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Hey. I'm not one of the four signed up (I've been wavering because I am wondering if I need my character free for Gen Con). But now I think "What the hay? I'll join."
Mind having a 5th? :) (I have GMed this, FYI)

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I would have zero problem following those rules. :) I'm also a GM around here, although a rather new to PbP (but not PFS by any stretch).
Thanks for the consideration.

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Had a human version of this character in an AP that died after the first book but have never gotten to play this halfling PFS version yet. We'll see how it goes.
PFS #55162-26
I'll need to load his stats later and check over everything. I believe he is actually level 3 from GM credit.

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pfs #52335-9
Dark Archive
day job roll, craft alchemy, incl crafters fortune bonus: 1d20 + 15 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 15 + 5 = 29

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It looks like most of us as 3+ anyway, so I'm guessing we would be playing high tier no matter what, it really depends on whether you want to get OOT gold for a lower level character along with the higher risk, and whether we want to try and get the four player adjustment for being low level.
I think play what you want. If you are just after balance, then maybe avoid the bard as we already have one. Maybe the warpriest to provide a bit of extra healing?

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the name is familiar, but i don't think I've played it.

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nope, then never played it... I'd remember that.

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Played it, played the enchanter. But the chronicle is unfort for another char.

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I think those who are still up might want to think about pulling back. These guys all get multiple attacks, I don't think any of us do. They effectively outnumber those of you left, do more damage have better hp and probably better AC. Unless we can come up with a better way to approach the situation there is no way past this. Even without the ambush to start with in a straight up fight these guys would have taken us.
OF course our own poor rolling and their pretty hot dice have not exactly helped.

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Question for next round: From where Bulgo is at the moment, if he tossed a dagger at yellow, would he get a sneak attack in?
I'm thinking yes as Bulgo is directly opposite from an opponent, but would like to confirm with the GM before trying such an action.

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Okay, triple post time.
If you thought the GMs dice were hot, you are right!
Taking into account only attack (and crit confirm) rolls, Feral has had 81 attacks. Now 11 of those rolls were natural 20s, which means there were probably 70 actual attacks.
Guess how many we have had in total, (including the eagle) three, and Ottilas AOO trips.... 36.
So even if the dice roller were not going like the blazes for him, we'd still have been thoroughly outfaced by this battle. Of course at any given stage one or two or maybe even three of us have been unconscious, which does detract somewhat from the number of attacks we can make.

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how could an archer aim at something he don't see ?!
I don't think it's possible. I also think with the web they must get out of the eye to see something.
And yes the stat are just horrible my dice never get higher than 7 (even when rolled by the GM) and the GM roll incredibly high (his number of 20 is insane).

DM Feral |

The archers are firing blind - hence the 50% miss chance. Web does cause blindness. I can create cover but as I mentioned when the web went up, the terrain is not laid out in a way that it's possible to block their line of fire. The webbing did grapple them for a few rounds which keeps them from firing their bows but they have since freed themselves.

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To be fair, firing blind, they need to pick the square they are firing into don't they? If we moved at all (and they were just picking the last square they saw us in) that would be an auto miss.
Not that I'm sure whether any of us who were hit by archers moved, or what their tactics against us are.
I think this encounter is probably not the best design for a first one in a PFS scenario. They are typically easy to allow a pickup group to get a feel for how they operate together. This one feels more like a boss fight.
Though again to be fair, with only five of us, and one a level 3, we were at the bottom end of the power spectrum for this. I'd suggest those who are still up try to scarper - and if they are feeling kind, drop a heal on the way out.

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With a ranged weapon you can only fire on target with a line of sight.
Ranged Attacks: With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any target that is within the weapon's maximum range and in line of sight. The maximum range for a thrown weapon is five range increments. For projectile weapons, it is 10 range increments. Some ranged weapons have shorter maximum ranges, as specified in their descriptions.

DM Feral |

Please don't try to quibble rules with me. You will lose.
You are correct, the archers did not have line of sight. They were targeting a square and dealing with the 50/50 miss chance.
If you have line of effect to a target but not line of sight, he is considered to have total concealment from you. You can't attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with total concealment has a 50% miss chance (instead of the normal 20% miss chance for an opponent with concealment).

DM Feral |

It says nothing of the sort. You're welcome to continue arguing with me but you're wrong. If you haven't posted within the next four hours I'll be NPCing you.
If it will put your mind at east, Sean commented on this situation back in '09.
Zurai wrote:Technically speaking, the rules for ranged attacks in the Core Rulebook state that you can make a ranged attack to any creature you have line of sight to. So, by RAW, Tom's right.(1) That sentence should read "line of effect" to be perfectly accurate.
(2) The rules also say on page 197 that you can still attack a target if you have line of effect but not line of sight (well, technically you're attacking the square, but it amounts to the same thing).

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SKR is not a rule guy.
I could'nt count the number of time he was wrong on the rules. But if you feel confident to take anything he writes as an adamantine rule go for it. You're the DM so I accept your interpretation of the rule here.
And please, don't threaten me with sentences like "Please don't try to quibble rules with me. You will lose" or " You're welcome to continue arguing with me but you're wrong. If you haven't posted within the next four hours I'll be NPCing you."
We agree to disagree, let's play.

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I think we should do some more fishing around before we start trying to influence people.
In particular after the first round of bids, we'll get a feel for which provinces they are already interested in (hopefully), and not waste time and effort in having the four bid against each other rather than against Myrosype.
Interesting that she is described as a silver agent, but wearing gold at the event. Typo? Or clue?
Bulgo is having a bit of success with Temel at the moment, so I had may as well continue with trying to work out his weaknesses (or was the intimidation clue his weakness?)

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Hi guys, I will fly to the US tomorrow.
Don't hesitate to GMPC my character. She will try to help anyone in his attempt or try something herself. She has every knowledge at +1 (+5 for religion).
Once per day she could add +4 to a Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy or Perform skill check after rolling the skill check, but before the result is known.
I hope to be able to resume my usual posting once arrived.
I will aslo GM - a lot - at GenCon. My ability to post will be scarce during these four days.

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I've added a slide that lists the districts so we can note who we are pushing to go for each. And if anything of interest is learned about them later on.

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Added the district I want her to buy!

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So, I've done a quick check of the required skills and how they match up against us all...
Cyan Irith Temel Vayde Ramenhotep Bulgo Kel Ottilia Kraak
Know(planes) Y 8 1 7
know(nobility) Y Y Y 1 7
Know(religion) Y 5 8 5 7
Know(history) Y 9 8 1 7
Prof(merchant) Y Y
Bluff' Y Y Y 7 8
Diplomacy Y Y Y 5 8 9 12
Intimidate Y 1
Sense motive Y 5 6
Hmm, the formatting doesn't work well here, let me try another way.
From which we can see that (and at the moment we don't know the various DCs for the skills)..
Kraak has the best chance to use diplomacy, which can go on anyone aprt from Cyan. If Vayde is out main target then maybe he should try that.
Ottila is the best highest bonus, also Diplomacy, so maybe on Irith
Ram comes next with a 9 in history, but hat is only good against Temel, still looks like a solid option.
The next highest is Kel with an 8 in bluff which works on Irith. Bulgo can aid on that one.
Or Bulgo could try and search out one of them to find out DCs (maybe on Temel?)

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remember that Kel gets his +8 PLUS 1d6 with all his knowledge skills.

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Bulgo Electras Bluff and sense motive are 14. Versitale performance

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Right, assuming DCs are equal (and I'm guessing that the generic skills like bluff and diplomacy are higher DCs than the knowledge skills) the best use of our skills would be:
Vayde: Bluff +14 (Electras)
Irith: Diplomacy +9+1d7 (Kel)
Cyan: Bluff +7 (Bulgo)
Temel: history +9 (Rem)
Which leaves Ottila with a diplomacy auto aid (assuming that two of us cannot try to influence the same person in the same round) or doing a discovery check.
But if we look at the knowledge skills it would be
Cyan - Plans: Kel 8+1d6
Temel - History : Rem 9
Vayde - religion : Otilla 5
Irith - nobility : Electras 7
It feels like we should try and use knowledge skills, but Electras is just so much better at bluffing than nobility...

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Suggestions for if we are pushing folk:
Temel - Courts *he has been ahead on this area for the first two rounds
Cyran - Prophet's Burg (ahead here on round 2)
Vayde - Scriptorum (he was leading in round 1 but fell back behind Myrosype in round 2)
Irith - Workings end. Already two pushes on this, but not sure she has the resources to capture two areas?
Not sure what to do about #2 The Luminous Wharf.
Myrosype seems keen on it. But it may be best to get ahead in the other four before trying for a clean sweep. If we do try for it, I'm guessing Cyran or Vayde are the richest, but who knows for sure. Maybe we would convince Irith to try and take two areas, we have a +4 on checks against her if we remember to say nice things about how well she has managed the city so far.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bsK28GZWJVT44bQv4xX0DZI2zWhEBoewHg qFzaThTI/edit#gid=0

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I already did my best to push irith on the wharf. If someone can aid me here and some others work on vayde with the scriptorium the rest can try to get the two to cement their quarters.

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I was going to talk to Irith... but it seems it's been done and quite well with a 26... so unless you want me to aid that and try to bump it... just point me in a different direction and I will put my skills whereever y'all think they'd be best used. I'm kinda at a loss at this point what to do since all/most bases seem to be covered.

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I stuffed up that link above it should have been
Skills matrix
With Felictas doing Irith, 'd suggest Kel tries for Cyan.
By the way, feel free to tell me to back off if I'm being too pushy. Some people like scenario minigames, and some...don't.
I'm a natural optimizer at such things (*well, I try to optimize them, whether or not I succeed is another thing entirely), but this is RPing not a maths class!

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okay, Kel will talk to Cyran. I'm good with that.. just needed to be pointed in a direction so I don't step on anyone's toes.
okay, talked to Cyran... hope it helps.

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GenCon done ! I'm tired but happy :)
I've even have the chance to GM "Thralls of the Shattered God" for its author !
I will be able to get back with my usual post rate :)
@Bulgo thanks for your work ! For my part it's very much appreciated;-)