What’s Better Than One Large Mini in a Booster?

Monday, December 07, 2020

It’s been a while since I last previewed a set of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted plastic miniatures from WizKids, but I’m back for a year-end surprise. A few weeks ago, I got an email from one of our primary contacts at WizKids that Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising, originally announced for an April 2021 release, was actually going to be in and ready for release in January. “Would that be a problem for you?” he asked. No. No it wouldn’t. The more minis we can get, the sooner we can get them, the better!

But the set’s early release isn’t the only thing I’m happy to announce today; for the first time ever, in addition to the expected three Small or Medium figures that make up the bulk of the set, each Darklands Rising booster will contain either a Huge figure or two Large figures. You read that right. Two Larges or a Huge per booster box.

How did this happen? Well, it all started with this guy, who I wanted to see in plastic since he debuted years ago in the first edition of the Pathfinder RPG. The Adamantine Golem is a giant mass of plastic, and when WizKids started getting in production samples, they were surprised at how much it weighed. They couldn’t figure out how to make it work within the randomized distribution of the set without it being obvious that a given booster contained this piece. So instead of cutting it, they came back to me and said they wanted to add another six figures to the set. Rather than fill non-Adamantine Golem boosters with weights to hide the disparity, they figured they might as well fill them with another Large mini. The Adamantine Golem is an uncommon Huge figure.

a mini figure of a large stove-like golem

Heck, while we’re showing off some of the big figures you can get in this set, let’s just rip the bandage off, shall we? My absolute favorite piece in the entire set is the Jabberwock, a rare Huge figure that is sure to find use in any campaign running the Kingmaker Adventure Path. Oh frabjous day!

a large mini figure of a green jabberwock posed on a jutting stone. Curled around the stone with its wings spread and head lowered and roaring

When putting together the set list for Darklands Rising, I wanted to make sure that some of the iconic denizens of the expansive underground layers of Golarion that have never appeared in a Pathfinder Battles set made their debut. While that includes some of our first drow, it also means we get to make some truly horrific plastic representations of the fleshwarped mutants they create in their demonic alchemy labs. Behold, the Fleshwarp, Irnakurse (a fleshwarped elf); the Fleshwarp, Ghonatine (a fleshwarped xulgath); the Fleshwarp, Grothlut (a fleshwarped human); and the Fleshwarp, Drow Abomination (in this case, a male fleshwarped drow. The females still have spider bodies, but they maintain their elven upper bodies and heads without further mutation.) They are Huge rare, Large uncommon, and Large uncommon figures, respectively.

a mini figure of a flesh warped creature with multiple protruding limbs, bones, and tentacles. A mouth is open to reveal a second mouth inside a miniature of a green lizard-like creature, crouching with it's hands curled and it's mouth open in a roar a miniature of a large slug creature with a humanoid torso, arms, and tentacles protruding from its head with a slug-like lower body A mini figure with the lower body of a spider and torso of a drow with four eyes and mandibles. It holds a glaive in two hands, ready to attack

One of the best-known entrances to the Darklands from the surface of Golarion is the Earthnavel, a great spiraling pit into the depths in the primal Realm of the Mammoth Lords. So it should come as little surprise that we are including mammoths in this set. In this case, there are two versions of the mammoth, one bearing a barbarian rider and decorated in warpaint, and the other in its natural form. The rider is, of course, removable, increasing the possible configurations of these Huge uncommon figures.

mini figure of a large brown furred mammoth with runes carved into its tusksg mini figure of a large brown furred mammoth with runes carved into its tusksg

Finally, I am thrilled to announce the largest miniature in the set, the premium Mengkare, Great Wyrm Gold Dragon. This is, without a doubt, the most impressive single figure we’ve seen in the Pathfinder Battles line across more than 20 sets. It’s truly awe-inspiring. No campaign of the Age of Ashes Adventure Path would be complete without one, nor would any collection of gigantic dragons. It’s no wonder Mengkare is so revered on his island nation of Hermea. Just look at him!

a mini figure of a golden dragon rearing back on a large stone with its wings spread

Next week, I’ll show off some of the smaller figures in the set, including a whole bunch of drow. Until then, stay safe, Pathfinders.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And these Mammoth are awesome!
I’ll definitely need to buy at least a brick!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I’ve never understood the randomized booster business model. I bought two different case sets a couple of years ago and was just disappointed because of it. For the amount of money these things cost I would rather be able to buy a case that has every figure in the set and duplicates of commonly used figures which would make them viable for use in an actual campaign. I just don’t see how it’s cost effective to use this current model for actual tabletop gameplay. Are these really just meant for collectors?

Miniatures look good, tempting. WoTC used to have boosters with 8 minis and I was ok buying those but when they scaled down to 4 minis for a 18$ pack I just can’t justify it anymore. ( Canadian price)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Galymyr wrote:
I’ve never understood the randomized booster business model. I bought two different case sets a couple of years ago and was just disappointed because of it. For the amount of money these things cost I would rather be able to buy a case that has every figure in the set and duplicates of commonly used figures which would make them viable for use in an actual campaign. I just don’t see how it’s cost effective to use this current model for actual tabletop gameplay. Are these really just meant for collectors?

There are 128 miniatures in a case, and something like 44 or 45 miniatures unique miniatures in a set. Buying a case almost always guarantees you one of each miniature in the set; It's pretty rare to miss out on one. Assuming you get one of each miniature, you also get about 83 or 84 duplicates of a combination of Common and Uncommon miniatures, most of which are viable for use in a campaign. So doesn't a case already cover your needs there?

It's true that not every DM is going to need all 83+ extra miniatures. But for the most part I think the Battles line and and even the competition's Icons of the Realms line has done a decent job of selecting Common and Uncommon minis. Paizo has been awesome at "theme" collections of low/ and mid-level groups within a release. This includes things like bandit groups, ghouls, or miniatures.

If all you want is one of every piece in the set and just a small handful of extras, it might make more sense to buy them piecemeal from different online or FLGS stores..

Alternatively, pick up a Booster Brick, which has 8 Booster boxes. You'll pick up a few Rares, and a sizable number of Commons and Uncommons from your brick. I'd encourage you to snap up one of every Rare from the singles market BEFORE you get your brick. If you don't need doubles of any Rares you receive, you can just sell them and get some of your money back. (Or choose store credit and get a higher percentage of your investment back).

You can sometimes find people on eBay selling complete sets. You'll probably pay less than you would for a case (but not by much), but you won't get any doubles.

As for the distribution method, I think they do it to help keep costs down. Uncommon and Rare miniatures typically require more time and effort, most specifically for their paint jobs and such. Packing a whole bunch of Commons and Uncommons into a case help provide a better balance on the price of each miniature. For example, you can purchase a case of Darklands Rising for $420.00 (through other sites). That averages out to a little more than $3.28 per miniature. Some Rares can go as high as $40 or more on the singles market. So the question for any potential buyer is, does getting all the Rares and Uncommons you want at $3.28 per miniature outweigh getting a bunch of Commons at the same price? For me it definitely does.

Dark Archive

Thank you for the preview, Mark.

Two corrections & a few questions:

-The Irnakurse is a large creature in both classic Pathfinder and Second edition, not a huge one.
With Wizkids making a few size errors lately, is the mini really a huge rare?

-You forgot to mention the rarity of the Grothluth, which being on the black base is probably a medium mini. ;-)

-Is the Mammoth an A/B variant, taking up one slot or two slots?

-The booster text and ICV2 article says that there are 52 minis in the set, does this set include "Dungeon dressing" pieces or not?

-How many different huge and how many different large minis will be in the set?

-How many huges and larges will be in a brick?

Thank you for your time, answering these questions would help me a lot to decide if to get a case or two bricks and buy the rares online.

You stay safe too.

Pigraven wrote:
Galymyr wrote:
I’ve never understood the randomized booster business model. I bought two different case sets a couple of years ago and was just disappointed because of it. For the amount of money these things cost I would rather be able to buy a case that has every figure in the set and duplicates of commonly used figures which would make them viable for use in an actual campaign. I just don’t see how it’s cost effective to use this current model for actual tabletop gameplay. Are these really just meant for collectors?

There are 128 miniatures in a case, and something like 44 or 45 miniatures unique miniatures in a set. Buying a case almost always guarantees you one of each miniature in the set; It's pretty rare to miss out on one. Assuming you get one of each miniature, you also get about 83 or 84 duplicates of a combination of Common and Uncommon miniatures, most of which are viable for use in a campaign. So doesn't a case already cover your needs there?

It's true that not every DM is going to need all 83+ extra miniatures. But for the most part I think the Battles line and and even the competition's Icons of the Realms line has done a decent job of selecting Common and Uncommon minis. Paizo has been awesome at "theme" collections of low/ and mid-level groups within a release. This includes things like bandit groups, ghouls, or miniatures.

If all you want is one of every piece in the set and just a small handful of extras, it might make more sense to buy them piecemeal from different online or FLGS stores..

Alternatively, pick up a Booster Brick, which has 8 Booster boxes. You'll pick up a few Rares, and a sizable number of Commons and Uncommons from your brick. I'd encourage you to snap up one of every Rare from the singles market BEFORE you get your brick. If you don't need doubles of any Rares you receive, you can just sell them and get some of your money back. (Or choose store credit and get a higher percentage of your investment back).

You can sometimes find...

my wife and I have bought cases of every set of Pathfinder battles minis and have ALWAYS gotten a full set.

Galymyr wrote:
I’ve never understood the randomized booster business model.

It is a long read, but is well explained here:


If you are looking to buy very specific miniatures, then the secondary market (i.e. Miniature Market, Auggies Games, etc.) are where you should buy the minis -- especially if you are just looking for player character types of miniatures. The painted premium figures which are sold as singles are also a good option -- but you are paying considerably for them.

very hyped for Mengkare! anyone know what the best way to get just him is?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I believe the random packs started with the the Mini game from the main brand (D&D), though that game got shafted with an edition change. (In more ways than one)

It is also likely a parallel to a certain card game that started the Collectable Card Game genera.

"They are Huge rare, Large uncommon, and Large uncommon figures, respectively."

This statement in the blog is in error, since it comes immediately after the descriptions of four minis, not three.

These look awesome!

I'm curious though, what the heck is going on with the premium singles like:
Pathfinder Battles: Premium Painted Figure - Elf Fighter Male

For example? they should have come out ages ago and no update.

Also any word on the last few promo repaints hitting the webstore, that often happens around now, but usually we have to poke and ask about it ;)

I'm also curious what the subscriber price + shipping is going to be like, can we get the subscription price put on the website before the product comes out for once? This is too big a purchase to be a surprise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nevermind, I see the price in the account management. I see you're not doing the case price discount, then 30% off anymore. After your insane shipping costs (which will be worse with this dragon's shape) I cannot order directly from you anymore. I'll be cancelling my subscription and order elsewhere til you stop pricing yourself out of competition.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For context, dragon + case was $487.44 shipped for free. You're prices are not competitive and it's not close. :/

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Lorian wrote:

These look awesome!

I'm curious though, what the heck is going on with the premium singles like:
Pathfinder Battles: Premium Painted Figure - Elf Fighter Male

For example? they should have come out ages ago and no update.

Also any word on the last few promo repaints hitting the webstore, that often happens around now, but usually we have to poke and ask about it ;)

I'm also curious what the subscriber price + shipping is going to be like, can we get the subscription price put on the website before the product comes out for once? This is too big a purchase to be a surprise.

Subscription Price:

The List price is the Paizo Price according to what Jeff posted on the product page conversation. 639.68 is the Paizo price. The cases for previous sets also appear to have been set at the MSRP instead of a Paizo Price so the old cases are no longer 279.99 after discount, they are about 350 I believe (not going through the re adding to look now)

The Subscriber Discount on the Darklands Rising is 447.78 + Tax + Shipping and that is the case only, not with the premium dragon.

Shipping will be different depending on location, I believe mine comes out to about 20 bucks.

Sad that there doesn't appear to be a Paizo default price cut from the MSRP like there used to be.

Here is a link to the product pages, check the comments for Jeff's confirmations.

https://paizo.com/store/byCompany/w/wizKids/byProductType/miniatures/pathfi nderbattles/darklandsRising

Go to Linkified

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the reply Yoshua. This confirms my fears. I'll go order elsewhere, I'm not paying a hundred dollars extra or more. I was happy to support paizo directly, EVEN when it cost a little bit more to do so. But they've made it impossible not to go elsewhere on battles at this point.

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

Dark Archive

Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

Hey Daniel, i can answer one of your questions:

One single booster of Darklands Rising will ALWAYS contain 3 medium and/or small minis in addition to either ONE HUGE mini OR two large minis.
So it will either contain four or five minis now, which is a first.

I don't know if case will get you one of each mini, as there are supposedly 52 different minis in the set, but i believe it probably will, if you don't get 2 duplicate bricks accidently.

If you are living in the USA, nothing beats gamenerdz pricewise - i don't and get them from my FLGS but have to pay no shipping fee.
I don't know what a Pathfinder Battles subscriber has to pay, as the calculation system is always only, but with the price increase from Wizkids from this set onward, it will be more than before.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

It's: 3 small|medium + (2 large OR 1 huge)

this blog post wrote:
[...] in addition to the expected three Small or Medium figures that make up the bulk of the set, each Darklands Rising booster will contain either a Huge figure or two Large figures.

(emphasis mine)

And yeah, sadly I'm not sure Paizo has the profit margins to give free shipping or reduce these prices anymore. :(

Elfteiroh wrote:
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

It's: 3 small|medium + (2 large OR 1 huge)

this blog post wrote:
[...] in addition to the expected three Small or Medium figures that make up the bulk of the set, each Darklands Rising booster will contain either a Huge figure or two Large figures.

(emphasis mine)

And yeah, sadly I'm not sure Paizo has the profit margins to give free shipping or reduce these prices anymore. :(

OH so there will be boosters with 5 minis in it. 3 small/med and 2 large. So now there is more then 128 minis in a case.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

Hey Daniel, i can answer one of your questions:

One single booster of Darklands Rising will ALWAYS contain 3 medium and/or small minis in addition to either ONE HUGE mini OR two large minis.
So it will either contain four or five minis now, which is a first.

I don't know if case will get you one of each mini, as there are supposedly 52 different minis in the set, but i believe it probably will, if you don't get 2 duplicate bricks accidently.

If you are living in the USA, nothing beats gamenerdz pricewise - i don't and get them from my FLGS but have to pay no shipping...

Thanks, I just got Dungeons Deep from gamenerdz, went smooth, they did charge the card like 10 days before it shipped that was a little odd but got it just the same. Do they charge preorders before they ship?

And wow more then 128 mini that is nice. And more large and huge ones as compared to LA. Sounds like we are getting more bang for our buck.

As for Paizo pricing, if it cheaper somewhere else then it is what it is. Don't hurt my feelings. Not there fault I live on the east cost. Besides they are a publisher not a retail store, I hope there feeling are not hurt if a buy them from a game store.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm pretty sure booster boxes will contain one of the following two:
1 Huge miniature and 3 small or medium miniatures.
2 Large miniatures and 2 small or medium miniatures.

I could be wrong, but I seem to recall this is how it plays out. So you will never get more or less than four minis in a booster box. And thus 128 pieces in a case, as per usual.

But the question of Dungeon Dressing is a good one. It's possible that the 52 takes into account alternates, like (potentially) the Mammoth and Mammoth with Rider. Or we could be back to Dungeon Dressing. Legendary Adventures did not contain any, but I believe Lost Omens did.

Personally I hope they've done away with Dungeon Dressing. WizKids appears to have found enough success with such things they've been pumping out WizKids sets of themed dungeon dressing like Market Square or Kitchen sets. If you want that stuff, go get it!

At this point, with the total number of creatures in Pathfinder 2e already over 1,000 (and Bestiary 3 on its way in Spring 2021 with 300+ more), I'd much rather see a focus on creatures instead of dressing. Especially with regards to the price increase. Dungeon Dressing means 6-8 miniatures I have little to zero use for in a case that's seen, at minimum, a $60 price increase.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lorian wrote:

These look awesome!

I'm curious though, what the heck is going on with the premium singles like:
Pathfinder Battles: Premium Painted Figure - Elf Fighter Male

For example? they should have come out ages ago and no update.

Also any word on the last few promo repaints hitting the webstore, that often happens around now, but usually we have to poke and ask about it ;)

I'm also curious what the subscriber price + shipping is going to be like, can we get the subscription price put on the website before the product comes out for once? This is too big a purchase to be a surprise.

The Pathfinder Battles Premium Painted Figures have been out since September, 2020. I have zero idea why Paizo hasn't been able to update their own threads with regards to that product.

If you're interested in picking them up you can get them at the following online stores, as of this post:
CoolStuffInc.: Five of six in stock, only the Male Human Rogue is out of stock

Miniature Market: The site currently won't load for me, but last time I looked (2 days ago) they had all six in stock.

GameNerdz: The only one in stock is the Male Human Rogue (the only one out of stock at CoolStuffInc.)

I prefer not to directly name other websites that sell Paizo products in my posts here because this site also sells Paizo products. However, I've made an exception in this case because they've been available to the public for three full months now and Paizo hasn't updated those pages here.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

As a collector, the only reasons I have for not continuing with my battles sub are that I'm running out of room for minis, they cost too much and I don't have anyone to leave them to when I die. As a GM/player, I would add "I'm not playing now, I don't expect to ever play again, and I'm 73". :-)

Taken all together, much as this set looks awesome (especially Mengkare!) I'm out. :-(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For anyone that is interested in talking about miniatures in more depth, from topics like their current pricing increase to discussing those made for other companies, I highly encourage you to check out minisgallery. com. It's my favorite community of miniature collectors, and everyone there is really nice. They've also got a a great database of released miniatures, including those from the Pathfinder Battles line, D&D Icons of the Realms line, and the old PPM D&D line from Wizards of the Coast (2003-2010). But the database also covers much more, like Star Wars minis, Wardlings, etc.

We all do a good job of keeping each other updated on the best prices available around the globe for new releases. And Patrick O'Hagan of WizKids will often stop by and post some teases of upcoming releases, or answer questions or confirm/dispel rumors. It's a fun little community.

Some of us are working on projects that compile data for each published release from Pathfinder and D&D. We want to determine how many miniatures already exist for each published release, and which creatures from the published adventures still need a plastic representation. We also want to determine how many creatures of each miniature would be needed for a per-encounter battle for each fight in the material. The goal is to help make things easier for WizKids/Paizo/Wizards to determine which adventures need what miniatures. This can help them flesh out their miniature selections in each set with creatures that help those of us trying to get as many creatures in plastic as possible for any particular campaign. This should also help any DM, veteran or newbie, looking for a quick reference of which creatures (and how many of each) they might want to pick up for a particular Adventure Path or D&D Campaign module, and from which sets they can find those already produced.

I'm working on the Pathfinder 2e stuff because I'm pretty much playing that exclusively now. More volunteers are always welcome. Eventually I hope to get to Pathfinder 1e stuff, but it might take awhile.

I know many are happy about the huge or two large minis distribution, but I personally don't like it. I would be happier with 4 or 5 small/medium minis in a booster. I find I don't use larger minis all that often and they are a bigger pain to store.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:

As a collector, the only reasons I have for not continuing with my battles sub are that I'm running out of room for minis, they cost too much and I don't have anyone to leave them to when I die. As a GM/player, I would add "I'm not playing now, I don't expect to ever play again, and I'm 73". :-)

Taken all together, much as this set looks awesome (especially Mengkare!) I'm out. :-(

I feel that whole not knowing when I will get to use them. And you know you can always change your mind whenever you want :D

Mini's bring me happiness. Happiness is worth the long conversations with my lady about how we are running out of room and my board game addiction is a trauma response to fixing childhood issues :D

Totally feel the running out of room too.

Pigraven wrote:
Personally I hope they've done away with Dungeon Dressing. WizKids appears to have found enough success with such things they've been pumping out WizKids sets of themed dungeon dressing like Market Square or Kitchen sets. If you want that stuff, go get it!

My view has always been that scenery should be in its own line. The only reason I dropped my PFBattles subscription was because they kept including scenery pieces which I never use and they could have included monsters instead.

If I find out they’ve changed that, I’ll resubscribe. Sadly the modern trend of trickling out information in order to “build hype” is not conducive to reaching the casual observer.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My thoughts of each miniature revealed in this thread:

Adamantine Golem - I'm not as excited as others about this particular miniature, but if is responsible for getting us more Large and Huge miniatures in a case, then I love him by default! I've wanted more Pathfinder Battles Huge miniatures for some time, and I'm totally on board with the new packaging system despite the price increase.

Jabberwock - One of my most eagerly awaited minis, and I think he looks amazing! Great choice to keep him at a Rare, as that reflects both his PF2e Rare trait, and the Creature 23 rating.

Fleshwarped crew - I'm excited about all these creatures for slightly different reasons. But generally, it's always great to get monstrous looking monsters.

Inakurse - Like Marco, I'm curious to see if the Irnakurse is a Large or Huge in this set. We've seen WizKids make mistakes (or intentional decisions?) on sizing before, with the most recent example being the Flail Snail in the Icons: Fangs and Talons set. Regardless, I like that it's a Rare. While the Bestiary 2 entry doesn't specifically list solo or multiples, the description sort of makes it seem like each group of Drow might be expected to have one piece of "living art" they champion. Given WizKids increased paint quality over the last year, this miniature should look fantastic.

Ghonhatine - Large and Uncommon seem correct in both aspects. Given that these creatures are often created to serve in Xulgath legions or guard evil temples, it makes sense an adventuring party might face more than one in an encounter. And despite preferring to crawl on all fours, I'm glad WizKids kept true to the post and went with this bad boy on two legs only. Not only does it make him look more menacing, but it makes him more universal for play for those who might create their own background for him.

Grothlut - I assume these are Medium Uncommon miniatures, given the black base. That would also line up correctly with the PF2e stat block. Given that these are Fleshwarped humans, Creature 3, and often used for troop patrol and shock troops, it makes sense to get a couple of these in a case.

Drow Abomination - I'm assuming this guy is a Large Uncommon. The rarity seems on point to me, and I'm hoping to get at least two in my case.

Mammoth - I'm always in the market for a mammoth. We did just get some nice ones in the Icons: Rime of the Frostmaiden set, so I'm excited to see 1) How this one (or two, really) is received by the mini community, and 2) how another one so soon effects the pricing of both on the singles market. Regardless, I'm super excited for this big dude! It's a different post, looks to be a different color, and I'm loving the alternate. I remember the desire for a riderless Mammoth and a mounted one was one that received discussion here on the boards. So here comes Paizo and WizKids with an easy solution, let's just make both! And props for marking up the mounted one with warpaint, setting it aside visually from it's much more free counterparts. And of course, well done on the decision to make even the marked ones riderless. All these options provide a wealth of versatility for a miniature that was, until recently severely underrepresented in pre-painted plastic.

Mengkare - I love this pose and I purchased him from another site the very day he was put up for pre-order. I can't wait to put this out with all my other dragons, and to work him into a campaign sooner than later. (Once I return to full physical game-table play).

Thanks again for getting these previews up on Monday. I can't wait to see more, especially with the set due out in a little over a month!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
Personally I hope they've done away with Dungeon Dressing. WizKids appears to have found enough success with such things they've been pumping out WizKids sets of themed dungeon dressing like Market Square or Kitchen sets. If you want that stuff, go get it!

My view has always been that scenery should be in its own line. The only reason I dropped my PFBattles subscription was because they kept including scenery pieces which I never use and they could have included monsters instead.

If I find out they’ve changed that, I’ll resubscribe. Sadly the modern trend of trickling out information in order to “build hype” is not conducive to reaching the casual observer.

I'm 100% in agreement with you. I've sold off all my duplicate dungeon dressing, and I've only kept one of each because I'm a collector, and it's hard to give them up. But I just don't use them at all. There have been a few exceptions, like the red orb hazard thing which can just be used as a unique type of Ooze in my campaigns. The paint and sculpt quality is usually pretty good on the dungeon dressing (shrubbery aside), but it just does nothing for me. And with these increased prices, I feel like I'm going to get actively angry if 8 of my miniatures end up being useless by default.

As for information trickling out, that has generally been a Paizo exclusive as of late. Paizo has said in the more recent past that it's been a WizKids decision when to start previews, etc. Fair enough. But given that WizKids seems more than happy to reveal or tease items from other lines, it would be great if they could do so with the Battles line. I understand that Pazio is a smaller company, but SOMEBODY needs to promote the stuff being made.

I get the feeling most of these decisions on the Darklands Rising set have been pretty last minute (release date, pricing, etc.) so I can understand the confusion with this particular set. Then again, this is what happens when miniature selection and other important information is kept in the dark right up until the last moment with a slide-scale release schedule as frenetic as WizKids'. Customers need to be armed with ample information before making any purchase, because the secondary market can be brutal for some pieces.

Also, it makes me suspicious when a company, be it Paizo or WizKids, doesn't feel comfortable revealing their products with a decent amount of lead-up time. It makes me feel like something shady is going on; as if they aren't happy with their own product. WizKids has this new business model of sending pre-packaged sets to YouTube reviewers. But it's all the same set going out, meaning they can highlight their hand-picked favorites. Luckily for the Rime of the Frostmaiden and Fangs and Talons sets, they were able to send out random bricks to YouTubers a couple weeks later. This was nice, as it allowed different YouTubers to be able to display different pieces. I'm hoping the Paizo lines (Starfinder and the Pathfinder Battles line) can get this treatment going forward.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
KaiBlob1 wrote:
very hyped for Mengkare! anyone know what the best way to get just him is?

It can be bought separately, no case needed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It took 19 sets to finally get a Jabberwocky, but it was worth the wait.

Dark Archive

Daniel Gray 572 wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

Hey Daniel, i can answer one of your questions:

One single booster of Darklands Rising will ALWAYS contain 3 medium and/or small minis in addition to either ONE HUGE mini OR two large minis.
So it will either contain four or five minis now, which is a first.

I don't know if case will get you one of each mini, as there are supposedly 52 different minis in the set, but i believe it probably will, if you don't get 2 duplicate bricks accidently.

If you are living in the USA, nothing beats gamenerdz pricewise - i don't and get them from my


Hey Daniel,

i looked around a little online and it really is like this:

One booster will always contain 4 miniatures, sorry for the misinformation.

It will either be:
-ONE HUGE and three medium or small minis
-TWO LARGE and two medium or small minis.

It´s even written on the box art.

So a case will contain 128 minis, like before.

Personally i am very excited to get so many huge minis never made before, especially minis that didn´t get made for Pathfinder first edition, like the incredibly great looking Jabberwock.

Also, finally we get Drow & Fleshwarps, even if i prefer the 1e art over the second edition art on most.

Scarab Sages

Definitely interested to see if we can get an answer on the 6 Premium Painted Figures still showing as Preorder September 2020.

I'm a big fan of the dungeon dressing. That being said, I'd always prefer the Premium figure(s) to be creatures rather than some sort of set piece (Inn, Thieves Guild, Throne Room, etc.) that should really be its own separate thing. While I do grab the dungeon dressing, I prefer random instances of them as opposed to a thematic collection of them (i.e. stuff found in a wizard's lab). I haven't minded the dressing that has been interspersed within a set. The premiums though, those are all or nothing in terms of use (well, the Inn is useful from time to time).

I've been a Battles subscriber since the first set, and I only had one instance where I did not get a full set, just missing one medium Rare. I've had a weird distribution a few times, where I small number (2 or 3) of Common figures, but those are cheap and easy to get more if I wanted to do so.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Daniel Gray 572 wrote:

I understand that a complete set is not guaranteed with a case but in 13 cases i have only not gotten a complete set once (i got two identical bricks somehow, not huge deal only was missing 3)

But I noticed in the project page thread that it has been reiterated sever time that a case does not guaranteed all models. (Me thinks she doth protest to much)

So my question is, does buying only ONE case of Darklands Rising guarantee you will NOT get a complete set. I know you cant guarantee you will get all, stuff happen in packaging: grab the wrong one, or in my case two identical bricks make it into same case. But i just want to make sure that it is still at least possible to get them all in one case.

My concern is that you say that some boosters will only have only one huge, or two large or i assume the standard 3 med/sm with one large. Which means a booster will now have 1, 2 or 4 figures.(am i interpreting the article right?) That means the case will now longer have 128 total minis? What does that mean with there still being 52 different minis. Will there be significantly less repeats.

This is not how Legendary Adventures was done so this is a new situation and that the new price point, I think we are all just hoping to not be disappointed. I was very happy with Legendary Adventure and think it was worth the shipping increase issue it caused so I am still planning to get this one.

Hey Daniel, i can answer one of your questions:

One single booster of Darklands Rising will ALWAYS contain 3 medium and/or small minis in addition to either ONE HUGE mini OR two large minis.
So it will either contain four or five minis now, which is a first.

I don't know if case will get you one of each mini, as there are supposedly 52 different minis in the set, but i believe it probably will, if you don't get 2 duplicate bricks accidently.

If you are living in the USA, nothing beats gamenerdz


Thanks that clears things up a lot.

So what i have done in the past is said that large is worth twice as much as a small or mini.

So I guess if I keep that true today then a box with 2 m/s and 2 larges at msrp $19.99 would make the m/s cost $3.33 ea and the Larges cost $6.66 compared to the old $15.99 msrp where the m/s $3.20 and the Larges cost $3.40. So about a 4% increase in cost for the smalls and a 8% increase cost for Larges.

Not sure how to value a huge with exception of LA the have always been premiums before at around $25-$35. So lets say they are 2 time as much as a large. So a box 3 m/s and and 1 huge is would put the m/s at $2.85ea and the huge at 11.42ea. Not bade

But the best way to look at is is 1 box of each at $39.98. That puts the m/s at 3.08 the L at $61.15 and the H at $12.30. With this model the price of s/m/L have actual gone down the total burden for the price increase is on the huge which is still a great deal. This assumes there there is an equal number of the two booster layouts in a case. That would be a good thing to know.

If this does not do well might be better to go back to old system and start a second like with huges. like maybe a $100 for a box of 8 or 10. Might package better and reduce shipping cost around.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber


Goto Linkified

Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising Standard Boosters each contain four figures, with a higher ratio of Large and Huge creatures than ever before!

Each booster contains one of the following configurations:

-2 Medium or Small figures, and 2 Large figures
-3 Medium or Small figures, and 1 Huge figure

Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising Standard Booster Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 Figures total).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm slightly confused by your value system. Why is a Large worth two smaller minis? Not all Smalls or Mediums are created equal. Most sets contain Small and Medium Rare miniatures, and those would be worth more in value than Uncommon Large or Uncommon Huge. Are you trying to break it down in value of the amount of surface area of the miniatures, paint needed to cover that surface area, and steps/time needed to paint that surface area?

I'm unsure where you are getting $40 a box? That would mean a case has an MSRP of $1,280.00.

I'm not really sure what it is you're trying to figure out. We already know the price increase is in large part due to the inclusion of Large and Huge minis, because both WizKids and Paizo has confirmed as much. So are you trying to determine the total amount by which the extra Large and Huge miniatures increase the set? Wouldn't the answer be to subtract the old price of a case w/Huge minis from the new Darkalnds Rising MSRP? That would give the total difference (roughly speaking). And then only by knowing how many more total Large miniature and total Huge miniatures are in the set, compared to Legendary Adventures, would we be able properly determine an average.

I fee like I might be missing the entire point of your post.

Pigraven wrote:

I'm slightly confused by your value system. Why is a Large worth two smaller minis? Not all Smalls or Mediums are created equal. Most sets contain Small and Medium Rare miniatures, and those would be worth more in value than Uncommon Large or Uncommon Huge. Are you trying to break it down in value of the amount of surface area of the miniatures, paint needed to cover that surface area, and steps/time needed to paint that surface area?

I'm unsure where you are getting $40 a box? That would mean a case has an MSRP of $1,280.00.

I'm not really sure what it is you're trying to figure out. We already know the price increase is in large part due to the inclusion of Large and Huge minis, because both WizKids and Paizo has confirmed as much. So are you trying to determine the total amount by which the extra Large and Huge miniatures increase the set? Wouldn't the answer be to subtract the old price of a case w/Huge minis from the new Darkalnds Rising MSRP? That would give the total difference (roughly speaking). And then only by knowing how many more total Large miniature and total Huge miniatures are in the set, compared to Legendary Adventures, would we be able properly determine an average.

I fee like I might be missing the entire point of your post.

To answer your first question. Basically yes. I am ignoring resale value and trying to brake it down to a cost per mini.

The $40 is two boosters at MSRP, one with the 2 larges and 1 with the huge only way to come up with an average(assume equal number of the two box load outs). Here is my match $40/13=$3.08 for m/s X 2 = $6.16 for L X 2 = 12.30 for H.

What I am trying to do is compare the value to other systems. Like the unpainted line for example. You get 2 med figures for $5 right so they are $2.50 each. The large are 1 for $5 i think. And huge's are $15. (so guess that 3X as much as large not 2X lets redo the math)

With that in mind S/M are are about $2.67 each, L are 5.33, and H are 16.

So not bad (great really since they are painted), in the past they where actual just under the unpainted line since a case was discounted and got $30 on top of that. But since they are not doing that and what % off you get on the case you will most likely find on the unpainted as well (i am assuming), they are definitely making the bulk buy of the case less appealing.

But with other sites selling at lower pricing i will still pick this up because that will help get it closer to what i want to pay per mini. But if they keep going up i have to say i don't mind painting them myself and spreading out the purchases.

Hope that explains the point i was trying to make Pigraven. But i might just be weird with they way i look at it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FWIW, I'd double check the pricing at all sites. I saw at least one initially list this at their old price before recently upping it.

Paizo has always been a pricey option, even as a subscriber. But with the big leap in Recommended Retail Price, its possible some sites currently look better than theyre going to finish up.

how much table time will Mengkare get if used with the adventure path?
I‘m not the displaying minis type of person, so the fact that this is an impressive pose on a beautiful gargantuan „mini“ is more of a disadvantage for me.
I want to have it, but I really don’t want to store it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"You may find that having a thing is not nearly as satisfying as wanting that thing." -- Spock.


Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DropBearHunter wrote:

how much table time will Mengkare get if used with the adventure path?

I‘m not the displaying minis type of person, so the fact that this is an impressive pose on a beautiful gargantuan „mini“ is more of a disadvantage for me.
I want to have it, but I really don’t want to store it.

The whole last book is on his island, and players should interact with him a bit, might be combat, but can also have a diplomatic resolution. And I'll be honest, taking this mini out when they meet him might push some players to try diplomacy first... :P (But later they can meet a young "flashback" version of him.)

Elfteiroh wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:

how much table time will Mengkare get if used with the adventure path?

I‘m not the displaying minis type of person, so the fact that this is an impressive pose on a beautiful gargantuan „mini“ is more of a disadvantage for me.
I want to have it, but I really don’t want to store it.
** spoiler omitted **

Thank you, but that’s a pass then:

I have never had a campaign actually make it to the last book.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hey there! Question for ya as we go through these minis. The rider on the mammoth seems to be permanently attached to me. Was this a change made at the last minute, or am I just not putting enough effort into removing him? Thanks! -Theo

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Have these already shipped? I haven't seen anything about mine yet.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TomParker wrote:
Have these already shipped? I haven't seen anything about mine yet.

Not to the general public, no. The orders for these won't spawn until next week or so...

But it appears WizKids has sent out cases to Gallant Goblin and maybe a few other prominent YouTube reviewers so they can get as much information to us as possible. If you haven't checked out Gallant Goblin's YouTube channel and/or Instagram, I encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience. They do a great job at both timely uploads and conveying necessary information in their videos to potential buyers. They've helped me make decisions regarding WizKids products on multiple occasions.

It's worth mentioning that they're currently in the middle of a move AND a kitty cat crisis, but they're still getting out information and pictures/videos of this set. Not only remarkable, it's an indication of their dedication and is much appreciated.

Incidentally, this set looks absolutely fantastic and I can't wait!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for the info. Yes, I'm really looking forward to this one.

Marketing & Media Manager

Wizkids has moved the release date for Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising to February 3, 2021.

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