Feral's Feast of Ravenmoor - Sanctioned PFS Module (Inactive)

Game Master Feral


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Dot for now.

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

Dot of the angry dwarf...

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Eurus of Clan Frostwind is a young average sized young woman with a small frame, but walks with a certain grace. She has creamy skin and very long hair in the colour of rust, falling down almost half her back. Her heritage is only oblivious in the crystal blue orbs she has for eyes and her hair that always seems to be in a breeze.
In battle he wears a simple lamellar leather armor with buckles styled after gearwheels. Her earrings, her sash and the ribbons of her explorer´s outfit are the same crystal blue as her eyes.
She is carrying a brand new crossbow of simple style and a strange dagger like weapon as arment, but booth seem to be unused.
Her voice is a whispery sopran.

Liberty's Edge

Male Ulfen Bearbarian 15

"I don't expect this task to take more than a handful of days", Venture-Captain Gallard Stormeye, an enormous powerfully built Ulfen man with a wild look in his eyes and clad in worn red dragon-plate armor explains. "Jeminda Anikee is one of my best agents but this wouldn't be the first time that girl went off the rails and failed to report in."

The rugged Venture-Captain pauses to hand out tall mugs of sweet honey mead, a rare element of comfort in his spartan Grand Lodge office.

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy sips delicately at the mead, the picture of a Cheliaxian noblewoman, fashionable even in the furs required for the cold environment. The expensive fur trimmed red dress is stitched with sigils of Asmodeus, which almost distracts from the pale, hawk-eyed beauty of the woman who's wearing them. Though, you have the distinct feeling that her smile is hiding metaphorical fangs... or perhaps even literal ones?

If there is one thing I have learned in my time in the society... She pronounces Is that tasks are never as simple as they seem.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Taking a sip from the mead Frostwind smiles at Gallard and replies.
"This is very good. Indeed very very good. How about your sweeten the journey with one or two mugs of this excellent brew!"

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Vello is a bleached blonde half-elf with a lean figure. He is wearing a chain shirt but carries no weapons. His eyes are as blue as the ocean and he carries a mild tan on his skin.

Greeting everyone with a smile, "Hopefully she is just out partying or having an adventure and nothing more sinister is going on."

He gratefully takes the mead and starts to sip it. "Ah... that hits the spot."

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Kenza is a solidly built half-orc woman with pale green skin tattooed with ancient osiriani sigils. She wears her long black hair braided and tied back, and has rather large teeth protruding from her mouth. She stands at attention with her hands clasped behind her back, stoic and tall.

She casts a glance at the mead, but doesn't accept. Instead, she passes it down the line to Frostwind. Then she returns to her previous position, standing at attention like a soldier, or a bodyguard.

As the others drinks she asks the Venture-Captain, "Where was she working, sir? And for what purpose?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Ulfen Bearbarian 15

I’m away from the book right now so bear with me.

Venture-Captain Stormeye tops off any empty mugs before he continues.

”She was in a little farming town called Ravenmoor gathering information on a minor artifact for an expedition planned for later this year. It’s possible she happened on a hot lead and got herself into trouble. It’s more likely she arrived in time for a harvest festival and she’s been busy spending her days cavorting with the locals. Ravenmoor is in the heart of Varisia, far from any dangerous territory. In any case, I’d like you to follow up with her. Help her out if she needs it and get her to return to the Grand Lodge if she doesn’t.”

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None


She'd never heard of it, but that was unsurprising. Kenza was born in the southern deserts, very far from here, and had been to Varisia only once. Magnimar, specifically. She tried to recall the maps of Varisia she had seen, but couldn't remember much. There was some kind of cliff? It didn't matter. Kenza wasn't here to think. She was here to protect the other, better agents around her, so they could.

"Yes, sir!"

Kenza casts a glance around the room at her superiors, curious which of them will most need her protection...

The noblewoman, of course. And the sylph. She had fought alongside Frostwind once before, back in Thuvia. The half-elf...? Perhaps. The dwarf? Unlikely.

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy stands and brushes herself off daintily, shifting the small dagger on her hip so that it settles properly.

To Ravenmoor it is then. Ravenmoor...

She recalls the best she can anything about Ravenmore.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

I suppose we will need to ride... I brought my own horse of course, a fine steed named Mara. He's such a beautiful creature.

The horse is beautiful if you saw it in the stable coming in... jet black with unnerving eyes perhaps, but beautiful.

I suppose the rest of you will need to get your own transportation... Mara does not pull carts.

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Smiling at Lucy, "I wouldn't worry. The Society usually provides some form of transportation when we need to get away from home."

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

A well armored dwarf takes the ale and swallows it in one gulp. He doesn't seem to suffer any ill effects from this action... yet his eyes betray some kind of haunted feverishness and his words sound dour and implacable like stone grinding on stone:"Ravenmoor? Never heard of it but the forces of evil lair everywhere so this backwater town is probably infested as well. I would not be surprised if this agent of yours fell prey to them. Demons are legion... but don't worry Venture Captain. We shall find this agent of yours or what's left of her and we shall punish the wicked we'll encounter while doing so, or die trying!"

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

"Worst is, that we walk there. You see a lot of the country side that way. We just need some food and drinks!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Ulfen Bearbarian 15

”I’m not ruling anything out”, Gallard replies to Thror’s dire warning. ”So be on your guard.”

”I’ve arranged transport for all of you with Magnimaran tariff collector’s caravan that’s passing through the area. It’s not the kind of company likely to make you many friends but you’ll be well-guarded.”

If folks are done with preparations I'll move things along.

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Vello looks to the others, "I've got everything I need. So I'm ready to go whenever everyone else is."

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

"Understood!" Kenza replies.

At the end of the meeting she gives a deep, respectful bow to the Venture Captain. "It is an honour to serve you, sir. I vow to protect the agents under my care, and retrieve Miss Akinee, whatever her condition may be."

Then she turns to her superior agents. She bows to them, nearly as deeply as she did to their Venture-Captain. Returning to her full height she says, "Greetings. I am known as Kenza Bloodborn. It is an honour to serve you."

Yup, she's ready to move on.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Frostwind will create a few items first and buy a Broken figurine of alabaster pegasus (Honors echo Chronicle) for 1000gp and craft a few alchemistical items:
2 Antiplague 
2 Antitoxin 
2 Tanglefoot bag 
3 Flasks of Acid 
3 Smokesticks 
3 Flasks of Alchemist Fire

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

The half-crazed dwarf paladin nods:"Yes... I'm eager to meet the obscure forces arrayed against us... those unspeakable evils hiding under a false pretense of innocuous placidness. I will smite them all! And/or die trying! This I swear!"
So saying Thror turns on his heels and without another word steps out of the meeting room, possibly intent on marching on Ravenmoor, a place he ignored the existance of until but moments before, all alone. Given his belligerent stride you are not sure about his intentions...

Prepared for the journey ahead the Pathfinders departs Absalom.

For a week, the party travels with the tax collectors arranged to be their escorts through southwestern Varisia. The first leg of the trip is uneventful but pleasant. The Lost Coast Road up to the edge of the Churlwood is well-traveled and dutifully maintained by the City of Monuments. It isn't until the party parts ways with their escort where Lampblack curves away to the east, that the terrain changes in a meaningful way. Very quickly, the road becomes equal parts rocky and muddy as the sparse woodland gives way to bogland and bleak moors. During the day, the preponderance of ravens in the skies gives subtle encouragement that one is on the right track to Ravenmoor, but as the sun sets, the mosquitoes come alive. The trail itself often winds away from the river and soggy boglands to avoid the worst of these pests, but as the party nears their destination, insects become a constant annoyance.

After more than two weeks of travel, the sleepy town of Ravenmoor finally comes into view.

The voice of a child rings out as the party approaches the buildings near the edge of town. "Aaaaaaplesaaaauce! Here boy! C’meer boy!”

The most perceptive pathfinders hear rustling coming from the nearby reeds.

Initiatives: 6d20 ⇒ (16, 12, 6, 12, 5, 10) = 61

Frostwind, Kenza, and Thror are up. I'm not going to setup a map for this encounter.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Sounds like a dog or a hog. Better not attack it, or the local inhabitants will go bonkers!

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

"Come out and DIE, you filthy DEMON!"

Thror advances a couple of steps towards the rustling reeds and takes out his battleaxe...

5ft step and ready an attack if anything with hostile intentions comes near

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

"Hold Thror!" He holds his hand out. "It might be a dog or some other pet. We don't want to make the child cry do we?"

Vello then calls out to the 'pet' as he looks for it. "Come out little one."

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Kenza, always alert to threats to her superiors, places herself between Frostwind and Lucy, in order to protect them from whatever dangers might be lurking in the reeds...

Vello spots the disturbance a moment before it bursts from the tall grass - an insectoid creature with two pairs of bat wings, a tangle of thin legs, and a needle-sharp proboscis.

Attach (vs touch): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

It immediately buzzes toward Thror and tries to land on his face.

The party is up.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

What knowledge skill to identify?


Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy glances at the thing and pulls out her dagger.

what a horrible, disgusting thing! Kill it!

She sits astride her black horse, but makes no move to go closer to the thing.... instead she glances around, as if expecting something else to appear.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

We are re starting it and not starting where we were at originally?

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

Thror holds his ground and prepares to strike:"Come, DEMON! I shall end you here and NOW!"

Readied Attack Roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23Damage roll: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:
Remy LeBeau wrote:
We are re starting it and not starting where we were at originally?

Yeah. Probably because we didn't really get far the first time and we have some new players this time.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Oh, okay. /I was under the impression that we were going to start where we left off.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

At Lucy's command, Kenza hurries over to the stirge and throws a punch at it before it can hurt Thor.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

KnowArcane: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

If dangerous:

Frostwind takes one of her globes, gives it a viscious shake and throws it at the enemy.
AttackRTA: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 151d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Frostwind recognizes the creature as a stirge, a type of parasitic magical beast known to feed on the blood of large animals.

Thror easily swats the thing from the air knocking it to the ground with a *crunch*. Before Kenza can deliver the wounded creature a killing blow a human boy emerges from the grass.

He appears to be no more than 8 years old, with a ragged mop of black hair, filthy home-spun clothes, and mud caking his hands and feet.

“No! Don’t hurt him! He’s just a-scairt!”

We're no longer in initiative.

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Vello gently puts his hand on Thror's shoulder, "Hold Thror. It seems this creature is the boy's pet."

Vello goes to the boy and bends down to his eye level. "I'm sorry about that boy, but having such a creature come out of the bushes like that is dangerous."

He looks over the creature. Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 "It looks like it will live though."

"Tell me boy, are you from Ravenmoor?"

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Frostwind looks at the stirge and shakes her head.
"Children, this is not a pet!"
Calling Perpetuum from her clothing she holds it high.
"Look children, this is a pet!"
The little emerald green clockwork dragon whirls on her hand, up and down the arm and looks exicted at the children.
Diplo: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy looks at the parasite with a frown.

Disgusting. But perhaps no worse than a imp or a quasit in the end... keep a better leash on your pet child.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

I know someone who 'tougt dat dere lice was a pet he says with a grin,

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Kenza looks to her superiors for confirmation, then lowers her fist, letting the stirge fly off to the child. She eyes it warily, clearly not trusting the bloodsucker.

As the others interrogate the child, she moves back into position near Lucy and Frostwind, watching the surrounding countryside for further threats.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Though initially on the verge of hysterical tears, Vello's quick action to save the stirge's life stabilizes the situation with the local boy. He scoops up the injured critter and looks up at the party with wet eyes.

"I don't know what brought you lot to Ravenmoor but you should talk to my pa... he knows everything. I'm not 'sposed to talk to strangers."

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Frostwind smiles at the kid and then replies.
"Please, why don´t you lead us to your pa!"

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

"That is not a PET! That is a DISGUISED DEMONSPAWN!" Thror yells, clearly upset with the group not finishing off the stirge, then he turns his attention to the child:"Are you a demon-worshipper, boy? DO as the lady says... bring us to your father and we'll settle this in no time..."

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

"Calm down Thror. The boy isn't evil. In this backwater places, they often have unusual 'pets'."

Vello smiles at the boy. "Yes. Boy. Please take us to your father."

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy snorts with derision at Thror.

Be quiet you ignorant baffoon. A Stirge is not a demonspawn, merely ugly, disgusting, and parasitic... you should get along quiet well with it actually.

She looks at her fingernails haughtily as she urges her horse to follow the boy.

I know demons. Well, to be fair, devils mostly, but spawns of evil either way. And that is not a demon. Now, if you would take us to your father boy, you've wasted enough of our time, and my time is worth far more than you can afford.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

The magus chuckles at Lucy's comment

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

Thror intensely stares at Lucy:"Are you admitting to consorting with devilkind? They may not be as bad as demons but the punishment for consorting with them is the same. So are you in league with the enemies of the mortal realms? You certainly look the part but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, now, evil looking woman with questionable taste in your clothing, speak! Are you merely a deluded madwoman or you fully endorse the ways of evil? Be warned... I will know the truth of your words and act accordingly..." the dwarf says in a threatening tone.

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Lucy raises an eyebrow and holds up her hand, first raising a single finger.

One. I am Lucy Galonnica, of Cheliax's House Galonnica, third of my name. I am a loyal servitor of her infernal Magistrix Queen Abrigail Thrune, of the thrice damned house of thrune, long may she reign. If the "Cheliax" didn't give away that I consort with devils, then perhaps the "Infernal" and "Thrice damned" Will.

She raises a second finger.

Two. While I do, and have, bound devil's to my service, I have broken no law and followed the proper laws of Cheliax. Outside of Cheliax I haven't summoned a single devil. Thus, your "Punishment" would be you acting a a heinous vigilante in clear defiance of the law.

Those with sensitive sense motives might notice a almost quirk of a smile for that last statement for some reason.

Three. She continues. You are a pathfinder, and have sworn the same oaths I have. To Explore, Report, and finally, to Cooperate. You know as well as I that you cannot attack a fellow pathfinder without just cause in the eyes of the Decimverate, such as if I tried to bring harm to you, or to the pathfinders. To do so would require you to break oath and be expelled from the pathfinders, a fate that I assume you wish no more than I would. Thus I am given leave by the Decimverate to act as I please so long as I do not displease them.

She sticks out another finger.

Four, Just because you are so stringent as to believe that such nonsense as "the ways of evil" does not mean I do. Devils are tools, and I will not let them lie simply because you get sickly about it.

She smiles and clutches her hand into a fist.

Five. You might find it much harder to enact your "Punishment" on me than you believe... I have not risen to my rank with the pathfinders merely by the sake of my name.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Kenza steps between Thror and Lucy.

If these two kept at each others throats I'll have difficulty keeping everyone safe...

"Enough." Kenza announces firmly. It's the first time during this entire trip she's spoken up against any of you. "There will be no fighting between agents -- by blade, spell or words. NONE."

She eyes each of them in turn... Thror who wore his fears and prejudices openly, and Lucy, whose pride would one day get her into a trouble she couldn't get out of...

Let this be over.

After a long, serious stare, she says sternly, "Follow the boy."

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Vello looks at Thror and Lucy and sighs. Though he sighs more heavily at Thror.

"Listen to Kenza. We are here for a mission assigned to us by the Society. Infighting would be really bad and destroy our mission before it even started."

"Also, you are making us look bad in front of the boy and possibly frightening him even more."

Vello smiles to the boy, "Ignore them. Please continue to take us to your father."

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Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

The car is driveable and I was fine until Friday, my shoulder blade was bothering me, so I came home early from work.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Hey guys!

This weekend is Thanksgiving so I will very likely be unable to fit in a post. Please bot me if needed. I’ll be back to regular posting on Tuesday. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Botting instructions for Kenza:
- Listen to any suggestions and commands given to her by companions, even if they seem completely stupid
- Place self between allies and enemies (and probably get hurt a lot)
- Punch enemies.

She's pretty straightforward. Haha.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
How is it celebrated in Canada?

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Thanks! I don't think its much different than in the states. We visit family and eat way too much food. Turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, that sort of thing. I have a big family, so I've got a lot of dinners to go to. Haha. If you're religious you probably go to a service of some kind. If you live in the prairies like I do it's a good weekend to go to a corn maze, or pumpkin patch or something with kids before winter sets in. We just got our first snow this week, but it was just a tiny storm. We'll get some real snow soon. Autumn where I live is quite short, so around now is kind of your last chance for fall activities.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

I remember when I was in Rome we tried to have Thanksgiving celebrations. The turkey always looked like something bad had happened to it since it isnt something that many Italians consume.

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

To be fair, most Americans are not that good at cooking turkey either.

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4
Remy LeBeau wrote:
I remember when I was in Rome we tried to have Thanksgiving celebrations. The turkey always looked like something bad had happened to it since it isnt something that many Italians consume.

Yeah, stuffed turkey is not a thing in Italy. Stuffed hen is another matter entirely though.

Dark Archive

HP 24 AC 18, FF 16, T 12, Init +2, Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +4

I'm looking forward to my sister's pumpkin cheesecake, playing with the niblings, and more than likely arguing about politics and religion with my parents. And if my bro gets some leave, waiting to see which of my family members has to walk away to keep from murdering him first.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

These turkeys were shredded to the point where we didnt know for sure if they were turkey or not :)

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Is this all the same day as the fair and the piggy daemon?


Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

I'm back and ready to get rolling! Thanks for the bot. You had better luck than I did. Haha.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4


Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

We also prefer stuffed duck!

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

I dont like duck, lol

Liberty's Edge

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions:

Never had duck before. I think the only poultry I have ever eaten is chicken and turkey.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Neither goose? Thats what we do if we invite a few more people![/ooc]

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Never had goose

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

This past Saturday my right right started giving me some issues. I thought it would be getting better but today I went to the Urgent Care and the Doctor has made an emergency appointment for tomorrow afternoon at NM Eye Associates. The Urgent Care doctor thinks that my retina may be detached but wants the specialists to take a look at it.
I will keep you apprised of the situation.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

All the best, Remy.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Catching up, spent most of the day in bed or resting.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Thanks for the well wished and good thoughts!

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 04 HP: 44/44 | AC:25 | T:12 | FF:24 | CMB:+8 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+1 | Perc:+9 | Sense Motive:+9 | Smite Evil: 2/2 | Lay on Hands: 4/4

Be well, Remy!

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

thanks :)

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Just a reminder that I am going to be having eye surgery on November 1.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Hey guys, I’m going to have a crazy busy weekend. It’s unlikely I’ll be able to post Saturday, and I definitely won’t be able to post Sunday. Sorry if I hold up the game. Feel free to bot me if needed.


Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Have fun!

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Did we win?

Yup. I'll try to wrap things up later today.

Paizo Employee

Female Half-orc Monk 4 | HP: 30/30 | AC 17 (T16, FF 14) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F:+7* R:+7 W:+7 (+2 vs. enchantments, hot weather, +1 vs. disease, poison) | Init +2 | Perc +9, SM +2, Diplomacy +0, Intimidate +8 | Speed 40 ft. | Ki Pool: 5/5, Orc Ferocity: 1/1, Stunning Fist: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Thanks for the game, everyone!

The game's been reported and chronicles are ready.

Please post or PM me your email address so I can send you your chronicle.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Thanks to my fellow players and the DM for coming to our aid. :)

Dark Archive

Female Human Vigilante 10
HP 82 AC 21 T 13 F18 F+7 R+10 W+8

Happy to help! It was a blast, had so much fun with black maiden. :)

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

She was neat!

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Feral, will you be running any other PFS games by PbP? If so I would be interested.

I wasn't planning anything at this moment but thanks for the interest.

If something pops up I'll keep you in mind.

Dark Archive

nit +3; Senses Perception +2 ————— Defense ————— AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) hp 23 (3d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4

Please do,

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