Vencarlo Orinsini

Master Iediorum Rex's page

22 posts. Alias of JASON RODARTE.


This is the season I am looking at running with perhaps a few other repeatables thrown in

Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Immortal Influence

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

A new year comes for the Pathfinder Society, and what better way to start it off than by attending a fancy event? The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. They're not the only important Absalom-based faction there however, as the event is filled with lords and ladies and socialites of all kinds, including the Peacebuilders, a group dedicated to ensuring the Pathfinder Society pays for any of its mistakes. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual is found and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!

Written by Rigby Bendele

The Master speaks thoughtfully, There are two rescues before us. The obvious one is of Donavaan. There is also one within the Jedi Temple on the planet. Perhaps two can be done at once or one will lead to the other.

He asks the cathar Padawan, did you get a sense of where they could be?

The Master adds, This is most concerning. Were you able to tell if this was a vision of what is or what could be. This other foe seems to have some training in the Force. .

The group does have the benefit of having a bounty hunter among it, who seems to be unknown to the slavers the Master says.

The Jedi Master asks the cathar, What did you feel when you were in contact with this,,,Other.?

Waylon Stanmore wrote:
Waylon asks the Jedi Master, "They mentioned a Jedi Master named Lanius Qel-Bertuk. Are you familiar with Master Lanius? Do you think they might have survived the bombardment and taken the holocron?"

I am not familiar with this particular Master of the Order. It might behoove the padawans to explore this jedi temple

He responds, Who better to get access to a Jedi Temple, than one who trained as a jedi?

After hearing the message, Master Rex looks at Waylon and Dreamchaser and asks Are the pieces to this puzzle beginning to come together?

Kol DyThrand wrote:

Kol trips the intercom.

"Master Rex, we're being hailed. Sensors have a ship on the opposite side of the planet." He reported.
He gestured to Phineas to go ahead and respond as appropriate for an innocent cargo vessel.

The Jedi Master nods. I would defer to the Captain of the ship in these matters.

You may want to rescan the area. he replies.

Master Rex will also train Waylon in the use of the lightsaber. His lightsaber emits a white light.

Master Rex nods. What is your experience with a lightsaber? he asks Waylon.

Master Rex happily agrees to Waylon'S request. Padawan, tell me how you are able to manifest the Force He asking for Force Powers and talents

In a war, the human retorts, [/b] only the carrion eaters gain [/b]

A proud people, who have suffered much in recent years. he says sadly to the codru-ji.

Where you raised on Mandalore? I was there briefly in the last days of the war.

Master Rex nods.

Master Rex replies to the cathar, You have two choices for Masters, myself and Jace Concorkill, Jedi knight. Which of us does the Force bid you train with?

The Master nods.

The Master inquires, Captain, what aid can we offer?

The Jedi Master gently speaks to Waylon, Calm yourself, acknowledge the darkness that seems to permeate the Force and push past that to the Living Force and its promptings.

The jedi master gives you a warm smile, though he seems tired.

Please come in padawans and make yourself as comfortable as you can in these environs. We have much to discuss, but first and foremost, if you still wish to continue your training and become Jedi Knights, even in these Dark Times, you must complete your training. That is a choice you must make. If you wish to continue your training, I or Jace would be happy to take you on as padawan learners. Sit, let all 4 of us sit and meditate and seek the will of the Force. Tell me what the Force is speaking to you.