
Bearserk's page

Organized Play Member. 259 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Gathlain also have no Str penalty.

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Get a Druid with the Vulture Domain.
Kill people than cast Reincarnate and hope for good rolls.


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Looks really good so far.

Maybe i would include Half-elves and Skinwalkers, especialy Coldborn and Ragebred for Berserkers.

For Classes i would include the Bard, the Warpriest and the maybe the Arcanist.

The Occultist, Inquisitor and the Summoner could be also good additions.

For the Deitys i would take a look for the Dwarves and Giants too.

For the big players this comes in my mind:

Cayden Cailean

Funny i think maybe the Orc Pantheon would also be a nice addition for some ruthless vikings.

And some Empyreal Lords fit great like Tolc, Pulura, Immonhiel or Cernunnos.

There are some good traits in Reign of Winter Players Guide and good stuff in People of the North.

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Depends on adventure GM and Group but i would say Bard!.

Shaman or Spirit Guide Oracle are ollow ups!

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Like i mentioned in another thread don't forget that even the Forgotten Realms had the CG Godess Eilistraee for good drow.

Drizzt was not the only one!

But some like it simple and that's okay too.

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Shaman and Druid.
Versatile and stuff like Hexes or Wildshape are so much fun.

Followed by Cleric and Inquisitor but Oracle and Hunter are close.
Never played a Warpriest but the Sacred Fist is appealing.

Ranger is nice but i prefer healers over fighters.
Paladin is nearly out of play.

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Ryan Freire wrote:
The GM's only job is to make a fun game Rhedyn. If their interpretation invalidates an entire core class that countless others have no problem running for or with, its their interpretation that's skewed not the class.

Fun for ALL people on the table and not only the Paladin!

And problem childs like Kender or Malcavians are core in other games too so thats not realy an argument.
A mistake by tradition is still a mistake imho.

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Another good option is a Shaman with the Life Spirit.
The Healing Hex on level 2 can expand youre cures on large groups a lot.

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avr wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Undeath to death isn't bad but it has a costly material component:(

Well, undead of 9 HD or less aren't major opponents by the time you're high enough level to cast it. It kind of is bad.


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Thanks for all the replys.

willuwontu wrote:
Also why is this in rules questions, and not GD?
Ring_of_Gyges wrote:

I'm pretty hazy on where different threads go but "Which mechanical options are limited to one gender or the other?" sounds like a rules question to me.


Sorry but i'm not native english speaking so this might be a better title for the thread. ^^

And i'm mostly interested in the rules part.

So the mechanics for the Iridian Fold are open to any gender thanks of the Iridian Choir.

The Purity of Violence wrote:
OP, what do you think you are missing???

Any other gender related rules.

I must confess that i don't like restrictions cause of this but if are some i prefer it on both or more sides.

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We have an all female PC race with the Changelings.
We got a deity only for women with Gyronna.
We got a Prestige Class with the Sanguine Angel only for females...

Do exist some opposite stuff?

A playable all male race or class?

Did i miss something?

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Rest or unrest as you like...

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feytharn wrote:
Sadly I overslept due to being sick and didn't watcht the parliaments session, it is done. German Bundestag voted for gay marriage - there might be some hurdles left, but a very important step is done :-)

Even if i'm not a fan of marriage this was about time...

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The chance to play romantic vampires brought a lot of female players to the tables in the nineties...

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Make a discussion about the meanings of alignments...... ^^

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Kick the Alignment System!

It's not worth the trouble!

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Maybe a Child of Acavna and Amaznen?!

It's a cool fighter archetype with a little magic...

And i second the Hexcrafter Magus...it's great!

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What about the Sacred Fist Warpriest?

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Someone have to say it....

Beauty....Eye....Beholder..... ^^

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

We've taken some steps to correct problematic elements of the lashunta for Starfinder.

But please, not in the elven way...there are a lot to much of these dexterity races out there!

I like the male Lashunta cause they aren't dumb and don't look like typical models...

The Exchange

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I would mention the Shaman here.

His Spirits and Hexes make him very versatile and compared to a Witch he can survive an Inn-Fight.

He can be a healer with Life Spirit or a decent blaster with Flame Spirit.
Even better with Fluid Magic ore the Arcane spells from Lore...

Buff or debuff with Hexes.
And so on....

But a lot of Divine Spellcasters are very good in this stuff.

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Stephen Ede wrote:

To be fair, no 1st level character is going to have a Ioun Wyrd as a familiar unless the GM has been extraordinarily kind with starting cash.
1500 GP + the cost of 1 active Gem to make.

Normaly no Wizard/Witch/Shaman etc pays for his first level familiar, but if you want it with his cost you can go with THIS!

Remember, the cost is for creation.

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Anyone and Socothbenoth .....in disguise ^^

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In Taldor some rich kids can learn 1 or 2 cantrips regardless of class...

Wealthy Dabbler

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And for Sorcerers, Wizards and Arcanists is the Repair Undead spell a good option!

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The Darakhul from Kobold Press are cool PC Ghuls!

lemeres wrote:
KM WolfMaw wrote:
andygal wrote:
Inflict wounds spells do not have the evil descriptor for the record.
Using it to hurt the living kinda does... and not that many classes have access to it.

Clerics have it, and they are a both a common class and the one many people go to for healing anyway. You just need a cleric of a neutral god or an evil god. Asmodeus seems like a go to for this, since he is an evil god with a fairly public church.


Not to mention the Oracle, Witch or Shaman with no allignment restrictions....

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Java Man wrote:
I've never heard of a lich moping and whining about his fate, vampires on the other hand...

If i'm remember correctly there was a bard lich in Ravenloft of that kind....

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Hentai Kamen - awesome japanese super-heroe movie

A lot movies from TROMA like Toxic Avenger or Poultrygeist....the best chicken-zombie-musical i ever watched. ^^

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...i'l be a magical healer and a goodhearted monster!

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What about Ju Ju Zombies?

And if there is an option for 3.Party/old D&D stuff maybe the Necropolitan from the Libris Mortis is a good choice.

Or start with an awesome Darakhul!

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I like the band world tour with a bunch of bards!

Thanks to the archetypes there is so much fun!

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Yeah, an elf!

Some folk would ask why not a human but something nearly immortal or longliving, awesome magic potential, great weapons just by race, immunity to some spells and abilltys and thin and pale....

Oh wait, seems like elves are daylight vampires without the weaknesses... ;-)

Why make differences between fantasy creatures?

For me its a matter of taste!

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:


1. Are you looking to play an undead character because it's edgy? If so, you're about a decade too late.


What you asking people who play fighters, wizards, clerics and rogues?
Same for elves, dwarves and halflings?
Their 4 decades to late or what?!? ^^

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If you say Drizzt you also have to say Elistraee.

The CG Godess of good Drows!

I'm sure that she had more than 1 follower. ^^

And a freewilled undead can choose his path....but have to fight his urges.

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I'm still think a cleric for a deitiy of theives, more specified trickery works best to cover the 4 D&D core classes.

A cleric can cast spells up to 9, can stand a fight through armor an 3/4 BAB and heal....

Take a neutral deity with the Trickery domain gives him some rogue abilitys.

But maybe it's better to make a true neutral seperatist for the full cleric spell list with primäry Animal domain/Trickery to cover nature treats a little bit and have a meat shield in his AC.

Your opponents use magic?
Dispel it!

You lose your magic?
Fight with your AC!

Got wounded, deleveled, poisened or infected?
Heal and restore!

You have to sneak?
Use Trickery domain!

You need an army?
Summon monsters or create undead!

Hope your MAD cleric got some Charisma for channel! ^^

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Lol ^^

I'm imagine an evil wizard who call evil outsiders a lot to serve him.
Let's say a PRC Diabolist in training.
I know some Good spells i would use to protect me...

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Don't think Tolkien!

Half-elves are one of the core MAJOR races!

This means there are a lot of them!

Even the Mordantspire elves go an produce half-elves!

All other is a question of the region!

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Yeah, the hundreds of roleplying games without an alignment system must be unplayable.... ^^

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Can do no more harm?!?

Don't forget it's a world with magic/necromany and ghosts, wights, revenants and countles other options of returning nightmares so it's imho the best choice to kill only if it's neccessary!

And even villains and monsters doesn't exists in a vacuum.
Revenge can be a powerfull motivation.

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Spontaneus Druid!

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Nemret Noktoria



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With the right inquisition u can dump cha and still be face with wisdom thats also important for spellcasting and perception.

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Take the deal!

If divine spellcasting, i choose Shaman (followed by Druid or Oracle).
If arcane, i choose White Mage Arcanist or Witch.

Undead immortality isn't fun under edicts...