Denrelwe Azrinae

Alyln's page

222 posts. Alias of Johnny_Panic.


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Yes power level can be hard, but how dose this sound

I made Tri PC I made some time back, Really interesting build I thought.
The thing is it was limited to level 10, Gestalt and level 5 mythic

Giving a nice balance of power and range, but not the one-hit kills of EPIC-level stuff. Where one PC tends to outside others, looking at you magic users with a pocket golem army!!

Also have the player make half Monsters, V race builder 21 race points say. Then your going to open up some nice ideas but not overkill.

Godlings are good, as they have power but not so much

And mythic had that epic feel without the mad high-power one-hit kill magic and abilities. The plage epic

Have players use,

States 25 point buy

Race builder 21 points

really good for power levels.

Then let players have one epic item.
That becomes their signature thing.

Alyln has a Harrow deck. Hence Change and Chance are her words.


Image 1'The Whimsical Queen'
Image 2 'Sister of change'
Image 3 'Brother of Chance'

Alyln Child of Enkilis
Alyln 'Sister of change' 'Brother of Chance',
"Where there is change there is opportunity, where there is chance there is hope!". So say her faithful.

Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5

10 Levels WARLOCK
10 Levels Clever Godling
5 Levels Mythic Trickster.

I know you did not talk of Mythic but I think as a Tri G PC its a nice way to add with out getting too complicated.

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Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Hope everyone has a good 4th of July holiday in America, and if we have any players who live elsewhere, a good average thursday.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day


Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

"O so we are fighting now, right, best get stared"

She winks out of being and respires net to the others.

Then there is a flash of prismatic light hitting the main cluster of bad guys,


She is only using God Bound powers which are not effected i think by the anti magic field.

Flickering advance to get to the others

then she will hit the bad guys with. is that new nap the entrance?
Can we edit it, I can put the effect area on it.

Here are 10 rolls

10d8 ⇒ (5, 7, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1, 5, 3, 1) = 35

Gift 1: Corona of Fury (Smite/Magic/Mythic)
You hurl a torrent of your Word’s energy at a group of foes, affecting all within a 30-foot radius of a target point within sight of you. Each victim takes a 1d8 die of damage for every two levels you have, rounded up.
Note: If used to selectively spare allies within the area, victims then get an appropriate saving throw to resist the effect.
You are always immune to the furies of your own bound Words, as are other entities that wield similar powers.
Corona of Fury cannot be used two rounds in a row.

Works as prismatic Spray But with following changes.
SR, Standard Action, [Range: Sight] [Area affect 30'] [SR No Saves *yes but see Above] [DC25 on all saves if allowed]
ALL Creatures in the area of the spell with 4 HD or less are automatically blinded for 1d4 rounds [No Save]
1 Red 5d8 points fire damage (*Reflex half)
2 Orange 5d8 points acid damage (*Reflex half)
3 Yellow 5d8 points electricity damage (Reflex half)
4 Green Poison (Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rd.; Init. effect unconscious [24 hours]; Sec. effect 1 Con/rd.; Cure 2 consecutive Fort saves)*
5 Blue Flesh to stone [24 hours] (*Fortitude negates)
6 Indigo Confusion, as spell [24 hours] (*Will negates)
7 Violet Teleport 1d5x100 miles in 1d6 for Direction (*Will negates)
8 Struck by two rays Roll twice more, ignoring any “8” results

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Init 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Busting HP to max is .a good way of doing it.

Also Im getting Alyln to start thing, This guy wants to offer up two off us a scrifances to his controllers. And we have been stuck here I feel for far too long. Story is not moving and if we ever hope to get into the meat of this game, we need to do something. So game on;

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Aylyn smiles and the group and changes to her true form, waves with a smile at the others.

"Well now my fellows. This here is Uvuudaum, a meat puppet in all but name of its maste... Sorry I should say Owners. and there is very little point talking to it as you will get as much free will from an automation or stone. Its been a thrall of THE ANCIENT ONES for so long I doubt if even remembers having free will. Is that not right Uvuudaum,. Which means the TAO, want two of us dead. To that end we have to decline Uvuudaum but have a consolation price."

She blinks out of being and reappears next to Uvuudaum slipping a card into his hand, and then is gone again, unseen and away.

Surprise, all GodBound powers, and so Corona of Fury 1d8 ⇒ 2 = 2 Orange 5d8 ⇒ (4, 7, 3, 5, 7) = 26 points acid damage (*Reflex half DC25), then Flickering Advance, to and from him. And not wanting to be a sacrifice, this should get things started, its show time team

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln stands and brushes herself off.


She is going to try and work out what this thing is going on about, in its obtuse and riddle me this way.

Takes 10 On all Kn rolls for 30
Takes 10 on +27 Sense Motive( for 37

What is he going on about.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Ok gave it a week, have to say this one is dead, so dropping out
Best of luck if ever this starts up again guys.

Good afternoon,. good evening and good night

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

you know I really liked making a PC for this game, and I feel it started well, but it's clear, the game seems to be going anywhere soon,

So I will give it a week, if nothing has changed.

Then I am sorry to say I will be bowing out.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

You can remove Alyln's action if that is the case, I like the GM got the idea there would be an attack. Its so stop start its hard to follow.

So I would sugest you just ignore her ere-con her actions and she will sit and wait as stated

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

if god bound powers work in the zone of no magic then bring it on.
Alyln can TP at will and use her Blast.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Just had it with the blockage in action, Come on lets get things moving chop chop.
She has given you an open, take it and lets see where we end up,

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

So what's the DC then? And that's a (Su) ability -- I don't see how it would necessarily work if they're standing in an anti-magic field.

OMG, Im not being funny here but your game stalled because you backed us PCs into a 'nothing will work' postion. She is OUTSIDE the anti magic field on the other side of the gate. She is acting as a distraction SO the their player can ACT! The DC is right there in the post. Unexpected Whimsy (Su) [DC25] I even put a description of the effect. Look you can do one of two things, stall the game again my blocking players OR let things happen so we can all move on. take you pick

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln gets up and walks close to the gate but not with in the anti magic parts.
Then she becomes visible. More then that she looks like a goblin carrying pies from a shop. A hole stack of pies, sticked higher then it. She makes a lot of sound to get guards and this Miera looking at her goblin + pies form. Then she starts, its pour slap-stick, a pie slips she grabs it, and puts her hand in it, now shaking one hand to get it off, she tries to balance the stick of pies with the other, one slips under her chin, her goblin head comes down on it, to hold it in place and it too squires, now a pie falls off the top of the stack, but she shoot out a goblin foot and it lands plat on it. there is is balancing now unable to move, the moment is held and then another pie falls off the top of the stack, on instinct shooting out the other foot, off balance now, pies fly everywhere, her goblin form flayales arms legs and falls on to its back. Pies come crashing down, everyone landing on her goblin face. She lays there on her back a mass of goblin and smashed gooee pie mess.

Unexpected Whimsy (Su) [DC25]
As a standard action, you dance, act like a buffoon, or commit some other act of whimsy. When you do, enemies within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you must succeed a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Godling level + half your Cha modifier) or they collapse into gales of manic laughter, falling prone. Those who fail their saving throws can take no actions other than laughing for 1 round, but are not considered helpless.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Sense Motive 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (3) + 27 = 30

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Looks on waiting to see what they will say in response, if anything ever.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln looked on as the new comer confronted her fellows. She kept herself invisible and undetectable by any means. But felt it was her duty to stay near by.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln is a godling who has walked the halls of kings and Titans. She in truth cares little for the war. All gives rise for a chance of change. This was always a good thing she felt. As her feet land on the soft sand inside the town. She is careful not to interact with anyone. But watches as the town passes the day. Up ahead the gate waits, as she waits to see when the others will arrive.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She bends down and whispers into the Foxes ear.

"I have already put my feet on the ground in-side little one, have no fear, I will be waiting for you there"

and with that she is gone.

Alyln will wait inside GM, doing nothing but moving to the other side of the gate to give the others change to get in. So she may not be doing things for a while, wile she waits for you all.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln waits as the others talk, she is happy for them to work out what they should do.

"I agree, lets just ask them. Would you mind if I make my own way in. Just less fuss all around. I will be on the other side of the gate waiting for you."

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

"A short way at a time, like taking long steps but I can't carry much and it dose tire me"

After a short while, they get back.

Alyln waits as Silvertail tells them what they have found out

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day
Silvertail, Queen of Foxes wrote:
"So, what ideas do you have, hm?"

She looks at the ground while she thinks.

"I think we should go back to the others and tell them what we have found out. So we can all think of a way around this. Come jump into my arms and I will take us back"

If slilvertail dose Alyln will take them both back to the others and tell then what she has found out.

This gets all the players back in play

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She heads back to her friend the Fox, and tells her what she has found.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She dose just that, fully unseen and undetected As per the spoiler

whats it like inside she wounders

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln will have a look inside and then come back out to tell the others.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln now goes above the Site, high up to see what if its arches over and if she can down.


Flicking move teleport as move actions (God Bound)+ levitation SU (Race) + Undetectable (Item)

Levitate (Su):[DC22] [At will]

Gift 3: Flickering Advance [1p]
Teleport [At will Self only Range limit 3 miles, <1 league> must have line of sight, Counts as a move action]
Instantly reach any location you can see with your unaided sight out to the horizon, which is usually about three miles away for a character standing on flat terrain. From a high elevation, the maximum range is ten times as far. [30 miles or 10 leagues]

From a killing Joke her mythic Item
Undetectable: This grants its bonded user the ability to become utterly undetectable while invisible. While invisible and in physical contact with this item, the bonded creature can’t be detected or scryed by any method.

[7]Feat:Vanishing Move (Su) [3ed]
When you wish to not be seen, you aren’t. As a swift action, you can make yourself invisible vanish until the end of your turn. This effect ends if you do anything other than move. If you expend one use of mythic power when using this ability, it instead acts as greater invisibility using double your tier as your caster level.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

[ooc]Spell craft 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35

She now looks at the marking with her true seeing.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day
DM -- Children of the Gods wrote:
Wait a second, Silvertail is about to have some info that will make Alyln not want to do that.

You miss understand GM, Alyln is not passing the stone, she is going around the encampment. To see how big a place it it. I should have made clear.

Alyln goes around the stones working out how big a village it was.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

As Silvertail runs ahead, she can see now and then the figure of Alyln popping in and out of being, matching her move far would.

+26 Perception 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (15) + 26 = 41 + Stealth 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (1) + 31 = 32 +20 if they can't see invisible

Alyln has true seeing content and her Fox friend goes to see the guards so she goes around the structure studying the pillars.

Before heading back to the others and telling them what they have found.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln gives a big grin,

"A crown would be nice, on that change colour all the time."

Then as they seem to agree.

"Then lets start on our way to the Hidden home of the Blue"

She winks out of being and back in again at the top of a dune not far way.

"Its this way"

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln nods

"There you go, seeing the Blue I feel would give us information or death. Chance of one or the other"

She says with a smile

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Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

That is the most fun I have had in ages.

Sorry about the double post sites been playing up again.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She picks up the cards and places them once more in her Harrow deck.

"So this is what I think from your cards, you where forged by great forces, ones that would have broken others. They made you who you are, forging and indomitable soul that can't be bent to darkness. So here and now, there is a acting evil hidden hand that wants to put you in harms way. This hidden hand has working magics."

She says half to herself.

"Interesting a dark hand and the "Ancient Ones", magics I wounder..."

She hovers of the floor drifting upward as she seems lost in thought. Then snapped her fingers.

"I'm and idiot, a hidden hand who works great magics and linked to the "Ancient Ones"."

She slaps her forehead.

"I once read some scrolls, they talked of the "Ancient Ones" they sounded like the enigmatic mysterious subterranean race know as the slarecians,, Mind mages using powers of thought and persuasion and feared just by just about everyone."

She notices she floating and starts to sink back down again.

"BUT! In the scrolls also talked about a servant they had, which I think the Trolls where talking about, It was a great blue dragon know for being incredibly avaricious and territorial called."

She says in a low voice.


and looks about to see no one is there. Her true seeing always spotting the hidden.

"They said its territory was here in the desert reaches. At an oasis known as Khaldun. A semi-mythical refuge that's surrounded they say by magical enchanted pillars that form an great arcane barrier hiding and protects its master."

She gets up and taps her head.

"What if... if... old blue has had a change of heart, all these years getting richer and fatter, no boss to take its stuff till it what to do. Years in which to find ways to get out form under the full control of the "Ancient Ones" Years to plan thire downfall. Ianthe what if old blue is our evil hidden hand, setting us here as a means to do its will, to remove its masters. You know I think it would be a very good idea to go have a little chat with old blue."

She pointed across the sands.

"and to do that we need to get to Khaldun, which I think is that way."

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

1d54 ⇒ 17
"The Crows
The Liar, This is the chaotic evil card of charisma. It represents destructive, treacherous love. The lamia signals obsession, star-crossed lovers, or unrequited desire. You may have to brake some rules winning this one. Well it looks like this is the battle you mst fight."

1d54 ⇒ 54
"The Crows This is the neutral evil card of dexterity. It represents murder, theft, and the violent loss of that which is loved. Well you get the idea. This is the crimes we shall be facing."

1d54 ⇒ 01
"The Paladin, The Paladin is the lawful good card of strength. It represents standing resolutely against trouble, without backing down. This is you, trying right now to stop the harm and not be sucked in bay it. And that is the end of your readying.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She nods than says

"The here and now"

1d54 ⇒ 52
"The Tyrant This is the lawful evil card of charisma. It represents a ruler who harms those he rules. Interesting, lets keep going."

1d54 ⇒ 33
"The Vision, This is the chaotic neutral card of intelligence. It represents esoteric and arcane knowledge, or madness. Arrr, lets see the last"

1d54 ⇒ 53
"The Betrayal
This is the neutral evil card of charisma. It represents selfishness and envy."

She looked hard at the cards for a while, then said.

"Not all is what it seems here, someone or something related to you, is seeking to deceive you. They seek to do this with arcane skills. Be very careful about who told you to come here"

She placed her hand over the last collaum of cards.

"Should I go on?"

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

She points at the 9 cards

"This column here is this the past, it is bound by law for it is fixed and unchanging. The top card is positive, the middle balanced the bottom negative. The middle column is the here and now, the present. Its neutral as we can't know what events fully mean until they are completed, and 3ed column is the future, Chaotic and ever changing."

She flipped the three cards of the past.

1d54 ⇒ 16 /
"The Avalanche, This is the lawful evil card of dexterity. It represents disaster: an unthinking panic and destruction that overruns all. Humm something in you past drive you to aid others, this is what is pushing you"

1d54 ⇒ 49 /
"The Publican, This is the chaotic good card of wisdom. It represents fellowship and refuge. The cyclops is a seemingly inconsequential figure who nonetheless has relevant insight. This is your link to Brunhild and you being here now. This is where you stand"

1d54 ⇒ 7
"The Fiend, This is the lawful evil card of strength. It is a devil that devours the masses of the innocent, and can represent the deaths of many in a disaster. This is what we seek something of great evil that will devours the masses. This is what is pulling you. "

She sits back

"This is all the past, and what has bright you here. Do you agree.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln sat cross legged and similarly from nowhere a deck of harrow cards where in her hand.

She lay out a Patton of all 54 cards, then asks.

"Lanthe pick 9 cards, and place them one by one on in three lines of three in front of you. Do not look at them but keep them face down."

Lanthe roll 1d54 9 times, re-roll repeats if you will

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln listens to what the two are talking about crafting.

She winking in and out of being moving around them.
And then she is out of sight, going up and up until she is looking down at the world, spreed far below.

Around her stars winked, below the clouds could be seen, Up her the air was thin and cold, she liked it up here, its was simpler. Then she was gone once more porting down to the ground.

She came into being again next to Brunhild.

"So would you two like a card reading? See what the future may have for you"

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln spins in the spot, the fancy taking her, and the sound of children's laughter seems to carried on the wind. Her dance takes her into the air, as she spins around. Small back butterfly spring from her footsteps.

"Brunhild calls me The Whimsical Queen, others call me Sister of change' 'Bother of Chance' other or are not so kind call me The Killing Joke."

Her sex changes to a him and back again,

"But names are not what you are really remembered for and name is nothing unless means something. My followers know that, we are harmless all of us, me as well. I harm no one, chance dose that, risk and the willingness to face it. The tolls chose to be here, and the consequence was this. They lost thire names, becoming not even a footnote in the story of our."

She winked out of being and came back sitting close to a troll looking into its face. A face with no had make-up in she had placed there. She leaned in and whispered into its ear.

When you get to the other side, tell them who sent you"

She sat back up,


Knowledge Cascade [Can used untrained Trait] [p50]
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22 Kn (arcana)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22 Kn (Dungeoneering)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35 Kn (Engineering)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27 Kn (Geography)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39 Kn (History)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (20) + 20 = 40 Kn (Local)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29 Kn (Nature)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35 Kn (Nobility)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21 Kn (Planes)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 20 = 38 Kn (Religion)(+7int+4rank+3class+2Feat+4*)<

To know about what the dead one was talking about.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day
Ianthe, the Guarding Hammer wrote:

"'The Whimsical Queen', I think I've heard of you! I met some followers of yours once: a bit odd, but harmless and generally amusing. Pleased to meet you.

Alyln is upside down hovering above the Giant.

"Ianthe, the Guarding Hammer...hmmm, Nope never heard of you, you done anything of note?... Well even if you have not, It's nice to meet you to"

She says before winking out and back again next to the others.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Ianthe, Great PC by the way but...
We all agreed on only 3 Godbound gifts not 6, you have three to many in your build.

So you can take 1 grater gift and one lesser, or three lesser.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln waves as she blasts the last of the fleeing trolls, Her Whimsical magics twist and alter them, rain then snow falls that burns and freezes them.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyla goes after the trolls. Blasting them from above as they run in the open, bolt after bolt of purple. Explodes out in the open sands.

It dose not take long they have nowhere to hide and she ports around sniping them until all are felled.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

I think this game has stalled. No idea when it will start again.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln Takes out a small lipstick and paints happy faces on the new dead Trolls.
Humming to herself as she dose.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Welcome gyrfalcon, and I would have a good read of the Godbound info.
Words can become the core idea of any PC if you wish. Thats the way I went, sating with Trickery and workout out from that.

A suggestion only but how about Someone good with elementals
We have Animals, Outsdiers, and odd races covered I think.
So that could be a way to go.

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Alyln goggles at Brunhild exclamation of forgetfulness.

Then as the other offer to talk to the dead, she adds.

"And want they be surprised to find the only reason they are back in the land of the living is so we can ask them some question about their day job"

She winks out of being coming back in again next to Silvertail. Walking with the fox she asks.

"So then which one should be pick? That one over there seems lest crispy of the bunch"

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

In the short time before Brunhild comes over

Alyln lifts and eye lid as the Foxes proclamation it was not here keeping and eye on her my be note 100% the truth. But after a moment she smiles at the Queen of foxes/ Squatting down to be more on an eye level. As the god-ling of Chance and change, it was just as likelythe Queen of Foxes was because because of what she was over who she was.

"I see Silvertail, I must admit it would be interesting to have you along, welcome to the fun"

After Brunhild come over

Alyln stood once more and waits for Brunhild to talk.

"I once tricked a giant King into waring a yellow dress for 10 years. telling him, as long as he ware it, he would not fly off to the moon."
She grinned and evil grin, then turns and looked at the others in the party, saying to them.

"This is Silvertail, The Queen of Foxes, I warn you all, show her due respect. And if we ask her very nicely, she may just scout for us, for she has no equal in such things."

Image Drendali Warlock/Godling/Trickster 10/10/5 | Initi+15|HP:112/93|AC 28(28T|--FF)(CMD 20)(F26|R30|W30/+2vs enchantment)(Res10 Fire/DR10/Force+DR3/-- (Perception 26 | SM26 | (Kn All) 20 | Detect-magic/Lies/True Seeing [Constant] DV120' TS30'),Hero 5/5, Mythic 13/day

Perception( 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42

Seeing a spell come from seeming out of nowhere she looks out for the darkness and spotted something odd, a fox like none she had seen before.
Something about it call to her, she thought she know who this was.

The darkness over the trolls stayed but Alyla came into existence close to the fox.
Looking down and grinned.

Kn Devine, Take 10+20=30

"Hello Silvertail, Queen of Foxes. and why has one of Fathers/mothers emmissaries come to see me?"

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