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84 posts. Organized Play character for Fiorello.


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Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

If you don't think a housecat, especially a mother, can be a threat, you have never been around an angry housecat.

Also, "house cat" is a very vague term. These are two types of cats kept as pets.
Maine Coon

Savanah Cat

Scarab Sages

PossibleCabbage wrote:
"Time-displaced Human" could be a Heritage though. That would pretty much cover all the Azlanti, and anybody else who ended up rocketed forwards in time.

That's already a background.

Thassilonian Traveler

Regional based Ancestry Feats and Backgrounds are already in the Lost Omens books.

Scarab Sages

Orithilaen wrote:
Lightning Raven wrote:
Nope. It's the other way around. In a campaign, you don't roll enough to make the +1 STR strictly better all the time. There will be a lot of overlap between 16STR and 18STR and if you're in a unlucky streak, you will not even feel the difference.

I don't think this is right. Rolling more doesn't make an 18 Str character more or less better than a 16 Str character. It just reduces the variance.

Think of a one-roll case. A 1st level fighter (attack +7 or +6) attacks a skeleton guard (AC 16, 4hp so a hit with either 16 Str or 18 Str will destroy it).

On a roll of 10-20 (55%), both hit. No difference there.
On a roll of 1-8 (40%), both miss. No difference there.
On a roll of 9 (5%), the Str 18 fighter hits and the Str 16 fighter misses.

So, 95% of the time (in this very simple example), the difference doesn't matter: the Str 18 fighter doesn't do 20% more damage, they do 0% more damage. But 5% of the time--not a huge percentage, but a real one--it's the difference between the creature being destroyed and the creature being totally uninjured and the action wasted. Variance. That doesn't require playing for a long period of time; it requires rolling an attack roll exactly once and getting a particular result (and a 5% probability is low but not that low).

You missed the 5% increase on chance to crit.

Remember, from level 1 you can do multiple attacks.
its an increase for all attacks made during combat.

1st attack is 9 vs a 10 minimum roll to hit
2nd is 14 vs 15
3rd 19 vs 20

so if you miss your first swing you have a better chance of taking the guy out on the next one and if you hit and kill with the first swing, you have a better chance of hitting another enemy and taking them down.

Scarab Sages

I always thought the sling staff was used by planting one end in the ground and using both hands to pull back the sling to fire. Hence how a halfling could do that much damage. I guess that would be more of a slingshot Staff or rather haphazard personal catapult.

Scarab Sages

masda_gib wrote:

What comes to my mind for a swashbuckling witch with formidable hair and a headband of mighty hairflips is basically an 80ies fitness instructor.

...are there neon dyes for clothes on Golarion?

I'm thinking Chameleon Gnome/Vibrant Display, Martial Disciple(Acrobatics)?

Scarab Sages

Lightning Raven wrote:

It's a huge gamble to use Parry if it allows a possible attack of opportunity and you can riposte only on a critical failure. If it were on a normal failure, I could make the gamble, but it's not like you're going to be a god of AC with a Swashbuckler in order to make this actually beneficial.

Maybe you're supposed to be moving more and using this interact action while out of reach. But I just wish the class had more options to move around without being punished, for example: Longer steps, more than two steps using one action. Attacking and Step with a single action.

When they said the swashbucklers would be mobile I wasn't expecting just a couple of feats that mention it and give a little more move-speed. I expected efficient actions or ways to move freely despite reactions.

It seems like there are a ton of things to do with movement with the swashbuckler.

Gain panache if you rolled Acrobatics( or athletics for gymnast) initiative.
Panache increases movement speed by 5 and increases at 3rd and every 4 levels thereafter.
Feats enhancing movement abilities:
Tumble Behind
Flamboyant Athlete
Continuous Speed
Vexing Tumble
Nimble Roll
Mobile Finisher
Panache Paragon(situational)

You could 8 out of your 11-12 class feats as movement enhancing.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well I think the biggest issue is that this is a cooperative game. As soon as players start learning how to synergize, their combat effectiveness shoots up. Maybe the fighters defense vs magic is his friend the highly mobile grappling Monk.

Maybe there's a caster without a single primarily damaging spell. He can't kill anything, but he can earthbind flyers so slow melee can pound them or grease the floor causing chaos to the guard patrol chasing the party.

A rogue might not be able to take out a large group of enemies but maybe he helps the party sneak past them.

I remember reading during the play test of one group with a druid who would use stoneshape(or something like that) to make staircases raising enemies high so the Monk could zoom up the stairs, grapple, and then fling the enemy off the stairs. No idea how you would calculate that but it sounds fun, awesome, and funny.

A lot of being an effective character, to me at least, is figuring out how to be awesome with the party. A damage dealing power house can be amazing but it's only one part of a whole.

Scarab Sages

chocochobi wrote:
mavbor wrote:

You get 4 free ability boost. Each +2.

Page 30 in the book.

Thank you

+2 if the stat is below 18

+1 if it is 18 or higher

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
shroudb wrote:

it's chickens.

it's always chickens you kill when you need 10-20 xp to level up.

baldur's got it right with their 1 xp per chicken :P

As someone who grew up with the Legend of Zelda, no! I say again NO!. Do not attack the chickens! They're worse than the boss fights...*twitch*

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On the week versus month thing.
If a month is 4 weeks we are missing a month each year. 4*12=48 not 52
Also, while stated a pregnancy is 9 months, a full term baby is 40 weeks, which would be 10 months if 4 weeks=1 month.
(Btw just having fun with this at this point :D)

On magic items in general, I like the whole "Higher level means more ambiguity" thing. Gives GM's more leeway to customize situations for their group.

I always see rules as a means to an end. The point of P&P RPGs is to cooperatively tell an engaging story. Rules should facilitate this without getting in the way.

I've seen/ played/ gm'ed systems so rules heavy and bloated it got in the way of the story. Players spent all their time searching rules books or number crunching that they forgot their characters and/or story.

I've seen and played systems so rules light they required extremely good gm's and players to keep from going off the rails.

This is why I like the new proficiency system so much and I see it kind of like how I see players notoriety based on level.

In general I see it like:

Origin stories
Level 0
Unknown quantity
Unheard of
Almost completely random if able to accomplish a task
people will hire if desperate

Small/Local(Village or city neighborhood) scale problems
Level 1-5
Known to have a focus(Class)
Locals might know them for their focus
Can accomplish easy tasks. More iffy the more difficult the task
People will hire for easier tasks or tasks hire-er lack specifics abilities/skills to do

Big local/ small region(whole small city or group of villages) scale problems
Level 6-10
Known to be good at their Focus
Locals will know them for their focus and so will people in their field(adventurers, soldiers, spell-casters, or the like)
Can accomplish moderately difficult tasks and can help others along as well
People will put some effort to seek out to hire for difficult tasks

Big Region(Major City or small country) level problems
Level 11-15
Known to be great at their focus
Well known and may have stories being told of their exploits
Can accomplish very difficult tasks
People will definitely seek out for help/ Bad guys may hunt them preemptively

Multiple nation or world endangering scale problems
Level 16-20
This is who people picture when they think of a thing
Everyone has heard at least something about them and stories of their exploits are told far and wide
Can accomplish the seemingly impossible
People will beg for their help/ most bad guys will fear running into them

Scarab Sages

Shisumo wrote:
Rounds are 6 seconds long. Nothing in the rules *anywhere* tells you how to subdivide a round into less time than that. The quantum limit for magic's timing precision is +/- 3 seconds at best; below that, uncertainty reigns.

This is a rather good point. Most of the time, when performing a task irl the shorter the task the less the variation but only proportionally.

Let's say magic has +/- 10% variability in time.

5 rounds(30secs) = +/- 0.5 rounds(3 secs)
5 days = +/-12 hours
1 month(30 days) = +/- 3 days

All the same % variable but barely noticeable on a short time frame.

The longer the duration, even a small variability can seem huge.

Scarab Sages

I just figured, "about a week" means after the seventh time they needed to make a save for it.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Saint Evil wrote:
Although Martial Weapon Proficiency is a feat... it had/(has?) a prereq of Simple Weapon Proficiency which is another to take for the druid.

All classes aside from Monk and wizard start trained in Simple Weapons.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A point for those worried about a lack of options in PF2 to think about. The playtest rulebook is 434 pages. The 2 edition CRB is 660 pages iirc. That's more than 50% larger. I don't think lack of options will be a problem. :)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can totally see making a dwarven clan or monastic order focused on "becoming one with the mountain."

Between Mountain stance monks, Earth Elemental Sorcerers, Earth Kineticists, Earth Domain Clerics of Torag, maybe even druids focusing on elemental wild-shaping, you could make quite a diverse group.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Midnightoker wrote:

Finesse Striker and Finesse Training are identical.

No they aren't.

Finesse training doesn't give dex to damage until 3rd level and restricts it to a single weapon type until 11th(2nd), then 19th(3rd)

Finesse Striker gives dex to damage at 1st level to all one-handed agile or finesse weapons.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Midnightoker wrote:

Regardless, let's map it out to 5th level:

Human Paladin PF1 Core:
Combat Feats - 4
Class Features - Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy, Channel Positive Energy (total of 9)

13 total "Class Feats"

Human Paladin PF2 Core:
Class Feats - 4
General Feats - 2

Are we really going to argue that 4 Class Feats and 2 General Feats (which are considerably weaker than PF1 generals since you cannot select Combat oriented options) are...

You missed Deific Weapon, Champion Powers(includes lay on hands) Retributive strike, Righteous Ally, and Weapon expertise for the PF2 Lv 5 Paladin

Scarab Sages

Were there a lot of changes to the final version of the swashbuckler? Is Puss-in-boots a viable character concept? Especially now that Kitsune are going to be playable in PFS?

Scarab Sages

steve steve 983 wrote:

I was wondering does spell mastery count for the pre rec for a wizard?

If not then how would a wizard get into Dragon disciple?

Be an Ifrit.

Scarab Sages

Chris Donnangelo wrote:

Donation link is broken! 4ea908a18126c9/

Remove the ""

and remove the space.

Scarab Sages

PLay an Ifrit. It can cast Burning Hands 1/day as a SLA. That counts. Then do 5 levels Magus and do straight into DD

Scarab Sages

Chuckbab wrote:

Well, this proves why the mass combat system really can't be used to play 1-man army...

A +5 bonus to OV because you can cast 5th level spell is ridiculous.

It makes sense for an army of 200 1th-level magus to have a +1 because they can cast 200 Color Spray spells per day...

It doesn't make sense for a single character to have a 5 times larger bonus because they can cast one powerful spell per day.

*cough*260 foot Wall of Fire 5/day*cough*

That will BBQ companies of troops at a time.

Scarab Sages

So I want to build a caster based on the character Elsa from "Frozen" though male because I'm a guy.

Goal: spontaneous spellcaster with a focus on Cold spells.

I was thinking Human Sorcerer Elemental(Water) bloodline.
Figure a focus on Cha and Dex/Con?
Any suggestions for builds would be appreciated.

Scarab Sages

If you can use an Ifrit for your race you get the arcane spell casting requirement out of the way(Sp can cast Burning Hands 1/day) and can go straight martial classes until you can take Dragon Disciple. Otherwise I would go human.

Key ability scores are Charisma, Strength. Con is somewhat secondary.

Ability scores

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 16 (14+2)

Assuming Human Level 8

Paladin 2/Sorcerer 1/Paladin 2/ Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 2
(Yes I know you don't need a 2nd level of Sorcerer but it nets you +1 BAB and +1 will save)

Before equipment

BAB +6
Fort +9
Ref +6
Wil +10

1st Power Attack, Fey Foundling(ISWG)
3rd Sorcerous Bloodstrike
5th Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
7th Greater mercy
8th (Bloodline feat) Imp Initiative

Figure you have equipment for at least +2 str and +2 Cha.

Stat bumps go to Str and Cha

Str 22 (16 + 2 belt + 2 stat bumps + 2 Dragon Disciple)
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 20 (16 + 2 headband + 2 Stat bumps)

Nat Armor + 2 (+1 Sorcerer + 1 Dragon disciple)

+2 Amulet of Mighty Fists

Full attack
+14/+14/+14 (1d6+8/1d6+8/1d6+11)
w/power attack
+12/+12/+12 (1d6+12/1d6+12/1d6+17)
w/power attack and smite
+17/+17/+17 (1d6+18/1d6+18/1d6+21)
w/power attack and smite vs evil undead/evil outsiders/dragons
+17/+17/+17 (1d6+22/1d6+22/1d6+25)

and you can Lay on hands yourself 7 times a day for 3d6+6 HP each time.

Scarab Sages

Reaper has these two also.

DHL Classics: Fire Wizards
Ian, Ivy Crown Mage

Scarab Sages

About the montopus, how does it breath? its aquatic.

Scarab Sages

Tels wrote:
By my count there are 43 light or one handed piercing weapons.

20 of those he needs a feat to use without penalty.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I always picture the parry/riposte mechanic should be very important to the swashbuckler.He should be all about movement and AoO.

Puss in Boots in Shrek 2 is a perfect example.:

Shrek 2 Fight
See 4:00

Think crowd control. He handles the mooks while the rest of the party can focus on the boss.

He should be dodging through piles of enemy dancing over furniture and all types of difficult terrain.

For rules,

Nimble should include granting the effects of Nimble Moves and Acrobatic steps feats.

Maybe the ability to be in an enemy's square without taking a penalty.

As I stated earlier I think Parry/Riposte should be changed to Spend 1 panache to parry an opponents attack and if you beat his roll by 5 or more his attack provokes and AoO from you. The -4 for creatures larger than you needs to go. It completely stop any Small characters from doing it. When would the ever not have that penalty?

Something does need to be done about the saves though.

As for build I would go

1: Combat Reflexes
3: Dodge
4: Power Attack
5: Mobility
7: Spring Attack
8: Combat Expertise
9: Whirlwind Attack
11: Side Step
12:Disorienting Maneuver

Scarab Sages

How about that make Parry take one panache and if you beat the attack roll by 4or5 it provokes an AoO.

Scarab Sages

I'm getting back into PFS after not playing for a while.(Group got too busy) Anyway I'm back, going over my stuff and I noticed that my one GM session was never properly allocated to my character. I tried to click the report an issue link and it doesn't work for me. (Does nothing in Chrome and I don't use Gmail or Yahoo, the only options when I click it in mozilla)

Does anyone know who to contact?

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In a Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance game I almost got smacked.

One of the players, whenever the chance arose, would use Jedi Mind Tricks to cheat at gambling. He had amassed quit the fortune. The other player were joking that he was so rich he didn't need to go adventuring anymore. He could just invest the money wisely and live off it for the rest of his life.

I piped in, "But make sure it's something safe, like a Hoth IRA."

There was much face-palming.

Scarab Sages

How is anyone dispelling Permanency or a Permanencied Greater Magic Fang? Dispel Magic can only cause a spell to reach the end of its duration. Permanency and Permanencied Greater Magic Fang's duration has no end.

At best you should be able to suppress it for 1d4 rounds like a magic Item.

Either way I feel both Pemranency and Dispel Magic are rather poorly written.

Scarab Sages

Might I suggest making blank sheets available for sale so that people who get the paper minis could just past them on and allow them to use the same bases?

Scarab Sages

Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
If I was going to do 3 I'd probably go ahead and do 4 levels then just 1 level of sorc before starting DD

I played in a game using a S1/P4/DD3. We had started at 7 and this was a replacement character. It was awesomely horrific. A glass cannon of Epic proportions.

The Array the DM had us use for stats was way overpowered though(18,16,14,12,10,8) IIRC I had 22St and 20Cha and just insane saves.

The first time I smited in that game every one at the table basically jaw dropped. I mean it was something like:
+18 Attack[+6(BAB)+6(Str)+5(Smite)+1(WF)+2(AoMF)-2(Pwr Att)]
1d6+25[9(Str)+6(Pwr Att)+2(AoMF)+8(Smite Ev UnDead)]

Next turn I full attack for:

It was a shame that game didn't last. It was Expedition to Castle Ravenloft modded for Pathfinder, but the DM didn't realize how little PF uses negative levels and our only healing was myself and the Cl3/W3/MT2.

Scarab Sages

deinol wrote:
Kuma wrote:
Personal gripe: We should have begun colonization of the moon by now. For space reasons, as well as for use as a staging area. The fact that the U.S. space program has languished while American Idol has done well almost convinces me that there's no intelligent life right HERE.
To be fair, American Idol has a tiny budget compared to the space program and isn't publicly funded. On the other hand, we could have probably started a moonbase with the cost of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

The US space program has a minuscule budget. It equates to aprox. 1/2 of 1/100 of every tax dollar paid.

Here is the problem with exponential colonization. If you assume a civilization will double the # of planets it is on every 1,000 years(gives time for colonies to upgrade and such) in 50 double-ings,(50,000 years) they will have colonized 1,125,899,906,842,620 worlds. That's 1.125 Quadrillion. Even if it takes 20,000 years per doubling, that still that many(1.125 Quadrillion) planets every 1 million years.

Scarab Sages

The real question is what is the game store going to focus on?

Are you going to focus on CCGs? PnP RPGs? Wargaming? All of these have different needs.

If you will have wargaming, you need storage for store terrain between games and for Army bags/cases during games. Standard Wargaming sizes is 4x4, 4x6, and occasionally 4x8.

CCGs are better with folding tables. PnP RPGs and boardgames usually require at least 2 folding tables to have enough space to play with.

Table toppers are good but remember if you go this route to put a frame out to the edges. If you don't, the board can warp and will bend easily during play.

You may want one High end or very finished table near the counter for demo games with shop employees. Have the best made terrain pieces and miniatures or the best maps and RPG Books or Popular board games available to try.

Scarab Sages

But what if you only used the enchantment to return to your space after a flying kick of some sort?

Scarab Sages

Scott Betts wrote:
Bhrymm wrote:
I was very excited when it was first announced. I was unhappy with the game play when it came out and severely annoyed that all the online support that was promised was constantly being delayed. WoTC made a lot of promises they didn't keep.
For the sake of perspective, a huge part of the reason the digital stuff for D&D was delayed for such a long time post-release was due to this. Reportedly, it's something that the development team never really recovered from.

Then they should have delayed the releases with a full explanation. It would have been much better than them selling an unfinished product.


They made 4th Ed into a game for kids and/or people who had never played before and it seemed as if they didn't care about their older players.

As someone who has probably been playing as long or longer than you have, I never felt like they didn't care about me or the sort of game I was looking for.

I think you probably just didn't like the game, and decided that must be because they don't care about older gamers rather than the reality - that they just weren't interested in making the sort of game you were looking for.

They made a game very different from the previous game using very little input from people who played there games. That's not caring about their player base. When they aren't interested in making the sort of game a large percentage of their player base would like, that's not caring about their player base.

Scarab Sages

I started as a teen with 2nd ed AD&D. Then after a long break started playing 3.5 and Star Wars D20. Tried 4th ed and switched over to pathfinder.

I have, within the last 3-4 years played campaigns in Pathfinder, 3.5, Star Wars Saga, Serenity, Mutants & Masterminds, Rogue Trader, and am studying up on Smallville for when my friend runs it.

My current favorite is Pathfinder.

As to 4th ed.

I was very excited when it was first announced. I was unhappy with the game play when it came out and severely annoyed that all the online support that was promised was constantly being delayed. WoTC made a lot of promises they didn't keep. The rules seemed very dumbed down and everything felt too generic. They made 4th Ed into a game for kids and/or people who had never played before and it seemed as if they didn't care about their older players.

Mind you I do like their recent board games. They feel like what 4th ed was made for. 4th Ed makes a very good board game. It's just not a good RPG.

It seems like with this announcement they have realized their mistakes and are trying to fix that. Good. I hope 5th ed works well and is a good game. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it.

Scarab Sages

Helaman wrote:

Great - let him also Solo the NPC engagements and carry anything more than a pack, a spell book and a staff and still be lightly encumbered.

Mule-back cords and Ant Haul.

Scarab Sages

I'm thinking of making a Samurai for one of my next characters but I'm a little worried. I never played one before and never played a cavalier which it seems to be based off of. I like the concept of Samurai but my mental concept of them is a lot more based on movies than history.

Can anyone give me a brief overview of pitfalls to avoid and/or what the real strengths of the class are?

Scarab Sages

So my friend is running the Savage Tide campaign. It is only a 3 person party.We just finished the first session and reached level 2 and while I came really close to dying(-7 hp at one point) I thought it went well.

There is a Human Fighter(Two Hander), Human Rogue(Two weapon), and I the Human Wizard.

The rules were start with PHB only but we can level using most other books as long as we ask. 4d6 drop the lowest, roll 2 sets of 6 and pick 1.

I rolled:

So that became:

Str 11
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 16
Wis 13
Cha 13

For feats I took
Magical Aptitude(base)
Spell Focus (Enchantment) (Human bonus feat)
Academy Graduate (Noble District) (Savage Tide Campaign bonus feat he allowed.)

I am going for a controller type. I figure my job is to hold back and delay the enemies while the other two do the killing.

I took spells like Grease, Sleep, Daze, and Obscuring mist. I figure a focus on enchantment and conjuration.

Any suggestions that will keep the party from dying horrible deaths?

Scarab Sages

NeonParrot wrote:
Here is one for you . . . .you have a 5 gallon crystal sphere of holy water and it impacts on the balor at terminal velocity (about 200 mph). Assuming the crysal breaks, will the balor take damage or will the innate heat burn the water off instantanously, thereby saving Mr. B from an uncomfortable sponge bath?

Here's a better point. The sphere is at a terminal velocity of 200mph. That is 1,056,000 feet per hour or 293.333... feet per second. Gravity exerts 32.2 ft/sec squared acceleration. It would take a little over 9 seconds to reach terminal velocity at which point it has fallen more than 1500 feet.

Now in pathfinder they figure falling damage based on size of object and distance fallen. Its around the size of a 5 gallon bucket so small but has fallen more than 150 feet(10 x more) so that is a whopping 4d6 damage. In reality(I know) it would pop the Balor like a zit and only break upon hitting the ground.

Scarab Sages

Christopher Rowe wrote:

I've had opportunity recently to roll up two characters who wound up focusing on skills and who have relatively low strength (a human bard playing in a PbP of Council of Thieves with STR 8 and a new half-elf character for Society play with STR 10). The problem I'm having is I build these guys to be able to do fun stuff with their Dexterity based skills, and then the second they put on armor and carry a short sword (and yes, have a couple of other standard items like backpacks, and, y'know, CLOTHING--8 pounds for a Traveler's Outfit!) they get knocked into medium encumbrance with its penalty to movement and horrendous -3 Armor Check.

Are there any feats or traits that can help these types of characters out at first level or do I just need to (in the future) "buy" higher strength at the expense of something else that a skills-focused character would normally want?

Meantime, I'm just waiting for enough treasure to be able to afford a Haversack!

Muleback Cords 1,000gp (wondrous Item from Advanced Players Guide)

Ant Haul 100gp per 4th caster level scroll (1st level spell from Advanced Player's Guide)

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

The thing you need to remember is the logistics of it. They were talking about the spike and decline. Say only 25% of those that sign up stay long term. If you open the game to say 100,000 people, you need the servers to handle 100,000 people even though a month later only 25,000 will be paying you money. Thats 75,000 people of wasted server space. And remember, no guilds we be running day 1. A lot of the server economy won't be worked out yet.

So let's say you start with adding 4,500 paying players each month. That's 1,125 retains per month. So we have a ramp up of devoted players who aren't being swamped by tens of thousands of newbies just trying the latest flavor of the month. Let's look at it for the 1st year.

Player-base Retains
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12

So after a year you will have 12K+ committed players, likely good guilds, and a strong economy already for the full opening of the game.

Let's say they release 2 years from now. Average MMO takes 5. Even if you have to wait the full year before you get in, You will be playing PFO 2 years earlier than if it was a "normal" MMO.

Scarab Sages

Charles Scholz wrote:

I had a thought the other day about regeneration.

In "A Good Man Goes To War" the doctor theorized River Song had Time Lord abilities because she was conceived while the TARDIS was traveling through the time vortex. In "The End of Time" it was revealed Time Lord children are exposed to the time vortex.

So I was wondering if it is the exposure to time vortex energy at a young age that gives Time Lords their ability to regenerate? Could any person, if they were young enough, absorb enough time vortex energy to be able to regenerate? Could that be why in "The Eleventh Hour", the TARDIS jumped ahead 12 years instead of taking young Amelia Pond. Could the TARDIS know that exposure to the vortex would have given her the ability to regenerate?

Also, what about all the children and those not yet born who traveled through the time vortex in "Journey's End"? Are these children going to regenerate, or was the exposure too short? Or could the events of "The Big Bang" have reset the Earth so the exposure never occured?

In "The End of Time", the children stand in front of a portal to the vortex. Could that concentrate the energy? Does the older a child is require a larger concentration of energy in order to absorb enough to regenerate?

Also, if my theory is correct, does this also give someone the other powers of a Time Lord, like telepethy, the ability to store great amounts of knowledge, the ability to sense time and know what can be changed and what is a fixed point?

I believe it was stated that the fact that River Song was conceived on the Tardis in the Temporal Vortex gave her a leg up on human evolution. The Silence then tinkered with her DNA to make her a full blown timelord.

Scarab Sages

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

The Pathfinder Savant PRC has this ability

Esoteric Magic (Ex)

At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats it as if it were on the spell list of his base spellcasting classes; if his base class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher. The spell’s type (arcane or divine) and save DCs function as normal for his base spellcasting class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not allow other spellcasters to prepare, cast, or use spell trigger or spell completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll).

Lets say I am making a wizard and taking this PRC. What are some of the most useful/ ingenuous uses of this that the Paizo community can come up with.

The best I have at the moment is to add Animate Objects to my wizard list so I can use permanency and animate objects in unisonto make constructs.

Of course adding a cure or two would be useful for obvious reasons.

WHat else can you come up with?

Staff Magus


Scarab Sages

Lots of good ones listed, but has no one mentioned the Ioun Torch?

Just as good as an ever-burning torch but leaves both hands free.

Scarab Sages

xellos wrote:
While watching the lesson of this latest Rarity episode, we find it amusing to keep in mind that Celestia imprisoned her sister in the moon for 1000 years. ^^;

I think it was stated that while Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to stop her sister, she could not use them fully because it was only her. It was only when Twilight Sparkle and the gang joined together was it possible to use the elements of Harmony to full effect, breaking through the bitterness and hate Nightmare Moon was filled with and allowed for the redemption of the Princess Luna.

And as a 28yo male, it greatly disturbs me that I know this.

Scarab Sages

STR:3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) = 9
DEX:3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6) = 12
CON:3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) = 11
INT:3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) = 11
WIS:3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4) = 13
CHA:3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) = 9

That's just not a survivable stat line in the games my DM runs.

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