Berk the Black's page
534 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists.
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It took 19 sets to finally get a Jabberwocky, but it was worth the wait.
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Customer Support -
I am saddened that it has come to this, but I will no longer be collecting minis with clear bases. Please feel free to give feedback to Wizkids about this, but in the meantime I would like my subscription to be cancelled. Thank you.
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The clear and intentionally wrong sized bases are going to be show stoppers for me as well. It saddens me that this is the direction of the future, because I will miss out otherwise fantastic miniatures.
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I just realized how much I want a Duergar Slaver riding a giant stag beetle!*
*On a black base, of course.
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Great preview, and much more exciting with some great humanoid races that got a lot of love.
Even in the renders, I dislike the clear bases. I really wish this direction had not been taken, but Wizkids seems committed to it. This may well be the move that taps me out. I’ll try this set where only the larges have it, but so far my reaction is not a good one to them.
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Perhaps a brick (eight boosters) is the way for you to go. You should get at least one of each common, one of almost each uncommon and about a fourth of the rares (barring any collation errors). You can fill out what you need more of (or didn’t get) with singles purchases. If you do go this route, make sure it is a sealed brick. Any eight loose booster will not guarantee anything distribution wise.
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There is plenty of time to get someone in house to volunteer (or be voluntold) to manage the Pathfinder Battles blogs.
We’ve been spoiled with the “overqualified” predecessors that have handled it in the past. But, if no-one of that caliber is available, someone who can at least get pics of the minis up would be better than nothing.
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While I already have a couple of very nice Pathfinder Battles red and black huge dragons, I might still be interested in the case incentives if they were more on par with the size of the huge huge elementals we got in the Kingmaker set.
I’m excited to finally get news of a new Pathfinder Battles set, and can’t wait to find out what it will be comprised of.
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Wizkids just added Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omen to their release schedule with a expected date of June.
Wizkids Release Schedule
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The Falling Star was indeed expensive, but it is really great for miniatures gaming sea adventures. I’m looking forward to the Skyship as well.
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Goblins don’t kill people, DM’s kill people.
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I agree, the Falling star is perfect as scenery and very functional for gameplay. I picked up four of the Nolzur’s Miniatures Ballistas and put them on larger bases. Sadly, our pirate campaign had ended about a year before this came out, it would have worked so well during that. Still, it will see table time, as ships are a rather common occurrence in our games. I’m still looking for an excuse to work in the Apparatus of the Octopus as well.
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Cori Marie wrote: Which adventure is the apparatus of the Octopus from? Hmmmm, it may not be from an adventure, it is in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting : Aquatic Adventures. Still, without the Pathfinder Battles label, you aren’t going to see this wonderful vehicle that has much gameplay potential:
Apparatus of the Octopus
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Wizkids putting out settings sets does seem to be a great way to offer those who like the dressing pieces whole themed sets of them while allowing the mini sets to get back to their roots of all characters and creatures. For my part, losing eight of duplicates of uncommon creatures was not a huge loss for the dressing pieces, but I am definitely more interested in getting a complete set of related pieces instead of a few here or there that might eventually build up to something.
Our group certainly has used the spell effects while gaming. Rope Trick, Mage Hand, and the Wall of Ice pieces have been the most popular.
The Burning Braziers, Book of the Damned, Altar and most recently the Crypt Wall have all seen game time and enhanced the experience.
As a long time collector, many of the creatures and characters are not the first of their kind to be offered, so I don’t really need as many of them since they will be supplementing what I already have. Since this is the case, substituting dungeon dressing for a few of those duplicates didn’t bother me at all. But, I have to wonder how someone would feel buying a single booster, and getting something like the Brambly Bush instead of the large piece that it replaced. For this reason, I am in favor of moving the dressing pieces off to their own line. There is definitely a market for pre-painted dressing pieces, they seem to get gobbled up on the singles market (although they are usually rare, or uncommon at best). Hopefully, if they are segregated out to their own sets, they will sell well enough to support their existence. The Castle Barracks and Jungle Shrine sets should be fairly good indicators of whether this approach is feasible.
One drawback to pulling dungeon dressings out of the regular PPM sets, is that unless they are still branded as Pathfinder Battles or Icons of Realms (Pathfinder more so), we may not get adventure specific pieces such as the Crimson Throne, Apparatus of the Octopus, or the Demon Mouth Statue.
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I like the terrain, but I also miss Gargantuan creatures. How about alternating sets between creatures and terrain. And, how about a Gold Dragon?
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I just took a count, and I have:
38 Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures goblins
69 Icons of the Realms goblins
111 Pathfinder Battles goblins
And, not once have I felt we have too many goblins. I will continue to scoop up several of each new sculpt, preparing for the goblin appocolypse I am sure must occur someday.
I guess this is a nostalgic obsession with my early days of role-playing where 100 goblins might pour out of a 10 x 10 room! Back then we used six sided dice as the goblins, with the number on top representing their hit points.
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Dragon Turtle! Enough said.
The Goblin cCamp is looking good. The pickle barrel is a great touch.
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I’m always tuned. But, now I won’t even blink! :D
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I was always a big fan of the evolution sets, I’d have been all in for mettalics as well as finishing out the base chromatics.
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I’m actually happy we are getting a little more breathing room between sets.
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Yes, my case was delivered Wednesday. I’ve been posting pictures over at Minis Gallery - Kingmaker
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Yep, two came in my case. I was missing a herring, though. I’ll go back and make sure it wasn’t loose in one of the boxes... :D
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You must be surrounded by some very gifted toddlers!
I’m pleased that we seem to be in the middle of the golden age of PPM. And, Pathfinder Battles has played a key role in getting us there. Without them, I’m not sure whether Wizards of the Coast would have re-entered PPM. I’m quite happy to collect from both Pathfinder Battles and Icons of the Realm miniatures. Both lines have great things to offer, and have driven each other to put out better product.
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Mark Moreland wrote: Knight_Hammer wrote: No Jabborwok or Nyrissa?
Nyrissa is in the set, but for whatever reason isn't previewed on WizKids' gallery. There is no jabberwock in the set, however, because its size meant that we'd only be able to include it in place of one of the elemental case incentives, and we really, really wanted to make sure to get all 4 of them out in two sets instead of spread across three or more. I don’t mind waiting for the Jabberwock, as it will be a centerpiece item if done well.
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Wizkids put up pictures of the entire set, minus the dungeon dressing:
Kingmaker Set
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While somewhat confusing to price out, the subscription prices are competitive with other online retailers (at least the reputable ones). I’ve been doing them for quite some time now and haven’t been sorry. Plus the discount carries over to singles bought here as well.
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Knight on horse looks really good and would pair nicely with the Crown of Fangs Reclamation Calvary. Alas, I have zero talent and patience for painting. Any chance we’d see a PPM vesrion of him in the future?
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Steve Geddes wrote: I'm glad to see what looks to be a curved rod for attaching the bat swarm.
I wouldn't have thought it would matter without seeing them, but the flying figures Wizkids have been producing with that style of mount as opposed to the straight pole, really look great. It kind of gives an impression of movement.
I think this bat swarm does look a little better than the Monster Menagerie Swarm of Bats. However, the MM version has a thin layer of bats which allows for placing other minis on its large base, so it works better mechanically.
That’s always been a problem with swarms, if they aren’t relatively flat, they can’t get under or around minis. And that is their very nature. Medium based swarms are nice since their shape can be represented more fluidly, but with flying swarms, there isn’t a good way for them to occupy the same square as their victim.
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Vic Wertz wrote: If you've been following the playtest preview blogs, you'll have noticed that we've had Wayne Reynolds do a lot of new concept art for the new edition. It's safe to say that minis based on that artwork will appear in the Battles line eventually, but "forcing a reboot" is a strong wording. We saw this with D&D when 4.0 and now 5.0came out. One of the things I’ve enjoyed so far with the Pathfinder Battles line is the fairly consistent look of similar creatures, even across sets.
I’m sorry, I haven’t been following any of the 2.0 threads, so I don’t really know what to expect. One of the things I’m concerned with is the dragon lines. The evolution packs were fantastic, except that they only gave us the red and whites in various sizes. I would have liked to at least finish off the other chromatics (within sets) before we get any changes in appearance of them (like tthe D&D green nose fiasco). Aside from minis not longer quite matching, getting reissues of creatures previously made because their artwork has changed is also an issue.
It all remains to be seen. I think that Paizo and Wizkids have made great decisions about set content up until now (what, with 14 sets now produced). And I hope, that with new artwork consideration has been giving to miniatures being created off of it. I imagine in the past some great creatures may have been passed over because the artwork just wasn’t suitable for conversion into plastic.
I’m going to guess that there is at least one more set in the works before we start seeing 2.0’s impact. I’m hoping it is an ecletic fill-in-the gaps type set (perhaps with huges). There are still some pieces I am holding out hope for, such as the Aboleth, for which I really feel the Pathfinder artwork is superior to D&D’s.
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Personally, I relish that Pathfinder Battles and Icons of the Realms are producing miniatures at the same time. The rivalry of the two lines seems to fuel innovation, giving us some of the best miniatures ever. If the cost of all this is occasionally having a couple sets released at the same time, I’m willing to weather the storm and reap the benefits. Even if it means skipping lunch for a while to support my hobby.
I do wonder what effect Pathfinder 2.0 will have on the Pathfinder Battle lines. Will humanoids and monster change enough to force a reboot on much of what has been released? Or will the rule changes be more mechanical, leaving us with our familiar iconics and traditional looking creatures?
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I’m thrilled for all the plants and fey in this set. Plus the Hydra is ici g on the cake. 22 days and counting...
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At first, the Clay Golem was a bit off to me. But I’m really starting to warm up to it. The two D&D offerings look like they were crafted by wizards that lacked any artistic skill and were in a hurry to crank any old golem out ASAP. This Pathfinder version looks like it came from an artisan who takes pride in his work. I like it, just like I like the Rise of the Runelords Stone Golem. Well done.
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Three solid additions to this set. I’ve always had a soft spot for lizardfolk.
The Deep Lurker is an interesting take on what I know as a Chull. I have cautious optimisim that it will become my go to mini for that role.
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Mine shipped Monday as well, I'll be thrilled if it is waiting for me when I get home tonight. My case incentive was shipped at the same time, I guess since I don't have any other subscriptions.
Now I can't wait for work to finish.
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My shipping notifications arrived today. We are getting real close!
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I'm actually quite happy with the announcement about the huge elementals. That will pretty much obsolete any of the old D&D elementals I have, what with a matching set all the way through the different sizes. I guess I'll,be keeping my subscription for at least a couple of more sets, as these will be must haves.
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I'm with Mine all mine...don't touch. One of each of these is simply not enough! Great minis, can't wait to see them in hand.
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I know that there will be some who don't care for pets or children, but these will fill some gaps very nicely. Three great pieces.
I'm excited about the Reclamation Infantry, especially since I know more like him are coming! I'm really liking this set.
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Kalindlara wrote: All those Glorious Reclamation knights will come in handy for anyone running Hell's Vengeance. They'll come in handy even for us that aren't running Hell's Vengeance. I think one of the biggest strengths of the Pathfinder Battles line is that it provides us with wonderful warbands. Granted, this may be a side effect of using the Adventure Paths as a primary source for set content, but it is a great benefit regardless. I can't wait to get these guys in hand. And, the Gray Maidens and Red Mantis corps.
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Kalindlara wrote: Personally, I'd love to see the mooncursed barbarian art used as the model for an eventual weretiger mini. ^_^ I admit I had no idea about the artwork you referenced. But, after looking it up, I say bring it on!
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As much as I dislike very rares, most people have not embraced the invisibles. I've managed to get them for fairly reasonable prices. They're worth it. Being able to offer a wide range of races and classes usually brings a smile to any character that is using invisibilty. While I haven't used them all, several have seen lots of table time. I'll continue to pick these up as long as each offers something different. They all go in a box marked "Invisibles" that the players love to dig through.
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I'm OK with a month delay on this set. Things were getting a little tight with the budget. An extra month will make a huge difference.
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In most of the campaigns I've been in, monsters are not the only things causing trouble for the party. Personally, I think the group of cult Humans and Dwarves is one of the best things in Deadly Foes. And not all human(oid) foes wear their ideology so blatantly on their sleevs. I applaud the Pathfinder line for introducing figures like Nobles, Government Officials, and Commonfolk into the fold. My gaming group is pulling out those minis almost as often as any monsters. Finally getting a decent set of them has been a huge boon to our tabletop gameplay.
I realize that gamemastering and play styles are different among different groups, but if secondary markets are any indication, the NPC minis put out are popular. Some of that may be due to the fine rarity selection job done by Paizo and Wizkids on these pieces. I did notice that after I took out all the cultist, There were only five PC types left in the set, and they were all rare. That was a perfect balance for me, usually I'm trading away the extras, where I find that less often the case with monsters (and cultists and guards).
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Yes, I hope we get many more hobgoblins in the same style as these. As a humanoid race, I can use all sorts of classes and we'll need some elites / leaders to boot.
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I fared a bit more typically than Marco. My counts matched Kalindlara's +/- 1 on the commons and uncommons. I even got two of the pillar and candlabras out of the dungeon dressings.
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As incredulous as it may sound to some of you, I have no interest in making plaster or resin dressing and then painting it. It simply won't happen if that is my only alternative. So, I'm the type of person that creates demand for PPM dungeon dressing. The alternate view of "why would you waste space in my set for stuff I don't need or can easily obtain by making it myself" is the reason we don't have more dressing pieces per set. I think Paizo and Wizkids are doing a balancing act here and the sparse offerings are the comprimise that both sides can tolerate. I'm not going to whine about it, I'm going to be thankful we get any dressings and if I really want multiples of something I'll do the diligence to chase them down. And thankyou Paizo for repaints such as the burning brazier, that helps make this task easier.
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I've never seen the case incentive sent in the same box as the case, they've always been shipped seperately. Even when they are sent at the same time.
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You did have a deal, he dropped the hours, minutes, and seconds from the announcements! :)
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Sigh, the west coast is half a country away from me... I'd love to put faces with the names of the people who post here. Trades for me are generally relegated to mail. At least shipping within the U.S. is managable. I feel for those of you that have to deal with international shipping.