Feral's #3–23: The Goblinblood Dead (PFS) (Inactive)

Game Master Feral


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Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)


Dark Archive

Lawful Neutral Grippli Brawler 1/Ninja 6 (Sheet) | HP: 55/55 | AC: 25 (17 T, 20 F) | CMD: 20 | F: 9, R: 15, W: 6 | Init: 7 | Perc: 10 | Speed 40, climb 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Ki 5/5 | Reroll 1/1


At a painfully early hour (the cafeteria isn't even serving breakfast yet), each of you finds yourself summoned to the Opal meeting room within the Grand Lodge.

Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng waiting for you when you arrive is surprising only due to his unfamiliar accomplice, a burly man dressed in full Isgeri military trappings.

“Pardon the intrusion,” Drandle says as he juggles the numerous scrolls and writing materials precariously balanced in his arms, “but I have a request that is of utmost importance to ask of all you. I’m afraid we have something of a situation on our hands."

"It is perhaps well known among the Pathfinder Society that trade is vital to our organization. Not for any monetary gain, of course, but because we rely heavily on overland caravan routes and trading lanes at sea to get important documents, treasures, and personnel from central Avistan to the Inner Sea. When such materials are of particular import, we have even been known to use more illicit modes of transportation, such as caravans operated by the Sczarni organized crime syndicate."

“It appears that a number of such Sczarni caravans, carrying important cargo for delivery to the Pathfinder Society, have recently begun to go missing along their more discreet trade routes from Cheliax to Druma, a little-known path that runs through the Chitterwood in Isger. Of course, the route along the Conerica River would be viable for more legitimate operations, but oftentimes we can’t afford to be forestalledwith matters such as customs, tariffs, and inspectors, especially when such hindrances could also potentially result in the arrest of our business partners. Alas, I digress."

“I have agreed to work with the local Sczarni leader, Guaril Karela, in order to reclaim the caravan route through Isger’s Chitterwood. That’s where you come in. I have made all the arrangements necessary to ship you to Isger in the morning, where you’ll meet the caravan you are tasked with escorting through the goblinoid-infested woods. In the meantime, I have summoned the honored Isgeri war hero Gaspar Desime to help answer any questions you might have about your upcoming visit to the Chitterwood. Guaril Karela is also available and can answer any questions you have about the caravan you’ll be guarding, though I believe he is currently stationed at his shop in the Docks district.”

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

A rough looking half orc enters the room. Unlike most half orc's his skin is a tint of red as oppose to a more green colour. His gowns primarily dark grey with hints of black. He travels heavily with what looks to be a really heavy backpack, and some items stuffed in two bandoliers around his chest. Most prominent of his gear is chain belt, hanging from it, four daggers, and four bolas on each side. Throughout the conversation he grunts a lot, showing some sharp teeth, possibly indicating some displeasure, but no one is really sure. The Pathfinders work with criminals now? Not the very scum I want off the street I hope.

"Pray tell, what does the Society need to transport that is so important that we use illegal routes?" He ask calmly.

Would be making a purchase of cloak of resistance for 1000gp before we start the adventure! I'll update his stats to reflect the cloak.

Dark Archive

Lawful Neutral Grippli Brawler 1/Ninja 6 (Sheet) | HP: 55/55 | AC: 25 (17 T, 20 F) | CMD: 20 | F: 9, R: 15, W: 6 | Init: 7 | Perc: 10 | Speed 40, climb 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Ki 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

A very small green-skinned grippli garbed in dark and supple exotic armor, joins the meeting. Bandoliers of dark-tipped darts crisscross his chest. Other than those and a net looped at his belt, he appears to have no other weapons.

A single wand sits at the opposite hip and curious boots adorn his feet.

I am but a little frog, and I doubt I am strong and mighty like the rest. But I will do what ever I can. I will try my best. Is our primary objective to escort the caravan or to find and eliminate the bandits?

Kelumur wrote:
"Pray tell, what does the Society need to transport that is so important that we use illegal routes?" He ask calmly.

"Illegal? Legal? Law is a social construct young man. Don't allow yourself to fall into such binary thinking! The Society transports all manner of artifacts that would suffer under extended scrutiny."

The well-manicured Gaspar chafes a bit at the venture-captain's reply but doesn't interject.

Xiǎo Qīngwā wrote:
I am but a little frog, and I doubt I am strong and mighty like the rest. But I will do what ever I can. I will try my best. Is our primary objective to escort the caravan or to find and eliminate the bandits?

"Hmm. I'm afraid I don't know little frog. Mr. Karela might be able to tell you more."

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Kelumur is taken back by the answer, but says no more. He withdraws himself into the shadows and awaits the arrival is the rest of the party. From time to time, he plays with his daggers.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara, a beautiful woman with long back hair wearing armor with the insignia of the Silver Crusade gives the Venture Captain a long and disapproving look before speaking:"Don't presume all of us share your lax moral views Venture Captain Dreng. It's shameful that we, as forces for what is good and righteous resort to such underhanded tactics and associated ourselves with nothing more than common criminals. BUT, nontheless this matter is of grave concern for us all. Pathfinder lives might be at stake here, even if they might be Scrazni. And if the goblins were behind these "disappearances" it could be the beginning of some mad plan meant to start another war... in that case the carnage would be unimmaginable. Surely we must do whatever we can to clear up this matter and ensure the safety of our brethen and the nation of Isger..." she says with deep convinction.

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

Another small frog-man hops onto the chair next to Xia, his eyes wide with amazement to be travelling with one of his own kind. "Well, hello!" he says excitedly. "Another grippli on this mission! I am........" he pauses, and pauses some more. At first it's seem he's forgotten his own name, then the pause grows, suggesting perhaps he's forgotten he's in a conversation or perhaps that such a thing as speech even exists. His large, yellow eyes drift distantly before he snaps back as if nothing has happened. "Gbagbe!" he finally continues, the name sounding as if he's swallowing a large bug as he speaks.

Gbagbe is a tiny, green and yellow-skinned frog, with orange feet and hands and yellow eyes filled with wonder at the world. Several strands of cehap, colorful glass beads hang from his scrawny neck and a riotously colored headband is tied around his head. He is unarmored and carries a small crossbow, and a bundle of bolts that appear to still have the original string around them from the fletcher's shop. He considers what Dreng has said so far, then turns to Gaspar and says, "A war hero! Cool, really cool. So, Gaspar....." After another pause, which would seem awkward if it appeared to bother Gbage at all, but he seems blissfully unaware that conversation has stopped as everyone waits for him, he picks up the thread, "...there are goblins in the Chitterwood. Anything we should know about them? Anything else we should worry about there?"

Gbagbe ponders what Ashara's rather dire words before saying quietly, "Whoa, heavy."

Feral - any knowledge checks that apply here?

Have some minor tweaks to make to my alias to reflect purchases after my most recent chronicle, otherwise my hippy-dippy trippy grippli is all set.

No knowledge checks this time. Everything there is to know is fairly common knowledge.

Desime, with his chiseled Chelish features and elaborately bedecked Isgeri military uniform, cuts an imposing figure. He bows sharply at Gbagbe's acknowledgement and clears his throat.

"The nation of Isger has fallen on hard times recently. Less than two decades ago, the savage Chitterwood goblinoids organized and attacked the nation from within, sparking the deadly Goblinblood Wars. So great was the threat to Isger and its neighbors that only an unlikely alliance between a regiment of Eagle Knights from Andoran, a small order of Hellknights from Cheliax, and a contingent of Druma’s Mercenary League could stem the goblinoid tide. In the end, much of the Chitterwood was put to the torch, forcing the surviving goblinoids to seek refuge deep among the caverns below."

“I don't know much about who or what is waylaying your shipments. You will probably face nothing more than bandits, probably relying on the harrowing stories surrounding the Chitterwood to deceive and waylay travelers. Do not be surprised, though, if you encounter a hobgoblin or bugbear. I hear the city of Logas can still maintain a steady supply of fresh goblin heads for the pikes."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara smiles at the captain and gives him a nod of aknowledgement:"Pleased to meet you captain Desime. My name's Ashara and as you might have surmised I'm one of the pathfinders who will deal with the unfortunate situation mentioned by Venture Captain Dreng. Is there anything else you can tell us about these disappearances? Anything suspicious? Strange tracks? Is there a chance the goblin tribes are uniting once again?"

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

"Okay, good," Gbagbe says, managing to get through the mercifully brief sentence without losing his train of thought. "Wasn't there someone else we were supposed to talk to? Let's go find him. Or her."

Gaspar shakes his head. "I haven't investigated the sites of the attacks myself. The reports I've read on the situation didn't mention any strange tracks or sightings but you must understand, Isger is currently besieged by numerous threats. The undead roam the lands to the north and south of my beloved homeland, while bandits prey on the weak throughout the countryside. What’s worse, the Chitterwood itself is still the home to the scattered remains of goblinoid armies, left over from the Goblinblood Wars. If only for your sake, I hope it’s merely bandits behind the caravan attacks.”

I'm hoping the last two players check in before we get the meat of the adventure started. Are you guys ready to meet with Guaril Karela?

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9
DM Feral wrote:
Are you guys ready to meet with Guaril Karela?

Yep, that's what Gbagbe was getting at.

Along the way to prepare for their task the party stops at Guaril Karela’s store, the Pickled Imp.

Karela’s curio store seems dark and cramped, regardless of the time of day. The dirty windows block most outside light, leaving the inside of the store permanently encased in shadow. Rows upon rows of shelves filled with knickknacks, baubles, and trinkets — all of varying levels of quality and authenticity — run the length of the store, leaving little room for people to move about.

From somewhere behind the shelves, Karela, acting as shopkeep, shouts a greeting to potential customers as they enter. "Come in friends and look around! Can I help you find something?"

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Reacting to the addition to the party, Kelumur smirks to himself. This would be interesting. He makes himself scarcely prescence during most of the conversation as he prefers to be within the shadows. But he pays very close attention to every detail with close scrutiny.

"The society sent us to give you some assistance." Kelumur waste no time with small talk.

"Oh, it's you", says the greasy varisian capo as he sticks his head around the corner. "The lock the door and join me in the back."

Guaril leads the party into an almost lightless room at the Pickled Imp's rear. He takes a seat around a small table that smells of sweat and wood smoke.

“What do you need to know? I have sent instructions informing the caravan to meet you a few miles south of Logas. I shall have my associate Kazrin meet you in Logas and he should be able to direct you to the rendezvous point. From there, the caravan crew will lead you through the Chitterwood.”

“You only have one wagon to worry about. We do not normally make use of long wagon trains. Those are too difficult to protect and too easily noticed. The caravan master is a man named Jandri, one of our best remaining allies in the area.”

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

"So, what's in the ... pause ... wagon?" Gbagbe asks Karela, having scaled the wall of the back room as effortlessly as a tree frog. "We asked the venture captain - what's his name again? But he said to talk to someone else. Oh, to talk to you!"

After a pause, this one perhaps more thoughtful than forgetful, he adds, "So we're going to meet this one guy, K-something, who's going to take us to another guy, J-something, to go with the caravan? Where's the caravan going? And what's in the, uh, the thing...wheels...what's in the wagon?"

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

"Also, I trust you have the appropriate gear and equipment for us to blend in as part of the transportation troupe, we don't want unwanted attention when we look like a heavily protected wagon."

Dark Archive

Lawful Neutral Grippli Brawler 1/Ninja 6 (Sheet) | HP: 55/55 | AC: 25 (17 T, 20 F) | CMD: 20 | F: 9, R: 15, W: 6 | Init: 7 | Perc: 10 | Speed 40, climb 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Ki 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

Like Gbagbe, Xiao took a higher vantage point so that he could see what was being discussed rather than is normal view beneath the table.

I would be my best if I could keep lookout from up high. If there are trees along the route, I would be most comfortable up there, but I could also take my place atop the wagon when we are out in the open.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

As she sets eyes on Varela Ashara sighs deeply:"Let's cut to the case... I trust you have a fairly clear idea of what, or who, is taking down your caravans, so why don't you tell us what are we going to deal with. Saves time this way. And while you are at it why don't you spill the beans about the nature of the cargo we will be guarding for you? It would help if we were not involved in one of those little smuggling operations of yours..."

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Yeah I'm in the UK so the chunk of thosee posts were very early this morning!

Joining you all at the pickled Imp is a small, Bleached skinned creature wearing a well-forged breastplate complete with the gleaming silver Ankh of a member of the Silver Crusade. A plain longsword rests at their hip with a shield slung on their back portraying a Black Sword. Following through the door is an Albino Wolf complete with Saddle, a lance strapped to them which again is well-made.

Bowing to you all the Wayang speaks, a soft Tien accent in the words. "This one is Senketsu, Cavalier of the order of the Sword. With this one is Yurei, this one's friend." smiling at Guaril and being one of the few to be friendly to the man, Senketsu also bows.

"Master Guaril, this one is happy to help our agents. What will be in the caravan? Do you have any intelligence on the forces in the area?"

It's been 24 hours so we'll do this with 5.

"I have to respect the privacy of our clients. So, regretfully, I cannot answer that, and neither can Jandri, were you to ask him. I'm certain the Society appreciates my discretion when I'm transporting goods for them."

"And I'm afraid I do not know much more about these attacks than you do. If I knew who was responsible, my cousins and I would have taken care of it already instead of relying on our allies in the Society."

"Do not worry about standing out as outsiders. Varisian caravans often employ foreign mercenaries to guard their goods on dangerous routes. I do have scarves for each of you so that my informant in Logas can find you."

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Senketsu nods at the answers, expecting similar results from their questioning but knowing it would be unprofessional to no at least enquire about their mission. Gladly taking one of the Scarves provided, the Wayang wraps it around their gray-skinned face against the cold of Absalom and ensures any heraldry on it is showing.

"This one wonders, is Jandri the one to ask about the route? Or do you know the route? If nothing more is known, this one suggests we should move on yes?" they enquire, idly stroking Yurei behind the ear.

“Jandri is the carvan master. He can go over the route with you. If you don’t slow the caravan down, the journey through the Chitterwood should take just over a week.”

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Kelumur grunts with displeasure, indicating a strong dislike not knowing many of the details at hand, but says nothing about it. He browses through some of the shelves, "Will the weather be any of a concern? Also, do you sell poisons?"

If he sells poisons I'll pick up two vials, 50gp a piece. I forget the name now, but I'll check my companion when I'm home.

He has whatever poisons are openly available (which I don't think is much).

"The weather shouldn't be a problem. The Chitterwood can be a little cool at night but nothing a good cloak won't help with."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"We'll do our best. I certainly hope THEY don't slow US down!" Ashara snaps at the Varisian before yanking the scarf out of his hands while giving him the stink eye.

"Blessed Iomedae... I really can't stand this lout and his conniving ways..."

Before proceding I'd like to buy some equipment for Ashara: A runestone of power (lvl 1) for 2000gp, a ring of protection +1 for 2000 gp, sell her breastplate for 100gp and spend 1350gp for a +1 breastplate. Total gp spent: 5350gp. Total gp gained: 100gp

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

"Ooh, scarves!" Gbagbe says excitedly, selecting a couple of the most brightly colored ones, looping one over one shoulder like a sash and tying the other around his head, over his existing headscarf.. "That guy, whatever his name was, he'll know I'm with him right away!"

He gives Ashara and Kelumur a sidelong glance, thinking, Wow, these are some cranky Pathfinders.

Dark Archive

Lawful Neutral Grippli Brawler 1/Ninja 6 (Sheet) | HP: 55/55 | AC: 25 (17 T, 20 F) | CMD: 20 | F: 9, R: 15, W: 6 | Init: 7 | Perc: 10 | Speed 40, climb 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Ki 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

One more question. I hope it is not too much trouble to answer, but is our primary goal to ensure the arrival of the shipment at its destination or to hunt the bandits and eliminate them?

"Both. In our business, we try not to leave much to chance. Our routes are normally well prepared, including secret watering points and hidden campsites. The caravan is most vulnerable while on the move. If you can secure the caravan at one of these safe points after an attack, Jandri and his crew should be able to defend it in your absence while you hunt down your prey.”

After finishing their preparations the party regroups at Absalom's docks where you board a ship bound for Andoran.

The journey between Absalom and Isger takes several weeks, first by sea and then by land, until finally ending in front of the gates of the Isgeri city of Logas. The Goblinblood Wars may be over, but the goblinoid threat still lingers, as is made apparent by the rows of fresh goblinoid corpses that hang from pikes along the city’s walls. Every now and then, seemingly at random, a trebuchet from behind the city walls hurls a huge boulder into the forest.

A scarred middle-aged varisian man intercepts the party not long after you step inside the city. He seems to recognize the colorful scarves. "Pathfinders, with me. The others are waiting for us two miles south of here."

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

Gbagbe is a bit weary from the long journey, though he enjoyed the boat trip quite a bit, even if the water was rather salty. Still, as Jandri calls to them, Gbagbe perks up and says "Hey, you must be....someone. We were supposed to meet a....person. We're caravan guards! Right? Or were we a caravan of tinkers? Anyway, we'll come with you."

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Very rude, he may be a crook but all allies should be cherished Senketsu ponders as they leave master Guaril's store and make their way to the docks. Boarding the ship with Yurei, the Wayang delights in the new sights their journey has to offer, often making charcoal scribblings of interesting places or people. Disembarking, the Wayang smiles at the old man the wind rustlig their bleached hair.

"Greetings, we can travel yes. This one enquires your name so we can be sure we are not duped. We have these scarves to identify us, but of you we have but a name in our minds."

Assuming the man answers with Jandri, the Wayang mounts Yurei and checks their saddle before strapping a shield to their arm and keeping their hand within reach of the wicked Lance.

The man sighs. "I'm Kazrin."

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Senketsu nods happily at the man as they give the correct name and the Wayang scratches Yurei behind the ear affectionately. Smiling the Wayang indicates that Kazrin should lead the way.

"Good! This one would hate to be duped. So Lazrin, do you have clues to what is happening here?"

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Throughout the journey Kelumur keeps himself busy practicing with his bola's and daggers, he makes little to no attempt at socializing but does so when it is required of him. Especially if there is value for the groups integration.

When greeted by the man, Kelumur declines to make pleasantries at the moment, and just watches as Senketsu and Gbagbe make small talk with the varisian. But he keeps an close eye on the man, keeping his hands near his belt.

As long as he sees no signs of hostility, Kelumur will follow the man.

Kelumur will be on the lookout for hostiles and possibly ambushes or traps while they make their journey, often keeping to the front of the group.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 +2 for hidden objects and additional +1 for traps.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara nods coldly at the man calling himself Kazrin:"Well met. I'm Ashara. We'll be your security detail for this jorney of yours. Can you give us any details on what to expect?"

Sense Motive check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"And what you are really up to..."

Are Ashara's purchases ok with you GM? If so I'll update her character sheet with the relevant information

Dark Archive

Lawful Neutral Grippli Brawler 1/Ninja 6 (Sheet) | HP: 55/55 | AC: 25 (17 T, 20 F) | CMD: 20 | F: 9, R: 15, W: 6 | Init: 7 | Perc: 10 | Speed 40, climb 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Ki 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

Xiao was an assassin by training. By that training he learned never to pry to much into the motivations behind the job, his employers and their associates. It was one sure way to defeat oneself before the job even began.

I am ready to go when you are ready to leave.

You guys are so needy. =P

Kazrin sighs again. "This route used to be safe. Now our usual caravans struggle to make it to the other side in one piece. We don't know who's responsible - there's never been survivors."

"I'll introduce the others when we reach the rendezvous", he adds as he leads the way outside.

A short hike later the party arrives at a small clearing at the edge of the Chitterwood where the rest of the carvan is waiting for them.

"That's Alik", Kazrin explains with a nod a slight young varisian woman with a large sword swinging from her hip. "Normally, her and I would be the only guards on a trip like this."

"The driver's Jandri, he's in charge. He's a bit grumpy but I've been working with him for years. You'll never find a better driver", he adds with a wave at a sullen older varisian man up in the wagon's seat.

"And that's Camon. He's a passenger", Kazrin says simply with another wave, this time at a heavily bundled small humanoid seated alongside Jandri.

"If you're done chatting we've got a job to do", Jandri croaks in heavily accented Common before tugging lightly at the horse's reins in his hands. "Let's go Anka, we've wasted enough time here".


If you wanted to talk further to the NPCs now would be the time to do it.

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Senketsu eyes the camp, paying special interest to the small, bundled 'passenger' being likely smuggled by the Varisians. Ever friendly, the Wayang will lead Yurei around the small group and introduce themselves and their faithful companion, offering a small bleached hand in which to shake as they do.

To Alik they bow and ask "This one can see you are a mighty warrior, do you know this land? What dangers can we expect?" Senketsu asks politely, hoping to find a single friendly soul here.

diplomacy if needed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

The young woman, barely into adulthood, regards the wayang coldly at first but over time she warms up enough to talk.

"I don't know honestly. I've been lucky enough to avoid any real danger in the Chitterwood since I've been a guard. The worst I've seen is some wolves, half-starved and desperate enough to attack the wagon. Wolves aren't so bad. It's the worgs they say you should watch out for. They're bigger and stronger and three times as smart. I wouldn't be surprised if that what's been behind these attacks."

"No offense", she adds with a nod toward Senketsu's mount.

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Kelumur does not indulge himself in small talk, during this time, he takes the moment to inspect the caravan, to ensure no flaws or possibly rigged traps. Can never be too safe. Once done, he nods at the rest that he's ready to make a move.

perception: 1d20 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 3 = 21

I assume from the looks of it, we'll all be riding horses?

Actually, no. Most of the caravan is on foot. There's only one horse and its pulling the wagon.

Kelumur sees no signs of traps or flaws with the wagon itself. He does notice the outline of a couple cleverly hidden compartments.

Silver Crusade

Androgynous Wayang, Cavalier(Gendarme) 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC:22 (13 Tch,20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD:17 | F:+5 , R:+4 , W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 15ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 | Challenge 0/1 | Speaker 1/3 | Active conditions

Senketsu smiles and shakes their head at the Woman's apology. "Your words speak the possible truth, this one finds no offense in this. Wargs are truly terrible creatures and Yurei does not share their blood."

Quite content to discuss tactics with Akli as much as they are permitted, Senketsu keeps Yurei to speed with the human, only ranging farther if asked to scout or forage.

Liberty's Edge

HalfOrc UC Rogue 5 Fighter 2 Brawler 1| HP:68/68 |AC:22 (24)[ T:17 FF:16 (18)| CMB:11 CMD:21 | Saves F:+10 R:+13 W:+3 | Init:+8 | Per:+13 (+2 hidden objects/+4 traps)

Kelumur later on during the travels, discreetly informs his companions of his findings, and that he intends to have a look during nightfall when no one is looking. But besides that, he signals the thumbs up and he has inspected, all is well, and he is ready to go.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"Figures..." excaims Ashara sounding pretty irritated as Kelmur informs her of the secret compartments. She sighs then she approaches Kazrin:"So you have done this route a few times, right? What are the most likely spots for an ambush? And don't worry overmuch. We are pathfinders and we know how to do our job. Other caravans didn't have a full detail of us protecting them, so, barring a rampaging dragon or the full wrath of the goblinoid tribes I'd say you stand a good chance to survive this mission Kazrin!"

Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Ashara quickly finds that Kazrin is the most talkative member of the caravan.

"Well I appreciate the help from you and your team. I'd like to think that I've done this long enough to take care of myself but I'm not too proud to turn down the help if it means surviving whatever's been attacking our caravans. As for ambushes, I'm afraid there's too many good spots to name them all. The narrow passes and dense woods are a big part of why we've always used this route - it's easy to avoid prying eyes out here. It just so happens that that strength is being used against us now."

Kazrin shows the oracle a map of the caravan's route through the woods and he marks a dozen locations before shrugging and shaking his head. "The best thing to do is keep a sharp eye out. The biggest danger is while we're moving."

Grand Lodge

Appearance M Grippli Amnesiac Psychedelic Psychic 4 | HP 26 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 15 | (w/o mage armor: 13 | 13 | 11) | CMD 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +9

Gbagbe is very curious indeed about the heavily bundled humanoid seated next to Jandri. His lithe little frame scrambles easily up the side of the wagon and he perches on the edge of the seat, saying, ”Hello, I’m … well … My name is … Gbagbe! You’ll be travelling with us, eh? Or we’ll be travelling with you, depending, I guess. Do you mind if I ask, why are you so bundled up? Seems the desert should be hot, not cold, if I remember right.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

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