The City Below The City

Monday, May 18, 2020

Last week we started our look at the myriad figures in the City of Lost Omens set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, and I left you with the promise of divulging the denizens of the many layers of man-made, monster-made, and natural caverns below Absalom this week. Let’s dig in, shall we?

Illustration by Daniel Lopez

Those familiar with the Extinction Curse Adventure Path know that it features a few reptilian foes from the deep Darklands, and we made sure to include a number of figures to help GMs of the campaign build out their warbands. Below are the Xulgath Skulker and Xulgath Warrior, both Medium common figures, and the Xulgath Chief, a Medium rare figure.

The xulgaths don’t fight alone, however. No, we didn’t name one of the volumes of the adventure path Siege of the Dinosaurs for nothing! I knew we couldn’t do the set without at least one thunder lizard included, but it turns out those are some big mothers, so I had to work closely with AP developer Ron Lundeen to find one from the adventure that we could make in a non-Huge set. Enter the Pinacosaurus, a Large uncommon figure that could easily stand in for a young ankylosaurus.

The inhabitants of the Darklands aren’t restricted to just the Starstone Isle, though, and we made sure to include another potential warband’s worth of figures found not far below the city of Absalom itself. Here are the Duergar Bombardier, Duergar Sharpshooter, and Duergar Taskmaster. All Medium figures at the common, common, and uncommon rarity, respectively.

One of the key abilities that marks duergar from their dwarven kin is their ability to magically double in size. We’d hardly be doing these gray dwarves any favors to include them in the set and not include a large version of them as well. A Large uncommon figure, the Enlarged Duergar is sure to make a big scene when she hits the table.

Much nearer the surface, in the sewers of Absalom, dwell even more awful beasts that I can’t wait to show you! Here’s the Offalth, a new monster created for the Pathfinder Bestiary and appearing in plastic for the first time. This Large rare miniature can also stand in for any number of sewer monsters or mounds of shambling refuse.

Another new addition to the game in the Bestiary was the nightmare-inspiring Gogiteth, a spidery abomination with multiple heads and too-human teeth is pretty squicky, so it’ll make a great encounter for your unsuspecting players!

While you’re exploring the depths beneath Absalom, it’s not just creatures you need to look out for. There are countless traps and other hazards present throughout, and four of the set’s six pieces of dungeon dressing represent those same traps! These bonus figures are distributed in random booster boxes and don’t take up one of their four figure slots, and don’t have bases so they incorporate seamlessly into any number of 3D terrain options. Taking our art inspiration from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, we included the following traps in City of Lost Omens: armageddon orb, darkside mirror, swinging scythe blades, and wheel of misery (with functionally spinning wheel!)

That’s it for this week’s previews. Next week, we’ll look at upcoming premium figures, including the two included in City of Lost Omens and the thieves’ guild releasing alongside them, plus a few other figures for good measure. Until then, stay safe, Pathfinders.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

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Tags: Extinction Curse Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there a product page to order the City of Lost Omens set? I can't seem to find one and the Pathfinder Battles subscription isn't letting me select this set. Thank you.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am definitely liking the clear bases for large minis. It'd be nice to eventually have all minis on such bases.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sardel wrote:
Is there a product page to order the City of Lost Omens set? I can't seem to find one and the Pathfinder Battles subscription isn't letting me select this set. Thank you.

Here you go.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Fumarole wrote:
Sardel wrote:
Is there a product page to order the City of Lost Omens set? I can't seem to find one and the Pathfinder Battles subscription isn't letting me select this set. Thank you.
Here you go.

Thanks, Fumarole. It's not showing as available on the subscription page so I'll have to keep an eye on that.

Dark Archive

-I like all three Xulgaths, even though i wish the chief would be an uncommon.
-The dinosaur looks good too.
-The Duergar are also nice, even if i wish the sharpshooter would aim it's crossbow.
-Nice that the enlarged Duergar is female.
-The Offalth looks almost like a Shambling Mound without the weapons it has on page 251 of the Bestiary. I don't need that guy, so good that it's a rare.
-Is the Gogiteth uncommon or rare? This creature 12 looks almost as creepy as on page 183 of the Bestiary.
-The Armageddon Orb is a Tear of Rovagug - Hazard 23?
Finally a standing mirror!
Also the Wheel of Misery is nice for a circus, great that it moves.
Unfortunately the picture of the Swinging scythe is missing.
Does it look anything like the image on page 523 of the core rulebook?

Very nice figures. Where are the dragons lol?

Dark Archive

out of curiosity where is that art piece from?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Kevin Mack wrote:
out of curiosity where is that art piece from?

Darklands Revisited

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Wait, XULGATH? Don't you mean Troglodyte? Or can Paizo no longer use that name due to copyright? Or was it too offensive to use for some reason?

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The name troglodyte can be used in gaming material under the OGL, but it cannot legally be used for other products, including miniatures (compare to D&D-branded minis) and fiction, iirc. Paizo has been introducing Golarion-specific names so that they can use the same name across their whole line of products without confusion.

Joana wrote:
The name troglodyte can be used in gaming material under the OGL, but it cannot legally be used for other products, including miniatures (compare to D&D-branded minis) and fiction, iirc. Paizo has been introducing Golarion-specific names so that they can use the same name across their whole line of products without confusion.

Yeah. I for one am glad for more lore and naming distinction from D&D and Forgotten Realms.

Excellent preview! I'll definitely want to make war bands of xulgaths and duergar.

Dark Archive

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3 questions:

1: Which rarity is the "Gogetith"?
2: Can we get a picture of the missing "swinging scythe blades" Dungeon dressing?
3:Mark, you write about the Dungeon Dressing pieces:
"These bonus figures are distributed in random booster boxes and don’t take up one of their four figure slots,"
The last part sounds like the dressing minis are inside a booster in addition to the four miniatures which are normally inside, which was never the case before, when they replaced either a large or medium uncommon mini.
Has that changed or did i misread that?

Thank you for your time.

Grand Lodge

Dressing never took up one of the miniature slots, as far as I remember.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What is up with clear bases for large creatures btw? Besides meaning it will be easier to see when I forget to clean dust off them? :'D

Joking aside, Gogiteth miniature looks great :3 Nice to see one of my favorite new monsters getting mini this soon

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

While last weeks preview didn’t really inspire me this weeks almost pretty well sells the set by comparison.

Xulguths - huge tick. Plus we get three! Like some others I do believe the leader could be an uncommon but I suspect there’ll be enough of all three in a case that it won’t matter too much.

Duergar - I know I’ve said I’m not fond of NPC style minis but that’s the standard haul of elves and guards and dwarves, oh my all the dwarves. These excite me a little because we get yet another unified force in the one set AND the large version. The only thing holding me back from a huge thumbs up is Wizkids hugely variable paint quality when dealing with humanoids like this - they could be amazing or just big blobs of colour. Fingers crossed.

With both of these creatures I truly hope future sets match up to them in style, scale and colour.

Now let’s face it do I need another shambling mound? Probably not, and this is what this essentially is. That said it has huge potential to be the go to if it’s half as good as the render and I think the open “tentacled” face is awesome. Who knows it may be very different in hand.

I’ve got to assume that Gogiteth is rare. As soon as I saw it in B1 I had fingers crossed it would find its way into the plastic world and BAM, here it is. Please, oh please let it turn out even half as good as that render. Thank you guys. Even rare I think I’ll be on the lookout for more. A++ all the way.

The traps? Yeah they’re nice, I’m 50/50 on them but certainly won’t begrudge getting them in a case. Not the sort of thing I’d go out of my way to hunt down though.

Well played good sirs, this preview pushed me back onto the gonna get me a case” side of the fence.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

On the topic of minis: has there been any news about the Wizkids Starfinder Battles minis line, since it was announced last year? Of course, everything is a bit topsy-turvy this year; just wondering if anything's been announced.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Yup, still good on my stance that I would bind buy this set. More variations of Xulgaths? Check!

Scarab Sages

Cat-thulhu wrote:
While last weeks preview didn’t really inspire me this weeks almost pretty well sells the set by comparison.

Same for me, this week's selections look really good!

CorvusMask wrote:

What is up with clear bases for large creatures btw? Besides meaning it will be easier to see when I forget to clean dust off them? :'D

WizKids is currently transitioning all their bases to clear bases. By the end of the year, all of their pre-painted miniatures moving forward will have clear bases.

Mark, could you please confirm the rarity and base size for the Gogiteth. I suspect it is a Large Rare?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, could you please confirm the rarity and base size for the Gogiteth. I suspect it is a Large Rare?

Yes, it is a Large rare. How did I forget to include that info above? Must've been to creeped out by the thing to keep my head in the game.

I'll work with the tech team to get the scythe preview added. I thought it was in the folder I sent them, but maybe the mistake was mine.

As for the clear bases, these are renders of what we planned to do, but I believe that there were some production issues that necessitated the normal black bases for all figures this set. In the next set, the Larges (and maybe even the Mediums and Smalls) will have clear bases, and thereafter all figures will. At least that's the current plan as I understand it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great preview, and much more exciting with some great humanoid races that got a lot of love.

Even in the renders, I dislike the clear bases. I really wish this direction had not been taken, but Wizkids seems committed to it. This may well be the move that taps me out. I’ll try this set where only the larges have it, but so far my reaction is not a good one to them.

Kishmo wrote:
On the topic of minis: has there been any news about the Wizkids Starfinder Battles minis line, since it was announced last year? Of course, everything is a bit topsy-turvy this year; just wondering if anything's been announced.

The Pandemic has only affected WizKids shipping dates for products that had release dates for April and May. Currently, June and July releases are still proceeding as planned.

Starfinder Battles miniatures are slated for a July release.

Mark, on the subject of release dates -- the Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium set is due for a June release. I am not trying to find things to add to your existing work load after your recent (and much anticipated) return, but if there is any way you could squeeze in some previews of this set soon it would be great.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just realized how much I want a Duergar Slaver riding a giant stag beetle!*

*On a black base, of course.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, on the subject of release dates -- the Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium set is due for a June release. I am not trying to find things to add to your existing work load after your recent (and much anticipated) return, but if there is any way you could squeeze in some previews of this set soon it would be great.

That premium set and the premium figures for City of Lost Omens will be the focus of next week's preview (along with some other figures that are thematically relevant).

Mark Moreland wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, on the subject of release dates -- the Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium set is due for a June release. I am not trying to find things to add to your existing work load after your recent (and much anticipated) return, but if there is any way you could squeeze in some previews of this set soon it would be great.

That premium set and the premium figures for City of Lost Omens will be the focus of next week's preview (along with some other figures that are thematically relevant).


Mark Moreland wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, on the subject of release dates -- the Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium set is due for a June release. I am not trying to find things to add to your existing work load after your recent (and much anticipated) return, but if there is any way you could squeeze in some previews of this set soon it would be great.

That premium set and the premium figures for City of Lost Omens will be the focus of next week's preview (along with some other figures that are thematically relevant).

Oh nice. I'm greatly looking forward to seeing both of those. Next week can't come soon enough now :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This set is looking great! Not a fan of the change to clear bases in the future, however. I would much rather have base consistency among my PF minis past, present, and future.

I know Mark explained the plan for future sets in his comment above, but has there been a reason articulated for said change?

Shadow Lodge

I am happy that dungeon dressings are back and love that bombardier.

I really do not like the switch to clear bases and do not see the point. Hope that they reverse this poor decision.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I mean, I do have heard about switch to clear bases, but I'm confused about why? Like is how is it better for either customers or the producers? ._.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don’t really see the issue, but presumably it’s so more of the flipmat/equivalent product is visible? Especially for the very big minis (huge/gargantuan and so on) the base covers up a fair bit.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Y'know, with the Wheel of Misery one could have a whole 'Bartertown' set-up....

*coughs* Oh, ah, nevermind. Nobody ruling Bartertown here....


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The decision to move to clear bases was made by WizKids for all of their pre-painted miniature lines. They believe that players want to see through the bases -- especially for large, huge or gargantuan minis, and additionally when battle maps or other aids are used which display graphical representations of the terrain in the area.

The lettering on the bottom of the mini bases is going to be made more faint so that it is less of a distraction.

WizKids has routinely been reprinting sets and these too will have clear bases.

Another change announced is over-sized bases. These over-sized bases will be used to help in stability for either tall creatures that may topple over easily or for flight-stand creatures where there is a similar balance issue. The over-sized bases will contain an extra 1-inch wide ring around the base, denoted with a fine white printed line. (i.e.: a huge dragon that would normally be on a 3-inch in diameter base will now be on a 4-inch in diameter base and will have fine line stamped on the base to denote the edge of where the 3-inch base would normally end.)

Concerns have also been noted that the over-sized bases may be problematic when playing with with any 3D terrain elements -- especially inside areas with walls. I am hoping that these bases will only be used when absolutely needed and will not become the norm.

These are indeed some pretty big changes and will take some getting used to. A poll I conducted about 2 years ago did show a distinct preference for black bases at that time. I also like consistency and having a mix of clear and black bases is certainly not my preference -- but I suspect I will eventually just get use to it. For die-hard conformists -- I guess they can start replacing their old black bases with clear bases when an older set is reprinted. (I realize though that this will not help when also using the old WotC DDM minis).

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
The lettering on the bottom of the mini bases is going to be made more faint so that it is less of a distraction.

I hope they don't overdo that. The reason I don't buy more D&D minis is the lack of printed lettering on the base. I can never read what they say without some very strong lighting.

Here is the Swinging Scythe Blade

Mark, how big is the spinning wheel? 1" wide, 2" wide?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think over-sized bases is far more of an issue than clear bases. I don't think I've ever had a mini that was close to toppling over due to a too-small base. It's a terrible, terrible idea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Clear bases are meh.I worry that the titles on the bottoms won't be clear but that won't be a huge issue, just frustration.

Oversized though, as someone who uses 3d printed terrain and dungeons it can become a real issue. No thank you to over sized bases.... Wish they weren't doing that.

May wind up rebasing mini's that are on over sized bases to custom bases that are the right size if it becomes an issue.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not personally a big fan of clear bases, but I can see the appeal (though if I were actively buying minis the inconsistency would bug me).

Over-sized bases seem like a genuinely bad idea that will needlessly restrict usability. I'd expect this one to get reversed at some point.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

while I like the figures...

as with the spriggans: it would have been nice if the enlarged version of durgar resembled one of the normal sized ones.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Fumarole wrote:
I don't think I've ever had a mini that was close to toppling over due to a too-small base. It's a terrible, terrible idea.

There are a few I've encountered. There's a medium copper dragon that can't stay upright. The will o' wisp is a little top-heavy. But those are the exceptions rather than the norm. I suspect over-sized bases on everything will create more problems than it solves.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, could you please confirm the rarity and base size for the Gogiteth. I suspect it is a Large Rare?

Yes, it is a Large rare. How did I forget to include that info above? Must've been to creeped out by the thing to keep my head in the game.

from a player perspective, I don’t like that sculpt

at all

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
DropBearHunter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, could you please confirm the rarity and base size for the Gogiteth. I suspect it is a Large Rare?

Yes, it is a Large rare. How did I forget to include that info above? Must've been to creeped out by the thing to keep my head in the game.

from a player perspective, I don’t like that sculpt

at all

Mind if I ask why? If it is because you are repulsed by it, then I think it is perfect :D

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Yoshua wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Mark, could you please confirm the rarity and base size for the Gogiteth. I suspect it is a Large Rare?

Yes, it is a Large rare. How did I forget to include that info above? Must've been to creeped out by the thing to keep my head in the game.

from a player perspective, I don’t like that sculpt

at all
Mind if I ask why? If it is because you are repulsed by it, then I think it is perfect :D

it‘s entirely from the perspective of someone whose character is about to be chewed up ;-)

from a DM perspective I‘ll absolutely have to try and convert it to 1e.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Adult Red and Black Dragons up on :D Pre order page has pics...

Mind: You have enough dragons

Wizkids pre order page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I see a leshy in the background I am not familiar with.... anyone else see things? :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Thieves guild is also listed as well as City of Lost Omens brick which has picks.... oooh that leshy....

Yoshua wrote:
I see a leshy in the background I am not familiar with.... anyone else see things? :D


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Sporkedup wrote:
Yoshua wrote:
I see a leshy in the background I am not familiar with.... anyone else see things? :D

link, move the pics of the dragons til you see some medium mini's in the pic.

They are also in the the page for the City of Lost Omens pre order on Wizkids

Dragons: ts/pre-order-pathfinder-battles-city-of-lost-omens-adult-red-black-dragons- premium-set?fbclid=IwAR3usowx26lUFUGpylMf2DDFvitYUGkI7XJXPwXoL6oLfeXYDq4uhG rCUZc

Brick of Lost Omens: ts/pathfinder-battles-city-of-lost-omens-brick

Pre order page:

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