So both guards have been hit, both are very wounded. Why don't the rest of you take your actions and I'll have the guards go after that to speed up combat (assuming they survive this round anyway)
Quick update made, had to remake my map quick as th epdf was corrupted...not sure how that happened, so it may look slightly different as the walls are thicker, square wise your all in the same space so nothing else was changed.
I will move you up in the morning, I'll pop you in the square you intended to be in, and do damage and move tokens in the morning then do my 1 guards action.
Aramil will make a 5 feet move to A 17 and attack the right guard with his longbow.
[dice=ranged attack]1d20+3
DM: guys see the big wall right? get into row 15 or less to be in the new hallway. 16+ is behind a wall.
Yea I wasn't paying attention to the big dark line there lul. In this case I will move through my allies to D 15, and attack with the bow. Rolls are already made, unless you will be the kindest GM ever and let me roll them again :D
My poor map making Ego is crushed!
Sorry, the roll you made missed. 7 on 2 doesn't lend me to swing fate in your favor, not so early in the path anyway. :)
Until Alicia moves no one can perform a charge through her square. (She's an obstacle currently, you could hold your action until she moves however and then change your initiative to 14 and then try to charge.)
DM note 2:
You need to have no obstructions between your target when you start your charge, a wall (such as what is north of B16) is one, as well as your ally who is occupying the doorway currently. Also checking out the attempted move, I don't think you can move, then charge, it's a full round action with tight restrictions on moving, making a diagonal move either from or to b16 then back out is going to invalidate the legal charge. As it stands, being behind Alicia (my assumption of where you are) you cant reach them anyway with 60' of movement, unless you have tricks I didn't notice. (you may.)
DM note 3:
Don't pre-roll anything please, if an AOO happens then roll. Actions may change based on round by round combat moves etc. :)
I changed the coordinates as numbers are easier to count than letters. This will stump no one you're all gamers and can figure out the new locations :)
Initiative orders are as follows:
Tenoch [23]
Sykes [22]
Alicia [14]
Guard #1 [13]
Alaric [9]
Guard #2 [5]
Maleinda [4] *higher DEX than Adria
Adria [4]
Aramil [1] *no init. rolled, assigning a 1 this combat.
A bigger map with tokens coming, I know where Alicia is going to be, declare your row/column and I'll put your marker in there. (If you haven't already.)
Alicia growls as the guards start to yell. She hates being wrong, and she is frightened of being locked back up, as well. The corded muscles on her legs bunch up furiously as she takes off, swiftly moving down the hall to engage the guard on the right. "Shut up, you!
[dice=Intimidate, cause why not?]d20 + 10
[dice=Charging Attack]d20 + 6
[dice=Damage]d8 + 4
Intimidating them in this fashion (demoralize) would require a standard action. You can't do both this and charge in the same round.
Just going for flavor, I wasn't attempting to demoralize. :) I would like to add, since we don't have a full token thing going on yet, that I want to be in the square directly in front of the right hand guard, to threaten the other guard in case he decides to run for it.
Fair enough, but then please don't 'roll dice' as that can be seen as 'loading' the dice in your favor.
If you hold your action to go after her, you 'might' be able to still charge and hit, depending on your starting square. :) But ya, their flat footed AC is still higher than your confirm roll :)
As the guards shout there is only a split second delay as Sykes charges the one Alicia went after, having to remind himself that he is now armed with a sword which at this point might work slightly better than his teeth.
Why hello Ealdeez.
DM Observation:
You go before Alicia according to your init. roll, and she's currently blocking the door. That would be an obstacle to charge no matter where you start, behind or beside her. sorry
Alicia growls as the guards start to yell. She hates being wrong, and she is frightened of being locked back up, as well. The corded muscles on her legs bunch up furiously as she takes off, swiftly moving down the hall to engage the guard on the right. "Shut up, you!
[dice=Intimidate, cause why not?]d20 + 10
[dice=Charging Attack]d20 + 6
[dice=Damage]d8 + 4
Intimidating them in this fashion (demoralize) would require a standard action. You can't do both this and charge in the same round.
DM Observation:
The teal square is a 5' square and starting point for Alicia as she started this combat by opening the door. It's my understanding that she'll (probably) be the only valid charging PC this round as she's the only person able to do so from that starting point, as all other lines are currently blocked to the guards. And unless I'm wrong, you need to be able to draw a straight line to your target to start a charge, correct?
This may allow a 2nd pc to sneak a charge in depending on where you start.
You are all somewhere behind, or beside, Alicia in the O,P,Q,R,S rows, and 1-4 columns. If need be I can make the map a bit bigger and pop your tokens on there. You should probably let me know where you are first before declaring actions so I could see where you are on the map.
Opening the doorway You come to a long hallway, as seen in the above map.
Map Key:
I put an unedited map next to one with a grid, for there are enemies here. But don't confuse the area, it's the same map just one with a grid on top and spots for torches and players.
There are two guards that see you brazenly open the door. They begin yelling almost immediately.
Guard 1: "The prisoners are loose! To Arms!"
Guard 2: "Wa-Wha-What?! By Mitra's blade! Sound the horns! They're free!"
Initiatives please. There is no surprise round this time. The red squares are guards, the PCs are somewhere near the teal square as that's the door that was just opened.
The stone stairs that lead up to the next level reveal a small 20x40' sized room. The only fixture is a scone and lit torch that provides light. There is no one here currently.
There is a wooden door on the Northern wall that is closed.
I thought so too, but I'm already catching flak for killing helpless guards. Making out with the disgusting nosferatu would put me on the shunned list for sure. :P
Hey don't let me stop you! I'm just the guy behind the DM screen, I cast no judgements, only dice, at you guys.
I was referring to my fellow PC's, actually, but I will keep that in mind. :)
Not really flak from a player perspective, on my part... Adria's just the exceedingly cautious type. :p
On a completely separate note, I've been thinking and I'd like to swap out my Eschew Materials feat, if it's not too late. It seemed a sensible, practical choice at the time, but as I envision this character eventually writing out mathematical equations in chalk to enhance her spells, the use of material components seems increasingly essential to the theme.
If that's a problem, I can wait and retrain it via the rules in Ult Campaign once we level up (or just learn to live with it), but I wanted to go ahead and get a decision ASAP, before it really came into play...
Or perhaps I just want to cause drama over who gets the spell components pouch. :p
You've had one big do-over already. At level up you can retrain though that's fine. I want to avoid hot swapping powers,spells,feats etc.
I thought so too, but I'm already catching flak for killing helpless guards. Making out with the disgusting nosferatu would put me on the shunned list for sure. :P
Hey don't let me stop you! I'm just the guy behind the DM screen, I cast no judgements, only dice, at you guys.
Haha, noted, DM Voice. I had actually flirted with the idea of the bloodlust causing her to kiss him to gain the intimidating bloody lips, but decided that was too over the top, even for her. LOL
you don't need to call me dm voice btw, that's just to let you know there's a narrative talking in game lol. It's supposed to be literally the voice of the DM.
Alicia grins at the unhealthy looking man's introduction. She could appreciate a sense of humor like that. She nods to the first man, Alaric. "Alicia." She licks her thumb and absently rubs at the blood stains on her lips. She unsheathes the longsword, ready to continue up the stairs once their short introductions are made.
DM Visual:
Sykes is bruised like a ripe plum where the guards beat him. Ashen and sullied. A truly horrific looking creature.
It looks to be a stairwell that leads up to the next level. It is lit by torch. Though you do not hear or see anything up there at the moment from your perspective.
"That probably wasn't necessary," Tenoch says as the lifesblood flows out of the captured guard. "At least not until after we got some information out of him about shift changes and numbers."
Tenoch sighs and then picks up one of the clubs and straps it on with a shrug. Seeing the component pouch, he raises an eyebrow. "Perhaps we can now attempt to discern exactly what the magic may be within this thing? I would hate to pull out something that we don't need immediately."
He then moves to the interrogation room. "While someone is doing that, perhaps the others could take a quick look around this level and visit the stairs to make sure the area is secure, or if there are any other hidden things of interest about. As it seems we'll not be talking our way out of our situation, I'll need about a minute to properly prepare and gird myself for battle."
He then enters the other room and clears a space on the floor so that he can begin his ritual.
Summoning the Eidolon
Many terrible things have been done here, and not too long ago by the apparent blood stains in the corners. The smell of burned flesh is heavy, but there is still a faint hint of some exotic smelling perfume lingering from your earlier visit.
"Point." is all Sykes muses before taking off the chain shirt and shield and begin lurking about the level complex, keeping an eye out for any prisoners or guards.
Perception: The only prisoners Branderscar currently seems to have is you and your new found cohorts. No other guards are present in the room, nor seem to be nearby from which you can hear. You wouldn't be able to see any other guards down halls etc as you are in a small room with only a door on the east that is closed, and stairs leading up to another level of the jail.
On impulse, Alicia sheathes her sword and reaches out to the veil that Tenoch holds, attempting to rub or pull at the pouch in the bottom left. It was time to go, and she would be damned if she would leave any resources behind.
What is pulled from the pouch is a small bag of needed material components for spell casting. It contains everything you'd need to cast spells that have a "MC" cost but no listed value.
Alaric takes the key ring from the wall, making the assumption that these are keys to cells, rather than doors in the fortress, in case they should find someone else in one of the cells. He walks quickly around the area, looking into other cells to see if anyone else is imprisoned here at present.
There is a reinforced cell that was out of sight of your cell area blocked by steel walls and doors. However a quick look inside revels it to be empty of any occupants. You assumed correctly that the keyring goes to each cell, as they test fit each in turn if tested.
Alicia's icy eyes shine with excitement as her knife plunges into the second guard, blood spraying over her rags as she retracts it. Her eyes widen as the dhampir falls upon the man, cheeks coloring at the savagery. The rogue finishing the man off has her fully flushed, the thrill of the kill coursing through her.
If I have to roll for it, go ahead and roll for me, Voice.
Alicia grins cynically at the grappled guard. Not having the time to 'play' with this one, she quickly makes an end of him, a second smile showing underneath the guard's chin. Such would be the fate of any guard they met, if she had her way. Payment for the treatment she had known at their rough hands.
She immediately begins to strip one of the guards, wanting the protection their chain mail provided. She holds the dagger in her teeth, the coppery taste of the guards' blood not unpleasant on her tongue as she works.
No roll needed, he has accepted his fate seconds before the knife plunges into him. His eyes lock onto yours for a second, all he needed to whisper a name and a short prayer before dying. "Josie, be strong." and he is no more.
You are all in a small guard room, approximately 40'x 40'square. It is lit by a sconce holding a torch. There are two doors – one leading back {North} to the cell block and the other connecting to the interrogation room {East} where Tenoch was taken earlier. A staircase leading up is located in the South West corner.
There is a fireplace here on the south wall. It is a relic of the old castle great hall. It is almost comically large and currently unlit. Otherwise, this chamber is plain with little furnishings save for a small table and two chairs.
The remaining guard looks on at the escaped prisoners and reality sets in slowly.
Guard:"Don't do it. Please. There's no reason too now, I'm just a guy doing his job. Earning for my wife and kids. "
Well so far the only unaccounted attack was the bird. I'm fine with Tenoch changing up his action if needed.
The guard is still up and fighting though, so whether Tenoch wants to use a summon or not is up to him, but the guard will fight back seeing as his buddy was just killed in front of him.
Well with one guard down and the other grappled and severely damaged (and effectively surrounded by others). Tenoch likely wouldn't use his summon ability, saving it for some possible opponents later on.
If I need to use it, then yes, on the grappled guard.
The guard does look like he will put up a fight still, but the choice is yours. (will you "need" it right now, probably not.)
Tenoch shakes his head as he notices the others had moved on while he was still rubbing the feeling back into his wrists. [i]I should pay more attention to these eager souls.[/ooc]
Seeing the guards, Tenoch calls upon his innate talents to bring forth an eagle to harrass one of the guards.
Move close enough for... Summon Monster (Su): Eagle. Position for flanking if possible (flanking not included in attack rolls) and attack the one not grappled.
[dice=Claw 1]1d20+3
[dice=Claw 2]1d20+3
DM Q?: Do you wish to modify this action seeing as the first guard is dead, or direct the bird to attack the other guard?
The first guard raises the horn to his lips, but finds it hard to get a breath worthy of blowing into the horn now that his lung has been punctured by Aramil's dagger.
He falls suddenly face first into the stone floor and is unmoving.
As Alicia's stab strikes true Sykes attempts to finish off the guard to keep him from screaming and alerting the others.
[dice=Attack]1d20+ 4
Muahahaha! I'll take it!
Attacking the already wounded guard you deliver 4 more points of damage with a gruesmoe bite attack. As if being stabbed wasn't enough the horror of being bite this viciously is evident in his fear.
Having now taken 11 points of damage he looks wildly panicked and uncertain what to do.