
Andru Cardei's page

97 posts. Alias of Dread.

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This is for our OOC discussion. Very first thing is finalizing characters and producing a combat summary for me for you any pets or familiars or companion

1. Name AC?? (Ff:/Touch:??) Cmd:?? HP??/??
Saves: FO:?? RE:?? WL:?? Init:
Level class [Archetype] m/f race
Senses:?? Defenses: ??

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Welcome to the Recruitment Thread for Carrion Crown.

You hold in your hands a letter informing you of Professor Petros Lorrimor, esteemed Instructor and Researcher of The University of Lepidstadt. A man Loved, feared, or hated depending on who you were. No details of his demise followed. Just an invitation to his funeral in Ravengro, the home of the Professor, which will be held on the 28th of Kuth (AR). Signed by his Daughter Kendra Lorrimor

Whether he was a father figure, a mentor, a friend, a colleague, an ally or even merely someone who touched your life. The fact he was respected means everything. That you will attend is not in doubt. You know you have to leave quickly because that is a too soon to do anything but make haste.

and so starts The campaign.

about the DM:
My psuedonym is Dread, after my favorite villain in a long standing home brew campaign set in the Forgotten Realms. Kelthas Dread, a Red Wizard of Thay. My GM name is GMMichael. Ive been playing D&D/Pathfinder since 1975 (yes that makes me old) Ive been running PBP games since 1995. I have been away from it for a bit of time recently...but am ready to take on the mantle again!.

about my games:
I prefer a game that is very player oriented and emphasizes role playing over roll playing, though combat is very much a THING, and a necessary thing. I will not allow player vs player under no condition and never hope to see the phrase 'but thats what my character would do' . In my opinion that breaks the social contract inherent in role playing games, which is collaborative fun. Sexual situations and things that are extremely edgy or triggering are fade to black. Noone should ever feel uncomfortable in my games. That being said. Carrion Crown is a 'horror based campaign' touching on all the tropes of that genre, so the game will be decidedly NC17 . If you have questions...ask

questions about game specifics/timeframes/who gets chosen etc:
I will be choosing from those that want to join, 4-6 players to go on this journey with me. I will probably make the choices before April 4th at the furthest. Ive found normally within a week you get the majority of players responding, so once I feel enough of a choice is available, I will give a 24 hour notice and then choose. My choice will be made using three criteria. 1. Character Choice (does the character fit within the campaign. Has the player gone outside what I put forth in the character building guidelines. Is it a character Id like to DM for.) 2. The Player (Is it someone who reads what I type. Is it someone who will play well with the rest of the kids in the sandbox. Is the player responsive and attentive.) 3. Synergy of the Group. (There is a dynamic in games that is oft overlooked How well do the players and characters work together. Thats hard to tell in a recruitment thread, but I will be looking for signs that they will).

Now onto character building information.

Note: I do not require a full character build but a few paragraphs about the character will suffice. That being said, I know how hard it is once your creative juices get flowing to stop at name rank and serial number....Most of us love creating characters. so without further adieu.

1. No 3pp material.

2. No Evil. Period.

3. Races: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Aasimar, Tiefling, Android, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Changeling, Dhampir.

4. Classes: Any except- Omdura, Vigilante, Vampire Hunter, Shifter.

*Yes to Unchained versions.*
*No To Prestige Classes.*

5. 20 point builds for all classes except
You may choose to start as an NPC class (Adept/Aristocrat/Expert/Warrior) and gain a 20 point build Plus a d6 (meaning 21-26) or a Commoner and gain a 20 point build plus 2d4 (meaning 22-28).

*Under no case will I allow a reroll for points*

--What happens if I am thinking of being an NPC class and I roll low gaining only 21 points and decide its not worth it. and just stay with a regular class...Thats ok to do, just dont flip flop and go back and forth rolling til you get a good one.---

*If you choose to start as an NPC class you must progress into a regular class that would be a natural progression logically. Example: Adept to Cleric or Wizard. Commoner to Ranger or Rogue. ie make it make sense.

6. Hit points Max at first level. Every level after 1/2+1 except the NPC Classes. Should you want to stay as an NPC class you can keep max hit points . Realizing the Commoner doesnt benefit from that, The Commoner is the only class that will be allowed Hero Points. per the Hero Point rule. (and thats kinda thematic). Yes if he changes classes he can still use Hero Points.

7. No to Background skills. However I will give each character a profession skill free at game start. Only a Profession Skill.

*NPC Skills become class skills with class change.*
*Spell casting level stacks from Adept to ny other spell casting class*
Adept spell availability merges spell lists (only of spells capable of other words, if youre a Druid who wants Invisibility in your repertoire you need to stay Adept til youre at least 4th level)*

Benefits of going regular class over NPC class...class specific benefits will be of higher level.
Benefits of NPC class over regular class. slightly higher stats. and maybe slightly higher hit points.


8. No to Elephant in the room feat changes.

9. Average starting Gold for classes (NPC classes- Adept uses Druid, Aristocrat uses Cavalier, Commoner uses Monk, Expert uses Alchemist, Warrior uses Fighter)

10. No Crafting prior to game start for equipping.

I think that does it. Ask in case I left things out.

lets get on with it shall we?

Liberty's Edge

It's been a while since I ran a game on the boards. I'm considering it at the moment. Getting that itch again.

The major draw is running a carrion crown game. But, I see 2 other games have started in the last 4 months. Are there enough people who want to play this campaign.

If I get enough Interest I'll start a recruitment thread.

At this point I'm testing the water.

Let me know.

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for a while I had several games going on the boards....then I had the year of hell. This is no joke of exaggeration.

I got Covid in Dec of 21 took offline for about a month. Ended up in the hospital. then gradually recovered. ...My mother passed away in March. My Father passed away in June and lost my job because (not in that order). I had a car accident in August, totalling my car and going down to a one car family...also landing me in the hospital....again.

finally I got sick again in December of 22. and out of work for 3 weeks.

It seems that everytime Id start to recover from the body blows of the year...another would hit.

So I apologize for my inability to keep things posted or let others know what was going on. Lets just say my mind wasnt on the game.

So Apologies, Not sure if I will be dming or playing anytime soon, more just checking in

dot in but dont start playing til I tell you


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Welcome to my adaptation of Rise of The Runelords for a Modern Pathfinder Campaign.

Yes Modern. Yes Rise of The Runelords. Reskinned. Do not expect this AP to be what youre familiar with.

for some of the concepts go here- Some of the Core Concepts

Rise of the Flickerman:
From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Bodega Bay, California to an ancient lost Native American city at the top of the world in the Beautiful National Park, Yosemite, Rise of the Flickerman takes a party of adventurers from 1st to over 15th level and delves into the mysteries of California's ancient past. Long Ago Native American's protected the gateway to a dimension that held a terror unimaginable. Thought gone forever, the legends are not so far removed from the current world and a descendant of one of the Russian Settlers who had colonized the area has plans to use this information to secure a return to power. Only the brave adventurers stand in his way.

Burnt Offerings-

The Rise of the Flickerman Adventure Path begins here, in the small coastal town of Bodega Bat, California. several years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Bodega Bay eagerly anticipate the Annual Blessing of The Fishing Fleet Festival to launch a successful Fishing Season. At the height of the ceremony, disaster strikes!

In the days that follow, a sinister shadow settles over Bodega Bay. Rumors of biker gangs and horrors in the night and unheard of monsters in forgotten ruins have set the populace on edge. As unfortunate folks stumbling into a sinister plot, the PCs must deal with treachery, criminals, and the rising threat of a magical cult whose cruel and shadowy leaders might just have plans that noone could possibly have anticipated.

So dont expect to see hordes of Goblins, or an abundance of dragons or creatures of fantasy. Will there be monsters? oh indeed. Will there be horrors? certainly. Will we see the melding of magic and technology...or you betcha.

do you want to face off to a Demon with a machine gun? sign up.

You want to try and hide a magic sword from a police stop? bring your character idea.

You want to have a clandestine Government agendcy try to stop you from investigating whats going on? I want you to give me your concept.

This is Hellboy meets Pathfinder meets Dresden Files meets The Expendables.

The crunch:

Build: 20 points.

What can be played: All official Classes---DM and Player will discuss how that class fits in the modern setting. see concept instructions for further information on this.

What about races: All with a point build of under 20. Though ALL Races will be human!!!! just ancient blood flows through your veins and the DM and Player will discuss how that manifests ...for all due effects you will be the race just look human...

Alignments: No Evil. Period.

Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Scribe Scroll. If the class gets scribe scroll take spell focus instead.

Companions and Familiars: Choose something that could be found in the world today...No allosaurus or velociraptors or winged cats.

Background skills: yes. but get 3 Background skills instead of two.
add two skills
Knowledge: Technology Class skill for everyone)
Driving (specify sub category- Wheeled Vehicle, Tracked Vehicle, Heavy Machinery, Fixed Wing Aircraft, Helicopter, Big Wheeled Vehicles, Submersibles, Watercraft, Military Hardware.)

No Hero Points.

2 traits we will be reskinning the traits fluff but crunch will stay the same.

You will provide 3 contacts for your character within the game world.

Max Hit Points at first.

Max wealth

You have a job. its how you make a living. What is it?

What I need from the player to be considered.

1. Name (this is 20th century earth. ;))
2. Race Class
3. Profession the class fits into the 20th century...
4. Give me a brief background on hos your 'wizard/ranger/druid/rogue' is conceptualized to be in this world.
5. Why hes coming to Bodega Bay.


Paladin- George Richardson, Human male
George is a devout catholic and works for the FBI. He doesnt fit in with the other Agents, because they call him a goody two shoes. Father Espinoza tells him he shouldnt feel out of place, but he cant help it. Would that change his views..never. However he still can feel it. George has always had this 'nack' for knowing when someone real bad has been around. his co workers think hes lucky...but its helped him arrest two murderers and 1 terrorist. His head starts pounding when hes in the presence of someone who is truly evil.,

Recently He took a vacation from his office in San Francisco and decided to go up the coast visiting the coastal communities of Northern California....that brought him to Bodega Bay for the annual blessing of the Fishing Fleet Festival...

So Theres been this idea mulling through my brain for quite some to run Pathfinder for modern.

in my spare time I sometime wonder how it work.

So let me share 3 thoughts...first..

how to reskin the classes.

So lets take the core classes.

Barbarian---can you see it. A Guy wearing Biker colors. Pulls a chain out and rage in his eyes comes running at you.

Bard----can you see it, A down on his luck actor circulating ...dropping names, having studied for a lot of roles, having bits and pieces of knowledge about a lot of things.

Cleric---can you see it. A Modern day priest who seems to have a real world connection.

Druid----can you see it A Pagan, who has a pet dog that seems to be more in tune with him than normal, able to connect to the wild in unusual ways.

Fighter---can you see it An ex marine, a bit battle hardened, pulls a 9mm out ready to fight the unknown

Monk---can you see it a Martial artist whos opened up some techniques long thought forgotten.

Paladin---can you see it. An FBI Agent who just has to do the right all costs.

Ranger---can you see it. A Park Ranger who has a history with the land

Rogue---can you see it, a person who at times runs afoul of the law, but can get in most places.

Sorceror---can you see it. someone who has harnessed ancient powers from the unknwon. because of lost bloodlines. The shop keeper, who dabbles in crystals and smiles knowingly at those who doubt

Wizard----Can you see it, The college Professor who breaks out a book, late at night and studies things best forgotten.

Every class would be a unique creation with the dm on the abilities. but at its root would be familiar.

***so to answer the first question that should arise right way....Why not use a different system, like D20 modern.

my answer...I dont want to reinvent the wheel. There is a vast shortage of good adventures made for any of these other game times, thts the downfall and why Pathfinder is my go to. I do not have the time these days to create home brew.

Where Ive got lots of ideas running around, and could make adventures that would knock folks socks off, I just dont have the time to do so....and the AP's are just so damn good.***


A workable Vehicle system rooted in the familiar.

each player starts with a vehicle based on how much money they have left over after outfitting.

1-9 gold 10 point build
10-50 gold 15 point build
51-100 gold and under 20 point build
100 gold+ and under 25 point build

Str: Vehicles power. Towing
Dex: Vehicles nimbleness, agility, handling
Con: Vehicles reliability, durability
Int: Vehicles technical abilities
Wis: Vehicles everyday usefulness gas mileage, off road etc.
Cha: Vehicles Appeal (impression on others)

Vehicle Type (consider like class)
Motorbike- +2 to Dex -2 Int
Economy car (sedan/hatch) +1 Dex +1 Wis -1 Str -1 Cha
SUV +1 Str +1 Int -1 Wis -1 Dex
Truck +2 Str -2 Dex
Sports car +1 Str +1 Cha -1 Wis -1 Con
luxury sedan +1 Int +1 Cha -1 Wis -1 Str

Brand (consider like Race---only putting big 10)---this is a generic game centric view.-- indicates motorbike brand

Ford/Lincoln +2 Con -2 Wis
Chevy/GMC--Triumph +2 Str -2 Cha
Dodge/Ram/Chrysler--Harley +2 Str -2 Con
Jeep--Indian +2 Wis -2 Cha
Toyota/Lexus--Suzuki +2 Con -2 Cha
VW/Audi/Porsche--KTM +2 Dex -2 Str
Nissan/Infiniti--Yamaha +2 Dex -2 Wis
Honda/Acura--Honda +2 Con -2 Int
BMW-Benz-Fiat (alt Euro)--BMW +2 Dex -2 Con
Mazda-Mitsubishi (alt-asian)--Kawasaki +2 Wis -2 Cha

Then the player would get specific on the vehicle.

3. Weapons and skills


so we would add to

Simple Weapons
Pistol,Light Cost: 50 Gold small:1d4/Medium:1d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:100 wt:2lbs Type: P/B Holds: 15R
Pistol,Heavy Cost: 80 Gold Small:1d6/Medium:1d8 Crit:19-20/X2 Range 150 Wt:4lbs
Type: P/B Holds: 10R
Shotgun Cost 120 Gold Small:1d8/Medium:1d10 Crit:20/X3 Range 60 Wt:7lbs Type:B Holds: 5R

Martial Weapons
Automatic Rifle Cost: 250 Gold Small:3d4/Medium:3d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range 150
Wt:7lbs Type:P/B Holds:30R each attack uses 3 rounds.
Carbine Cost: 200 Gold Small:2d4/Medium:2d6 Crit:19-20/X2 Range: 100
Wt:6lbs Type:P/B Holds:20R each attack uses two rounds
Rifle, Light Cost: 100 Gold Small:1d6/Medium:1d8 Crit:19-20/x2 Range: 200 Wt:8lbs Type:P Holds:10R
Rifle, Heavy Cost: 300 Gold Small:1d8/Medium:1d10 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:300
Wt:10lbs Type:P Holds 10R
Tactical Shotgun Cost: 200 Gold Small:1d10/Medium:1d12 Crit:20/X3 Range:40 WT:6lbs Type:B Holds 5R

Scopes increase threat range on Rifles by +1 Cost: 50 Gold

Exotic Weapons
Grenade Launcher Cost:500 Gold see grenades. Crit:20/x2 Range 100 Wt: 6lbs 1RD
Rifle, Sniper Cost: 1000 Gold Small:1d10/Medium:1d12 Crit: 18-20/x2 Range:400
Wt:15lbs Type:P/B Holds1R
Sub-Machine Gun Cost: 200 Gold Small:3d4/Medium:3d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:100
WT:5lbs Type:P/B Holds:60R each attack uses 3R
Machine Gun, Light Cost: 500 Gold Small:5d4+5/Medium:5d6+5 Crit:18-20/x2 Wt:15lbs Type:S/P/B Holds:100R Each attack uses 10R
Machine Gun, Heavy Cost:1000 Gold Small:5d6+5/Medium:5d8+5 Crit:18-20/x2
WT:20lbs Type:S/P/B Holds 100R Each attack uses 10R

Smoke- 20' radius as obscuring mist
Tear Gas- as above but also Fort Save DC15 or Staggered condition.
White Phosphorous- As Above but ignites flammables and as alchemist fire but 10 Radius burst.
Shrapnel- 1d6 to all within 20' radius burst
Explosive- 2d6 damage on impact point, plus 1d6 to all adjacent save DC15 Fort or deafened.
Anti-Personnel. 3d6 damage 20' cone. reflex DC15 for half

My thoughts are to take a well known Adventure path, and reskin the enemy and plot for our real world setting.

would be
Knowledge: Technology and Drive Vehicle and Pilot alternate craft as skills.

thats all that would be neccessary realy

Port Peril, a City where anything could be had ...for a price. The Guard turned a blind eye to any nefarious doing as long as the coin was good. Many a person started a career of infamy ...or ended the Pirate City.

It was here that you find yourselves, brought together by fate on the eve of a day in mid spring to a particular dive bar on the wharf of Crescent Harbor's seafarers district; The Formidably Maid. A favorite for down on their luck travelers and the night trade.

The Scholar was skeptical but still eager to meet with someone claiming to have knowledge of an old ruin of The Ghol Gan in The Sodden Lands. He had waited for the contact who never came, but the crowd was interesting, and what would 1 drink hurt....The Contacts name- Harbly Quarne

Brunhild grew up In Port Peril. Lived in Crescent Harbor in the ship building district all her life. She frequented the various bars and taverns and recently began hanging out at the Formidably Maid drinking and carousing with crew members of the Wormwood. Particularly The Dwarf Tam Tate, who was called Narwhal, because of his nose. His tales were grand and he was charming....Tonight he had said that tomorrow the ship was setting sail, and he wanted to share a drink with her before he left...she eagerly accepted his 'date'. It was fun, and interesting and short lived as she lost consciousness after two drinks.

has been living as a Pirate of late. on The Ship, The Beckoning Nereid out of Oyster Cay under the Captainship of Wide Olga. She fled Pirate Discipline into Port Perils seedy underbelly. Looking to get lost in the crowds until she could find another ship. Unfortunately she found herself on the bad side of strong drugged drink...her last thought before she passed out was...'damn, they could have just asked her to join'....

Destinie had been kicked off the Ship 'The Belching Walrus', an Aspis Consortium Merchant Ship and left in Crescent harbor of Port Peril. Her first night she had gone searching for food and stopped at The Formidably Maid ...where someone took her for an easy mark. She remembers a woman with a partialy shaved head and a red bandana offering her a drink....

A crew Member of the Schooner 'The First Kiss' They had gone into the Dive 'The Formidably Maid' It was full sea farers But when a handful of Pirates from The Wormwood came in, things became a little tense. She took the offered drink to calm things down from The First Mate, Mister Plugg. Who seemed nice enough....

Much like many running out of coin, Terry found his way to Crescent Harbor and into the string of Bars that hugged the wharf, where there was sure to be work for his type...A First Mate was saying his ship was going out to sea for a few days and offered to buy drinks for those closing down the Formidably Maid. He remembers the bald head ...its the last thing he remembers...

Seadreamer's family was lost at sea in a bad gale. He managed to get into a longboat and escape and after a few weeks they came to Port Peril. Since then He has spent a lot of time looking for a reputable ship to hire on to. He answered a call to come to The Formidably Maid to meet with a Captain Nagirrah of The Seaworm. A Waitress had brought hima drink, saying the Captain had sent a courier saying he was running late but to give his prospect a drink on his purse.. Drinking it was the last thing Seadreamer remembers.

The Formidably Maid was her choice of bars. And of late the Crew of The Wormwood was hanging out there as well for a few nights. Sharing tales and drink. More than a few commented on her Mark of Besmara. They were a friendly when the red bandana wearing woman called Badger had handed her a drink, in the wee hours of the morning, no thought had been given...It was the last memory she had until now.

The familiar swaying of the lower decks of a ship was the first sense you felt. Your head was pounding and your mouth feels like a herd of Yaks moved through it. The cloth hammock hung between posts felt rough to the touch. You realize youre not in your normal attire. Someone has taken all your gear, and your clothing, putting you in a woolen pair of pants and a linen shirt. Your small clothes were still your own as you took stock opening your eyes to the lantern lit hold. A single stair case went up and a man was moving among several hammocks checking each of you. He was dressed in brown leathers and had a belt with a few knives and other odd tools. a Hat was upon his head and he would look and nod as he moved among the hammocks..

The smell of sweat, the sea, and tar and wood rose to meet your awakening consciousness. Memory started to come....You remembered the night before...and passing out.

The Man smiled as you looked at him and he said Welcome To The Sweet Trade. Welcome to The Wormwood.


Since I'm taking over a game, There will be limited applications. Ill only be running 6 in this and there are already 4 from the previous game maybe all 6 positions filled.

This thread will primarily be for the character rebuild guidelines.

20 Point Buy +1d4 points for variance.

Races allowed:
Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half Elf, Half Orc, Halfling, Human, Catfolk, Gnoll, Grippli, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ratfolk, Android, Fetchling, Tengu, Changling, Kitsuni, Nagaji

Classes allowed:
All except 3rd Party. NO Paladins, Cavaliers, Omdura's, Vampire Hunter's, Vigilante's, Samurai's.
Unchained Versions are available.

you can dot in but do not post until I say so. this is so you can fill in background

Characters Timeline Begins

4715 Chaid DiViri makes First expedition into the Emerald Spire.
Her last Expedition was in 4717 and she hasnt been heard from since. Shes a local legend among the Hellknights.

4716 The name Klarkosh, a Numerian Wizard, begins to be heard of in rumors regarding the Spire

4720 Investigations of the spire grind to a halt as several bands of adventurers are decimated. Survivors all say the same name---Karkosh

Abadius 4721 A Hellknight Patrol chase a Bandit Gang 'The Splinters of Echo Wood' into The Emerald Spire. They do not follow. Their leader a Priestess named Tarrin Dars has a bounty on her.

Pharast 4721 New kinds of undead start harrying farms around Fort Inevitable and Thornkeep, and the Echo Wood. Abernard Royst starts advising something big is going on in The Spire, as his wards stopping scrying are being brushed aside. Mysterious Portals in Spire Glen begin to disgorge monsters that move throughout the area, capturing travelers and dragging them back to the Spire.

At Roysts request, High Mother Sarise Dremagne Divines something regarding an Emblem of a Crown above a Skull...referring to it obviously as The Crowned Skull and begins researching its meaning. It is connected to The Spire.

Discussion within the Hellknights begins regarding an Expedition to The Spire. Late Pharast Corwin MacDugal arrives in Fort Inevitable. He moves in with Abernard Royst.

Early Desnus Two Wizards "Tiawesk and Jharun" from The Goldenfire Tower in Thornkeep arrive, with a band of followers, to take up the call to invetigate the Spire. They have not been heard from since.

Mid-Desnus Corwin MacDugal begins recruitment of 'his team'.

5th Erastus, He meets with his Team in The Julliver Arms

6th Erastus The Expedition begins.

The ooc

Welcome to one of Paizo's rare Super-Dungeons. 16 levels, each created by one of the top names in this game that we love so much and placed in Golarion's River Kingdoms just 6 miles from Fort Inevitable along the Crusader Road.

Do you riches? Knowledge? Ancient secrets? Unusual magic? Power only imagined? Glory? Fame? All can be had as you plumb the depths of The Emerald Spires Vaults...but beware don't ignore the Order of the Gates taxes or you might find yourself with a wanted poster in your name by those that maintain Law in a lawless land...and Hellknights are not to be trifled with.

preview of Fort Inevitable:
Between the Echo Wood and the broad expanse of the West Sellen River stands a resolute stronghold of law and order: the walled town of Fort Inevitable. From its stern keep, companies of Hellknights ride forth to enforce the strict laws of their commander and bring authority to the unclaimed lands of the Crusader Road. While the taxes imposed by the town’s rulers are heavy and the laws inflexible, no one can deny that prosperity has followed the Hellknights’ establishment of hard justice in this small corner of the River Kingdoms. Merchants, travelers, and adventurers journeying on the Crusader Road find that Fort Inevitable provides a rare island of safety in an otherwise lawless land—so long as one is careful not to run afoul of the Hellknights’ laws.

So one might think that a Super-Dungeon is All dungeon delving and yes I suppose it could be ran like that and totally ignore the rich tapestry of Fort Inevitable. However, to me returning to this town with loot and maneuvering through it's shops and intrigue to liquify assets and improve your capabilities is what will turn this from just 1 massive dungeon crawl to a superb work of fantasy. In other words dungeon delvers don't live in a vacume. Although of course delving is the purpose.

So without further adieu do you dare become one of those unlucky enough to enter The Emerald Spire?

Expectations: post frequently the goal once a day. Join for the long haul. This will take years to finish. Please don't apply if that's not your intent.

Application character concept: name, race, class, what campaign trait you're taking, what motivation does your character have for wanting to go 'dungeon diving' (tongue in cheek term)


1.Align: no CE. NE and LE will be considered if I feel they won't be divisive within the party

2.Race:Aasimar, Android,Duergar,Dwarf,Elf,Gnoll,Gnome,Grippli,Halfling,Half-Elf,Half-Orc,Ho bgoblin,Human,Ifrit,Lizardfolk,Oread,Ratfolk,Sylph,Tiefling,Undine

No others

3. Class: Any. Unchained Summoner mandatory. Unchained Barbarian, Monk, Rogue optional.

4.two traits. 1 campaign (see below) 1 other. No drawbacks.

5. 20 point Buy.

6.Free feats if have prerequisites: power attack, deadly Aim, combat expertise, scribe scroll. A character with scribe scroll as a character ability gains skill focus instead.

7.max hit points first through third. Half+1 after.

8. Roll for wealth.

9. 1 hero point to start. We will be using hero points. Each level you gain 1. I will give out others for exceptional play, amusing character role play, heroic deeds.max at any one time: 3

10. Fast advancement track

campaign traits:

Azlanti Historian: The fallen empire of ancient Azlant fires your curiosity and drives you to adventure. Tired of only learning of the empire through dusty tomes you have followed rumours of Azlanti ruins to travel to the Echo Wood, hoping to unearth some new discovery. Perhaps you might even earn a mention of your own in a future historical tome.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain Azlanti as a bonus language.

Aspiring Crusader: Journeying along Crusader Road, hoping to join the Mendevian Crusade against the demons of the Worldwound, you found yourself tarrying at Fort Inevitable. At first it was merely a rest before continuing on your dangerous journey. However, rumors of strange phenomena around ancient ruins in the woods have caught your interest. Like the Hellknights of the Fort, you wonder if your skills might be more useful here than at the Worldwound.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (religion) checks, and Knowledge (planes) is a class skill for you.

Blue Basilisk Recruit: The premier band of sellswords in Thornkeep, the Blue Basilisks are hired to guard caravans, escort travelers, and occasionally assault bandit hideouts. As a recent hire, you have been dispatched on the long and tiring task of accompanying a wagon of timber and goods from Thornkeep to Fort Inevitable. The journey began quietly, until halfway down Mosswater Road a band of goblins attacked, carrying off some of the cargo. The Blue Basilisks will be understanding, as goblins are a constant nuisance, but failing on your first assignment still feels shameful.

You begin play with a longsword or greatsword, and gain a +1 trait bonus to
attacks of opportunity with weapons of that type.

Darklands Delver: For as long as you can remember, you have felt at home underground: the open spaces and endless sky of the above ground world unnerve you. You believe your destiny lies deep underground, and someday you hope to see the fantastic caverns of the Darklands beneath the surface or perhaps even visit one of the ancient vaults of Orv in the deepest layers of the Darklands.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Knowledge (dungeoneering) is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Initiative checks when underground.

Echo Wood Native: You were raised in one of the many small villages or points of interest throughout the Echo Wood. You were raised on a farm or ranch, or perhaps a small hamlet nestled deep in the forest. To you, both Thornkeep and Fort Inevitable are “the big city”, crowded places with too many people for comfort. You’ve been raised to be equally wary of bandits, monsters, and Hellknights: any who deny folks the Six River Freedoms.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you. In addition, your familiarity with the Echo Wood allows you to make untrained Knowledge (local) checks regarding the region.

Former Slave: To the Hellknight rulers of Fort Inevitable, freedom is a privilege to be earned: a privilege you lost. You spent the last few years as a slave, paying off accrued debts or as a punishment for crimes. At long last you have earned your freedom and can finally begin your life anew; friends and charitous figures have even offered to supply you with the coin and equipment to start over. Your time as a slave has left its mark. While the Hellknights prevent open abuse of slaves, few masters are kind and your enslavement has hardened you. You might have worked the fields for the fair, if heavy­handed, Naldred Tillman; at the tannery of the cruel Drurn; or staffed the bellows for the foul­tempered Tsador Ironmaker.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Fortitude saves.

Golden Attendant: You work as a servant or deacon at the Temple of the Golden Key in Fort Inevitable, the largest and most ornate temple in the Echo Wood region. You serve at the pleasure of High Mother Dremagne, priestess of Abadar. However, most of your time is spent following the wishes of the junior acolytes and lay priests. While you are mostly tasked with mundane jobs, your skillshave not gone unnoticed and you have been increasingly entrusted with more and more important tasks for the temple.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Appraise checks, and once per week you can reroll an Appraise check and take the higher result (You must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known).

Goldenfire Initiate: Thornkeep’s arcanist’s guild primarily serves to protect the financial interests of its members, limiting competition and preventing price undercutting. As a low ranking member of the Goldenfire Order, you are assigned the least pleasant tasks, are thankfully well­paid for your services. Members are mostly left to their own interests, so you have learned little from the guild and are beginning to realize your education might be in your hands. Some extra action might also be required to stand out in the guild and find more profitable work.

You begin the campaign with an extra 100 gp. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on
Spellcraft checks.

Hellknight Armiger: The Hellknights of Fort Inevitable were crusaders who opted to end their pilgrimage and defend Crusader’s Road for the benefit of future crusaders. The Order’s devotion to law and structure has long appealed to you and you have trained hard in the hopes of one day joining the order to protect Fort Inevitable and your kin from the endless bandits and roving beasts that prowl the land. You were initially mentored by the newly arrived Hellknight, Signifer DiViri, but she vanished some time ago while on an expedition, leaving you to continue your training on your own. Knowing that being able to ride quickly and move through the heavy underbrush of the woods is valuable, you have focused your training on the intimidating heavy armor of the Hellknights.

You reduce the armor check penalty of worn armor by 1, to a minimum penalty of 0.

Merchant Connections: You have strong ties with a merchant in either Thornkeep or Fort Inevitable, either through friendship or family. They’re willing to invest in your expeditions by spending some of their own coin purchasing treasure and are able to quickly order items you desire from elsewhere in the River Kingdoms. Pick one of the following merchants:
Thom Braddon of Braddon’s General Store in Fort Inevitable.

Mormuk Goldfoot of the Goldfoot’s Mercantile trading house in Fort Inevitable.

Yunar Barask of the Thornkeep Mercantile general store and trading post.
When dealing with that merchant you increase the base value and purchase limit in
their settlement by 50%.

Reformed Bandit: The roads of the Echo Wood are commonly frequented by brigands, particularly along the seldom­ patrolled roads leading to Thornkeep. The Hellknights have recently made it their task to stamp out banditry along Crusader’s Road, harshly punishing those outlaws they capture. You spent a number of years as a bandit, earning a living off travelers and traders. Having barely escaped justice on several occasions, you have decided it is time to retire from banditry, living a somewhat more honest life. But your meager savings will not last forever, so you will need to find some other means of employment.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with bandits, and one of these skills is a class skill for you.

Sage’s Apprentice: You have been trained in the arcane arts by Abernard Royst, the resident sage of Fort Inevitable. For the last several years your time was spent assisting the wizard with assorted research projects and experiments, long enough to see past Royst’s cantankerous exterior to the caring master underneath. The aged sage seldom leaves the Fort any more, trusting you and his other apprentices to do his errands. As the most promising of his apprentices, the difficult tasks most often fall to you.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks. Additionally, choose any one spell of the transmutation school; its save DC increases by +1.

Wolfmane Barbarian: Formerly of Numeria, the Wolfmane tribes sought a new homeland some centuries ago and have taken up residence in the Echo Wood. Dwelling in the forests around Thornkeep, the Wolfmane make their living as hunters, trappers, and scouts. You were raised in one of Kellid tribes and are comfortable in the wilds; few know the Echo Wood like the Wolfmane. But there are dangers in the woods, which might one day threaten your kin, and you feel obliged to defend your tribe.

You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks and Survival is always a class skill

Welcome to Phaendar. A collection of a handful of stout wood buildings amid the more plentiful shanties and temporary wood shelters 300 yards from the southern reaches of the Fangwood Forest, home of the Chernasardo Rangers, that guerilla force that had been fighting against the militant autocracy that is Molthune for years now.

The bridge across the Fast flowing Marideth river was in repair with scaffolding supporting one side and stone and woodpiles indicative of much work yet to be done to make the bridge safe . A crane sat near the bridge.

The market green was jammed full of wagons and tents from all ends of was Market day this 16th of Desnus on Oathday. The 3rd Oathday of the middle month of every seasonal quarter marked the day when traders from The far reaches came to Phaendar to make deals, sell wares, spread news and generally enjoy company.

The threat of war always on the horizon with this border town on the frontier with Molthune, whose border was a mere 45 miles away.

Many times the people of Phaendar had fled into the Fangwood after seeing approaching raiders coming from across the plans south of them to return when the enemy had left.

But today was not such a time. Every manner of gear was to be had, and the retired Ranger Aubri Green walked through the Market laughing and sharing tales.she was a local legend, returning home after years of fighting, her right leg a stout oak peg, which didn't seem to slow her at all, a testimony to the reason she retired.

To say the market was a festival would be overstating it...but just as well to say it wasn't special would be an understatement.

It was a few hours before dark on the first day of the meeting, and soon Aubri would retire to the inn to buy many a round and tell her stories, so.ething most looked forward to.

So on this fateful day, a group text f newcomers to Phaendar, normally about 400 souls, now about 600 with all the merchants, found themselves enjoying the day of these easy going non judgemental freedom loving folk.

Today was a bright spring day. Today was a day to change lived

This will be the OOC For Iron Fang Invasion

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well this will certainly be exciting.

so lets find out what characters will become the Freedom Fighters to take down The Ironfang Legion....after fleeing for their lives of course.

What I want as an application-

You do not have to create a whole character unless you want to.

to apply I only need the following
A. Name B. Race C. Class D. what campaign trait they will be taking and E. why they are Phaendar on Market Day.

1. No Evil At All. (theyd be more likely to see out the party and join the Legion)

2. 20 point Buy

3. Races allowed- Aasimar, Android, Changling, Dhampir, Dwarf, Elf, Fetchling, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine

---no others. Please dont ask.

4. I will take all Paizo Classes except the Vigilante and the Vampire Hunter, and I may take a 3rd party class if I can see all of the details and I think it works.

5. We will be using Background Skills and the character will start with 3 of those not 2, but one has to be either Profession/Craft/Perform...and this is what youre doing for a living when the adventure kicks off.

6. Traits- No wealthy parents. No drawbacks. you get three traits. the campaign and 2 others.

7. Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll as long as you meet the pre-requisites.

8. Average starting wealth

9. Max Hit Points for first (HD). then you can take half+1 of the HD or roll, taking whichever is higher....same for any Animal Companions or mounts.

10. I will be taking 6 players from those that apply.

who will be joining me

***I will keep the recruitment open til I get enough to get a fair shake on entrants. I dont like firm dates, as you end up making folks wait for one or two stragglers. I will give 24 hour notice for the submissions to be complete.

So Plenty of time, and with Roll20 I dont have to create my own maps, just plug and play, so I have the time...I have the energy. I have the desire to bring life to another campaign.

but what to run...Thats the quandary.

So Ive been looking for about week have several choices up for the poll.

Pick one.

Only one.

When I have at least a dozen whove chosen Ill make start the recruitment thread.

1. Emerald Spire Super Dungeon (Set in The River Kingdoms) ---yes I saw the thread asking for someone to run it. I read up on it and it made me add it to the mix of what Id like to run.

2. The Goblin Modules (Set near Sandpoint in Varisia)---Silly Goblin Campaign? Yep sounds fun.

3. The Dragons Demand (Set in The River Kingdoms) me Dragons.

4. Kingmaker (Set in River Kingdoms)---explore and create your own kingdom? Sounds great!. considered one of the most asked for games...

5. Legacy of Fire (Set in Katepesh)---am a huge fan of Gnolls. and desert adventures.

6. Ironfang Invasion (Set in Nirmathus and Molthune)---One thats spoke to me from time to time.

7. Council of Thieves (Set in Cheliax)---the challenge of giving life to this most dropped of campaigns calls me.

shall we vote?

The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

Heldrin being only a little over a hundred citizen's had no standing guard force to respond to any threats. It would take too long to send to the local Lord for assistance, though that would be part of the agenda. An emergency meeting of the Town Council has been called to plan a reaction. Word has gone out that they will likely call for volunteers to investigate and handle things.

Word travels fast in a small village.

It has reached your ears.

Welcome to The Reign of Winter

Liberty's Edge

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this is the ooc discussion thread.

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Welcome to my requested game of Reign of Winter.

If you're familiar with the adventure path, don't expect that there won't be some twists. If you're unfamiliar it will be a wild ride of location hopping, planet hopping and era hopping before we get to the end.

For this recruitment I do not need a fully fleshed out character until you are chosen.

I want name, race, class, if you are human---ethnicity.then I want you to tell me in the characters 'voice' why they are in Heldrin, the small town in Taldor.

The opening act starts out with answering a call to investigate some unusual in the characters 'voice' receiving the you got it, whether word of mouth, town crier, personal invitation, or posted notice, or a witness to the cold front, or a witness to the bandit attack.

this sets the stage---:

"The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village"


1. 20 point build
2. No stat below 8 or above 18
3. Allowed races:Aasimar, Android, , Changing, Drow (Common), Dwarf, Elf, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Human, Orc, Ratfolk (Skaven) Tengu, Tiefling.

I chose these for a reason. If you want another give me a good reason they might come to Heldrin to help.

I'm looking for creative backgrounds to meld the party...note that doesn't mean I'll choose some really unusual character over a tried and true normal character. It only means I'm looking for a melded group.

4. Classes: all. I may even allow 3pp if I can see the source material and think it'll fit. We will be using the unchained versions of Rogue, Barbarian, Summoner, and Monk. evil. Don't ask.

6.max hp for the 1st 3 levels. Roll after reroll 1's

7. Max starting gold.

8. We will be using hero points and every character starts with 2.

9. 3 traits. 1 must be from players guide ...a campaign trait.

That should do it. If you don't see it and have a question...ask.

Some folks asked for truly unusual game like all one class etc...not a fan sorry. I'm old school. It reflects in how I GM and how I view the game in my mind. Hopefully that doesn't turn you off the game.

Welcome ...let the official recruitment begin

Liberty's Edge

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I find that I have the time and opportunity to take on a third game.

So Im looking for what Id like to run.

Let me throw a couple of the ideas percolating in my brain and see if I can generate some excitement for one of them.

A. Conventional Adventure Path-

A1. Reign of Winter
A2. Legacy of Fire

B. AD&D Lengthy campaign (would be placed in Golarion)-

B1. Desert of Desolation (Osiria)
B2. The Night Below (Varisia)

C. Module to Module Campaign like days of old.
Starting Module (area)

C1. Gallows of Madness (Isger)
C2. Ire of The Storm (Sargava)

All this is ----is to see what generates the most excitement. When players are interested in playing it motivates me...

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Its a typical warm day at the end of summer in The Hollow. Business has been good for the Consortium. Has been. Today however is the first day in quite some time that something was amiss. Each week on Toilday the Lumber Camps were supposed to bring in their logs by the stout lumber wagons they had at each camp. Of the three camps, two had sent their wagons in...the third instead had sent a rider.

A rider with a message....most the camp was sick. Some sort of coughing illness. They couldnt complete the order. They sent one of the few who wasnt sick, a young lad named Thomas, to tell Pay Day who told Kreed.

It was highly unusual for the majority of a camp to get sick. One or two here or there, but not 10-15 people; at once. It was time to investigate.

Kreed and Payday walked into the Sitting Duck...and with a ham sized fist, Payday pounded a notice into the board where they posted notices for the Consortium

It Read- Attention Townsfolk and Members of the Consortium. Thuldrin Kreed is looking for 6 diligent individuals to investigate something occurring at Lumber Camp Number 3. The Pay is 50 Gold per person. See Boss Paydan at The Consortium Building today for specifics.

They looked around the room at those nearby. Pay Day cleared his throat Put out the word. We need some able bodies for something that could be dangerous. Pays good and you get the good will of Boss Kreed. and the two of them turned and left going back up to The Perch, what the walled high point in town was called.

In the room were besides Ergin Tock who stood behind the bar, and Jarlene Artem who moved around the floor taking orders back to Ergim, three members of Lumber Camp 2, and 3 members of lumber camp 1 who had brought in their shipments sitting at 2 different tables..

The three from camp 2 could be heard saying No way Im volunteering. I dont want the attention.

You got that right. Nothin Good can come of that then the lumberjack looked around and shut up.

At the other table sat Falkwyn Hawksblood, Cathoris Hill, and an older lumberjack Samuel and the dwarf who did odd jobs in town and had helped unload the logs at the cutyard Straug Fireborn.

At the bar sat Thallin Braspur and Alexander Valindir both come to get some of the tasty lunch faire whipped up by Kronk Plimps.

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please welcome...

1. Falkwyn Hawksblood(PlasticDragon) Half-Elf Male 1st Expert (Ranger) --Lumberjack Staying at Lumbercamp 1
2. Alexander Valindir(Rorek55) Half-Elf Male 1st Aristocrat (Rogue)
Adventurer. Staying with Kitani and Kimi Eaveswalker
3.Cathoris Hill(Ruin explorer) Human Male 1st Adept (Magus)
Lumberjack Staying at Lumbercamp 1
4. Straug Fireborn(Jedhed242) Dwarf Male 1st Warrior (Warpriest)
works for Lumber Consortium doing odd jobs Staying at Lumber Cutyard
5. Thallin Braspur(pippintook) Human Male 1st Commoner (Occultist)
Criminal staying at Jack A Napes
6. Kronk Plimps(The Archlich) Human Male 1st Commoner (Brawler)
Cook at Sitting Duck Lives at Sitting Duck

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Welcome to my recruitment thread for The Hollow.

Im recruiting 5-6 players to join me on adventuring in Darkmoon Vale.

The Vale is known for its large Fey filled Forest that has an abundance of Darkwood Trees, much prized for it's hard strong wood, It's Dwarven ruins, Kobolds, Werewolves, The Lumber Consortium, and. A Dragon deep in it's depths.

This will be an adventure starting at level 0 with an NPC class:

Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert, Warrior

Choosing your NPC class will determine which real class you can progress to after gaining 1000 experience points

Adept:any class with 6th level spells or above

Caster level will stack with the character class Adept 0 level and 1st level spells will be added to the spell lists of the chosen class. Adept skills will be made class skills.

Aristocrat:any class with 4d6 or 5d6 starting gold.

Skills become class skills

Commoner:any class that under age category can start with intuitive trained , self trained and the Monk.

Commoners start with 20+1d4 build points and 1 MW item handed down from a family member GP limit 350 gold.

Expert: any class with 6+ skill ranks per level us the Alchemist and Gunslinger.

Class skills for expert become class skills for the chosen class

Warrior: any class that has martial weapons to start with.

Class skills for warrior are class skills for chosen class.

The Crunch for the game:
1. 15+1d4 points
3. NO 3PP
4. Races: only Core races
5. Classes: All classes except Vigilante, Vampire Hunter,omidura We will be using the unchained versions of The Rogue, Barbarian, and Monk, Summoner
6. Max Hit Points for 1st level and you can roll for each level after. If you roll a 1 of 2, take 1 above half instead. You can always choose to take the 1 above half if you'd like.
7. Max starting Gold for the npc class
8. 2 traits
9. We will be using Background Skills
10. We will be using Hero Points
11. Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Combat Expertise, Scribe Scroll are free feats if you meet the prerequistes

If its not mentioned we wont be using it.

I ask that if you apply you commit to trying to post every day. I will do the same.

The Application: Unlike Many, I do not want you to create a character unless you are actually chosen.

All characters start having lived in The Vale for the last year at least.

What I want-
1. Character Concept- Name, race, class what makes the character stand out
2. What 2 traits you will choose.
4 what class direction you wish to take tentative
3. Why you are in The Hollow.

For class lists see below

Adept:Bard,Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Alchemist, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Summoner, Witch, Arcanist, Hunter, Investigator, Shaman, Warpriest, Mesmerist, Occultist, Psychic, Spiritualist

Aristocrat: Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Hunter, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Warpriest, Medium, Occultist

Commoner:Bard, Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Oracle, summoner, Witch, Bloodrager, Brawler, Shaman, Skald, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Kineticist, Occultist, Prsychic Spiritualist,

Expert:Bard, Ranger, Rogue, Alchemust, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Hunter, Slayer Mesmerist.

Warrior:Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Magus, Shifter, Bloodrager, Brawler, Hunter, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Warpriest.

I find myself thinking How id like to run a low fantasy game that starts the players out low powered.

Either The Falcons Hollow series with a variant start or the Goblin Series which does have a 0 level start.

Whats the interest in doing this and which one would people be more interested in?

This is not a recruitment thread at this point...merely an interest check.

both run til the party gets to 6th-7th. at that time I will continue them in a different direction but for now lets know that.

Trunau---3rd of Lamashan, around 3PM

ok subject line says it all.

Is there a box Im missing to check? a step Ive missed?

This will be the discussion thread for the game.

Ive been away from DM'ing on the boards for a while...but have truly gotten the itch to do so again.

Im looking for 5 players to delve into the realms of role playing the Giant Slayer Adventure Path.

About me:
Ive been DMing games in person since 1975...yes that makes me old ;) and in role playing forums since about 2000, though I recently took a multi-year hiatus because of personal things. I am a player oriented DM and am more about the joint experience than exploring the newest thing I ran across.

The Crunch for the game:
1. 20 point buy
3. NO 3PP
4. Races: All Core + Duergar, Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Aasimar, Drow (Common), and Tiefling, Android. nothing else.
5. Classes: All Core + Alchemist, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Shifter, Witch + All Hybrid Classes. We will be using the unchained versions of The Rogue, Barbarian, and Monk....

Nothing else. Don't Ask please.

6. Max Hit Points for 1st level and you can roll for each level after. If you roll a 1 of 2, take 1 above half instead. You can always choose to take the 1 above half if you'd like.
7. Average starting Gold.
8. 2 traits, one of which has to be from The Players Guide.
9. We will be using Background Skills
10. We will be using Hero Points
11. All Players will receive a Hope Knife. An Engraved Masterwork Dagger, that hangs on a leather tether around your neck....what does the engraving say?

If its not mentioned we wont be using it.

I ask that if you apply you commit to trying to post every day. I will do the same.

The Application: Unlike Many, I do not want you to create a character unless you are actually chosen. This isnt a race for who has the most time on their hands and create something quickly. I want to hand pick the folks who will go on this journey with me.

What I want-
1. Character Concept- Name, race, class what makes the character stand out
2. What campaign trait youd take from The players Guide Players Guide for Giant Slayer
3. Why youre in Trunau..tie it to your campaign trait.
4. What job do you have in Trunau? How do you make a living
5. Have you played it before? and if you have can you separate your knowledge from person to character?
6. What makes you tick as a player? Why do you role play?
7. Complete this introduction of your player that will be used in your first post.

It's been a long day. The season has turned from the heat of summer to the kinder climate of fall. You know tomorrow will be a big day. Its The Hope Knife festival for Ruby, Chief Defender Halgra's Youngest Daughter. She is now of age, 11, when she will be bestowed her own personal Hope Knife, created for her by Sara Morninghawk. Tomorrow she will take the oath to defend Trunau until her death. Life is hard in Trunau, a settlement beyond Lastwall in The Hold of Belkzen...Orc Territory.

You think back to when you got your Hope Knfe, and who it was spoke for you Include a person from the players guide who spoke for you and why. You remember Them saying...

your name, by the traditions of our town, you have come of age or if you came to Trunau as an adult-You have joined our community. This hopeknife represents your responsibilities as an adult and defender of Trunau. You must be willing to use it on yourself, your fellow Trunauans, and your family—even me, should it come to that. It will be a far quicker death than that which the orcs will offer, and providing it is your duty. Do you swear to guard Trunau from all comers, and to use your hopeknife only for its intended purpose?”

“If the orcs come, and there is no other option, this is where you cut—here, here, and here.” Your Mentor demonstrates which arteries to sever while you watch. Then the hopeknife was sheathed and placed around your neck

Until tomorrow....but for tonight...

Note: I will be choosing 1 Primary Combatant (a character with a +1 BAB progression), 1 Arcane Caster (a character with up to level 9 arcane spells) 1 Divine Caster, (a character with up to level 9 divine spells), a trap finder (a character who can disable traps) and 1 Miscellaneous character who can step into several roles as a substitute in a pinch but necessarily having the requirements example: A Bard could step into the Arcane Caster Role or The Primary Combatant Role or The Trapfinder role depending on the build. ) as a final thing with your application tell me what role you wish to apply for.

Thank you for your interest...and lets make this a good game.

The 6th of Pharast in the city of Korvosa was coming to an end. Darkness had come to a day of celebration, 'The Founding Day of Sable Company'. Sable Company, The Guard, and The Hellknights had all been out in force as well as participating in the parade. They had left The Great Hall, wound down the Avenue of Arms to Palin Street, turning towards Jeggare Circle, down Northgate Avenue to pass the Longacre Building and The Courthouse to Sunrise Boulevard where it turned south until coming to Harborview Boulevard where it turned towards The Gold Market and Eodreds walk. Then it turned up Field Marshal Avenue to The Grand Masataba and Castle Korvosa, where Queen Ileosa received Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin of Sable Company in a ceremony of much pomp, commemorating the founding of this stalwart organization.

Noteworthy was the absence of King Arabasti however....

After the parade which drew throngs of people into the streets, the atmosphere turned as it always did to the party. Revelry ensued and eating drinking and socializing became the goal. Putting a brief respite on the fact that the numbers of attendants to the festival were down by 20% from previous years....that the edicts coming from the palace these days were more restrictive than before...that more and more small business were going under in the economic crunch of current policies.

But as the end of the day drew upon you, you had to wonder if your current investigation on trying to find Gaedran Lamm would bear fruit.


Please use your writing sample as part of your lead in...building beyond as you will and I will kick things off rather quickly...

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Here is our discussion thread.

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This will be a Merger of the two adventure paths: Road to Revolution & Curse of The Crimson Throne. I have also added a few of the PFS scenarios in the area. There are substantial changes to CotCT, so if you have played it...dont worry it will be different.

The party will be heavily invested in determining the outcome of Korvosa's fate.

This adventure primarily takes places in Korvosa, in the region of Varisia, however there will be a few times the party journey's beyond the city to garner allies in their attempt to save Korvosa in around the South East Varisia. (noteworty are Kaer Maga, Janderhoff, and The Shoanti tribes: Lyrune-Quah, Sklar-Quah, and Skoan-Quah

I do not want potential players to spend a lot of energy creating characters if they aren't chosen. So please read character selection and creation below.

what I want from my players:

1. To endeavor to post once a day.

2. To work together as a group for an enjoyable game.

3. No 'spotlight hogging' ie each player and character will enjoy equal time in the sun. If youre the type of player that 'wants to stay in the spotlight constantly, please choose a different game.

4. Respectful communication among each other.

5. Interesting and enjoyable character development and interaction

my gaming contract with the players:

1. I will also try to post at least once a day.

2. I will weave an interesting and challenging game story with multiple plot lines and even balance between role playing and combat (as much as can be in a tactical simulation)

3. I will be respectful when communicating and try not to read more into posts than is intended.

4. I will try and keep all characters in the spotlight and give equal face time to each

Character selection:

I will be choosing 6 players to take this journey with me. Please provide the following when requesting consideration.

I will be choosing one to fill each of the following categories- Primary Combatant (Must have a Good BAB Progression), Primary Arcane Caster (Must be able to cast Arcane Spells at first level), Primary Divine Caster (Must be able to cast divine spells at 1st level), Trapsmith (Must have trapfinding and at first level and a class with a 6/level skill rank progression at 1st level), Secondary Caster (Must be able to cast either arcane or divine spells at first level) Secondary Combatant (Must have Good BAB progression and either at least 4 skill rank progression and spell casting capability, even if delayed.)

1. A Character Concept adhering to the Character Creation Rules.
-Concept is Race, Class, Probably Archetypes and party roll you are applying for.

2. A bare bones back story that we can hone together as a party on why your character is choosing to be an adventurer and why you live in Korvosa and why you would work to save it from itself.

3. A Character Goal you would like to see woven into the 'story'

4. A writing sample. please keep this to less then three paragraphs. The sample should take into account the opening paragraph found below.

character creation:

1. Races allowed: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Aasimar, Tiefling. No Exceptions to this rule.

2. Books allowed: Core Pathfinder Book, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Equipment. No third Party Publishers material.

3. Alignments: This campaign takes the pre-dispostion that the party wants to save Korvosa. Because of that, any chaotics or evils should have a vested interest in their background of not seeing the city tear itself apart. Beyond that, discuss non-good alignements with the DM, me.

3a) I do not cotton to Player vs Player conflicts, so if you want to play an Evil character (which in this AP I will allow under circumstances as written above) Make sure you make a character that WILL work with the party. Failure to do so will not have you chosen.

4. You will create your statistics with a 20 point buy, however each player will roll a single d6 once in front of all others, and add the results of that dice roll to their point buy (thus the point buy will be 21-26, for variety)

5. No Ability can be taken above 18 during creation, and no ability can be taken below 8 during creation.

6. All players will get 3 traits. The first has to be taken from the listed Campaign Traits In Curse of The Crimson Throne Campaign Guide. (it's a free download) The other two may be taken from any legitimate Paizo Pathfinder Source Material to flesh out the background and character’s personality.. Just tell me the source so I can look it up.

6a)Note: Traits will have impact’s other than gameplay, but in the game itself so make sure you READ the material of the traits, I will ;)

6b) 1 single Trait may be swapped out for a single +2 in one ability score adhering to Rule 5.

7. Each player will get 1 FREE rank in either a Craft:?? or Profession:?? . This then will be what your character has been doing to make a living, and will determine where your player lives. (ie I will match up your job, traits, and background to place you in the beginning.

7a) I use Profession as a catch all for other things. so lets say you are a Fighter who is a fisherman. You would be allowed to ask me for a +2 circumstance bonus for handling a watercraft, or swimming per se...

8. Each player will be allowed to ‘create’ the names and professions of three contacts ie friends, family co-workers as part of the background for me the DM to incorpoorate into the game. In addition I will give each player the names of 2 others from among the many books for the campaign, so each player will have 5 npc they know within the city well enough to call upon for one thing or another.

9. No True Namers

10. All classes are available, however it is important to note I will only be choosing 1 of any single class.

11. All character Classes receive max hit points at 1st level. Then Character classes can choose to roll OR can take 1 above half (d6=4/d8=5/d10=6/d12=7).

12. Favored Class Bonus' as normal.

13. Max starting wealth.

14. We will be using the Moderate Experience point trek.

I will keep The recruiting open until Sunday 06/30 at 9:00 EST.

Then I will begin selection finalizing the party by Sunday at Noon 06/30

The Edge of Anarchy

Long has The criminal Gaedran Lamm eluded the authorities of Korvosa. His reach and impact has been great and perverse. Whether by bribery or elusivness he has escaped capture, or worse, again and again. His allies count among the great crime lords of Korvosa. However just maybe his running is at end….just maybe…..

With the city perched on the edge of anarchy, the ailing King Eodred Arabasti II slipping from the limelight, and his young power hungry Queen, Ileosa taking more and more control of governing, things have been going from bad to worse within this once proud city. Easily a 5th of all buildings are abandoned as people flee to better managed cities, such as Maginmar. Hellknight patrols seek swift justice to any who interfere. The Korvosan Guard is hard put to stop organized crime, but makes a good attempt at non-organized variants. The Sczarni smirk in their multicolored tents and gilded wagons on the fringe of the city, at watching the Chelish infidels try and stem the tides of depravity. Hippogriff Riding Marines ply the sky’s over the city in fewer and fewer numbers from what once was, their sight bringing brief hope.

Reveling even more though are the Shoanti barbarians who had the land that was sacred to their people snatched from them by Chelish invaders oh so many years ago. The deeds of the wars between the Chelaxian Explorers and the Shoanti Guardians of The Grand Masataba, upon which Castle Korvosa sits, are filled with wonder and awe for both people’s. But as the power of Korvosa wanes, so to does the flames of desire for righteous vengeance begin to wax. Whisper’s have begun in dark corners.

There is but one beacon of hope to the impoverished people of Korvosa, The Legendary hero ‘Black Jack’ who pioneer’s the cause of the downtrodden, eluding capture and discovery. Some say he is a ghost, some say he is tall tale, some say he is the hope of the city given life.

All that can be said though, whether it is on Endrin Ilse; where Old Korvosa and The Patriarch of The Poor, The Noble Glorio Arkona or by the Self Named King of Spider’s Devargo Bevassi; or in the trimmed estates of South Shore where the womanizing Perishial Kalissreavil, Ambassador of the Elvish Kingdom of Mierani or among the varied clergy of the many turreted Temple of The Many sits; Whether on the heights where the aging Wizard Toff of House Ornelos works as Headmaster to famed wizardy school Acadamae, or in the myriad confined streets of Mainshore where Archbanker Daub Tuttle of Abadar works to stave off the coming storm of anarchy....

All that can be said though, is Korvosa has made it’s mark on the land once ruled by Ancient Thassilonian Runelords and is in the process of either making history or becoming history…in your lifetime. How will you affect the course of Korvosa....

The 6th of Pharast in the city of Korvosa was coming to an end. Darkness had come to a day of celebration, 'The Founding Day of Sable Company'. Sable Company, The Guard, and The Hellknights had all been out in force as well as participating in the parade. They had left The Great Hall, wound down the Avenue of Arms to Palin Street, turning towards Jeggare Circle, down Northgate Avenue to pass the Longacre Building and The Courthouse to Sunrise Boulevard where it turned south until coming to Harborview Boulevard where it turned towards The Gold Market and Eodreds walk. Then it turned up Field Marshal Avenue to The Grand Masataba and Castle Korvosa, where Queen Ileosa received Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin of Sable Company in a ceremony of much pomp, commemorating the founding of this stalwart organization.

Noteworthy was the absence of King Arabasti however....

After the parade which drew throngs of people into the streets, the atmosphere turned as it always did to the party. Revelry ensued and eating drinking and socializing became the goal. Putting a brief respite on the fact that the numbers of attendants to the festival were down by 20% from previous years....that the edicts coming from the palace these days were more restrictive than before...that more and more small business were going under in the economic crunch of current policies.

But as the end of the day drew upon you, you had to wonder if your current investigation on trying to find Gaedran Lamm would bear fruit.

On the early morning of the 12th of Gozran a small earthquake rocked the community of Oakhurst and the neighboring farms sent word that strange noises were coming from the gorge to the west that held a long sunken Dwarven Citadel. The Hero's of Oakhurst- The Son and Daughter of the towns Mayor; Kerowyn Hucrele, owner of the General Store and wealthy merchant in her own right. Targen Hucrele, A Fighter brave and intelligent and Sharwyn Hucrele an Enchantress taken by the party Leader Sir Bradford of Almas, a Paladin of Iomedae. Finally the party was rounded out by Karakas, a Half-Orc Ranger...and sometime caravan guide for the Hucrele Mercantile interests.

These hero's set out to investigate the gorge and the Citadel therein....and now 3 days later, no sign...and the town begins to fret. Mayor Hucrele has put the call out for those who would take up arms and go in search of the Hero's of Oakhurst....

Who will answer the call.


Mid Morning on the 16th of Gozran, spring in the beginnings of natures bloom. Trees showing the flowers that spread their seeds. crops beginning to poke up through the ground at the myriad of farms that surrounded the small community of Oakhurst. Birds chipping within the trees. Squirrels scampering about grabbing what small nuts and seeds they could.

An Idyllic scene, if not for the worry evident on the faces of some of the more prominent citizens. In corners of homes hushed conversations turned to just where were the Hero's of Oakhurst.

Ever since Sir Bradford had come to town, every questionable occurance had been investigated by him and his paramour Sharwyn, her brother Targen, and Targen's Friend Karakas. Within the last year no less than 4 times had they ventured out to stop some threat or another, and each time returned victorious within a few days.

So it was with worried expressions and hushed conversations the waiting continued. Then it started in town square of the Hamlet and spread like a wildfire. People going from door to door and knocking. Riders heading out to the outlying farms.

The work was out. Mayor Kerowyn Hucrele, Mother of two of the missing party, and the reputed wealthiest person in The Northern Andoran River Valley; was asking for help.

Each knock, each hurried explanation from a breathless messenger, carried the same message- Anyone interested come to the Courthouse at Noon today.

The Party as it stands right now.

Edward Sobel- Klor Kragsson Dwarf Fighter (Weapon Master)
Ridge- Ekan Waterfield Halfling Illusionist
WesternWolf777-Grommund Geargrip Dwarven Rogue

This will be an Adventure Path combining Sunless Citadel-Forge of Fury-Speaker In Dreams-Wererats of Relfrin-The Standing Stone- and culminating in the much acclaimed 2nd ed Dragon Mountain, which has been reworked for Pathfinder.

The Adventure will begin in the Farming Hamlet of Oakhurst; in Northern Andoran, where it sits between the Five Kings Mountains and The Verduran Forest.

I do not want potential players to spend a lot of energy creating characters if they aren't chosen. So please read character selection and creation below.

what I want from my players:

1. To endeavor to post once a day.

2. To work together as a group for an enjoyable game.

3. No 'spotlight hogging' ie each player and character will enjoy equal time in the sun. If youre the type of player that 'wants to stay in the spotlight constantly, please choose a different game.

4. Respectful communication among each other.

5. Interesting and enjoyable character development and interaction

my gaming contract with the players:

1. I will also try to post at least once a day.

2. I will weave an interesting and challenging game story with multiple plot lines and even balance between role playing and combat (as much as can be in a tactical simulation)

3. I will be respectful when communicating and try not to read more into posts than is intended.

4. I will try and keep all characters in the spotlight and give equal face time to each.

Character selection:
I will be choosing 6 players to take this journey with me. Please provide the following when requesting consideration.
1. A Character Concept adhering to the Character Creation Rules.
-Concept is Race, Class, Probably Archetypes and party roll.

2. A bare bones backstory that we can hone together as a party on why your character is choosing to be an adventurer and why they live in this small farming hamlet.

3. A Character Goal you would like to see woven into the 'story'

4. A writing sample. please keep this to less then three paragraphs. The sample should take into account the opening paragraph found below.

character creation:

1. 20 point buy with exceptions found below.
2. No stat can exceed 18 after racial modifiers and no stat can go below 8 after racial modifiers.
3. Only The Following Races may be played-
Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Aasimar, and Tiefling
4. No Evil alignments and it's not open to discussion.
5. 2 Traits
6. No Hero Points with an exception noted below.
7. No True Namers
8. All characters get 1 skill rank that MUST be put into a Profession (not craft) for what they do for a living before choosing to answer the call.
9. The following books may be used as reference- Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Inner Sea, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide (for those races allowed), and Ultimate Equipment.
10. No 3pp material.
11. All classes are available, however it is important to note I will only be choosing 1 of any single class.
12. There will be limited multiclassing available so make sure you understand that when youre working through your concept.
13. The following NPC classes may be taken with a 25 point build-
Adept, Aristocrat, Expert, Warrior.
14. The Commoner may be taken with a 25 point build + 1 extra feat taken from the following list- Acrobatics, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, Self Sufficient, Stealthy, Skill Focus, Toughness and 1 hero point.
15. Character classes may not multiclass before 3rd level.
16. NPC classes can multiclass at 2nd level, however they gain perks for staying in the NPC class for each level up to 3rd.
Adept- Gain 400 Gold in Potions/Scrolls from the DM at 2nd and 3rd.
Aristocrat- Gain 400 Gold for choice of outfitting at 2nd and 3rd.
Expert- Gain 400 Gold in Alchemical Crafted Items from the DM at 2nd and 3rd.
Warrior- Gain a masterwork weapon at 2nd from the DM and a masterwork suit of armor (not to exceed 400 Gold value) from the DM at 3rd.
Commoner- Double the Favored Class bonus' at 2nd and 3rd. following the rules below. A Hero Point at 2nd and a a hero point at 3rd.
15. No perks are extended after 3rd level.
16. All character Classes receive max hit points at 1st level. Then Character classes can choose to roll OR can take 1 above half (d6=4/d8=5/d10=6/d12=7). NPC Classes receive max hit points at each level they take their NPC Class.
17. Favored Class Bonus' as normal.
18. NPC Classes declare their Favored Class at 1st level. They receive Favored Class Bonus for Character Classes if they follow the guidelines below. Otherwise they will only receive the favored class bonus when they take those classes.
Adepts- Any class that can cast Arcane or Divine Spells.
Aristocrat- Alchemist, Bard, Cavalier, Cleric, Fighter, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Monk, Paladin, Samurai, Wizard.
Expert- Any class with 4 skill ranks per level or above.
Warrior- Any Class with a Good BAB progression (ie +1 at first level)
Commoner- Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ninja, Oracle, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch
19. Max starting wealth.

I will keep The recruiting open until Thursday 04/05 at 9:00 EST.

Then I will begin selection finalizing the party by Sunday at Noon 04/08

On the early morning of the 12th of Gozran a small earthquake rocked the community of Oakhurst and the neighboring farms sent word that strange noises were coming from the gorge to the west that held a long sunken Dwarven Citadel. The Hero's of Oakhurst- The Son and Daughter of the towns Mayor; Kerowyn Hucrele, owner of the General Store and wealthy merchant in her own right. Targen Hucrele, A Fighter brave and intelligent and Sharwyn Hucrele an Enchantress taken by the party Leader Sir Bradford of Almas, a Paladin of Iomedae. Finally the party was rounded out by Karakas, a Half-Orc Ranger...and sometime caravan guide for the Hucrele Mercantile interests.

These hero's set out to investigate the gorge and the Citadel therein....and now 3 days later, no sign...and the town begins to fret. Mayor Hucrele has put the call out for those who would take up arms and go in search of the Hero's of Oakhurst....

Who will answer the call.

Liberty's Edge

Being a huge Legion Fan, Long ago I created a Guild of Adventuring do-gooders who would could be utilized as an NPC Organization.

Not Long ago I re-imaged them for Pathfinder.

When I did this I did not try and replicate all of their abilities. What I did was try and fill the 'role' their character had and simulate their abilities loosely. As an example-

4. Luornu Durgo {Human [Varisian], Female} 3rd Monk/10th Rogue---13th Level (Triplicate Girl)

she was good in martial arts and was a spy of sorts and part of the legion espionage squad. Her ability to split into three people managed to 'surprise' her enemies and 'make her 'stealthy'. Short of making things up, the easiest way was to make her a rogue....

So without further adieu here's an overview of 'The Legion'

Benefactor- R.J.Brande {Doppelganger, Male} [4 Racial HD] + 3rd Aristocrat/9th Expert---16th Level
1. Rokk Krinn {Human [Azlanti], Male} 1st Expert/3rd Monk/12th Wizard of Abjuration---16th Level (Cosmic Boy)
2. Garth Ranzz {Half-Elf, Male} 1st Expert/3rd Monk/12th Stormborn Sorcerer---16th Level (Lightning Lad)
3. Imra Ardeen {Human [Ulfen], Female} 1st Aristocrat/3rd Monk/12th Wizard of Divination---16th Level (Saturn Girl)
4. Luornu Durgo {Human [Varisian], Female} 3rd Monk/10th Rogue---13th Level (Triplicate Girl)
5. Tinya Wazzo {Human [Chelaxian], Female} 1st Aristocrat/3rd Monk/9th Ninja---13th Level (Phantom Girl)
6. Kal-El {Human [Taldoran], Male} 1st Commoner/3rd Bard/11th Paladin---15th Level (Superboy)
7. Reep Daggle {Doppelganger- Male) [4 Racial HD] + 7th Wizard of Transmuation/2nd Rogue---13th Level (Chameleon Boy)
8. Gim Allon {Human [Taldoran], Male} 1st Warrior/3rd Monk/4th Wizard of Transmuation/5th Fighter---13th Level (Colossal Boy)
9. Lyle Norg {Human [Taldoran], Male} 1st Expert/9th Alchemist/3rd Rogue---13th Level (Invisible Kid)
10. Thom Kallor {Human [Taldoran], Male} 3rd Monk/10th Wizard of Transmutation---13th Level (Star Boy)
11. James Cullen {Human [Mwangi], Male} 3rd Monk/10th Sorceror Destined Bloodline---13th Level (Kid Quantum)
12. Querl Dox {Elf, Male} 13th Wizard [Generalist] with Monkey Familiar---13th Level (Brainiac 5)
13. Kara Zor-El {Human [Taldoran], Female} 3rd Monk/10th Paladin---13th Level (Supergirl}
14. Laurel Gand {Human [Keleshite], Female} 3rd Monk/10th Cavalier---13th Level
15. Dirk Morgna {Human, [Taldoran], Male} 3rd Monk/10th Wizard of Evocation---13th Level (Sun Boy}
16th. Salu Digby {Human [Keleshite], Female} 3rd Monk/5th Rogue/5th Wizard of Transmuation---13th Level (Shrinking Violet)
17. Chuck Taine {Human [Taldoran], Male} 3rd Monk/10th Alchemist---13th Level (Bouncing Boy)
18. Jo Nah {Human [Chelaxian], Male] 3rd Rogue/3rd Monk/7th Fighter---13th level (Ultra Boy)
19. Lar Gand {Human [Keleshite], Male] 15th Cavalier---15th level. (Mon-El)
20. Tenzil Kem {Human [Azlanti], Male} 3rd Monk/10th Alchemist---13th Level (Matter-Eater Lad)
21. Jan Arrah {Half-Elf, Male} 3rd Monk/10th Wizard of Transmuation---13th Level. (Element Lad)
22. Ayla Ranzz {Half-Elf Female} 3rd Monk/10th Wizard of Elemental-Air---13th Level (Light Lass)
23. Nura Nal (Human [Ulfen] Female) 3rd Monk/10th Sorceror of Dreamspun Bloodline---13th level (Dream Girl)
24. Andrew Nolan (Human [Taldoran] Male} 13th Fighter---13th level (Ferro Lad)
25. Val Armorr {Human [Taldoran] Male} 13th Monk---13th Level (Karate Kid)
26. Projectra Wind'zzor {Elf, Female} 2nd Aristocrat/1st Monk/10th Wizard of Illusions---13th Level (Princess Projectra}
27. Tasmia Mallor {Drow, Female} 3rd Monk/10th Sorceror of Shadows---13th Level (Shadow Lass)
28. Condo Arlik {Human [Azlanti] Male} 3rd Monk/10th Cleric of Irori (Domains- Healing & Strength}---13th Level (Chemical King)
29. Brin Londo {Elf Male} 3rd Monk/10th Barbarian. <Has Lycanthropy- wolf and has mastered it> ---13th level (Timber Wolf)
30. Drake Burroughs {Human [Taldoran] Male} 10th Wizard of Evocation---10th Level (Wildfire)
31. Troy Stewart {Human [Mwangi] Male} 10th Sorceror of Protean Bloodline---10th Level (Tyroc)
32. Dawnstar {Aasimar---has wings, Female] 10th Ranger---10th Level (Dawnstar)
33. Blok (Oread Male) 3rd Monk/7th Fighter---10th Level (Blok)
34. Jacques Foccart {Human [Mwangi] Male} 3rd Monk/3rd Rogue/4th Alchemist---10th Level (Invisible Kid II)
35. Mysa Nal (Human [Ulfen] Female] 10th Witch---1oth Level (White Witch)
36. Pol Krinn (Human [Azlanti] Male] 3rd Monk/7th Wizard of Abjuration---10th Level (Magnetic Kid)
37. Brek Bannin (Human [Ulfen] Male} 3rd Monk/7th Wizard of Evocation---10th Level (Polar Boy)
38. Quislet {Gnome Male) 3rd Monk/7th Gunslinger---10th Level (Quislet)
39. Ganglios (Undine, Male) 3rd Monk/7th Wizard of Divination---10th Level (Tellus)

Tomorrow Ill add the remainder ;)

Liberty's Edge

Ill bump this in case theres someone looking for a player ;)

Liberty's Edge

The Changeover:


The Warmage-
1. Improved to d8 for Hit Points.
2. Added to Weapons Proficient: Choice of 1 Martial Weapon at 1st level.
3. Unlimited Casting of Cantrips
4. Changed Number of Cantrips to 3 at 1st and 4 at 2nd....added at 2nd take one Cantrip from Wizards list for the 4th. (in case they want a Read magic or Detect Magic or such...)
5. Added Scribe Scroll at 7th Level
6. Added Weapon Training (as Fighter) at 13th (for 1 group of weapons- please note they will still only be able to use the weapons they are proficient with from first level, so this is only beneficial for weapon groups that fall into the simple category really....except for the 1 martial weapon ;)...If they are Human they may have 2...a Non-Human Race, might benefit from their racial weapons in this manner also)
7. Added Armor Training (as Fighter at 18th)

Not too much of a change, just added a tweak that to me made sense.

The Samurai
Only change: Added a Ki Pool much as The Monk that does the exact same things, but for The Samurai's Katana and Wakizashi instead of Unarmed Combat.

Favored Classes (House Ruled for alternate classes)*
Bard: Beguiler, Factotum
Cleric: Shujenga
Druid: Spirit Shamen
Fighter: Samurai, Swashbuckler
Paladin: Favored Soul, Knight
Ranger: Scout
Rogue: Ninja, Spell Thief
Sorceror: Warlock
Wizard: Warmage, Wu-Jen

Not Favored
Dragon Shamen (didnt think about it) ;)
Dusk Blade (thought about putting it with Paladin)
Hex Blade (thought about putting it in Sorceror

For Future Favored Notes in dealing with Psionic Races in XPH
Psychic Warrior
Soul Knife
Divine Mind

* More to keep from getting to crazy


Hit Points: All players gained a few hit points....No complaints by the characters.

Dwarf Cleric: Happy about his Domain Spells, Hes already been using the Channeling rules and loves those. Shrugged over the majority of the Dwarvish races slubtle changes except the racial plus for wisdom...loved that (of course). He liked that Pathfinder had essentially 2 paths for each race...One Martial and 1 Caster, that they could benefit from.

Dwarf Fighter: She hated the changes to Trip (though as a DM I loved them) Prior to change She used her BAB + Str + for using Flail as a Weapon +4 for Improved Trip. (21 Str for Ogre Gauntlets and +1 Improvement at 4th and starting Str of 18) I think her Trip Attack was something like +16 or +17 opposed to an equal level Fighter about a +9 average (+7 BAB and St average of 15...means on opposed rolls she almost always won and would get the free attack once they fell.

I had many scowls from her as now its +7, +5 and +2 for Improved Trip...she no longer receives a bonus with the flail, her CMB for Tripping is now +14 (still nothing to sneeze at)...but against an equal level fighter using same +9 for CMB, and DC 15...instead of the Typical Touch attack AC of say 11-12 Where before she only missed on a 1, and typically had a +7-+8 advantage on the opposed roll, making her trip her opponent 70-80% of the time

With Pathfinder 14+ Die roll vs 9+ 15 = 24 means a 50% trip chance and no free attack.

I like the change though as it should be tougher to do a special manuever and having an opponent prone when you will get an Attack of Opportunity when he stands is enough of a perk to trip, in my opinion as a DM... I did have to promise her that we would re-visit this if she absolutley hated the changes.

In exchange, she gained a few feats and took Overhand Chop, and Weapon Specialization which raised her damage by 6 combined with the Fighters Weapon Traing ;)...which in the first combat we did pleased her to know end.

Ranger: Loved the Hit Point Change, Shrugged at the Nature Bond change, was very pleased at the Human +2 to 1 attribute. Gained a large amount of skill points because of the Perception and Stealth merges, and thought that was good. Overall postive, but not overhand backflips so.

Warmage: was pleased for the changes in the Elf Race. Convinced me through a debate to make the adjustments to Favored Class' to include like variants. Her reasoning: Favored Class is special enough that it shouldnt be limited to just core classes, if the class is similar in intent ie Warmage is a Wizard Variant, and the favored class perk isnt a class perk but a race perk. Why penalize a player for taking an unusual class if its not too overpowering and if it still captures the flare for what that race would do?!. (Im paraphrasing here and the discussion went on for the better part of 45 minutes before we decided as a group to do so. Because The adjustments to the class were mine and Not Paizo's, I wont comment any furhter on them, Though if anyone looking in cares to tell me what they think on the changes, Id welcome them.

She did like the additional Feat she gained, and overall was pleased.

Samurai: was non-commital to the changes overall, but during play seemed to enjoy them.

Rogue: Player was absent, and hasn't been converted yet. but overall her husband (the Dwarf Cleric was receptive)

The first combat I added the changes to Toughness to the Ghasts and didnt change anything else to the monsters. The plyaers readily mopped them up, as you would expect a 7th party to handle 8 Ghouls and two Ghasts, It was a random encounter that occured when the party was snoozing, and it forced the Samurai to hold the majority of them at bay for a round as the party started to awake. The Warmage didnt even enter the combat, as by the time she could, they were all vanquished. The Channel Positive Energy was the big tide turner (surprise huh?!)

It went exactly as I had expected...

Ill keep you updated as we play.

Liberty's Edge

I was reading through a thread where someone briefly mentioned gestalt characters...and as happens often with me, a brief flash of an idea popped up.

Now I havent worked out the details fully here...

but what if?

Rules were emplaced for running what would be referred to as a 'Hybrid character'

Rule 1: Take 2 character classes and only 2 classes...

Rule 2: Your character cannot hybrid into any other class.

Rule 3: One must be a Favored Class.

Rule 4: Take all properties of both Good Saves = 1. Good BAB = 2. Average BAB = 1. Martial Weapons = 1. Light Armor = 1, Medium Armor = 2, Heavy Armor = 3. Shields = 1. Spells = 1. Each Class Ability = 1. Skills 8/level = 3, 6/level = 2, 4/level = 1....add up what the total is for both classes...divide in half and repick what your hybrid has.

Written this way it isnt too elegant, and may sound difficult...but Im sure more streamlined rules could be written that made it easy to see and do.

This would do away with the need to 'create a bunch of odd classes' because you could create all the other classes out these hybrids.

Want a Samurai? Hybrid the Fighter and Monk. Want a Favored Soul? Hybrid a Sorceror and Cleric. Want a Spellthief? Hybrid a Rogue and Sorceror. Want a Scout? Hybrid a Rogue and Ranger.

Get my drift?

What are your thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

I was reading through a thread where someone briefly mentioned gestalt characters...and as happens often with me, a brief flash of an idea popped up.

Now I havent worked out the details fully here...

but what if?

Rules were emplaced for running what would be referred to as a 'Hybrid character'

Rule 1: Take 2 character classes and only 2 classes...

Rule 2: Your character cannot hybrid into any other class.

Rule 3: One must be a Favored Class.

Rule 4: Take all properties of both Good Saves = 1. Good BAB = 2. Average BAB = 1. Martial Weapons = 1. Light Armor = 1, Medium Armor = 2, Heavy Armor = 3. Shields = 1. Spells = 1. Each Class Ability = 1. Skills 8/level = 3, 6/level = 2, 4/level = 1....add up what the total is for both classes...divide in half and repick what your hybrid has.

Written this way it isnt too elegant, and may sound difficult...but Im sure more streamlined rules could be written that made it easy to see and do.

This would do away with the need to 'create a bunch of odd classes' because you could create all the other classes out these hybrids.

Want a Samurai? Hybrid the Fighter and Monk. Want a Favored Soul? Hybrid a Sorceror and Cleric. Want a Spellthief? Hybrid a Rogue and Sorceror. Want a Scout? Hybrid a Rogue and Ranger.

Get my drift?

What are your thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

since I typed this late last night and folks might not have seen it, Im bumping it to see if anyone cares to comment..

Liberty's Edge

The Party:

1. (Winterwalker) Dusk Nel'Shalbourden
Drow Elf, Female Warrior-2nd/Rogue-3rd
2. (Kevin Mack) Merle Catfolk, Female Adept-1st/Sorcerer-4th
Familiar: Cat
3. (Mittean)Arennea Ghostwise Halfling Female Psychic Warrior-2/Scout-3
4. (Gerrsun Greatoak) Eremus Vagabond Human, Male Class: Cleric of Shaundakul-5th
5. (Pookachan) Indrani Race: Air Genasi, Female Class: Expert-1st Norm- Fighter 4th
6. (Gavgoyle) Vergor Fenstrider Human, Male Druid-5
Animal Companion: Viper

The party is hired by The Lords of Waterdeep (Mirt noteworthy)to rescue a Lizardman Shamen who has gone missing in the Lizard Marsh near Daggerford. The Lords Alliance had allied with his tribe, as he was bringing stabalization to the area and wanted to 'civilize' his people.

Subplots characters want-

Dusk- 1. Becoming a Cleric or Paladin of Pelor 2. Hvaing her peiople hunt her down for 'stealing' weapons from the city.

Merle- 1. Possibly seking some way of helping her 'brother' who is her familiar now. 2. The Wizards of Thay wanting to 'retrieve' their property (The Catfolk)

Arennea- ????

Eremus- ????

Indrani- ????

Vergor- ????

Day 1: Gather party at the Wild Boar Inn.

Liberty's Edge


The masked leaders of Waterdeep sat in council, perusing the letter the courier had brought. Piergeron glanced at his long time ally and friend Mirt and then over at The Blackstaff. "This is not good my friends. The Lords Alliance made a promise"

Mirt shrugged, and his larger girth moved...noone would ever guess that the Moneylender was also in charge of one of the largest organizations of spys within the Realms. "Our alliance with this tribe of Lizardmen is new, and untested. How do we even know its not a trick.?"

another masked member looked up and said in a gruff voice "The specifications of our alliance were quite plain. They protect the trade route from banditry and monstrous incursion between the area of Dagggerford and the Lizard Marsh, and we in turn assist in keeping the Tribal Shamen, Redeye in power. Can we really take the risk of not getting involved? Wouldnt that be seen as not upholding our alliance? What kind of message would we be sending?"

The wizard known as The Blackstaff had sat listening, his hands steepled underneath his chin, his dark eyes missing nothing. When he spoke, his voice was hesitant as if looking for the right words..."Yet, The Lords Alliance cannot just send military aide when there isn't an opposing military force. The locals might see it as an act of aggression...or worse an invasion"

One of the Lords who were against assisting the Lizards spoke up then..."Locals? they are only Lizardmen, Bullywugs, and other swamp dwellers...who cares what they think..."

Piergeron cut him off "I do. I gave my word to the Shamen. He has brought peace to the area. He has united the swamp dwellers which noone thought was possible. he is a stabalizing force in the region. He truly will be an asset in the future, but only if we stop this now!"

Khelbun said slowly...deliberately "I appreciate your loyalty friend. However, there are forces within our own ranks...our own power base, that would use this against us to destabalize our unifying force. Who knows where this true threat comes from...Luskan? Ruathym? Who knows. We must trad carefully so as not to be seen 'dealing with monsters'.... and also not be seen as too militant."

Mirt smiled. this was right up his alley..."Adventurers" he said with a smile.

The gruff voiced Lord spoke from behind his secret helm "Hmmmm that could be the answer"

Mirt remarked again "Just so. Ill find us a band to go in and take care of the threat and put Redeye back into power."

Khelbun smiled. This was exactly the answer he had hoped would come...Piergeron would agree since it was suggested by Mirt and not one of the others.

The Paladin Lord of waterdeep nodded and said "I like it. Mirt old friend. find me a good group...and whatever you do rescue Redeye!"


Mirt sat in the hidden wharehouse near the docks and looked through the leaflets that had been handed him in the form of reports on the various promising newcome adventurers in the city of late. He made clicking noises in the back of his throat as his thick fingered hands moved among the papers. He nodded occasionally and put one of the leaflets on the desk in front of him. Minions of the Spymaster of Waterdeep watched and waited...after a few minutes he put the bundle of paper down and held up only 6 leaflets...

"These 6 then. Send out members of the society to gather them. Have them meet me at the Wild Boar Inn at dusk tomorrow. Make sure noone follows and noone knows what this is about. Ill be there personally to talk with them...though of course they wont know who I am." His voice was muffled behind the gold mask he wore..and the long black robe kept his other features hidden. The spies that worked for him knew him to be one of the lords of waterdeep, but nothing else...except he paid well and he was in charge of the network that kept Waterdeep at the top of the heap for cities in the Realms.

He stood and made his way to the hidden door and in a few seconds he was gone...The men left behind wasted no time in setting things in motion...dispating 6 teams of three to approach the adventurers...3 men who wore darkened clothes and carried few weapons that showed...three men who moved into the shadows as sure as if they were born there.

The mission to Rescue Redeye had begun.

Liberty's Edge


Ill put the game thread up after Ive had a chance to actually do more than glance at the characters. Expect it within a day or two.

Once its up, as characters are approved you can start posting. The idea is to have all the party together and beginning by the 4th of July....but theres no reason some 'role playing' prior as Mirt gathers the characters cant occur in the interim.

This thread will be for discussion. Feel free to ask anything. I consider myself a 'players DM' and not just a hard and fast rules want to do something odd and buckle a few swashes...feel free.

I prefer to do the majority of dice rolling, unless someone has a particular desire to do it themselves.

Jump on in...The waters fine ;)