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I'd like to cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription.

Depends on the situation and area the game is set in.
I've played both ends of the spectrum though, from a LE Bounty Hunter turned Slaver (Who interestingly enough enslaved only her own race, because she had nothing but raw contempt for them, being a more intelligent than usual Varag who considered her own species little more than CE animals and basically brutalized them into serving, while at he same time freeing drow slaves and leading a huge swathe of freed goblins that were sincerely loyal to her) through to !Moses (TN Snakeman in an Egyptian game, the party were a bunch of colonials and he was their local guide, assisting them in return for them letting his people go, they also gained his actual loyalty when they un-Eunuched him using a regenerate spell and he eventually turned his back on his bloody-handed NE god) through to a LG Abolitionist who in one particularly fun game, brought down that settings equivalent of the Lumber Consortium Game of Thrones style (Which isn't 'technically' slavery, but if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck as they say.)

Basically, it depends entirely on the setting/'type' of slavery, it's a thing that exists and the players are free to interact with it or not as per their characters attitudes.
Then again we're massive fans of the 'death of the GM' type play, you present the world without judgement one way or the other and without letting OOC opinions get in the way of what the setting is.

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Could point out to them that it's fresh enough for a raise dead spell.
Who wouldn't want a unicorn bro that owes you their life, rather than just having a horse meat dinner?

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I'd put it like this.
Neutral good believed in helping people on a personal level, regardless of which way the law speaks on a situation.

Lawful Good attempts to create a system that benefits everyone and protects those that need protecting, they put structures in place that help others and work within them to drive out misuse or abuse as well as destructive forces that might damage that system and attempt to change rather than destroy systems that harm others.

Two decent examples off the top of my head;
1: Characters come across an empire built on slavery that treats its slaves terribly but that also required them to maintain living standards-
CG: Burn it all down, the people of the empire are complicit in slavery and as such deserve no sympathy, break the chains
NG: Help on an individual level without regard for or against the law depending on the situation
LG: Gain influence, enact changes that improve the living standards of the slaves and eventually attempt to devolve them into a freeman working-class, if people aren't willing to make that change (even if it doesn't cost them anything) then the system itself is incorrect and needs to be confronted

2: Bandits are attacking trade caravans, turns out they're basically poor and impoverished farmer types who are being pushed to banditry by the heavy taxation of a particular lord, with some bad apples mixed in who are just cruel and doing it for kicks
CG: Bring down the Lord, assist the peasantry, if the King is just he'll understand it was necessary, if he isn't then he's culpable as well for the situation
NG: Help the villagers as you can, also help the caravans, maybe organize some sort of deal between the caravans and the 'bandits' to help smooth things over behind the backs of the Lords
LG: Bring evidence before the King so the Lord can be removed from his position, request that the reward be used to help the peasantry through the harsh winter to come and look over the area to make sure things go smoother, help set up a patrol system for the roads to avoid further banditry in turn and help the peasants to rebuild their villages stocks and wealth so a healthy profit can be made on all sides without abuse

LG tends to think more long term basically, because they're thinking in terms of the future as well as the now, its a slower, more difficult process than just rocking into town, kicking the evil lord in the teeth and wandering off again leaving a power vacuum.

Also, check out the last book, one of the variant options is a vampire-orientated version of a certain hero from the game.
Behold, a personal antagonist.
Though I will say, for the channel energy suggesting people, the local god of the setting is fairly universally worshiped and priests aren't uncommon, so using some divine wrath could also make for a challenge.

To be honest it sounds to me like your player is having fun playing the classic terrible Big Bad Guy, who can enact slaughter on an army level scale.
That is perfectly fine, remember that AC doesn't scale particularly well over levels and what is absurd now will be just decent 3-5 levels down the line. Push comes to shove, give the other players neat items and then crack things up.

Group of Paladins? Guess they're now divine guardian Paladins or Celestial Paladins, or riding golden wyverns.
Fight with the Eagles? Legendary Beast template. Or replace them with celestial Rocs.
Crank every metric you have up to 11, make it clear that the forces of Good have power as well, boil up the scale from heroic to Epic.

But whatever you do, don't arbitrarily depower the player character, it never goes well and it always feels cheap if you're on the other end of it. If you really can't handle then talk to the player on the quiet out of session and ask him if he's cool with a knock down so you can rest easier, maybe you can give him something else cool instead.

Personally I always preferred the option of Swiss cheesing the Abyss with rivers of holy water, cascading down from above to fill the unknowable depths slowly over the aeons. My character even designed a special spell that causes any body of water to turn into holy water, then created an item of it meaning that any body of water touched by the rapidly growing pool turned into Holy Water (The Holy Goo Scenario)

Needless to say, that plan worked both great and poorly, good news! Heavy Demons sink! Dretch can't even teleport! Teleportation isn't much use when you keep teleporting into places filled with holy water! Quippoth race drowns! Total disorganization in the ranks and Demon Lords falling due to lack of waterwings! Dagons entire sea has been purified and boy is he salty about it!
Bad news! Demon activity up 1,000,000% across the board! Balor refugees taking refuge in the Maelstrom and Abaddon! Lesser Demons rampaging across society, half trying to join it as the power of the Abyss itself weakens, half trying to destroy it because they think they can dominate the ruins! The Abyss itself is howling with agony and driving some of the CN/NE gods insane! Oh Sweet Baby Jesus Dagon is coming and boy is he salty!

Really it went quite well in hindsight, in my opinion.

My two suggestions would either be make healing a weakened Corruption (Check out Ragnorra in Elder Evils) or have scars remain despite healing.

Its very easy to forget just how much damage heroes get through in games, but describing the gristling mass that is the shoulder of a fighter after being chewed over by a Gug now and then can keep things fairly horrific without hurting the PCs survival chances.

To be fair, I honestly don't think you were baiting and I don't mean to imply so.

I do think it'd be best to talk to him out of character, if you believe its an out of character problem. Sit down, get a couple of beers and basically say 'Lusty is totes fine, playing hide the sausage with a skull raises eyebrows man, you don't have to go to the complete extreme to play up how he's lusty'

Unless it is totally in character for him to do so in which case we could totally have the wrong end of the stick and he could explain the logic behind it to you and you could totally realize he's playing it legit, who knows.

I'd say talk to the player about it out of character, don't have anything happen in character just yet (Except maybe a warning dream or two.)
Nothing he's done is evil and I wouldn't say violating a skull is CG, it isn't really any alignment. Being a voyeur is kind of chaotic though, in its own way since its going against the taboos of the land.

More importantly though, I'd say the player isn't taking the role seriously and that's where the problem is coming from, if he can explain it all perfectly as IC logic then fair enough, but if you want a player to play things straight and they've opted not to, no amount of in character warnings are going to change things, because its only people that are taking things seriously and care about in character consequences, that get bothered and react to in character warnings.

Azten wrote:
He assaulted a skull. Have his half-undead child show up later.

While this would be hilarious, it'd probably only drive the player more down the road of treating things like a comedy.

Chemlak wrote:
You managed to post a thread with a first post and title which was guaranteed to bring out the local Paladin Defence League, and then you throw down what really happened!

You mean he didn't give full details and was initially vague, then more detail was supplied and it turns out things were worse than people expected.

"Being Lustful" isn't a reason for a Paladin to fall, its not being Chaotic.
"Desecrating the dead" is a different kettle of fish.

The reason people feel the need to defend Paladin players is because there are GMs out there who think that a Paladin is a Challenge, that only by making them fall can you have an interesting story. Which is absurd (See above for people suggesting he should be put in a situation where he either leaves the party forever or instantly falls - you could have a girl turn up pregnant who wants the child. The most honorable thing for your paladin to do is stay with her, effectively ending his adventuring career. If he leaves her, that isn't the least bit "good" and might even cause a fall.)

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When I ran the game, I kept the children from the Fish house around as a gang that the PCs had close contact with, the Lambs, they basically became a group of street children/cult led by the low level oracle 'The Lamb'
It really helped bring some humanity to the unrest early in the game and the frantic, desperate side of the city and if you can get the right balance between criminal and innocent things can be fantastic.
Plus it gives the players investment in the city.

Best scene with the Lambs was them bringing back a dead horse killed in one of the riots and taking the entire thing apart for meat, the players thought something terrible had happened when they returned to their den and found a huge bloodstain on the floor only to end up getting dinner presented to them by a bunch of shy, desperate for approval children. That and one of the more benevolent players explaining to a little girl that they don't have to steal any more to avoid being hurt, that they'd look after them because they cared, after the girl presented them with a watch they'd stolen, having to actually convince the younger children was a great scene.

Think Gavroche from Les Miserables.

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Basically? Fighters lack options.

Everything they could, logically, choose to do to spice up combat has its own feat, they lack skill points and skill boosting abilities and above all they lack a disposable resource that they can use to improve their base line abilities.

Clerics and Druids can fighter better than a fighter because they can increase their power, Wizards have more options because they have a cornucopia of spells that can suit any situation depending on what they pick in the morning.
Fighters got a sword and a couple of options which tend to be weaker (CMB Maneuvers for example) than those the casters get.

In my personal experience best way to improve the lot of the Fighter is to use Path of War for their combat and give a disposable out of combat resource that renews, stamina or mythic are good underlying mechanics, the surge ability of Mythic is a perfect example of the kind of 'Grit your teeth and use your last surge of strength to come to an epiphany about your investigation/swing across the chasm and save the Princess/uncover the secret door and escape' skill resource that Fighting men types need on hand.

I'd recommend looking into Eranex from Dragons Unleashed. She's a fey silver dragon that's got some pretty interesting plot hooks attached to her.

Though, Chromatic dragons being involved could be just as interesting, with Brevoy being associated with Red Dragons.

Kingmaker, I'd love to see a honest to god full sandbox Kingmaker book, I feel that the AP layout really kicked what Kingmaker could've been out from under it.
'Here is where things are, here's a list of antagonists in the area and their starting level, here's their eventual goals and potential as a BBEG; main story line could go like this'

God, it'd be so good.

The Bane of Sorrow is a mirror, given from one lover to another, originally given by a courtier to the Queen as a gift.

The mirror, according to legend, shows the person how they truly are, or when gifted by another how they see you and so is the ultimate tool for lovers to see true how they perceive each other.
Not true. After all love can bring great pain as well as joy.

The mirror shows you how you see yourself, all your imperfections and the things you see as good about yourself shown without shame nor malice. Its a tool of self-reflection, to help a person realize and admit their own flaws and improve on them. The Bane of Sorrow isn't love, its self-assurance and self-confidence, being happy with who you are and the courtier believed the young Queen would benefit from the strength that being able to look yourself in the face and see those flaws slowly fade would bring.

Of course, things didn't quite go to plan.

So, the Courtier gave the Queen the mirror and rather than realizing what it was, she assumed that the aloof Queen of Ice that appeared before her was how the world (Even her wooer) perceived her and obsessed over it, growing colder and colder until her heart literally froze over and she withdrew from the world.

The Knights of Winter don't realize this and think that the mirror is the reason for the 'Winter of the Queens heart', that if they break the mirror it will free her from the curse of the mirror when in reality all it will do is lead her deeper into a spiral of self-loathing and alienation.

Olgrimm meanwhile brought his army not to challenge the Queen but to woo her, his intention being to unite their forces and so on, so forth.

She found this adorable, that anyone could love one such as her and basically froze him to avoid the disappointment once he found her of her 'winter frozen heart and to let his love live forever (In a very fey definition of live)

As for the Crown of Envy and the Star of Wrath, two equally valuable artifacts for spiritual benefit, the former showing us the flaws of others and how their lives aren't perfect either (Basically perception of others) and the latter showing the damage that ones anger causes to those around them (Basically how actions influence others)
As you can imagine, knowing how to improve yourself far beyond your limits and manipulate how you come across to others, knowing others weaknesses and how to best hit them where it hurts and the exact way to cause the most damage to others are all incredibly dangerous abilities if put in the wrong hands, but that's the fey for you.

How's that?

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Kingmaker: Protect your burgeoning Kingdom from the greatest threat to any land. Owlbears.

Purple worms with Howdah style rigs on their back.

Obviously the BBEG must conquer Shai-Hulud.

I'd solidly say reward them maybe by picking up the Downtime rules and possibly even the Kingmaker rules.

Starting an opposing front in Darkmoon Vale won't be easy, the Consortium are the kind of mustache twirling capitalist 'Oh its such a shame our rival had that accident where he went out into the forest and managed to somehow stab himself in the back' types that they'll probably face corrupt opposition constantly.

But, on the other hand have the actual people of the area warm to them, going from hard and cynical to cheering them on as they realize maybe these guys are an alternative, a better chance.

That plus having the fey in the area perfectly willing to work with them could result in some fun involving a mix of high octane Capitalism as they fight the Consortium for Merchant contracts (And throttle them one inch at a time with their own purse strings) and sneaky behind the scenes gang warfare as the more illegal arm of the consortium tries to get rid of them only to run up against the good people of the land and the fey.

You could straight up run such a concept through to level 20 easily enough, with the Lumber Consortium just being the first crooked company (Then leading through into the Aspis and their allies once it falls)

I'd say the best starting point is to make it clear over time just how miserable and messed up things are in the Vale, how cynical and broken the people are, what an amoral force the Consortium is as a whole and then have the PCs make an impact on it.
Maybe run Tower of the Last Baron to give them some legitimacy in the area if things go hard for them when the Consortium starts to really put the thumbscrews on? After all they can drive out a bunch of tramps with good wishes, but Andoran won't turn a blind eye to them driving out 'The current heroes of Democracy (Who are currently looking after the tower and its title, honest guv, not keeping them there to put pressure on the Consortium)'

22. The key itself is an intelligent magic item, its purpose is to carry messages and telepathically commune with the person its intended for. Who would suspect a key of being a letter?

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My GM has changed systems midway through a game from Pathfinder to 5E, the character I'm playing is fairly non-standard and I have never played 5E before.

I have no idea how to create him, we're going to probably suffer a huge hit in ability meaning some of the things he'd done previously make no sense and a bunch of his equipment is now basically vestigial fluff. I can totally sympathize with him wanting to switch systems but I have no idea how to bring him across and I can't complain since the rest of the party are also pretty down with it and it might help a game that was going incredibly slowly speed up and smooth out.

But, a character I really enjoyed playing and don't really want to retire might end up mechanically not viable, as in I literally cannot make him.

Is Auzmezar (The Master of the Circle of Hierophants Siabrae and leader of the Siabrae in the Worldwound) still considered the head of the Green Faith in Golarion?
No one ever replaced him and he is technically still (un)alive, so does Druidism in Golarion have a Lich-Pope?

If so, how could a PC make claim upon the position of Master of the Circle if they wanted to replace him with a less bitter and skeletal head of the druid faith?

I've had a character cry in a game.

Bit of a side mission involving our teams utility white necromancer (NG Pharasman cleric), Pharasman Inquisitor and monk that puts down the dead buddy copping it in Abalsom to stop a 10 year curse before it can claim any more victims and to get the soul of a hanged man on their side (Hangman's Noose), the monk ends up trapped in the Court house.
The necromancer goes missing. Long story short the monk takes names and punches throats revealing the seedy deeds long forgotten.
The necromancer however came across an even bigger crime. Turns out since the Court house disappeared he decided to do a spell to check the biggest sources of undead in the area.
And it lead him to a Koblak lair.

When the Monk tracked him down he found him sitting on the corpse of a Koblak, crying his eyes out, surrounded by attic whisperers, dozens of them who were all nuzzled up to him and listening to a hoarsely whispered bed time story.
When not putting down the dead the character ran an orphanage and part of his theme was basically that he could speak to the dead as they were when they were alive (Feat that let him use diplomacy on Undead) the GM utterly pushed his buttons.
When the Inquisitor gently insisted they'd be better off sent on their way to the Boneyard, Necromancer out and out refused (And shockingly got the Inquisitor to back down) and has been working on some serious efforts to redeem them and give them a semi-normal life, delving into some very ominous grey areas to do so. He hasn't lost his Grace from Pharasma yet but half the party thinks its only a matter of time.

He's basically aiming for the good ending of Bioshock, except with the undead, if things go well. If not, well.
It won't go well for anyone.

A single free 18 in one stat of their choice, then point buy 20.
Everyone gets a nice stat to work off and can thn round themselves out without worrying too much about being effective, while still having to make choices.

Oh god, the Doom that came to Sarnath is suggested reading? And here I was already planning to play a half-mad Ib-Hybrid style cultist summoner.

Time to start getting excited.

Have you considered having outsiders trying to tempt them from both sides as they gain power?
Devils and Demons might be able to tempt and offer reward but how would they react to finding out one of the men they've been getting fairly frequent work from is a lesser angel and wants them to bat for the winning side on a permanent basis, their jobs being tests to see if they'd do the right thing and if they enjoyed it more than exploiting those that turn to them.

Or they get quietly approached by someone that wants to hire them on to guard a ritual at a temple, only to find out its a cult of the Old Ones, after all they're a known neutral quantity, they get paid, they guard. Do they stop it? do they stand in the way of heroes who are coming to try?
Do they join in and get granted sweet tentacle high fives when the beast appears and offers them the chance to be enforcers?
How do they react when the ritual goes wrong and Shlonkydonk the Eternal sweeps his unknowable gaze their way for a moment, the rest of the cult bursts into squamous writhing masses, but the only effect it has on them is the feeling something beyond logic is mildly pleased with them doing a grade A job, sigils keep turning up and one day a man covered in runes scarred into his skin wanders over to their table at their favorite pub and offers them a job.

Alignment is choice, as much as it is mechanics

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
It...kind of seems like you just said the same thing twice. You just gave the flavor text the first time and the rules text the second.


Rysky wrote:
Of course we have curses. We have a f~+*ton of curses. And they all do all sorts of different things.

The major difference is the first involves choice on the part of the King (In this case the player character)

Its something he opts to do each step of the way, rather than it being done to him.
To put it in neater terms, Curses are/should be something someone else does to you, Corruption is/should be something offered/that taints you and then you do it all to yourself.
For that to happen the power offered has to be, well, tempting.

That and a difference in scale.

Edit: Minor additional thought, Corruptions would be, if done better, a fantastic way to introduce horror elements into your game, they're power at the simple cost of ones soul, moral decency, sanity and loved ones and Players are naturally inclined to accept any offer of power they get.
Good example of a Corruption in situ? Read the Dresden files and look at the Black Denarius, how Lasciel interacts with Dresden.
Die Alone is a curse.
The constant temptation of the Fallen, 'Just give in and you can be happy, powerful enough to defend those you love and we'll be partners'? That's corruption.

Star Vampires, which consume body heat rather than blood could be kind of cool.

Also, some sort of undead 'bio-ship' type deal could be fascinating.

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Rysky wrote:

Or Corruptions are supposed to be like curses. Which the designers have said is what they'd be like sdy one.

Where is everyone getting the "they're supposed to be like temptations" from?


We already have a thing for curses. They're called curses.

Corruptions are, by their name and nature, meant to be corrupting, they're meant to be game changers, to twist your character in new, interesting directions.
I'd honestly want to see corruptions doing real funky things to characters, they're a tool for the GM already so it isn't as if they could be abused by players, corruptions that give unique, horrific abilities or cause your character to gain templates would be totally within the realms of reasonable, in my opinion.

For example, imagine a corruption that lets you become a kind of Fisher King only to slowly turn you into a Dread Lord. There are perfectly good, in character reasons why even a good aligned king could be tempted by that sort of power, being able to guard his subjects better through accepting that from now on he's going to be just a touch closer with the land.
And then slowly, over time the land begins to sicken, as he ages.
So he accepts a little more power and twists the deal, so his health is one with the lands, each feeding each other, the land grows healthy, he becomes virile and returns to health.

War comes and he's suddenly in a position where the land is being wracked and looted, so he accepts that the only option is to kill the invaders, bury them in the land, to feed it and grow strong again.
And as the land drinks the blood of the invaders and defenders alike, he starts getting thirstier and thirstier for something other than water, for revenge, for blood, for pay equal unto the ones that have butchered his people and ravaged his body/land.
So he quenches his own thirst in battle and from it gains enough strength to drive the invaders out, never really realizing that ten years ago when he first chose to become the Fisher King, it would lead to him butchering a surrendering, trapped force, bringing the mountains that are his hands down upon them as they try to desperately flee through the pass back to their homelands from the horror they never realized they'd be facing or him standing over the eviscerated body of a rival lord, devouring his fresh quivering heart while his horrified subjects look on in terror.
And things start to spiral from there.

That's far, far more interesting than just 'so your character has been cursed to eat 1 HD of hearts a week in return for a +2 to cha checks with his subjects (Once a day)'

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I'd sincerely say that the corruptions are the second most disappointing part of Horror Adventures in my eyes.

The fluff is mildly interesting, I love the Hive one for example, but the mechanical side of it is basically uninteresting, gives niche powers for painful drawbacks, built for one specific 'story' (Oh no, you got dipped in alien goo/poked by a hag/fiddled by a golem, better do something about that before it consumes your soul) when Corruption should be more about the temptation of power and dangerous offerings for great strength, for example any horror sorcerer or dangerous cult leader in literature ever.

And the 'become an NPC, do not pass go, do not collect £200' is just absurd, part of horror has always been terrible things happening and living with the consequences. As it stands the consequences are the GM taking away your character and you make a new one, you're effectively dead, move on.

Meanwhile the current corruptions are more along the lines of 'meager power for huge drawbacks, oh and become an NPC if you're weak willed or play a character that becomes a lich/werewolf/shadow tainted'
Incredibly disappointed.

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Oh god the Domain Lord templates sounds like exactly what I need right now for my character that's turning into an Unseelie Fey King.
Paizo can be so wonderful sometimes, some of the stuff you guys produce is just so full of potential for fun.

Considering all four elemental planes in Golarion are run by creatures of abject evil I'd suggest that the implication is that taking away some of their potential tools and weapons isn't such a bad thing to do.

Either that or in terms of mortality, Elementals just think in different terms, being immortal creatures. So the imprisonment passes fairly quickly for them even if its aeons.

So its less like being hauled into a van and dragged off to The Happy Funtime Dungeon (tm) that someone has in their basement for the rest of your life and more like being nudged into a taxi, driven around for 5 minutes and then left within walking distance of your home, mildly irritating rather than horrific.

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Wait until he inevitably slips up then kill him. Make sure to be stronger than him at all times, make sure to be careful never to be within the one hit death zone in terms of HP.

And when he knackers it up, as he already has by letting you know OOC, destroy him.

What else can you do really. He's made his bed, he can lie in it while he bleeds to death.

The Mordant Spire would be fascinating to deal with.

Or the Blighted Fey Forest, I can't remember the exact name of it.

The Valley of Fire, cleansing the ghosts of a thousand lost souls would be pretty interesting and on that note Heibarr involves the same sort of theme.

The Ground of Lost Tears has some fascinating implications, in that its a place filled with incorporeal undead who follow Pharasma and sing her praises when they awaken, but haven't yet been destroyed by her or her Psychopomps, why? Maybe they're guarding something for her or maybe it implies she isn't as hardline on undead as she first appears.

The Boneyard Spire has some fascinating implications as well, hints of an entire pantheon who are unknown in the current day bar Groetus and Pharasma, maybe hints of a world before this one? Or of the incredible losses that Rovagug inflicted on the multiverse?

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Dahak is basically a sadistic predator.
Rovagug is the end of all things.

It would be like a cat working with an atomic bomb.


Oh, much more recently than the evil sword?

The screaming, bloody skull of Malyas, Dark Lord of Kronquist torn from his living flesh by our local white necromancer and turned into a semi-living Pharasman variant on the Dark Skull (Hallow rather than Desecrate with Anti-undead powers), which acts as host to his chained soul, trapped for all eternity until Pharasma herself cares to come collect him.

Needless to say, the Vampire isn't particularly happy about the situation, but he deserves every inch of it all things considered.

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The First World.

Because we really need more Fey content.

QuidEst wrote:

Ravage. I think you mean ravage your enemies...

If you're hoping to redeem the dragon, you've already messed it up by making the price of freedom killing dozens-to-hundreds of people (even acknowledging that innocents will be killed). As a GM, I'd be eyeing neutral for your character and talking it over with you for character development reasons.

Only one specific enemy. The Whispering Tyrant to be specific.

The dragon is the mother of the dragon that was made into the Horns of Naraga; Karamorros is her name I think.
And I'm more worried about having an agreement that she help me go after him, then her going rogue because she can't resist tormenting some other people for giggles since, well, Black dragon.

Avenger wrote:

A dragon still has to 'eat'. And you just offered this one freedom in exchange for destroying everything around, for your benefit. I don't think there's any redemption in sight.

Oddly one of the things the circle does is that she doesn't have to eat anymore. She's in this bizarre state of not dead when she should be having spent aeons trapped in the Wizards Pit.

And I'm not gaining much by freeing her, she's one of many potential allies in this particular fight and one of the more risky ones to make contact with at that. In fact I won't even really benefit from picking a fight with the Tyrant.
But, you know, someone has to before he breaks free and all that jazz.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:

1. What does your GM think?...
7. What does your GM think?

In order:

1: He's fairly evens on it, on the one hand Black Dragons are Bad and she's old, canny and terrible. On the other hand she lost her two children and has been in the dungeon a very, very long time and probably hates the Whispering to a degree that'd even worry other Black Dragons, so using him as a directing point was a good call in his eyes.
He's solidly neutral on the idea of recruiting her.

2: Golarion setting, according to Dragons Revisited Chromatics can be redeemed, its just hard.

4: Fairly well I like to hope.

6: Not the sort of player that'd know or offer if he was. I prefer doing things legit.

Can Chromatic dragons be redeemed?

One of my characters currently has a bit of a captive audience in the form of an imprisoned Great Wyrm Black Dragon Matriarch (Trapped by a mutual foe aeons ago), locked in a magic circle so complex that he honestly can't unlock it yet.
I've managed to cut a deal with it that in turn for me unleashing it, it'll ravish our enemy and basically rampage like Godzilla all over his back yard, focusing on him before and above anyone else (Including innocent people), problem being my character is heavily good aligned and I know I can't trust a CE dragon with a huge chip on her shoulder to keep her side of the deal. More importantly even if she destroys out mutual enemy its unleashing an only slightly lesser evil upon the world and once she's done with him, well.

So I'm planning to use research on the circle as a cover to talk to the beast. Mechanically my character is smarter and more charming (But not as wise, otherwise he wouldn't be trying this) than the dragon.

What are my chances in all honesty? My most likely angle of attack far as I can tell is starting with a NE philosophy of the benefits of using others, then working up to TN its good to work together/you benefit personally in the long run from not eating villages then up to NG.
Which is probably as far as I'll be able to get 'em I'm guessing.

Anyone else got any amusing stories of unlikely allies or redemption.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Go outside the box. Contract that his consorts will be spared(Honest contract, not 'lol you didn't read clause 152631') if he submits. Works better if some of them got snagged beforehand.

Pretty much what my group did.

We have a guy that can pull peoples hearts out while they're still living ala that guy from temple of doom.
We collected the hearts of his consorts and didn't even have to fight him, because the negotiator we sent in had the hearts hanging around his neck and the Consorts following behind him, we stated clearly we wouldn't trade his heart for theirs.
But we wouldn't make him choose one heart to be returned (While they all watched, letting them know which one he truly loved over the others), if he gave us his heart to keep with theirs.

It was a pretty fantastic session.

Then they rode him back to meet their Black Dragon 'friend', slaughtered him and had a good aligned dragon kill the King, thus cementing in the minds of the populace that he deserved it somehow.
Wonderfully nefarious.

zainale wrote:
what attracts this player to being a lycanthrope? is it the curse? the power? the shape changing?

I'd say its the chance to play something non-standard.

If you want an interesting way to waste time, grab a book of templates, flick to a random page and consider just how cool it'd be to play a character with that template.

Imagine all the fun you could have playing a creature that changes its nature with the seasons, or an escaped experiment with the head of a moose, or even just a basic dude that's been touched by the fey.
If its good enough for random monsters, why shouldn't it be good enough for the PCs? And why should they have to pay through the nose when the GM can just slap a template on a monster and call it a day?

I'd say the Godsmouth Heresy is a shoe in.
It has a nice amount of combat, some solid chances for roleplaying and a nice moral choice problem at the end which presents a great hook for future games.

Know what could be a really fun twist to suggest to the GM?

If he does try to tone down the ritual and uses rapists or devil souls or only eats a really Evil Baby (Half fiends, they exist) then suggest to the GM that he turn into an Arch-lich, not a lich.

Suddenly he has good alignment and is sat there wondering what on earth happened as Urgathoa declares he's no fun anymore and wanders off to go snort powdered dragon horn off the Maelstrom or whatever she does in her spare time.
Leaving him to find a new god and wonder how that happened.

That could be very amusing.

Totally useless for OP of course unless your GM likes the idea, but could be amusing.

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We had an arc in our kingmaker game involving the characters trying to matchmake for their far too serious sorcerer/Magister who claimed he was 'married to his work' which everyone assumed was just because he was too shy/awkward to talk to girls.

Rom com shenanigans ensued as they tried to set up dates, arranged marriages, there were rumors he was a play boy after he danced with half the single young women of the upper class in one night due to all the PCs vouching for different partners.
And the entire time he basically dodged trouble by setting the girls up with others, counter planning and generally being polite but resistant to the idea.

Things eventually came to a head when it came to light that someone had seen him riding a unicorn, so everyone naturally assumed he was still a virgin.

Turned out he was friends with the Unicorn and it was taking him off most nights to visit his Nymph lover, the Bard-Kings reaction was amazing.

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Cesare wrote:

Back when I was a neophyte GM running a Rise of the Runelords campaign, I had a rebellious player who insisted on playing a cleric specializing in summoning/raising undead. He completely ruined the vibe of the party and his antics derailed the campaign. There was simply no in-game reason why a predominantly good party would ever travel with a NE cleric who regularly defiled the dead. Players spent more time worrying about whether or not the creepy scythe wielding Urgathoan would betray them versus preventing the rise of the big baddie. At a certain point, the party got fed up with him animating giant skeletons and researching a path to lichdom. Led by the NG ranger, the party ultimately subdued the cleric, stripped him of his magic items and valuables, and turned him into the authorities in Magnimar. As far as they know, that cleric is still languishing in prison.

Since then, I instituted a new house rule: no evil characters in a campaign geared towards good characters and no pvp.

So what you're saying is that in character your party betrayed someone who implicitly trusted them, to the point where they could ambush and subdue him despite him apparently having loads of minions and then handed him over for certain death by execution when there was a Runelord awakening and they needed all the help they could get.

There's two sides to every story, if you flip the alignments you'd certainly think it was an unacceptable thing for the party to do and more than slightly unfair when the guy was by the sound of it playing fairly legit with them.

For immunity? Fire since its the most commonly used. Plus then you can go swim in lava for fun and profit.
For attack? Acid or Electricity, probably acid, its good against most things, immunity is rarer and is generally pretty fun.

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As someone playing a minion happy necromancer in a fairly heavy online game the main thing any minion-master needs to learn to do at a table is to know when to step back and have their character find a wall to prop up and have a smoke behind.

Look up the term Godzilla Threshold on TVTropes, basically you only break out your minions when you've reached this point and before that you maybe goof about a bit and let others be more in the spotlight than you.

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A Dragonmech campaign I was in had a LG Gun that was possessed by the soul of a Paladin who had utterly failed to save his homeland when the Moon came down.
It basically floated around on the winds of fate, having started as a sword, that had been reforged into a musket and then reforged again into a pistol.

My LE character ended up carrying it after buying it from a desperately nervous merchant. It was polite, it was charming, it was convinced she could be better than the amoral bountyhunter she was at the start of the game.

And if she couldn't be better it fully intended to force an ego roll, jam itself into her mouth and pull the trigger. Straight up fire and brimstone Paladin who didn't take any prisoners and believed in hard justice, was happy to manipulate and bluff people into doing good deeds and basically worked with the forces of the divine to play events around the team to the benefit of all. In the end my character spent half the time keeping it in a lead lined holster (Upgraded later to a lead lined box in a bag of holding) to stop it reading her mind and intentions.
At least until she needed its power to kill.

It was like carrying the LG version of Stormbringer, constantly manipulating and playing a game greater than the character could ever imagine, absurdly dangerous to its user and powerful enough that sometimes you didn't have a choice but to call on it.
God it was a fun item.

What would a planet want exactly?

Its mentioned in the Worldwound campaign book that there's a secret well below Greengrave where those who re so inclined can get in touch with the spirit of the world of Golarion, or at least whatever it is that drives the Green Faith.
One of my players (A druid) is planning to slip by the demons guarding it with the help of the Sirabrae and get in touch with this sentience before sealing the well so the demons can't corrupt the entire world/consume its soul.

He's hoping to become Heirophant/Pope of the Green Faith by doing its will.

What on earth would a planet even want?
What could it give him?
How would a planet think?
I've got plans for the arc itself involving Shaorhaz and the White Stag so plot/encounters aren't a problem.
But how it would interact with him, its goals, so on, particularly after it hasn't been contacted by its worshipers in a small age (And the Worldwound has appeared since it did) how should/could I play this?

How would the spirit of an entire world act?

I wonder if there'll be any mention of Fellnight or additional details on why Shadow Magic is such a taboo among the fey, that'd certainly be interesting to read.

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It's my biggest gripe with the system so far too. It's silly that a level 20 Wizard is an even match with a level 15 Fighter for arm wrestling (or mighty close - the stat difference actually closes with leveling since you get 4 stats boosted every 5 levels). And AC increasing by level makes the range of balanced enemies very small compared to what you can throw at a party in 5th. Combined with full Hitpoint gain each level and you can outlevel things quickly.

I would rather see level drop to lvl/2 or so and increase the gap in the proficiency tiers (maybe -3/0/+1/+3/+5).

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Thanks all. And, MagusJanus, you have given me some wonderfully terrible inspiration.