The Horrors of Ranvargo (Inactive)

Game Master chubbs


NPC hunters Stats/PIC.

EVIL people PICS.


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The adventure begins after the party captures the infamous Metagore Twins known for being vicious killers that have recently been brought to justice. One is a known fighter and the other some form of a enchanter. they both look very similar if not almost perfect duplicates. Your party is currently about three days out of Ranvargo. you have just sat down for dinner of Rabbat stew. your caravan is currently two wagons. One is the professors private wagon and one is the prisoner wagon. most of the time the party sleeps under the stars or under wagons. Yall have traveled together this past seven years, five since the last time the group has been in Ranvargo.

This will be a little time to get to know your group better. you can talk to anyone, go check on prisoners, learn background info on area etc.

currently- Torgor is guarding the prisoners, the Doctor is in his wagon, and Crissa is serving food and eating with your group. so anyone how wants private time or check on people. will leave.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Hans settles down onto a patch of moss in a practiced gesture, bowl of stew in one hand while the other adjusts the weaponry at his waist. His holy symbol of Sarenrae jingles softly as it slides across his mail shirt and a sigh escapes his lips. Though tired he doesn't complain about the exhaustion in his bones. The work--and the fatigue--is a holy calling. Instead, he complains about something else.

"I still don't understand this whole song and dance of capturing and imprisoning them. Their guilt is clear and their crimes terrible. Best to have killed them all and sent them on for Pharasma's judgment. Instead we must babysit them back to Ranvargo instead of purging the land of others like them."

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vortigorn stepped out of the shadows of the campfire. He ignored the quiet gnawing in his belly as his hands guided a smooth stone over the edge of his greataxe. He glanced over to the wagons carrying the prisoners and briefly considered talking to them through the language of steel.

"My axe is more than willing to send them to Pharasma's cold embrace.
Just say the word...and it shall be done.

...but don't tell the professor."

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Alexandra shares a seat with Crissa on a fallen log and eats a bowel of stew.

"While it would be more efficient to kill them and not waste time traveling back and forth from Ranvargo, it is good for the moral of the common people to witness such criminals being brought to justice."

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

"Good for their entertainment, you mean!" Grethel snaps, her own chain shirt clinking slightly as she adjusts her seat near her brother.

She sniffs at the food and then holds her hand over it for a moment, a small red glow appearing beneath her palm. A moment later, steam starts pouring from the bowl, which she holds up to her mouth and slurps loudly.

"Not bad, Criss," she grunts.

Male Elf Ranger-Trapper/Freebooter 3 | HP: 27/30 |

With a satisfied sigh Llanofiss packed the last of the clean cooking supplies into the chuck box. With a effortless heave he strapped the large crate onto the back of the Professors wagon before picking up the remaining food stuffs and walking toward the others.

With a graceful slide by the campfire he walked in front of the two ladies on the log and winked playfully at them. Stopping quickly in front of each one he slipped a florally carved wild tomato onto the rims of their stew bowls.

Still remaining silent and listening to the others he made his way across the fire to stand next to Vortigorn. There he tried to subtly pass the warrior a portion of pepper seared rabbit ribs, still dripping with hints of fresh blood inside.

Standing there in his blue and yellow cooks apron with his pink and somewhat stained chefs hat, he listened to the conversastion and began to eat his food. While blowing on the hot bowl of stew in his hands Llanofiss seemed to speak into the air at no one in particular.
"فهو مقياس حقيقي للحضارة في كيفية تعاملها مع تلك التي تعتبرها الأسوأ في حد ذاتها."

Elven speakers:
The true measure of a civilization is in how it treats those it considers the worst of itself.

He took a few bits of the dark broth and meat before speaking again, this time in common.

"So what does everyone think of the stew? I used coriander, mustard fennel and red pepper this time. A little bit of Eastern and Western Inner Sea spices combined, a kind of fusion of flavors!"

Profession Cook Roll:
Prof(Cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Alexandria nods at Grethel. "That too. The general populace does enjoy a good hanging."

Taking small bites of her stew and contemplating whether or not she was supposed to eat the intricately carved tomato, Alexandria responds to Llanofiss's query. "I think that I like this better than the last time you attempted a fusion of flavors. Though to be fair, you had no way of knowing that I have an allergy to cinnamon."

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

The wiry inquisitor looks a little cross at the upbeat elf's comment. He responds:

In Elven:
"I think that's supposed to be 'the least', not the 'worst'. The poor, the paupers, the lepers... Though I'm not familiar with Elvish philosophy and perhaps your many years provide a different perspective, but even the Dawnflower recognizes some are beyond redemption."

He then looks at the stew, examining it in a new light...and not a particularly favorable one. It's as if he just realized he'd been eating something rotten. Damn it. You have to eat, just because it tastes good does not mean you're surrendering to weakness.

To the priestess, he says, "Alexandra, you speak of the laws of kings and the hearts of little men. I speak of justice and doing what must be done to actually protect them." He curls his lips in frustration, tosses the spoon into the half-full bowl, and sighs. "I'm sorry. You're not wrong. I just...babysitting these monsters knowing what they've done turns my stomach."

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

Grethel scowls at Llanofiss.

"Common, dammit," she says. "And as for the monsters, they all deserve the same fate, which is to burn. Sooner or later, that's what will happen to these ones too. Just wait and see."

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Roll off with Llano
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Feh.

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vort begrudgingly places his axe with his gear and accepts the meat from Llanofiss with a thankful nod.

Hmm. Yes. The body must be fed to keep the blade strong.

"I personally think that my father and his friend when they started this little group believed that anyone living deserves second chances up until their end. That only the Damned don't need the chances." Crissa says in-between mouthfuls and grabbing the covers along the way.
"I think all of us got lucky with these two, that no one was injured."

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Grunting between mouthfuls.

"Yes. Damned are we all."

Male Elf Ranger-Trapper/Freebooter 3 | HP: 27/30 |

Know(Religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Smiling with a gentle twist of the lips the centuries old elf blushed awkwardly at Alexandria's mention of his mistake.

"I will surely never forgive myself for that mistake Alexandria, your safety is of my utmost concern. As for the prisoners I do believe 'worst' was the correct wording Sir Grim,-*winking at Grethel as he speaks worst as an elven word*-and I must agree with the always wise lady Crissa, righoutous wrath has its place and time. That time is not now and that place is never in a locked cage."

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vort feels his killing urges subside as the spicy meat turns his belly warm. He nods in agreement.

"Yes. That's why Vort like you. You are wise. . . How do the Varisians say? Wise behind your ears."

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

"Hmm..." Hans demurs on the quote, dropping the matter rather than conceding it. Elves... When Vort offers his compliment, Hans has to choke back a laugh, turning it into a cough. After a moment it passes along with the worst of his mood.

"Whatever the quote and the debate to be had over its wisdom, arguing about it won't change our present situation. Eventually, the taint in their souls will be laid bare in the dawn's light and they shall pass to Lady Alexandria's mistress for judgment in the Boneyard." He looks to Crissa, "And I mean no disrespect to your father. Even if I think he puts too much hope in possibilities, his wisdom has seen us through many difficult situations."

He leans over to his backpack and retrieves some trail rations, preferring their bland taste and stale texture over the rich stew. With that, he settles in and quietly contemplates the day.

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

Grethel snorts.

"Something behind the ears, at any rate..." she says with a laugh, her mercurial mood seeming to turn toward happiness.

"We might as well get some rest. Hopefully we'll be back home tomorrow. I wonder what's changed since then. Thing ol' Zokar's still haunting the Laughing Demon? I could use some liquid ghosts right about now..."

If anyone wants to go talk to the Doctor or Togar or the prisoners all you have to do is excuse yourself from the group.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

ill accept that invitation...

Having centered himself and found some inner peace, Hans finishes his rations, stands, and walks over to the wagon with the prisoners. He watches them for a moment, then asks, "And what do you say of the Professor's largess? What is the benefit to not executing you now? Is it the measure of a civilization, or the weakness of a kind heart?"

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vortigorn finishes his meal and prepares to settle in for first watch. He searches around for a nice dark spot from which to watch the camp. He pulls his repeating crossbow in close as he offers a short prayer to Desna.

"Blessed is the long road. The destination. The homeward path, and all who make the journey. Let each dream be a bright star in the night sky of your mind, lighting your path in the day."

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

Grethel watches as her brother wanders toward the other part of the camp, eyes following him closely. Nonetheless, she remains seated, assuming the prisoners are safely bound.

Male Elf Ranger-Trapper/Freebooter 3 | HP: 27/30 |

The elf washes his mess kit and stores it away in the large backpack he always kept close. He nodded to the rest of his friends as he walked over toward Johannes. There he listened and peaked his interest in hearing what the prisoners had to say.

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Seeing no need to check up on the prisoners with others doing so, Alexandria sets her bedroll and gear up for the night. She tries to judge just the right distance from the fire to place so that she stays warm, but is safe from stray embers. Guess I can forgo the tent tonight, doesn't look like rain or bad weather...

As you get close to the wagon Togar asks "You got any food for me?" after looking at their empty hands Togar leaves presumably to stop guarding while you are there. As you get close to the wagon you see the two twins, both with dark long hair covering their faces. One only slightly a little smaller than the other. Even though you know one of the brothers is a mage its hard to imagine one dedicating his life books due to the size of him.

"Evening, guys. I don't suppose your here to feed us?" one of the brothers says pleasantly. with a easy smile and grace even though he is chained up at the wrists he gets up from one side and heads over the small wagon to sit near you. " I personally think that civilization is a crutch of the weak. Its a excuse to say your civilized paying taxes, doing what your told to do, and happily fulfill your niche until you die, Why no thank you. That's not what I want so I'm uncivilized. So if I were you I would just kill us now that's what you want to do, anyways. I can feel it. So Mr. Grim, which one of us is truly trapped, and which of us are currently free." the other brother gives a quick chuckle.

As Togar steps up to the fire Criss half heartedly flirts with him to pass the time.

Currently there is no assigned tasks. everyone just kind of pools what needs to be done. currently it looks like Vort will take up guard duty in camp.

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Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Hans' expression turns apologetic at Togar's observation about food. "Sorry, Togar. I thought you'd had some. Relax for a few and if you like feel free to finish my bowl. Too rich for me but you'll like it."

He then listens the one twin. Rufus? Or Mardigan? Can't keep them straight; the name doesn't matter but this is the smarter one. When the man is done talking, Hans shrugs his slender shoulders, armor and weaponry jangling with the gesture. "I say we are both confined but by different types of bonds. You and your loathsome kin are in a cage for animals on your way to be deposited with other animals in a zoo where you'll receive no visitors, no joy, little sun, no love... you'll likely only have each other to bugger, if even that. No, don't fool yourself, soon you won't even have the forest to view beyond the bars of your cage. And in the end, you will die, having accomplished nothing. Achieved nothing. And you will be forgotten as your soul is condemned to an eternity as a lemure or a dretch, the least of the damned, whipped and beaten and burned at the whims of your infernal masters, virtually mindless but for memories of what you were in life, for an eternity of torment."

He takes a half step forward as the slightest twitch of his lip hints at a grin. "And I am bound to my Goddess by faith. It is true. And I am bound to the professor by my oath. Also true. And that is why I do not put a black bullet through each of your putrescent minds. You may think yourself glad for my foolish bonds as they prolong your life. Perhaps you think in time you will escape. But know it is a false hope. My bonds condemn you to a life of misery instead of a quick death. Enjoy your 'freedom', you've many years of it ahead of you."

"Get a load of this guy, Rufus. He seems to think we are going to be miserable in prison." says Mardigan as he holds up his hands. the other one chuckles again.

"listen here HHEERROO" as he enunciates the word hero. he pulls up close to whisper something only to Johannes.

some info on the campaign tab will be updated shortly, those who haven't played a game with me before. I prefer intentionally leaving some things vague in the campaign tab for things you know or false. as you progress new info will be added. Classes could be wrong, alignment, false stories. the only way to know anything for certain is to ask or talk to the people.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Grim steps close enough to hear a whisper yet remains several feet out of arms reach. He's dealt with enough such types to know that as much as the bars keep the prisoners confined, they also protect them from swords and provide a useful brace upon which to strangle an unsuspecting hunter.

With a wolvish smile Rufus leans in a whispers.

"Whom says we don't accomplish anything, Don't you think it was awfully easy to catch us?". with that he gives a wink "Shhhh, don't tell anyone. I would hate to hurt your groups feelings. You know how many useless deaths we had to do. "

@Llanofiss- DC 20 perception to hear it.

sense motive to capture bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

"Awwww your telling." Rufus says thru to bars.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

I don't know if it'll make any difference but just a couple of rolls here. On the sense Motive, trying to figure out if he gives away any hints about what he's alluding to (a glance into the forest, the sky, etc) or alternatively if I can sense a pressure point that will irritate him or get under his skin.

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
perception (to watch the perimeter): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
bluff (to conceal his surprise): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
bluff (to pass a message to Llano): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Hans listens to this and there is only the briefest pause before he returns the wolffish grin. "Such a small mind. You think we didn't realize it was too easy? You're now naught more than bait."

Within his words, Hans passes a hidden message to Llano. ~We are being watched.~

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Alexandria just snickers a bit to herself as Crissa finds herself bored enough to flirt with Togar. [i]I need to help that girl find an actual hobby...[/ooc]

Since some of the guys want to keep watch first, Alexandria decides that she'd best get some rest to take her turn later on.

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vortigorn settles into the shadows to keep watch.

Stealth/Take 20: 20 - 1 = 19

Vort I moved your character let me know if its cool. I assumed because you stated you were hiding you need cover I just moved you somewhere close with possible cover.

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Yes. Thanks!

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Looking around sharply at the overheard words Llanofiss subtly began drawing his heavy flail. With a nod he acknowledged Johannes signal, he tried to look back at the camp with a glare of warning to any watching.

Moving casually he made his way toward the doctors wagon to check on their leader. "Hoy Doctor do you have any of that thistle ointment still left?"

Bluff(Trying to pass warning along to the doctor): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

Are we close enough that we got that message?

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

I wasn't whispering, that's for sure. Only problem would be is that I have my back to the campfire. GM's call?

You can intercept the message from Llanofass he yelled it out so everyone at the camp can.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Do I pick up anything from that miserable SM check or any other response from the brothers? Apologies if you're waiting for everyone else to post a reaction so I don't rush ahead; just want to make sure it's not missed. I have an idea percolating in my head but it may depend on the brothers' response.

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

Grethel perks up at the warning, looking around.

"Maybe this won't be such a boring trip back home, after all," she says with a grin as wolfish as any of Vort's.

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Alexandria sighs as she finishes up her little sleeping area, being sure to leave her weapons out and in easy reach. Guess I won't be actually sleeping tonight...

She will continue to act like she is getting ready to turn in for the night, though she doesn't actually fall asleep.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

I just realized you had incorporated some rolls into the original post, so I'm assuming based on his Bluff I'm not getting anything from my SM, but hopefully he believes my Bluff that we know something is up.

Hans eyes the chatty twin and considers the predicament. He warns us now. Why? To exhaust us ahead of the actual attack? Force us to change location? To panic? Kill him? And his comment about prison. Does he mean he doesn't expect to ever be there, or he expects to rule it? A prison break? Timed for when we arrive? Unconsciously, one hand has come to rest on his pistol's grip. Your mind wanders, spinning in the wind. Calm. If he is to be bait...

The inquisitor steps back, preserving the mocking grin, pretending to already know of the bastards' plans. His voice mirrors the other's whisper, trying to instill a sense of intimacy. "So, now you know...your little plan will be thwarted. You think to hunt the hunters, but your position is unchanged. Do you maintain this little revenge fantasy? You what? Hope to torture and kill the old men for what they've done to you and your ilk? Do you even now reject the path to redemption in favor of blood and death?"

Is there a roll I can make to try to trick him into revealing some details?

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

The hairs on Vortigorn's neck stand at attention. There's a scent of danger in the air.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Looking up the clouds part in the cloudy night the moon is full.

In the distance a wolf howls at the moon and a cool breeze comes into camp. The scent of death is in the air. A few seconds later a second and third also join in.


"OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo, oo owwwwwwww...."

Time for a escalating fear check. DC 12 will. or take -2 to future fear checks and -2 to perception if failed.

Escalating fear vort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5-fail
Escalating fear hans: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Escalating fear gret: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8-fail
Escalating fear llano: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10-fail
Escalating fear alex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

Johannes doesn't even flinch. His only reaction is the slightest arch to his right brow. Well, there's my answer.

He lets the grin slip from his face but it's replaced with flat stoicism without a trace of fear. "That's it? You're sending some puppy dogs? Fine. I need a new winter cloak."

Doesn't look like you've rolled initiative yet, so I'm going to draw my pistol and use a Move action to study target; I'll then also ready an action to fire if either brother starts to move or shape change

Rufus just looks at hans and smiles "Jumpy arnt you. Are you going to murder me? Mr civilized."

doctor SM for Llano message: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

The doctor comes out of his wagon holding one of his X-bows, he looks towards the group and says "Llano, whats going on son? Hans why do you have a weapon out at the prisoner?"

Llano I don't know if you think its "cute" or not that the doctor thinks all of you are kids and treats you that way.

Human Male Gunslinger (1) / Inquisitor (2) | AC:18 T:13 Fl:15 | HP: 22/24 | F+6 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perc +8
Pistol Modifiers:
Pistol Range Increment: 20' (-2 to attack per increment); Point Blank Shot: +1 att/dmg within 30'; Studied Target: +1 att/dmg

"Jumpy? Do you see me twitching, puppy dog?"

Johannes doesn't look away from the prisoners as he responds to the professor. "Because he thinks he's flipping the script on us, Professor. He thinks to toy with us to say his pups are going to attack us soon. If those howls out there indeed be his whelps, I aim to put down this rabid dog and his brother before he can do more harm." And, more quietly, he says with a grin at Mardigan, "And maybe make myself some boots as well."

Male Human (Kellid) barbarian (mooncursed) 3 | AC:17 T:11 Fl:16 | HP: 37/37 | F+5 R+2 W+3 | Init +1 | Perc +6

Vortigorn's skin pops a cold sweat. He pulls his x-bow close as he quietly prays.

"Desna guide us. The beasts are upon us."

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1

"You think you curs can take us!" Grethel calls out. "Just try it! We've dealt with worse than you and lived to tell the tale."

Her skin begins to give off a faint red glow as she silently calls upon the fire in her soul. Activating elemental defense

The Doctor says "Anyone want to take a quick circuit of the grounds? these Bastards could be messing with us." the Doctor looks around to see if there are any volunteers.

"Yes, Go look around." One of the twins say then the other finishes with "Your not afraid of the dark are you?" the doctor slams his crossbow against the wagon, "Shut up!"

A crow "CAWs" in the distance, and another answers.

Torgar pulls out a battelaxe and his shield and says "I can either go accompany someone or stand guard."

Criss, walks over with her weapon and stands next to her Father.

Female Human Cleric / 3 | HP: 24/24 AC: 16/10/16 CMB: 0 CMD: 10 | Init: +0 Per: +4 | Saves: F: 4 R: 0 W: 6 (+2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects)

Alexandria listens to the howls, sits back up in her bedroll and changes out the bolts that she had picked out for her crossbow. She'll then stand up with her crossbow in hand and morningstar at her hip.

"No point in trying to talk or threaten. Just kill anything that enters our campsite."

Alexandria keeps her eyes open and weapon pointed at the woods surrounding them.

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