
Artifix's page

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Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Claxon wrote:

The best time to attack the wizard is when he's come to attack you.

This sounds like a pretty good start. How do we get this to happen?

If we can figure out something the Wizard wants we could try to get him to come to the rogue who everyone thinks has it. Just use the Rogue Talent Rumormonger to spread the Rumor that the rogue has it!

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I don't really think why not a Rogue Archetype. However, what I do think of is why, oh WHY is there not a hybrid class of Rogue and either Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard. I mean we have the prestige class of Arcane Trickster, but I feel like an Arcane Bard who uses performances to getting people flat footed then sneak attacking them would be awesome. Or a Mage of sorts who uses his Rakasha Bloodline and his Rogueish Guile to help him blend in with the crowd after escaping the authorities.

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So do you have a definite weapon or race choice yet?

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Can you sneak attack with Overwatch Style? If so then you can set up a bunch of readied attacks using Overwatch Style and it's later feats. If you haven Overwatch Vortex you can ready 2 arrows for if the Wizard moves and 2 for if he casts a spell. Then when/if he casts a spell you release an arrow, it hits him and he has to make a concentration check (right?). For even better effect poison the arrows with Drow Poison or some other poison that will cause the Wizard to go unconscious. Then it's just a matter of using a Coup De Grace on the wizard.

Another way you can do this, that is completetly luck based, is using Perfect Strike and a bunch of other feats to allow for reroll. Have a bow with Heart-Piercing or a Slicing Melee Weapon with Vorpal then hope one of your many rolls and rerolls is a 20.

If you don't want to attack people (or atleast not deal damage except for a Coup De Grace) then you can fill the rooms with Dreaming Death. Then you just have to walk up to those who didn't make the save and do a Coup De Grace. Also am I right in assuming sneak attack damage is added to a Coup De Grace?

On another note, I can't believe I forgot to add Hunter's Surprise to my earlier list.

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Zarius wrote:
And I don't care if peeps think he's right. Consider this an exercise in insanity. And since I AM technically insane, shouldn't be much of a stretch.

I like you, you're crazy enough to try these things no matter what people say!

Also the Ring of Force Shield might help you. So could a Chime of Interruption.

More things (Edit):

The Rune of the Inscrutable One might help.

Ioun Stones are useful these ones might help:

1) Lavender and Green Ellipsoid

2) Pearly White Spindle

3) Pale Lavender Ellipsoid

Race wise here are some ones with spell resistance:

1) Svirfneblin don't have the best stats but there high spell resistance, +2 to saves and decent stealth boost can give you a major advantage, or atleast help you not have such a disadvantage.

2) Drow can do decently well due to there spell resistance as well as the fact that they are skilled in poison which can help you subdue targets. Don't forget they have immunity to sleep effects!

3) Dwarves like the Svirfneblin have stonecunning to help them detect traps and doors in stone walls. They also can exchange Hardy for some spell resistance and are a nice sturdy race.

4) Duergar have pretty high spell resistance as well as once a day invisibility.

Lastly, (atleast for now,) if you want you could kinda cheat and form some Spellcasting Contracts with followers of Asmodeus.

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Zarius wrote:
Short version, he's going to be armed to the teeth, metaphorically speaking. OH. Race. Custom allowed, up to 11 RP.

Let me rephrase, is he going be armed with physical weapons or just spells? Because if he doesn't have physical weapons then (I'm not positive on this but) the feat Catch Off Guard.

If archetypes are allowed Counterfeit Mage could help you get rid of some magical traps.

Anyway as for rogue (master) talents the following might help:

1) Dispelling Attack

2) Scry Slip

3) Scrying Familiarity

4) Deadly Sneak

5) Knock Out Blow

6) If Catch Off Guard works then Crippling Strike can let you eliminate all Strength.

7) Another Day

8) You could use the Master Rogue Talent Master Tricks to gain the Ninja Master Trick Assassinate.

9) Improved Evasion

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How much gold do you have, also is this Wizard armed?

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VRMH wrote:
And running water. You can't cross running water, iirc.

Couldn't you craft a cursed item that freezes water whenever it touches it? Then you won't have running water!

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Presenting Etuc Tac hunter of the Red Dot!
Try decoding his name

So this is a Catfolk Ranger based on this funny image I saw.

Well of course I don't have a laser pointer, so the red-dot is going actually be a Will o' Wisp. Of course this is only level 1, so feel free to go where you want with this. Anyway without further ado hear is the build:

Stats 25 Point Buy, Built mainly for Roleplay
Str: 14
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 9
Wis: 16
Cha: 12

Race: Catfolk
Racial Traits:
Cat's Luck; Once per day when a catfolk makes a Reflex saving throw, he can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.

Cat's Claws; Some catfolk have stronger and more developed claws than other members of their race, and can use them to make attacks. Catfolk with this racial trait have a pair of claws they can use as natural weapons. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage.

Sprinter; Catfolk gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Scent; Some catfolk favor a keen sense of smell over sensitive sight. Catfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability.

Class: Ranger
Class Abilities:
Favored Enemy: Aberration
Wild Empathy

Catfolk Exemplar (Sharp Claws)

Skills Ranks:
Acrobatics 1 Rank
Climb 1 Rank
Perception 1 Rank
Stealth 1 Rank
Survival 1 Rank


I planned on going a sort of Pouncing Cat route. Using claws for main attacks, meaning he will take the natural attack Combat Feats. As for roleplaying, he is an overly serious catfolk. No one ever takes him seriously, but in his own words "The Red Dot must PAY!".

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So I like spell casting characters but I rarely am able to play them long enough to get lots of spells. Anyway so I am making a reoccurring character who is gonna have a decent variety of spells so I'm just wondering how do you guys usually keep track of all your spells? Do you keep them on note cards or what?

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I thought this thread was supposed to be about the small characters you broke the mold with. Not an argument of why you should or shouldn't play small martial characters.

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So I like creating fun combos, though usually I use abilities to make them. So I was just wondering what fun spell combos do people like to use.

Example: Using Expeditious Retreat combined with Fire Trail to create Flaming Circles around your enemies.

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Couldn't Lucy be either a Broodmaster Summoner or just normal Summmoner who uses Evolution Surge and Transmogrify to let her alter her Eidolon to match different Celestial Spirits.

Bloodrager with Draconic Bloodline for Natsu?

Winter Witch Archetype plus Winter Witch prestige class can mimic Gray.

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Seannoss wrote:
I know its a rogue but the makeshift scrapper archetype uses improvised weapons very well, and can enchant them as well to get around one problem.

In my opinion it is one of the stronger archetypes. As since Catch-Off Guard makes it so your enemies are always flat-footed while you are wielding an improvised weapon, you can always be sneak attacking.

Thus you get a Rogue who can almost always sneak attack, even if he only has a pineapple!

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Deighton Thrane wrote:
Or you could just be tiny, and gain +70 to AC, provided you're in a 36 man party.

So what you're saying is we need to give a swarm this...

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Ssalarn wrote:
Artifix wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
Artifix wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
I think the idea of using improvised weapons in spectacular ways is pretty well ingrained in a lot of fantasy, popular fiction, and other media that Pathfinder often attempts to allow you to emulate. I would love it if the system presented you with more opportunities to smack someone with a folding chair, shatter a stone column across a golem's head, or heave a statue at a group of goblins.
Or use an Iron Cobra as a whip!

Hells yeah!

Not to shamelessly self-promote (although I'm totally about to), but Drop Dead Studios will be releasing the Luchador, a monk/vigilante hybrid class, in the very near future, and the book features several really fun grapple-based mechanics that include things like slamming a grappled enemy into another adjacent enemy, so it will totally allow you to beat people with an iron cobra, if that's what fries your chicken. So, keep an eye out for that :)

I was thinking maybe try to make a Iron Cobra, or even a Mithril One then go around wielding it, not an enemy an actual pet Iron Cobra that I slam into peoples heads.

Maybe even duel wield them. Possibly filling them with poison so they (try to) bite when I hit >:D

I mean, technically you could still do that. I can't imagine it'd be the first time in history someone used an ally as a weapon :P

That sounds like a full blown archetype or something though. Or an option for a Hunter/Alchemist hybrid class.... Oh man, Hunter/Alchemist hybrid class! With a class path for wielding your construct companion as a weapon. One sec, I need to go e-mail someone a pitch....

Don't forget to give them sneak attack. I don't care if neither Alchemist or Hunter has that ability, at least make an archetype where they are allowed to sneak attack with their constructs.

Also, it definitely isn't the first time an ally has been used as a weapon. I have heard of many times this has happened including once with me. I ended up escaping my ropes (or was it manacles) after my allies at tied me up and stuffed me in a bag. (Don't ask why.) However I wasn't out of the bag yet, they ended up throwing me, (keep in mind I am still in the sack,) I rolled out and attacked the Goblin and killed it. So yeah allies as weapons FTW!

This conversation and the Cult Leader Archetype for Warpriest gives me a question. Can you get Weapon Focus on a specific improvised weapon. Ex: Weapon Focus (Pineapple)

Also can you combine Catch Off-Guard with Throw Anything to make ranged sneak attacks with anything?

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This makes me think of one person I play pathfinder with. They hate me because I play classes differently then just "I am a fighter with a sword and I slash everything." Also same person gets annoyed at me for trying to role play as a character who doesn't do [insert something here] well. I've been trying to get around it by not actually saying my class but instead saying what my character is built to do.

"So I am going be playing a drug lord, who uses the raw form of his drug to fight, while selling a more processed form to gain money!" -Summary of how I described a drug lord I was playing. He was a investigator with a dip in alchemist.

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Undead Betrayal
Does the party have anyone close to them? Just assassinate the people closest to the party, reanimate them, then use them as the strings to turn your puppet party into mass murders destroying the city.

A Party Against Itself
If any of the party members are evil or neutral, then offer them eternal life if they kill their party members. Then let them do the deed and reward them with eternal undeath.

Insanity Mines
Use Greater Invisibility to turn invisible. Then wander around town laying Symbols of Insanity in the streets. When npcs or the party walks by they pass over the symbol, this activates the symbol and your npcs or party starts killing everyone! If you want to make them not detect your the one doing it, make the runes at night and cast permanency on them!

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SmiloDan wrote:

Charm person, command, murderous command!!!

You forgot Unnatural Lust. I really want to make a character with arrows enchanted with this, then give them Murderous Command to make them attack their enemies attack their enemy's allies and finally Lover's Vengeance to give them boosts while they try to kill their own allies.

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What did the paladin end up doing?

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I don't know which I would choose, but I will give you a link to something that would fit with the character.

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I really want a Oracle-Druid hybrid class that has oracles curse. Also I would love to see a Rogue/Sorcerer hybrid that is kinda like a full 20 lvl class version of the Arcane trickster, but with bloodlines also.

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Try this link

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Mr. Bones the Dragon
Find a dragon, raise it form the dead. There you have done it.

Undead Corruption
Or just slowly assassinate leaders in command, raise them from dead then use ghost sound or ventriloquism to make them sound like the person. You can now slowly destroy the city from the inside out with disguised undead.

Lover's Quarrel
Another speedy idea, and this one gets a bit awkward, cast unnatural lust on a lot of the more powerful people get them to easily follow your command. Then cast lover's vengeance to make them more powerful due to unnatural lust this should work. If they don't follow you then cast command on them.

Disease Pillar
And last but not least, this one is my favorite. Create a undead from something with a decent amount of hit points. Cast multiple uses of Greater Contagion on it. Have it walk into the city and start touching people and what not. Basically spread the diseases.

Names Artifix, I love coming up with weird ideas to destroy things >:D

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I would think the stats could make for a good cleric. As well as channel energy making up for the lack of health if you are good or neutral.

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They don't need to buy anything. Yet still very powerful (it is annoying).

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Azten wrote:
Improvised Weapon will work, and a Monk of the Empty Hand can do so, so much more than have a pillow fight. He can have a flaming, frost, pillow fight with pillows that deal his unarmed damage.

>:D MWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH. Sweet, now all that's left is a way to magically fly. Wait is there a magus version of that?

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Beast Bonded witch lets you give your familiar your feats.

Then use a Crown, Cat's Eye to see through were the familiar is.

Then later if you get your familiar to be able to say your name then use a Bracelet of Friendship to have your familiar teleport you to them or them to you.

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A while back I saw a thread about shadowdancer and some other stuff. Anyway someone talked of a good build for Paladin that used a dip in Oracle with the lore mystery. Using the the extra revelation feat to help to build charisma base by taking the lore revelation Lore Keeper to get charisma knowledge checks and then extra revelation to take the lore revelation sidestep secret which lets you use charisma instead of dex bonus on AC and reflex saves.

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Race - Kitsune
Class - Something with a familiar, see below
Concept - Uses Fox Shape and a fox familiar to confuse and flank enemies. Lots of teamwork feats for the kitsune and familiar possibly?

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So my brother showed me an article about a city built around a terrask and it gave me an idea. For a campaign I was making. It is a city built around another spawn of divine destruction, the Firebleeder. Now this city is a bit different, rather then farming it's blood and such to keep it subdued, this Firebleeder has been trapped inside a giant, uh whats the word, well a giant pi in the ground. Then there are thousands holes all around the cavern filled with Decanter's of Endless Water that are spewing geysers of water on Firebleeder. The damage from this has kept him subdued, and has caused a endless mine of obsidian from the combination of the freezing water hitting the magma that the Firebleeder is made of, causing an endless supply of obsidian. This has let the people cover everythign in obsidian. The roads, houses and shops are usually made from obsidian. However the constant heat means that many trees have a hard time growing so wood is not that common. This as also made it so most weapons are made from obsidian. this combination of water and lava has caused a blanket of steam to cover the city forever. The blanket of warm steam has made this city a nice home for ifrits as well as undine merchants who enjoy warmer water.

Around the canyon, I think that's the word, that houses the Firebleeder there has been a fortress built that houses the current rulers of the city. Then above the firebleeder there is a giant steam powered generator, making this city a very technological advanced town (steampunk hehe). As well as all this the subdued Firebleeder has allowed an easy access to a massive fire magic source. This means that all sorts of magic users can study massive amounts of magic to learn from. The inhabitants of the city have even gone as far as to make magic forges in the tunnels left by the Firebleeder and using special tunnels to channel its magma into a heat source to use to super heat materials to a point were they can be easily forged. As well as making them easily enchanted with enchantments such as flaming and flaming burst. While they use the magma skin of it as armor.

Well that's all I have so far...