![]() Most of us have lives, so we game every third Saturday, CST. We use Discord to message during the week. The game is using the PF1E Core Rulebook and the three out of four classes from Unchained. The players are still second level. There's a few other things I have as parameters, but at level three and less, it isn't real massive. Our campaign is taking place in The Lost Lands. If you're interested, click this link. https://streamyard.com/n8sv6d7w8t ![]()
![]() Here's the idea. Running a game online...thinking about, maybe having some players at the table. The laptop will be focused on the GM...phone will have a second google account, for keeping an eye on the battle mat. Will have items on Google Docs, like a Game Reference, and hope the players upload their character sheets to that after every game... Would that work? ![]()
![]() Obakararuir wrote:
I'm going to post a link to this, and hope that someone decides to update it for their table. It was an amazing book for ours, back in the day. https://www.amazon.com/Bastards-Bloodlines-Guidebook-Halfbreeds-Renown/dp/0 972675604 ![]()
![]() waynemarkstubbs wrote: I appear to have a defective copy - mine is in the voice of Brian Blessed - it certainly makes you pay attention! Ever since in Mid-April, I have had the voice of R. Lee Ermey in my head reading me the rules. It was the only way for the mourners inside to allow themselves any real comfort, they retired Morgan Freeman, so he and James Marsters give funny commentary while I am awake. ![]()
![]() I hope that there's enough in the kitty to keep doing that. While I admit, there are players at my table that aren't as old as 3.x, I find nothing wrong with that. My friends back in Decatur, Illinois, are still playing out of 1st edition/Moldvay edition with The Arcanum as fluff/campaign backing. And I am sure there are people in the world that still enjoy playing the original Star Frontiers. ![]()
![]() Gorbacz wrote:
I wish you were here or I was there, when I read this. I laughed and howled. While the player probably shouldn't try such things, he does deserve a few experience points for trying to cure the malady of the humans and such on the surface. That would be a hell of a reason to start an underdark campaign. ![]()
![]() I read the hardcover of the 2nd edition playtest. I really appreciate a lot of things you try to speed up or streamline. In my games, I think most GM's do this, in their own tableslang. Most of the time I'm interacting with players at the table, I try to keep it in character as much as possible. I do understand the conventions why you wrote the playtest as you did. But between the skill rewrites and how the classes now have their own feats, I really liked the first edition of the game. It isn't that you lost a customer, I'm sure that I'm still going to buy adventures or supplements that enrich my table experience. The underlying ruleset which so many seem to complain about, I really enjoy. I can say that my table rose over 15th level over nine campaigns, so the high level gaming never angered me with some of the moving parts that aren't visible at first or low levels. The reason 'why' I liked the first edition of the game was just how intuitive it felt. A master rogue made a trap, it will have a 40DC to find and a 42 to disarm. For me, as a GM, that sounds pretty epic. Maybe it is the numbers the numbers the numbers. The meat within the math is significant enough to where a first level character can expect to do so much in my campaign world, but should not try to be so objectively foolhardy. A dwarven ranger hunting his chosen foe in his favored terrain has a few more advantages than a vanilla human fighter. A high level party should have the capacity to push for things they want to achieve. "We are going to find the vampire that gave this ravener ritual to Malerix, and avenge our loss to our purse." It might be that I haven't played enough of PF2, certainly if a game started that was available to me and my schedule, I would play. Rarely do I know of other groups that would play once every three weeks. As a GM, I really am going to support the game I want to run. It isn't anything of a personal slam to anyone who devoted time to making PF2 a reality. I would consider your efforts to continue refining the game quite noble, and you shouldn't interpret it any other way. ![]()
![]() I bought the hardcover and Doomsday Dawn. Haven't looked at DD, yet. It sits on the shelf next to the Hardcover. I took the cleric stuff out, and am going to use it for my home game of 1st edition. I like the feats, finally, mid and late game stuff for a cleric :D But reading through it will require me to hire a person who really enjoys bland stuff. That is coming from a guy that wrote two books in conservative urban fantasy with a poly-sci understudy. Paizo, I will probably buy your other releases next year, but I'm going to run my Lost Lands game, first edition. Slow experience. There's a lot of people around SATX that want to run this playtest, I hope they help craft the game you want to market. ![]()
![]() Slim Jim, I advise using a laptop or phone while engaged in play. We use Hero Labs at my table, and I use Realm Works between sessions. It works out and balances very well. There are moments and hours of dead time during game, but the players are busy texting one another or having a smoke break. Before they continue further, I am polite enough to let them gather their wits before Malerix shows up at their trite little community west of Bard's Gate. ![]()
![]() Gotta ask this... When we were hit with the news of the playtest, and second edition, am I the only one that decided, "I'm gonna start another first edition campaign."? Some people act like their entire gaming world ended due to a playtest. C'mon, your players never hit 20th level with this, you have no reason to put die and pencil down... ![]()
![]() I have to say that the work from the Alpha and Beta of PF1 to the hardcover was pretty weighty. The Unchained and ACG didn't really seem to change a whole lot, it seemed to be a preview of what they were going to print. Most DM's will not implement things they don't agree with, most groups I know play a game they want to play, and will change rules to suit the butts in their seats. I'm interested in knowing more about their knowledge, craft, and profession skills being brought into the game. Which version of Unchained skill rule foundations will lay the groundwork for the next five years until UAPF2/UnchainedPF changes how the game is played? ![]()
![]() Oh, I understand this. I'm alright with the bard actually having the run of the diverse low-level stuff in their repertoire, and having their high-level abilities totally spooling off their talents. I understand the bard VERY well, from 3.0 on, it appears to be a low catch-all with more emphasis on musical talents in a few supplements over the years. I talk about the Cook version, as the Elditch Magic version was especially fun. The old days of even becoming a bard was a nightmare, but you were one of the most impressive characters in 1st edition. The PF1E is a good character, and depending what content you allow off from CRB, it might be the MVP of every session. ![]()
![]() Elleth wrote:
I'm very okay with this. Cook wrote about how bards have notes, chords, and melodies, they sing, they should have totally different focus from the sorcerer and wizards, unless the wizards are like, muwhahahaaha, I'm gonna metamagic feat all your spells, and craft an arcane masterpiece even the spirit of Beethoven has to manifest and applaud my efforts. ![]()
![]() Jason S wrote:
The Bard information has me scratching my head. Are they going to have spell melodies like the old Monte Cook stuff, it will be like the Deep Magic/Ultimate Magic (the only time I've ever schmooshed those two together) added on things for bards? Will it harken back to the Eldritch Wizardry and allow the mid-level druid stuff to be high-level bard spells? ![]()
![]() Brock Landers wrote:
So I'm not really worried about 'builds' so much, I don't think I'm doing a RAW game anymore, at all. I've been using a 3.0 critical style (improved critical plus keen gets you more percentage to your critical chance) since 2009. It is just something I ran with, along with the critical hit and fumble cards. I'm not going to have Paizo, or WotC, or the ghost of Frank Frazetta (this is sad) barge in my den and tell me how cinematic gaming should be painted in our minds. I applaud the 2.0 stuff, as it clears things like Kitsune and Slayers from the 2.0 games (until a third party guy decides in a drunken rage to pound out ten thousand words and tell us his version of high fantasy and adventure). But my games at my place have those things so rarely in them, that there is no danger to the bigoted, narrow-minded NPC's of my realm that still stumble over a sorcerer. "I can't believe that the arcane order cleared you for public service! You are so amazing, with all of that charisma, and no dedication to the craft of making new spells!" I think I'm going to crack open the Cyclopedia and add weapon masteries (all five levels) to my game if the 2.0 stuff doesn't impress me as much as I think it should. "Dude, and this totally awesome axe, also has a spike on the opposite business end, so you can impale your foes once you get them pressed to the ground under your foot. Yeah, you're totally ready to take their toe tag and add it to your experience total! This battle axe expertise is gonna up your damage for a non-magical weapon, medium creature, to 2d8, plus your single arm strength modifier, and open the potential for you to knock them prone if you give the Armsmen ten thousand gold for the next month of you training with us. Totally worth it, right?" ![]()
![]() Way back ten years ago, we had an alpha book at our disposal for our home games. We were asked to just let the good folks know about how our home games performed, if we could. They set a record with this test, and Paizo turned a limited edition alpha test book turn into a hardcover core rulebook. The changes to our game were not that severe. The big thing that I remember was, the prestige classes seemed to take a hit from the 3.5/3.0. I remember asking players to just roll with it for one campaign, and for the other campaign, to revert to the 3.5 numerical gymnastics. We will figure it out, we're gamers. We had a lot of concerns from my tables. A lot of the players at the FLGS seemed to have this "I'm just gonna play 2nd edition of the world's greatest RPG...". I didn't think that was a good solution, no matter how great the past games looked in rose-colored glasses. I wanted to believe that maybe someone had some ideas which could reel in some of the power creep which clearly eclipsed what I wanted the players to fear for their characters. Power creep, I've found out, it easier to deal with when you set limits for what you want at your table. It's why when I run home games, I don't really allow every book in current edition at the table. Plus it gives a reason to find a third party, "Cough- Raging Swan Press, Louis Porter Designs, Frog God Games, Owen KC Stevens," suitable to fill a special slot at your table. Gary and Dave both wrote extensively, "You control the table." That means anything from a few words rewritten for your game, to working on ten level rewrite so a class could fit in to your home game. It also meant, "You have the power to say no, and to run with what you're comfortable with." That right there is a radical thought. It invites you denying something how a player wants to see his character progress from a retail book, to how you want to see him develop a similar character in your private campaign world. When you think of the restrictions in PFS, it might make better sense to some of you. As a game master, you have to be the one to take some time, review rules, and evaluate how they will impact your home game. You can figure out usually, that most of the things between the hardcovers that you are buying, are exactly worded how you want them to be, on first read through. Paizo trusted you enough to help you design classes with the help of the last chapter of the ACG. With the information within, your own common sense, and the contract you have with your players at your table, that should be able to help direct you in your study for how you want to run your table. It doesn't matter if you have to redo a prestige class, does it? What is more important? Making a person at your table upset by being an iron fisted tyrant behind the GM shield, or finding a way to have fun together? I am seeing things on the blog of Paizo's that I'm excited about (Cleric looks AWESOME!), and the thing about goblins being a core race...meh, they provide experience points. But that's what to expect. We should expect to have an alpha document that we probably aren't going to be 100% happy with, which is why it is indeed called an 'Alpha.' ![]()
![]() I run a long-standing Lost Lands game that is still going strong. I have a vacancy for a second game I would love to start. I live in San Antonio, have a good-sized front room for six or seven players to sit and enjoy the game. There's enough room and horizontal space for me to set a battle mat down, and for them to flop open a laptop. I have a great wifi set up, that won't be tested by you, your seven phones, and web access, otherwise... But I want to continue gaming and have another day for this activity. I love to run, I have a lot of figures, a lot of story threads in my head, plus the super-difficult ones that FGG has published to my delight. I think it's time to ask for a Friday night game. I run once every three weeks, due to work. I run for about six or eight hours. I can be convinced that Saturday would be acceptable, too. Here is some additional information about my campaign. Note, I'm not super excited about the ACG or ARG. I like the Tolkienesque or Barrier Peaks kind of games, though this is not Dwimmermount. Bruce Lombardo's Deviance's for His Pathfinder Game For my game, I have few things different that I do in my games, than the 'official' games you find at Pathfinder Society Games. I don't discount the validity of those games, I don't disagree with the mass-appeal of such games. I'm not running for thousands, to keep thousands happy. For my table, I do a few things that remind players of the days gone by; of magenta boxes and crayons included to get the numbers to reveal themselves better on the new die packaged with the game. I hope you understand and you want to experience the world and work I want to share with you. I would want to evoke a feel of exactly what we felt like when we cracked the box for the first time, way back in the day. I don't want to feel like we're fumbling in the dark for the rules, and such, but I do want that feeling that the table had, during our exploration of the Caves of the Unknown. I'm not pining for games like this all of the time, but for the game I run to be at a comfortable power level. I do some things which are done quite a bit in the OSR-style of games that gained favor in the early 2010's. I also am willing to concede some things to the newer style of games that Pathfinder RPG has blossomed in to. I do this, I write this, because I feel that every table does this in some form or fashion. Some use the CRB to excess along with the website (you know which one I'm talking about), others go on urges by the referee or dungeon master, not really stopping to check the rules every five minutes, but willing to 'come on, let's frigging game already!' I should note, I cuss. Sometimes like a sailor that stubbed his toe, sometimes rarely. Please leave my table if you find yourself offended; I think those folk find fault with everything. I'm out to have a fun time, but I'm not conceding in any mannerisms to make you feel like there's such a thing as a 'safe-space.' You're playing an RPG with a person who likes the style of game that begat this hobby. Don't let this hamstring you from playing my game, or feel like you're forced to play this. Every butt has a seat, and I won't take offense if you decide my game isn't for you. I use the themes (if not the revised rules) from the original games in general; Everything written by the rule writers is merely a guideline. It's a practiced guideline, but a guideline, nonetheless. If something isn't well for the table, we're not using it. I like to live to excess, and I want my games to be fun, but gritty and grimy, as well. The Set-in-Stone rules that I have for MY table are as follows. Dice. Don't touch other people's dice. Mine or your neighbors, you don't do that unless you have permission. That said, ability scores at level one are lower here than other places. You have the character sheet (or blank spiral) in front of you. If you're playing off a tablet, do me a favor and shoot me emails with it as an enclosure, after every game. I know that sounds like a crazy thing, but the emails actually save your ass when your electronic device gives up the ghost (as it will do at some point). Character Creation is done for this for your ability scores. You either roll them at my table, or you record a video and get it in front of me. Three die six, as they fall. If you feel like your character isn't good enough for you to roleplay as, I understand...but I notate the number of abortions you have and the amount of negative karma the group will go through will be affected throughout the campaign. That sounds just absolutely crazy, but I'm not really going to wait four hours for you and your magic die to finally give me the opportunity to run my game. A lot of shit can go south real fast in a game, and I prefer to enjoy myself as a person who's a fan of the world I run in (Frog God Games, buddy)! I don't think you want to have the misnomer of “I rolled forty characters into the grave before I was happy with my ability score!” For the Gray-beards in my neck of the woods, I don't use the statistic, Comeliness. While I liked the idea of actually having a statistic of 'how pretty you are,' I wasn't needing it in what I ran. I need players that understand Role-play. Please approach my game like an opportunity to socialize with friends and have fun at the table. We might even have a combat! Between those two things and all the paperwork of having an actual character, I don't need to focus on the fact that Paladins of X sect require “high pretty pretty princess” scores for their Comeliness...I think that's probably not what I want. You might want to have a yellow stickie available for during game times, instead of erasing things like 'hit points' and such...I'm just trying to help. Races. To keep it simple, I allow all races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Over the course of time, through the game, one person or the whole party, may open up an opportunity to create a character of a certain type of race, but unless it's CRB, it's locked until then. There are plenty of options for people to create something like what they would want to play in an established gaming world, that has been around for thirty years or more. From time to time, a narrative reason will open up for something unusual. I don't mind doing that when the story that is being played among us, unfolds in a natural sense. Most players just want to play 'something.' But forcing a race that is all-but-absent from the game at my table...it's not a welcome mindset. There are tables out there that want a party that is more varied than a game of Tales of the Floating Vagabond, but it doesn't fit the theme of the game which I desire to run. Classes. You have your ability scores, you have your modifications that your scores are adjusted with. This is where the rubber meets the road, for me. Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide are wonderful places to start the game with. Occasionally, I'll allow a non-oriental class or archetype in from Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Combat. I'm not a fan of the traditional Oriental game that pervades many tables throughout d20-style game history. Usually, it's someone from Iowa, writing about Ninjas after reading through the book, Real Ultimate Power. That said, I do have various cultures in the game world where you will occasionally have access to create a character from that local area. There are alternative archetypes specifically for the Pathfinder-version of the Lost Lands Campaign setting... It's a narrative, a shared story, and some characters are not available from the first page of the first chapter. Other hardcovers that are published by Paizo are equally great, for their respective games. I usually don't allow them in due to the theme and the scope of the game I have planned. As the games progress, you'll see that I allow some classes to be put in play. On archetypes, it's a case by case basis. I have a lot higher acceptance for them than I do the majority of the classes that are involved with the last couple of years of the game. The archetypes remind me of the 'kits' that are from the 2nd edition of the game, and they are as useful. Skills. So I finally read the Skills and Options chapter from Pathfinder Unchained. There are some parts from this that I'm importing into my game. Here's what is kip. Background skills are a no-go. While it looks really good, I don't see any reason to implement this. My games do have downtime, and this allows the players to do their studying or keeping abreast of guild affairs, or whatever affiliations they might have, they're participating in those, or studying that knowledge skill to get another rank to max it out. Grouped skills, again, this is a no-go. There's nothing about these that interest me in my game. There is bookkeeping, and I do appreciate the amount of it for the game I want to run. I'm okay with players not having a character sheet, but use a whole spiral to notate their exploits, their statistics, everything. Don't feel like you're constrained to a single double-sided paper for your alter-ego. Craft and profession expansion...oh my. Paizo hit pay dirt with this. It gives you the information you need in order to play to your strengths. I used this to a point, up until I read this. Now...I definitely understand the wonderful vague and open demeanor of craft-performance-profession. Skill Unlocks. These are part-and-parcel of the new Unchained Rogue. For those of you in my game, please be aware, if you buy the feat, you get to reap these rewards. They're worth it. Variant Multiclassing...nope. If you want to multiclass, you know how it works. And you Dragon Disciple people that whine that I don't allow the bloodrager, get over it. In my opinion, the Dragon Disciple is the weakest PrC that is official. You get dragon at 10th level and there's not much that really changes. I understand, you want to play the game and have the character in your head at our table, but there are better PrC's out there. And I'm thinking really hard on letting go on the replacement DD class that I have been thinking about. Feats. There's not too much I'm changing in my game, versus what other games have. The major piece that I'm happy to talk about is this. Since I've had my game going in the 'beta-softcover' stage, I'm of the mindset that keen and Improved Critical should stack. I know, in official games, they don't. This is far from an official game; but it's like every other game, because every group has their quirks. I'm not impressed that you can see characters with a critical range of 8-20 (Justicar of Muir with a rapier or scimitar). Those characters usually put themselves in a melee or a bad spot and get overconfident. Play smart, please. Also, the feat, Skill Focus, now also makes the chosen skill a class skill, if it isn't already.
Say you have a rogue and you go for 'Dagger Master' archetype of rogue. You give up Trapfinding at first level. The one thing that part and parcel is what makes Rogues iconic in this game (and the one special ability that seems to be exchanged for every rogue archetype), is what you commonly give up. And that is pretty much, every archetype. I'm not against the archetypes, in fact, I love them. But say there's something that you want later. You can burn a feat after the point in your character's existence for a class ability in my game, called 'Night School.' Night School is a feat where you have to have a prerequisite of having a class ability that you don't have access to due to an archetype. Night School allows you to use 'off camera' time to get access to that feat. The class ability gained back from Night School cannot be part of a chain, like a non-standard, ninth-level fighter trying to get his mobility back by having his Night School cover Armor Mastery 2. A third-level Rogue that is a Dagger Master archetype can use his third-character level feat to take Trapfinding, since it isn't part of a chain. Once you're finished with filling out the details of your class, I will go through the background generator from Ultimate Campaign. There are other generators available, and I'm pretty impressed with some. That said, I'm not using them for my game. The APG (Advanced Players Guide) and the website that is universal has rules for our traits. These are in place at every game we have, mainly because they do help with flavor at minimal impact with the mechanics. The traits have traditionally been viewed as half-feats, and when you scramble them down to mechanics, they do exactly that.
![]() I'm happy that this is happening. I was going to probably continue running out of the Rules Cyclopedia, but I was swayed by a possibility of adventures in an easier frame. I went to 3.0, then to 3.5, then I'm here, to Pathfinder. Now that the world is moving on, and I have shelves and shelves of stuff to run, I'm probably going to continue to run off my collection, and paint when I'm available to. I really want to build this amazing collection of painted figurines. ![]()
![]() I think with Pathfinder, 3.0, and this, we are going to see a lot of DM's going to their rule bibles, and figuring out, what works in their games, that doesn't work with established rules. Then they will circle the calendar date when pf2 playtest hits, and they will look at such marvels. You already gave us the keys to the kingdom. The rules are in the Core, Unchained, the ACG (my most hated hardcover for you), and the Bestiary, along with all of the other books. These give us the means to make our hobbies happen at the table. I'm going to support the third party people who I love, because I truly appreciate what these people do for a living, much like Paizo used to. Now they're a pillar of the industry. For those scared about options, and the fact you said, there's more options in the base game than now, you have my applause. If your game doesn't deliver, I'm positive, there will be a chunk of people who will use the older, established rules. That's how our corner of the niche industry is. Until then, Probst! ![]()
![]() It could be a world severed in to two actual nations. One of these worlds is a fantastic place, almost modern day but with magic, and set it in Chicago. The other is a very irritating land, Victorian Era, with steampunk, and zeppelins, and cats...and the players know of the wonderful modern era, but they're stuck in the GM's hellworld as the stupid steampunk Victorian hell tries to rally a reason why we need to focus on this...WHY BUTCHER, HAVE YOU FORSAKEN MEEEEEEEEEE! ![]()
![]() I like it, sans Danny's portrayal. The actor that plays him...why in the hell would someone cast *him* in a role of a martial artist? I'm still furious over that decision, not even looking at his heritage, he sucks as someone who the rest of the Marvelverse is supposed to admire for his (drum pause) fighting skills. I understand, I need to calm down on this. But he is the worst part of the series, to me. He *is* redeemable, mainly if he stops being an actor and actually goes through a few years of martial arts training. That's unrealistic, Bruce.
OMG, that's mean. Well, we have a literal half-pleasing series, three of four solo series which are watchable at worst, and one gimp martial artist. Hopefully, The Punisher will not have any Danny Rand in it. ![]()
![]() Comparing any Luc Besson movie to the Transformers movie franchises makes my teeth hurt. Clive Owen could have been given a half-hour in the makeup booth and been a qualifying lead for this movie. Cara didn't hurt the eyes, but she's like any model-hot girlfriend lead for crappy celluloid-very vapid. The movie really wasn't giving source material justice, here. I can say that I used to read these when there was a decent comic shop in Decatur, Illinois. Joe was a fan, RIP, buddy. I feel Luc is the right one to head anything with this series, but I really wish this would have gone on Netflix as a series. /long sigh. ![]()
![]() Violet Hargrave wrote:
Read through it, had some interesting concepts that required me to sit back and percolate the thoughts on it. Other species, other humans from more primative, or more advanced times, wouldn't really be able to hold conversations on self-identification as modern folk would. It's almost a perfect topic for your sci-fi Risus campaign to have a few nights discussing, or being a theme to some over-arching campaign. Wasn't finding myself offended or assaulted, either. As I ID myself as Christian conservative straight Italian-Irish, I found the topic to be pretty much like any you would find once the trollbegone spray was used. Good reading material. ![]()
![]() For Paizo stuff, I recommend... Pathfinder Unchained
For non-Paizo stuff for your table... The Sword of Air, a big damn book with lots of hex crawling, and space for you to insert stuff for the next three campaigns.
creightonbroadhurst.com This guy does a lot of old-school stuff that accentuates campaigns. He has his own sandbox he is writing, and it's wonderful. But surf his page for a few days, and see if there's stuff that he has parted the curtains with, and see if it's something you can't live without. My final recommendation... Advanced Bestiary, from Green Ronin Press...100 monster templates. Just something that every DM needs, is new challenges to mechanically harass his players. This book does an amazing job of being an exponential monster modifier for every monster in your current gear locker. youtube.com/brucelombardo75 ![]()
![]() The Player Companion line always gets read when I pick up a new one. But I haven't read a Campaign book here from Paizo since the entry of Nicolas Logue in the Towns of Golarion...not from cover to cover. Funny thing, every Frog God title that his the home or hard drive, I turn my phone off and isolate myself with coffee until it is read once. Usually I will go back and highlight or take notes...