Dire Bear

Bjorkus's page

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I'm looking for a few brave souls to join me in Paizo's first official Pathfinder 2 adventure path, Age of Ashes!

Dramatic trailer video can be found here.

Sessions will take place over Google Slides using Discord for voice communication. Time slots are a work-in-progress but it's worth noting that I'm based on the West Coast and normally work remotely from 9-6pm during weekdays. I'm open to playing more regularly if it works for everyone's schedules but I'd expect to meet once a week for 4-8 hours.

Other items worth noting:

* As mentioned in the subject header, this game will be for PFS2 organized play credit. If you've never played PFS2 or are not interested in PFS2, please don't let that scare you away. We'll be playing this AP as if it were a normal home campaign. The sanctioned play credit is just a bonus for those that want it.

* I will be using this campaign as a test bed for some house rules I've been experimenting with. I'll post them in this thread as I put them to paper. I expect the house rules to come and go as we make our way through the AP but I promise not to spring them on you.


If you read all that and I haven't scared you off, feel free to post your interest in this thread. Please include the following.

1) Your time zone.
2) What days/hours you're available to play.
3) What level of experience you have with PF2. Don't let this one scare you off either. Part of testing the effectiveness of the house rules I'm experimenting with is having players with a broad range of experience.
4) What class/role you'd like to play. I don't need details here. I expect this to change once the players are selected and the party starts to form.

Liberty's Edge

I've seen a couple threads about this Feat but I haven't seen any definitive interpretations.

You apply a poison to the required weapon; if you're not holding a poison and have a free hand, you can Interact to draw a poison as part of this action. If your next attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, it applies the effects of the poison, provided that poison can be delivered by contact or injury. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal.

You spend the action to apply the poison. You attack and miss. Is your weapon still poisoned?

There's some conflicting wording in the feat that makes the answer unclear.

You apply a poison to the required weapon; if you're not holding a poison and have a free hand, you can Interact to draw a poison as part of this action. If your next attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, it applies the effects of the poison, provided that poison can be delivered by contact or injury. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal.

This suggests that the poison only applies on your next attack.

You apply a poison to the required weapon; if you're not holding a poison and have a free hand, you can Interact to draw a poison as part of this action. If your next attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, it applies the effects of the poison, provided that poison can be delivered by contact or injury. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal.

This suggests that the poison lasts until you hit, the end of your next turn, or you critically miss whichever comes first.

Liberty's Edge

The entry for Shoanti Animism in Gods and Magic is great but seems to be missing information for some critical game mechanics. There's no domain, divine skill, favored weapon, etc. Those omissions might be intentional but that seems counter to the direction PF2 has taken toward non-deity forms of worship.

Based on the detailed breakdown for each Quah, I get the impression each one was supposed to function as it's own 'deity'. Was this information left on the cutting room floor?

Discuss things here.

Welcome aboard! Please dot for now and hang tight for additional updates.

Late afternoon light pours in through the windows of the meeting room in Galt’s Woodsedge Lodge, and the smell of freshly baked pastries wafts in from the kitchen. Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro sits at the head of a polished mahogany table in front of tall piles of papers.

She clears her throat. “I’m glad to see that all of you made it here safely. My name is Eliza Petulengro. And what are the names of the agents who answered my call today?”

Please include a brief physical description alongside your introductions.

Liberty's Edge

I ended up getting 15-16 Champion but upon further reflection I think I’d rather play 10-11.

Is there anyone out there with a 10-11 tickets that’s looking for a trade? I’d prefer Champion but I’d be happy with Soldier.

Liberty's Edge

Myself and a couple friends are strongly considering bailing on the banquet this year. We’d like to have some drinks and get a game together instead.

Anyone else out there in the same boat? We’re looking to play Daughter’s Due or On Seven Fingered Sails but we’re flexible. If someone is down to GM, we’ll cover your drinks!

Liberty's Edge

If anyone is without an event Friday afternoon, myself and a couple friends are headed into town for a bank heist and we could use a fourth (or potentially more). The game is at 4:15pm but we’re supposed to check in ~15 minutes early for the usual legal rigamarole.

If you’re interested in joining us, post a message here or PM me.

Discuss things here.

Dot for now.

Liberty's Edge

My flight home isn’t until Tuesday. Is anyone else sticking around that might be interested in putting a PFS pickup game together. I haven’t played much season 9 but I’d be down to GM almost anything else.

Howdy folks.

Please get your profile as up to date as possible.

In addition to the standard stuff (PFS#, character#, day job roll, etc), please link me whatever item tracking sheet(s) you're using for tracking your character's purchases/gear.

Dot here.

The place for discussing.

Check in here. Please add or link your character sheet in your profile as well as your item tracking sheet (in whatever form you have it).

Intro blurb to come.

Below is the list of the content I'm up for running.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable (12-15)
Curse of the Crimson Throne: #5 Skeletons of Scarwall (13-15)
Hell's Rebels: #4 A Song of Silver (12-14)
Hell's Rebels: #5 The Kintargo Contract (13-15)
Iron Gods: #5 Palace of Fallen Stars (13-15)
Serpent's Skull: #5 The Thousand Fangs Below (13-15)
Tomb of the Iron Medusa (13-15)
Curse of the Crimson Throne: #6 Crown of Fangs (16-18)
Giantslayer: #5 Anvil of Fire (14-16)
Giantslayer: #6 Shadow of the Storm Tyrant (15-17)
Hell's Rebels: #6 Breaking the Bones of Hell (16-18)
Iron Gods: #6 The Divinity Drive (15-17)
Jade Regent: #6 The Empty Throne (14-16)
Serpent's Skull: #6 Sanctum of the Serpent God (16-18)

Sound off with what you'd like to play. My initial suggestion would be to quote this post and cut out what you don't want to play if your interest is broad.

Discuss stuff here.

Gameplay here.

Discuss things here.


Howdy everyone!

I'll get the pregens linked to the thread so you can start figuring who is going to play what.

Gameplay here.

Discuss things here.

A gnarled beggar passes you in the street, begging for coppers. His grimy fist clutches a crinkled piece of paper, which he deftly slips into your palm before disappearing back into the throng of longshoreman, merchants, stevedores, and other pedestrians.

The Note wrote:

Join me for a few pints of the devilfish-head grog at the Saucy Wench. Sundown. Come ready to travel.


The Saucy Wench is one of the few permanent structures in the Grand Bazaar in the Coins District of Absalom. It is a four-story mead hall of ill repute and one of the famous seeker’s favorite places to disseminate secretive orders from the Society to its member Pathfinders.

You find Osprey sitting in the far corner on the first floor, his stubble-covered chin the only visible feature jutting from the shadowed cowl of his worn leather cloak. Seated with him are a handful of other Pathfinders.

Feel free to post a brief description of your character with your intro.

How do you know when you have frostbite?

You have been called to the Grand Lodge of Absalom for a briefing. Seated in a small chamber around a darkwood table, various trophies gathered from across the face of Golarion hang from the walls. A monkey-shaped mask with a serpent’s tongue glares out from the center of one wall, a strange halberd with gold rings piercing its thick blade and dragons carved along its haft hangs opposite the monkey mask. You are alone save your fellow Pathfinders, who apparently have been called here for the same purpose.

Feel free to post a description and brief introduction when you dot.











It's a ways off still but this is a recruitment thread for PFS scenario 4-12 Refuge of Time. This is a levels 7-11 scenario.

Blurb wrote:
In the ruins of a fallen empire built on the power of sin lies the key to awakening a great evil from a time long gone. The Pathfinder Society isn't the only organization seeking this potent artifact, however, and the result of failure could mean disaster for the whole of Varisia and beyond.

Anyone can join (with a pregen if nothing else). If you're interested and think you can maintain my posting expectations (1-2 posts per day minimum, you're welcome to sign up here.

This game will start when PFS Gameday V begins.

Discussion here.

Gameplay dot.

Discussion here.

Gameplay here.

Discuss things here.

Gameplay here.

Discuss things here.

Gameplay here.


Gameplay dot.

Discuss things here.