Hey I recently got season of ghosts and i had a question. I only have the first two books because I typically buy as I go because my group is pretty fickle, so it saves me money. So we started playing the first book and I decided to add more fey and dark fey elements into the adventure and my players loved it so I was wondering within reason (remember I have not read the last two books, so I don't know if the campaign automatically goes this route.)
1. how would i mix fey and undead into the main story the easiest? I already did rules of the fey and how it pretty closely mirrored some of the town rules. so I did unknown rules that they have to figure out.
2. I also would like to incorporate an evil flying sprite that will turn on them eventually being one of the seemly harmless good fey with a different sense of humor that is actually giving them bad advice at a critical moment to make a situation way worse. I already introed her and her name is Teela.
I have been out of the PbP for about 5 months and I'm still about 2 months away from actually doing anything on them. however while I was away I got into a talk with a friend and decided to do a interest check on something with the intention of opening a thread in a few months. anyways here is my idea.
I want to do a fluid classics dragonlance campaign. where the heroes of the lance are not the originals but can be anyone. where I think that Raistlin, Caramon, Sturm, and Kit are essential to the storyline. (and their betrayal, death, etc.) I thought of way to change it if the story calls for it. basically they would be the NPC's in the Pathfinder rules. with parts to play if it came to it. so it would be up to the players on how to move the story forward. my only complaint about the dragonlance classics were that they were a bit railroady and that there were to many predetermined paths. So the premise is that you can submit your take on Tanis or Flint or anyone else. Or you can submit another person that was Solace that are meeting their friends five years later.
a short rule set would be.
1. all mages suffer from the Curse of the Magi- only first level and 0th spells would not be effected. (basically a fort save when you cast.) whether or not they are spontaneous casters or not.
2. if you choose a divine caster you would just add a "holy relic" that could be anything that would be what you cast your spells through until you "unlock" the divine classes.
3. you can play your own version of historical characters or your own. (for example, if you choose Tika maybe you can talk Caramon into leaving his brother, or just simply be there for him. or maybe you create a mage that is a rival to Raistlin, or a lover that looks past his faults and talks him into not turning on the group. Who would Laurna fall in love with? did Sturm have a brother that looks up to him? ) the only players off limits are Raistlin, kit, and Sturm where if the party chooses to continue their destiny they will fulfill their spots. Caramon is open if you have a good take on it.
I am looking for interest only however if dot a simple idea of what you would play would be of help to let me know some of the hurdles I might have to deal with. It can be as long or short as you want. any questions you want to ask I will also answer. we would be using the 3.5 dragonlance allowed races. if there is no interest that is fine because I talked my table group into this. so I thought that since I would be making maps and stuff it would be easy to just scan them and add to a Pbp.
I'm working on a RJ wheel of time conversion that takes place after the last battle I am currently creating it so it is not finished, however I would say I'm about 50% done with it, but have not completed the formatting. I am placing it in the thread just to see what people think and whether or not going by the info that is completed if it has good potential. I am doing this during my free time which is not a lot. so it is taking some time. eventually I am hoping to do a total conversion of the ironfang adventure path. and then go on from there to other AP's. to do a F2F table group. but may be interested later to do some PbP for playtesting.
please let me know, any of your comments are appreciated. however I have a vision for this and my table group I prefer to under power than to start overpowering the info.
This is a Recruitment thread. my idea is that I can run the jade regent as a traveling Circus troupe instead of a merchant caravan. the theme of this is that a circus group with roots from fireworks and dancing people dressed in colorful clothes. holding puppets entertaining people but under it all a thin veneer of menace. I will be changing the core 4 characters that you can build a relationship with into the following (Sandru- the ringmaster- mesmerist)(Shalelu - Knife thrower)(Ameiko - Gisha)(Koya - Fortuneteller) with full descriptions and history's to come. so I'm looking for Acrobats, Blind fighters, animal trainers, knife throwers, Firework technicians, flame eaters, illusionist, Killer clowns, etc....... I am looking for the oddballs, the weirdoes and the loners that need to be a part of a circus family. Duo characters submissions will even be welcome.
- Characters are level 1
- Average starting wealth
- All Classes allowed
- Core races only
- you can ignore Race as perquisite for feats without being the race (if it matches your character not for gaming purposes example some goblin feats work great if you want a flame eater.) however I'm only allowing this once. (this is the same as everyone getting Racial Heritage for free at first level.) I'm limiting this to once due to balance issues after hearing some ideas.
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- 2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the jade regent players guide. You have a drawback for another trait but must be written into your background.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- max hp first level
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends or cohorts. (circus are known for there them against the world mentality)
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- Gunslingers and firearms are welcome and will be used.
- anyone who wants to take Disadvantageous Deformities from (ogrekin) can get a free feat not necessary to roll choose one that fits your idea for your character. (Fragile get -2 to con)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign I will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5-6 players to start.
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.
7) I would like to know what performance you will specialize in (your signature move or performance), preference on characters will be given to whose feats, traits, skills, and class directly show what type of performer you are. (example a knife thrower taking blind fight would make sense with acrobatics, but a knife thrower that takes cosmopolitan with history knowledge would not.)
This is a interest check before officially opening a Recruitment thread. my idea is that I can run the jade regent as a traveling Circus troupe instead of a merchant caravan. the theme of this is that a circus group with roots from fireworks and dancing people dressed in colorful clothes. holding puppets entertaining people but under it all a thin veneer of menace. I will be changing the core 4 characters that you can build a relationship with into the following (Sandru- the ringmaster- mesmerist)(Shalelu - Knife thrower)(Ameiko - Gisha)(Koya - Fortuneteller) with full descriptions and history's to come. so I'm looking for Acrobats, Blind fighters, animal trainers, knife throwers, Firework technicians, flame eaters, illusionist, Killer clowns, etc....... I am looking for the oddballs, the weirdoes and the loners that need to be a part of a circus family. Duo characters submissions will even be welcome.
to give idea to the rules-
- Characters are level 1
- Average starting wealth
- All Classes allowed
- Standard races only
- you can ignore race requiremnts as perquisite for feats without being the race (if it matches your character not for gaming purposes example some goblin feats work great if you want a flame eater.)
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- 2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the jade regent players guide. You have a drawback for another trait but must be written into your background.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- max hp first level
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends or cohorts.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- Gunslingers and firearms are welcome and will be used.
- anyone who wants to take Disadvantageous Deformities from (ogrekin) can get a free feat not necessary to roll choose one that fits your idea for your character. (Fragile get -2 to con)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign I will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5-6 players to start.
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.
7) I would like to know what performance you will specialize in (your signature move or performance), preference on characters will be given to whose feats, traits, skills, and class directly show what type of performer you are. (example a knife thrower taking blind fight would make sense with acrobatics, but a knife thrower that takes cosmopolitan with history knowledge would not.)
Dotting in the beginning of the campaign is on a caravan trip to the famed city of Wati. more will follow here once you have gotten to know each other for a couple of days.
This is a mummys mask campaign please dot, I will go over the rules shortly. I prefer everyone looking at everyone elses character and see if there are any ways to work each other in. or if you want a common enemy. Also tell people about yourself, don't be shy.
1. I have been playing Dnd for almost 25 years. may of it table gaming. I started doing the PbP and so far everyone has really enjoyed my games because I make it a emphasis on RP and not as much on Builds. I keep my encounters very challenging. like in real life I believe that if you don't work for it you don't appreciate it.
2. I am a stay at home dad. I have one daughter and I work out every day. ( my wife says I would be a trophy husband if a wasn't a dork) I used to be a VP at a bank.
3. I love football, and Video games currently my Favorite is XCOM 2
4. I prefer to give people chances that are new to the game in the Pbp so I like to chose one newb per campaign this time is our gunfighter. so everyone reach out and help him if needed the Pazio community is very good about this I have found. ( this stems from me trying to play World of Warcraft and most people I met were dicks. unless you knew people, I started too late for people to have patience.)
5. I am loyal to my crews I have chosen. If you play in my campaigns and try out for any of my other I typically give priority preference solid posters are my #1 concern.
The adventure begins after the party captures the infamous Metagore Twins known for being vicious killers that have recently been brought to justice. One is a known fighter and the other some form of a enchanter. they both look very similar if not almost perfect duplicates. Your party is currently about three days out of Ranvargo. you have just sat down for dinner of Rabbat stew. your caravan is currently two wagons. One is the professors private wagon and one is the prisoner wagon. most of the time the party sleeps under the stars or under wagons. Yall have traveled together this past seven years, five since the last time the group has been in Ranvargo.
This will be a little time to get to know your group better. you can talk to anyone, go check on prisoners, learn background info on area etc.
currently- Torgor is guarding the prisoners, the Doctor is in his wagon, and Crissa is serving food and eating with your group. so anyone how wants private time or check on people. will leave.
- Characters are level 1
- Average starting wealth
- All Classes allowed
- Standard races only
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- 2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Mummy's Mask players guide. You have a drawback for another trait but must be written into your background. In addition another trait has been added (see below)
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- Khopesh will be a martial weapon in this region. with a caveat if your not from Orison it will still be longsword.
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points shall be determined in PFS style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels.
- There is a free feat available to any who fulfill the prerequisites. Please have a reason for it in your background, if only a mention. Osirionology
-There is an excellent listing of the ancient Osirion gods in book two of the AP. Given that, anyone who has Ancient Osirioni among their languages, may worship one of these deities. I will provide you the information you need.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- in addition to traits listed in the players guide there will also be one additional trait. (Ancient tradition of Osirion)- benefit only casters can take it. You have a red dot on your head if you are arcane and blue if divine. you will gain +1 to dip and +1 intimidate, and one of these can be a class skill. due to the nature of the dot it cannot be concealed but is well resected because it shows formal training or approval from a known school of Osirion tradition.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends or cohorts.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
-Gunslingers and firearms are welcome and will be used.
I will give at least two weeks on recruitment and time for people to build characters.
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign I will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5-6 players to start.
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.
Adventure start-
a caravan heading toward Wati to participate in the exploration of the necropolis. that can only be explored for a few days. that has been closed to the populous for a long time, researchers and explorers are all heading there for a chance. all the characters will start off by the fire introducing themselves.
1. 20 point buy
2. escalated fear rules off horror adventures
3. start at 3rd level
4. 3000 gp of items
5. any 2 traits as long as they fit the background. you can take a 3rd if you have a drawback.
6. only core races plus, changeling, Dhampiyr, and skinchanger
7. no background skills
8. no 3rd party rules
9. you can choose one "special" item at character creation. (see below)
10. choosing 5-6 players
11. once a day post min except weekends try best you can.
I am looking for Role-players with solid backgrounds. I am providing additional Info for that purpose. the idea is that you and the party are wandering vampire/supernatural/witch hunter heroes in a gothic horror setting. you can choose to have run inns with some of the other inmates at the prison. or base your background knowing some of the others in the wagon crew (I am providing enough info for good backgrounds be not enough to spoil anything). You can look at carrion crown players guide for some additional info. because Professor Lorrimar was the founder of this slayer group along with Dr. Finhast. (think of this group like John Carperters Vampires a elite group that has worked together for awhile.) your group just captured the Maragore Twins and are taking them to Revargo Prison, and to also visit one of the founders of the group Professor Lorrimar. The group has been on extensive foray and have not been into town for about 6 years. The campaign will start in a wagon train consisting of 2 wagons. with one of the wagons holding the prisoners. I welcome anyone who has played the Carrion crown because I have changed enough where there will be surprises but kept enough for fans to also enjoy playing the adventure. I loved the prisoners so much I wanted to create a adventure that really dug into and expanded their role. I am also a fan of Supernatural hunters with unique weapons that can be used. those that have played this before can use the Professor or Kendra in their backgrounds if they wish.
Dr. Finhast old male human Alchemist LN- one of the core founders the Genius mind of Dr. Finhast is behind the weapons that are issued. a old man that is near retirement age and the capture of the twins was his final adventure he is planning on retiring at Revargo with the Professor.
Torgar Redfist male half orc ranger guide CG- A scared Half orc with tattoos rolling all around his body that he claims to protect him from evil spirts Torgar prefers to not wear sleeves to show off his massive arms.
Crissa Finhast Female human Investigator Gravedigger NG- Daughter to the good Dr, she has been a doting daughter all her life. she has certain daddy issues though, she has had numerous romances in the caravan and seems to crave attention.
The Splatterman- (a human male mage of some sort, real name Professor Hean Faramin one of the groups first captures was actually one of the Professors and Doctors friends that after a encounter with a Demon became obsessed with names and how that they have power over people, slowly writing their name in blood then killing them.)
Mosswater mauler- (male Dwarf Ispan was a renown master smith that caught his wife in infidelity and smashed her skull with a hammer, when he realized his mistake he tried to bring her back by reconstructing her skull but could not find a piece, so he went around killing people trying to find a perfect piece to fit in hers.)
The Drummer of Spinecastle- (human male Bard that with his rhythm playing the drums much like a slaver on board a boat caused people to fall into a almost trance like state. he took over a castle that many people died trying to get into by walking into the moat, falling off upper stories, etc.)
Duke Trath Illborn (a male half-elf that started a cult worshiping him as a reborn hero called The Order, that practiced black magic and summoning the other leaders were not found)
Maragore Twins- (two brothers that look just alike that had a terror spree on is a rogue and the other a barbarian, that many believe a lycanthopes with some of the ways their victims were found torn apart as if fed on.)
Items choose 1:
1. 4 doses of Juju Salt (as Juju orical Reminder of Death (Su):)
2. Amulet of Protection from Evil- (use once week for 10 minutes)
3. A masterwork weapon that is either a repeating Light or heavy X-bow (4 bolts) with a modular hilt that you can pullout that is a mwk Kukuri, as a free action. it is a move action to to replace it. the X-bow cannot be used until replaced. weapon can be enchanted with money as Double weapon.
4. Like the X-bow. you can have a light or heavy mwk Mace/Pick, by pressing a button on the haft the mace has a pointed end that pops out as a free action, it is a move action to replace. the mace cannot be used until the pick has been replaced. enchanted as double weapon.
5. Holy book that can be used to cast Turn Undead DC 15 only once before consumed. Any class can use it.
Hello, I'm just checking interest in a Mummys Mask campaign set in Dark sun using Pathfinder rules tweaked a little. because dark sun is a harsh world the characters will be more powerful to offset the general lack of magic items and magic. this is just tentative I was just curious on the interest.
tentative rules- (ill be adding more if there is good interest)
1.Bone weapons and obsidian weapons have fragile qualities
2.everyone gets one free level of psycic class. (as gestalt but only for 1st level, Psycic and another class) (if you choose just the psychic class you get a extra spell 1st slot and two extra spell known)
3. we will be using automatic Bonus progression.
4. 25 point buy
5. Cleric class must have a patron (a dragonking. im open about if you like a dragonking if your a fan as long as you can explain the reason. and domains)
6. no metamagic feats for arcane classes (you can only get it through Defiling, normal spellcasting does not cause defiling. all arcane classes can choose to defile)
7. the time period will be around the free city Tyr books. before king Kalik was killed.
8. races all basic races (except half Orc now MUL). adding the races following name change stats are the same
(tengu will be Aarakocra)
(lizardman will the the Pterrans)
(half gaints are humans with simple template gaintkin instead of Gisalt Psycic)
(mul Half-dwarven same as Half-orc)
9. 20 ceramic tiles starting gold but get two free bone weapons and free light armor. (excluding metal)
10. gp will be Ceramic tiles. ceramic chips.
Checking interest Alternate Dragonlance campaign- you will be using the official DL characters just with your own take on them including Class, archetypes, Traits, etc- I want people to change the characters. (except race) but stay true to the Theme and be able to explain the differences.
Everyone will start at 3rd level- then if you want to change the background to fit the character- examples-
(if I wanted to I could say that Tanis studied some spells and was a silver tongue bard and that's why the brothers of Laurana were jealous. or that Caramon was a strong sorcerer, where he had str and chr. and that was the reason Raistlin was jealous of him. or goldmoon a Warpriest or riverwind a shaman and he has the crystal staff and goldmoon the warrior. Or that sturm was honorable but more like a knight of Takhisis or even Kitiara Uth Matar came to meet them at the Inn.)
I love the characters but what would happen with each if things were a little different. Just checking interest to see if anyone else would be interested or if this would be a flop due to them being all the characters we all know and love and not wanting to change them. In which case I might consider doing War of the lance with original characters, with updates to Class and archtypes to match.
Because DL is a low magic campaign it would be 30 point buy. but no one stat over 18 before racial. the rest will follow if there is enough interest. we would be playing thru the Full War of Lance with changes to match character concepts. (this campaign is just a feeler, so if you want to DOT. and give a very vague background on how you would change it. or if you want to team up with another poster. (goldmoon and riverwind or Caramon and raistlin) only I just want to see peoples take on this, and who they would choose). OR EVEN IF THIS WOULD BE INTEREST TO ANYONE.
This will be my first shot at a PbP campaign as DM, however I have 20 years experience as a DM (pen and paper) I still have a table group but I promised my wife no video games recently so now I need something to occupy my time when at home. As a former Rules Lawyer type I don't like high Power gamers because I have found out that the more people power game the more I have to power game to keep the encounters interesting until eventually there is a knife edge between TPK and Fun. I will be looking for role-players that enjoy a story and have good imaginations.
Characters are level 1
-Average starting wealth
-All Classes allowed
-Standard races ,Tieflings (hellspawn and regular) and Tengu only.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo books will be allowed
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Hells Rebels players guide. and a reason to protest choice in players guide.
-23 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment. (I adjusted this a little due to not being able to dump stat CHR, of course you still can if you want.)
-Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences and builds because probably will not use maps.
-might not use maps and tokens (still deciding). imaginative people will work best. (oh no! not minis, Aghhhhhhhhhhh!!! so old school.)
- anyone who chooses Vigilantes will not have their other vigilante identity until after y'all join the ravens but you wont be penalized either so no losing your identity until it is established. It doesn't have to be silver raven identity, but you will need to choose your "look".
- will not be using the rebellion tracker metric in the book it will be based on how I feel your rebellion is going with RP, and making alliances.
I will give at least two weeks on recruitment and time for people to build characters. (I don't know how much the interest will be but I hate not giving people a chance.)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in (because this is a rebellion its easy to "recruit more people" ). With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign i will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5 players to start.
Background- I saw this and stole it. (shoutout DM mathpro, who also stole it from someone else)
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.
available classes
ninja- (originated in Seanchan gains powers through ring of shadows Ter'angreal)
Alchemist- (illuminator)
Gunslinger (they use dragons/firearms)
Oracle-(where most channelers come from, the oracle can choose from any spell list, but the revelations are chosen by the mysteries, which are divided by groups, example, RED, WHITE, AIEL, WINDFINDERS, BLACK TOWER, SEANCHAN, etc. instead of those listed. FLAME, TIME, etc.)
Druid- (Ogier treesinger only)
monk (add s spear for Aiel)
Ranger- (trapper and no spellcasting variants)
The idea of this Robert Jordan campaign would be that this takes place two hundred years after the last battle, Nyneave and Lan's son run the black tower which has moved to the blight, there are rumors of a man in white that travels the land working miracles, and the channeling classes have become more prevalent, so think of the one power as a sive and by there being more channelers there are more holes so the power is not as powerful as it was, there is a Council of channelers that have a neutral ground at the foot of the pillar where Taim was encased. they vote for all rules of the one power and it is represented by the five factions (Wise ones, Windfinders, white tower, black tower, Seanchan) that all swear to uphold the law, all have thier own laws to follow on their lands or they can choose to be tried at the Grey tower. the laws of the power are as follows below. wolfbrothers are a group of rangers from Mantheron that has been reborn in the Black Hills, that have skinchanger subtype. all Goblins, hobgoblins, etc are called shadowspawn. apparently after the last hundred or so years shadowspawn have started showing up all over the place and no one knows where all of them are coming from.
only human but each region get different background traits
skinchangers- wolf only
1. ter'angreal can only be made with their mark on it and the different groups can only make so many to control the price and rarity of them
2. every group can follow their own laws in their area only. On neutral grounds the Grey tower laws take precedence
(for example the Seanchan can only take channelers in their lands, white tower requires oath rods, etc..)
3. three representatives from each group make up the Grey tower council.
4. regions can make others channeler fight depending on alliances if found on field of battle, however if a channeler requests surrender must abide by it.
5. any breaking of these rules subject to trial in the Grey tower.
some mechanical rules:
mechanical rules that are for flavor
Scribe scroll changes to Craft ter'angreal (which angreal and ter'angreal can be of any size, shape, etc. so detect magic(ter'angreal) would be how to help find it.
No potions
Lucid dreamer and dreamscapes
No craft wand or wondrous item all craft Angreal (wondrous)or Angreal (wand) or armor Angreal (armor)
No craft staff called craft S'angreal
the Aiel are part of the dragonpact and are bounty hunters/sheriffs that can track people across kingdoms.
female channlers can link it is a standard action for each female get a +1 to Caster lvl and DC up to +5. and get extra slots per link as a level of oracle equal to the number of females up to 5th. without a male to help.
Males get one extra slot per lvl for their strength.
some spells will be banned/Changed if not up to the books standard like summoning monsters banned, or flying which might be unlocked as a missing weave, or changed like Disintegrate would be balefire.that is why looking for fans that would not Power game and stay true to the ideas.
The campaign is still months away this is just seeing if people that were true fans would be interested. this is a low magic item high RP campaign. I have put a lot of thought into it to keep it balanced. I will be redoing the history and expanding on it that I typed out above. that is just a quick outline. To see what the response would be from the community.