Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance


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Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I am enjoying reading the interaction in the group.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The new arrivals see 2 other people on the ship, a vurk and a younger human man. They seem to take a bit of interest in both the clone trooper and the umbrian. The human addresses the Mandalorian.

Where you raised on Mandalore? I was there briefly in the last days of the war.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Phineas is relieved when Prox agrees to a game of Sabbac, I've barely any credits left as it is.

Galactic Lore on the Vurk 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Phineas greets those two others on the ship respectfully, and contemplates what he knows about the Vurk.

Seeking out Dreamchaser, he engages the Jedi, "Tell me Sir, what is our mission? Besides the orders for a rendezvous, I wasn't told anything else further. Are we delivering our guests somewhere safely?"

Galactic Lore check, Almas 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1
Master Iediorum Rex wrote:
Where you raised on Mandalore? I was there briefly in the last days of the war.

Chalkou turns to look at the human, then shakes his head. "I was adopted by Mandalorians after my parents were murdered. I have been to Manda'yaim, but my clan were not the farming sort, so we largely stayed away on business."

A proud people, who have suffered much in recent years. he says sadly to the codru-ji.

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1

Chalkou nods. ”That is true. But our suffering pales in comparison to that of the Jedi.” Who would have thought I would sympathize with Jetiise? he thinks to himself. Strange bedfellows, indeed.

In a war, the human retorts, [/b] only the carrion eaters gain [/b]

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Has anyone outlined to the newbies what is going on and what the crew is doing?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

What do you guys do for the 11 days it will take to get to the plant?

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

"I'm game for any sort of game," says Ardan with a bit of deliberate repetition. "And if I don't know it, I'll learn."

"We have plenty of time to practice, after all. Almost two weeks to our destination—which brings me to our current issues. We're pursuing a youth named Donovaan who is... important to the Jedi and to their, uh, evil counterparts. A pair of Inquisitors or... agents of some sort... kidnapped him, but we're in pursuit now. Aside from the simple humanitarian reason of 'We shouldn't let the Imperials and their bondage simps get their claws into a kid,' there's some suspicion that he may have nascent abilities that are just too dangerous to turn over to the bad guys."

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10
Private Phineas - Piston wrote:

Seeking out Dreamchaser, he engages the Jedi, "Tell me Sir, what is our mission? Besides the orders for a rendezvous, I wasn't told anything else further. Are we delivering our guests somewhere safely?"

Galactic Lore check, Almas 1d20+8

Dreams sadly sighs, You remember the young man that we rescued from the prison? He queries.

He has been kidnapped, and we are dealing with getting him back,
This also ties into our mission, which was to find the Majordomo from a Hutts retinue, and bring him in.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

"I do remember, hard to forget when you also were sprung.

Did the Imps kidnap him? How are the Hutts involved?

Is this some sort of odd convergence coincidence involving both of those parties?"

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10
Private Phineas - Piston wrote:

"I do remember, hard to forget when you also were sprung.

Did the Imps kidnap him? How are the Hutts involved?

Is this some sort of odd convergence coincidence involving both of those parties?"

I guess, the imps did kidnap him. They used a races that control minds through smells, so ensure you have a filter mask.

But they only got him, through the advice of a Hutt Majordomo, which we were trying to get information from, when the Hutt was killed. We then had to run from an inquisitor when we sprung another Jedi.

I am thinking that it was an action of convenience on the part of the majordomo trying to get us off his tail.

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1
Master Iediorum Rex wrote:
In a war, the human retorts, [/b] only the carrion eaters gain [/b]

The Mandalorian faith teaches of Akaanati'kar'oya, The War of Life and Death, and how the Destroyer God Kad Ha'rangir forces change and growth upon a stagnant universe through conflict." The young Codru-Ji says, crossing both pairs of his arms as his eyes narrow behind his mask. "So I hope you will forgive me if I do not agree." Without waiting for a response, he turns and departs the conversation.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Is he one of the Mando Mandalorians or the ones that can take off their mask?

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

"I see we're off to a great start! So, Prox, you were mentioning some other games..."

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1
Quen Pah wrote:
Is he one of the Mando Mandalorians or the ones that can take off their mask?

He *can*, but he also realizes the mystique of the masked Mandalorian, so he usually doesn’t in public. Around comrades he will, but still usually only for meals or other times when it’s impractical to wear a helmet. If it’s necessary to take a meal in public he just gets a shake or something; the helmet has an extendable straw.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Ensure to the rescue!

Prox was listening to the other conversations quite interested in hearing everything everyone had to say about themselves and she had almost forgotten about Ardan until he made a comment to regain her attention. "Yes, I mentioned Tri-Dejarik and Dejarik which are both holographic games of skill and tactics. Do you have either of these games present within your system? Otherwise I can transfer the programs into your systems given the appropriate access."

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

"I'm pretty sure we have Dejarik. Less so about Tri-Dejarik. Bring me up to speed gently, all right?"

Prox describes to Ardan what Dejarik is and how it differs from Tri-Dejarik and how both help one to learn to be a better tactician since they are both designed to do just that.

She states that Dejarik teaches one tactics on a single plane which reflects ground combat, while Tri-Dejarik introduces 3-dimensional combat thus, ground combat, above ground combat and below ground combat which also reflects space combat. Mastering these helps one deal with such situations when they are encountered as one has learned to think ahead and anticipate what one's opponent might attempt to do and counter that before they can even implement it. For it is said the best offense is a good defense and the best defense is a good offence. So knowing how to do both effectively makes you a stronger opponent.

There are also many good ancient texts on the subject that add even more to the basics of what Dejarik and Tri-Dejarik teach as they are both somewhat limited on what they can teach given the medium through which it is being taught.

Once she has covered the generalities and determined whether Ardan wants to learn Dejarik or Tri-Dejarik as the were completely different modes of thinking with Tri-Dejarik being the current mind-set that one should probably pursue, she goes about instructing him on the basics of the game.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

What is everyone else doing?

Other than teaching Ardan how to play the version of Dejarik he chose to learn, Prox will take time to examine the ship. She will dig into its details and determine what possible enhancements she might be able to put into place temporarily (which mechanically she will do so let me know which Technician augmentation to apply to the ship) and what parts she would need to make certain augmentations permanent.

She will also place her two bugs in various discrete locals on the ship where she does not frequent and check them regularly while investigating maintenance issues. She will spend sometime each day or so to parse through the data and recharge the bug.

She will, when the opportunity arrises ask questions of the others to get a better idea of who and what they are and what they are not. She will probably linger a bit longer with those who outwardly claim to be Force user to better understand their phylosophical beliefs. Which might give these Force users a bit more incite into what she really is.

Regardless, she will probe the others discretely over the 11 days. Learning as much as she possibly can without revealing much about herself beyond that she is a simple mechanic who has fallen on hard times and due to persecution had to leave home.

If anyone delves into the persecution she will simply describe the basics of the cast system of the Umbarains (aka vaguely) and then state she simply did not qualify and wanted more for herself.

If anyone asks about hardtimes, she will simply state she unfortunately crash landed on the planet they picked her up from and her ship was unsalvageable.

She will continuously basically paint a nondescript mechanic of none note worthy origins and stay to that line of acknowledgement.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Phineas nods at Dream's explanation having gotten an idea of what the group faces.


For the remainder of the trip Phineas spends time practicing working on systems to improve his slicing skills.

He seeks out Ardan to see if the Noble can acquire (eventually) any of the following equipment: (1) Security Overrider and/or (2) Lockbreaker.

For any Jedi present, he seeks to collaborate on battlefield tactics.

Phineas picked up the Mercenary Talent Tree - Commanding Presence. Once per encounter, you can activate this Talent as a Swift Action. Until the end of the encounter, all your opponents within 6 squares of you take a -2 penalty to their Will Defense. This is a Mind-Affecting Fear effect.

I suspect this may be helpful with the use of some force powers in combat, Phineas is looking forward to seeing whether the combo is effective!

Other than that he speaks when spoken to but spends his time meditating and floating in the pool, he finds weightlessness to be quite comforting in his rapidly aging body.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Prox Sommoss' demonstration of the Dejarik games catches Kol's attention and he'll join in.

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1

Chalkou will wander around the ship, familiarizing himself with it. Especially weapons systems.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Dreams spends his days, either in the instruction of Master Jase, or his room recovering from his instruction.

He also spends time working on his planets unarmed combat.

nit +6; Senses Perception +9,Languages Basic, Semblan,Faleen, Caamasi Defenses Ref 12 (12 flat-footed), Fort 14, Will 15; HP 32; Threshold 14 Force Pts 5 Vurk Jedi3

The vurk will spend a few hours in his room/ When he emerges he has a lightsaber training remote for the cathar to practice before Jace will dual him.

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Ardan splits his time between watching old holonovels and playing occasional games of Tri-Dejarik with Prox, at which he's not very good.

Prox seems to be a most patient teacher and will take moments in a game to denote various tactics one might choose for their next move. She never loses purposefully, but she does not always play the best that she can. She will also denote that she is what is considered a casual player as there are those who delve deeply into the tactics of the game and thus reduce the game to pure mathematical logic and she has no desire to become a computer as the game is meant to be fun not work. She will always state it is an exercise in learning to think at least three or more moves ahead which then trains the mind do so when when dealing with situations in real life.

She does spend some time with the obviously Jedi oriented folk, asking them numerous questions about their philosophical beliefs in regard to the Force both the Light and the Dark sides and why these both exist and is there any rhyme or reason to the Force. For instance, is it a neutral power just waiting to be harnessed or is it an active entity with its own agenda that is not well understood.

Besides that again she will spend time periodically asking questions of everyone both mundane and philosophical. It is fairly obvious that she has a genuine interest in everyone that she is traveling with.

Artee in the meantime will be working on any minor repairs that can be conducted while traveling through hyperspace. He will also catalog for Prox any systems that could use improvements or more significant repairs. Which she will then note and bring to Ardan's attention during one of their casual games.

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

Waylon will spend his time meditating and working with Master Rex to learn more of the Force.

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Seated in the lounge, playing Tri-Dejarik with Prox

The dissolute nobleman is sharp, but not really a trained tactical mind. He picks up the basics of Tri-Dejarik quickly, and while he learns the moves readily, his strategic sense tends to bog down mid-game and his pieces wind up picked off one at a time, scattered around the playspace.

While pushing one of his pieces into a fork that will quickly blunder off into uselessness because it doesn't have a supporting flank, Ardan says to Prox, "Back on Onderon, legend has it that our ancestors tamed and rode dangerous flying beasts that traveled from our moon to our world. We have a legendary history, a time full of swords and sorcery, living as we do on a world full of monsters. I would imagine that beast-riding like that is exhilarating in its combination of freedom and risk, wouldn't you think?"

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
Waylon Stanmore wrote:
Waylon will spend his time meditating and working with Master Rex to learn more of the Force.

what part of the Force?

Prox glady plays Dejarik with Kol as well as discuss what he enjoys the most about piloting and what are some of his favorite ports of call.

Having ample time to discuss exterior matters as she was already several moves ahead, she takes a moment to explain to Ardan, "While that piece has air support it lacks additional ground or subground support. Making it prime target which might get you to commit your air support for a weaker ground unit if I took it which would then lead to you to losing that air support as well." She tries to help him understand that while trade offs were necessary, one always wanted to be able to gain on that trade if at all possible.

To Ardan's question about beast-riding she replies, "That is most interesting, and I would assume it is similar to why some starfighter pilots do not want to stop being one. Of course, from what I have heard about beast-riding the rider and the beast are usually good friends or at least have great respect for one another. Otherwise, the beast would not be rideable and it might just eat the rider for trying. So these beasts your people used to ride, do they still exist or are they extinct now?"

When she can, she will watch or listen in or leave a bug to record, in order to observe more about the Force and the way these individuals chose to approach it. She was interested in the difference in their views versus those or her mentor Tsuyo, as well as the similarities.

When in private she will practice the Force Regimen of the Bowl and Stone Orb (aka Telekinetic Practice).

Force Regimen: Bowl and Stone Orb:

Telekinetic Practice
Time: 1 Hour Target: Self

This Training Regimen hones their skill with the Alter aspect of The Force and enhances telekinetic precision. It requires a deep bowl and a polished stone orb. They begin by placing a deep bowl on the ground, with an orb at the bottom of the bowl. First, they must use The Force to hold the bowl perfectly still and pin it to the ground. Then they roll the orb slowly up the side of the bowl, keeping it in contact with the bowl at all times, until it reaches the upper rim. The orb is held there for 5 minutes, and must remain perfectly still. They then roll the orb slowly back to the bottom of the bowl, moving it with The Force and not allowing the orb to move under gravity's power.

Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:

DC . . . . EFFECT
----- . . . -----------------------------------------------------------------
18-22 . They let the bowl move during the regimen. They gain 1 temporary
. . . . . . Force Point which they can apply only to a Use the Force check
. . . . . . made to activate a Force Power with the [Telekinetic] descriptor.

23-27 . They let the orb roll under gravity's power back to its starting
. . . . . . position. They gain 2 temporary Force Points which they can apply
. . . . . . only to Use the Force checks made to activate Force Powers with
. . . . . . the [Telekinetic] descriptor.

. 28+ . They complete the regimen perfectly. They gain 2 temporary Force
. . . . . . Points which they can apply only to Use the Force checks made to
. . . . . . activate Force Powers with the [Telekinetic] descriptor or use to
. . . . . . reroll a Use the Force check made to activate a Force Power with
. . . . . . the [Telekinetic] descriptor. (They must keep the second result,
. . . . . . even if it is worse.)

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

I am learning the path of the Consular and that seems to be his expertise. Aiming for peace and tranquility in the galaxy.

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Seated in the lounge, playing Tri-Dejarik with Prox

"Oh, these days the beast-riders who remain are mostly ceremonial, or so I'm told. It's a side of our culture that became less pronounced as our cities became increasingly industrialized and expansive. Also, it's buried in a lot of historical legends," says Ardan.

He thinks a moment, then moves one of his ground units to support the air defense based on Prox's comment, but fails to realize that this opens the other side of his formation for a flank.

"Still, ancient legends give us dreams, things to imagine... even if they aren't always suited to the present day, they can inspire, wouldn't you agree?"

OCC: Waylon are you aware of all the current Force Regimens? If not I can share them with you. Further I am sure, if the GM is willing, we can even make a Regimen more suited to your specific focus.

Prox makes her counter move that exploits Ardan's flank, "Okay, while you have covered yourself there you just exposed yourself over here."

"I would agree, that perhaps their are truths long forgotten, that are still there if only one were willing to explore them and to find someone that might be able to train them in those old ways. Perhaps this beast riding actually has more elements to it than you currently are aware of. There are methods to open one's mind up to things that seem implassible. For instance, the Force is a known element, as our Jedi's will profess, however, from my understanding there or more than just two paths to explore it. So perhaps your ancestors explored one of these alternate paths, and learned a specific method of tapping into the Force that allowed them to do the seemingly legendary things that they were able to do. Which would mean this ancient element still flows through your bloodlines and fully manifests with those that actually pursue its existence."

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

"It's funny, now that I think about it, that given my planet's history, we don't have a local set of Tri-Dejarik featuring beast-riders, to go with the monster theme common in the usual Dejarik sets," muses Arden. He rubs his chin as he considers his options, and wisely pulls his piece back to the side of the board, but at this point it's just going to be a long mop-up; his forces are split between the two sides, he's lost control of the center, and now it's just a matter of Prox deciding which side to wipe out first, as there's not enough consolidated power on either side to provide a complete defense.

"I'm a bit suspicious of putting moral imperatives on impersonal forces, but people seem to enjoy doing so. Doesn't it seem suspicious that different groups can ascribe different motivations to noetic power and everyone says they're right and nobody agrees?"

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
Waylon Stanmore wrote:
Waylon will spend his time meditating and working with Master Rex to learn more of the Force.

Did you ever ask him to become your Master?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
Waylon Stanmore wrote:
I am learning the path of the Consular and that seems to be his expertise. Aiming for peace and tranquility in the galaxy.

You need to ask him...

Prox Simmoss listens to Ardan's comments and pauses to think about things. She then suggests gesturing at the board, "Shall we start over, or do you feel you can learn things from continuing. I mean, while one can learn things in fighting a losing battle, one also needs to know when to cut short their losses and retreat, regroup, and start afresh."

She lets Ardan respond to her question before continuing, "As to your other comment, while in a game they are impersonal pieces, in real war it has proven that making those lives personal can greatly improve morale and while there is no way to reflect that within such a limited medium as this", she taps the edge of the Tri-Dejarik board, "that element can make a major difference in a real battle. The game is simply meant to teach one how to utilize their forces, it does not teach them how to motivate their forces to do more than they would normally be capable of doing. That is purely the venue of life, and what quality leadership is all about. One can perhaps out maneuver one's opponent, as this game reflects, but then have that opponent withstand that and come back and still win. For instance, what if the game could be alterred to reflect morale, a very complex process I am sure, it could mean even though I attempt to legally take a piece of yours that instead due to its morale your piece wins and I lose my piece instead. Can you see how greatly that would effect how this", she makes a muted but sweeping gestures of the board, "game would greatly be alterred?" In short to dehumanize your troups is to degrade their morale assuming they had any to begin with. Now I have heard, through various contacts, that the imperial forces have chosen to do away with morale issues by brain-washing their troops. While this solves the issue of having poor morale it does not counter the aspect of having good morale, which cannot actually be achieved through brain-washing, and still lets the empire dehumanize their forces and treat them as disposable units, much like many view droids, which if allowed have proven to be living entities. Life is a very complex matter, and what defines life is extremely nebulous? We have preconceived notions and ideas but are those truly what life is all about? Perhaps these philosophical views of the Jedi and Sith in regards to the Force are a peek into what life is really about. For those that deal in the Force are said to be able to outlive our physical reality and become something more. How do you feel about this concept of the Force? Perhaps it was what your ancestors worked with in their own way but then strangely did not pass down to to their decendents. Further, while it may still flow through your people's blood lines, no one knows how to properly use it anymore and they thus do not pursue it. Perhaps riding those beast, assuming they still exist, is not beyond something your people can still do, or for that matter something you can still do, if you chose to put your mind to it".

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

"Master Rex, I find that I am drawn to the same ways of the Force that you follow. I would be honored if you would instruct me further in the ways of the Force." Waylon asks the Master.

Master Rex happily agrees to Waylon'S request. Padawan, tell me how you are able to manifest the Force He asking for Force Powers and talents

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

Waylon responds by saying, "I have the ability to convince people to take certain actions, although it tends to be only for a short time. I can also call upon the Force to strike harder in battle when I center myself."

Master Rex nods. What is your experience with a lightsaber? he asks Waylon.

Master Rex will also train Waylon in the use of the lightsaber. His lightsaber emits a white light.

nit +6; Senses Perception +9,Languages Basic, Semblan,Faleen, Caamasi Defenses Ref 12 (12 flat-footed), Fort 14, Will 15; HP 32; Threshold 14 Force Pts 5 Vurk Jedi3

The vurk has a blue lightsaber.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Were there repairs on the ship or is that something you can do in hyperspace? Are you planning on getting the ship repaired before you arrive at the planet. You do know that they have a large ship.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The Jedi will more or less stay by themselves training the padawans but will not be adverse to engaging in conversation.

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