) Running
    10.) Swimming (duh.)

    Winterwalker wrote:
    detritus wrote:
    I would really like to join as well if I can find my books. I never got to play back in the day, I rolled up several characters but the games never happened.
    Sure thing, unless someone drops or doesn't check back we are now making a waiting list.

    Cool thanks, and I like random mutation too.

    1d100 ⇒ 53

    1d100 ⇒ 78

    detritus wrote:
    Winterwalker wrote:
    detritus wrote:
    I would really like to join as well if I can find my books. I never got to play back in the day, I rolled up several characters but the games never happened.
    Sure thing, unless someone drops or doesn't check back we are now making a waiting list.

    Cool thanks, and I like random mutation too.



    Awesome a Porcupine, it is the one I always wanted to play. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Save any new rolls until I get the template created, it'll be easier for me in the long run. You all can keep any rolls you have currently or reroll but any new rolls i'm ignoring.

    All I want to know for now is if your going "team" or "individual" and if your having multiple teams now or 1 big team, etc.

    :) Happy Holidays people!

    I'll get that template done for ease of copy and pasting in a few hours (parties I need to go to tonight.)

    I would be ok going big team, individual, or a couple of smaller teams.

    I am out :( I do not have the books. Thanks for considering me though. My brother sold them.

    Dark Archive

    I prefer individual over team myself. That is just my preference though.

    Going strong I'll go for individual myself.

    Sorry folks, Ekeebe, but I think I shall bow out of this one.

    So there is now an opening for some one else to pick up on the strangeness. :)

    Looking forward to watching what people get up to though. ;)

    Much seasons cheers!

    Sunset wrote:

    Sorry folks, Ekeebe, but I think I shall bow out of this one.

    So there is now an opening for some one else to pick up on the strangeness. :)

    Looking forward to watching what people get up to though. ;)

    Much seasons cheers!

    Awww, bummer...

    detritus wrote:
    I am out :( I do not have the books. Thanks for considering me though. My brother sold them.

    Nice brother...and bummer.

    I'm for individual, I'll roll mine up later on.

    okay, im going to, after reading your posts multiple times each, and the books, roll for animal category.

    1d100 ⇒ 46

    1d100 ⇒ 27

    looks like im a piggeh!

    [EDIT]im going to roll up the character here, I'm bored and need something to do.[/EDIT]

    I.Q. 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) = 10
    M.E. 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1) = 10
    M.A. 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) = 17
    P.S. 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5) = 11
    P.P. 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15
    P.E. 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1) = 12
    P.B. 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) = 13
    spd. 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3) = 5

    Cause of Mutation 1d100 ⇒ 77

    [EDIT]HP 1d6 ⇒ 1[/EDIT]

    Woot, Deliberate Experimentation 1d100 ⇒ 16!

    bonus M.A. dice 1d6 ⇒ 3

    TMNT&OS Core Rulebook wrote:

    11-20 Raised in the home of a researcher as a pet. Still living

    in the home and fairly loyal to family members. The character
    will resent humans somewhat, but will still attempt to find
    acceptance among mankind. Trained instead of educated. (No
    skill bonuses) Automatically knows Mathematics: Basic, can
    read and write and speak native language (the same as the
    researcher's family). Also, select 14 Secondary skills. Can
    Spend 1D6 times $1,000 on equipment.

    Organisation 1d100 ⇒ 31

    26-45 Private Industry

    Okay, let's see, cause of mutation...

    1d100 ⇒ 6 6 => Random mutation

    Animal type:

    1d100 ⇒ 60 60 => 51-75 Wild Animal

    Wild Animal Education:

    1d100 ⇒ 86 86 => 41-90 Adopted by Mentor. 3 military/espionage skills, 10 seconday skills (+5%), Hand to Hand: Ninjitsu 3d6x$100 starting money 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3) = 11 x 100 = $1100

    Wild Animal Type:
    1d100 ⇒ 13 13 = Fox

    I.Q. +2
    M.E. +8
    Spd. +3

    BIO-E = 60
    Hands: Full -10
    Biped: Full -10
    Speech: Full -10
    Looks: None
    Advanced Hearing -5
    Advanced Smell -5
    Leftover BIO-E: 20
    Size Level 3 => Size Level 7, cost 20 BIO-E
    SL 7 - PS +1, SDC 30

    money money money

    1d6 ⇒ 6 X $1000

    Total: $6,000 to spend on equipment

    I'm going to finish the rest tomorrow...i need sleep...

    I just need a little guidance in creating a character

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