Jask Derindi

Anji the Investigator's page

36 posts. Organized Play character for Batpony.


The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji cast Guidance on Terra and Terra single moves for their surprise round actions. Also going on a limb that it's not yet 1 hour of Terra's mage armor otherwise Anji will instead take out his wand.

"Undead scum! This is unnatural, we must banish them with magic!"

Kelvor, I noticed you're adjacent to the enemy? If you did that in a single move you can complete a single move charge action in the surprise round..

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Apologies for my unannounced absence these past few days! I've been unable to post due to a poorly planned work trip bundled with lack of internet connection. I have internet connection now and am attempting to catch up on all my games. Hopefully by tonight. With that said, I'm still on the work trip till Sunday so I might still have some unexpected loss of connectivity until I'm back home.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji follows closesly behind Kelvor, detecting magic as he wanders the halls, in hopes to find someting magical.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Assuming Anji detects no magic.

"Looks uninteresting here, let's move in.." Anji comments as he makes his way to the next door to open it.

Updated my position on the map.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji, a man of the book, thinks the situation through. But no matter how hard he thinks it, he knows nothing of the creature.

Kn. Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Kn. Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

I'm getting lost in my tracking. Have we had a new day in this current scenario? Trying to figure out if I should ration my spells or if I've got a full arsneal

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"Do you find anything of interest Barin?"

Placed my token where I think Anji would be during this time, more to the back.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"Holy energy?!" Anji is a little confused at the ordeal, but reacts anyway by activating his wand upon his eidolon.

Casting Mage Armor.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

No items needed for me. Seconded room with the stairs (E15), if there's nothing there, i placed an arrow for the next path.

Anji points out the next logical path in his mind. "We need to systematically investigate the rooms. I suggest we head that way."

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Sorry and thank you for your patience! I have returned from vacation and will resume normal responsibilities!

Witnessing the terror take down Barin, Anji does his very best to support his allies in their time of need. "Nethys! Come to our aid.". He yells as he waves his hands in some obscure pattern to bestow healings and blessings upon the Pathfinder.

Heal Barin: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Same actions..Heal ++, Bless+, Bless is now emanating in 15ft radius so everyone should still be affected.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"Terra! Take them!" Anji tells to give Terra direction, and as she moves to take charge, the human summoner conjures a magic shield of protection over the Suli warrior.

Anji cast shield and Terra double moves.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I will be on vacation (heading to Italy/Greece) from 5/10 - 20/10, I'll do my best to post regularly during this time, but do expect bouts of silence.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I will be on vacation (heading to Italy/Greece) from 5/10 - 20/10, I'll do my best to post regularly during this time, but do expect bouts of silence.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"What's going on? Is there someone else there?" Anji inquires towards the front of the group as he hears voices from below deck.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji can go second last with Terra at the back protecting the line.

Anji glances around, "Terra and I will cover the rear."

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji agrees, "A secret passage is much peculiar, and definitely resorts to a further investigation."

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"I would suggest we cautiously approach and investigate our surroundings before entry." Anji muses as he looks around.

Anji is in no way stealthy, so he will stay put with Terra and guard if someone wants to stealthy around.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Man I got confused for a second as I'm also playing another version of "Anji" in second edition.

"I agree with the Gnome, Taggun's Crawl would seem to be the best course for the investigation. Worry not Erna, we shall be protected by the arcane energies of Nethys. May magic be with you."

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji immediately tends to Terra's injuries, and praises her for jumping head on into the fight.

Expending charge from wand to cure Terra.

Being also a man of answers, Anji and Terra immediately head to the streets to uncover the truth behind the undead attacks.

Rejuvenate Eidolon Lesser: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Diplomacy, aid (Terra): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

In effort to protect his other-worldly companion, Anji turns to his innate ability for the arcane and cast upon Terra a shielded aura.

Cast shield.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I'm assuming there is time for Mage Armor.

Kn. Religion (untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Anji stays behind the lot, and looks with disgust at the undead beings. "That is unnatural.. They will be banished into the pits of which the came from!"

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji and Terra share glances and immediately stop midway meal and rush towards the scene of the crime! "Tsk. What have we come to? I could have been studying magic..."

If there is time, Anji will take his wand of Mage Armor and cast it on Terra.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Hi all! Apologies in advance. Part of my work week, I typically do site work on days Tues-Thurs. Normally I can keep up with PBP in my work schedule as I limit my games but I think i went in overenthusiastic on gameday! While i don't intend to drop out of any games, my post will be lacking on these 3 days as I have to prioritize updating my games. And my priority will go to the games I am GM for..

If this is a problem with anyone, let me know and I try to ensure I work something out.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji spectacles from afar.

Anji only intervenes of necessary, otherwise he'll just let Terra do the bulk of the work. Anji thinks too highly of himself.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I'm on Gencon duty! If any of ya'll are there, come say hi! I'll be doing 2e conacademy session every morning except Sunday!

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji looks on to the water and the rocks with a face that suggest disgust and worry. His physical features clearly describe a man not fit for strenuous muscle work and he merely turns to look at his companion Terra.

Terra sighs and walks towards the ledge and attempts to jump towards the rocks.

acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

If that successful, Terra continues with a climb check (+8). Otherwise, she will fall in the water and swim (+4) .

?: 1d20 ⇒ 20

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I apologise! I just returned from my road trip vacation today. I had kot realised how tiring that it could be. I'll get a post up by tonight and will be back to regular posting from today.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji and Terra watch in disbelief, Unsure what to make of the situation, but the Azata immediately goes on the defensive and draws her weapon should the situation turn awry.

Perception, Terra: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Sense Motive, Anji: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Sense Motive, Terra: 1d20 ⇒ 9

"I don't quite understand, do you know this person Bhuuka?" questions Anji with a very concerned look.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

"Oh. Well, I suppose that was to be expected. Good job everyone!" Anji says giving extra attention to his companion.

"Are we ready?"

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

can we compete in more than one?

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Seeing how Parkthu is struggling to ask the right questions, Anji comes along and asks a few questions of his own.

Diplomacy (GI): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

good to go here.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Anji, and his eidolon for the matter, look terribly confused at the joke. "Err.. I can't say I'm a fan of jokes. But if you have good sharing of the arcane, I'd be happy to partake in the discussion."

"So, when do the festivities begin? Terra and I here can be pretty versatile when it comes to self improvements."

I have the 2nd level spell, evolution surge which probably will come in useful for swim, and other evolution buffs.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

A young garundi half-elf steps forward, "Sorry! I think I'm a little late to the party." The half-elf dresses in robes of distinct contrasting colours, black and white. If this wasn't a clear sign of a follower of Nethys, the holy symbol he wears around his neck would be a sure sign of it. Hanging out of the pockets of his robes are an array of magical wand and rods.

"Forgive me! I have no introduced myself, but I did overhear the discussions. I am Anji, and err.. I like magic? Oh and this is Terra, my companion, she... does not like conversations, but is real reliable when push comes to shove. So did we say magic was allowed part of the competition? If so, Terra and I hear have a few tricks up our sleeves."

Alongside him, a taller than the average humanoid, golden skinned, dark haired woman stands. Her cloak and armor(?) are earthly in colour and she carries a single item, a magically enhanced longsword.

I will create am alias for Terra. Also am curious to know If magic is allowed part of the competition.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

I'll have Anji's profile ready by Friday after work!

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Regarding PC wants, Anji is a devotee of Nethys, so anything with discovering magic is his goal in life.

The Concordance

NG Half-Elf USummoner 21/21 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMB:2 CMD:15 | Saves F:+3 R:+3 W:+4 (+2 for enchantment for all Saves) | Init:+2 | Per:+2 |

Batpony here. Double checked chronicles my monk fighter is already level 7 after all, even without the live game that may or may not happen tomorrow.

Anji has not been in PBP so I'll have to transfer his profile from his sheets to the PBP alias.